The mystery of opal: interesting facts and magical properties. Properties of opal stone and who it suits according to their zodiac sign


Unlike most precious stones, this is not a crystal. There are two different types: precious opal, which shimmers with all the colors of the rainbow, depending on the viewing angle, i.e. the angle of refraction of light, and there is an ordinary one, in which the iridescence of the colors of the rainbow is practically invisible.

Photos of opal:

Color effect noble opal associated with its structure, which contains miniature flint spheres that reflect light.

Gemological characteristics:

It can be transparent or completely opaque in appearance and is usually ground into a cabochon shape and sometimes faceted, and opal is often used to make carved figurines and beads.

It is a type of mineral with an amorphous structure (i.e., without shape). IN chemical composition includes SiO2 and H2O (water content usually from 3 to 14% by weight, but sometimes above 20%). The refractive index (of light) is approximately 1.45, but can reach up to 1.42 depending on the type of opal. Its hardness does not exceed 5 to 7 on the Mohs scale.

Very sensitive to heat or sudden change temperature. Should never be cleared jewelry with opal using ultrasound as ultrasound will destroy the stone.

As a non-crystalline mineral, it can dry out and crack. It is fragile and can contain encapsulated water up to thirty percent of its total weight. This is because too much heat can cause the surface to lose its shine and also cause the surface to crack when we quickly step out of a warm room into a cold outdoor environment.

There are a wide variety of colors and types: white, black opal, fire, blue, Peruvian, pink. This list is quite extensive.

Magic properties:

Opal is a stone of inspiration and also enhances imagination and Creative skills. It helps release internal energy and strengthen memory.

It is a silicate containing water, which in turn connects with our emotions. Cleanses and also enhances feelings, emotions and desires (including love and passion).

Increases personal power, helps discover internal forces and provides protection from danger. It is a symbol of hope, enhances energy, and facilitates the processes of change. It strengthens you in emotional turmoil and helps you let go of the past.

The fire mineral is often used in magic to attract money. It is also effective in magical ritual increasing passion in relationships. Works great with the four elements and directs the energy of fiery spirits in a positive direction.

Blue: main stone for the fulfillment of all forms of desires, for entry into the astral world beyond the limits of immediate physical reality

Blue-green (Chrysopal): opens up new experiences and encourages openness of others. Helps you see the world with new eyes and also relieves emotional stress.

Green Opal: Useful for cleansing and rejuvenation, emotional uplift and provides support in relationships. It has the ability to filter information and also reorient consciousness. Gives meaning Everyday life and helps to achieve a clearer spiritual perspective.

Pink: Promotes feelings of self-centeredness, but spiritual level This opal activates clairvoyance. May be especially useful in treating headaches caused by a blocked or closed Third Eye Chakra.

It is known to increase sex appeal, and this leads to a higher spiritual experience. One of the most powerful stones Good luck. It transforms fears into optimism and a desire to change your life.

Black color is valued by magicians for the high energy of the stone. It enhances power and whoever wears it attracts good luck.

Blue Peruvian: Relatively rare view. This semi transparent stone with a blue-green color, very similar to the color of the sea in the Caribbean. It has a gentle relaxing energy and is said to eliminate any tension in any type of communication, so that it becomes easier to convey your ideas and thoughts to the interlocutor. There is an opinion that it softens the effects of stress and helps to get rid of mental trauma. It is good for calming the mind and helping you sleep.

Pink Peruvian opal: Raises the spirit and improves mood.

All opals are believed to bring good luck.


Opals are very sensitive to the energy and vibrations of the wearer and begin to emit the same vibrations as the owner of the stone. On the one hand, a wonderful stone for a person who wants to express himself more clearly. If one really strongly believes in an idea, the stone emits positive vibrations and thus attracts what the person holds in mind.

However, on the other hand, it will extract negative vibrations with the same force. Therefore, do not use opal when you are feeling depressed, pessimistic or hostile, as this can greatly complicate your condition.

Opal is known to help strengthen the will to live. Healers claim that it stimulates the glands and regulates metabolism. Renders beneficial influence on the human psyche, retains warm healing energy and restores harmony.

White: Significantly increases overall performance through activation of essential glands. Regulates the wearer's biorhythms and helps avoid conflicting energy, which can lead to uncontrolled behavior between absolute activity and general passivity. Harmonizes desires, creates great love to food, and not just appetite, restores the pleasure of what you eat, which relieves indigestion.

Fire: protects against emotional turmoil and is a wonderful stone for letting go of the past. It resonates with the stomach bottom back and triple fire meridian. Heals the intestines and kidneys and balances the adrenal glands. It also stimulates the genitals and is an excellent stone for warming up and energizing.

Blue: Emotional nourishment supports the path to spiritual goals. Useful when past life experiences negatively affect your current life, it will help develop a new plan.

Blue-green (Chrysopal): Removes toxins and restores the liver, and also relieves the feeling of tightness in the heart and chest.

Green: Green opal strengthens immune system and helps get rid of colds and flu.

Pink Opal: Can be especially helpful in treating headaches caused by a blocked or closed Third Eye Chakra. Promotes tissue regeneration and the treatment of blood diseases, muscle tension, as well as spinal diseases and menopausal symptoms.

Black / Brown / Gray: Particularly useful for releasing sexual tension that is caused by emotional reasons. It will help relieve chronic bone problems. Use it to counteract negative consequences x-rays or laser treatment, as well as to reduce toxicity during necessary chemical medical procedures.

Which zodiac sign suits:

The stone fell on its own properties will suit Cancer, Libra, Pisces and Scorpio.

Opal represents natural mineral, which gained wide popularity in jewelry. Its composition is extremely similar to quartz, but with a variable water content.

Since ancient times, opal has been highly valued, and cunning swindlers have always taken advantage of this, trying to sell ordinary glass for big money.

Basic properties

Before considering the properties of opal stone, it is useful to pay attention to some characteristics of this mineral. Opal differs from other minerals in that it does not have a crystal lattice and is characterized by a low hardness index. The largest deposit of natural opal was discovered in Australia. The largest specimen of opal weighing 5 kg was also found there.

Due to microscopic inclusions of black soil, the stone can refract light, which gives a product made from it a playful quality.

Can opal have an impact on life?

Found unusual properties The stone fell back to the ancient Romans. They associated this mineral with love, hope for a better future, and a more stable life. A little later, creative people became interested in the stone and began to use the mineral to develop their talents.

Different types of stone

Often the place of origin of the stone, its color and transparency have different characteristics. In different sources, descriptions of the stone, information about the magical properties of opal and its impact on human life may be contradictory.

One of the old Australian legends says that once a rainbow descended on the earth and created all possible shades of this mineral. What properties does it have depending on its color?

The stone is orange-red. Its main property is protection from natural disasters. If you look at it more closely, you can see a whole world in this stone - inside the stone it is as if there are clouds, earth, mountains.

Fire opal has been used since ancient times as remedy. Until the 2nd century AD e. he was considered one of the most suitable minerals for the treatment of diseases of the cardiovascular system. One of his distinctive properties- absorb diseases and illnesses. Modern lithotherapists advise using fire opal in following cases:

  • CNS diseases;
  • eye diseases;
  • disorders of the kidneys and gastrointestinal tract;
  • cold;
  • to stimulate mental activity.

Fire opal also has a number of magical properties. Jewelry with opal of this shade was often used to celebrate various kinds rituals, and sorcerers and magicians wore it as a talisman. It was believed that the mineral was able to protect against evil eyes and damage. The following are noted magical properties fire opal:

  • protection from negative manifestations of the elements;
  • stimulating the gift of prophecy;
  • amulet from the evil eye and damage;
  • revealing the talents inherent in a person.

As a talisman, jewelry with opal fiery hue Ideal for any creative person. It allows you to find inspiration and energy for creation. Fire opal is more suitable for strong, active individuals. It is not recommended for calm people to wear it - after all, fire opal can add to their life powerful force, which will destroy regularity and predictability. This mineral is best suited for Sagittarius and Leo.

Black opal: magical characteristics

This mineral can have brown, purple and reddish hues. Most often found in Australia. Possesses very powerful energy, in many countries it is used as a talisman against the influence of black magicians. It also allows you to discover your talents. It is believed that this stone brings happiness and helps drive away fears. The sages of Ancient India believed that black opal helps children grow, stimulates brain activity, and improves relationships between people.

In Europe, a symbol of good and harmonious relations considered black opal. The meaning of the stone among the inhabitants of Eastern countries was exactly the opposite. The Arabs associated black opal with deceptive hopes that clouded the mind with base passions. Black opal is suitable for only one zodiac sign - Scorpio.

Medicinal properties

This mineral helps with heart disease, depression, and frequent fainting. Allows you to calm the central nervous system, relieve aggressiveness and irritability. Restores visual acuity. It is believed that black opal can normalize almost all body functions. It helps make childbirth easier for women. There is an opinion that a ring with an opal of this shade can even cure infertility.

Supporters unconventional methods Treatments use this stone to treat the nervous system, get rid of nightmares, and relieve the effects of stress.

Lechos-opal (chrysopal)

This is the name of the green stone. It may have an apple or grassy color. Chrysopal is often used as a jewelry stone.

Chrysopal is a real talisman for all business and purposeful people. It helps to realize oneself in a career and also attracts financial viability. Green color This mineral is very juicy and rich.

One of the properties of an opal stone of this noble shade is its ability to bring good luck in new acquaintances and open up endless opportunities for its owner. Chrysopal, like other opals, is considered good amulet from damage and the evil eye.

IN alternative medicine used for treatment allergic reactions, bleeding gums. The green color of the mineral allows short term get rid of depression, irritability, insomnia.

From an astrological point of view, this variety is suitable for almost all representatives of the zodiac constellations. Only Taurus and Capricorn need to avoid chrysopal - it is completely unsuitable for them.

Properties of white opal stone

A transparent stone that shimmers with soft blue shades. It suits everyone well creative individuals, whose activities are related to music. Once upon a time, magicians endowed this mineral special properties. It was believed that it enhances intuition and makes a person more receptive, which is why white opal is still used in many rituals. In addition, it helps:

  • protect yourself from the evil eye;
  • enhance positive energy;
  • preserve youth;
  • charge water;
  • get rid of nightmares.

White opal makes a person kind and sensitive. It can only be worn by those people who know what they want from life. Otherwise, you cannot count on the protection of white opal. The zodiac signs that the mineral is suitable for are Scorpio and Pisces.

Treatment characteristics

Previously, it was believed that this mineral relieves pain well. It was applied to the inflamed area. The stone also helps:

  • get rid of depression;
  • improve vision;
  • used in the treatment of heart attacks.

Pink mineral

An old Indian legend tells about this mineral. According to the parable, the goddess of love, fleeing from her worshipers, fell to the ground and crumbled into pieces precious minerals. Pink opal was considered a sacred stone by many peoples. For example, the Incas and Aztecs saw the eyes of the gods in the gem. They believed that he could protect them from evil spirits and give them harmony with nature.

Useful properties of pink opal

Due to its rich composition, the mineral has a positive effect on health.

  • improves metabolism and gastrointestinal function;
  • helps with cardiovascular diseases;
  • strengthens the immune system, helps cope with viral diseases;
  • treats depression, stabilizes the psyche;
  • relieves headaches;
  • allows for faster recovery after surgical interventions.

This unusual mineral It also has a number of powerful magical properties.

  • develops clairvoyance abilities;
  • allows you to reveal your inner abilities and talents;
  • has a positive effect on passion, helps to reveal sexuality;
  • clears the mind of worries and fears, heals spiritual wounds;
  • enhances female attractiveness.

The pink mineral is considered a stone of renewal, as it rids its owner of old views on life and brings newness. This stone is best suited for signs such as Capricorn and Gemini.

Ethiopian crystal

Ethiopia, besides Australia, is one of the largest exporters of this amazing stone. The shades of opal are quite diverse. The color range ranges from red to rare blue. This mineral is characterized by a delightful pattern, combined with bright colors. It is believed that one of its main medicinal properties is to bring “light energy” to all chakras. allows you to cleanse yourself of negativity, replace negative vibrations with high vibrations of love for the world.

As for the magical properties of the stone, it is used to enhance emotional energy - both positive and negative. This type of opal is considered a stone to enhance the imagination and is often used in magical practices. It is recommended to wear it on the neck in the solar plexus area. It is not recommended to give Ethiopian opal to anyone - it brings a feeling of envy to the giver, this can provoke quarrels. There is an opinion that if you set the mineral in gold, its magical properties will double. This stone is best suited for Libra.

Whose character is the stone suitable for?

Who is opal suitable for? To owners of what character will the mineral bring greatest benefit? This stone should be worn with caution. After all, opal will bring joy and energy to some, while for others it will only destabilize the situation. Let's consider the main categories of people for whom this mineral may be suitable, or, on the contrary, cause concern.

  • Most often, it is recommended to wear a mineral of any shade creative people, since this stone is very interesting and unique.
  • It is not recommended for irritable and aggressive people to wear it. In this case, it will not be useful.
  • There is an opinion that opals “get along” very poorly with fickle, flighty people.
  • Anyone who constantly works with people cannot do without white opal. One of its main properties is to give confidence and calmness.
  • Black opal is well suited for those who suffer from depression, excessive excitability, and irritability.
  • Pink opal (another name is Andean opal) is suitable for anyone who is being treated for any disease. He is also the mascot of the hippie movement - people who sought unity with nature.

Properties of the stone for women

For your unusual look opal has gained fame as one of the most beautiful minerals for jewelry. Products made from opal in silver look especially attractive.

In the dark Middle Ages, opal was considered the “eye of evil,” but later the stone came back into fashion. For example, in European countries, blondes of the 16th century believed that a necklace made from a unique mineral made their hair even more beautiful.

The royals also did not remain indifferent to opals. Opal was held in high esteem by the famous Frenchwoman Josephine Bonaparte, Russian Empress Alexandra Feodorovna and Queen Foggy Albion Victoria.

The following properties of opal stone for women are distinguished:

  • The black mineral harms ladies with weak character, as it increases the craving for wicked pleasures.
  • White opal helps develop artistry. In eastern countries it is considered a talisman that protects family happiness.
  • Fire opal will help a woman manage her business.

It should be noted that jewelry with this mineral, such as opal rings, cannot be worn on one hand all the time. It will work better if you put it on from one hand to the other.

These crystals have extraordinary energy and beauty. Opal renews a person’s life, preserves health, youth and well-being.

There are a great many varieties of opals; they can be roughly divided into ordinary and precious stones. Distinctive Features The first is the inexpressive palette, the lack of characteristic rich tints. The gem contains water, depending on the concentration (from 4 to 30%), transparency will be higher, low content will lead to the formation of cracks.

Physical properties of opal stone:

  • all representatives of the opal family have a characteristic pearlescent luster;
  • The degree of transparency varies – from cloudy specimens with many inclusions to full-fledged transparent minerals;
  • These are fragile gems on the Mohs scale, the hardness does not exceed 6.5;
  • each representative has a special glow, white - blue, pink, white, red - burgundy-green, black stone - multi-colored;
  • the presence of water in the composition makes the material sensitive to various liquids, as well as temperature conditions, must not be left in open sunlight.

The main deposits are concentrated in Australia, the gemstone is considered a national treasure, the volume is equal to 97% of world production. Also found in the form of layers rocks in Ethiopia, Mexico, Brazil, Guatemala, Russia, Japan, USA, Kazakhstan.

Types of opals

Varieties of opal species:

  1. Black is considered the rarest and most expensive, and dark blue is also found, purple disgraced.
  2. Fire opal is found in Mexico, the palette ranges from honey-yellow to rich hyacinth shades, and has a subtle pearlescent sheen.
  3. Varieties of opal include amazing pearl gems, specimens are opaque, there are various inclusions, similar gems are found in Kazakhstan.
  4. Blue - the description of the stone corresponds to sea blue, incredibly bright saturated color can be confused with artificial, its peculiarity is the ability to change color from pale blue to dark blue.
  5. Green opal is the most popular among collectors; it is opaque, similar to jade, but the color scheme is brighter and the patterns are contrasting.
  6. Whatever shade is found in the opal family, there are even waxy gems similar to.

The Roman historian Pliny first spoke about the incredibly beautiful and unique gem. He said that this mineral is difficult to describe because of its diversity color range, compared to other stones. The second difference is its nature - it is not a stone or a mineral, but a gel.

It does not have the crystalline structure that most gemstones have. It belongs to bioliths, in this category there are stones of biological origin, along with amber, pearls, coral and other stones.

At the opal amorphous structure, it is called a pseudomineral because it is the product of the hardening of a hydrogel, which consists of water, quartz particles and some other minerals.

Where did the stone come from? Its origin still raises questions among scientists. They believe there is a process going on acid weathering of rocks and mineral replacement. The base can be stones, as well as fossilized remains of animals or plants.

Types of opal

There are many types of opals, great friend from each other in structure, composition, structure. An important parameter is the amount of water. This stone 10–20% consists of water, sometimes its amount reaches 30%. The more liquid, the more transparent the stone. With a gradual loss of fluid, the stone turns into chalcedony, but if severe dehydration occurs, the opal may simply crumble.

Differences in types of opal

The characteristic features of opal are a milky tint and a special shine, look at the photo. But if it contains not only water and quartz, but other stones, then it acquires colored spots which give him different shade and brightness. Their different combinations affect the types of opal:

  • Hydrovane is a transparent stone that becomes so when soaked in water.
  • Hyalite is a colorless gem with the highest liquid content.
  • Cacholong - porcelain-colored opal, opaque white.
  • Black - stone without inserts is very dark color or black.
  • Jirasol - blue opal or white with veins.
  • Fiery - the stone has shades of yellow, red, orange.
  • Royal - thin inserts of opal on any breed.
  • Harlequin is a multi-colored mosaic opal pattern.
  • Peruvian - mined in Peru, shades are soft pink or blue.

The type of opal depends on the conditions of its formation, is associated with the deposit where it was mined.

More than 90% of modern opals are mined in Australia. Not long ago, small deposits were found in Mexico, Peru, USA, Brazil, Czech Republic, Japan, and Russia. The recent news is that stones similar to opals have been found on Mars.

Properties of opal stone

Along with other stones, various magical properties are attributed to opal. It is believed that it is capable of inducing a gift in the field of magic, affecting the ability of fortune telling, clairvoyance, and prediction. For example, in India they believe that wearing opal by children has beneficial effect on their health, strength, increases the thirst for knowledge, clarifying the mind.

Interestingly, different cultures view this stone differently. In the East, it is a symbol of deceptive hopes, illusions and empty dreams. In Europe, it is a symbol of trust, hope, tender and pure love.

At the same time, people are confident that opal is capable of protect against diseases, affecting the nervous system, and also has a healing effect on vision, relieving eye fatigue.

Opal is considered a diagnostician. The stone loses its shine and changes color when its owner becomes ill, while he is not yet aware of it. There are reasons for this, because an opal stone loses its liquid as the temperature rises, and therefore loses its characteristic shine.

Opal is a stone of inspiration. It enhances the imagination, thereby activating creativity.

This is a silicate containing water, which, when combined with our emotions, cleanses. It also enhances feelings and desires, including love and passion.

Magic properties

Opals are very sensitive to carrier energy, the owner of the stone emits vibrations, the stone echoes him, enhancing them. On the one hand, the stone will help you express yourself more clearly. For example, if a person has strong faith in an idea, then the opal begins to emit positive vibrations, attracting what is on the person's mind.

But on the other hand, opal also enhances negative attitudes. Conclusion: do not use the energy of opal in a depressed state of mind, with a hostile attitude or pessimism, because the gem can greatly make your condition worse.

Medicinal properties

Opal is believed to strengthen the will to live. Healers are confident that it stimulates the glands and regulates metabolism. Has a beneficial effect on the human psyche, helps restore harmony.

Opal Care

Gem requires careful handling. It is able to absorb some liquids, its appearance can be damaged by: dirty water, ink or other colored liquid. Their structure is very susceptible to heat, so it can irreparably spoil their appearance.

To keep the stone in its original form, wipe it with a cloth soaked in oil.

White opal is one of the varieties of opals that is used in jewelry making and is available to most buyers. The material is considered semiprecious stone and emphasizes the girl’s style.

White opal

Characteristics of the stone and its varieties

By nature, opals are amorphous minerals, which are 30% water, the rest of the stone is silica. The formula of the substance is written as SiO2nH2O, and depending on the amount of impurities, the structure and shade of opal is formed. In fact, the stone can be called a frozen gel of water and silicic acid. Under a microscope, the structure of the stone consists of small silica crystals.

Gemologists determine the main tone of the opal; it is also called the background of the stone. Additional shades are also determined that appear due to the iridescent effect and are visible depending on the lighting. The number and variety of additional shades of rainbow colors affects the cost.

The main shade is black, white or grey colour. To determine the tone of the substance, a gemologist should look at the opal from above in daylight. If we talk about white opal, the tones of the stone can also be different: from white to milky.

The stone is whimsical to environmental conditions. The specimen should be protected from contact with sun rays, avoid heating the stone, as well as excessive humidity or dryness. The composition of opal can change over time. The stone can either absorb water from the environment or dry out and crack. The mineral is soft, can be easily broken down and dissolves in hydrofluoric acid.

If we talk about the varieties of white opal, then it is worth highlighting the following subspecies of the stone:

  • hydrofan - a cloudy variety of white;
  • cacholong (pearl) - porcelain-like opal;
  • reed - milky white stone;
  • hyalite is a water-transparent mineral resembling glass;
  • milky opal - opaque, color from milky white to yellowish, and in some cases greenish;
  • white is the most affordable variety of opal;
  • Jirasol is a pale milky stone with reddish or bluish highlights, the most expensive variety of white stone.

Opals are mined in many countries. True, the deposits themselves are small and are quickly depleted. Therefore, searching for new mining sites is a profitable business, since the cost of the stone does not fall and the mineral does not go out of fashion. Now opals are brought from such countries as:

  1. Italy.
  2. Australia.
  3. South Wales.
  4. Russia (Transbaikalia and Stavropol Territory).
  5. Ukraine (slopes of the Carpathians).

But they are rare: in deposits such specimens account for only 1% of the total production. Australian stones are considered the most valuable.

The cost of a piece depends on the type of opal. On average, you will have to pay from $80 per carat for a white mineral. As a result, the cost will depend on the size of the stone and setting, that is, the complexity of the work, the alloy of the precious metal.

Triplets and doublets are often found in stores. These are stones made by jewelers and consisting of a piece of opal combined with helistone or obsidian. This type of stone is easy to distinguish, since the place of gluing is visible to the naked eye. But such specimens are cheaper than full-fledged minerals.

Healing and magical properties

The mineral has big amount properties that are valued by lithotherapists and esotericists. Since the mineral has feminine energy, it affects precisely female body. In most countries, such stones were given to brides as wedding gifts to help them get pregnant faster.

Ring with white opal

Infusions were often made from the stone; they were taken every day during pregnancy, as well as after childbirth to improve lactation. The mineral itself was to be worn daily as jewelry or in a pocket in the form of a stone. The mineral was placed under the pillow of a woman in labor during childbirth to facilitate and speed up the process. Every opal white has this effect, and cacholong also calms the nervous system and relieves pain.

Women who are not pregnant should wear the stone to relieve pain during menstruation. Constant use of white opal relieves stress and also nervous system will not be overloaded. The stone will not allow you to fall into depression or melancholy.

Opal is able to remove toxins from the body, reduce the manifestations of gastrointestinal diseases and speed up recovery after any illness. If you look at opal, you can calm your eyesight after a working day and lower eye pressure.

The stone has good energy. The mineral is recommended to be worn not only by women or mothers, but also by representatives of humanitarian professions. The stone helps doctors, lawyers, and teachers in their work. Doctors will be able to diagnose the disease faster. And those whose work is related to politics and people management will feel responsible and will treat their work with full responsibility. With the mineral, a person is able to make an informed decision; opal helps improve financial situation and raise the standard of living.

White opal encourages its owner to be softer, promotes empathy and compassion. Even in the East, opal is considered a symbol of faith and love, respectively, it is best gift for a wedding. The stone helps the family, as well as their future children. You can wear opal with early age, it enlightens the mind and helps children grow. It will be easier for a person to make friends with him.

Opal reacts to a person’s state and his emotions. Therefore, it should not be worn by too hot-tempered individuals, namely representatives of such zodiac signs as Aries, Sagittarius - people become even more emotional. And other zodiac signs can acquire a copy, especially for Libra, the stone helps to improve their material condition, and in Pisces it reveals a healing gift.

To activate the energy of opal, lithotherapists advise wearing jewelry like a ring alternately on different hands. Women with opal will quickly attract the attention of men. And wives who have this stone will be faithful guardians of the hearth.

Opal stone is a harmless mineral with interesting effects. Of course, he will attract attention and will suit any occasion. The stone can be worn both in summer and winter, it goes well with feminine style, sometimes accentuates an office outfit. The mineral will relieve and protect from negativity, but it also requires proper care.