What to do if platelets are low during pregnancy. What to do with low platelets during pregnancy: reasons for the increase and methods, doctor’s recommendations


In order to assess how platelets behave during pregnancy, the norm of which is 180-320 thousand/µl, expectant mothers undergo various examinations and donate blood for tests.

Indicators of normal and abnormal platelet counts

Platelets are called the formed elements of blood that perform important functions: maintain blood vessels in normal condition and take part in blood clotting processes. If the number of blood platelets in a pregnant woman becomes less than 150 thousand/μl, then we can talk about thrombocytopenia, and if their concentration exceeds 320 thousand/μl, we're talking about about thrombocytosis. Both of these conditions can be dangerous for a pregnant woman and her unborn baby. When the platelet count drops below 20 thousand/µl, spontaneous bleeding may begin, which can be quite difficult to stop.

It is worth noting that the upper and lower limits of the normal platelet count in all trimesters practically do not change.

Indicators of 180 - 320 thousand / μl are more typical for non-pregnant women, however, during the period of bearing a child, the volume of circulating blood in women increases slightly, and therefore a slight shift in the lower limit of normal may be observed, which is acceptable if no pathological reactions occur.

Thrombocytopenia in pregnant women A deficiency of platelets in the blood can be caused by insufficient hematopoiesis, increased platelet destruction, or increased platelet consumption. Thus, thrombocytopenia in may occur against the background of the following conditions:

  • unbalanced diet;
  • shortening of the lifespan of platelets (normally approximately 7 days);
  • red bone marrow hypoplasia;
  • viral infections;
  • intoxication and exposure to ionizing radiation;
  • taking some medications;
  • oncological diseases (leukemia or metastases in the red bone marrow);
  • anemia due to vitamin B-12 deficiency or folic acid;
  • renal dysfunction;
  • Fanconi syndrome;
  • Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome;
  • systemic lupus erythematosus;
  • chronic hepatitis;
  • chronic lymphocytic leukemia;
  • DIC syndrome;
  • thrombocytopenic purpura;
  • allergic reactions;
  • bleeding.

Most of these conditions have their own characteristic symptoms, however, they are accompanied by signs of thrombocytopenia, which include:

  • the appearance of hematomas with minor physical impacts;
  • the occurrence of pinpoint hemorrhages (in the form of a rash);
  • bleeding gums;
  • long-term continuous bleeding from small wounds;
  • (manifested by darkening of the stool);
  • bloody issues from the vagina.

Platelet deficiency can lead to serious complications during pregnancy and childbirth. If thrombocytopenia is autoimmune in nature, then there is a danger of developing the same condition in the fetus, since antibodies can penetrate the placenta, enter the baby’s bloodstream and destroy its platelets. In addition, thrombocytopenia in pregnant women is dangerous due to the following complications:

  • hypoxia and fetal growth retardation;
  • threat of termination of pregnancy and spontaneous miscarriage;
  • premature birth;
  • weakness of labor;

Treatment of thrombocytopenia in pregnant women involves eliminating the cause that led to its development. For thrombocytopenic purpura, corticosteroid drugs are prescribed, which prevent the formation of antibodies that destroy platelets. It is also important to adjust your diet and carry out vitamin therapy. At the same time, the doctor prescribes angioprotectors and the administration of immunoglobulins. If necessary, antiviral and antiallergic drugs can be used. In addition, the woman should avoid taking acetylsalicylic acid, antiplatelet agents and anticoagulants, some antibiotics and diuretics (with the permission of the doctor). If there are contraindications to the use of medications, plasmapheresis is performed.

Surgical treatment of thrombocytopenic purpura is carried out only in severe cases with complete ineffectiveness of drug therapy and involves removal of the spleen. Platelet transfusions are performed extremely rarely and only for serious indications.

Thrombocytosis during pregnancy

The reason for the excess number of platelets in the expectant mother may be the excessively active production of blood platelets, an increase in their life span, or a violation of their distribution in the bloodstream. A slight increase in the number of platelets in a pregnant woman can be regarded as a normal physiological phenomenon, so the gynecologist simply monitors the patient. In addition, thrombocytosis can be caused by fluid loss as a result of repeated vomiting (which can be observed in the first trimester of pregnancy), as well as while taking diuretics.

Symptoms of thrombocytosis are similar in many ways to those of thrombocytopenia, in part because the blood platelets do not function well or are distributed unevenly in the bloodstream. An excess of platelets may be indicated by:

  • the appearance of hematomas with weak physical impact;
  • pinpoint hemorrhages;
  • frequent nosebleeds;
  • bleeding gums;
  • gastrointestinal bleeding (manifested by darkening of the stool);
  • long-term continuous bleeding from wounds;
  • pallor or cyanosis of the skin and mucous membranes;
  • skin itching;
  • impaired sensitivity, tingling sensation in the tips of the fingers and toes;
  • headache;
  • unstable blood pressure;
  • dyspnea.

A significant excess of platelets is dangerous due to the formation of blood clots that clog the lumen of a vein or artery, thereby completely blocking the blood flow. In this regard, the risk of developing gangrene, hemorrhage, thromboembolism increases - conditions that pose a direct threat to life. Numerous small blood clots can form in the vessels of the placenta, which will lead to disruption of its maturation and insufficient nutrition of the fetus.

Treatment of thrombocytosis during pregnancy should be carried out with extreme caution. To normalize the composition and rheological properties of blood, the doctor prescribes anticoagulants and antiplatelet agents. The dosages of such drugs are selected strictly individually, since the degree of thrombocytosis in each woman may be different.

It is better to begin the fight against both pathologies as early as possible in order to prevent the development of complications and most effectively prepare for childbirth and choose tactics for its management. In some cases, doctors resort to early delivery if there is a real risk to the life of the child and mother.

Taking tests for pathologies

Treatment of thrombocytopenia and thrombocytosis in pregnant women is accompanied by regular blood tests to assess the effectiveness of the therapy. Usually blood is taken on an empty stomach from a finger or from a vein.

In addition to a blood test for such disorders, it is necessary to do a coagulogram to evaluate the functioning of the entire system.

Very often, various additional studies are required to clarify the cause of the disease.

When conducting an analysis, the doctor Special attention pays attention to indicators. Even if the number of blood platelets is within normal limits, their interaction with each other can be pathological. Weak aggregation causes bleeding, and increased aggregation leads to the formation of blood clots. The norm is 30 - 60%, but during pregnancy this figure may increase slightly, which is regarded as a normal physiological phenomenon. If abnormalities are detected in a general blood test or coagulogram, in addition to consulting a gynecologist, consultation with other specialists, in particular a hematologist, may be required.

The period of bearing a child is perhaps the most wonderful and long-awaited time for every representative of the fair sex. Due to the fact that the body is at this stage undergoes many changes, future mommy should be regularly examined by a specialist.

The most common procedure is general analysis blood. One of the most important indicators is platelets during pregnancy.

It is necessary to be examined in order to be able to timely identify abnormalities that are dangerous not only for the woman, but also for her unborn child.

Description of cells

Platelets are very thin discs of blood that are involved in the blood clotting process. Their peculiarity lies in the ability to stick to each other in the event of a cut or wound.

As a result of this process, clots are formed that block the vessels, which prevents blood from coming out in large quantities. Against this background on the surface skin a crust appears. If it is removed, the bleeding may re-open.

In addition, platelets perform a protective function, protecting the body from penetration of pathogenic bacteria and viruses.

They contribute to the formation immune system and are regularly updated.

The number of platelets in the blood is a temporary indicator. Depending on the influence of internal and external factors it changes all the time. For example, it fluctuates during pregnancy and during the menstrual cycle.

The indicator is normal

The platelet count in a pregnant woman is important indicator, which must always be monitored. During pregnancy, it can decrease due to the fact that there is an increase in blood volume and the formation of a placental circle of blood flow. The average volume considered normal in pregnant women is approximately 140-340 thousand/µl.

The indicator depends on the timing of pregnancy. Normal platelet count in blood:

  • 1st trimester - 170-340 thousand/µl;
  • 2nd trimester - 160-330;
  • 3rd trimester - 140-320.

After childbirth in female body some changes are observed, the main task of which is to reduce blood loss. This occurs due to increased coagulability. After it ends postpartum period, all indicators return to normal.

Reasons for increase or decrease

In some cases, there is a decrease or increase in the number of these blood cells. There can be many reasons for this. The main factors causing low platelets include:

  • the occurrence of an allergic reaction;
  • intrauterine death fetus;
  • viral diseases;
  • poor nutrition, which leads to insufficient intake of vitamin B12 and folate;
  • intoxication with medications;
  • long-term use of antibiotics;
  • obstetric hemorrhage caused, for example, by placental abruption;
  • autoimmune thrombocytopenia;
  • neuropathic conditions;
  • increased death of red blood cells, caused by hormonal imbalance.

In some cases, low levels of these cells can be observed due to physiological factors. In this case, no special treatment is required. However, it is important to monitor indicators all the time. To do this, blood tests are taken regularly.

There is also a secondary form of the pathological condition, in which a decrease in platelets occurs. In this case, the cause may be radiation or toxic poisoning.

Among the factors that contribute to the appearance of elevated platelets are the following:

  • pathologies of the circulatory system;
  • predisposition to thrombosis;
  • varicose veins veins;
  • allergic reactions;
  • lack of iron in the body;
  • formation of malignant neoplasms;
  • reception certain medicines;
  • infectious diseases;
  • pathologies of the autoimmune system;
  • increased toxicosis in the early stages of pregnancy.

Sometimes high level cells is observed when there is a lack of fluid in the body.


Regardless of the fact that the diagnosis is made only on the basis of the test results obtained, in most cases deviations can be suspected by the appearance of certain signs.

If platelets have dropped, symptoms such as:

  • the formation of bruises on the body, which can result from even a slight impact on the skin;
  • small rashes;
  • bleeding gums during treatment hygiene procedures oral care;
  • nosebleeds;
  • in case of damage to the skin;
  • dark color feces;
  • bloody discharge from the reproductive organs.

Symptoms of elevated cell levels are in many ways similar to those of thrombocytopenia. This is explained by the fact that, despite various factors who become provocateurs of the development of these pathological conditions, the manifestation is general: blood cells in the vessels begin to be distributed unevenly.

To prevent Negative consequences, which can be dangerous for both the pregnant woman and the fetus, it is necessary to constantly monitor the level of platelets in the body.

What tests are needed?

To control blood composition, certain laboratory research. Only after the biological material has been fully studied is a diagnosis made: reduced or increased level platelets in a pregnant woman.

Diagnostics consists of conducting examinations such as:

  • general examination of the patient by a gynecologist, therapist or hematologist;
  • blood test to determine the number of blood platelets and serum iron;
  • ultrasound examination of internal organs.

If necessary, an additional bone marrow biopsy may be prescribed.

Sometimes situations arise in which there is low coagulation or a tendency to form blood clots, despite positive test blood. In this case, the patient is sent for a coagulogram.

This research method determines the level of cell aggregation, that is, their ability to connect with collagen. Normally, this figure should be from 30 to 60 percent.

To get the maximum accurate results It is necessary to be well prepared for submitting material for analysis. It is important that blood is drawn on an empty stomach. It is recommended to stop taking it for a couple of days. medications, which can negatively affect the number of platelets in the blood.

In addition, it is better to refuse the analysis if within three days before the test there was an injury accompanied by bleeding or a burn.

Treatment of thrombocytopenia and thrombocytosis

Therapeutic tactics will be selected based on the diagnosis. In any case, complex treatment will be required to correct the situation.

Drug therapy

Most dangerous period When platelet levels are low, the third trimester of pregnancy is considered. Treatment in this case should be aimed at eliminating the cause that provoked the decrease in the number of cells.

To increase the number of blood platelets, the following drugs are used:

  • glucocorticosteroids, the course of which can be either systemic or short-term;
  • immunoglobulins for intravenous administration;
  • platelet mass, which is prescribed for complicated pathological conditions.

If conservative methods of therapy do not bring positive result, a method is used in which the spleen is removed using laparoscopy.

If elevated platelet levels are diagnosed, medications such as:

  • coagulants;
  • antiplatelet agents.

If thrombocytosis is not compatible with pregnancy, the doctor suggests that the patient terminate the pregnancy.

If there is a slight deviation upward from the norm, then there is no need for special treatment. This is how the body can react to the uteroplacental circulation.


No less important role The nutrition of the expectant mother plays a role in normalizing blood platelets. To raise your platelet levels, you need to follow some recommendations:

  1. Include in diet a large number of beets and juice from it.
  2. There is a lot of sesame oil. It can be added to vegetable salads. This product regulates platelet levels and improves blood clotting.
  3. Monitor iron levels. Daily norm should be about 30 milligrams. Experts advise eating buckwheat, beef, and liver.
  4. Eat foods every day that contain plenty of vitamin B12 and folic acid. This could be meat, fish, dairy products, nuts, eggs.
  5. Take ascorbic acid.

In addition, to normalize the low number of cells, it is good to drink rosehip tea, as well as nettle infusion.

When the indicator increases, it is necessary to include in the diet such foods as:

  • juice (can be made from cranberries, tomatoes, citrus fruits, apples or lingonberries);
  • olive or linseed oil;
  • mackerel and other fatty fish;
  • garlic;
  • legumes and grains;
  • milk and products made from it;
  • greenery.

It is prohibited to use:

  • bananas;
  • pomegranate juice;
  • rose hip;
  • lentils;
  • Walnut;
  • mango.

The flow of fluid into the body also plays an important role. The permissible minimum daily intake for a pregnant woman is at least one and a half liters of clean water.

Possible complications

If measures are not taken in a timely manner to help normalize platelet levels, this can lead to dire consequences.

Deviation from the norm in a large direction leads to:

  • delayed fetal development in prenatal period;
  • threat of miscarriage;
  • severe toxicosis;
  • varicose veins;
  • thrombosis of the upper and lower extremities;
  • heart attack or embolism.

Low platelet levels may cause complications such as:

At timely production diagnosis and proper treatment such problems can be avoided.


To prevent the development of thrombocytopenia in a pregnant woman, it is important to adhere to certain rules:

  • exclude all factors that could negatively affect the immune system;
  • before planning a pregnancy, get all the necessary vaccinations against ARVI, rubella, chickenpox and other viral infections;
  • stop taking certain medications for another initial stages bearing a child;
  • adjust your diet.

To prevent thrombocytosis, the following preventive measures are taken:

  • maintaining an active lifestyle;
  • exclusion from the menu of foods that can increase blood viscosity;
  • reception more fluids and foods that thin the blood.

It is necessary to monitor the platelet count throughout pregnancy. Therefore, it is so important not to neglect regular examinations by specialists and testing.

Platelets (blood platelets)- these are formed elements of blood formed in the bone marrow and play an important role in blood clotting and nonspecific defense reactions of the body.

Normal platelet count during pregnancy

information Blood platelets are determined by taking a general blood test. Their normal number is non-pregnant women is 150-400 thousand/µl. When carrying a child physiological state there is a slight decrease in cell content due to an increase in the volume of circulating blood and their increased consumption. If platelets during pregnancy are reduced to less than 140 thousand/μl, this condition is already considered pathological.

Thrombocytopenia during pregnancy

Thrombocytopenia is a condition characterized by a decrease in the number of blood platelets below 150 thousand/μl (when carrying a child, below 140 thousand/μl).

Causes of thrombocytopenia:

  1. Allergic reactions;
  2. Viral infections;
  3. Severe forms of late gestosis;
  4. Coagulation system disorders;
  5. Bleeding;
  6. Systemic lupus erythematosus;
  7. Lack of folates;
  8. Poor quality of food;
  9. Taking medications that cause a decrease in the content of blood cells (quinine, some antibacterial drugs (for example, sulfonamides), antirheumatic drugs, etc.).
  10. General blood analysis;
  11. Coagulogram;
  12. Taking anamnesis;

Necessary examinations:

  1. General blood analysis;
  2. Coagulogram;
  3. Taking anamnesis;
  4. Additional studies to exclude diseases leading to secondary thrombocytopenia.

Consequences of the disease

If a pregnant woman's platelets drop significantly below acceptable indicators, the risk of bleeding during childbirth increases significantly. The decision on the method of delivery of such a woman should be made only by a council of doctors, taking into account possible complications and risk for women.

In addition, with immune thrombocytopenia, internal bleeding may develop in the newborn.

Treatment for Low Platelet Counts

remember This condition should be treated only by a hematologist who selects individually. necessary medications every patient. It is important to initially treat the condition itself that caused the secondary decrease in blood platelets.

Thrombocytosis in pregnant women

Thrombocytosis– this is an increase in platelet level over 400 thousand/μl.

Reasons for an increase in the number of blood platelets:

  1. Blood thickening with vomiting, limiting fluid intake;
  2. Antiphospholipid syndrome;
  3. Secondary increase in platelet count caused by various diseases.
  4. General blood analysis;

Examination for thrombocytosis:

  1. General blood analysis;
  2. Coagulogram (hemostasiogram);
  3. It is possible to conduct additional studies to clarify the diagnosis.

Complications of the disease during pregnancy

important If platelets are elevated during pregnancy, this can lead to the development of arterial and venous thrombosis. Existence antiphospholipid syndrome in most cases leads to spontaneous miscarriages at any time (usually in the first trimester).

Treatment of thrombocytosis

As with low platelets, treatment should only be carried out by a qualified hematologist. As a rule, they are prescribed:

  • Anticoagulants (fragmin, fraxiparin);
  • Antiplatelet agents (, pentoxifylline).

Platelet aggregation during pregnancy

Platelet aggregation during pregnancy- this is their association (gluing) into conglomerates various sizes. Normal indicator– 30-60% (when carrying a child, an increase in the indicator is possible, which is a physiological phenomenon). The analysis is determined by studying the coagulogram (hemostasiogram).

Hyperaggregation of blood platelets- this is an excess normal value aggregation (above 60-70%). Severe platelet hyperaggregation during pregnancy can lead to a number of serious complications associated with the formation of blood clots in various organs, including the placenta.

A decrease in aggregation indicates a violation of the coagulation system and can cause microcirculatory bleeding.

The necessary examination and treatment for coagulogram disorders is carried out by a hematologist under the supervision of tests.

While you're expecting a baby, you undergo a lot of tests. This is necessary to assess the condition of the body and detect the problem in time.

A blood test for platelets is of no small importance. Abnormal platelet counts during pregnancy can be dangerous for you and your baby.

The role of platelets in the body

Platelets are blood platelets that prevent blood loss by replacing the damaged area, first with a temporary and then with a permanent platelet film.

  1. depending on the time of day;
  2. depending on the season;
  3. in women - depending on the phase of the menstrual cycle;
  4. from various diseases And pathological processes, occurring in the body.

Both high and low platelet counts during pregnancy can be life-threatening for the woman and baby. However, not only the quantitative indicator is important, but also the functionality of the plates.

Norms during pregnancy

There is no separate test for blood platelets. A general blood test is usually prescribed.

  • Normal indicator for healthy person– 180-420*10 9 platelets per liter;

During pregnancy, the platelet count decreases. This is explained by the fact that the amount of blood increases and a placental circulation appears.

  • During pregnancy, the normal platelet count in the blood is 140-340*10 9 /l. Deviations from the norm in the direction of decrease are called thrombocytopenia, and in the direction of increase - thrombocytosis;
  • The indicator depends on the trimester of pregnancy. In the first months, the permissible limits are 170-340 * 10 9 / l.;
  • The norm of platelets during pregnancy in the 2nd trimester is from 160 to 330*10 9 /l.;
  • For more later– 140-320*10 9 /l.

Blood platelet levels return to normal after childbirth, when the body recovers.

Analysis indicators are below normal

Platelets are lowest during pregnancy in the third trimester. This period is also characterized by an increase in the ability of the plates to bind to each other and participate in aggregation.

This helps to avoid large blood loss during childbirth.

Thrombocytopenia occurs if the content of platelets in the blood decreases below the normal limit (140 * 10 9 / l). This happens for various reasons:

  1. in case of intoxication or viral infections;
  2. with a deficiency of vitamins and minerals;
  3. severe late pregnancy;
  4. for problems with hormones;
  5. due to bleeding (including internal);
  6. in cases of kidney dysfunction;
  7. for oncology;
  8. for some chronic diseases (for example, hepatitis).

Taking certain medications can cause blood platelets to fall below normal levels.

Important! To increase blood clotting, it is necessary to include in the diet: beets, sesame oil, iron-rich foods (buckwheat, liver, beef), fish, nuts, eggs, dairy products.

Symptoms of thrombocytopenia may include:

  • hematomas;
  • constant nosebleeds (read on the topic: Nosebleeds during pregnancy >>>);
  • bleeding gums;
  • in case of cuts or wounds, the bleeding does not stop for a long time;
  • dark stools may indicate internal bleeding.

A decrease in platelets below normal during pregnancy in women is considered as dangerous condition for natural childbirth.

During my second pregnancy, I had to deal with a diagnosis of thrombocytopenia. All platelet counts were below normal.

I was going to be up last home, together with a midwife, and come to the maternity hospital at full dilation to avoid unnecessary interventions during childbirth.

But such tests forced us to consider the option of early arrival at the maternity hospital, since with low platelets there is a risk of labor hemorrhage and placental abruption.

Throughout the second half of pregnancy, my midwife analyzed my diet very carefully, we tried to raise platelets in natural ways.

I searched through tons of articles on the Internet, but they were all copied and did not provide any information. real ways increase platelets.

I must say that before pregnancy I never had any signs of thrombocytopenia, and even in my first pregnancy, the tests were always good.

And so, when I began to get completely upset and think about bad options during childbirth, she had regular blood tests and during the blood donation she complained to the nurse taking the test about her results.

And she told me the following: “You always get tested in our laboratory, and in most paid clinics analyzes are performed using a hardware method. Those. There is an automatic calculation of indicators. Get tested in another hospital, or even better, retake it in a regular, free clinic, where blood counts are counted with your eyes.”

I grabbed this idea like a straw.

I took the test at a free clinic and received the result in accordance with the standards. The platelets were fine.

Then, while studying how blood tests are done, I read that maintaining the equipment is important to get good results.

Important! The plates must be changed and cleaned once every 3 months, otherwise the sensitivity of the devices is lost.

Naturally, no one does cleaning so often and irregularities in test results may appear.

Therefore, always getting not very good good result tests during pregnancy, do not rush to undergo treatment or agree to interventions during labor.

Indicators are above normal

At elevated platelets During pregnancy, there is a high risk of blood clots. Thrombocytosis in the early stages may occur due to toxicosis. In the second and third trimesters, the reasons for the increase may be:

  1. Not drinking enough. To avoid swelling, you may want to limit the amount of fluid you drink. Or this is possible in the summer, when sweating is increased due to the heat. More information about edema during pregnancy >>>;
  2. Viral, infectious diseases. Also the reason high performance there may be fungal infections;
  3. Oncological diseases are common cause thick blood. Especially if the oncological process is associated with the hematopoietic system;
  4. Exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  5. Anemia. The platelet count is affected by anemia caused by iron deficiency. Read more about this in the article Anemia during pregnancy >>>;
  6. Some medications.

The symptoms of thrombocytosis and thrombocytopenia are similar because the functioning of blood cells is impaired. Signs of thrombocytosis:

  • hematomas;
  • bleeding gums;
  • pallor of the skin and mucous membranes;
  • numbness of the extremities (read: Arms and legs go numb during pregnancy >>>);
  • blood pressure problems;
  • dyspnea.

To normalize the indicators, the doctor will prescribe blood thinners and diet. Foods that help with thrombocytosis:

  1. vegetable oil;
  2. tomato juice;
  3. garlic and onion;
  4. green vegetables;
  5. sour berries and fruits;
  6. kefir;
  7. cottage cheese;
  8. seafood (how much can you eat so as not to cause harm? Read the article Fish and seafood during pregnancy >>>).

It is better to exclude foods that tend to thicken the blood from the diet. These include: bananas, nuts, rowan, rose hips, pomegranate juice.

Consequences and possible complications

Deviations from the norm can be dangerous not only for the mother, but also for the child. In the early stages there may be a miscarriage, and in the later stages there may be deviations in the development of the baby.

Consequences of thrombocytosis:

  • delayed fetal development (how development normally proceeds can be found in the article Development of a child in the womb >>>);
  • severe toxicosis;
  • problems with veins (varicose veins);
  • heart attack, embolism;
  • high probability of blood clot formation.

Consequences of thrombocytopenia:

  1. high risk of bleeding;
  2. threat of miscarriage in the early stages or premature birth, if platelets deviate from the norm in the third trimester of pregnancy.

Prevention of thrombocytosis and thrombocytopenia

To keep your tests normal, you should adhere to the following rules:

  • adjust nutrition and drinking regime;
  • maintain an active lifestyle;
  • stop taking some medications.

Take care of yourself and have a healthy pregnancy!

A sharp decrease in platelet levels can be caused by both elementary physiological problems and the development of blood diseases. How to increase platelets during pregnancy, when taking almost all medications is prohibited - this is the key question of this article.

Causes of platelet deficiency

Platelets in the blood during pregnancy often decrease significantly. Typically, specialists regularly pick up women in interesting position blood to monitor how the body is coping with pregnancy. You should only panic if your platelet level is much lower than normal.

Such disorders are often associated with elementary physiological processes. For example, during menstruation, the level of these blood cells decreases significantly. The level of platelets can also decrease with significant blood loss.

A low number of platelets in the blood may indicate the development of a whole series of diseases, for example, infectious ones. This symptom also indicates the development iron deficiency anemia, diseases thyroid gland or liver. Due to the seriousness of the possible diagnosis, doctors prefer to play it safe, and therefore the patient has to undergo a whole series of blood tests.

In ordinary cases, the disease is treated with medications, for example, Sodecor. However, in the case of pregnancy, treatment with medications is only worthwhile in the most severe cases, when other methods are ineffective. The thing is that treatment with pills can directly affect the condition of the fetus.

Increased platelet count during pregnancy

How to increase platelets in the blood during pregnancy is a question that experts are trying to solve with the help of special diets and refusal bad habits. When a woman is trying to carry a child, any negative impact from the outside radically affects the fetus and the condition of the lady herself. That is why smoking and alcohol should be given up immediately as soon as the woman has been diagnosed.

How to increase platelets? The number of these blood cells during pregnancy will increase significantly if a woman begins to adhere to a special diet. Doctors usually advise including as many iron-rich foods as possible in your diet. For example, a woman should consume fried or boiled liver, red meat, apples, beets, kernels walnut. The addition of buckwheat and dairy products to the diet also has a positive effect on increasing the number of platelets. Despite such a unique diet, a woman’s diet should be balanced, she should not feel hungry. Typically, experts recommend consuming as much fruit and steamed meat as possible, since these dishes contain huge amounts of iron. Fried meat contains much lower levels of beneficial microelements.

The specialist may also recommend that the woman reduce her consumption of foods with significant amounts of sugar and starch. From daily menu The expectant mother should exclude a variety of flour products and sweets. It is better to replace them with fresh vegetables and fruits. In addition to the fact that consuming fresh vegetables will help raise platelet levels, such a diet also has a positive effect on saturating the body with useful microelements.

How to increase platelets during pregnancy, if the method proper nutrition Does not help? In this case, the doctor may prescribe the use of special vitamins rich in iron and other microelements. Since low platelet levels are increasingly common among pregnant women, manufacturers have taken care of the release vitamin complexes, completely suitable for ladies in an interesting position. You should also normalize your own daily routine, rest as much as possible, and sleep a lot. All this will help make the lady feel much better by increasing the level of platelets in her blood.

Often, a woman does not even notice signs of a decrease in the number of platelets, which negatively affects the internal processes of the body. However, it is considered much more dangerous strong increase the number of these blood cells. If an increase in the number of platelets occurs in the body, you need to be treated immediately, because this problem directly affects the condition of the fetus and can lead to miscarriage.