Early maturation of the placenta during pregnancy. Degrees of placental maturation

To mom

The placenta is called an embryonic organ, which is very important for the protection and development of the fetus. Its formation begins immediately after fertilization. The placenta ages naturally, reaching maturity by 37 weeks of gestation. In some cases, early aging of the placenta is observed; this condition is dangerous and requires treatment.

General characteristics of the phenomenon

The placenta begins to form approximately 12 days after conception, when the egg attaches to the wall of the uterus. During this period it is called chorion.

The formation of the placenta continues for the first 3 months, then it grows until the 8th month, after which the process of aging begins. This order is natural.

Aging of an organ means that its functional abilities decrease. This condition is dangerous, since the placenta is necessary to protect the fetus from infection, external damage, ensure the supply of oxygen and nutrients.

It is fair to note that the ripening of the placenta ahead of schedule is quite rare. In some cases, such a diagnosis is made erroneously due to the incompetence of the doctor or incorrect interpretation of the examination results.

The maturation of the organ occurs in stages. Each stage has specific deadlines:

  1. 0 degree. The beginning of this stage is timed to coincide with the formation of the placenta, and it continues until 27-30 weeks.
  2. I degree. At this stage there is active growth of the placenta. It lasts approximately between 30-35 weeks.
  3. II degree. This period is considered the maturity of the placenta and lasts at 35-39 weeks.
  4. III degree begins after 39 weeks. The completion of this stage is childbirth.

Pathological aging of an organ is when degree II is diagnosed before 35 weeks or degree III before 39 weeks.

Early maturation is also often observed, when the first degree of aging of the placenta began at 27-29 weeks. This phenomenon can be considered the norm, but the further process of maturation of the organ and the compliance of subsequent degrees of aging with the deadlines established for them should be monitored.

Week 21 is often called the equator. At this stage, the placenta should be well formed and strengthened. The thickness of its walls should be approximately 23 mm, but not more than 30 mm.

At week 22, the thickness of the placenta should increase to 24 mm. If it exceeds 30 mm, then there is a risk of premature aging.

Subsequently, the thickness of the placenta walls should increase by 1-1.5 mm per week, reaching 36.5 mm by week 36. The maximum permissible upper limit at this period is 46 mm. If the thickness of the placental walls increases more than normal, then there is a risk of premature aging of the organ.


Organ aging earlier due date is a deviation from the norm. This condition can be caused by many factors:

  • endocrine disorders;
  • placenta previa, its partial detachment;
  • low or polyhydramnios;
  • infection;
  • multiple pregnancy;
  • exposure to toxic substances;
  • gestosis (complication during pregnancy);
  • impaired blood clotting;
  • Rhesus conflict;
  • chronic kidney disease, cardiovascular system;
  • bad habits.

Premature aging of the placenta can be caused by either one of these factors or a combination of them. For proper treatment, it is important to identify the exact cause of the pathology.

It is almost impossible to independently determine the pathology. This condition is asymptomatic.

The main measure for identifying aging of the placenta that does not correspond to the prescribed period is ultrasound scanning. Such an examination is normally carried out three times during pregnancy, but if there are any violations, it is resorted to more often. Ultrasound scanning is safe, so there is no need to worry about the consequences of its frequent use.

The scan reveals thickening of the walls of the organ and the presence of calcifications in it. These deposits interfere with the full functioning of the organ.

Another important sign pathology with ultrasound scanning– condition of the fetus. The baby may be delayed in development, and his heart rate may deviate from the norm. Ultrasound examination allows you to assess the size of the fetus and its individual parts. This is important for assessing the degree of development and identifying its compliance with the norm or deviation from it.

To confirm the diagnosis, a blood test (general and coagulogram) is also performed. To identify disturbances in uteroplacental blood flow, Doppler ultrasound is performed.

Additionally, fetal cardiotocography is often prescribed. This measure is necessary to control the condition of the fetus. The study allows you to determine whether it has enough oxygen and nutrients.

What are the dangers of premature aging of the placenta?

Maturation of the placenta ahead of schedule can provoke the development of fetoplacental insufficiency. In this case, the risk of miscarriage increases tenfold, since the most important functions of the placenta are disrupted. This is especially true for the blood supply, if it is disrupted, oxygen and nutrients reach the fetus in insufficient quantities. This leads to a delay in his development.

Hypoxia of the fetus against the background of early aging of the placenta can cause fetal asphyxia. In this case, due to lack of oxygen, antenatal death occurs.

Abnormal aging of the placenta poses a risk premature birth, since the body receives certain signals. This is dangerous because the fetus is not yet able to function normally, so the chances of a favorable outcome are significantly reduced. But true premature aging of the placenta is extremely rare.

Premature aging of the placenta does not necessarily mean a threat to the fetus. If the violations are minor and do not affect negative influence fruit, then there is no need to worry. In this case, treatment may not be required; it is enough to monitor further aging of the placenta and the condition of the fetus.

Ultrasound specialist Susidko E.N. talks about the stages of placental maturation, the causes and degree of danger of the pathology:

Treatment methods

If the placenta ages earlier than expected, treatment is necessary. It is carried out in a hospital setting.

The goal of treatment in this case is to normalize blood flow and support the vital functions of the fetus. To achieve the required result, an integrated approach is required, including the use of the following means:

  • Droppers to prevent oxygen starvation fetus Usually they resort to Curantil or Actovegin. These drugs are important not only for the prevention of oxygen starvation, but also for the normalization of umbilical cord blood flow.
  • Eufillin. This drug is a vasodilator and helps normalize metabolism in the placenta and microcirculation.
  • Aspirin. Necessary for thinning the blood and improving blood supply.

If premature aging of the placenta is caused by infection, then appropriate drug therapy is necessary. To prescribe it, the pathogen is first identified.

Scroll necessary medications can only be determined by a specialist, focusing on the diagnostics performed and the individual characteristics of the woman’s body and her pregnancy.

Even drug therapy is not able to reverse the process. Treatment is necessary to slow down the aging of the placenta, maintain its necessary functions and maintain pregnancy until a safe date of delivery.

If a pathology is detected, a pregnant woman must refuse bad habits, if she has not done so before. It is also important to strictly monitor your diet and daily routine, and spend more time outdoors.

Proper nutrition means avoiding fried, salty and smoked foods. It is better to steam food. Flour products and sweets should be excluded.

Stabilization of the psycho-emotional background is necessary. Stress and emotional overload should be avoided. If necessary, you can take sedatives. It is better to choose herbal remedies such as Persen or motherwort tinctures. Taking any medications should be discussed with your doctor.


With timely detection of pathology and proper treatment, the prognosis is favorable. An important condition in this case, compliance with the regime is proper nutrition and all doctor's orders. If these rules are followed, the birth will take place on time, and the baby will be full-term and healthy.

In most cases, with diagnosed pathology, drug therapy is sufficient. Severe complications may require premature delivery. This option is only appropriate in critical situations, when the risk of negative consequences is high, so there will be more benefit from the development of the fetus outside the womb.

Premature delivery is usually resorted to when the third degree of aging of the organ has occurred ahead of schedule. Childbirth is carried out by caesarean section.

Aging of the placenta is an inevitable and natural process, but it must occur in accordance with certain deadlines. Premature aging of the placenta can pose a threat to the health of the fetus, its normal development and even life. It is important to start treatment in a timely manner to maintain pregnancy and avoid possible complications.

This is an organ that is formed in the uterine cavity to communicate between the body of the mother and the unborn child. The complex biological processes occurring in this embryonic organ provide full development fetus and its growth.

Throughout pregnancy, the placenta goes through several stages of development. Its formation ends by the end of the first trimester, and then the baby's place continues to grow with the child.

From 2 to 30 weeks, the placenta is at the zero stage of development, during this period it actively develops and copes well with its basic functions. Most often, the first stage of maturity is observed in pregnant women at 32 weeks; it indicates some deviations in the functioning of the placenta, which is normal occurrence at this time. At 34-36 weeks the second stage of placental aging occurs, and from 37 - the third. The last stage of aging indicates that the organ's resource has already been exhausted and the day of birth is approaching.

In some women, ultrasound examination reveals signs of premature aging of the placenta. Typically, this diagnosis is made if the second degree is recorded before 32 weeks of pregnancy, and the third - before 36.

Symptoms and causes of early aging of the placenta

Premature ripening of the placenta is often asymptomatic for women. This pathological condition determined during an ultrasound examination. Early aging of the placenta can be suspected using an optical cardiac monitor, which records changes in the fetal heart rate. The operation of this device resembles the principle of Doplerometry.

Early aging children's place causes a condition and lack of nutrients in the fetus. Due to a lack of oxygen for the breathing process, the heart of the unborn child begins to contract at an accelerated rate in order to provide the tissues with the necessary amount of oxygen by accelerating blood flow. Under the influence of these processes, the child begins to actively move or, conversely, calms down; such symptoms should alert the woman.

In the first months of pregnancy, early aging of the placenta can lead to miscarriage or the development of abnormalities in the unborn child. In the middle of pregnancy, this condition is fraught with mental and mental retardation. physical development fetus, the birth of a child with malnutrition or reduced body weight. Due to oxygen starvation, death of brain cells is possible. In addition, premature placental aging increases the risk early detachment placenta and rupture of amniotic fluid.

Usually a woman is not aware of the presence of this serious pathology, so regular visits antenatal clinic have exclusively important for the prevention of placental pathologies.

Doctors identify several reasons that provoke premature aging of the placenta:

  • excess or underweight in a pregnant woman;
  • chronic diseases (cardiovascular diseases, genitourinary system, kidneys and thyroid gland);
  • and a history of difficult childbirth, which was accompanied by injuries to the walls of the uterus;
  • mechanical damage uterus;
  • bad habits (smoking, drinking alcohol and narcotic substances);
  • poor nutrition of the expectant mother;
  • influence of harmful factors and pollution environment;
  • infectious diseases suffered during pregnancy;
  • strong, or;
  • hemolytic disease, associated with the development of Rh conflict between a woman and a child.

All these factors force the placenta to work hard, so it ages ahead of schedule. If the diagnosis of premature aging of the placenta is made from 20 to 36 weeks of pregnancy, then everything must be done possible measures to stop this process.

Consultation with a gynecologist on cases of abnormalities

Usually, abnormalities in the development of the placenta are detected during an ultrasound scan at the regulated stages of pregnancy. The results of an ultrasound examination indicate a decrease in the volume of the placenta, its area and inconsistency with the term of pregnancy. To confirm or refute the diagnosis, the doctor additionally recommends Doppler ultrasound, which helps to obtain data on changes in uteroplacental blood flow. The examination can be complemented by fetal cardiotocography (CTG) and a pregnant woman’s blood test for biochemical and general indicators.

Placental aging is treated exclusively in a hospital setting under the supervision of doctors. It includes comprehensive measures to normalize blood flow in this organ, as well as measures to maintain the normal functioning of the fetus. When identifying the cause of premature ripening of the placenta, etiological factor trying to eliminate. Thus, for infectious diseases, a course of treatment with drugs is prescribed depending on the type of pathogen. To prevent fetal hypoxia, a course of therapy is carried out with several types of droppers, vitamins, essential phospholipids, and other drugs are prescribed.

As a rule, treatment is limited medications, but in severe cases with certain threats, premature delivery by cesarean section is possible. This is a last resort and is rarely used, but doctors must be sure that intrauterine development the fetus is much more dangerous for the child than premature birth.

If you suspect fetal hypoxia, you should consult your gynecologist.. This will help to identify in time negative factors And possible problems with the placenta. Every pregnant woman should not underestimate the importance of regularly visiting a doctor at the antenatal clinic, because this dangerous condition, as early maturation of the placenta, requires adequate and timely medical care.

When a woman is negligent about her health, she may develop premature ripening placenta. Most often, it is ignoring important health problems that is the cause of this trouble.

Placenta interesting
what to do at the doctor's care
ultrasound pain heaviness
Convenient listening to the doctor

Pathology appears due to various diseases, physiological and hereditary factors. Among the reasons causing premature maturation of the placenta are the following:

  • early abortions;
  • disturbances in the functioning of the excretory, endocrine, cardiovascular systems;
  • physical impact on the genitals;
  • genital infections;
  • diabetes;
  • structural features of the genital organs;
  • maternal infertility;
  • involuntary termination of pregnancy;
  • gestosis;
  • overweight or underweight;
  • presence of difficult labor;
  • pathologies of the circulatory system;
  • damage to the uterus due to mechanical stress;
  • smoking;
  • Rhesus conflict.

As you can see, there are many reasons why the placenta begins to ripen prematurely. Typically, the so-called “baby organ” begins to form from 2 to 30 weeks. By 37 weeks he is aging and preparing to exit female body after childbirth.

Intrauterine development

Sometimes, some women experience early maturation of their placenta, which occurs from 20 to 32 weeks of pregnancy. This is a pathology and can be very dangerous for the life and health of the child. In principle, from the name of the problem it is clear what exactly the term “premature maturation of the placenta” means. The disease is very unpleasant, but there is no need to panic right away. The main thing is to follow the recommendations of your doctor.

How to diagnose the disease

Signs of premature ripening of the placenta do not appear in any way, so a woman cannot independently determine the development of the disease. The fact that the placenta has matured ahead of schedule can only be detected by ultrasound examination. A woman undergoes it several times during her pregnancy. But sometimes there are situations when even a high-quality ultrasound machine does not allow an accurate diagnosis.

In this case, cardiotocography is prescribed. There is no need to worry, because CHT is a completely harmless procedure. It is prescribed to all pregnant women in the third trimester of pregnancy. Also find out about and.

When at 20 weeks a planned ultrasound examination shows a suspicion of premature maturation of the placenta, CHT is carried out ahead of schedule. The study allows you to identify the baby’s activity and determine whether he is receiving enough oxygen. So how are u early maturation There are no signs of a “baby spot”; a routine examination should not be neglected.

How dangerous is trouble?

Regardless of the reasons why premature maturation of the placenta began, it entails Negative consequences. Especially if it happens much earlier deadline. When the problem was diagnosed at less than 30 weeks of pregnancy, it needs to be addressed urgently.

Every expectant mother needs to know what her pathology is. Because of this, a limited amount of oxygen and nutrients reaches the fetus. As a result, the baby may be diagnosed with malnutrition (low weight) and hypoxia.

Moreover, if the placenta begins to ripen prematurely, disruptions in the blood supply to the baby occur. Is it dangerous:

  • miscarriage;
  • early outpouring of water;
  • detachment of the “children’s organ”.

Fetal development

If prompt measures are not taken, the fetus will be born with low weight and brain diseases, or a miscarriage will occur. During pregnancy experienced doctor He will not only explain to you in detail what premature ripening of your placenta is, but will also prescribe competent treatment, which is very important.

Treatment of dangerous pathology

When already at the 33rd week of pregnancy the placenta begins to mature prematurely, the woman must be hospitalized and undergo a comprehensive examination. A thorough examination can confirm the diagnosis.

If there really is a problem and the baby is not getting the necessary nutrients, doctors usually prescribe stimulant medications. These include Actovegin. Taking this drug on your own is strictly prohibited. Treatment should only be carried out under the close supervision of an experienced physician.

When the deviation is less than 7 days, it is not necessary to go to the hospital. Most likely, you will simply be prescribed additional examination. This is necessary to clarify whether the “children’s place” is really maturing ahead of time, and whether treatment is needed. If the period is very short, sometimes the gynecologist recommends an abortion, since it is impossible to completely stop the aging process. You can only slow it down. By the end of pregnancy, the organ can become completely old, so the fetus will either die or be born with serious pathologies.

When the placenta begins to mature prematurely at 31 or more later weeks pregnancy, the baby may be born completely healthy, but its weight will be slightly less than expected. In this case, childbirth can be carried out naturally. When the process proceeds too quickly, the doctor decides to perform a caesarean section. This is necessary to preserve the life and health of the child.

If at 28 weeks of pregnancy your placenta has begun to premature condition, and the doctor suggests going to the hospital, you shouldn’t refuse this. You will be prescribed IVs that will improve the blood supply to the fetus and ensure it sufficient quantity oxygen. Often prescribed vitamin preparations, which are administered through an IV or prescribed in tablet form.

When infectious pathologies become the cause of early maturation of the “baby spot” at week 30, the doctor prescribes various medical supplies. For each disease, its own medications are prescribed, so you cannot treat yourself.

  1. Acute toxoplasmosis. Taking Rovamycin, Sulfadiazine, folic acid and multivitamins.
  2. Urogenital infection. Treatment with Aspirin, Actovegin, vitamin therapy, as well as for one month, you must take one capsule of Essentiale-Forte three times a day.
  3. Chlamydia infection. Valprafen is usually prescribed for two weeks in a row, twice a day, or Erythromycin, Clarithromycin according to a similar regimen.
  4. Mycoplasma infection. The treatment is the same as for the development of chlamydia infection.
  5. Genital infections. Geviran is prescribed twice a day for ten days.

If the placenta matures prematurely at about 30-34 weeks, and future mommy During pregnancy, she suffered from acute respiratory viral infection or suffered from pneumonia, then doctors prescribe her the drug Vampilox. If bad habits are identified, the doctor individually develops a course of therapeutic measures that can eliminate the insufficiency of placental function.

Possible allocations

When, even before the 22nd week, the doctor discovers any abnormalities at the chromosomal level, the question of terminating the pregnancy is raised.

You should not self-medicate if you have been diagnosed with problems with the placenta. All medications should only be prescribed by your doctor. Some girls listen to advice traditional medicine. This is useful, but you shouldn't go to extremes. Various herbal infusions There are unlikely to be any effects. However, it would be useful:

  • walk in the fresh air more often;
  • include fortified foods with a high content of fresh fruits and vegetables in your diet;
  • Get enough sleep and try not to get nervous.

Remember that premature ripening of the placenta is very dangerous, because it does not protect the child. The organ stops supplying the fetus with nutrients and becomes covered with salts. Only the right and surgical treatment will help you get rid of the problem and give birth to a healthy baby.

Thank you
WayHow it is donePrice
MedicationActoveginAbout 130 rubles
ChimeAbout 600 rubles
Folic acidAbout 25 rubles
VilprafenAbout 590 rubles
RovamycinAbout 850 rubles

The placenta forms during pregnancy. The production of hormones, sufficient oxygen supply to the fetus, and nutrients depend on it. There is a certain scheme for the maturation of the placenta, which was laid down by nature. Premature aging of the placenta has negative consequences on the health of the fetus and the expectant mother.

Premature maturation of the placenta

The placenta provides nutritional functions for the baby's blood circulation and respiration. In a baby, these processes cannot occur independently until all organs are formed. The functions of breathing and feeding occur with the support of the mother. The placenta protects the baby from various infections.

The placenta, like other organs in our body, ages and by the 37th week of pregnancy is preparing to leave the body.

But often, if a woman has a frivolous attitude towards her health during pregnancy, early maturation of the placenta occurs. The development of this organ ahead of time is a pathology and entails various consequences. If the placenta begins to ripen a little prematurely, this does not mean that the situation is critical. This may be due to the characteristics of the woman’s body. If the placenta matures before 36 weeks, this indicates early maturation, which must be stopped.

Accelerated maturation of the placenta threatens:

  • Lack of oxygen;
  • Lack of nutrients;
  • Placental abruption;
  • Termination of pregnancy is possible.

Insufficient supply of oxygen and nutrients often leads to low child weight and hypoxia. A placenta that ages prematurely can lead to the birth of a child with brain pathologies and damage to the organs of the mother or child. It happens that leads to death. To prevent such consequences, it is necessary to stop the premature maturation of the placenta in time.

Aging of the placenta: stages

Maturation and aging of the placenta is a natural process. We can talk about the pathology of this process if the placenta begins to age ahead of schedule. Aging of this organ leads to a decrease in its functions. The placenta of the second degree of maturity stops growing and cannot fully provide oxygen and nutrients to the child during its development. Signs of premature aging are diagnosed by ultrasound and CTG.

The development of the placenta goes through four stages:

  • The placenta is formed from 2 to 30 weeks;
  • From 30 to 33 weeks growth occurs;
  • From 34 to 36 weeks the placenta matures;
  • At 37 weeks the placenta ages.

In some cases of placenta aging too quickly, doctors may advise terminating the pregnancy.

Causes of placenta aging during pregnancy and what to do

The causes of pathology of placental development in pregnant women can be very different. It could be individual feature the body of a pregnant woman, or the influence of any pathologies and infections on the placenta.

Common causes of placental aging:

  • Disease of the endocrine system;
  • Kidney and liver diseases;
  • Alcohol;
  • Smoking;
  • Infections of the genital organs and uterus;
  • Severe toxicosis;
  • Excess weight;
  • Previous abortions or difficult childbirth.

The placenta works to protect the baby from negative external influences. At poor nutrition mother, the placenta has to protect the fetus from harmful substances with redoubled force. This leads to faster development of the placenta and aging earlier than expected. This development also occurs due to smoking, drinking alcohol, if the placenta has to protect the fetus from infections. Infectious diseases can lead, in addition to aging of the placenta, to polyhydramnios or oligohydramnios.

Early maturation of the placenta: why and for whom

Early maturation of the placenta is diagnosed by ultrasound, and the diagnosis is determined solely by ultrasound data. If the degree of maturation of the placenta does not correspond to the timing of pregnancy, then rapid maturation occurs, and as a result, aging of the placenta.

If, based on the results of an ultrasound, a diagnosis of early maturation has been determined, you should not panic ahead of time.

Early maturation of the placenta does not always indicate any pathologies. It is necessary to undergo treatment that will help normalize normal blood flow, and monitor the child’s condition using CTG. In the first months of pregnancy, early maturation of the placenta can lead to miscarriage or abnormalities in the child. Due to lack of oxygen, brain cells may die. May also lead to early detachment placenta.

Early maturation of the placenta causes oxygen starvation in the baby. The baby's heart begins to work faster to speed up blood flow and provide oxygen to the tissues. In this case, the child begins to show sudden activity, or, on the contrary, calms down. Such manifestations should alert a woman.

If the diagnosis of early maturation is made on time and appropriate treatment is prescribed, then premature maturation does not threaten either the child or the mother. It is dangerous if you allow fetoplacental insufficiency. This leads to serious consequences.

Treatment of premature placental maturation: 32 weeks of pregnancy

At 32 weeks of pregnancy, the baby noticeably gains weight and height. Its development largely depends on heredity transmitted from parents. During this period, subject to normal development the placenta stops growing and after a month begins to age.

But if at 32 weeks the third degree of placental maturation is reached, then we can say that premature aging occurs.

Symptoms that can be used to determine premature ripening of the placenta do not appear. It is not possible to independently understand that the development of the placenta does not correspond to the timing of pregnancy. These signs are revealed only by ultrasound and CTG. Based on the results of the ultrasound, they conclude that the child lacks oxygen and nutrients. Tests for infections are prescribed. Treatment drugs are prescribed if the child’s condition worsens.

Treatment is carried out only in a hospital. Taking medications and IVs is under the supervision of doctors. It is during hospitalization that full assistance can be provided. Premature maturation of the placenta often gives rise to birth with medical care, and ahead of schedule. If doctors are concerned about the baby's health, they may decide to give birth by Caesarean section early.

If the diagnosis is not made in time and treatment is not prescribed, premature aging can lead to the fact that the child may suffocate from lack of oxygen. A specific treatment regimen premature maturity there is no placenta. Treatment usually involves prescribing vitamins, rest, and eliminating the causes that led to premature ripening of the placenta. Medicines such as Actovegin and Curantil are prescribed. It is not possible to cure the placenta. The prescribed treatment is aimed at maintaining the placenta to facilitate its work and improve blood circulation.

Timely measures taken and compliance with all recommendations help to give birth healthy child on time, and avoid the consequences of premature aging of the placenta.

During pregnancy, the placenta matures, develops, and ages. This is all natural processes. But if the development of the placenta does not correspond to the timing of pregnancy, this deserves special attention. Blood flow studies modern methods allow for accurate diagnosis and timely diagnosis. Thanks to this, treatment results become better, and the chosen tactics for managing pregnancy, if the placenta is old, allows you to achieve the most favorable completion of pregnancy and childbirth.

Causes of premature aging of the placenta (video)

Early aging of the placenta can begin at later pregnancy. If this process does not occur too quickly, then the pregnancy ends with the birth of a child. in a natural way with low weight. If the placenta ages too quickly, doctors may decide to deliver the baby by cesarean section. This decision is made if it is necessary to preserve the life and health of the child. Prevention is very important.

All vital organs are formed in a person long before birth. And it seems that it does not happen that any organ suddenly appears in a person during his life. However, it is possible. A similar organ is the placenta, which is formed in women during pregnancy.

Children's place

Placenta is a medical term. People call it a children's place. So, the placenta is an organ that forms during pregnancy. It is through it that the baby receives oxygen and all the necessary nutrients. The placenta allows you to remove waste products from the baby and carbon dioxide. She is endowed with the most important function- protects the baby from reactions immune system mothers and various infections.

If we consider the placenta with scientific point In terms of vision, it is a small disk (20 cm in diameter) weighing about 5 kg and about 3 cm thick. One side of it is directed towards the fetus (it is from this side that the umbilical cord extends), and the second, consisting of villi, is attached to the uterus.

The placenta itself contains arteries and veins through which blood is exchanged between the mother and the unborn baby.

What's happened

Aging of the placenta during pregnancy is a fairly common diagnosis that doctors make to expectant mothers. This diagnosis is made on the basis of an ultrasound scan and is important for the normal development of the fetus.

The placenta goes through 4 stages of maturation:

Zero, which is typical for pregnancy up to 30 weeks;

The first, which lasts from the 30th to;

The second, which corresponds to pregnancy from the 34th to the 37th week;

The third, characteristic of that is, from the 37th week until the moment of birth.

Depending on the stage, the placenta changes and has characteristic features. Aging of the placenta during pregnancy is a decrease in the functionality of this organ. This does not mean at all that the placenta, which, for example, has a second degree of maturity, ceases to perform its functions. This body simply gradually reduces the scope of its capabilities.

In this regard, the detection of such pathology in late pregnancy should not cause serious concern. It is much worse when aging of the placenta during pregnancy is detected in the first or second trimester.

Learn more about the stages of placenta aging

Placenta age - the most important indicator, which reports on intrauterine development and fetal formation. It happens that the outcome of pregnancy depends on this indicator.

As already mentioned, there are 4 stages of placental maturation.

Starting from the 12th week of pregnancy, an organ such as the placenta begins to form and actively grow. Every week it gets denser. In the period from the 12th to the 30th week of pregnancy, the degree of maturation of this organ is normally zero. During this period, the structure of the child's place is smooth and uniform. In the zero stage, the placenta fully performs all the functions assigned to it: it actively saturates the fetus with oxygen and nutrients, removes carbon dioxide and waste products of the unborn baby.

Stage one

The normal course of pregnancy in the period from the 30th to the 34th week corresponds to the first stage of maturation of the child's place. It is characterized by the fact that it is during this period that the first signs of aging begin to appear on the placenta. They are expressed by the appearance of small irregularities and inclusions. At the same time, this organ does not lose its functions: the placenta continues to actively help the baby develop, grow and eat.

Sometimes this period is called the period of placental development, since it is during this period that the fetus is actively growing and developing.

Second stage

The second stage of maturation (aging) is characteristic of the pregnancy period from the 34th to the 37th week of pregnancy. Ultrasonography placenta during the specified period shows the appearance large quantity inclusions, changes in the relief of a given organ. gradually begins to decrease, which leads to a decrease in its functional tasks.

However, for the period from the 34th to the 37th weeks of pregnancy, the placenta performs all the necessary functions: the baby receives the amount of nutrients that it needs for proper development and growth.

Final stage

The third (final) stage of maturation is observed at 36 weeks of pregnancy. The aging of the placenta is reaching the “finish line.” The functioning of the child's seat is significantly reduced, and natural aging occurs. This stage is typical for full-term pregnancy and indicates that the fetus is ripe and the mother’s body is ready for childbirth. Externally, the placenta at this stage has many inclusions and deposits of salts. Its structure is very heterogeneous; large waves are visible on the placenta, the depth of which in some places reaches the basal layer.

Any deviation from specified standards is considered a pathology and requires systematic monitoring and treatment. However, placentas are not a death sentence at all. Timely detection of this deviation will help stabilize the condition of the fetus and bring the expectant mother to a successful birth.

Aging of the placenta during pregnancy: causes

You can see a photo of the organ in the article. The placenta, like any other organ, wears out due to excessive stress. There are many factors that cause aging of the placenta during pregnancy. The causes of this pathology most often come down to the following:

Infectious or endocrine diseases of the expectant mother, the presence of pathologies of the circulatory system, as well as diseases of the kidneys and urinary system;

Rh conflict between mother and fetus;

Overweight (or underweight) of the woman in labor;

Drinking alcohol and smoking;

Presence of abortion or difficult previous births;


Poor nutrition;

Chronic diseases of the heart, lungs, arterial hypertension;

Multiple pregnancy.

As you can see, there are a huge number of reasons why premature aging of the placenta occurs during pregnancy. These include chronic diseases and acquired viral and infectious diseases, and misbehavior mothers during pregnancy.

It is worth remembering that a diagnosis such as premature aging of the placenta is made in cases where the second degree of maturity is diagnosed at up to 32 weeks or the third at up to 36 weeks.

How to find out and understand?

You can only find out by doing an ultrasound. Since this pathology occurs without any symptoms, it is impossible to independently understand that the placenta is not coping with its functions.

The development of this pathology can also be determined using an optical cardiac monitor. He shows heartbeat fetus and its changes.

However, despite the fact that there are no visible symptoms, you can still suspect that something is going wrong by the behavior of the fetus.


Thus, aging of the placenta during pregnancy has the following symptoms:

The fetus's heart rate increases. This occurs as a result of oxygen starvation and lack of nutrients. This symptom indicates that the placenta is not coping with its functions;

Due to oxygen starvation, the expectant mother may feel sharp tremors in the abdomen (starting from the second trimester): the baby begins to actively move, kick and push with arms and legs;

Due to a lack of nutrients, the fetus may stop moving and moving altogether.

These symptoms in most cases indicate premature maturation of the child's place.


What can happen if placenta aging during pregnancy is established? This pathology has the most negative consequences for the child.

In the early stages (in the first trimester), such a diagnosis, as a rule, leads to a miscarriage or so-called frozen pregnancy.

In the second trimester of pregnancy, the appearance of this pathology can lead to a delay in physical or mental development future baby, as well as the birth of a child with reduced body weight. In addition, premature aging of the placenta can cause the death of brain cells.

However, most often such a diagnosis is made in the third trimester of pregnancy. IN in this case Doctors recommend using methods of artificially inducing labor. With the help of droppers, special gels and injections can speed up the onset labor activity and give birth to a healthy baby 3-4 weeks earlier than the preliminary due date.


So, the expectant mother was diagnosed with “premature aging of the placenta during pregnancy.” Treatment in this case will be carried out in a hospital setting. In most cases, doctors will use medications to eliminate the resulting pathology.

It is worth knowing that it is impossible to cure this pathology. In this regard, treatment will be aimed at helping the unborn baby.

Depending on the reason for the untimely growth of the placenta, a pregnant woman may be prescribed IVs or injections. If the cause of this diagnosis is an infectious disease of the mother, she will be offered a course of treatment with medications depending on the type of infectious agent.

Most often, droppers and injections are prescribed that can prevent the development of hypoxia in the fetus. Such drugs include Actovegin, Curantil, as well as essential phospholipids and other medications.

These drugs are also used to reduce the tone of the uterus and improve blood circulation. Respiratory failure The baby can be restored with glucose medications.

However, there are situations in which treatment by medication doesn't make sense. In such cases, premature delivery is used, which is performed by caesarean section. As a rule, such emergency measures are typical when aging of the placenta is detected at 34 weeks of pregnancy and at later stages.

To a similar urgently doctors resort in cases where it has been reliably established that intrauterine development for a child is more dangerous than premature birth.

Preventive measures

The set of preventive measures that can help avoid premature aging of the placenta is quite simple. A pregnant woman is recommended to give up any bad habits, be it smoking, drinking alcohol, and especially drugs. For the expectant mother should be avoided stressful situations, physical activity and spend as much time as possible outdoors.

Important preventive measure is also a systematic visit to a gynecologist. After all, timely detection of pathology will help to take appropriate measures in time and avoid unpleasant consequences.

Don't miss out on visiting day hospital: It should be remembered that the condition of the fetus during early maturation of the placenta directly depends on medical supervision, qualified and adequate medical care.

Instead of a conclusion

Pregnancy is often accompanied by the appearance of various pathologies and abnormalities. One of the most common diagnoses made to expectant mothers is premature aging of the placenta during pregnancy. The causes and consequences of this pathology can be completely different: this is the mother’s incorrect lifestyle, and the presence infectious diseases, and even congenital diseases.

So, we talked about what aging of the placenta is during pregnancy. The consequences of early organ maturation depend on the period of their appearance and detection. However, a timely visit to a gynecologist, compliance with all doctor’s instructions, as well as healthy image life can reduce the likelihood of the occurrence of this deviation.

It is worth knowing that in most cases, when diagnosed with “premature aging of the placenta,” doctors manage to stabilize the condition of the fetus and expectant mothers give birth to absolutely healthy and full-fledged children.