White spots do not tan. Spots on the body after sunbathing: causes and prevention

For teenagers

White spots on the skin after sunbathing can defeat any person. Although such a defect does not pose a threat to life, aesthetically it looks rather unattractive. In addition, if you stay under the hot sun for too long, you can get sunstroke or even burn your skin, which is more dangerous than white spots on your skin.

This problem can begin to bother not only adults, but also children. To understand the reasons why white spots on the skin appear after sunbathing, we recommend that you read our article. Also, do not confuse white spots after tanning with age spots.

Why did white spots appear after sunbathing?

There are many reasons why white spots appear after tanning, but the most common is lack of melanin in the skin layers. In this case, epidermal cells produce an insufficient amount of melanin, which is why characteristic spots appear in some areas of the skin. Among other things, there are other reasons for the appearance of stains, here are the most common of them:

  • fungus;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • medical supplies;
  • improper use of a solarium.

White spots on the skin that appear due to fungus can please the eyes of their owner not only after sunbathing. When infected with pityriasis versicolor, the skin becomes covered with white spots that may peel off. Such spots on the skin do not itch or cause discomfort, and the disease is not transmitted through physical contact.

As for genetic predisposition, people who had or have relatives who are susceptible to the development of white spots on the skin after sunbathing means that most likely these people should also expect such a nuisance. This is due to identical genes that carry certain information.

Also, taking certain medications can cause the appearance of white spots, as they may contain drugs that cause a lack of melanin. Also, some drugs tend to increase the photosensitivity of the skin. As a rule, this phenomenon is considered temporary and disappears over time, after stopping treatment with these medications.

Solarium is another reason why white pigment spots may appear on the arms, legs and body. They can be small or large, it depends on individual predisposition. When using a solarium, it is important to know that all areas of the body must be exposed to radiation at the same time, otherwise blood flow in some areas may become slower. This causes white spots to appear on the skin, and areas particularly prone to this are the elbows and knees.

One way or another, for whatever reason, white spots appear on your skin after tanning, this defect should be eliminated if it causes you aesthetic discomfort. We will tell you how to treat such spots in our article.


Treatment of white spots depends on the reasons that caused them to appear. If you encounter this phenomenon due to the fact that there is a fungus in your body, but you are not sure about it, then you should consult a doctor. Most likely, he will ask you to take tests, and if the presence of the fungus is confirmed, he will prescribe treatment. You can defeat the fungus with the help of various creams and sprays, and sometimes the doctor prescribes tablets to act on fungal bacteria from the inside. In addition, during treatment, the patient should not stay in the sun for a long time, and should also avoid visiting the solarium.

In the case of a genetic predisposition, the fight against white spots on the skin will consist only of applying creams, but there is no guarantee that this will help get rid of blemishes after tanning. But there are also traditional methods of treatment:

  • Apply to areas of skin where white spots appear after sunbathing. fresh cucumber or fresh cabbage leaf. You can also grind both of these products in a blender and make a compress from the pulp.
  • A mixture of ingredients such as: honey, turmeric and boiled rice. The resulting paste from such ingredients should be used as a compress for white pigment spots on the skin.
  • Don't neglect fluids, drink more often herbal or green tea to restore the skin's moisture balance.

When purchasing medications to treat skin diseases at the pharmacy, make sure that you are not allergic to them. Also read the label carefully and look at the expiration date of the drug.

It is quite possible to get rid of white spots on the skin after sunbathing at home, if you do not neglect the advice of the doctor and our article.

Not going to the sea in summer is simply a sin. At least, this is what most representatives of the fair sex think. Nobody wants to be left without an attractive chocolate tan. That’s why many ladies even resort to the services of solariums. Unfortunately, contact with ultraviolet rays does not go well for everyone. Some people develop white spots on their skin after sunbathing. They don’t itch or cause discomfort, but the new growths don’t look too pleasant, which seriously spoils your mood.

What causes white spots to appear on the skin after sunbathing?

A special pigment, melanin, is responsible for a uniform, beautiful tan. It is produced in cells called melanocytes. One of the main tasks of the pigment is to protect the epidermis from the negative effects of the sun. And as practice shows, people whose bodies produce small amounts of melanin suffer from white spots much more often.

The main reasons why white spots appear on the skin of the back, arms, abdomen and face after sunbathing are:

  1. Most often, the formation of white spots on the body is the result of exposure to fungi and infections. Many ladies do not even suspect that they are infected until they get into the sun. Pathogenic microorganisms can live safely on the skin and not manifest themselves in any way. The sun, increased sweating, air humidity and weakened immunity give them the opportunity to reproduce. Initially, the spots are simply a different color from the rest of the skin. But over time, they begin to itch and peel a lot.
  2. Some girls have white spots on their skin after sunbathing - the result of a genetic disorder. The latter is called hypomelanosis. This disease cannot be cured. Unfortunately, the only way to protect yourself from white spots is to avoid exposing your skin to sunlight. The alternative, using sunscreen, is not suitable for everyone.
  3. White spots can also appear if the procedures are not taken correctly. This is why it is so important to regularly change your body position while in the cockpit.
  4. It also happens that after tanning, burns appear on the skin first, and then white spots. This phenomenon is called vitiligo. When the disease occurs, cells cannot produce enough melanin.
  5. In people with fair skin, the formation of white patches may indicate poikiloderma. This is a benign skin disease. Most often, the epidermis becomes lighter in the neck and chest area. Sometimes, in addition to white spots, dark areas also appear on the skin.
  6. Some organisms react with white spots to certain medications. To avoid their occurrence, it is advisable to carefully read the instructions for use of any medication.

Treatment of white spots formed on the skin after sunbathing

To begin effective treatment, you must first determine the causes of white spots. For example, fungal infections are treated with special ointments. After an examination, a specialist will help you choose the most suitable remedy.

It is very beneficial for the body to follow a diet. It is advisable to remove animal proteins from the diet. Instead, add vegetables, fruits and more natural food. Before going out into the sun, you should drink plenty of liquid: juices, tea, purified water.

Surely there is no person who would not like to relax and bask on a sunny beach, but there are times when this becomes the reason that pigment spots appear on the body after tanning.

In order to eliminate this unpleasant symptom as quickly as possible, you can use camouflage cosmetics. But, if white spots appear on the body after tanning and they do not disappear, you need to seek help from a doctor, he will determine the cause of such changes and prescribe an adequate treatment regimen.

In this article we will look into why the tan becomes patchy and how to get rid of white spots on the skin after tanning.

Reasons for the formation of spots

White spots after tanning can be localized on any part of the human body. The most vulnerable areas are those that are not protected from direct sunlight, namely the upper limbs, face and shoulders. Sun spots may vary in size and number.

White spots on the body after sunbathing are usually called hypomelanosis; the reasons for its formation are quite different and it depends on them whether the pathological condition will be treated.

White sun spots form on the skin as a result of a lack of melanin, which is responsible for the color of the skin, hair and retina. At the same time, it prevents the degeneration of body cells into malignant ones.

There are a number of factors that lead to the fact that melanin is produced in insufficient quantities or not at all and white spots appear on the skin that do not tan. This:

  1. Disorders of the digestive tract.
  2. Disturbances in the functioning of the organs of the endocrine system.
  3. Diseases of the kidneys or adrenal glands.
  4. Decreased immune defense of the body.
  5. Depressive states. Impaired functioning of the nervous system leads to a decrease in the body's resistance, which is manifested by changes in the skin and hair.
  6. The influence of stressful situations.
  7. Hormonal imbalance.
  8. Injuries.
  9. Intake of insufficient amounts of vitamins and microelements into the body.
  10. Wearing clothes made from synthetic fabrics.
  11. Frequent skin burns. They arise as a result of prolonged exposure to open sunlight. They are characterized by the formation of hyperemia and blisters, which over time leave behind white spots.
  12. Heredity. The genetic nature of the disease may be associated with melanin deficiency. Under normal lighting, pigment spots may be invisible, but under the influence of ultraviolet radiation they differ compared to healthy skin.
  13. Treatment with certain groups of medications. This factor can lead to a decrease in the amount of melanin.
  14. Skin lesions of a fungal nature, most often it is tinea versicolor.
  15. Vitligo. This pathological condition is characterized by the appearance of white spots on the face and, in rare cases, on the upper or lower extremities. The reasons for the formation of vitligo are not completely known to this day.

Observational data show that the immune system destroys its own melanocytes, the cells that are responsible for the production of melanin. This disease can be considered hereditary. Spots on the skin are better visible in the sun. Areas of pigmentation may vary in size and may also merge. A characteristic feature is that the spots disappear on their own.

  • Poikiloderma Sivvat. This pathological condition belongs to atrophic diseases. In addition to spotty pigmentation, the appearance of rash elements is observed, and a mesh pattern is formed on the skin. The favorite localization is the skin of the chest and neck.
  • Diseases of infectious origin (for example, syphilis, leprosy). These pathological conditions are accompanied by a decrease in immune defense, so sun spots appear on the body while taking medications.
  • Scars and keloid scars. They remain light compared to other areas of the skin that tan. This is explained by the fact that these areas do not have enough melanin.
  • A history of chronic diseases.

Formation of white spots in childhood

White spots on the skin after sunbathing in childhood are formed as a result of excessive exposure to the sun. Similar spots can also appear due to diseases of infectious origin, vitamin deficiency, lichen and decreased immunity.

There have been cases when white spots on the skin from the sun appeared in the form of droplets; they were localized on the upper and lower extremities, shoulders and back. This pathological symptom is called guttate hypomelanosis.

Measures aimed at preventing the formation of white spots

Everyone knows that preventing white spots on the skin is easier than treating them. And since the main reason for the formation of spots on the skin after sunbathing is non-compliance with the rules of sun exposure, it is recommended:

  • tan gradually each time, increasing the duration of your exposure to the sun;
  • try not to sunbathe in the open sun, it is better to give preference to a place in the shade;
  • do not be under the sun immediately after leaving the water; before doing this, you need to dry your skin with a towel;
  • use specially designed sunburn protection products (gels, foams, lotions and creams with a high level of SPF protection);
  • sunbathe only in the morning and evening hours before 11 and after 16 hours;
  • monitor your diet, it is necessary that it is balanced and complete;
  • take vitamins.

To obtain an even tan, you need to use sunscreen. To prevent white spots from appearing on your back after sunbathing, you should also protect yourself with clothing made from natural, lightweight fabrics.

Fighting white spots

Those who have encountered this problem are interested in how to treat white spots on the skin after sunbathing. So, if you do develop white, non-tanning spots on your skin, then in order to effectively combat them, it is recommended to consult a doctor. It is he who will be able to find out the reason why the tan is patchy and prescribe a treatment regimen, which may differ for each specific case.

If you turn off the presence of diseases and pathological processes, you can try to remove white spots on the skin after a tanning salon or exposure to the sun using the following methods:

  1. Regular washing, it is best to use a hard washcloth, this will remove the surface layer of the epidermis.
  2. Using a scrub to exfoliate will make your skin color more even.
  3. Seek help from a professional cosmetologist who will help you get rid of the problem through peeling, masks, and laser therapy.
  4. Use masks with a whitening effect; they can also be homemade. These are masks made from a combination of fruits and honey, kefir, and grated potatoes. A cucumber mask and one made with parsley and dill are also excellent for whitening the skin.
  5. In the presence of pain, it is recommended to use decoctions of chamomile and oak bark.
  6. Particular attention should be paid to your diet. You need to increase the amount of vegetables and fruits, herbs and foods with a large number of vitamins B, A, E. You need to drink a lot of liquid, water and natural fruit juices are best.

Please note that nowadays you can also find dietary supplements that stimulate melanin production. However, before you get rid of white spots on the body by taking them, you must consult with a qualified doctor in order to avoid unwanted reactions. After all, independent treatment may not only not bring positive changes, but also cause complications.

Now you have some information about why white spots appear on the skin after sunbathing and what you need to do about it. Treat your body and body with attention, listen to it, its signals and always be healthy, because this is the most valuable gift given to man by nature.

There are times when small or large white spots appear on the skin after active exposure to the sun, while the rest of the skin has an even, beautiful tan. This skin reaction may be due to various reasons, but all of them are a consequence of impaired melanin production– a pigment that is responsible for coloring the iris of the eyes, hair and skin.

Why do they appear?

There are several reasons for the appearance of white spots on the skin after sunbathing:

What to do and how to deal with them

If after sunbathing you see white spots on your skin, then you cannot treat it yourself. It is necessary to consult a doctor, preferably a dermatologist, to identify the cause of their appearance. For example, the treatment of pityriasis versicolor is fundamentally different from the treatment of vitiligo, so only a doctor should prescribe a course of treatment.

If antifungal agents are used to treat the first disease, then to eliminate the consequences of the second disease a long course of treatment with immunomodulators is required.

In the case where white spots have formed from the use of a solarium, you can use simple home treatment methods using compresses:

  • from boiled rice;
  • pulp of white cabbage and cucumber;
  • mixtures of honey, boiled rice and turmeric;
  • parsley chopped in a blender.

Apply these compounds to white spots using a gauze bandage for 15-20 minutes.

Restrictions during treatment:

  • If you have pityriasis versicolor, then you should stick to the diet. Eliminate heavy and spicy foods from your diet, giving preference to vegetables, meat, fish and cereals.
  • Completely necessary avoid exposure to the sun.
  • Avoid visiting the solarium.

Video block on what to do if white spots appear on the skin

In this video block you will learn about the reasons for the appearance of white spots on the skin after tanning and how to remove them.

  • Video about why white spots appear on the skin

  • Video about what to do if small white spots appear on your skin after sunbathing

Moderate tanning is beautiful and healthy - it saturates the body with vitamin D. But sometimes direct exposure to ultraviolet radiation causes skin problems. One of them is white spots after tanning. They occur on constantly exposed parts of the body - shoulders, arms, face. Why does this happen and how to eliminate skin discoloration? That's what the doctors say.

White spots after sunbathing

Why do white spots appear on the skin after sunbathing?

The sun itself cannot cause discoloration. It only reveals diseases that are hidden in the body. Dermatologists name several causes of white spots:

· insufficient level of melanin pigment. This substance gives human skin color and protects it from too much ultraviolet radiation. If there is naturally little melanin in the body, the tan will be uneven;

· vitiligo. In this disease, skin cells lose their ability to produce melanin. Excessively long exposure to the sun can trigger the development of vitiligo. Sunburn is especially dangerous in this regard;

· pityriasis versicolor. This fungal infection prevents sunlight from penetrating the skin. The result is an uneven, patchy tan;

· increased sweating;

· medical preparations. Some chemicals disrupt the balance of melanin. A striking example is birth control pills;

Guttate hypomelanosis. This is a genetic disorder that causes skin discoloration.

To accurately find out the cause of an unsightly tan and get rid of the spots, you need to undergo an examination by a dermatologist.

What to do if white spots appear after sunbathing: home remedies

For discoloration caused by ringworm, your doctor will prescribe antifungal creams. In difficult cases, tablets are prescribed. If no skin diseases are detected, skin color can be corrected in the following ways:

· use proven, high-quality oils and tanning creams. Cosmetics enriched with vitamin E are best;

· balance the amount of water and salt in the body. Before and after exposure to the sun, you should drink more water, juices, and herbal decoctions;

· wipe the stains with fresh ginger, apply cabbage leaves, moisten with a pharmaceutical infusion of bodyagi;