How to understand that contractions are going on. Big candle technique


The expectant mother has been waiting for nine months to meet her baby. What will it be like? Who does he look like? Will he be calm or moody?

Many questions begin to swirl in a pregnant woman's head as she approaches 38 weeks.

But, perhaps, the main ones are: How will the contractions go? Is it painful to give birth? And when is it time to go to the maternity hospital?

Norms and numbers for pregnant women

During an observation with an obstetrician-gynecologist, every pregnant woman hears from the doctor the expected date of birth.

As a rule, it is calculated based on the date of the first day of the last menstrual period, adding 38 weeks to it. This is the most common method, although there are others. That is, a woman must prepare to become a mother at a certain time.

But why exactly 38 weeks?

A pregnancy is considered full-term at 38 weeks. Starting from 41.5 weeks, pregnancy can already be called post-term.

Delivery should ideally occur between 38 and 41 weeks, but many women give birth to healthy babies at both 36 and 42 weeks.

Therefore, we need to talk not about a specific date of birth, but about expected interval.

The first swallows are the harbingers of childbirth

So, the woman calculated for herself the interval of dates on which childbirth should occur.

Confidence in an early delivery can be given by the personal feelings of the expectant mother.

They are called harbingers of childbirth. This:

  • Dropping of the abdomen;
  • Expansion of the pelvic bones;
  • Braxton Hicks contractions (more on that below);
  • Removal of the mucus plug;
  • Discharge of amniotic fluid;
  • Lower back pain;
  • Change in appetite.

Precursors may not necessarily all appear, and some of them may well occur even 2 weeks before the onset of labor.

Noting changes in well-being characteristic of precursors, a woman should understand that childbirth with contractions and other delights is just around the corner.

What are contractions?

Real labor begins with contractions. They are contractions of the muscles of the uterus, which are accompanied by aching pain in the lower abdomen or lower back. The pain can also be irritating.

A woman feels something similar during her period.

During contractions, the uterus becomes toned, that is, it becomes rigid and elastic. When the contraction ends, the stomach relaxes. Women with a high pain threshold may not even feel pain at the very beginning of labor. They can be noticed only by the periodically tense stomach.

Contractions do not cause constant discomfort to a pregnant woman; they are periodic.

At first, pauses between contractions range from 15-20 minutes. Then they become shorter and shorter (3-5 minutes), and contractions become more intense. During contractions, the cervix dilates. Obstetricians monitor the correctness and stability of the process of its opening.

How do you know when contractions are starting?

Typical story: a woman arrives at the maternity hospital, screams that she is having contractions, and after some time calmly goes home. It underlies more than one comedy about childbirth and the life of pregnant women.

What makes an expectant mother rush to the maternity hospital with insistent demands for an immediate birth?

These are false contractions or Braxton Hicks contractions.

To avoid unnecessary worries, not to frighten relatives and not to rouse doctors for no reason, you need to be able to distinguish false contractions from real ones:

  1. False contractions are not periodic.
  2. False contractions do not intensify over time.
  3. The pain from false contractions goes away when you change body position, take a bath, etc.
  4. With false contractions, the cervix does not dilate. Even if it is slightly dilated, false contractions do not provoke its further expansion.
  5. To understand that real contractions are beginning, you need to time the intervals between them. At first they can be 15-20 minutes, then reduced to 5 minutes, later to 3 (at this time the woman should already be in the maternity hospital).

    Also, real contractions may be accompanied by bloody discharge - this is the mucus plug coming off.

Pain during contractions

It so happens that women give birth to children in suffering. The most severe pain is during contractions that accompany the first stage of labor. Their result is the opening of the cervix, through which the child will subsequently emerge.

Pain during contractions increases gradually.

At first, the intervals between contractions are long, and the pain is practically not felt. Over time, the intensity of contractions intensifies and the intervals become shorter.

However, no matter how strong the pain is, nature organizes everything in such a way that a woman can easily rest in the short time when the contraction subsides.

If you look objectively at the nature of pain during contractions, it becomes noticeable that only 30% of painful sensations have a real basis.

When passing through the birth canal, the fetus puts pressure on the soft tissues, ligaments of the uterus, and perineum; when the uterus contracts, the nerve endings burst, which provokes severe pain.

The remaining 70% is caused by fear of childbirth. The expectant mother is afraid of suffering, fears for her life and the health of the baby. “Horror stories” told by more experienced friends also play a significant role.

So one of the most important things before giving birth is correct emotional mood.

Help during contractions

Every woman dreams of painless childbirth. How nice it would be if a good doctor gave an injection at the beginning of labor, and the child was born without pain and suffering!

To be honest, there is this kind of pain therapy, but it should only be used in emergency cases as prescribed by a doctor.

And for women in labor whose physiological process of childbirth proceeds without problems, there are methods of self-anesthesia:

  • Breathing techniques.
  • Special positions practiced during active labor.
  • Massage.

Self-anesthesia techniques are quite simple to perform. Their implementation does not require special abilities, but you still need to practice before giving birth.

Pregnant women can become familiar with these techniques in classes at maternity schools, which are often held at antenatal clinics, or in specialized centers for effective parenting.

When to go to the maternity hospital

So, it’s time to answer one of the main questions: when is it time to go to the maternity hospital.

You can’t be late here, but going to the maternity hospital early is also undesirable.

Firstly, scary stories from roommates are not good for a pregnant woman about to give birth.

Secondly, constant anticipation of childbirth negatively affects the emotional state of a woman.

Third, it is quite possible that doctors will begin to stimulate labor with the help of medications.

You need to go to the maternity hospital in one of the following cases:

  1. When regular contractions occur.

    From this moment on, a pregnant woman can already be called a woman in labor. As soon as the intervals between contractions have reached 10-15 minutes, you can get ready for the maternity hospital.

  2. We talked about contractions in detail above.

    When bleeding occurs.

    The appearance of bloody discharge may indicate the passage of the mucous plug, which accompanies the opening of the cervix. However, blood in the discharge may also indicate placental abruption, which is life-threatening for both mother and baby.

    Therefore, in this case, contacting the maternity hospital should be immediate.

  3. When amniotic fluid breaks.

    In this case, you should not wait until contractions begin, as any delay can be dangerous for the child’s life.

    The discharge of amniotic fluid should occur when the cervix is ​​dilated by 4-5 cm. However, in 15% of pregnancies it occurs even before the onset of contractions.

  4. You should remember the time when your water broke and immediately go to the maternity hospital. A long period without water is dangerous for the baby due to the development of infections.

In fact, it is very difficult to be “late” for the maternity hospital - rather, this is the lot of third-rate Hollywood comedies. Your body itself will give a clear signal to your mind!

Mommies, remember that childbirth is a normal physiological process. With proper theoretical, physical and emotional preparation, childbirth will take place without problems.

Childbirth is just the road leading to meeting your child - the most beloved person in the world!

The long-awaited moment is getting closer and closer when the most beloved and desired miracle - your baby - will finally be born. Do you want to be prepared and feel confident, understanding what processes are happening now with you and your baby and when everything will really begin? Then let's figure out how to recognize contractions, determine whether they are true or false, and whether there is a difference between contractions during the first pregnancy and in women who have already given birth.

What are contractions?

Contractions are so called because a sharp contraction of muscles occurs and the pregnant woman experiences cramping pain. This process is primarily a signal that the birth canal is ready for the birth of a child. Normally, due to complex physiological interactions between the body of the child and the mother, hormones and biologically active substances are released that promote the opening of the cervix and the onset of contractions. At this time, the muscles of not only the anterior abdominal wall and perineum contract, but primarily the uterus itself.

The process of the contractions themselves is very clear, and the answer to the question of how to recognize contractions during childbirth is simply necessary.

Painful contractions

Unfortunately, there is no universal gradation of the intensity of pain during contractions. Since each person has his own pain threshold, pain of the same intensity is felt differently by different people. Some women note the appearance of aching pain in the lower abdomen and lower back, similar to menstrual pain. They can occur long before the preliminary date of birth, starting from the third trimester of pregnancy. These are the so-called false, or training, contractions. It is especially difficult to identify such contractions for first-time women. Despite the fact that doctors tell and warn how to recognize contractions when they first appear, many pregnant women may not notice them or mistake them for discomfort associated with muscle pain or, for example, an imbalance in the digestive system. At the same time, others may perceive a simple movement of the fetus as contractions that have already begun.

It’s a completely different matter when they are true and indicate the beginning process of giving birth to a child. In this case, there are much fewer questions about how to recognize contractions, because the pain no longer leaves any doubt that the process has begun. At the same time, the intensity and severity of the pain syndrome increases. The woman feels not only discomfort, but also tension in the uterus. Most people describe this condition as follows: the uterus becomes like stone.

False, or training, contractions

Let's figure out how to recognize false contractions and why they are needed. It's not for nothing that they are called training exercises. They are really aimed at preparing the woman’s body for the upcoming birth. Periodically arising and contracting the muscles of the uterus, they thus train it. Normally, such contractions do not cause the cervix to open, but, on the contrary, compress it. They are irregular and not intense.

How to recognize real contractions?

The distinctive characteristics of true contractions are the frequency of their occurrence, increasing intensity and duration. At first, pregnant women feel discomfort in the abdomen and lower back, then a nagging pain occurs. Gradually (as it increases), its severity increases, and the periods between contractions shorten.

Pregnant women often share information with each other about how to recognize contractions. The first birth is a long-awaited event, and women try to learn as much as possible about the upcoming changes in their body and the development of the child.

Phases of true contractions

To navigate and know how to recognize contractions, you need to familiarize yourself with their main three phases:

  • Phase I - hidden, or initial. On average, a contraction lasts up to 20 seconds and occurs no more than once every half hour. As a rule, by this period the cervix is ​​shortened and smoothed, but there is still no opening of the pharynx or it is minimal (up to 3 cm). This is the longest phase and can last up to eight hours.
  • Phase II - active. During this period, the duration of contractions increases to one minute, they occur much more often (every 3-5 minutes) and the pharynx gradually opens, reaching seven centimeters in diameter. As a rule, it is in the active phase that amniotic fluid is discharged. As for its duration, it ranges from three to five hours.
  • Phase III is transitional. This is the shortest phase (lasts no more than an hour, on average 30-40 minutes), but at the same time the most productive and intense. During this period, contractions become more pronounced and painful, last about a minute and repeat every two to three minutes. The pharynx opens up to 8-10 cm.

How to behave?

Having learned how to recognize contractions before childbirth, you need to learn the correct behavior during them. First of all, you need to calm down and relax as much as possible. Put everything aside, take any position that is comfortable for you, even if from the outside it looks ridiculous and funny. The most physiological and comfortable position, primarily for the child, is the knee-elbow position. It helps remove excess pressure and tension in the uterus and abdominal muscles. Smooth, circular, rocking movements on the fitball are recommended.

How to recognize contractions and choose the right psychological attitude?

During contractions, it is especially important not to waste additional strength and energy, which you will soon really need. If possible, lie down and try to get some sleep or at least rest. Scientists say that women who are self-confident and have a positive attitude towards childbirth go through the stage of labor less painfully than those who are tormented by fear and anxiety about the process of childbirth itself.

If these are training contractions and they occur long before childbirth, do not cause pain and are not accompanied by other symptoms, then there is no need to worry or take any action. However, if you often feel contractions of the uterus, you are worried about malaise, or other symptoms arise that were absent before (especially spotting), you should immediately contact your obstetrician-gynecologist, as these may be the first signals of premature labor.

A pregnant woman who knows how to recognize the first contractions is unlikely to miss their onset. Having noted their occurrence, you need to take a sheet of paper, a pen and a watch. To objectively assess labor activity, you need to record the following parameters of contractions: how often they occur and how long they last. If you see that the duration of contractions is increasing and the interval between them is decreasing, then calmly collect all the necessary things and documents and go to the maternity hospital.

Remember that you need to breathe properly during contractions. Breathing should be deep and even. Take a deep breath through your nose and exhale slowly through your mouth. This will not only help you calm down and concentrate on breathing, thereby not thinking and not letting bad thoughts and experiences enter your head, but, more importantly, it will ensure the necessary delivery of oxygen to the body and have an analgesic effect (i.e., it will reduce pain due to oxidation lactic acid).

How does labor begin?

Reliable signs of the onset of labor are the appearance of true contractions and the release of amniotic fluid. These two processes are usually sequential, but their occurrence may vary. Some people experience contractions first and only then have their water break, while others may have their water break first and only then experience contractions. In any case, if the water has already broken, it is necessary to immediately go to the maternity hospital and not wait for the onset of contractions, since a long period without water poses a threat to the child’s life.

The onset of labor in a primigravida woman

A woman who has not yet given birth is much more emotional and more excited about any changes in her body. Many women perceive even the slightest discomfort as the beginning of labor. Along with this, not knowing what happens during pregnancy and not knowing how to recognize contractions, women may not even notice them.

If a woman is healthy and the pregnancy was uneventful, then contractions and rupture of amniotic fluid in first-time mothers take longer than during repeated births, and last about ten hours. And this is not surprising, because the body of a nulliparous woman requires additional time, her birth canal is less elastic, and it takes a little more time to prepare it.

Onset of labor in multiparous women

If a woman has already given birth, then signs of labor appear immediately before childbirth or a maximum of a week before it. Pregnant women know reliably how to recognize contractions during the second birth and how to behave.

The body of a multiparous woman is already prepared for the upcoming birth, so her period of contractions is less painful, exciting and prolonged. The cervix in such women smooths out more quickly and almost simultaneously with the smoothing of the external and internal pharynx.

What to do if contractions don't start?

In some cases, contractions do not begin for no apparent reason. This can happen both during the first pregnancy and in women who have already been in labor and know how to recognize contractions during the second.

The absence of contractions worries the expectant mother very much, and for good reason. After all, this can be not only a banal discrepancy between the timing of pregnancy and the preliminary date of birth, but also, what is much more important, pose a real threat to the baby’s life due to the aging of the placenta and lack of oxygen and other vital substances.

Of course, it is possible to stimulate and induce labor. But only a doctor can make such an important decision. Often, drug stimulation is performed or the pregnant woman is advised to independently induce labor. Non-drug methods of stimulation primarily include additional physical activity, prolonged standing in an upright position, and sex. Orgasm and sexual arousal increase the content of endorphins in the blood, have a general tonic effect and cause uterine contractions. In addition, semen contains a large amount of prostaglandins, which soften the cervix and thus prepare it for the upcoming birth.

An additional stimulation of contractions can be massage of the nipples, during which oxytocin (a hormone that promotes uterine contractions) is released. It is also useful for preparing the breasts for upcoming breastfeeding.

In folk medicine, there are many herbs and remedies that also help tonify the uterus, but they should be treated with caution, because uncontrolled use can cause more harm than good.

Often, even experienced mothers wonder how to recognize contractions. The first birth is often remembered with a degree of apprehension and anticipation of experiences already experienced.


Contractions are a natural process designed to help you, not cause additional worry and pain. Even in times of despair and pain, remember: everyone has been through this, and so can you. It’s also not easy for your baby during this period, so don’t complicate the process with additional excitement and fear, follow all the doctor’s recommendations, and very soon your suffering will be rewarded, and the pain will be forgotten in a second as soon as you see your small and long-awaited miracle.

It's hard to explain in words what contractions are like. But if you listen carefully to your feelings, then everyone can determine when and how contractions begin before childbirth.

What frightens women most is pain; they say it can seem unbearable. But it is important to remember: the stronger the fear, the more painful the contractions will be. On the contrary, a positive attitude and anticipation of meeting your baby soon will help you get through the first stage of labor easier.

Nature of contractions

Every pregnant woman, especially a first-time mother, wants to lift the veil of secrecy and find out what awaits her during childbirth. Nature has arranged everything so that a pregnant woman prepares for the upcoming test - symptoms appear during half the term.

It is difficult to compare false contractions with real ones - they are painless, irregular, and the intensity and duration do not increase over time.

Many women, even during training contractions, feel painful sensations, partly reminiscent of those that will later appear during childbirth. But it is almost impossible to confuse them.

Both the expecting first child and the multiparous mother almost immediately understand what is happening. A walk or a warm bath helps to finally dispel doubts; in such conditions the body calms down.

Often the labor process begins at night. By the time contractions start, you will wake up anyway. An inner voice will immediately tell you that the long-awaited moment is near. Shortly before the onset of contractions, you may have been bothered by other signs of impending labor:

  • nagging pain in the lower abdomen
  • long “silence” in the tummy – the baby hardly moves
  • painful pulling sensations in the lower back
  • bloody discharge

We are making observations

Contractions are usually called involuntary regular contractions of the uterus, which, in “commonwealth” with attempts, lead to the expulsion of the fetus from the uterus.

Most often, labor begins with contractions, and not the outpouring of water, which marks the beginning of the first stage of labor. Thanks to painful contractions, the cervix opens completely (we are talking about 10–12 cm).

In this state, the cervix is ​​ready for the baby to pass through it. The contractions will stop after the baby is born, and in the second stage of labor, pushing will be added to them.

It is important to record the time when you felt the first contractions, especially if labor began with them, and not with the rupture of amniotic fluid.

Immediately arm yourself with a pen and paper, note the time and duration of each contraction. Contractions should ideally gradually lengthen and intensify, but the time intervals between them should be shortened.

Primiparas should not neglect recording data. Notes and analysis will help you concentrate and take your mind off the pain, which is sometimes severe even in the first period.

And the doctor, with the help of records, will understand at what stage the birth is and whether there are reasons that could interfere with the normal course of the birth process.

There are three stages in the period of contractions:

  1. Initial or hidden stage.
    • Duration on average is eight hours, the interval between contractions is 5–10 minutes.
    • Dilation up to three centimeters.
  2. Active phase.
    • Duration is from three to five hours, the interval between contractions is 2–4 minutes.
    • Dilation up to seven centimeters. During this period, the duration of the contraction increases to a minute.
  3. Transitional stage or deceleration phase.
    • The shortest stage, from 30 minutes to an hour and a half, the interval between contractions is up to a minute.
    • Continues until fully expanded.

In the second and subsequent births, the time for each stage will most likely be shorter.

Irregularity is a sign of pathology

The duration of contractions can vary, but the “distance” between them is often the same. At the beginning of labor, contractions are usually short, no more than 30 seconds, and occur once every half hour - a sign that enough time will pass before the baby is born.

For first-time mothers, the best solution is to spend some time at home. Contraindications: there will be no bleeding associated with the process, you are not pregnant with twins and there are no various types of pathologies.

When the difference between contractions reaches 10 minutes, it is better to be in the maternity hospital. Don’t wait until the last minute - in the hospital you will have to fill out a number of documents, undergo preparation for childbirth (hygienic shower and enema, examination by a gynecologist in a chair).

It is better to undergo the procedures while in a sane state, which will definitely not contribute to severe pain.

Please note that if contractions vary greatly in intensity and occur at different intervals, labor may not have started yet, and you just felt Braxton-Hicks contractions.

Another reason for the absence of any patterns is that labor is slowed down, and thus the first symptoms of pathology appear. Moreover, weakness often manifests itself in primiparous women - then mandatory stimulation will be required.

Otherwise, in such situations, childbirth does not occur soon. You can spend up to three days waiting - the painful sensations will exhaust the woman and she simply will not have enough strength to push.

First discomfort, then pain

Let's try to understand a woman's feelings during contractions. Many mothers talk about their first sensations of contractions that have just begun - they can’t even really be called pain.

Contractions are more like a strong tension in the abdominal muscles with periodic pulsation - gradually the tension intensifies, and then everything subsides. Sometimes you just feel some discomfort, which gradually develops into something painful.

The centers where the first pain occurs are different parts of the body. For some, it begins with lower back pain; for others, primiparous or multiparous women experience pain first in the abdomen.

At this stage, almost all women easily tolerate these signs of the onset of labor. Most mothers, when describing pain during contractions, compare them with pain during menstruation, increased tenfold.

But time passes and the contractions intensify and become more frequent. Now the pain occurs in the upper abdomen, including the lower back, and at its peak it can even “reach” the tips of the fingers, passing through the legs.

Sometimes you will feel confident that at the moment when the contraction reaches its peak, your whole body hurts. At this time, most women in labor require medications to relieve pain.

How to relieve pain

Remember: it is better not to take drugs until you are able to do without painkillers.

After all, childbirth is a natural process; the body secretes its own painkillers.

And there’s not much time left to endure – the long-awaited child will soon appear. Don't forget, in most government maternity hospitals they simply won't give you painkillers. An anesthesiologist is required only when they are about to perform a caesarean section.

There are several ways to reduce pain.

  • Look for positions that can help ease the pain of contractions.
  • Sometimes pregnant women are given IVs before giving birth - then you will not be able to take full advantage of this advice.
  • If you have the opportunity to move freely around the birthplace, try tilting your body forward and leaning on the wall at the moment of contraction - it helps many.
  • Try breathing using the methods from childbirth preparation courses - this method is one of the most effective. A loved one or doula can give you a lower back massage.
  • For many people, a bath or at least a shower helps relieve pain; they have begun to be installed in modern maternity wards.

When pushing begins, the pain will move closer to the perineum as the baby moves directly through the birth canal. All these signs indicate that the baby will be born soon - no more than 40 minutes left.

Most women have long been in a special chair surrounded by doctors. It will seem like you have no strength - in this case, try to use the intervals between attempts for maximum relaxation.

Childbirth: the baby also works

The duration of labor periods in primiparous women starts from several hours and reaches three days. Those who are expecting their second baby usually have a quick birth, since the body operates according to a well-known pattern.

And only at the third stage of the process you will not feel contractions.

By that time, childbirth has already occurred, now the placenta and other parts of the “house” in which the child lived for nine months will be born. Perhaps this moment in childbirth is one of the calmest.

The woman is resting after the work done, and the baby, tired from vigorous activity, may have fallen asleep. During childbirth, the baby also has a difficult time - he does serious work helping his mother.

During each contraction, the child rests his head on the pelvic floor - he does this thanks to his reflex of pushing away from the support. It will remain with him for some time after childbirth - place your palm on the small heels and you can easily feel how the baby pushes off from it.

Another reflex needed by the baby during childbirth is called posotonic. It allows the baby to turn the body following the turn of the head or the pelvic end.

This skill is very important during the birth process, since the child, passing through the birth canal, which has an irregular shape, is forced to turn several times.

As a rule, during childbirth, the mother does not feel the baby move. Firstly, the movements cover the sensations of contractions, and secondly, the baby also rests during the “calm” moments.

If you feel that he is actively moving during contractions or between them, then there are signs of fetal hypoxia. Be sure to tell your doctor about your feelings.

Young mothers think about the future almost throughout their entire pregnancy: what gender the baby is, what it will be called, how contractions will begin, how the birth will go. One of the most frightening issues remains childbirth, especially for first-time mothers.

Women who have not yet given birth are very afraid of missing the onset of labor and being late to get to the maternity hospital. After all, it is known that contractions are considered the main sign that it is time to go, but they are easily confused with harbingers, or training contractions; they begin approximately a month before everyone expects it.

This article discusses: how and at what time the first contractions begin, how to determine that they have begun and what to do if this happens.

False contractions

From the 9th month of pregnancy, the expectant mother may feel short-term tension (similar to tone), as well as small contractions called training (false contractions). It is quite easy to distinguish them from the real ones:

  • are unsystematic in nature;
  • may be strong in the sacrum, lower back and lower abdomen;
  • subside after sitting in a warm bath, taking antispasmodics or a sedative.

Most often they occur after a pregnant woman is overworked or from severe stress, but then they calm down.

Signs of the onset of contractions

No doctor can say exactly when and at what interval a pregnant woman’s contractions begin, since this is a very individual process. Each person has their own rate of growth: quickly in 2 hours or slowly in 2 days. However, they definitely increase with a certain periodicity, and do not calm down even after a bath or No-shpa. In addition, symptoms of real contractions include:

  • feeling cold or chills;
  • strange dull pain in the lower abdomen and lower back;
  • purgation;
  • vomit;
  • waste of plug or water.

At the first occurrence of contractions of the uterine muscles, you need to start noticing the frequency of their occurrence; if the period between them shortens, the continuation time increases, you should start getting ready to leave for the maternity hospital.

Although you should not rush too much, since full disclosure can take quite a long time and it is better to do this at home, when there is something to distract you. Therefore, you can leave if the interval between contractions is 10 minutes or less, and the contraction itself lasts 45 seconds. If your water breaks, you need to go immediately, because the baby will not be able to live without amniotic fluid for a long time.

Having established that the contractions are still real, it is better to give the body a rest, you can even sleep, since the woman in labor will continue to need a lot of strength, and she will not be able to sleep for a long time.

When do contractions start?

Contractions can occur at any time of the day or night, although they most often begin at night. This is due to the fact that the hormone oxytocin is most actively produced at night, and it is responsible for the onset of contractions. If a woman does not know how to determine that labor contractions have begun, it is necessary to monitor other symptoms of the onset of labor:

  • if a couple of times before contractions the expectant mother’s mucous plug comes off, then most likely the contractions are already labor;
  • Light leakage of amniotic fluid or a violent outpouring can signal the onset of contractions;
  • you need to time the contractions.

The main thing is the mood of the pregnant woman and concentration during childbirth. If she is very worried that she will not have time to get to the maternity hospital or is afraid of complications, then she should ask the doctor to put her in storage: this gives her confidence that she will not miss the beginning of the main moment in her life and the process will be monitored first.

Could contractions not start?

Some pregnant women are very worried that they will not be able to understand the appearance of real contractions, since they have been worried about training contractions for a long time, or they will not come at all. There is no need to worry about this, any expectant mother, when the time comes for the birth of the baby and labor contractions begin, accompanied by the dilation of the cervix, the passage of the child through the birth canal, this will be determined immediately by their frequency, as well as the increase in their strength.

If you are concerned about the absence of labor contractions, you should discuss stimulation options with the doctor who is monitoring the pregnancy: drinking herbal teas, taking hot baths, walking, resuming sexual relations with your spouse, and more.

If you know how to understand that contractions have begun, the expectant mother will be much calmer. She will have time to prepare for everything in advance and will definitely arrive at the maternity hospital on time.

Your due date is approaching, how do you know when to go to the hospital? This question is relevant and worries many women. The answer is simple. Signs of approaching labor are uterine contractions, which are characterized by pain and regularity, as well as rupture of the membranes, or both of these phenomena together. Contractions are involuntary, independent of the woman, contractions of the uterus, with a regular nature and a certain frequency.
Contractions occur in three phases: initial, active and transitional. Each phase is characterized by its duration, duration, time interval between contractions and the degree of dilatation of the cervix.

So, how do contractions begin and how can you recognize them?

During pregnancy, contractions can be erratic. Sometimes they are very painful, but do not last long. During the birth process itself, the nature of the contractions becomes more regular and prolonged. At the very beginning of this phase of preparation for childbirth, they are repeated at intervals of fifteen to thirty minutes and seem not intense and weak. You just feel discomfort in the lower back and abdominal area. Contractions are characterized by mild nagging pain, similar to pain during menstruation. Then they gradually increase, become more painful and stronger, the time intervals between them decrease, they become short and regular. You may feel your uterus become hard and then soft again. The nature of contractions is spontaneous and automatic, they do not depend on your desire.

The preliminary phase of preparation for childbirth begins from the moment you feel that contractions are recurring regularly. During this time, it is better not to eat or drink any liquid. During childbirth, it is better to be on an empty stomach so as not to provoke vomiting during contractions and to have the opportunity to have general anesthesia. During this time, try to mind your own business, relax, read your favorite book, magazine, turn on the TV, hurry up and not concentrate your attention on what is happening.
A warm bath will help you relax.
It may seem to you that after taking a bath, the contractions have become less noticeable, this is proof that labor has not yet truly begun. It is important to take a comfortable position, choose the position in which you are most comfortable, for example, sitting on a chair or on the floor with a pillow, or just walking around. You must focus on your personal feelings. A great way to relax is breathing exercises combined with your favorite music. This will allow you to relax as much as possible during the contraction and prepare to “accept” the next one.

When to go to the maternity hospital?

The main thing is not to give in to the panic that grips you, you need to try to wait until contractions appear at intervals of every five minutes for two hours, then you can go to the maternity hospital. Of course, these terms are provisional. There are times when contractions do not occur at all, so they have to be stimulated. It is important to remember that contractions are an integral part of childbirth. You need to be attentive to your body and listen to its slightest changes. The main thing is to get in the right mood and be confident only in the best, that contractions will take place naturally and without pain, because the entire process of childbirth is provided for and laid down by nature.

Counting contractions, online contraction counter


How to understand that contractions have started video

Related articles: Childbirth

Olya Popova 17.03 16:28

April 27.
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The last trimester of pregnancy is the most exciting period for a woman. The closer the birth gets, the more questions arise. The most relevant ones concern how contractions begin before childbirth, what sensations arise during this process, and whether pain is felt.

It is this process that is most feared by the fair sex, whose pregnancy is their first. There's really no need to be nervous about this. With negative emotions, pain can seem very strong. The less you think about it and fear contractions, the easier the birth will be.

Yes, and there are special techniques to reduce pain during this natural process.

A woman carrying a baby under her heart can be misled by false (training) contractions. They can begin from the 20th week of pregnancy. False contractions before childbirth cause slight discomfort, but are irregular, short-lived and in most cases practically painless. Uterine tension and discomfort can be relieved by a warm bath or walking. It is important to remember that the bath temperature should be between 36 and 38 degrees.

True contractions are the main harbinger of childbirth. How are contractions before childbirth and what are they like? Every woman experiences contractions differently. This depends on the physiological characteristics of the pregnant woman and the position of the baby in the tummy. For example, some may feel weak aching pain in the lumbar region, which after a certain period of time spreads to the abdomen and pelvis, encircling the woman.

Others note that the sensations during contractions are comparable to the discomfort that occurs during menstruation. The pain subsequently intensifies. During contractions, the uterus may seem to turn to stone. This can be clearly seen if you put your hand on your stomach.

All of the above signs may also be characteristic of false uterine contractions. Then how to recognize real contractions before childbirth? There are general signs of this natural process by which every pregnant woman can determine that she will soon begin labor:

  • regularity of occurrence;
  • gradual increase in frequency;
  • increasing pain over time.

At first, a pregnant woman may feel contractions after a long period of time. The pain is not severe. In the future, the intervals between contractions gradually decrease, and the pain of this natural process increases.

Based on the general signs of contractions before childbirth, we can distinguish 3 phases of the process:

  • initial (latent, hidden);
  • active;
  • transitional.

The initial stage lasts on average about 7-8 hours. The duration of the contraction can be 30-45 seconds, the interval between them is about 5 minutes. During this period, the cervix dilates by 0-3 cm.

During the active phase, which lasts from 3 to 5 hours, contractions can last up to 60 seconds. The frequency of contractions during childbirth is 2-4 minutes. The cervix dilates 3-7 cm.

The transition phase (deceleration phase) is the shortest. A woman can stay in it for 0.5-1.5 hours. Contractions become longer. Now they last for 70-90 seconds. The interval between contractions also becomes shorter compared to other phases. After about 0.5-1 minutes, a woman in position will feel uterine contractions. The neck of this organ dilates by 7-10 cm.

Contractions during the second birth are also divided into three phases, but the total duration of each of them is shorter than during the first birth.

What to do if contractions start?

When contractions occur, a pregnant woman should calm down, because fuss is not the best helper. It is advisable to take a comfortable position in a chair, chair or bed and begin to record the intervals between contractions and their duration. It is advisable to record all this data. There is no need to think about what is more painful: contractions or childbirth. Fear will make the pain seem unbearable.

If contractions do not last long and the duration between them is long (20-30 minutes), then it is too early for the baby to be born. The woman has time to collect the necessary things and call an ambulance. At this time, with the help of loved ones, you can take a warm shower. When contractions occur, the intervals between which are 5-7 minutes, you already need to go to the maternity hospital.

There is no point in postponing a trip to a medical facility, despite the fact that the initial phase of contractions can last several hours. The amniotic fluid may recede earlier, and at this time it is advisable to be under the supervision of an obstetrician-gynecologist. When your water breaks, you should never take a warm or hot bath, because this may increase the likelihood of developing infectious complications, bleeding, embolism, etc.

How to induce contractions and labor?

For many women, labor begins at 37-40 weeks. However, there are cases when pregnancy continues at 41, 42 and even 43 weeks. Representatives of the fair sex in such situations begin to worry and get nervous, because they so want to see their baby quickly, but he still doesn’t want to be born. Yes, and there are cases when the child died at this stage in the mother’s tummy, and contractions never began.

The death of a child can occur due to the fact that the placenta begins to age. The baby may no longer have enough oxygen and nutrients. How to induce contractions and childbirth is a question that worries expectant mothers who are carrying a child longer than the expected date of birth, which was calculated by the doctor.

To prevent negative consequences from occurring, contractions and childbirth can be induced. However, this decision should only be made by a doctor. If there are no pathologies and the amniotic fluid is clean, then there is no need to stimulate the birth process. Everything has its time. If any abnormalities are detected, the doctor will certainly offer stimulation of contractions and childbirth. There is no point in giving this up.

You can also induce contractions on your own. For example, they recommend being more upright, walking, moving, but there is no need to provoke fatigue or stress, as this will not be beneficial.

Feelings of contractions before childbirth can occur due to sex. Sperm contains prostaglandins, which prepare the cervix for childbirth by softening it. Sexual arousal and orgasm tone the body and cause uterine contractions.

You can induce contractions by massaging your nipples. You can start doing it from the 37th week of pregnancy. During a massage, the hormone oxytocin is released in the body, due to which the muscles of the uterus can begin to contract. Massage allows you not only to stimulate labor, but also to prepare the skin of your nipples for breastfeeding your baby.

There are also folk remedies for stimulating labor and contractions, but you should not try them on yourself. For example, certain teas and decoctions can negatively affect the health of the mother and her baby, because some herbs are contraindicated for pregnant women, as they can cause miscarriage.

How to ease contractions during childbirth?

Doctors can help a pregnant woman reduce pain during labor and childbirth using special medications. However, you should not rely on anesthesia. There is a possibility that the medicine will have a negative effect on the mother and her baby.

The main way to reduce pain is proper breathing during childbirth and labor. With its help, a woman in labor can relax. When a contraction occurs, it is recommended to focus on exhaling. At this moment, it is worth imagining that pain is “leaving” the body along with the air. A woman in labor may also make “noise” during contractions and childbirth. Sighs, groans and screams will ease the condition. Proper breathing should be learned in advance and practiced more often, because childbirth is stressful, due to which all poorly memorized information can be easily forgotten.

A woman in labor can relax thanks to a massage and simple gentle touches from a loved one. Contractions are the beginning of labor. It is when they occur that it is recommended to slowly massage the lower back. At this time, a woman can stand or sit on a chair, leaning on its back with her hands.

Massage of the lumbar back during childbirth is considered very effective. This is because the sacral nerve travels to the spinal cord from the uterus through the lower back. If you massage this area, the pain during contractions will be felt less. It is very good if the spouse wants to be present at the birth and help his beloved at this difficult moment.

The psychological attitude is no less important. Positive emotions and thoughts that you will soon be able to see the baby will help reduce pain. In order to react correctly to what is happening and not worry, a woman needs to understand how childbirth occurs and what she can feel at this time.

There is no need to wait for the next contraction between contractions. This time is given to the woman for rest. When you are tensely waiting for the next contraction, you can quickly get tired.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that contractions are a natural process. All pregnant women go through this. The question of how contractions begin before childbirth worries many expectant mothers. It is worth noting that it is impossible to accurately describe all sensations, since they are individual. Some compare contractions to pain during menstruation, while others compare them to intestinal upset.