Types of napkins. How to use napkins correctly? Oshibori is the best invention, in comparison with it, both fabric and paper napkins are just decor. Using a fabric napkin


A pack of wet wipes will not only help you clean your face or hands of dirt. It can also be used to clean clothes - a damp cloth does a great job of removing fresh stains. And some contamination can be avoided by wiping a park bench or a dusty chair in a street cafe with a napkin. By the way, in the cafe on outdoors It would be a good idea to disinfect the table before eating - dust settles on them very quickly.

In addition, antibacterial wipes can be used to treat minor abrasions and scratches - they will help remove dirt and disinfect the wound.

If you are walking with - wet wipes You can also use it to wipe your pet’s paws after a walk, then significantly less dust will get into the house.

On a journey

When traveling, your own container of sanitizer is essential, especially if you plan to eat on a plane or train. Before eating, treating the table and hands with an antibacterial wipe is not a luxury, but a necessity. Not to mention the toilet seats in in public places.

If during a long trip you do not have the opportunity to take a shower, you can arrange a wet wipe using wet wipes, this will refresh, cleanse and moisturize the skin.

In places where people walk barefoot (swimming pools, water parks, piers, public showers, etc.) you can and should use wet wipes to disinfect the skin of your feet - this reduces the risk of fungal diseases.

In addition, a pack of wet wipes can replace toilet paper, makeup remover, cleansing lotion and cleanser leather shoes(they do an excellent job of removing impurities and do not damage the skin). You can use napkins to tidy up a dirty leather bag.

As such universal remedy For travel, it is best to use antibacterial baby wipes - they will not irritate sensitive skin, and their cleaning properties are no worse than those of hand wipes.

In the cosmetic bag

Wet antibacterial wipes are good for removing from the face. cosmetics, in particular – for cleansing the face of oils. They are also good at hot weather– with their help you can remove sweat and get rid of excess shine on the skin.

If you are sunburned, you can cool a pack of tissues in the refrigerator and wipe your skin with them. This will help relieve irritation and cool hot skin.

Wet wipes chilled in the refrigerator will also help get rid of puffiness under the eyes: in the morning, put a cold wipe over your eyes and hold this compress for a while.

At home and at work

IN hardware stores for sale a wide range of special wet wipes for furniture, for glass, for household electrical appliances - and their cost is sometimes significantly higher than hygienic wet wipes. At the same time, sanitary napkins can be widely used for household purposes.

They can be used to clean polished wooden furniture, which “does not like” water, and furniture with leather upholstery.

The wipes also work very well with objects “grabbed” by the fingers - switches, telephone handsets, remote controls, computer keyboards - even old dirt comes off them literally instantly.

With the help of wet wipes, you can easily keep your plumbing clean: they can easily clean your handwash sink, tank or toilet seat.

You can also use sanitary napkins to care for indoor plants, wiping their leaves from dust.


If you want to get a “Twisted Tent,” then roll the resulting figure into a tube, then place it on the table without straightening the edges.

If you want a simple “Tent” for two, then simply fold the top left corner to the middle down in a napkin folded in half, then the right one, then fold it in half and you’re done.


Answers on questions:
1. Do I really starch napkins (just like our grandmothers, in a tank, with starch)? No, I don’t use starch (I’m still sane), but 100 years ago I bought a wonderful thing - starch aerosol (like hairspray, only starch). It lasts a long time. Sometimes I starch my husband’s shirt collars. So “not just a napkin”)))
2. Do I really make all this beauty on fabric napkins? No. Almost never. I always use paper ones.
3. And often does this happen to me? No, not often. Only sometimes, when someone comes to visit, in front of whom you want to show off (for example, my husband’s friends. My friends and family already know everything about me)))

IN modern world There are so many types of napkins that sometimes you can get lost in their diversity and attempts to find a use for them. Not every person will be able to answer what are the rules for using table napkins, is there a fundamental difference between wet wipes and napkins? intimate hygiene, and certainly few people know how to use self-tanning wipes. Let's find out what these features are.

Table napkins

A mandatory element of table setting is a napkin. This is not only an element of table decoration, but also a hygiene item that allows participants of the meal to keep their hands and mouth clean and protects them from accidental food getting on their clothes.

There are certain table manners, which include how to use table napkins.

The napkin you see on your plate should be unrolled and placed on your lap. If the napkin was served in a ring, then it should be placed next to your plate, in the upper left corner.

Such a napkin, laid out on the lap of the host of the evening, serves as a signal for the start of the meal - before this, the guests do not start eating.

If you need to leave your seat, you leave a clean napkin on your seat. The used napkin should be folded to the left of your plate or put back through the ring, folded so that the stained areas are not visible.

When the meal is completely finished, the napkin should be left on the table to the left of the plate or in place of the plate if it has already been taken away. There is no need to fold the napkin into its original shape, just lay it down carefully, folding it so that no dirty spots are visible.

About the top serving napkins If necessary, you can wipe your fingers and blot your lips, especially before taking a sip from the glass. But wiping your hands too dirty with such a napkin will be unsightly.

To wipe away too greasy stains, it is better to use paper napkins. Use them to remove bones, cartilage and other inedible waste from your mouth.

It is paper napkins that most people prefer to use - in homes, in cafes and even in some restaurants, but you most likely will not see fabric napkins in everyday use. However, this does not mean that etiquette allows you to treat such napkins as you please.

Paper napkins should not be crumpled into a ball - just folded. We place the used napkin under the edge of the plate - there is no need to unfold it on the table or put it in the plate.

How to use table napkins under no circumstances:

  • do not use a dropped napkin;
  • do not wipe your mouth with rubbing movements - you just need to blot it;
  • do not use a textile napkin for painted lips - take a paper one;
  • do not wipe your face with a napkin;
  • Do not use the napkin as a handkerchief.

However, people are interested not only in table napkins, which we were initially accustomed to, but also in their other counterparts. What are they and how to use them?

Wet wipes

In addition to textile and paper napkins for lunch, the popularity of so-called wet wipes, a modern universal hygiene item, has also grown. How have they not learned to use these napkins: they wipe their hands in the absence of water, after using the toilet and being in other public places such as transport, shops, etc., with their help they remove makeup, remove fresh spots from clothes, wipe shoes, wipe furniture, mobile and computer equipment, placed on the forehead as a compress, and the dried napkin is used as a handkerchief.

To avoid allergic reactions You need to use high-quality wet wipes. They should not tear or stretch easily. It is best to purchase them at a pharmacy.

Intimate hygiene wipes

Many women are interested in how to use intimate hygiene wipes. Baby wipes are also popular for hygiene and baby care.

Before using them for hygiene intimate places, make sure that they are really intended for this - many manufacturers offer the most ordinary wet wipes under this guise.

Make sure that these wipes do not contain alcohol - it is harmful for caring for your skin. intimate places. Must be available natural ingredients and extracts: chamomile, calendula, aloe, etc., and sometimes milk protein and whey. Choose wipes without any fragrances, preservatives or with a minimum of them to avoid possible allergies in both your children and you.

However, doctors advise using such wipes as rarely as possible so as not to destroy beneficial microflora along with harmful microorganisms. With daily long-term use Skin irritation is also likely, especially in children.

Matting napkins

Girls in Lately I'm interested in how to use matting wipes. They are able to absorb secretions sebaceous glands, as well as particles of dust and dirt, without damaging the skin. They act on the top layer of the skin, that is, the base of the makeup will not be damaged.

Use them by blotting oily areas on the face. There is no need to rub the skin.

Matting cloth is usually made from thick paper, similar to a cigarette. Mattifying wipes should not contain alcohol.

To avoid possible allergic reactions and irritation from wipes, buy those without fragrances.

Self-tanning wipes

Recently, such know-how as self-tanning wipes has appeared - few people have even heard of them, and even fewer people know how to use such wipes.

These napkins can be used by those people who cannot sunbathe and go to the solarium, and those who want to protect themselves from diseases caused by the sun. The tan lasts for several days and at the same time looks natural, and fades gradually and unnoticeably. The downside is that one napkin may not be enough for the whole body, and applying a tan yourself will not be so easy.

Before applying tan, gather your hair into a bun to avoid getting in the way. The skin must be cleansed. You need to use self-tanning wipes as follows: start wiping your face with a napkin in smooth movements, avoiding the area around the eyes, just as you would apply cream. Then move on to your neck, shoulders, arms and other areas you want to tan. Do not linger on one area for too long with the napkin so that the tan goes on evenly.

After applying the tan, you should wait at least 10 minutes to avoid staining your clothes. You should wash your hands, as they have been in contact with the napkin for the longest time and will become too tanned. The full shade appears after a few hours and may intensify a little more during the day.

Remember that these napkins cannot be reused. They also do not contain a protective component against ultraviolet radiation, so in order to protect from the sun, you should still apply a special product.

Table etiquette is a set of rules of behavior at the table, including many written and unwritten laws. The use of napkins is only part of these rules, the part is essential and significant. What's easier - take a napkin, wipe your lips, face, hands with it... And give yourself away!

Good manners and a graceful combination of all elements table etiquette makes meals an important part of communication. The napkin is given in this important role. Failure to properly use this table setting item can turn dinner into torture.

A napkin (French serviette) or (Italian salvietta) is a small piece of fabric or paper that allows you to keep your face and clothes clean during a meal; a table napkin also serves to decorate the table.

Historical excursion

The napkins are quite old. The ancient Romans ate with their hands, and the role of napkins was played by special slaves: they wiped their hair on them. dirty hands. A little later, the ancient Egyptians used fig tree leaves as napkins. In Greece, napkins were made of alabaster; in order to clean them, they were not washed, but thrown into the fire.

Elegance of manners and refinement of morals were cultivated back in the Middle Ages. Italy is considered the birthplace of table etiquette. Tablecloths and napkins, as integral parts of a cultural feast, penetrate into Europe from this ancient country. Table cloth napkins appeared more than three hundred years ago in Italy and played a decorative role; they were decorated with complex, magnificent patterns painted by hand. Napkins were made from thin, elegant fabrics and lace; they were a luxury item available only to the wealthy.

Napkins came to Russia during the time of Peter I; before that, hands were wiped on the edge of the tablecloth. In Russian villages, the art of decorating and embroidering linen napkins was passed down from generation to generation.

A book on etiquette published in 1729 describes the purpose of napkins:

  • “For wiping lips, mouth and fingers if they are dirty with grease, for wiping a knife before cutting bread, for cleaning a spoon and fork after use. If your fingers are too dirty, first wipe them on bread so you don’t have to use too many napkins.”
  • History has preserved for us exactly the date of the appearance of paper napkins - July 9, 1887. Manufacturer John Dickenson, at a gala dinner on the occasion of the annual meeting of paper manufacturers, proposed for the first time the use of paper napkins.
  • In the east, thin pita bread served as napkins. In Japan and China - leaves rice paper. They kneaded it, used it and threw it away. Such wastefulness seemed blasphemous to guests from Europe, since paper was expensive in those days. It was this habit of the Japanese that laid the foundation for the production of disposable napkins.

Rules for using napkins at the table

The rules are simple and easy to remember. A personal napkin, usually folded nicely on or near a plate, is used to keep clothes clean. This napkin should be unfolded and placed on your lap. The napkin is not tucked into the collar of clothing, nor is it laid out on the chest.

While eating, do not wipe your lips with such a napkin: there are paper napkins on the table for this purpose. At the very end of the meal, you can lightly blot your lips and place the napkin on the table to the right of your plate. There is no need to refold the used napkin. They don’t put a napkin on the seat of a chair or hang it on the back.

It is not customary to wipe your face with napkins; it is better to clean yourself up in the restroom. Before eating, women should carefully and discreetly remove lipstick paper napkin so as not to leave bright marks on glasses and cutlery. This is not just unaesthetic, it is bad manners.

It is unacceptable to use a napkin as a handkerchief and wipe very dirty hands on it. It is indecent to wipe cutlery with a napkin; this can offend the owners by doubting their cleanliness.

If a napkin falls from your lap to the floor, according to the rules of etiquette, the guest himself must pick it up, even if it is a woman. Those sitting nearby should pretend that they didn’t notice anything. If you are dining in a restaurant, you can ask the waiter to bring a clean napkin.

Paper napkins are disposable napkins, that is, they cannot be reused multiple times. The used paper napkin is slightly crumpled and placed under the edge of the bottom plate. You need to blot your lips not only after a meal, but also before each drink: greasy marks on glasses can spoil the appetite of those gathered. As soon as the meal is finished, all used napkins should be piled up on your dirty plate.

Without a napkin, it is impossible to maintain neatness at the table. It doesn’t just decorate the feast, it creates mood, cleanliness and even creates a sensation. Catherine the Great skillfully manipulated alabaster tablecloths and napkins. During sumptuous palace dinners, in a fit of anger, she tore such a tablecloth or napkin from the table and... threw it into the fireplace. The servants then took out an absolutely snow-white tablecloth, untouched by fire, and the guests were indescribably delighted, and quickly spread rumors around the world about the super capabilities of the Russian Empress.

Zhanna Pyatirikova

Paper napkins can be not only a hygiene item, but also a decoration for any table. Why not create for yourself and your loved ones good mood after spending a few minutes on napkin origami? For festive table You can use paper napkins to create real masterpieces in the form of flowers, boats, tents and even butterflies.

All you have to do is show a little imagination or choose one of the options suggested in the article. This table setting looks impressive, does not require special skills from the hostess and does not take much time.

An original version of origami napkins for table decoration

Serving option for breakfast and lunch

A little history about the traditions of serving tables with napkins

If during the Middle Ages a napkin was a luxury item and was made from expensive materials, then today she is assigned a less solemn role. The first paper napkins were used only in the 20th century after the end of the First World War. They began to wear more practical nature and were present in almost every home, regardless of status. It was from this moment that tucking napkins into the collar of a shirt or dress became unnecessary.

Today, the abundance of colors, textures and styles of paper napkins can reincarnate the long-standing tradition of beautiful table settings. Great amount original ideas And available methods Folding napkins allows you to make any breakfast, lunch and dinner festive.

Subtleties of serving napkins on the table

For a paper napkin to look impressive, its design must be unusual, but at the same time easy to unfold.

Simple tea and lunch do not involve complex structures, so it is better to leave the most formal options for dinner. In the first case, you should take napkins 35x35 cm, and for the evening 46x46 cm. During tea drinking, napkins are folded under the side of the plate, under guests' cutlery, a bowl of fruit or under dessert.

Napkins with an ornament and pattern, as well as an openwork edge, just need to be carefully folded into a tube, an envelope or in the shape of a triangle on a plate.

You can use rings for serving or in the handle of a cup, folding the napkin into an origami accordion, and also tie up a dessert spoon.

To save time, you can carefully fold paper napkins into a fan or triangle directly into the napkin holder.

You need to fold paper napkins into origami with clean hands, barely touching the cutlery.

Napkins folded in the shape of cylinders and cones add solemnity to the table.

Do not overdo it with table decoration so that guests do not forget about the intended purpose of paper napkins.

Serving napkins must be absolutely clean and free of stains.

The origami technique came to the aid of the hostess in setting the table. Thanks to simple circuits You can twist a napkin into a flower, a boat or a peacock. In the future, such an activity as origami can turn into a real hobby.

Choosing a color palette for paper napkins

You can create a festive atmosphere on the table with the help of the correct colors of paper napkins.

Green shades will refresh the table if the tablecloth and plates are white or pastel colors.

Using several flowers at once, you can twist red napkins into roses, and lay out green ones with leaves in a circle.

If you are planning a formal dinner or the interior is made in high-tech style, then you should take gray or metallic napkins.

White napkins go with all colors and look great in any design.

When using red on the table, the main thing is not to overdo it and focus on one thing. This could be dishes, then white napkins will look impressive or, conversely, a light service will harmonize with bright scarlet paper napkins on the plates.

Etiquette rules for using napkins

The hosts finished serving and placed their paper masterpiece origami. After the guests have been seated, a number of important rules behavior at the table. They will allow you to comply with etiquette standards and maintain a presentable appearance.

  • When the dish is brought, the paper napkin should be unrolled and placed on your knees with the curve facing you;
  • Blot your lips and wipe your hands with the top of the napkin, lifting the napkin from your knees;
  • If you want to take a sip of water while eating, you should first wet your lips;
  • A napkin that has fallen from the table should be replaced with a new one;
  • It is not customary to remove the napkin from your lap until all guests have finished dinner;
  • After finishing dinner, it is not necessary to fold the napkin neatly; it is enough to place it on the right side of the plate.


  • erase traces of lipstick with a napkin;
  • fidget or fold origami from a napkin while waiting for the ordered dish;
  • Place a paper napkin on the back of a chair or on a plate.

Spectacular options for origami napkins

Napkin Envelope

Fold the origami napkin in half vertically. The fold goes along right side. Fold the napkin in half from bottom to top. Then you need to take the top 2 layers in the left corner and bend them towards the center. We do the same with the right corner. We bend the upper triangle to the bottom edge of the origami napkin. For the remaining 2 layers below, do the same.

Napkin Artichoke

Folding a paper napkin front side down. Then we bend the corners to the center as in the picture. We turn the structure over and bend the corners to the center again. At the bottom of the origami napkin there are unbent edges in the form of triangles. We hold the corners in the center and pull these edges up. You get cute petals.