Secrets to washing and bleaching kitchen towels at home. How to properly wash things by hand

For men

How to wash kitchen towels at home without spending family budget to buy powders? There is a lot for this folk recipes, which will solve the problem no worse store supplies.

Wash kitchen towels It won’t be a very difficult task if you remember a few important tips:

  • Don't wait until the end of the week - change kitchen textiles once every 2-3 days. The longer your towel sits dirty in the hamper, the deeper the stain will set in;
  • For effective washing light-colored towels, place the most high temperature(90-100 degrees), for colored products 40-70 is enough;
  • Kitchen towels should not be washed together with items that have greasy stains on them;
  • It's easy to bleach towels - first you need to wash them well and then boil them with bleach or bleach. If you throw towels directly into a bowl of boiling water, the stains will only become stronger;
  • To kill microorganisms and disinfect fabric, use antiseptic. But don't overdo it, otherwise your towel will become thin and not very durable;
  • After washing, you must iron it using the iron on the maximum setting. This will save fresh look and cleanliness;
  • Do not wipe the stove, pots or table with a towel. More suitable for this special napkin or kitchen sponge;
  • Very dirty towels should first be soaked for a couple of hours, and then washed using powder.

Homemade laundry products

To make all your towels shine and smell fresh and clean, choose any of these products as soon as possible.

Dry mustard

Thanks to dry mustard, which our grandmothers used, you can tidy up very dirty towels.

  1. Pour mustard warm water to make porridge.
  2. Apply this mustard mixture to all stains.
  3. Leave for 2 hours.
  4. Wash the product by hand or put it in the machine.

Using this recipe, you can also bleach gray towels:

  1. Fill the bowl with hot water.
  2. Pour 1 pack of mustard into it.
  3. Mix well.
  4. Soak towels overnight.
  5. In the morning they need to be washed with powder.

Vegetable oil

Yes, yes, yes, don't be surprised! Wash kitchen towels using vegetable oil very easy and simple:

  1. Pour 5 liters of water into a basin.
  2. Let it boil.
  3. Add 3 tbsp. l. bleach, machine powder and vegetable oil.
  4. Throw the towels in there and let it boil for about 1 hour.
  5. After 60 minutes, turn off the stove and let the solution cool. Be aware that the mixture with sunflower oil does not smell very pleasant, so the basin with the solution needs to be taken out to the balcony.
  6. When the water becomes cold, wash the towels.


Ordinary table vinegar- This is an excellent assistant for every good housewife, because it breaks down fat. Soak the towels in warm vinegar water (0.5 cup is enough) for about half an hour and machine wash.

Baking soda

Soda can efficiently wash even very dirty textiles. For washing, it is available in two versions at once.

Option 1 – for machine and hand wash

  1. Add baking soda to the washer drum or a bowl of water.
  2. Wash the towels, rinse and iron.

Option 2 – for boiling white towels

  1. Boil several liters of water in an enamel bucket.
  2. Add baking soda (1 cup) and stir.
  3. Immerse towels and boil for 1 hour.
  4. Wash them by hand or washing machine.

Dishwashing liquid

It will not only wash the dishes, but also quickly wash kitchen towels. You just need to apply a little onto dry textile stains. detergent and leave it overnight. Dishwashing detergent produces a lot of foam, so you need to rinse the towel well before putting it in the machine. If the stains do not disappear, repeat again.

Laundry soap

A universal product that will not be superfluous for kitchen towels. This perfect choice for fatty people old stains. Craftsmen know several methods for washing textiles with laundry soap.

Method 1 – for colored textiles:

  1. Lather the stains with soap.
  2. Place the towels in a plastic bag and tie it tightly.
  3. Leave the textiles overnight.
  4. They need to be washed in the morning.

Method 2 – using boiling:

  1. Fill the enamel container with water about halfway and let it boil.
  2. On a fine grater, grate a bar of laundry soap (72%) and add 3 tbsp. l. soda
  3. Stir this mixture until the soap dissolves.
  4. Immerse kitchen towels in the solution and simmer for half an hour over very low heat.
  5. Then they need to be washed in an automatic machine using powder and bleach.

Silicate glue

Another great product for washing dirty towels. The main thing is to rinse them immediately, otherwise the glue may remain in the textile fibers.

  1. Fill an enamel pan with water (3 liters) and bring it to a boil.
  2. Add silicate glue (1 tbsp) and washing powder (1 tbsp).
  3. Stir everything thoroughly so that there are no lumps left.
  4. Immerse the towels and boil for half an hour.
  5. At the end of the period, wash them in the machine and rinse thoroughly.

How to remove various stains from a kitchen towel?

How many times have we spilled red wine and coffee, black tea and fresh juices? How many times have these puddles been wiped off with a towel? That's it! It is probably already covered with a dozen spots. It's time to get rid of them!

Citric acid and hydrogen peroxide for old stains

  • Dampen the stain with peroxide or citric acid, dissolved in 100 grams of warm water;
  • Leave for 3 hours;
  • Soak the towel in warm water with powder for about half an hour;
  • Wash thoroughly.

Removing fruit stains with hair shampoo

  • Drop the towel into the hot water;
  • After 10 minutes, squeeze it out lightly;
  • Lather shampoo on fruit stains;
  • Leave for half an hour;
  • Wash and iron.

Ammonia for coffee stains

  • Mix ammonia with water (1:1);
  • Apply this mixture to the coffee stain;
  • After 45 minutes, throw the towel into the water with the powder;
  • After another quarter of an hour, wash it in the machine.

Remove wine stains with extra-class salt

  • Prepare a mixture of salt and cold water;
  • Apply it to the stains and scrub with a sponge;
  • After 45 minutes, scrub the stains again;
  • Wash the item in hot soapy water.

Laundry soap for unpleasant odors

How to wash kitchen towels at home, and at the same time remove the not-so-pleasant smell? Soap and ordinary potassium permanganate can help with this:

  • Dilute potassium permanganate in water until slightly pink;
  • Wash items with laundry soap;
  • Immerse them in the solution and leave overnight;
  • Rinse the next morning.

Now your kitchen textiles will be 100% clean!

A modern washing machine can handle any kind of dirt without any problems. But I, like every housewife, periodically have the need to do my own laundry. So today I want to tell you how to properly wash things by hand.

General rules for washing clothes by hand

If you often have to wash by hand, I recommend remembering simple rules washing, which will help to avoid many unpleasant surprises.

Rule 1. Water temperature

Water temperature for hand washing depends entirely on the product you are going to wash. Most reliable way To find out the desired temperature, look at the tag. If it was cut, you will have to focus on the type of fabric.

  • Natural fabrics, which include cotton and linen, can be washed at any temperature comfortable to you. Products made from these fabrics tolerate washing well and do not deform. It is better to soak bed linen made from natural fabrics in hot water.
  • Natural wool and silk should be washed at 30-40°C. In this case, things cannot be squeezed out - you need to let them drain.

  • Viscose products It is better to wash in cool water - no higher than 30 °C.
  • Synthetics It can easily tolerate water temperatures of 40-50 °C.
  • Combined materials (natural fabric with the addition of synthetics) it is better to wash at 40-50 °C.

Rule 2. Detergents

Depending on the type of fabric and level of contamination, the following products can be used for hand washing:

Image Detergent
Washing powder– universal detergent for different types fabrics. When purchasing, pay attention to the “For hand wash” label.

This powder is less aggressive to the skin of the hands. Before use, completely dissolve the powder in water, otherwise the granules may leave a colored mark on clothing.

Washing gel- beautiful modern remedy. Easily dissolves even in cold water, copes well with heavy stains.

The only drawback- high price.

Laundry soap– a product that has been tested over the years, perfectly removes any dirt and is safe for the skin of your hands.

Washing with laundry soap – perfect solution for people suffering from allergies to household chemicals.

Oxygen bleach indispensable when dealing with serious stains. This product removes stains while preserving the color of the fabric.

There are bleaches for white and black fabrics. Read the label carefully.

Chlorine bleach Can only be used on natural fabrics white. It removes stains well and removes grayness from laundry.

Chlorine bleach is quite aggressive and harmful, so it is best to use it in the most extreme cases.

Air conditioner for washing it will give the laundry softness and a wonderful aroma.

Remember: lavsan, acrylic and lycra cannot be washed in alkaline detergents, including laundry soap. And for natural fabrics of animal origin - silk, wool - you cannot use products with enzymes. Read the composition of washing powders carefully!

Rule 3. Additional attributes for washing

Besides detergent To wash by hand you may need the following items:

Image Description
Brushes with soft and hard bristles may be needed when washing heavily soiled areas of clothing.

Basin For washing, it is better to choose one that is not too tall and wide. It is better to stock up on several containers at once.

Clothespins will be needed when hanging laundry to dry.

Washing sequence

Rule 4. Hand washing steps

Any handwash, regardless of the number of items and characteristics of the fabrics being washed, consists of several stages.

Instructions will help you provide for all the nuances and simplify the task:

Image Procedure

Step 1

Decide on where to wash. The best places for this are rooms with access to water - a bathroom or kitchen. If you are going to wash your clothes on summer cottage- a bathhouse will do. Direct access to water will save time and effort.

Step 2

Sort your things. Place in different sides bedding and underwear, children's and adult clothes, light and dark things.

If you are going to wash wool items, turn them inside out. Also don't forget to check your pockets!

Step 3

Prepare containers for washing. It is best to get at least two basins - one for soaking and washing, the second for rinsing. A sink with a stopper or a bathtub will also work.

Step 4

Prepare laundry detergents depending on the type of fabric and the purpose of washing.

Step 5

Dilute the chosen product in water according to the dosage indicated on the package. Before washing items by hand, allow the powder to completely dissolve in water.

Step 6

Be mindful of the water temperature. Cotton and linen should be soaked in hot water, wool and silk - in cold water, colored items - in warm water.

Step 7

Place items in a basin with water and detergent. Lightly rub the material together.

Step 8

Leave the soaked items for a while. Heavily soiled items can be soaked for 2 hours. bed sheets- for the night.

Do not leave soaked items until unpleasant odor, otherwise you will have to start washing all over again.

Step 9

Heavy soiling It must be washed before soaking. Especially the collars and cuffs of shirts, the bottom of trousers, etc. Rub the items together again and place them in a bowl of clean water.

Step 10

Rinse the laundry after washing, constantly renewing the water until it becomes completely clear.

If desired, add fabric softener to the water at the dosage specified by the manufacturer.

Step 11

Gently squeeze out excess water and put things in an empty basin. Now they are ready to dry.

Step 12

All that's left to do is hang the laundry until completely dry . It's better to dry things on fresh air or in a well-ventilated area.

Rule 5. Delicate hand wash

Washing delicate fabrics requires special attention.

Fragile and delicate materials can only be washed in cold or lukewarm water with the addition of a small amount of detergent. For example, 1 tablespoon of powder per 5 liters of water.


  • silk and lace fabrics better to wash in liquid products for delicate washing;
  • batik and embroidery woolen threads can only be washed in cold water;
  • if you use bleach or stain remover for washing– add a tablespoon of hydrogen peroxide to the water, if you wash a product with embroidery – a tablespoon lemon juice or vinegar.

Delicate items should not be actively rubbed or rinsed.. Therefore, I recommend following this washing sequence:

  1. Dissolve the powder in water.
  2. Place dirty items in the basin and leave for 5-10 minutes.
  3. Carefully, without twisting or shaking, rearrange things into a bowl of clean water.

  1. Leave for 5 minutes.
  2. Move things to clean water and rinse gently.
  3. Lay out a terry towel and place the washed items on it, so that the water is absorbed.

  1. If the fabric is subject to deformation(may stretch) – leave the item in horizontal position, if necessary, replacing the wet towel with a dry one. If there is no such threat, hang things up and dry them at room temperature.


Wash by hand or machine - only you can decide. But now you know, hand washing is not so difficult task, especially if all the necessary attributes are available. And if you are still in doubt, watch the video in this article, it will help clarify some points. Any questions? Leave them in the comments, I will be happy to answer.

Every housewife knows how important it is to keep clothes clean and tidy. However, in the age of washing machines and automatic dryers, not everyone knows how to wash things properly so that they do not lose their color and shape. The whole process requires compliance with a number of rules, subtleties and accounting important nuances. This is necessary to save original form things, as well as protecting them from damage.

Almost every home has a washing machine, but not all things can be washed in it. Otherwise, there is a risk of damaging them irrevocably. When is hand washing necessary?

If you have to wash things too often, then it is also better to use hand washing. Clothes or items made from delicate fibers must be processed separately from all other clothing. Colored items and white items are also washed separately.

How to wash by hand correctly

To remember how to wash clothes by hand, you need to use the following algorithm as a cheat sheet.

Every housewife has her own secrets on how to properly wash by hand, usually they involve using one or another detergent. The most suitable powder is one intended for hand washing. However, it may cause allergies or leave streaks on dark clothes. Therefore, washing gel, laundry soap, oxygen or chlorine bleach can be used as an alternative product.

It is better to use soap when washing underwear, nightgowns and pajamas. The gel is suitable for washing delicate products and colored clothes. Bleach quickly returns pleasant whiteness to bed linen or shirts.

Using the washing machine

If you have a washing machine in your house, then the process of caring for things is greatly simplified, especially if you have an automatic machine. Such modern devices have several washing modes designed to different types fabrics. However, even in this case, mistakes cannot be avoided if you do not know how to properly wash things in a washing machine. As with hand washing, this process has its own characteristics.

How to properly wash underwear

Panties, T-shirts, bras and other underwear are most often made from delicate fabric, so wash them in washing machine It’s not worth it - this often leads to the product becoming completely unusable. However hand washing also has its own characteristics things to consider during the process:

An important point is the process of rinsing things. If stains remain on the fabric, this will not only lead to a loss of the aesthetic appearance of the item, but also to irritation in the intimate places. If a person is at risk of developing allergic reaction, for washing you should use only baby or laundry soap.

Rules for washing wool items

Wool is considered the most problematic in washing. This material can easily become pilled, stretched, or deformed, making the item impossible to use. Therefore, such clothing should be properly cared for. The following tips will help with this:

It is better to dry the item in a horizontal position, laying it out on a flat surface, on any dense, clean fabric. You can turn the item over from time to time and change the fabric. If you follow these simple rules, the item will last for decades without losing its original appearance.

Before washing all items in mandatory sorted by color. White items are washed first, then colored items, and only then dark items. The same procedure can be used for washing using a washing machine. Each category has its own cycle.

It will be useful for every housewife to know about some intricacies of washing everyday items. Here are the main recommendations:

Also important point is the choice of place to dry the laundry. This is the free space where air circulates. In apartments this may be a balcony or the area in front of the house. It is very important that the fabric is not exposed to direct Sun rays, otherwise there is a risk that it will lose its color.

Attention, TODAY only!

My grandmother was an ideal housewife. She could do everything and did it all. The house was always neat, the pies were the most delicious, and the kitchen towels were perfectly clean. And how did she manage to do this? I will share with you my grandmother’s secrets on how to wash kitchen towels.

Oily stains

The easiest way is to change table towels once every two days. In this case, they do not need to be soaked. Just install it correctly temperature regime washing machine (for white, cotton towels - 90-95, for colored - 60 degrees), select a suitable washing powder.

With persistent greasy spots grandma coped quickly and easily. She told how to wash kitchen towels with the addition of sunflower oil. Place a bucket of water on the fire, bring to a boil, add two tablespoons of dry bleach (the cheapest), two tablespoons of sunflower oil and half a glass washing powder. Place dry towels in the bucket and turn off the gas. All you have to do is wait for the contents to cool down and rinse things.

No boiling

Grandma knew several ways to remove grease from kitchen towels without boiling.

Wet the fabric, lather it thoroughly with laundry soap (72%) and fold it in regular package so that air does not get inside. After a day, you will only need to rinse the towel.

Dishwashing detergent can also help remove grease stains. Apply it to the dirtiest area and wash with powder.

You can deal with oily stains on colored towels like this: mix three tablespoons of baking soda and dish detergent in three liters of water. Soak a dirty towel in this solution and leave for an hour, and then wash.

You can also soak kitchen textiles in warm water, adding a little vinegar, and after an hour wash as usual.

In a bucket of cold water (you can also use a basin for these purposes), dissolve table salt. Use a tablespoon per liter of water. Leave the towels in this solution for a couple of hours, then simply wash.

Various spots

Every good housewife knows how to wash kitchen towels from stains of various origins.

Hair shampoo will help you get rid of fruit stains. Apply it to the stain and wash the towel in warm water.

Traces of tea and coffee are easily removed with a solution of water and ammonia(1:1). Gently pour the solution onto the stain and then wash.

Rub fresh red wine stains thoroughly with a mixture of salt and water. Do not immediately put into hot water - the stained area may change color, and then it will be more difficult to wash.

The grandmother rubbed stains of stubborn dirt with hydrogen peroxide, citric acid or ammonia. I left the towel on for about an hour and then washed it.

Helpers - soap and oil

Laundry soap was an indispensable assistant in the fight for purity at my grandmother's place. Grate half a bar of 72% laundry soap on a coarse grater. Put it down with a handful soda ash into enamel dishes. Fill halfway with water. Stir until this mixture dissolves. Then dip the kitchen textiles into the water. Bring to a boil over high heat. Now keep the dishes on low heat for 15–20 minutes and wash with bleach.

Grandma knew how to wash towels from unpleasant odors. At night, I soaped the towels with laundry soap and dipped them in cool water with potassium permanganate. In the morning all that was left was to rinse.

Table salt will help remove stains from the towel. Soak the dirty item for an hour in a solution of cool water with one tablespoon of salt. Then wash it in the machine.

My grandmother taught me how to wash mold from kitchen towels. Wash your towels. After this, without allowing them to dry, soak them in a strong solution of vinegar or hydrogen peroxide. Rinse in water.

She told me how to wash kitchen towels using vegetable oil. Dirty items should be left in hot water overnight, after adding three tablespoons of soda, washing powder, vegetable oil and bleach. In the morning, wash on the quick wash cycle.

  • Change table textiles more often. Then he simply does not have time to become dirty.
  • Iron kitchen towels after each wash. Ironed towels not only look beautiful, but are also less dirty.
  • Add starch to the water.
  • Wash the towel immediately as soon as it gets dirty.
  • Use for dishes, hands, stove different fabrics.
  • Give up terry towels— they quickly absorb dirt and take longer to dry, so they are ideal for bacteria and fungi.
  • Do not leave wet clothes in the washing machine or basin for a long time - this will cause them bad smell.
  • Wash white and colored kitchen textiles separately from each other.
  • Dry washed towels in the fresh air. sunlight- an ideal bleach, and things smell fresh afterwards.
  • To save on the purchase of fabric softener, use grandma's secret: mix baking soda with any aromatic oil.

Belova Veronica Vladimirovna

Reading time: 4 minutes


The kitchen is the “face” of any woman and you can’t do without a towel. Somewhere to pick up or wipe something is their immediate purpose.

Accordingly, with regular use every day, they get dirty very quickly, stains form on them, which are sometimes quite difficult to remove with regular washing.

Naturally, every housewife has a logical question: how to wash kitchen towels at home from dirt and complex stains?

To facilitate removal of contamination from kitchen textiles It will be useful to adhere to certain principles:

  • It is better to immediately send replaced towels to the wash; you should not wait until they are collected a large number of The sooner they are washed, the easier stains that are difficult to remove will be removed;
  • It is advisable to wash kitchen towels separately from other things;
  • the choice of the appropriate washing mode must be correct: for white tones a temperature of 95 C is required, for colored tones - no more than 40;
  • if it is necessary to boil towels due to old stubborn dirt, you should definitely wash them before doing so, otherwise boiling may cause the dirt to penetrate deeper into the fabric, which will make removing stains even more difficult;
  • initial soaking before washing to remove stains will significantly improve the effectiveness of their removal;
  • After laundry procedures, it is advisable to iron the towel, which will significantly reduce the occurrence of new stains.