Copybooks for children 4 5 years old letters to print. Old copybooks, Soviet textbooks, arithmetic: download culture for free



A team of teachers - activists of the public organization "Parental All-Russian Resistance" (RVS) - at the request of parents who are dissatisfied with the existing teaching methods in elementary school, adapted to modern realities and republished in 2016 the textbook “Arithmetic” for 1st grade by authors A.S. Pchelko and G.B. Pole.

Why Pchelko's textbook? Read the feedback that we, the Vladimir branch of the RVS, received from a highly qualified teacher primary classes- Raikova Larisa Nikolaevna, and which we are publishing today with her kind permission, and you will immediately understand why. + Textbook “Arithmetic” for 1st grade in 2 parts / - “New edition” / RVS, 2016 I have a textbook in front of me “Arithmetic” for 1st grade by A.S. Pchelko and G.B. Pole. I flip through the pages and feel: there is a breath of something familiar, kind and very familiar. I catch myself thinking that this is the smell of childhood, and vivid pictures of wonderful school life Soviet first-grader. I don’t remember which mathematics textbooks we used in 1st grade in 1976, but for some reason the pictures from “Arithmetic” create the feeling that I saw this a long time ago...+ As a teacher with 29 years of teaching experience in primary school I can say that the textbook “Arithmetic” by A.S. Pchelko (hereinafter referred to as the TEXTBOOK) is maintained in best traditions Soviet classical school and aims to ensure that children develop a strong arithmetic base, which would further contribute to the development of successful mathematics education child. The secret of the textbook is not in its simplicity, but in its accessibility and gradual presentation of the material. Some will say that this textbook is primitive for modern children. I can object to this: who said that our children require the difficulties into which we plunge them from the first days of school life, uttering abstruse words and introducing the child into an incomprehensible world of abstract terminology for him? For some reason we, adults, decided for children that the more new things a child learns in a lesson, the smarter he will become? Is this so?...+ It’s no secret that sometimes, in order to achieve high results, elementary means and techniques are required, and not something “extraordinary and archaic.” This TEXTBOOK can help children achieve significant success in studying mathematical sciences, because teaching in it is based on the children’s existing experience and in accordance with the mental and physiological development children. It is also very literate that the authors skillfully use visual-figurative thinking first-graders and focus not only on the clarity of the textbook, but also on the objects and phenomena surrounding the child in everyday life. And tasks like: “Show as many sticks as there are bags drawn,” “Place as many circles as there are drawn cucumbers,” “Draw as many as…”, “Make such a figure out of sticks…” not only diversify the lesson, but make it active and activity, increase the motivational aspect of learning, reduce the threshold of fatigue junior schoolchildren.+ THE TEXTBOOK is quite rich in tasks, which from lesson to lesson become more complex from simple to complex, which makes it possible to put into practice the principle of accessibility “from simple to complex.” All problem texts are based on life experience child and contain great potential for the implementation of the educational side in lesson activities, for example: “Brother helped his sister make counting sticks ...” - mutual assistance, helping a friend, cooperation, friendship, etc., or “4 birches grew in the clearing, in the fall we planted the same amount..." - ecology, hard work, landscaping, careful attitude to nature, etc. Students gradually learn to solve problems, reason, prove the correctness of a solution, create inverse problems, abstract and express themselves using mathematical terms. TEXTBOOK indeed good tool and in the hands of an experienced teacher it can make a serious breakthrough in the formation of the mathematical education of younger schoolchildren and become a worthy competitor for other mathematics textbooks, but... there is one point that may worry some: how will the geometric base of younger schoolchildren be formed, after all, all kinds of tests, independent and testing work include geometric material? For myself, I would certainly find the answer, because it is possible to form the geometric component of mathematical education not only in class, but also in extracurricular activities, which is an integral part of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard of NEO, therefore I would be happy to offer children the elective “Visual Geometry” by T.V. Zhiltsova and A.A. Obukhova.+ In conclusion, I want to say:+ “Dear ARITHMETICS! Welcome to modern school! L.N. Raikova, teacher of the highest qualification category, Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution “Secondary School No. 1 named after. Hero Soviet Union Kamanina N.P.” Melenki Vladimir region+ Listen also to what those who worked on the revival of “Arithmetic”, with the goal of reviving classical education in our country, said about this textbook at a presentation seminar held on October 20, 2016 in Dubna. The video can be viewed at this link.

And read the speech of one of the project participants - according to this. + Of course, RVS enthusiasts who dream of returning to Russian school classical domestic education, they are not going to stop at one textbook. Now intense work is underway to prepare for the publication of the entire range of textbooks for primary schools. The results will be available on the RVS website. As V.V. said Mayakovsky, “the work of hell will be done and is already being done.” If you are passionate about the education of our children, join us. The work is carried out on a voluntary basis. + Galina Solovyova, RVS

Copybooks- a wonderful idea from adults for developing children’s writing skills. You can use the recipes from the very beginning early age, starting from 3 years.

Now you can find a huge number of copybooks. The main thing is to choose recipes for the child that are appropriate for his age. On this page you can download and print copybooks for free for children 3-4 years old, 5-6 years old (preschoolers) and first-graders.

You should not start classes right away with writing down numbers, letters and words - this is very difficult. Children aged 3-4 years will be interested in copybooks with exciting tasks for attentiveness, accuracy and coordination of movements.

This is a copybook with enough simple figures, lines, various curls. Let your child first practice his hand by tracing fragments of pictures, funny hooks and sticks.

The child must learn to draw various curly and continuous lines evenly and beautifully, try not to lift the pencil from the paper. It's not that simple.

Download copybooks for kids

I. Popov's recipes are perfect for kids for their very first lessons. Sticks and hooks are built into the copybook designs. First you can color the drawing, and then move on to the “lowercase letter”.

Download copybook for boys

Fun copybooks for children 5-6 years old

For children 5-6 years old, take copybooks with more difficult tasks. Using such copybooks, your child will learn to carefully trace dotted lines, master the first skills of writing and drawing, and gain dexterity when working with a pen and pencil.

Download copybooks for children 5-6 years old

Download funny copybooks for preschoolers

Copybooks for a preschooler will prepare the child for writing, introduce him to the configuration of the letters of the Russian alphabet, and teach him to write letters in cursive. Use these copybooks and your child will quickly remember the name and spelling of letters.

Download copybook - alphabet for preschoolers

Math worksheets with numbers and problems will help your child learn to write numbers correctly and become familiar with counting. By clicking on the link, you can download several types of math copybooks quickly and for free

Download copybooks with numbers

Copybooks for schoolchildren

To work out beautiful handwriting, the child will need a lot of time. But now at school very little attention is paid to the correct and calligraphic writing of letters and numbers. Therefore, you can print out copybooks with the alphabet for schoolchildren and study additionally. These copybooks - without pictures, are aimed at more serious work on teaching writing. In addition to the letters themselves, there are also individual elements letters

Download the copybook for schoolchildren "Alphabet in cursive"

Preparing this display took us a lot of time. We have tried to collect here all the recipes for preschoolers known to us that have ever been released on the market. Some of them have not been used for a long time educational institutions., but this does not make them ineffective in teaching children to write.
With the help of letters and numbers, your child will learn the basics of writing and literacy, and will be able to independently write numbers on paper in a square or line.

In mathematics (numbers)

Mathematical recipes - indispensable assistant in preparation for school. Practice shows that children whose parents taught them how to write numbers correctly more often become excellent and good students in elementary school.

Kolesnikova E.V. for 5-7 years old math by cells


Kolesnikova E.V. for 4-5 years old math steps

Download link

Shevelev K.V. for 6-7 years old mathematical copybooks

Part 1
Part 2

Pererson L.G. and Suvorina E.A. - learning to write numbers for 3-4 years and older

This book is in two parts from famous authors for free download. IN preparatory group kindergarten it is often used by teachers. It never hurts to practice with your child.

Part 1
Part 2 The manual will teach your child how to spell numbers, which is so necessary for learning mathematics in the 5th grade. It also contains tasks for the development of graphic skills, and for a mathematical bias - geometric shapes.

Nefedova and Uzorova 3000 exercises for preschoolers

This manual contains not only a sample and example of what this kind of manual should look like, but also a full cycle of teaching how to spell numbers. Perhaps these are the best copybooks..
Download for free and without registration

Russian language and literacy (letters)

Russian workbook for 5-6 years old, checkered

This literacy guide is intended for children. senior group kindergarten. Funny copybooks for children, main character in which there is a duckling, will help teach future first-graders how to write the elements of letters. The entire alphabet in the form of a copybook is in front of us.

Printed and written letters Fedosov N.A. for 5-7 years

These copybooks will teach you how to write both capital and capital letters any child. They comply with the Federal State Educational Standard. Designed for use in preschool educational institutions.

Lunkina - preparation for school 5-7 years literacy training

In these copybooks, the author Lunkina teaches children to read and write in an entertaining way. First sticks and hooks, and then the whole alphabet, then letter combinations. And all this with workbook with tasks.

Buneev R.N., Buneeva E.V., Pronin O.V. by letter

2 parts teaching aid from famous authors to prepare for school. With their help you can learn to deduce block letters. We ourselves learn to write letters with their help.

Download and print part 1
Download and print part 2

Developing letters from Nyankovskaya N.N.

Helps to form a graphic representation of letters and their connection. An interesting and educational guide for preschoolers. Most of the book is devoted to hooks, dashes, shading, ticks, and lines. Only then does learning move on to letters.

First and correct! With shading

IN this manual contains a whole alphabet. 98 pages to learn how to write all the letters of the Russian alphabet. Everything is depicted quite large. Great idea, both for preparation for school and for younger preschoolers.

Denisova, Dorozhkin for preparatory group

Literacy lessons for kids from the domestic publishing house of copybooks.

Zhirenko, Kolodyazhnykh - elements of letters, basic writing

An excellent tool for developing writing skills in preschool children.

Vowels and consonants. Author: Zhukova

We did not post the copybooks of the authors Ilyukhina, Kozlova, Vasilyeva, Belykh and Nishcheva, due to the fact that we have already heard stories about complaints from copyright holders about sites where files for downloading are posted. We hope for your understanding and are constantly working to improve the content of the site.
In an oblique ruler

Copybook pictures (templates)

Letters of the Russian alphabet

Letter A

In the "Copybooks" section, you can download for free teaching materials for the development of writing skills, intended for schoolchildren and preschoolers. Also, with the help of copybooks, you can correct your own handwriting or learn to write in a different handwriting.

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Yu. Astapova

The recipes are intended for preparing children preschool age to a letter in a notebook. The tasks will help you develop fine motor skills and coordination of hand movements, form the child’s graphic skills and imagination. The copybooks will help children learn to navigate on a sheet of paper using a narrow oblique ruler, tasks will develop visual perception, logical thinking. You can study according to these recipes either individually or in a group.

N.V., Masberg

Here are the recipes, by practicing which the baby will be able to train the small muscles of the hand and achieve correct coordination of the fingers when writing.
The material in the copybooks is presented in the form of exciting tasks for attentiveness, accuracy and coordination of movements. The child must learn to draw various curly and continuous lines evenly and beautifully, and try not to lift the pencil from the paper. By completing such tasks, he will learn to carefully trace dotted line, will easily master the first skills of writing and drawing, and will gain dexterity when working with a pen and pencil.

Astapova Yu.

The copybooks are intended to prepare preschool children for learning to write.
The exercises in the notebook introduce the child to the configuration of the letters of the Russian alphabet. Children remember the name of the letters and their configuration, learn to fit the shape of a letter into a working line, observing its proportions, write letters at equal distances from each other, start work at the beginning of the line on the left, observe the size of the line, and use hygienic rules of writing.

Publishing house "Dragonfly"

Coloring books that are designed to help develop small hand muscles and proper finger coordination when writing in children younger age. By completing tasks, the child will master the first skills of drawing, writing, tracing, and will also learn to think and fantasize. For primary school students.

Trifonova N.M., Romanenko E.V.