What are the directions for clubs for children? Club work

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The materials in this thematic section will help in the development and execution of work programs in the system of additional education for children. These pages contain ready-made programs for clubs of various types. These materials are often provided with comments from teachers about their direct application in practice. Each of the publications represents a developed additional educational course in a specific area. Including: experimental, artistic and aesthetic, local history and environmental, physical education and valeology.

Create only excellent work programs, using the positive experience of your colleagues.

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All sections | Circle work. Club programs, work programs for additional education for children

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When a child is in primary school, it is not difficult for parents to come up with useful activities for him outside of class. It's a completely different matter when a child becomes a teenager. At the age of 10-16 years, his ideas about life change, and it is no longer so easy for adults to persuade him to sign up for English or dance classes.

We are talking about 5 useful and unusual clubs that your teenager will not be able to refuse.

Project "Journey to the Rhythm"

“Journey to Rhythm” is a drum school where they teach how to play percussion musical instruments (marimba, djembe, conga and others). Instead of boring traditional classes at a music school, here the child will enjoy team training, concerts, and communication with peers and teachers. Playing percussion instruments is a great opportunity to loosen up and throw out aggression in a peaceful way.

The school was organized by Pyotr Glavatskikh, a graduate of the Moscow State Conservatory, a graduate student at the Higher School of Music in Stuttgart, and a diploma winner at international competitions. He believes that playing the drum will help a child not only express emotions, but will also give him the opportunity to feel and cope with the rhythm of routine work, which is very important for a teenager.

Nearest metro station: Voykovskaya.

Theater studio "Classics" »

The Theater Arts Center under the direction of Alexander Tattari is not like other theater studios. A child who comes to the studio immediately finds himself on the big stage of a professional drama theater. Teachers of several areas work with him: choreography, vocals, acting, stage speech.

While studying in the studio, its students often take part in social projects. For example, they play the play “A Dog’s Life,” after which all proceeds from ticket sales go to help dog shelters. The New Year's musical "Pinocchio" is annually performed by studio members for children with special needs and disabilities. Thus, teenagers learn not only acting skills, but also kindness, humanity and responsiveness.

Nearest metro station: VDNH.

Children's and youth club "Southwest"

You can discover new locations not only in virtual space, but also in the real world. Offer your teen a trial lesson with the Southwest Club, which specializes in water travel and exploration. The club is part of the Moscow Center of the Russian Geographical Society. Anyone who has crossed the threshold of high school (from 5th grade) is accepted to participate.

The club's classes are held in classrooms in winter, and in the warm season - in the field: at the water base in Strogino, in environmental camps in the Moscow region, Crimea, and the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus. Here they study maritime affairs, provide tourist training, and introduce them to the history of navigation, geography, landscape science, hydrobiology, botany, and zoology. Teenagers participate in historical, cultural and ethnological research in Russia.

Nearest metro station: Troparevo.

Policent courses

The only way to get teenagers away from their home computer is to invite them to make a new gadget with their own hands. All children aged 10-14 who sign up for courses at the Policent Polytechnic Museum will have this opportunity.

Ionocraft course (10-14 years)

The Ionocraft is an aircraft without propellers or fuel, without any rotating parts, absolutely silent, using high voltage.

During the course, students will learn how to create their own ion crafts, understand many electrostatics concepts, learn how to create electrostatic motors and batteries, and also master other research and design skills.

UDK 3D Game Creation Course (11-14 years old)

The course on creating 3D games on the Unreal Developmental Kit gaming platform is a good compromise between the children’s interest in computer games and the study of complex technologies for creating and managing a gaming environment.

Unreal Engine is a game engine developed and supported by Epic Games. It allows you to create modern games with realistic graphics. It employs professionals who program 3D worlds for various gaming platforms.

Now even children can learn to program games! They will receive the necessary skills and will be able to create their first game for PC or iPhone.

Cyberphysics course (10-13 years)

The course consists of a series of practical tasks on creating things that work themselves: they explore the world, make decisions and act - move, exchange data, control other devices. The Arduino platform is used as the basis.

Students create devices that read data about the outside world from a variety of sensors, process information, exchange data with PCs and other devices, and control display and movement.

Quadcopter Creator Course (11-14 years old)

This course reveals the achievements of modern and innovative trends in small unmanned aircraft. Here children learn to design, assemble and program unmanned aerial vehicles, use modern automatic monitoring and control tools to create intelligent UAS, and develop skills in piloting unmanned aerial vehicles.

Bioloid course (11-14 years old)

Innovative robotics based on the Bioloid Premium Kit provides the opportunity to create and program a humanoid robot with a large number of degrees of freedom and capable of performing the most unimaginable tasks. This is exactly what your teenager will do when you sign him up for Bioloid.

Nearest metro station: Kitay-Gorod.

Master classes “The Art of Communication”

Master classes are held throughout Moscow.

Today, children are sometimes even busier than their parents. All kinds of clubs and sections for teenagers take up all the children’s free time. Many don't even have the opportunity to see friends. Of course, it’s good that children are doing useful things, developing physically and intellectually, but when then can they run around the yard and play war or mother-daughter games? We will talk about all the pros and cons of additional education in this article.

Sport sections

The greatest demand among parents is for various clubs that are aimed at the physical development of the child. Adults rarely want their child to grow up to be a professional athlete, but it is through sports that children learn endurance and teamwork. Their muscles also develop, which has a beneficial effect on health. What clubs and sections for teenagers exist?

Here are some options:

  • Swimming develops all muscle groups. Helps children improve posture, lose weight and correct their gait. And also training in the pool will teach a teenager to swim and breathe correctly.
  • Horseback riding will help children learn how to take care of animals. Teenagers will be able to understand what it is like to raise a horse, and, naturally, equestrian sport will be able to bring gifted children their first gold medals.
  • Wrestling can teach a child to defend himself and defend his position. After all, the first thing any coach must do is make children believe in themselves and in their victory, and only after that can they move on to practicing fighting techniques.
  • Tennis is a great hobby for girls. The result is similar to athletics, only the training is more exciting. By playing tennis, children not only improve their physical fitness, but also expand their attention span.
  • Gymnastics is the very first section of almost every child. Children from the age of 3 already begin active training. Professional gymnastics is a very traumatic sport, but at the amateur level it helps to improve flexibility and learn to control your body perfectly.

Dance clubs

Many parents try to realize themselves through their children. That’s why dance clubs and sections for teenagers are in such demand. Parents believe that their child simply must be able to dance a waltz, tango, or at least achieve success in driving a round dance. Thanks to such attacks from the older generation, many children simply hate dancing for the rest of their lives. But willy-nilly they still have to attend clubs. So what types of dance sections exist? This:

Art clubs

Is it better to enroll in an art school or go to a local arts center? Each parent decides this for himself. But art-themed clubs and sections for teenagers have always been popular. Children love to draw, some are better at it, some are worse. But the difference between a child and an adult is that he knows how to enjoy not the result, but the process itself. But art education is needed not only by talented children. After all, at a young age, the idea of ​​beauty is also laid down. It is necessary to interest the child in art; he should find pleasure in contemplating paintings. Parents are unlikely to be able to achieve this on their own, so it is better to place this responsibility on the shoulders of professionals, that is, art school teachers.

Acting classes

All children love to make faces and fool around. But you shouldn't blame them for it. It is better to channel this irrepressible energy in the right direction. For this purpose, children's clubs and acting sections were created. Here, children are offered not only to act in theatrical productions, but are also taught singing lessons, forced to do physical exercises of varying difficulty, and in some studios they even practice making their own costumes. Children like this kind of creative process, where no one scolds for deviating from the script and light improvisation. In this circle, children learn not to have stage fright, and, as a result, they will not have the fear of public speaking.

And here you can acquire the skill of managing your emotions and your facial expressions. Also, children working on stage are better able to listen to their parents and peers because they are taught to be more attentive to their opponents.

Singing and playing musical instruments group

The skill of playing the guitar or piano will definitely come in handy in adulthood. That is why children's clubs and sections that develop musical abilities are in great demand. Parents are not trying to make a second Mozart out of their child, they just want their child to be able to hear the rhythm and develop fine motor skills by plucking strings. In order for a child to feel his activities are necessary, it is necessary to at least periodically organize family concerts at home, where each of the children will demonstrate their talents to their parents.

Design and modeling circles

All children have a love for assembling houses and pyramids. Therefore, the list of clubs and sections for teenagers that develop this talent is very large. There are paper design classes where children learn that paper can very well take different shapes. For older children there are courses on modeling complex shapes. These could be airplanes, cars, buildings or entire parks. Here children learn the basics of composition and gain their first design skills. Such a circle will be useful for inquisitive children who want to understand how this or that mechanism works, and also those children who cannot live without the desire to break something should go here. When you see how a thing is created, the desire to destroy instantly disappears.

Activities for children with hearing and vision problems

Experts advise not to divide children into groups, into normal and those with defects. All guys are unique, and none of them should feel disabled. Clubs and sections for teenagers in Moscow help children socialize better. No one will laugh at a child with poor eyesight at school if there are more than 5 such children in the class. The same situation is with clubs. There is no point in taking your child to some special sections so that he gets more attention there. Unfortunately, many children now have poor vision and hearing. Of course, these shortcomings need to be treated, but there is no point in focusing attention on them. Clubs and sections for teenagers with hearing and vision problems can be varied: swimming, wrestling, tennis, drawing or acting.

Of course, you shouldn’t mock a child and send a girl with poor vision to embroider with beads, or a boy with poor hearing to a music club. Parents must adequately assess their child's abilities.

What clubs can a child with ASD and cerebral palsy attend?

Of course, such disorders are not the same as poor vision or hearing. Therefore, there is no point in organizing club sections for hearing-impaired teenagers, but clubs for children with ASD and cerebral palsy need to be created. Unique children should also have the opportunity to express themselves creatively. But the development of such teenagers requires special attention, because it is better not to leave them alone with each other. Children with ASD and cerebral palsy can go to drawing, design, swimming and horse riding.

The benefits of additional education

We found out what clubs and sections there are for teenagers. Now you need to understand what benefits they bring.

  • Children learn to work in a team. And this is great, because at school each student is responsible for himself, and in circles there are often team activities. This way, children can form friendships and learn that it is possible to enjoy helping others.
  • Ability to achieve set goals. This life trait is not given at birth, it is formed. Therefore, children should definitely be sent to the sports section, even if only for a short time.
  • Creative self-expression is only possible through art. But you need to create according to generally accepted laws and canons. To get your first creative education, you definitely need to go to an art club.
  • The ability to appreciate beauty is a skill that is developed by attending an art or music school.
  • The desire to gain new knowledge is one of the main things in our lives. It will be much easier for a student to study if he enjoys his studies. This skill is developed by the modeling and design club.

Disadvantages of additional education

Sports clubs and clubs for teenagers can cause lifelong injuries. This, of course, happens rarely, but still an unqualified coach is capable of disfiguring a child, not only physically, but also mentally. After all, from confidence to self-doubt is just one step. Many clubs take up so much time from children that the child simply does not have the opportunity to fool around with friends in the yard. Childhood goes away quickly, and most importantly, irrevocably. You can learn to play the guitar at the age of 20, but you won’t be able to play catch-up or hide-and-seek at the age of 20. Therefore, parents need to maintain a balance so that the child does not feel an excessive burden of responsibilities lying on his shoulders from an early age.

Organizing children's leisure time is the task of parents. Some people think that school or kindergarten is enough for their offspring, so at home the child plays freely and hangs out with friends. Other mothers and fathers do not allow their heirs to “wander around idle”, taking them to dancing and chess, English and drawing from an early age. Which approach is correct? How to choose clubs and sections for children so that additional activities are beneficial?

Deciding on a goal

All parents want their children to be smart, healthy, skillful, and sociable. By sending our offspring to the circle, we associate certain expectations with him. There are three goals that dads and moms pursue:

  1. General development. Parents take their children to classes so that they can try themselves in different activities, gain new experiences and have an interesting time. The child is allowed to change sections frequently; the choice takes into account his current interests. Psychologists believe that this approach is the most correct.
  2. High achievements. In such families, professional musicians or athletes are raised from the cradle. Additional activities are chosen early, based on the child’s abilities or the parents’ ambitions. They have received the closest attention for many years. If successful, the heir makes a successful career in the chosen field. But it happens that by adolescence, a child gets tired of “strumming” the piano, and a real riot starts.
  3. Correction of various deficiencies. Parents choose for children to cope with excessive shyness. A timid boy is sent to judo so that he can develop character and learn to fight back. It is important here not to aggravate the situation and to be prepared for failure in advance, since it is not always possible to remake a child at your own discretion.

Benefits of additional classes

Are clubs for children even necessary? Or is their visit just a fashion statement? With the right attitude from parents, developmental classes and sections contribute to the following:

  • broaden the child’s horizons;
  • learn to plan your time;
  • develop communication skills in a new team, allow you to find friends;
  • help the offspring become more disciplined;
  • equip with various skills and abilities;
  • improve health, take children away from televisions and computers;
  • provide an opportunity to identify and develop innate abilities.


However, with the wrong approach, visiting clubs and sections for children can turn into a painful “obligation”. This happens if:

  • Parents do not take into account the interests of their offspring when choosing classes; they insist on attending them, not paying attention to the child’s obvious reluctance.
  • The schedule is too tight, children do not have free time for games and rest, and fatigue accumulates.
  • The child does not agree with the teacher’s character and is unable to fit into the children’s team.
  • Classes are structured without taking into account age characteristics; their duration is too long.

Activities for young children

Modern mothers choose additional activities for their children almost from birth. Infant swimming and baby yoga are popular among them. In developmental groups, “one-year-olds” and “two-year-olds” get acquainted with finger games, perform exercises to music, draw, and make their first crafts from plasticine. This can be supplemented by learning letters using Zaitsev’s cubes.

Such activities well develop large and fine motor skills, aesthetic taste, imagination, and thinking of the little ones. However, all these things can be done at home without the risk of getting an infection. Children get very tired from the road and a large number of people around. They are easily distracted, cannot act according to the rules, and are capricious.

Psychologists believe that at this age, communication and games with loved ones are much more important for children. If parents want to unwind, you can go with your child to the pool or to a Montessori group with a rich play environment. Group classes will be useful if you are planning to send your child to kindergarten. But in general, you can do without clubs for now by doing creativity, dancing and gymnastics at home.

Mugs for children from 3 years old

Younger preschoolers enjoy singing songs, making up stories, drawing scribbles, performing unprecedented dances and performing tricks. The age of 3-4 years is the best time to develop creative abilities. You can enroll your little one in a club where an experienced teacher, together with the children, creates crafts from clay, dough, plasticine, and paper. At the same time, fine motor skills and speech develop.

A good choice for music lovers would be a singing or dancing club for children. Make sure that all classes are conducted in a playful way. Kids are not yet ready to sit at their desks and act according to the rules. For this reason, there is no need to send children to school preparation courses where they teach reading, mathematics, and foreign languages.

A creative circle can be combined with a sports one. Swimming and aerobics are great. Forget about competitive sports for now. Kids sincerely consider themselves the best and perceive defeats extremely painfully.

It is important that the selected mugs do not disrupt the usual daily routine. The optimal number of classes is 2-3 within one week.

Everything is grown up

The list of clubs for a 5-year-old child is expanding significantly. You can already begin specialized training in drawing, dancing, and singing. From the age of 6, children are taught to play musical instruments. Serious training begins in many sports sections. The boy can be sent to football or hockey, various types of martial arts, biathlon, karting. Figure skating, ballet, and rhythmic gymnastics are suitable for girls. Swimming, tennis, horse riding - the choice of activities is really wide.

Parents should take into account the opinion of the child himself, and not be led by their unfulfilled desires. Sometimes you have to change several sections to find something you like. Be prepared for the fact that your child will not be ready for serious work or that his interests will change over time. It is too early to make far-reaching plans, even if the offspring has obvious abilities for a certain type of activity.

Getting ready for school

By the age of 5-6 years, developmental clubs for children, preparing them for entering school, also become relevant. Here preschoolers are taught to read, compose stories from pictures, solve examples, and speak a foreign language. The curriculum largely duplicates the kindergarten one. If you teach your child at home or attend a preschool, such courses are of no use to you. It’s another matter if the child at home does not perceive his mother as a teacher.

When choosing a developmental group, give preference to one where learning alternates with entertainment. Mathematics and gymnastics, drawing and games with letters, modeling and dancing - preschoolers need versatile development. A good option would be preparatory courses at the school where the child will study. This will greatly facilitate further adaptation to first grade.

You drive more slowly...

When a child enters school, his life changes dramatically. Just recently he spent no more than an hour reading books, but now he has to give up games for them. You should not overload a first-grader with additional classes until he has fully adapted to the new conditions.

You can talk about clubs if the child has friends, he easily learns the educational material and has free time. It is better to have no more than 2 additional classes per week on weekdays. On weekends, it is permissible to visit one section located close to home.

Dance clubs for children and sports will help cope with increased mental stress. Assiduous children can be offered construction, drawing, handicrafts, and chess. Take a closer look at the mug you like for 2 months, and only then make your final choice. Changing activities and trying out different activities is natural for children. There is nothing wrong.

Additional activities for younger students

Students in grades 2-4 have clearly defined interests that should be taken into account when choosing a club. They are more disciplined, so the number of classes can be increased to 4 hours per week. It is important that the child has one day completely free from school and additional stress.

Children need new experiences. It is useful to combine a variety of activities: intellectual (for example, chess), creative (theater studio) and sports (playing basketball). It’s great if one circle is chosen taking into account the offspring’s talents, and the other will compensate for less developed qualities. So, a shy child can be sent to team sports, and a restless child can be enrolled in an art school.

Parents' opinions are very important for younger schoolchildren. Advertise a robotics club for children and sign up for English courses together. It is very likely that the child will like this promising activity.

Themselves with a mustache

Choosing a club for children 13-16 years old is quite problematic. The point of view of their parents is not as important for them as the opinion of their friends. At this age, many people quit classes that they have attended for more than one year. For example, a music school. If this does not happen, the teenager begins to take the chosen activity more seriously. For 40% of children, a hobby turns into a favorite activity, to which they devote a lot of time and effort.

The interests of other teenagers are varied, they are looking for themselves. Aerobics, wrestling, programming, tourism, skateboarding, modeling school, photography... Children can have up to 5 hobbies. At the same time, many people tend to give up their favorite sections when the first difficulties arise, without finishing the job. It is better to agree in advance with your offspring that one of the selected clubs will become mandatory for him. This way you will develop discipline in your child and teach him to take responsibility for his own decisions.

Allow or force?

Children are extremely changeable creatures. Yesterday my son ran to boxing with sparkling eyes, but today he flatly refuses to go there. What to do if your child doesn’t like the club?

If we are talking about a child under 5 years old, coercion is unacceptable. The child may not be ready for regular classes due to his age. Perhaps after kindergarten he wants to be with his mother, and not rush to choreography. Go to a meeting.

If we are talking about an older child, find out the reason for the refusal and proceed further based on it. Interest in children's clubs may disappear in the following cases:

  • The child initially had no desire to learn to play the violin, but his mother insisted. In this case, admit defeat and let them choose another circle on their own.
  • The road to the section takes a long time, the son does not have time to have a snack after school and studies until midnight. Exceeding the permissible load is very dangerous to health. Leave only one circle, located close to the house.
  • The child has no contact with the teacher or peers. If conflicts arise, go to the teacher and discuss the situation. If the problem is not solved, change the section without regret.
  • My daughter likes dancing, but she doesn’t want to endlessly repeat the same element. Children often refuse to attend a circle when they are required to make an effort for the sake of a result. Agree that you will take a “trial period”. Let the child go to the section until the end of the quarter, for two months, and finally decide on his decision. At the same time, moderate your ambitions and do not demand immediate victories from him.

Activities for children are a great opportunity to get to know yourself, discover hidden talents, make your first mistakes, experience the joy of victories and the bitterness of defeats. But don’t make an idol out of them, sacrificing the child’s childhood and your personal time. Any additional activities should be fun. Remember this.

One of the most promising businesses today is the business of education and organizing children's leisure time. At first glance, there is huge competition there, because every year new schools, private kindergartens, clubs, and so on are opened. But if you take a closer look, it turns out that the choice is meager. Especially in the regions. Today you can successfully open not only English language courses for children, but also organize a full-fledged school or kindergarten. In addition to being interesting, it is also profitable.

1. Private kindergarten. As an option, you can open a private kindergarten. You will need to find a good premises, as well as pay special attention to the training program. Parents want from such a kindergarten not only comfort and quality nutrition for the child, but also a good educational and developmental program that would prepare their children for school. And there are a number of problems here. Firstly, it is quite difficult to find a good methodologist. Secondly, there are issues of a purely legal nature and these will also have to be resolved. But all this can be very well rewarded - there is a huge problem with kindergartens and this service would be in great demand.

2. Private school. The situation is similar with a private school. A school with in-depth study of a particular subject, and even in small groups, is a parent’s dream. But to organize a business in this area, you will also have to take care of the legal aspects of the activity and teaching methods. The experience of teachers, the number of people in groups, additional classes, and the ability to organize studies so that children do all their homework in class and do not go home with them will be important. You can make good money at a private school. Especially if you are flexible and adapt to your parents - in this case, parents are willing to pay not only for high-quality education for the child, but also for him to be constantly supervised, have hot meals, do his homework well, develop creatively, and not just academically. school curriculum.

You can make good money at a private school. Especially if you are flexible and adapt to your parents - in this case, parents are willing to pay not only for high-quality education for the child, but also for him to be constantly supervised, have hot meals, do his homework well, develop creatively, and not just academically. school curriculum.

3. Language clubs. This is one of the most popular businesses among those who want to educate children. In this case, teachers can be invited for certain hours, and premises can also be rented for children’s language courses for a certain time. All this reduces the cost of starting your own company. However, it is worth considering the fact that competition in this area is quite high. Nevertheless, language clubs can be successfully promoted. It is important to come up with a kind of bait for parents. One interesting idea would be to locate a language center in some kind of shopping center. Parents with children can come there, and while adults are shopping, children can study in the language center.

4. Interest groups. Another interesting, but absolutely undeveloped area of ​​​​education for children is clubs. Such circles were especially popular in the USSR, when there were orphanages for creativity, music, art and choreography schools. All this still exists, but the choice of clubs is quite small. Especially considering that children in such clubs and electives are given academic knowledge, but few apply new teaching methods. And practically no new items are introduced. Against the backdrop of such a situation, opening a circle in robotics or clothing design would be very advantageous. These are new areas of creativity that are directly applied in nature. You can also develop scientific areas, for example, chemistry, biology, physics. There have long been companies abroad that successfully sell franchises of chemistry clubs. There, high school children learn and have fun at the same time - what could be more interesting than real chemical experiments!

5. Theater electives. Theatrical creativity circles stand apart. Drama clubs can teach many different subjects. From drawing and makeup to music, plastic arts and dancing. If you take the time to develop your own program, you will get a very good offer on the market of educational services for children.

Personal experience

6. Children's business schools. Finally, some parents dream of their children becoming business and successful people. Business schools for children help them understand the science of managing finances, ideas and companies. There, children can learn not only to count and come up with ideas, but also earn real pocket money by selling something to their friends, as well as to everyone who wants to buy the product. Such business schools for children have existed abroad for a long time and successfully find clients.

As you can see, you can really make money on education. And if you manage to develop a truly high-quality system for teaching children anything, then there will be a queue for your private school.
