Signs of pregnancy: Probable and reliable signs of pregnancy.

For teenagers

Pregnancy for many women is the most awaited event. And, of course, I want to understand as soon as possible whether the assumptions are correct. In order to determine reliable ones, you need to carefully monitor your body even before conception. If a woman knows exactly what sensations arise in her different stages menstrual cycle, namely the period after ovulation, then it is quite easy for her to notice the changes that occur in the event of conception.

The cessation of menstruation, nausea, drowsiness, breast tenderness, swelling of the limbs, mood swings, increased appetite and a number of other factors are signs of the desired “position”.

During pregnancy, especially in the very early stages, sometimes there may be aching pain in the lower back, lower abdomen, a feeling of heaviness, pressure in these areas. These symptoms are caused by a large flow of blood to parts of the pelvis, namely the uterus. Also, a woman may experience minor bleeding and cramping in the early stages.

A week after conception, a representative of the fair sex may experience scanty discharge with drops of blood. Such “implantation” bleeding in the early stages occurs due to the fact that during these days the egg begins to attach to the uterine wall. Then the pregnant woman may be bothered by spasms that resemble in nature nagging pain, as during menstruation.

Additional symptoms

However, everything above symptoms differ from menstruation in their very short-term nature. But there are other reliable signs of pregnancy. The expectant mother may experience pain associated with thickening of the walls of the uterus. Also, active cell division provokes the appearance of white discharge.

Some breast enlargement along with increased sensitivity indicates that the woman is pregnant. The breasts may swell and the skin around the nipples may darken. Such changes are clear signs of pregnancy, and they are easiest to notice in the earliest stages. Malaise, feeling tired, fatigue are also some of the manifestations of conception.

Frequent urination may be one of the symptoms of “position”. This phenomenon can cause anxiety in the earliest stages of pregnancy. All this is explained by changes in the woman’s hormonal pattern. Early pregnancy is also characterized by a decrease in blood pressure. This is due to the flow of blood to the internal organs.

Some women (early) are overtaken by increased appetite or changed taste. There is a desire to eat a lot, and the appetite is aroused by foods that were not attractive to you before. An addiction to sour, salty and other foods with “extreme” tastes may occur. When it comes to choosing a new unusual menu everything will depend on the characteristics of the organism. Such manifestations are typical for pregnant women early stage. However, they can also mislead a woman, so to be sure, it’s better to do a test right away.

Sure Signs

If for some reason you are not satisfied with a conventional test, there are more accurate diagnostic methods. To be most convincing, a woman should contact a gynecologist. By using different methods a specialist will be able to accurately answer whether there is a pregnancy or not. First of all, an analysis may be ordered to determine the presence of a fertilization marker in the blood serum.

Such a study can be carried out within a few hours after fertilization, whereas regular tests make it possible to determine pregnancy from approximately the 10th day of fertilization, when the egg has already attached to the wall of the uterus.

The most common and reliable method determination of pregnancy - ultrasound. By performing an ultrasound examination with a special transvaginal probe, the doctor will be able to see the embryo at the 3rd or 4th week.

It is important not to confuse the concepts of fertilization and egg implantation. Attachment of the egg is observed only a week after the moment of fertilization.

You can also perform an hCG test, in other words, determine the pregnancy hormone. This study is carried out on the basis of the patient’s blood as well as urine. When a woman is pregnant, this hormone begins to be actively produced by the placenta.

Performs the function of an endocrine gland, which produces the full complex of active hormones required by the body, as well as other substances vital for the development of the fetus, including human chorionic gonadotropin. The latter can be detected in the blood a week after conception. But it does not always appear immediately in urine. Then the use of tests can give a negative result.

It is important to remember that lifestyle expectant mother directly affects the development of her baby. If you are just preparing to conceive and, especially if you already suspect pregnancy, completely eliminate alcohol from drinking and introduce as many fresh fruits and vegetables into your diet as possible. Try to visit more often fresh air and... don't be nervous!

Palpation of the uterus

The undeniable signs of pregnancy include identifying parts of the embryo when feeling the uterus with your fingers. It is easiest to identify a dense and round head; sometimes you can feel the small parts. The examining doctor's hand is able to detect fetal movement. Also, with a stethoscope (or thanks to a heart monitor), you can listen to the heartbeat of a new life.

The latter method 100% indicates pregnancy, but applies to late signs, which can be seen only at the end of the 4th or at the very beginning of the 5th month of gestation. Another important “late” factor in diagnosis is a vaginal examination, as well as palpation of the uterus.

Its size in normal condition is no more than 9 cm (if we consider the longitudinal axis). In pregnant women, this indicator changes. If, until the end of the first trimester, the uterus is still located in the plane of the small pelvis, and it can only be felt when examining the vagina itself, then it then emerges from the small pelvis. At this stage, it can be palpated from the peritoneum. Next, a noticeable increase in the female abdomen begins - no tests are needed here.

Another sign of pregnancy is a hardening of the uterus. At first it is very soft, but later it becomes denser.

Finally, a delay in menstruation also indicates a possible pregnancy. This classic symptom is a fairly reliable sign for those who are accustomed to a regular menstrual cycle. And if the delay is combined with swelling mammary glands, the appearance of milk in them - we can congratulate you and refer you to a gynecologist.

Every woman should regularly visit a gynecologist, no matter what the reason - both in preparation for motherhood and in the course of ordinary everyday life. After all, there are situations when a woman applies tests on her own and is not even aware of the ectopic pregnancy. This situation is very dangerous for the life of both the woman herself and her unborn child. The fertilized egg, having attached itself to the walls of the uterus, actively grows and can damage internal organs, call heavy bleeding, sharp pain. That is why it is important to consult a doctor in time to find out the true state of things.

Have more children and don’t get sick!

Diagnosis of pregnancy (doubtful, probable, reliable signs of pregnancy)

The presence of pregnancy is established on the basis of doubtful, probable and reliable signs.

Doubtful signs include: changes in taste and olfactory sensations, changes in appetite, as well as objective: from the outside nervous system(drowsiness, irritability, autonomic reactions), appearance age spots on the face, linea alba, nipples, nausea, vomiting.

Possible signs include: cessation of menstruation, enlargement of the mammary glands, release of colostrum, enlargement and changes in the uterus, positive biological and immunological reactions.

Of the signs indicating a change in the shape and consistency of the uterus in connection with pregnancy, the most important are the following.

  • 1. Enlarged uterus. It is determined starting from the 5th-6th week of pregnancy: the uterus increases in anteroposterior size (becomes spherical), and later in its transverse size. By the end of the 2nd month of pregnancy, the size of the uterus corresponds to the size of a goose egg; at the end of the 3rd month, the fundus of the uterus is at or slightly above the symphysis.
  • 2. Horwitz-Hegar symptom. When examined, the pregnant uterus is soft, the softening is especially pronounced in the isthmus area. During a two-handed examination, the fingers of both hands touch in the isthmus area with almost no resistance. The sign is characteristic of early pregnancy and is clearly identified 6-8 weeks after the start of the last menstruation
  • 3. Snegirev’s sign. The pregnant uterus is characterized by variability in consistency. The soft pregnant uterus, under the influence of mechanical irritation during a two-handed examination, becomes denser and contracts. After the irritation stops, the uterus again acquires a soft consistency.
  • 4. Piskacek's sign. The early stages of pregnancy are characterized by asymmetry of the uterus, caused by a dome-shaped protrusion of its right or left corner, which corresponds to the site of implantation ovum. As the fertilized egg grows, this asymmetry gradually disappears.
  • 5. Gubarev and Gaus sign. Indicates slight mobility of the cervix in the early stages of pregnancy, which is associated with significant softening of the isthmus.
  • 6. Genter's sign. Due to the softening of the isthmus in the early stages of pregnancy, the uterus is bent anteriorly and a comb-like thickening occurs on the anterior surface of the uterus along the midline. However, this thickening is not always detected.

Reliable signs: ultrasonic. When using a transvaginal sensor, visualization of the fetal egg in the uterine cavity is possible even with a two to three day delay in menstruation with a regular menstrual cycle, i.e. at 4-5 weeks obstetric period pregnancy. At 5 weeks of pregnancy, fetal cardiac activity begins to be determined. Movement of the fetus, its palpable parts.

To diagnose early pregnancy, level determination is also used. human chorionic gonadotropin human blood serum. With normal flow pregnancy hCG can be detected in the blood serum on the 5th day after implantation of the egg into the uterine mucosa and its peak lasts until 8-9 weeks of pregnancy.

The diagnosis of pregnancy is undoubted if, during the examination, parts of the fetus, heartbeat and fetal movements are determined, with ultrasound examination- fertilized egg. These reliable signs of pregnancy do not appear at the beginning, but later late dates(V-VI month). In the early stages, the diagnosis of pregnancy is made on the basis of presumptive and probable signs.

Presumable (doubtful) signs of pregnancy

TO suggestive signs include manifestations general changes pregnancy-related:

changes in appetite (aversion to meat, fish, etc.), cravings (craving for spicy foods, unusual substances - chalk, clay, etc.), nausea, vomiting in the morning;

changes in olfactory sensations (aversion to perfume, tobacco smoke and etc.);

changes in the nervous system: irritability, drowsiness, mood instability, etc.;

skin pigmentation on the face, along the white line of the abdomen, nipples and areola.

Possible signs of pregnancy

This group of signs includes changes in menstrual function and changes in the genitals:

cessation of menstruation;

the appearance of colostrum from the milk ducts opening on the nipple when pressing on the mammary glands;

cyanosis (cyanosis) of the mucous membrane of the vagina and cervix;

changes in the size, shape and consistency of the uterus;

laboratory tests (determination of chorionic hormone in urine and blood).

Reliable signs

Identification of fetal parts by palpation of a woman’s abdomen (Leopold’s maneuvers).

Determination of fetal movements during palpation: sensation of fetal movement during palpation or ultrasound.

Listening to fetal heart sounds. The diagnosis of pregnancy is confirmed by listening to fetal heart sounds, the frequency of which is 120/140 per minute. Heart contractions can be determined from 5-7 weeks using instrumental research methods: ECG, phonocardiography, cardiotocography, ultrasound, and from 17-19 weeks - auscultation.

Possible signs of pregnancy are identified by:

palpating the mammary glands and squeezing out colostrum;

examination of the external genitalia and vaginal opening;

research using mirrors;

vaginal and two-manual vaginal-abdominal examination of a woman.

Delayed menstruation is an important sign, especially in women with regular cycles. The significance of this symptom increases if it is combined with engorgement of the mammary glands and the appearance of colostrum in them, with the occurrence of cyanosis of the vagina and especially the vaginal part of the cervix, with a change in the size and consistency of the uterus.

As pregnancy progresses, the size of the uterus changes. Changes in the shape of the uterus are determined by two-handed (bimanual) examination. Uterus non-pregnant women has a pear-shaped shape, somewhat compacted in the anteroposterior dimension. With the onset of pregnancy, the shape of the uterus changes. From 5-6 weeks, the uterus takes on a spherical shape. Starting from 7-8 weeks, the uterus becomes asymmetrical, one of its corners may protrude. By about 10 weeks, the uterus becomes spherical again, and by the end of pregnancy it takes on an ovoid shape.

The following signs indicate the presence of pregnancy:

Enlarged uterus . Enlargement of the uterus is noticeable at 5-6 weeks of pregnancy; The uterus initially increases in the anteroposterior direction (becomes spherical), and later its transverse size also increases. How longer term pregnancy, the clearer the increase in uterine volume. By the end of the second month of pregnancy, the uterus increases to the size of a goose egg; at the end of the third month of pregnancy, the fundus of the uterus is at the level of the symphysis or slightly above it.

Horwitz-Hegar sign . The consistency of the pregnant uterus is soft, and the softening is especially pronounced in the isthmus area. During a two-handed examination, the fingers of both hands meet in the isthmus area with almost no resistance. This symptom is very typical for early pregnancy.

Snegirev's sign . Pregnancy is characterized by slight changes in the consistency of the uterus. During a two-handed examination, the softened pregnant uterus becomes denser and shrinks in size under the influence of mechanical irritation. After the irritation stops, the uterus again acquires a soft consistency.

Piskacek's sign. In the early stages of pregnancy, asymmetry of the uterus often occurs, depending on the dome-shaped protrusion of its right or left corner from 7-8 weeks.

The protrusion corresponds to the site of implantation of the fertilized egg. As the fertilized egg grows, the protrusion gradually disappears (by 10 weeks).

Gubarev and Gaus noticed slight mobility of the cervix in the early stages of pregnancy. Slight displacement of the cervix is ​​associated with significant softening of the isthmus.

Genter's sign. In the early stages of pregnancy, there is an increased anterior bending of the uterus, resulting from a strong softening of the isthmus, as well as a comb-like thickening (protrusion) on the anterior surface of the uterus along the midline. This thickening is not always determined.

Thus, the diagnosis of pregnancy is made based on clinical examination data. However, in some cases, when it is difficult to diagnose pregnancy or for the purpose of differential diagnosis, laboratory diagnostic methods are used. Diagnosis of early pregnancy is based on the determination of substances specific to pregnancy in the biological fluids of a woman’s body.

Modern methods for diagnosing pregnancy are divided into biological, immunological, echographic (ultrasound diagnostics) and others.

Both biological and immunological methods are based on the determination of choriogonadotropin (CG), a hormone secreted by the chorion, in biological material (most often in urine). Choriogonadotropin (CG), in its chemical nature, is close to pituitary lutropin (LH), and is a glycoprotein with a relative molecular weight of 37900.

The hormone consists of two peptide chains ( and -subunits), one of which () is the same for all glycoproteins - hCG, lutropin (LH), follitropin (FSH) and thyrotropin (TSH), and the other is -specific for each of them. The β-subunit of hCG with a relative molecular weight of 23000 has specific hormonal activity. The synthesis of hCG begins from the first days of pregnancy and continues until childbirth with maximum production on the 60-70th day after implantation. Then its level decreases and remains stable until childbirth.

Currently, immunological methods are used to diagnose early pregnancy. Immunological methods are based on a precipitation reaction with rabbit antiserum, or on complement fixation, or on suppression of the hemagglutination reaction. The most widely used method was the suppression of the hemagglutination reaction, developed simultaneously in two laboratories in 1960, Z. Swierczynska, E. Samochowiec (Poland) and L. Wide, C. Gemzell (Sweden). The method is based on inhibition of the agglutination reaction between red blood cells “charged” with hCG (antigen), antiserum to hCG (containing specific antibodies) and added urine. When red blood cells “charged” with hCG (antigen) and the urine of a pregnant woman are added to the antiserum (antibodies), the hCG present in it binds to the antiserum, and the red blood cells do not undergo agglutination and settle to the bottom of the ampoule. If the urine of a non-pregnant woman, which does not contain hCG, is added, an agglutination reaction occurs and the red blood cells are distributed evenly in the ampoule. To carry out a diagnostic reaction, the contents of the ampoule are dissolved in 0.4 ml of the phosphate buffer supplied with the kit and two drops of fresh morning filtered urine are added using the supplied capillary. The contents of the ampoule are mixed and the ampoule is placed at room temperature. After 2 hours, the reaction is taken into account: the uniform distribution of red blood cells in the ampoule indicates the absence of pregnancy, their settling to the bottom in the form of a ring or button indicates the presence of pregnancy.

Radioimmunological method 10 times more sensitive than immunological. The most common method is double antibodies, based on the precipitation of antibodies to the hormone. For radioimmunological determination of hCG, it is best to use ready-made kits produced by various companies. The use of radioimmunological methods makes it possible to determine a hCG level of 0.12-0.50 IU/l within 5-7 days after implantation of the fertilized egg. The latest radioimmunological methods for determining the -subunit in the hCG molecule make it possible to determine its level of 3.0 IU/l. Determination time is 1.5-2.5 minutes.

Immunoenzyme express methods determination of hCG or -hCG in the urine makes it possible to diagnose pregnancy 1-2 weeks after nidation of the fertilized egg.

There are test systems for quickly determining the presence or absence of pregnancy, which women themselves can use.

Today we will talk about how to recognize the first signs of pregnancy and whether it is possible to find out about conception even before your period is missed.

To plan for conception, you need to know your ovulation date. To do this, you need to keep a calendar of the menstrual cycle, measure your basal temperature correctly and regularly.

If between critical days If 28-30 days pass, the egg will be released from the follicle in the middle of the cycle. If the interval is more than or less days, then you need to subtract 14 from the number of days in the cycle.

For example, if the cycle length is 35 days, then ovulation will occur approximately 21 days after the start of the last menstruation (35-14=21).

The most reliable signs of pregnancy in the first days

  1. Basal temperature indicators. If you keep track of your basal rates, you know that the graph looks like a curve - the values ​​peak on the day of ovulation, after which they decrease. If this does not happen, the temperature does not fall below 37.1 degrees, the likelihood that you are pregnant is quite high. But similar situation observed in some inflammatory processes, so other symptoms need to be taken into account.
  2. Bloody discharge before the onset of menstruation- on underwear You may see a few brown or pink spots about a week after ovulation. This phenomenon is called implantation bleeding; the fertilized egg reaches the uterus, takes hold in the epithelium, and when the integrity of the tissue is broken, a few drops of blood appear. But this sign does not always appear.
  3. Great weakness constant fatigue, drowsiness– with the onset of pregnancy, many changes occur in a woman’s body, and the body spends a lot of energy on all this. Signs of a cold may also appear because the immune system weakens after conception.
  4. Frequent mood swings, tearfulness, sentimentality.
  5. The occurrence of discomfort in a sitting position.
  6. Unusual allergic reactions . The immune system pregnant women begin to work for two from the first days, so they perceive any potential allergen as an enemy substance. Reacts accordingly: rash, peeling, redness.
  7. Condition of the cervix. Before menstruation, it becomes soft, opens, and rises high. If conception has occurred, the organ becomes hard to the touch, closes, and sinks low.

All these signs indirectly indicate pregnancy, since they can accompany various pathological conditions in the body, so in any case you should not postpone your visit to the doctor.

How to find out about pregnancy before your period is missed - sensations and external manifestations

The first sensations of pregnancy manifest themselves differently for each woman; many manage to find out about conception within a few days.

First signs of pregnancy before missed period

  1. Toxicosis. Nausea, vomiting, slight increase in temperature - these symptoms appear due to the fact that the body perceives the fetus as a foreign body. may be early, late, or absent altogether.
  2. Decreased blood counts. Hypotension develops against the background of restructuring in of cardio-vascular system, manifests itself in the form of dizziness, migraine, nausea, weakness.
  3. Increased nipple sensitivity, soreness of the mammary glands - the body begins to prepare for natural feeding, which causes breast swelling.
  4. Montgomery tubercles. Quite specific and exact sign pregnancy - small elevations appear on the areola near the nipples, which are similar in appearance to goose bumps. Often appear on initial terms pregnancy and venous patterns on the chest.
  5. Nagging pain in the lower abdomen, lower back, tingling sensation in the uterus - normal phenomenon, so the reproductive organ prepares for upcoming birth. Normally, discomfort should last no more than 2 days.
  6. Sleep disturbance– Pregnant women suffer from chronic lack of sleep and are constantly sleepy.
  7. Change in taste preferences, increased appetite, odor intolerance are classic signs of pregnancy, usually appear at the beginning of the second month, but many women begin to experience similar sensations from the first days after conception.
  8. Digestive problems– bloating, constipation, diarrhea. With the onset of pregnancy, the intestines begin to work slowly, its walls swell slightly due to hormonal changes, various dyspeptic disorders appear, salivation increases, and an obsessive metallic taste appears in the mouth.
  9. Frequent urination– a consequence of hormonal changes that occurs approximately 10-14 days after conception.

The onset of pregnancy may be indicated by swelling of the face, the appearance of pimples or their sudden complete disappearance, and a constant bright blush. Due to calcium deficiency, cramps occur during sleep.

Most of these signs occur during PMS, so you should wait until your period or take a pregnancy test. Delayed menstruation is one of the most obvious signs early pregnancy.

When can I do a pregnancy test

Even the most sensitive test will not show pregnancy immediately after conception; it should be done no earlier than a week after the date of ovulation. During this time, the fertilized egg will move along fallopian tubes Until it becomes established in the uterus, the hCG level will be low.

The first signs of pregnancy in the early stages - diagnostic methods

An increase in hCG level in the blood, ultrasound, listening to the fetal heartbeat, doctors call all other signs possible symptoms pregnancy.

Accurate signs of pregnancy:

  1. HCG level. This hormone begins to be produced 7-10 days after conception, its level increases throughout pregnancy, based on this indicator the development of the fetus is judged.
  2. Ultrasound– most exact method pregnancy definitions, but even good specialist will be able to see a fertilized egg in the uterine cavity 2 weeks after the delay.
  3. Listening to your baby's heartbeat– one of the most touching moments in the life of every woman. But you can only hear your baby’s heart beat at 10-12 weeks.

If, against the background of a delay in menstruation, there are abundant bloody issues, the pain in the lower abdomen is intense, cutting in nature, the temperature rises greatly - you need to urgently consult a doctor, these symptoms may indicate an ectopic pregnancy.


After conception in female body radical changes occur, which can manifest itself in the form various symptoms, new sensations, changes in psycho-emotional state.

All women expecting pregnancy engage in scrupulous soul-searching in search of symptoms of its onset. Some people want this so much that they begin to turn on all the absurd fantasy buttons and monitor a number of “pregnant” signs in everything, for example: “stuffy nose - I’m pregnant”, “I want a cucumber - am I really pregnant”, “don’t want a cucumber - I’m probably pregnant." To help paranoid mothers, there are reliable signs of pregnancy, consisting of three categories:

  1. possible (indicate the likelihood of successful conception);
  2. probable (indicating a high degree of probable conception);
  3. accurate (are indisputable evidence of probable conception).
  1. Lack of menstruation (delay)
    This is the first sign by which women begin to suspect pregnancy. But a delay should be taken as a sign only with a regular menstrual cycle. Otherwise, late periods may be caused by:
    • stress or depression;
    • a sharp change in the usual life schedule;
    • increased physical activity;
    • medicines;
    • increased body weight or lack thereof;
    • menopause or premenopausal period.
  2. Changed nature of menstruation
    Any deviation from the usual and normally current menstrual cycle may be a sign of pregnancy: too long or short monthly cycle, heavy or scanty menstrual discharge. However, in addition to pregnancy, a disruption in the cycle may be the result of any disease reproductive system and a reason to contact a gynecologist.
  3. Painful sensations
    In the first days after pregnancy, many women experience pain in the lower abdomen that is similar in nature and intensity to menstrual pain.
  4. Nausea and vomiting
    This sign is a faithful companion for most pregnant women, which can be observed both at the beginning of pregnancy and throughout its entire duration. Most often, nausea and vomiting appear in the sixth week of pregnancy, but still 5% of women begin to feel their appearance from the first days. In addition to pregnancy, these symptoms may indicate organ diseases gastrointestinal tract(Gastrointestinal tract). But there is one difference - gastrointestinal disease is not limited to vomiting and nausea, but is accompanied by other unpleasant symptoms.
  5. Change in libido
    The female body “cranks up” during pregnancy a large number of a variety of processes that entail changes in behavior, sensations and perceptions. The situation is the same with sexual desire. All ongoing processes contribute to the disappearance or activation of a woman’s libidinal sphere. To physical changes can be attributed increased sensitivity breasts, touching which can cause both pleasant and unpleasant sensations, gagging, increased blood flow to the organs of the reproductive system, etc. Towards psychological changes include the influence of the “enraged” hormonal levels on the nervous system.
  6. Breast tenderness and tenderness
    During pregnancy, the breast undergoes a number of preparatory processes for feeding the baby and is accompanied by a set of changes:
    • increased sensitivity and pain;
    • the color of the nipple halo changes;
    • there is swelling of the nipple and the isola;
    • breasts increase in size;
    • When you press on the nipple, colostrum is released.
  7. Breast augmentation
    During pregnancy, mammary gland enlargement occurs evenly in one and the other breast. If only one breast is enlarged, this may be a sign of a disease.
  8. Frequent urge to urinate
    This symptom accompanies a woman throughout the entire period of pregnancy and appears as a result of an increase in the size of the uterus. As it increases, it puts pressure on bladder, the space for which is becoming less and less every day, and the urge to urinate more and more often. This symptom can also be observed with various diseases urinary and endocrine system(urethritis, cystitis, diabetes and so on.). But besides the urge to urinate, the disease also has a number of other signs (temperature, pain, burning).

  9. The hormonal chaos that occurs in the body of a pregnant woman often throws her mood from one extreme to another. Tearfulness can give way to sudden joy, and vice versa. This is usually temporary, but some women may experience it throughout their pregnancy.
  10. Change in taste preferences
    There is an opinion among people that if you have a craving for something salty, it means you are pregnant. In fact, taste preferences pregnant women can be completely affected different groups products, ranging from edible to unusable substances. Some limit themselves to ice cream with herring, while other pregnant gourmets fill their bellies with starch, chalk, earth, raw cape, etc. It is believed that taste perversion appears as a result of a lack of one or another microelement. A lack of iron, for example, in addition to cravings for certain foods, can be accompanied by brittle hair, nails, general weakness and fatigue.
  11. Increased fatigue
    Pregnancy is a serious burden on a woman’s body. Every day he has to cope with many processes that require a certain amount of energy and effort. It is for this reason that during the difficult period of bearing a child it is common for a woman to experience increased fatigue, drowsiness and fatigue. This sign is not decisive, as it can occur with various diseases or be a consequence of changes familiar image life.
  12. Formation of tubercles of Manngomery
    The place where tubercles form during pregnancy is the areola on the chest. It is on this that small pimples are concentrated, reminiscent of “ goose bumps"and do not pose any threat to a woman’s health.
  13. Skin changes
    All internal changes in the body tend to appear on the skin. Pregnancy has its own set of skin changes:
    • chloasma– focal hyperpigmentation of the facial skin, resulting from increased secretion of melanotropin. Location: forehead, cheeks, nose. After the baby is born, the pigmentation gradually disappears.
    • longitudinal line on the abdomen, which starts from the pubis and stretches upward towards the chest, and becomes noticeable from the third month of pregnancy.
    • skin rashes, as a sign of pregnancy, are not typical for every woman. During this period, some people have smooth and almost perfect skin, while others suffer from acne, which appears due to active work sebaceous glands.
    • spider veinsmarble leather", spider veins) usually form on the legs, chest, arms, cheeks and neck as a result of the active production of female sex hormones.
  14. Stretch marks
    As a result of rupture of collegiate fibers skin Light, uneven stripes may appear, which are stretch marks.
    Stretch marks are the result of the destruction of connective tissue and form in most pregnant women. During pregnancy and after childbirth, they are usually observed in the vast majority of women (60-90%) and are located on the abdomen, chest, hips and arms. Their number directly depends on genetic predisposition, rate of weight gain and nutritional specifics.
  15. Increased size of the uterus
    As the fetus grows, there is a gradual increase in the volume of the uterus and, accordingly, the size of the abdomen. But, unfortunately, pregnancy is not the only reason for an increase, since neoplasms in the uterus are also characterized by a noticeable change in its size. There are also diseases in which only the volume of the abdomen increases, and the uterus remains the same (ascites, hyperplasia).
  16. Colostrum from the breast
    Colostrum is the first and most healthy food baby. Usually the first drops appear at the end of pregnancy, but in some women this process begins at an earlier stage.

All of the above reliable signs of pregnancy have been confirmed by time and experience of all successful mothers. However, 25 signs of pregnancy are not supplemented by one more thing - a woman’s premonition. Sometimes it alone can replace all twenty-five.