The baby has marbled skin. Causes of marbling of skin in infants Komarovsky


Sometimes parents are faced with a situation where a bluish, uneven color in the form of a mesh pattern appears on the skin of their child. This phenomenon is not uncommon. It is called marbled skin (or livedo), and can be a reaction to some external irritant or a sign of illness.

More often, a mesh pattern is observed on the arms, legs, and sometimes on the tummy. If it does not have pronounced outlines, and occurs periodically in a newborn and then disappears, then there is no need to worry. This is a normal physiological phenomenon at this age. In cases where marbled skin is observed for a long time, the baby must be shown to a pediatrician; he may need urgent treatment.

Typically, a reticular pattern in a baby is observed until the age of 3-6 months, then the epidermis acquires a normal shade. The causes of marbled skin can be both physiological and pathological. The latter are a cause for concern, as they can signal the presence of serious disorders in the child’s body that require careful examination and treatment.

Physiological reasons

In most cases, a marble pattern on the skin of a baby occurs as a result of a decrease (increase) in temperature indoors or outdoors. This is explained by the fact that its vessels and capillaries are not always able to adequately respond to changes in the external environment.

Other factors that contribute to the appearance of a marble pattern on the skin include:

  • A baby has thin, light skin, through which all the vessels and capillaries are visible.
  • There is a minimal layer of subcutaneous fat, which is why the vessels are clearly visible through the skin.
  • Physical activity (for example, prolonged crying);
  • Prematurity.
  • Sudden hypothermia of the body (for example, when a child was bathed in cool water or changed clothes in a drafty room).
  • Vascular damage during childbirth. Often during difficult births, doctors use obstetric forceps, which compress the fragile head of the newborn. And in some cases, a caesarean section is performed, which also does not have the best effect on the baby’s health.
  • Overfeeding, which leads to an increase in blood volume, and this negatively affects the elasticity of blood vessels.
  • Asthenic physique (thinness);

Marbled skin in infants, caused by physiological factors, does not require special treatment. There is no need to panic, because by 3-6 months the baby’s skin will acquire its usual shade, since blood circulation in the vessels will improve, and subcutaneous fat will also grow.

Pathological origin

If the mesh pattern becomes very pronounced, does not go away after the baby is warmed, and does not decrease as he grows up, then consultation with doctors (pediatrician, neurologist, cardiologist) is necessary. The situation is also dangerous when the following are added to bluish skin:

  • blue discoloration of the nasolabial triangle;
  • increased sweating;
  • pale skin;
  • increase (decrease) in body temperature;
  • overexcitation, lethargy;
  • throwing back the head.

Pathological causes of marbled skin:

  • Bacterial infections in the body. In this case, the body temperature rises, the blood vessels undergo spasm and thermoregulation is disrupted.
  • Hypoxia during intrauterine development. With a lack of oxygen, the baby’s vascular system could be damaged and now this is expressed by a characteristic pattern on the skin.
  • Anemia(decreased blood and red blood cells).
  • Congenital heart defect.
  • Heredity. The presence of vegetative-vascular dystonia (impaired functioning of the autonomic nervous system) in both or one of the parents.
  • Lack of oxygen against the background of diseases of the upper respiratory tract (for example, bronchitis or pneumonia).
  • Generalized phlebectasia(a congenital disease involving a malformation of the superficial veins).
  • Hydrocephalus, brain cyst, encephalopathy. These diseases are characterized by the appearance of a marbled pattern on the epidermis.
  • Down syndrome, Edwards. In such children, the skin may periodically acquire a mesh pattern.

Alarming symptoms that you should first pay attention to are marbled skin, combined with an increase in body temperature to 38-39 degrees, chills, vomiting, and convulsions.

What to do

As already noted, by 6 months, marbled skin in many infants goes away on its own, without requiring therapy. However, parents should not wait until this age; the child must be examined to rule out any serious illness. You will need to undergo a cardiogram, ultrasound of the heart, brain examination, and tests. During the examination, the doctor will also take into account the baby’s age, genetic predisposition, and associated symptoms.

If during the diagnosis it turned out that the cause of the marble pattern was physiological factors, then they need to be eliminated:

  • avoid hypothermia, overheating, prolonged crying;
  • ensure a comfortable temperature in the room where the baby is constantly located;
  • regularly ventilate the room and carry out wet cleaning;
  • do not touch baby’s skin with cold hands;
  • After bathing, dry the baby only with a soft terry towel.

You should take your baby for walks in the fresh air more often and take daily 5-10-minute air baths. Periodically perform a light massage of the upper and lower extremities (with soft rubbing, tapping movements), which will help improve blood circulation.

It is necessary to treat a baby in cases where the cause of the appearance of marbled marble is some pathological disease. Therapy in this case is aimed at eliminating the root cause.

Under no circumstances should you self-medicate using any medications (tablets, ointments), as this can only worsen the baby’s condition. Without finding out the true cause of the pathology, treatment will simply be meaningless.

Marble skin can be normal or serve as a symptom of some serious illness that requires urgent treatment. Therefore, if it is detected in a child, it is necessary to get an appointment with a pediatrician as soon as possible. Only after an examination can you find out what caused such an unusual skin color.

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What it is

Marble skin in a baby is a very loose and voluminous concept. Unusual shade and peculiar pattern on the skin can be both a sign of a disease and a variant of the physiological norm. Typically, marbling is noted over the entire area of ​​the skin, although in certain cases a marble “mesh” can form only on the cheeks or only on the child’s arms.

The overall color of the skin can be either pale or reddish, and the vascular network itself, forming a marble pattern, can be either reddish or all shades of blue.

Marbled skin itself is not considered a pathology; such a sign is always assessed in combination with other possible diseases and conditions.

Marbling is most often observed in children who have inherited light, pale skin from their parents. Dark-skinned babies exhibit this skin color much less often.

Physiological origin

In 90% of cases, such skin in a child indicates completely understandable and harmless reasons. The skin of newborns is much thinner and more vulnerable than the skin of adults. It is more susceptible to any external influences, and primarily to temperature changes. If an adult, as a rule, does not feel a difference of 1-2 degrees at all, then for a newborn such a difference is very noticeable.

Thermoregulation in babies who have just been born is imperfect. And the circulatory system is just being rebuilt to operate independently, deprived of placental nutrition. The vessels and capillaries themselves are located too close to the skin. Under the influence of a variety of external factors, including temperature changes, some vessels can expand, others - narrow. Those that expand through the skin appear more red, those that narrow through the skin appear more blue. This is how marbling is formed.

The skin can sometimes have such an unusual color if the child is bathed in cool water, changed clothes in a cool room, or it can be almost constantly marbled, only slightly changing the intensity and outline of the marble pattern. There are no other alarming symptoms with physiological marbling, the child is healthy, eats well, sleeps, develops and gains weight within average limits. Parents are satisfied with absolutely everything except the baby’s skin tone.

This condition does not require any treatment or other measures. Usually, by 3-4 months, the child’s thermoregulation is established, blood circulation in small vessels improves, and the mesh disappears by itself. This process may take a long time, but after six months a physiologically determined marble mesh is already a rarity.

Most often, such harmless natural marbling is characteristic of children who were born after a difficult and long labor, babies who experienced hypoxia while in the womb, premature toddlers, as well as children who suffered an intrauterine infection.

Pathological origin

A marbled pattern on the skin may indicate possible health problems. In this case, skin manifestations are combined with other symptoms and signs characteristic of a particular disease.

Such unusual skin quite often accompanies a cyst or dropsy of the brain, congenital heart defects, or encephalopathy acquired during the perinatal period.

Marbling in this case has a sickly tint (similar in appearance to gray marble), the skin is pale, the vessels are narrowed, and the vascular network is bluish. The skin is almost constantly cool and prone to sweating, the nasolabial triangle often has a bluish color.

Parents at home will definitely not have to guess the reasons for this marbled shade, since almost all diseases that accompany this skin color are easily diagnosed in the early neonatal period, and parents will learn about such ailments, if not in the maternity hospital, then during the first routine medical examination which takes place in 1 month.

Quite often, parents of babies notice the appearance of marbled skin during the child’s illness, against the background of a high temperature. In this case, we may be talking about the so-called white fever - a condition in which, against the background of fever, a spasm of peripheral blood vessels occurs in a child. At high temperatures, the child's hands remain cold, and a marble mesh may appear on the skin.

Rare causes

There is a syndrome of skin marbling in medical encyclopedias. This is a very rare congenital disease that is associated with vascular pathology. Since 1970, only just over 200 cases of true marbling have been reported worldwide. In addition to the unusual appearance of the skin, abnormalities in the development of blood vessels cause other changes in the child’s body. All of them are perfectly diagnosed immediately after birth. True marbled skin is accompanied by microcephaly of the brain, giant nevi, including flaming nevi.

With a rare congenital disease, in addition to marbling, a child has asymmetry of the face and body, limbs, gross pathologies in the structures of the brain and central nervous system. The skin with this disease has a permanent purple tint. The vascular network is very clearly visible. To confirm such a diagnosis, a geneticist will have to go on a conference call with foreign colleagues, since in Russia the disease has been studied very little, and all the striking, described and relatively studied cases were registered mainly in the West, although even there it is difficult to make predictions about congenital marbling - there is too little practice.


If at some point the parents discovered signs of marbling of the skin in a newborn, there is no need to panic, but such a sign should also not be ignored. If the marble pattern appears again and again, you need to try to understand what factors favor it and be sure to tell your pediatrician about this at your next appointment.

If the child’s condition gives rise to more real concerns and there are other symptoms of possible pathology, then you should not hesitate to consult a doctor.

Depending on the baby’s condition, the doctor prescribes consultations with a cardiologist, pediatric neurologist, or rheumatologist. Diagnostic methods include ultrasound examination of the heart and large vessels, ultrasound examination of the brain (until the fontanel is tightened, and later MRI). An electrocardiogram and an encephalogram can tell specialists a lot about the baby’s health status. It is quite possible that the child will need to consult a dermatologist.

How to treat?

Physiologically conditioned marbled skin does not require treatment. The condition goes away on its own and in a fairly short time, on average after 2-3 months. To help a child acquire strong vascular tone, parents can practice daily strengthening massage, pouring cool water over the child after the main bath(according to the method of pediatrician Evgeniy Komarovsky, for example). The child will benefit from long walks in the fresh air, strengthening gymnastics and daily naked air baths.

It is good to practice early swimming. For the youngest (from 1 month), special orthopedic circles for the neck can be used for swimming.

A baby prone to manifestations of marbling of the skin, It is strictly forbidden to overfeed or overheat. This only intensifies the strange skin manifestations. Treatment of pathological causes depends on what specific disease is detected. Many problems with blood vessels and congenital heart defects, which manifest themselves at a very early age as marbling of the skin, require prompt or somewhat delayed surgical treatment.

Conservative therapy uses vascular drugs, vitamins, and physiotherapeutic procedures. The main goal of treatment is to increase blood microcirculation and strengthen the walls of blood vessels. Usually, the symptoms of marbled skin, if they are caused by pathology, disappear after the main cause that caused the problems with the blood vessels is eliminated. There are no medications that specifically help with strange skin color.

A common compliment - “skin like a baby” - implies tenderness, smoothness and an even, warm shade of the epidermis of its owner. And indeed, the glossy, magazine image of a baby is just like a peach in a diaper. Pinkish-golden skin, light fluff, a few touching folds... Lovely!

Parents in love love the baby immensely, and they are concerned about the “patina” on his skin.

Does your baby's skin look a little different than what advertising glamor requires? As soon as a baby becomes hypothermic, cries, or overexerts himself, how does his body immediately acquire a strange, uneven hue?

Let's find out what this symptom is, how common it is among infants, and does it go away on its own or does it need treatment?

Why does the child have marbled skin?

This reddish-bluish pattern on the arms, legs, and often on the entire body is caused by the infant’s vegetative-vascular system is not fully formed. The smallest vessels - capillaries, whose task is to quickly and clearly respond to any changes, simply do not keep up with the changing reality. Instead of a common, well-coordinated work, some of the blood vessels narrow sharply - and in this place the skin acquires a bluish tint. At the locations of capillaries that do not want to block the blood flow, the baby’s body turns red.

Unfortunately, this phenomenon is quite common.

Is marble skin color considered normal for an infant?

In short, as they say in Odessa, yes rather than no. But…

So, we’ll talk about all the “buts” in more detail. Look at the photo.

If a change in the color of the baby’s skin looks something like this, and occurs periodically (for example, when changing clothes, when the baby’s hands and feet are cold), then it’s time to talk about the physiological marbled skin of a newborn.

Usually this phenomenon goes away on its own by the time the baby is six months old and does not require additional treatment.

With a more intense pattern covering the entire body of the baby, accompanied by a number of warning signs (we will talk about them below), consultation with the attending physician is simply necessary.

Look at the next photo.

Is the marbling of the baby’s skin as pronounced? Is there anything else about the baby’s condition that is causing you concern? For example:

  • pallor,
  • lethargy, or, conversely,
  • increased excitability,

Measure your temperature (a similar reaction often occurs to hyperthermia) and call a doctor!

You can often see patches on the scalp of babies that look untidy. Most often, scales appear due to neglect of hygiene; they can be an allergic reaction or diathesis.

What to do if the child’s skin dries out and no measures help restore it to its original pink color, softness and velvety. Here we will talk about the causes of dry skin and tell you about some methods to combat it.

Reasons why a baby’s skin can acquire a pronounced marbled color - let’s build versions

If we take not only the usual optimistic view of Dr. E.O. Komarovsky on the physiology of this phenomenon, and, in fairness, consider all the options, the picture is as follows:

So is it necessary to treat a baby’s marbled skin, or will it go away on its own?

It will definitely pass! But perhaps she will need our help with this.

If one of the above diseases gave the baby’s epidermis an unusual appearance, then by this time your attending physician is probably already treating it. In this case, spots on the baby’s skin are just one of the symptoms that will go away along with the main sore.

We begin treatment without delay!

If marbling is caused by the immaturity of the baby’s vegetative-vascular system, therapy will be aimed at helping in its development. The baby’s lifestyle and routine are structured in such a way as to create optimal conditions for regulating vascular tone.

This includes a balanced diet and daily walks in the fresh air, proper alternation of rest and wakefulness, general hardening of the body (douches, rubdowns, air baths), etc.

An active lifestyle works wonders.

Ask your pediatrician to teach you basic techniques to regulate blood circulation. Most of them are not complicated and can be done at home.

In cases of autonomic dysfunction, swimming has a good healing effect. train the tone of his blood vessels and harden him at the same time. And for yourself, this is a great way to get back into shape after pregnancy and childbirth.

Among medications, in such cases, general tonics and vitamins, especially group B, are usually prescribed. The so-called vitamin-like substances based on carnitine - Carnitene - have proven themselves to be quite good.

What about children over three years old?

By this age, it is already more difficult to attribute the unusual reaction of the offspring’s skin to immaturity of tone. Of course, if these are not isolated cases that can occur at high temperatures or sudden hypothermia.

The doctor will support and advise.

Perhaps, Now it is no longer possible to do without extensive consultation with specialists.

If your pediatrician rules out a version of hereditary vegetative-vascular dystonia, it is worth getting diagnosed by a cardiologist and neurologist. ECG, ultrasound of the brain, encephalogram and other examinations prescribed by specialists can help find the cause of this scourge.

You will have to undergo the necessary procedures to identify the cause of marbled skin.

Among the more exotic causes, congenital telangiectatic marbled skin is sometimes called. This is a rather rare feature of the epidermis, with vessels located close to its surface. Often, in addition to marbling, this type of skin is prone to hemangiomas and port-wine stains - everything that we call a birthmark.

The beginning of complementary feeding is an important stage in the life of a little person. The most pleasant thing is the introduction of fruit dishes. It is recommended to start with, apples do not cause an allergic reaction. Little gourmets enjoy the thin puree.

If you don’t know how to diversify your favorite baby’s diet, pumpkin puree is a win-win option. We will share the secrets of making the most delicious puree for babies.


So, let's repeat what we've covered! What have we learned?

  • Marbled skin is not a disease, but a vascular reaction.
  • At the age of a baby up to 3-6 months, you can, with almost 100% confidence, classify it as normal. Attention! If there are no longer any alarming symptoms.
  • With older children - an individual approach. We are in no hurry to panic. Firstly: there is no need, secondly: there is no time - we are undergoing examinations.
  • In our free time from doctors, we toughen up, go for walks, and get better!

Marbled skin in a child may be evidence of a pathology of blood vessels and skin. In this case, the entire skin or individual areas of the body are covered with an uneven color of a bluish or purple hue, forming a peculiar pattern reminiscent of a marble texture. This disease is called livedo. The disease can develop for certain physiological and pathological reasons.

In babies under one year old, the inconsistent appearance of marbled skin should not frighten parents if there are no other alarming symptoms. If after a year the marbling of the skin persists and other symptoms are added to this sign, then you should definitely consult a specialist to rule out the presence of various pathologies and serious diseases.

What does the marble pattern on the skin of children of different ages in different parts of the body indicate?

Table No. 1. What does marbled skin indicate in children?

Marbled skin in infants and newborns - what should you be afraid of? What does marbled skin color indicate in children over three years of age? What does the marble pattern on the body of a teenage child say?
The appearance of marbled skin in infants and newborns is the norm rather than a pathology. During this period, the baby’s autonomic system had not yet fully formed. If the baby’s skin tone rarely changes when any conditions change (for example, the baby is cold, he is hot, when changing clothes), then the marbled skin tone is a physiological phenomenon. Most often, it will go away on its own during the first year of the baby’s life, when the blood vessels adapt and learn to work in the correct and harmonious rhythm.

If a marble pattern has covered the baby’s entire body, his behavior has changed (cries constantly, has turned pale, lethargic), or his temperature has risen, then you should immediately contact a specialist. All these signs are evidence of overheating, but it is also necessary to exclude any pathological diseases.

The cause of the marble pattern on the skin in children over 3 years of age can no longer be due to vascular immaturity.

If the skin acquires a marble pattern in rare cases, for example, during overheating or hypothermia, then there is nothing to worry about. If the appearance of a marble pattern on the skin is regular, then you need to contact a specialist to find out the cause of the disease, since this pattern may indicate pathological diseases and accompanying disorders.

In adolescence, a marble pattern may indicate pathologies due to various reasons.

1. Livedo Racemosa can be a consequence of various diseases: lupus erythematosus, syphilis, tuberculosis, malaria, chronic tonsillitis, as well as other diseases associated with disorders of the cardiovascular system.

2. Livedo Reticularis a Frigore - this type appears due to hypothermia. The marble pattern lasts for a short time. Its appearance is associated with partial dysfunction or dysfunction of internal organs.

3. Livedo Reticularis a Celore and Ienticelaris - the result of overheating.

The danger of skin pathology lies in the combination of this symptom with other pathological diseases that require medical intervention and treatment.

The marble pattern can be localized either in individual areas or cover the entire body. From the table below you can find out why a marble pattern appears on the face, arms, legs, feet, and palms.

Why does a marble pattern appear on different parts of the body?

Body area with marble pattern What does marbled skin on this part of the body indicate?
Face, nasolabial triangle May be a reason to contact a neurologist and cardiologist, may indicate heart defects and diseases of the nervous system.
Whole body at once Unformed blood vessels located very close to the surface of the skin. The marble pattern may become brighter when the child is cold or overheated, and disappear when he becomes comfortable again.
Legs A marbling pattern on the legs of older children may be a sign initial stage of erythema caused by venous stasis.
Hands A marble pattern may appear on the hands after a long stay outside during the cold period. Its appearance is associated with reaction of blood vessels to low temperatures.
Palms A marble pattern on the palms may indicate problems with the nervous system.
Feet Genetic characteristics of the child.

Causes and treatment of marbled skin in children in the table

There are natural (physiological) and pathological causes of the appearance of marbled skin.

Physiological marbling is not a pathology, does not carry serious consequences, is an episodic phenomenon that does not require treatment, and disappears in comfortable conditions.

Less commonly, the appearance of marbled skin is one of the symptoms of a disease. The key phrase is “one of the symptoms,” because only the presence of additional symptoms and test results will help identify the nature of the disease, the list of which is quite wide.

The marble pattern can occur against the background of an intrauterine infection, or may be a consequence of fetal hypoxia. In children over three years of age, the skin can become marbled even with acute respiratory infections, and can also accompany acute intestinal infections, autoimmune pathology and infectious diseases.

If the marble pattern is accompanied by other symptoms, then you should immediately contact a specialist to clarify the diagnosis and prescribe the correct treatment!

Causes and methods of treating marbled skin in children

Cause Treatment
Physiological reasons:

1) imperfect vascular system of babies (overheating or hypothermia);

2) physical activity;

3) overfeeding;

4) premature baby;

5) very light and thin skin;

6) thinness.

1) create comfortable conditions for the baby: warm him up (if he’s cold), unwrap him if he’s hot;

2) does not require treatment;

3) if the baby has eaten, you should remove the breast and do not let him suck on it while sleeping or just for fun;

4) does not require treatment;

5) does not require treatment;

6) does not require treatment.

Pathological reasons:

1) oxygen starvation during pregnancy and childbirth;

2) prolonged labor;

3) low hemoglobin;

4) heart defects;

5) hydrocele of the brain, cyst and intracranial pressure;

6) hereditary vegetative-vascular dystonia;

7) generalized phleboectasia;

8) Down syndrome, Edwards syndrome.

1) elimination of oxygen starvation using various methods of resuscitation and drug therapy prescribed exclusively by a specialist;

3) correct daily routine, eating foods rich in iron, using medications to replenish iron deficiency;

4) cardiac glycosides, diuretics, potassium preparations, oxygen and aerotherapy, conservative treatment if necessary;

5) only the attending physician can prescribe treatment; self-medication is under no circumstances possible;

6) adherence to a daily routine, psychotherapy, the use of multivitamins prescribed by a doctor, a special diet, moderate exercise, physical therapy as prescribed by a doctor, herbal medicine only with the permission of a doctor; medications are used extremely rarely, only in complex cases that interfere with a full life, strictly according to a specialist’s prescription;

7) treatment is prescribed by a phlebologist.

Marbled skin at temperaturein a child: is this normal?

During fever (high temperature, reaching 40 degrees), a marble pattern may appear on the skin, which occurs due to a violation of the body's heat transfer and spasm of blood vessels. The marbling pattern is the result of a bacterial infection. Urgent consultation with a specialist is required.

Prevention of marbled skin in children

  1. Maintain the temperature regime in the baby’s room so that he does not overheat or become overcooled.
  2. Hardening the child.
  3. Air baths.
  4. Massage and gymnastics for the baby.
  5. Swimming in the pool.
  6. Baths with pine extract and sea salt.
  7. A balanced, complete diet. Maintaining breastfeeding.
  8. Taking vitamin complexes.

Sometimes mothers of infants notice that the baby’s thin skin becomes translucent, and a vascular pattern resembling marble stains appears through it. Typically, this pattern has dark purple or slightly pinkish outlines, and can appear with varying intensities. What does this phenomenon mean? Is marbling on a child’s skin a symptom of a disease?

What are the causes of marbling?

Why does the vascular pattern most often occur in newborns? This picture indicates a violation of blood microcirculation in the vessels, which in a baby are often not elastic enough. Experts say that the marble pattern on the body of a baby up to 6 months can be both a physiological phenomenon and a pathological one.

Statistically? the purple pattern goes away on its own by 1 year in 94% of cases. This means that such a picture is not a dangerous phenomenon at all, however, it cannot be said with confidence that the baby does not need examination and treatment. Let's consider how physiological and pathological conditions differ.

Physiological factors

In newborns and infants, thermoregulation of the body does not immediately improve. Their vessels and capillaries do not always adequately respond to changes in external temperature - some of them narrow, some do not. It has been noticed that marble patterns most often appear on the legs and arms, as in the photo, and less often on the chest and face. There is no serious cause for concern if the vascular pattern appears only from time to time, and its contours are slightly blurred.

There may be other reasons for the appearance of a pattern on the skin; we will list the most harmless of them:

  • light, thin skin of the baby;
  • child's tension during screaming, crying;
  • insufficient layer of subcutaneous fat;
  • vascular damage during childbirth;
  • prematurity;
  • overfeeding (leads to an increase in blood volume, which can affect the elasticity of blood vessels);
  • sudden cooling of the baby (for example, when he is changed in the room after airing).

If the pattern on the skin is not clearly pronounced or appears from time to time, then this is a normal physiological phenomenon characteristic of children at this age

Pathological factors

Pathology can be suspected in different cases. For example, if the marble pattern on the baby’s skin does not tend to disappear even after 7 months of life. It is also worth paying attention to when the pattern looks more pronounced - if the child is not cold, crying or screaming, the pattern should be less noticeable. In other cases, the situation requires the intervention of specialists. Below we list the causes of this pathology:

  1. During high fever, which may be due to a bacterial infection. In this case, vasospasm and disruption of the body’s thermoregulation occurs.
  2. Lack of oxygen, which can occur due to upper respiratory tract disease. For example, marbled skin in a child can be a consequence of obstructive bronchitis or pneumonia. In this case, vascular manifestations are often noted on the baby's upper chest.
  3. Hypoxia during intrauterine development of the fetus. If the baby experienced oxygen deficiency, his vascular system could be damaged.
  4. Difficult birth. Sometimes the pathology develops as a result of a protracted labor process, when the baby’s head and neck are caught in the birth canal.
  5. Anemia can also cause a vascular pattern.
  6. Some types of heart defects.
  7. Diagnoses such as brain cyst, hydrocephalus, dropsy, may be accompanied by the appearance of marbling on the baby’s body. However, it is worth understanding that this symptom is one of many, and it is impossible to make a diagnosis based on it.
  8. Vegetative-vascular dystonia in one of the parents.
  9. Often this phenomenon occurs in children with Down and Edwards syndrome.
  10. A congenital disease called generalized phlebectasia.

If a baby who is more than six months old has a pronounced vascular pattern and does not tend to disappear, you should visit a pediatrician. The doctor will give a referral for a blood test, an electrocardiogram, followed by a consultation with a cardiologist. The specialist will listen to the baby and evaluate the ECG results.

If the doctor notices any abnormalities, he may recommend an ultrasound of the heart, which is a fairly informative study. You should also definitely consult a neurologist. If everything is in order, then this situation speaks about the individual characteristics of the child.

Marble pattern for children over 2-3 years old

Sometimes such a phenomenon as a marble pattern is observed in children older than 2-3 years. You should carefully monitor this manifestation. There is no need to worry if the child’s skin changes color only in moments of stress, during hypothermia or, conversely, overheating, and this happens only occasionally. If this happens regularly for no apparent reason, you should try to identify the source of the problem.

Note that in children of kindergarten age, the vascular pattern of the skin can accompany acute respiratory infections, intestinal infections, and can also be a sign of more serious health problems. For example, indicate anemia or autoimmune diseases.

Marbled skin in a three-year-old child or older may occur due to viral diseases

Help at home

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Regardless of what caused the appearance of a marble pattern on the baby’s body, you can try to stop this manifestation using home methods. You should act persistently, performing the prescribed procedures day after day:

  • optimize the air temperature in the room where the baby is;
  • do not touch the baby with cold hands;
  • Pediatricians recommend wiping an infant after bathing only with a cotton diaper, and not using a terry towel;
  • try not to overheat the baby when going for a walk;
  • review the child’s diet and, if necessary, add foods rich in vitamins and microelements to his menu;
  • It’s great if parents can provide their child with naps in the fresh air;
  • massage, gymnastics will also be a good way to strengthen blood vessels;
  • exercising in the pool with your mother will not only strengthen blood vessels, but will also serve as a hardening procedure;
  • air baths in a room where the air temperature is about 22˚C.

Let us note that, according to Dr. Komarovsky, the optimal air temperature in a children's room should be about 18˚C. However, if the blood vessels are not functioning properly, it makes sense to increase it a little. All other measures should be aimed at optimizing vascular tone. This includes proper nutrition, long walks, and hardening the baby. Swimming has a very good effect - not only in the pool, but also in the bath.

Bathing your baby, walking in the fresh air and proper nutrition will help cope with marbled skin

What should parents be wary of?

As we have already said, marbled skin in a baby is almost always a normal, physiological phenomenon. However, if the baby already has a certain disease, parents should pay close attention to the vascular pattern on his skin. Marbled skin is a dangerous symptom if the baby is diagnosed with:

  • congenital heart disease, other cardiovascular diseases;
  • increased intracranial pressure;
  • perinatal encelophalopathy;
  • rickets;
  • genetic diseases.

Moreover, if therapeutic measures are carried out in a timely manner, the pattern on the skin will gradually disappear. In some cases, marbled skin may indicate serious problems if its appearance is accompanied by other symptoms:

  • bluish tint of the nasolabial triangle;
  • heavy sweating;
  • increased activity or vice versa, drowsiness, lethargy.

Any of these symptoms may be harmless on their own. If one or more of these signs is accompanied by a vascular pattern on the child’s limbs or torso, it is worth contacting a pediatrician to identify possible diseases.

Blueness of the nasolabial triangle, coupled with a marbled skin pattern, may indicate the presence of serious diseases

If there are no other symptoms

Sometimes marbled skin itself is a disease, however, it is quite rare. It is called telangiectatic or generalized phlebectasia and is characterized by congenital vascular pathology. With this disease, a vascular network always appears on the child’s skin, which from time to time becomes brighter. It happens that the vessels are noticeable throughout the body, and sometimes only on the limbs.

Experts find it difficult to answer the question of what is the cause of this anomaly, but note that this disease is not inherited. There is also no data on which gender has marbled skin more often. It has been noted that along with this pathology, the child may have other developmental abnormalities: disorders of the skeletal and muscular systems, glaucoma, port-wine stains on the skin. Very rarely, along with marbled skin, cases of retinal detachment, seizures, hydrocephalus, and epilepsy are observed.

This disease does not require treatment; usually only specialist supervision is required. Over time, symptoms may subside and the spider veins will disappear on their own. In any case, vascular training will not hurt, and the baby’s parents can do children’s gymnastics, swimming, and also carry out hardening procedures with him without restrictions.

If you find a marble pattern on your child’s arms or legs, you should carefully observe the baby. If there are other symptoms that we discussed above, you should consult a pediatrician for advice. In other situations, these manifestations disappear on their own with age, without requiring intervention.