Hourglass as a gift. Poems for a watch gift Wishes when giving a watch

Other reasons

I give you a watch so you can know the time.
Know when to sleep, when to have lunch.
In order not to be late anywhere,
And therefore flourish!

A watch is a very necessary gift,
Accept it as a sign of our friendship,
Let the walkers go forever
And they never lag behind!


I'm giving you a watch today,
The shooter can’t turn the move,
Let the clock of love count
Measure happiness the way.

May it bring good luck
This sweet present of mine,
You definitely won't miss them
On a positive note.


I give you a watch
With only one sight:
Remember, time is not worth it
And it is priceless.

Don't waste a minute
And live to the fullest.
Let fate run
It will be very long.


I give you a watch
To know the time exactly,
So that you can be on time everywhere,
Don't be late for anything.

I wish that by
Not a minute has passed
Royal to precision
You always have.

Let the arrows run in a circle,
Day after day, year after year,
Every second in life
Let happiness carry you.


I give you the item you need
It's very difficult to do without him,
It has a mysterious hidden secret,
You can use it to tell the time!

Well of course it's a watch
It was hard not to guess here.
I wish life's weight
They just began to lean towards joy!

Cool poems and congratulations for a gift clock - wall, hand


Our life is too fleeting
And I really want to live forever!
And we give you this watch,
So that you can manage your time.


We wish you joy and happiness,
From dream to action it’s just a step!
Great to take part
Giving time means you're just a Magician!
Strap, bracelet - it doesn’t matter anymore,
But the arrows are already running!
Everything around is changing, but everyone
He will tell you about the watch: & laquo; this is buzz!
When all the gifts are forgotten
... the holidays will quickly fly by,
The clock will continue to make you happy,
There will be a lot of joyful moments!


I congratulate you today,
I solemnly present the watch.
Let them help you remember
Everything that has become expensive:

A moment of happiness, a moment of luck,
And joy in the fate of the moment.
And every day and every hour
Just so you know: life is good!


I'm giving you a present,
It will come in handy, I know for sure.
Everyone wants a watch
But they will be yours.

And don’t be afraid that before separation,
Give me your hand quickly.
Don't believe in superstitions
After all, they are yours now.


I give you a special gift,
Helps you be punctual
He is stylish and extravagant,
And it’s so difficult to live without him.

Of course I'm talking about watches
They are the need of the world,
I wish I won't be late for you,
Wear a watch and be happy.

Beautiful wishes for a watch gift


To always know the exact time,
Take this watch as a gift!
Look how beautiful it is
There is no more luxurious watch in the world!

Let them be with you everywhere,
With a watch it’s easier, life is better!
Don't forget in the bustle,
That you need to appreciate every moment!


Accept it as a gift now
These glorious hours
May there be only moments of happiness
They will all deduct.

Let it tick properly
This cunning mechanism
Brings stability into your life
And stingy rationalism.


I'll give you a watch
At such a solemn moment,
Decorated your hand
My wonderful present.

So that the arrows, moving forward,
The minutes were carefully counted
To the time where happiness awaits,
And there is no place to find sadness!


Please accept this watch as a gift -
Not just a trinket, they are so needed.
They will always tell you what time it is
And they will decorate you elegantly.

Top quality - no doubt about it
Feel free to wear and enjoy.
The watch will never let you down.
They walk clearly like a crystal heart.

I hope you are pleased with my gift?
After all, he is from the heart and, moreover, good.
Let it decorate your life path
And they will lead you to your cherished goal.


I'll give you a watch
I am with this in mind:
To make everything clear
In a crazy rhythm.

Only to help only you
Walkers will come.
And moments for yourself
They remain for days.


So that you value time,
To be its owner,
To live without delay,
The winner came out of the tests,
We give you a watch
May you have many happy times
It will be in your destiny!


My friend, close and beloved,
I give you a watch
After all, like time, constant,
There can only be one you.

So they suit you
I'm really touched
And they will call you
When it's time to get up.

This is my congratulations to you,
I give from my heart,
You should always know this
I appreciate you very much.


I prepared a surprise for you
And finally the day has come
Hold the gift, my (Name),
Open it, it's yours now.

I gave you a watch
I hope you liked it
Because we are all so good
We've been worrying about the gift for so long.


Here's a watch for you as a gift,
Let them count the days of happiness.
Let punctuality help
Find them for you.

Let the arrows tick clearly,
The mechanism will not go astray
Let the walkers train
You are rational.


Elegance and design,
The main thing about this watch.
Rather, try them on your hand,
I'm almost sure you'll say - ah!

Let these arrows measure only happiness,
I wish you not to be saddened by bitter wounds.
So that you don't encounter misfortune,
Great success for the ladies.


Congratulations from the bottom of my heart
And I give you a watch.
So that everyone always succeeds,
We didn't forget anything.

To look at the gift,
Everyone was getting richer every day.
And appreciated every hour,
Remember that they love you!

Be happy always
Be noble.
For the rest of my life I wish
A holiday to remember!


Tick-Tock, your gift speaks,
Let him count only joyful days.
I believe that the watch will complement the image,
Let the arrows of happiness not rush to move.

I wish you well,
May success help you in many ways.
So that you don't remain lonely,
Friends and relatives, so as not to forget.


To keep time under control
You always had it
I'll give you a watch today
I'm here for many years.

Let the walkers count
The joys of the moment
Let them draw arrows for you
Happiness is only routes.

May my gift help
Be sure to do everything in time,
All the things and all the worries
Win without delay.


For example, wrist watch!

  • and glory...

as they say, God protects!

  • A tube.
    and friendship."
  • Mirror
  • Wallet with one hundred rubles
  • Flashlight.
  • Ladle-cup
  • Binoculars.



Hobbit gifts have nothing to do with creativity
English writer J.R.R. Tolkien. The founder of the fantasy genre spoke in his books about hobbits - short people with legs covered with fur. But there are other "hobbits". These are people who have
a passion in life, or, to put it in English, a hobby

Of course, all collectors can be counted among such “hobbits.” But collectors of badges and calendars do not fill all the space
world of hobbies. Collecting is just one type of hobby. Most hobbies have nothing to do with collecting.

Giving gifts to hobbits is as easy as giving gifts to foragers.

Especially if the gift giver is passionate about the same thing as the gift recipient. If the giver of the gift has another hobby or does not have any, he
can use the following tips.

  • For fishing lovers you can give a spinning rod, jig, spinners,
    floats or a box for sitting on the ice near the hole.

  • For fans of baths, steam rooms, saunas, you can present a large towel and brooms (birch, oak, juniper, etc.).

  • Gourmands You can make them happy with any set, kitchen appliances or a set of exotic spices in gift jars.

  • Pet lovers You can please them with collars, leashes, cages, bowls or a large package of food for your indoor pet.

  • For car enthusiasts you can give them any spare part for their iron friend, a set of tools, but best of all - a first aid kit or fire extinguisher
    (true motorists always lack money to purchase precisely these items required by the traffic police).

  • Passionate athletes will never refuse new sports equipment, be it a ball or a tennis racket, a kimono or a swimming suit
    cap, expander or exercise bike.

  • For sophisticated fans of theatrical art You can make a present in the form of theater binoculars.

  • Having a penchant for moving places, or, more simply, travel lovers can be gifted with what is on sale under the heading “travel”: a travel iron, a travel alarm clock, a travel pillow, a travel boiler, a travel folding knife.

  • For craftsmen knitting needles or hooks, cutters or gravers, brushes or palette knives, hoops or vices, as well as high-quality material for future masterpieces are always useful.

And among the “hobbits” there are flower growers and billiard players, mushroom pickers and yachtsmen, gamblers and hunters, coffee lovers and hang gliders, slaves of the Runet and conservatives (who like to preserve everything for the winter).

And you can give them all something related to their all-consuming passion.
Or- brightly designed books about their passion.

Or- subscriptions to relevant periodicals.

And if funds allow, you can make a more expensive gift. For example, the same as Dylan McDermott did for his dad when he gave him a golf course.

In general, giving gifts to “hobbits” is the sweetest thing. But the speech accompanying the process of giving must be structured according to the following scheme: “I know that you are an avid person... and that’s why I’m giving...”


04 Feb 2013

First, let's deal with flowers. They are definitely needed. The best option is several red roses. All women know that this means passionate love, and are thrilled by such an emotional gift. It's nice when a man so decisively indicates his intentions. However, sometimes you can give a charming bouquet of forget-me-nots, lilies of the valley or snowdrops: romantic, impressive. By the way, it will be even more romantic and mysterious to order a bouquet of flowers for your loved one with home delivery.
Sweets are the second indispensable attribute. Good chocolates are golden classics, like scarlet roses. (For example, I don’t have a single friend who would object to Korkunov brand sets). You can, of course, bring one chocolate bar; but big and expensive. If you are already tired of chocolate, then a cake will do just fine. Colorful fruit fantasies look charming. The main thing in the cake is that it is not too fatty, otherwise the girl will not eat it, fearing for her figure! Especially if you want to end a romantic evening with a passionate night: a woman may refuse, thinking that after the cake she is “out of shape” today.
However, if you add champagne to the sweets, then the last counterarguments and stubbornness will probably evaporate. Champagne is generally highly, highly recommended. For some reason, no expensive wine makes a woman’s heart beat as fast as this French drink.
But all this is just “sauce”. What to give as a “main course”? Believe me, your chosen one’s entire apartment is probably already filled with plush animals. Don't even try to choose perfume or cosmetics for her according to your own taste. A book, of course, is the “best gift,” but it is unlikely to lead your chosen one into sensual ecstasy. Like films and music discs... m
I think I won’t give away a big secret if I admit that what women like most is gold jewelry - the best proof of men’s feelings. The second eternal value after love. They, decorations, usually have a magical effect on a girl’s imagination and will. At first it may seem like a rather expensive gift.
What to give a guy? (humor)
The Koran is certainly the best gift, for Allah, as you know, Akbar
Sciatic nerve massager. with hydraulic drive from the Krasnoyarsk hydroelectric power station.
Bloom or slug of cesium-238. let the sunshine out of happiness)
Audio cassette with the blessing of the Pope on one side and 3 hours of Gogol's laughter on the other
Efficient - a 12mm wrench and a nut with a reverse conical thread.
A priceless thing in a household is an eternal primus needle. A thing in itself.
A cat that walks by itself. (it's like a Moebius strip, or a Klein bottle), you can give all Kuklachev's cats. together with Kuklachev
Photopanel - scene of the battle of the Lulubeys with the Drevlyans and Vyatichi. 1.5m x 600m.
Horns from a trolleybus. I have a friend, a big doc, who will help you choose.
A fur coat with the tail of ants, embroidered with beads to the point of disgrace.
Correspondence between Gumilyov and Zinaida Gipius and Olga Forsh. with stains from the last tears.
A retort with dolphin larvae would be a very edifying gift.
Order of appointment as an infantryman in the third dragoon regiment. To the second phalanx. Reserve, in case of war.
Censer. With a year's supply of oil.
As a bonus - a set of internal rules of the synagogue for boys 2-5 years old. Accordingly, she will go with an atheistic brochure, with empirical evidence that there is no God. m
They also give a bullet to a fool. And the bayonet - well done.
Shaquille O'Neal's pointe shoes, size 56.
Death of Koshchei. in faberge egg
Cuckoo wristwatch. Worn by Admiral Nelson and Nelson Mandella
A platoon of Numidian horsemen will pleasantly surprise and undoubtedly delight you. under the leadership of the desperate brave man and head-off Gnaeus Pompilius. A tough warrior. He will tell you how to cut it.
The pattern according to which Pharaoh Amenhotep cut the underwear of the autocrat and tyrant Tukkultininurta.
Epics of Gilgamesh "about having seen it all", with poems by the group "Hands Up"
It's better to give the horns. The horns contain pantocrine. Very useful for men
A banal gyroscopic synchro stabilizer for the KR-t 629 spy satellite, modification “c”
From the animal world... yeast. But you can spores of the pale spirochete, Koch bacillus. Then definitely muntjac or sivoreria. Although it's too simple...
The mummy of Vladimir Ilyich Krupsky because he lived is alive and will live, Lenin is always with you, Lenin is always alive


More congratulations from the section:

Symbolic gifts are not really symbolic gifts. That is, every object has weight, color, smell, etc., but there is no such quality as “symbolism”. People make things symbolic.
Moreover, among different nations... what are there nations!... in different cities and - even - different families, the same object sometimes has completely different symbolic meanings.
For example, wrist watch!

  • Somewhere it is believed that giving such a watch is a bad omen: time for dating
    With this person the end has come, and separation awaits ahead.
  • Somewhere, a watch is the best gift: the one who receives the watch will always think about who gave it.
  • Somewhere they believe that giving a watch is possible, but not advisable: from time to time its owner will “walk to the left.”
  • And somewhere they are sure that a wristwatch is a good gift, but if it is mechanical and not electronic: mechanical ones supposedly synchronize heartbeats, while electronic ones emit harmful energy, leading to thrombosis.
No matter how much you talk about the dangers of superstitions, people will still cloud their brains with various signs. Well, we like to shift the blame in case of failure to the black cat and the conductor who didn’t sell
lucky ticket. And I like to enlist the support of unknown forces on the eve of a responsible decision or on the eve of a difficult job.
And therefore, to all impressionable natures who live not just in the material
world, but in the world of signs and symbols, we can recommend the following excerpts from the “Treatise on the Meaning of Things” for study:

  • ...the one who gives the birthday boy a tie will sit on his neck...
  • ... the one who gives the boss a pen will lead his hand...
  • ... the one who gives a subordinate a calculator will always cheat him...
  • ... the one who gives a woman glasses will make her look at the world through his eyes...
  • ... whoever gives a man a razor will cut off part of his success
    and glory...
  • ... the one who gives a tablecloth to a friend will be a frequent guest in her house...
  • ...he who gives a wallet to a friend can always borrow money from him...
  • ... the one who gives the owner an iron will stroke her hotly not only her hair...
  • ... the one who gives the owner a chisel hopes to someday get pregnant from him...
  • ...to the one who gives the birthday boy a box, the latter will reveal all his spiritual secrets...
It turns out how much insidiousness lurks in seemingly harmless objects. So “beware of the Danaans who bring gifts”!
An overly suspicious person can generally be advised: never accept any gifts! What if they were given with intent, what if they negatively impact his life, shake his ara and clog his chakras? Berezhny,
as they say, God protects!
Well, people with a stable psyche should remember: gifts themselves are harmless. They are not the ones who are zombifying us. With the same object you can both cause damage and cure the evil eye. It all depends on the will and thoughts of the person who gives the gift. If his thoughts are black and his words are false, the gift will not bring
joy, be it the most expensive and beautiful.
Almost every gift can become a symbol of friendship. To do this, you just need to say the appropriate explanatory words. Here is an example of gift symbols. And each is accompanied by a short sample of an accompanying speech.

Attention! Speech is required! Without it, the gift will not be filled with symbolism, and the birthday person may have “second thoughts.”

  • A tube."The Indians, as we know from books and films, had a custom: to smoke a pipe of peace. Anyone who took a puff from this pipe no longer had the right to be angry or offended at their neighbor. They all became friends. If suddenly one of us by word or deed, accidentally or deliberately saddens you, call him and smoke this pipe with him as a sign of reconciliation.
    and friendship."
  • Mirror. "Friendship, as you know, begins with a smile. Just as a river begins with a blue stream. We give you a mirror
    not by chance. Where, if not in the mirror, can you see your wonderful smile? We want you to remember us, your friends, when you look at it and smile."
  • Wallet with one hundred rubles. “There is a saying that don’t have a hundred rubles, but have a hundred friends. However, it is not entirely correct. Because you don’t need to have friends, you just need to be friends with them. And since you already have a hundred friends, we give you what you always have It’s missing. Namely, a wallet with a hundred rubles.”
  • Flashlight.“Friends are like moths. They love to fly to the light. And the light is a lantern. And we give you this lantern. And if you suddenly feel sad, light the lantern, put it on the windowsill. And we will immediately fly in, rush over, come and come !"
  • Ladle-cup. “In the old days, at heroic feasts, a ladle of honey or wine was passed around. This meant that everyone here was friends, associates and brothers-in-arms. So we are giving you this treasured ladle to drink from it and confess our epic friendship.”
  • Binoculars.“they say about a true friend that I would go on reconnaissance with him. And what is the first attribute of a reconnaissance officer? Of course, binoculars. That’s what we are giving you. Take it as a sign that we will go on reconnaissance with you right now ".
As many have guessed, anything can be made a symbol of friendship: from a colander to a latch. After all, the main thing is not a gift or a heartfelt speech. The main thing is to have friendship!


Wristwatches are a classic and always relevant type of gift. If you are worried about giving a watch as a gift, then we are sure that you cannot find a better accessory that emphasizes the style and taste of the owner. Moreover, they can be presented in such an unusual way that a person, looking at them, will not be able to forget about this moment without a joyful smile. Prepare a little imagination: now, having chosen a watch from, you will know for sure: your friend (colleague, husband, grandfather) will never forget your way of presenting a gift.

How to give a watch in an original way: options

The quest is suitable for someone close to you who is interested in solving riddles and has detective skills. Give him a wonderful opportunity to show his ingenuity and logic.

  • Draw a treasure map or prepare cards with a charade (rebus, riddle) about where he will find the next tip;
  • A more complex and sophisticated path is represented by the organization of an entire performance with characters based on the stories of Sherlock Holmes or the novels of Agatha Christie;
  • Fans of puzzles will love balloons with hidden question papers or letters. Having burst all the balloons, the birthday boy will use the cards he finds to add up the name of the place where the surprise is hidden.

2. Gift in the style of “matryoshka”

Amuse the birthday boy by whetting his interest in the surprise in a very original way: place the gift in several boxes larger in size. The most beautiful and plausible way of packaging is represented by the gift design of each element. Before packing a watch as a gift, put notes about the future owner, funny poems about him, and holiday greetings in the boxes.

3. Poetry and prose

Many people doubt whether they can give a watch as a gift. In order to highlight the positive signs and prospects of this gift, accompany the presentation with rosy and warm words.

Kind and friendly banter will allow you to focus the attention of the hero of the occasion on individuality and careful selection of the gift. Knowing how to use a watch as a gift, you can show the birthday person that he is a very important and significant person for you. To do this, you can joke about the recipient if he likes to be late or stay late for meetings.

Thus, there is no single rule on how to properly give a watch. The most important thing is that the surprise is presented with a pure heart and with all your heart.

Read also:

- How to choose a watch - choosing the right watch

How to choose the right wristwatch Few accessories have retained their relevance over several centuries like watches. A modern stylish person cannot imagine his life without this attribute. Watches are popular among both adults and young people, even children. And not...

All people are divided into two categories: some believe in omens, others flatly refuse. Some people perceive the signs symbolically, while others do not pay attention to them. Signs and superstitions relate to various areas of our lives, including the rules of giving gifts.

Watch as a gift

The tradition of excluding watches as gifts is used in the East. Among the local population, it is generally accepted that donated watches are viewed as a mystical accessory in a negative aspect. Their unspoken laws are hostile to keeping a clock in the house as such. In some apartments, the clocks are specially stopped so that they do not count down time.

It is difficult to give such superstitions an objective, healthy assessment. After all, a well-chosen watch, both for home use and for wearing on your hand or in your pocket, on the contrary, emphasizes the special attitude of the giver. When choosing an accessory as a gift, we try to take into account all the wishes of the future watch owner; we select a chronometer taking into account the lifestyle, style and taste preferences of the hero of the occasion.

Presenting a good watch, for example, as a gift is also a smart step aimed at strengthening business or personal relationships. In this case, both the cost and technical characteristics of the product are important, the selection of which must be approached with particular care.

How to give a watch

If you decide to opt for a gift in the form of a watch, for a birthday or, for example, a wedding, just play with the situation. This is worth doing in the case when the person receiving the gift is superstitious. Ask for a coin or some small change in return for the gift. Thus, you will not give the watch as a gift, but “sell” it.

When choosing an electronic watch as a gift, look for models with a calendar and other necessary functions: alarm clock, timer, etc. So, you can present a calendar with a built-in clock function, which in itself already changes the focus of the gift.

A watch, like a gift, can express your love and heartfelt friendship. This can be symbolized by choosing a mechanical model. The even ticking of the clock symbolizes the beating of the heart; a strap that fits tightly around the wrist in the area of ​​the pulse speaks of the desire to be with a loved one forever. Such a gift in the form of a wristwatch will not only not cause superstitious suspicions, but, on the contrary, will tell about sincere feelings for the object of the gift.