Congratulations to the newlyweds on the registration of marriage. Congratulations on legal marriage

Gift Ideas

wedding congratulations and wishes in verse:

Congratulations to the young
We wish you a lot of happiness
Let it pass you in life
Any bad weather.
Let the honey river
Your life is flowing
And, like a young month,
Your son will be born
Daughter to you, like a poppy color,
To comfort my mother.
Well, how many will there be?
You decide.

Happiness to you, newlywed friends,
Joy and most bright days.
You are family now, and by law
Both of you belong to her!
You will have joys and troubles,
Everything has to be experienced...
But keep the course only to win!
"Bitterly!" you, but sorrows - do not know!

We wish you love and happiness
mutual understanding,
Wealth, prosperity.
You go through life together.
Raise and love children.
Take care of each other very much.
And if you stumble sometimes,
Shoulder substitute let the other.
And even in old age
Live without old age.

We wish to live up to a hundred years,
Always have a cheerful look,
To be so young
At least a little gray.
Raise great kids
To bring up glorious grandchildren.
Both great-grandmother and great-grandfather
You must become!

We wish you all the best!
Live long just like this:
Not knowing quarrels, disagreements, troubles,
In love and happiness for many years.
And if, say, sometimes
Trouble will suddenly come
Fight shoulder to shoulder with her -
Two pairs of hands are much stronger!
Still left to wish
Raise good children
A bunch of girls and guys -
Well, in a word, a whole kindergarten!

Happy birthday to your family!
Let her minutes of bad weather!
Let the trouble go!
Peace, love, harmony, friendship, happiness
Let it live forever!
Many loyal friends
And welcome guests.
Jokes, dances, singing, laughter
Let everyone in the house please!
So that in a friendly family
There was the brightest light.
We wish you only happiness
Love to you and advice!

You have a wonderful day
Let's just say it's a big day
Were you the bride and groom
And now you are husband and wife
Resolve with this step
Congratulate you from the bottom of my heart
Well, friends, legal marriage
Good day and good time!

Congratulations on legal marriage
We wish you great happiness.
We are talking seriously now:
Let millions Red roses
Lie all over the big way,
What are you going to go through.
And let the fire Great love
It burns without fading!

With love, life is easier to go through -
Everyone knows about it.
Achieve harmony in life
Live to be a hundred years old.
Always respect each other
Love to you and advice!

May none of you break that oath,
What wedding rings remember two rings,
Let your souls become inseparable
And happy hearts beat in harmony!
May your days be blessed
To build happiness firmly, and not to steal,
And thoughts are pure and frank:
Get together - forever, and love - so relish!
Welcoming bonds of heart,
Find a shorter and more weighty words -
Parental blessing to you,
For life for life - advice to you and love!

On this memorable and happy day,
We want to say so much
Words both warm and very beautiful
And wish with all my heart:
Light happiness, great happiness,
Lots of joy, lots of love
Daughter - the first, son - the second,
Strong, friendly cheerful family!
So that there is tenderness and freedom,
So that the circle of friends does not decrease,
Be happy for many years!
And do not know any troubles or partings!

On this solemn holiday
You have a lot to wish for:
Happiness, love, understanding in everything,
Live well, interestingly and amicably.
The most important thing is to trouble
Your house has always bypassed,
So that you always have the main guest
There was family happiness.
Your adviser and your companion
May wisdom and loyalty always be.
Trust, tenderness - all feelings are beautiful
May you never run out.
Children grow up obedient, sensitive,
Let them not bring you troubles and troubles.
Let the year go by in minutes,
Life goes on without worries.
Let never friends or acquaintances
The house is not bypassed by you.
And most importantly, be in love
Love one another with all your heart.
Together you live a very long time until old age,
May everyone come to you again every year
Happiness, luck, family joys,
As they say: Advice and Love!

We wish you joy and a rainbow smile,
Let all mistakes become success
And let spring reign in my soul.
Let happiness breathe in your house

Laughing windows relatives and friends.
Let the rain wash away resentment and mistakes.
We wish you well and peace.
And live life with joy, with a smile!

  • Candle - high symbol

    Dear newlyweds!
    Candle is a high symbol.
    First, it is a source of heat and light.
    Secondly, her flame tends upward and therefore she personifies the movement to the highest.
    Thirdly, everything burns in its flame bad thoughts and feelings.
    I wish you that the inextinguishable candle of your love always illuminates and warms your path, helps you move upward and burns all the troubles that life may encounter in its flame!

  • You have a special day today

    You have a special day today.
    So be happy always.
    May the path be bright
    Let it be friendly family.

    Keep sensitivity, tenderness, affection,
    The thrill of the first meeting.
    And the rings that they took in their hands,
    Save up until the end.

  • Congratulations on legal marriage

    Congratulations on legal marriage
    And with all our hearts we wish
    To have peace in the family,
    Lived to golden.
    You will live a century without sorrow,
    We wish you a son, a daughter,
    (Children are flowers)
    So that you grow for joy.
    Always be kind
    Never get sick!

  • You have a special day today

    You have a special day today
    So be happy friends!
    May the path be bright
    Let there be a friendly family.

    Keep feeling, fidelity, affection,
    Don't forget the first meetings
    And the rings that you put on
    Save up until the end!

    May every day and every hour
    Prosperity will come to you
    May you have a good mind
    And the heart will be smart!

  • Wish you great happiness

    We received an invitation
    And we decided to congratulate you
    Wish you great happiness
    And good luck
    And raise more children
    Be richer.
    Give in to each other
    It will be easy for you
    After all, walk through life together
    Very good.

  • I wish you all the best!

    I wish you all the best!
    Live long just like this:
    Not knowing quarrels, disagreements, troubles,
    In love and happiness for many years.

  • We want to congratulate you on your wedding day

    We want to congratulate you on your wedding day,
    Wish love and happiness
    We want to praise your couple!
    Worthy of joy you know!

    You walk hand in hand
    Never break up
    You will give birth to healthy children
    And always be happy!

  • I congratulate you on your marriage
    And from the bottom of my heart I wish:
    So that in the life of joy moments
    Good luck brought business.
    So little by little year after year
    You get rich and prosper
    All sorrows and failures
    Leave you outside the threshold
    Good luck in everything, but in love:
    Spring desired without bad weather,
    Only happiness, and keep
    God bless you from all misfortunes.
    * * *
    To be able to love is a great gift of nature!
    Not everyone is given this gift,
    To carry through storms and adversity
    A raging fire in my soul
    Love and tenderness to keep forever,
    To seem like the best
    The person walking by!
    Time is running inexorably.
    With him, feelings can be moderated by heat.
    Let the first love change over the years
    Quiet friendship mature time.
    Children will be born, let them grow up,
    May neither pain nor sadness touch them,
    May the courtyard not be covered with ashes, in which
    Any trail knew by heart!
    So that tenderness does not leave your eyes,
    So that other lips are not for you!
    * * *
    You drained the drunken cup
    So that in five decades
    Celebrate the golden wedding
    And live the whole century without grief and without trouble!
    * * *
    IN family life we wish you happiness
    May the children love you deeply.
    Let misfortune bypass you.
    And let it be sunny every hour.
    * * *
    Let's raise our full glasses
    At our wedding table.
    And, as expected, first
    Let's make a toast in honor of the young.
    With all our hearts we wish them
    Like they did for a long time
    So that their love is strong,
    Like this good wine;
    So that life is their full cup,
    From which happiness does not subside;
    So that the groom and our bride
    Live together in love for a hundred years!
    * * *
    O life! You give the newlyweds
    During the life of paradise and loving children,
    Great happiness, good health!
    Let your good friends be lucky!
    You warm each other with love,
    Do not lose your feelings over trifles
    And have more kids
    Life will be more interesting with them!
    Know how to give in, know how to forgive,
    Keep the warmth of the native hearth,
    And do not spare life for each other ...
    Then adversity and trouble will pass you by!
    * * *
    Congratulations on legal marriage
    We wish you great happiness.
    We are talking seriously now:
    May millions of scarlet roses
    Lie all over the big way,
    What are you going to go through.
    And let the fire of great love
    It burns without fading!
    With love, life is easier to go through -
    Everyone knows about it.
    Achieve harmony in life
    Live to be a hundred years old.
    Always respect each other
    Love to you and advice!
    * * *
    We are young at heart
    We wish you loyalty to the grave,
    And so that age is not in a hurry,
    And so that there is prosperity in the house,
    And who put something somewhere,
    For both of you to know...
    * * *
    Today you got married
    For you - a happy day in the world!
    Once you lit the beacon of love,
    May it shine on you for the rest of your life!
    Everything turned out the way you wanted
    And now the desired hour has come -
    You put on chastity rings
    Flowers and music - for you!
    Walk side by side, side by side,
    Beautiful strong family.
    Let it not be an easy road,
    But definitely straight!
    To be near in the heat and cold,
    For the honor of the family to stand as a wall,
    So that the groom is a good husband,
    The bride is a glorious wife!
    Take care of love trustingly, vigilantly,
    And only at the wedding
    May you be "Bitter!".
    * * *
    We heartily congratulate you,
    Live long and carefree.
    Fate brought you together
    Now forever, forever.
    And let all the years between you
    There would be no trace of discord.
    And no matter how hard you live,
    The two hearts were inseparable.
    So be happy always!
    And we are left only -
    Exclaim in unison: “Bitter! Bitterly!"
    * * *
    Dear newlyweds!
    Congratulations on your legal marriage!
    Merged two hearts together
    And two hands merged into one.
    Union let it be indestructible
    For the rest of my life.
    What could be more beautiful in life -
    Her hand is in his.
    The fire of love shall not be extinguished
    In your family hearth.
    Big road, not a trail
    You go hand in hand
    And let the walk be easy
    AND less pebbles on my way.
    Breathe with joy
    And if trouble suddenly happens,
    You split it in half
    It's easier to deal with then.
    And life will give you a reward
    Flesh from flesh, blood from blood,
    Living joy and joy -
    You in children will repeat again.
    * * *

    Dear newlyweds, bride and groom. As you know, life is an interweaving of sunny and cloudy days, alternation of white and black stripes. The happiness and well-being of your life will depend on your consent and wisdom, the ability to find compromises and steadfastly endure life's difficulties. Let everyday little things and trifles not spoil the main thing in your life - love and happiness! As one said a wise man There are many who seek in life, but those who find it are difficult to find. Today you are the happiest because you have found each other. Let your family hearth always illuminates your life with the warmth of joy, love and happiness! rating: 39 ↓

    Our dear ones, today you are so beautiful that the soul rejoices when looking at you. May your life be as beautiful as you are today, and feelings be timeless. Let passion and tenderness always reign in your relationship. Always be attentive to each other, forgive weaknesses, be quick-witted and treat any situation with humor! Good luck to you, our dear ones, and always remain the happiest! 43 ↓

    With all my heart I want to wish you happy married life! Let your family nest be warm and cozy, let the stork visit it so that your family grows, so that there is something to strive for and something to be proud of! Live like two swans, swan love to you, swan fidelity, lightness, positive and happiness! 39 ↓

    Our dear bride and groom, I congratulate you on your wedding day and I want to wish you happiness as real as your love. Be devoted to each other, take any difficulties and worries lightly, try to turn even a weekday into a holiday. Remember that if understanding, happiness and love reign in the house, then even the most usual life filled with joy, light and kindness. Happiness to you, dear newlyweds, always remain the same beautiful and wonderful couple! 38 ↓

    Dear newlyweds! May your family life always be happy! May your home always be the most comfortable and reliable place in your life for you. Let your love bloom and grow stronger! I wish you to walk through life always nearby, hand in hand. Let the husband not forget that his wife always needs help, so that there is always a happy smile on her lips, so that the joyful sparkle of her eyes does not disappear. Let the wife not forget that it is up to her to create an atmosphere of warmth, comfort, love and mutual understanding in the house, so that the husband always hurries home knowing that his beloved and only one is waiting there. Good luck to you, our dear ones. May you live happily ever after! 39 ↓

    Our dear newlyweds, today you have lit your star of hope and dreams. Let her bright light illuminate happy journey of your life. Let your rings be a real talisman of prosperity and well-being. Keep tenderness, love and affection in your hearts, protect your feelings from adversity, keep the right path in life and do not let your happiness slip away. May only joy be in your life, may your dreams come true and your hearts, warmed by love, beat in unison. I wish that everyone around only envied your relationship! 40 ↓

    On this solemn and exciting day, I wish you an ocean of love, a sea of ​​happiness and wide rivers of kindness! And if it suddenly happens that the ocean of love disappears, the sea of ​​happiness becomes shallow, and the river of goodness turns into a small stream - may you remain clean and deep lake hope. And may hope, faith, love and wisdom always be your companions, helping not to turn life into a routine. May your every day be filled with joy, fun and love! 38 ↓

    Today, on your wedding day, you exchanged rings. There is an opinion that newlyweds should have three rings: the first ring is an engagement ring, which is worn for an engagement, the second is a wedding ring, it is worn for a wedding, and the third ring is a patience ring. And if the first ring is purely symbolic, and the second can be removed at any time, then the third ring should remain with you for life. I wish you patience, understanding in your family life - and may everything turn out well for you. May all joys become common and multiply many times over! Hold on tight to each other, protecting your family happiness. Advice to you and love! 39 ↓

    I want to wish our young people to always remain as cheerful, cheerful, happy and loving as they are today! May your hearts always burn with passion and tenderness for each other! Let the relationship only become stronger over the years, and love - stronger. Be always together and keep your wonderful and wonderful relationships and feelings! You are the most beautiful and happy couple in the world! 40 ↓

    Our dear, handsome groom and beautiful bride! I wish you happiness on your family voyage - and may your ship never stray! Remember how you treat each other today - and keep this attitude for life! And then, I am sure, you will be the happiest married couple in the world! And with you, everyone around you will definitely be happy! 39 ↓

    Today is a special day in your life - you have taken the first step towards family happiness, and I want to wish that love, help, support from relatives and friends always protect you along this path. And if there are difficulties along the way, let them only make you stronger, wiser and closer. Be for each other the most reliable support and support. May your feelings be always as strong as they are today. You are very beautiful, attractive and simply wonderful couple, happiness to you, comfort, warmth and good luck! Good luck! 39 ↓

    Today we saw how two wonderful people united their lives at the behest of mutual feelings. Let's wish the young on their way of traditional understanding, kindness, joy and good luck! We wish you to always look at each other with the same loving eyes as today! We raise our glasses for you and wish to find bright, positive, sunny and the most beautiful family happiness with each other! 39 ↓

    Congratulations on a huge life step - your wedding, on the happy end of a lonely life, on the fact that you found each other! Understanding to you, good luck, luck and simply inexhaustible love! I wish in the future to have the most luxurious apartment, a luxurious car, beautiful smart kids and a bag banknotes the highest dignity! Bitterly! 39 ↓

    Spouses! Everything about this word is great.
    Sound and happiness gentle light!
    Love every moment, it's not in vain
    You met like morning and dawn!
    Now you are Spouses. AND long years
    Let love be like life, dear, -
    Do not know the vagaries of family weather,
    Cosiness to you in the house, warmth of the hearth!

    Congratulations on your wedding day!
    Accept wishes from us:
    We wish you great love
    To bathe in it with your head.

    Love each other sincerely
    Give grandchildren to parents.
    Let evil pass by
    So that there is peace and tranquility in the house.

    I hasten to congratulate you on your wedding day.
    I wish you a strong family
    Celebrate a century together
    Of course, eternal love.

    Let the house be a full bowl
    Let it be warm and light.
    And your life will be long
    In everything and always to be lucky.

    So that adversity rushed past,
    without touching you along the way.
    Happy years will last
    All the best lies ahead.

    From the bell ringing
    Take the freshness of feelings and beauty!
    Keep the echo of Mendelssohn's march,
    Cherish tenderness, take care of warmth!

    We heartily congratulate you,
    WITH happy wedding young,
    We wish you health, passion,
    Children, love and earthly peace!

    Wonderful, awesome, blissful
    Excites the soul this moment
    When they become magical
    Bride and groom family.

    Hand in hand. And through the years
    Be faithful to each other.
    Heat - in the hearth, and in the house - the weather,
    In the eyes - shining spring.

    Good, idyll, prosperity,
    Love for many years.
    Melt into each other without a trace,
    You will always be united.

    May joy accompany you
    Peace and tranquility reign in the family,
    Over the years, your union grows stronger,
    There will be no household boredom.

    Live, believe and dream
    Keep the face of love in your heart,
    Strengthen the family hearth,
    Be faithful to each other.

    And don't speak empty words
    Do not do evil deeds,
    Bring kindness to your home
    Love friends and family.

    In all well-being
    Prosperity, understanding!
    All the best to you in life -
    goodness and prosperity

    And let the sun shine brightly on you
    Let the bad weather go away.
    Let your rings not grow dim,
    Pain and sadness pass by.

    Connecting hearts to each other
    Having concluded your marriage union,
    Live together amicably, for a long time,
    Keeping love and loyalty.

    May joy never be stingy for you,
    And happiness - does not conceal its smiles!
    Let the laughter of the kids shine like a stream of silver,
    Fate protects and preserves your union!

    So that you don't get bored in the evenings
    In the crib you rocked the children,
    Generous to be and rich,
    Together we met all the sunsets.

    So as not to meet you with separation,
    Raising children, waiting for grandchildren.
    Until your golden wedding
    Come both with warmth!

    Today is a holiday in your honor.
    You have become husband and wife.
    And the wishes of all can not be counted,
    And a lot
    Not everything has been said though.

    Let the word "We" be the main one,
    The family does not tolerate unity.
    And you are on the path of life
    Scroll through the pages of fate.

    Be a support and a steel shield,
    You protect each other.
    In a difficult hour before trouble,
    Do not let go of your spouse's hands.

    On the wedding day
    Love, warmth, attention
    And we wish you happiness!

    May your union love keep
    And warms your souls
    Welfare reigns
    Your family is thriving!

    Let the hearts beat in unison -
    Forever fate brought them together.
    So that your life is like a good dream,
    Smiles brought joy!

    Let your feelings not cool
    The routine of life and the year.
    Let respect, friendship be
    That's a pledge forever!

    Bridegroom, remember forever:
    Now the wife is your star.
    Will you be able to fill with light -
    And you will flourish forever!

    Bride, your role from now on -
    Enchantress and protector.
    If you save the family temple,
    The secret will unlock happiness for you.

    You two keep the secret
    Cherish your flower of love.
    Let the weather please the house
    Increase the power of the family!

    Always value each other
    Give kind words
    And the beauty and joy of life
    Let's multiply by two.

    An unforgettable day, for two - happy.
    He will always be remembered as beautiful.
    A sea of ​​words and tenderness, fragrance of roses.
    Allow me to express our wishes.

    Let the family be built on love, harmony,
    Thoughts will be common, rarely - disagreements.
    The main thing is trust, without it it will not be possible,
    And also forgiveness. And then everything will work out!

    Let honeymoon remember every month
    Your life will be filled with joyful laughter of children.
    Happiness will be a companion, wishes will come true.
    Congratulations to the newlyweds on their wedding day!

    Well, what can I say? And so everything is clear:
    It's sweet time.
    Happy wedding day to you! You are so charming.
    Love, advice and praise to you.

    And two wedding rings
    Glitter on your fingers
    They are loving hearts
    Forever now connect.

    Now you are bound by fate
    Your paths are intertwined.
    And step by step - into the big world,
    Forward with an open mind!

    Save love for years
    Don't waste words.
    And walk the path of life together
    Evil not noticing tongues.

    Don't forget friends and family
    In your family turmoil.
    Enjoy every minute
    What did you do in silence?

    Take care of your health right now
    Never quarrel with anyone.
    Love everyone, raise children,
    Live happily forever!

    Let everything be fine with you
    May love not leave you
    May every day of living together
    Your blood boils with passion.

    I wish you understanding, happiness,
    Smiles, joy, warmth,
    To bypass the house bad weather.
    May your life be bright.

    I wish you a full cup at home,
    A whole round dance of children,
    May your love be preserved
    Live long without worries!

    On this warm, gentle day
    I want to wish you:
    Be like a shadow to each other
    Never lose heart.

    So that your marriage shines with a smile,
    Like the sun on a warm day.
    Be happy folks.
    Be stronger than strong walls.

    It is customary to wish for a wedding
    From the bottom of my heart, all the best.
    May love forever burn
    And the marriage will be strong.

    To make that piece sweeter
    What life has in store for you.
    To make a big pie
    Always in the center of the table.

    Your house would be famous for prosperity,
    Hospitality is you.
    And to the common denominator
    They came among themselves.

    Live in harmony together.
    Like poles - minus and plus,
    And marriage will be an eternal symphony -
    Union for many years!

    Warmth in the family born of your new.
    To want full chest live.
    Give each other a kind word
    And cherish your marriage forever.

    For love to give you strength,
    The hearth was both warm and cozy.
    And past trouble to pass.
    You have more children, happiness, all the best!

    We want love, yes advice.
    Live together for a century.
    Meet the dawn every day -
    Let the whole wide world be surprised.
    Adversity is all along the path of life
    We want to go hand in hand.

    Two rings as a symbol of happiness
    Peace, loyalty, love.
    Will protect you from bad weather,
    Protect you from trouble.

    You have become a family today
    We want to wish you
    So that you do not know sadness,
    Everyone split in half!

    Happiness, joy, good luck
    And healthy children
    To make you richer
    And your life is more fun!

    On your wedding day, we wish you happiness
    Let bad weather bypass you
    May love and kindness
    Will be with you forever!

    How good the bride and groom are!
    We congratulate the young people from the bottom of our hearts!
    Just a feast for the eyes your couple!
    It's true, fate brought you together for a reason!
    We wish you for long years happy
    And love, and bright feelings beautiful.
    Be the standard of your family
    So that everyone can equal you!

    We wish you health, love and kindness,
    So that life is interesting and long,
    So that there is comfort in the house, love and advice,
    So that the house was protected from grief and troubles.

    We wish our newlyweds
    So that the marriage is strong and successful,

    Life is brighter and more beautiful every day!
    Let the sun shine more often in life
    May the children bring you joy.
    Save love at any cost
    Must before the wedding golden!

    Let there be no loyalty
    For you punishment
    Let it be pleasant
    She is a test!

    May this moment be sacred!
    Today you are husband and wife!
    Let your family boat henceforth
    Will always be full of happiness!

    May your family be complete
    Children are joy, the pinnacle of love -
    All spiritual strings will wake up
    Days will be filled with them!

    We congratulate the young
    Happy wedding day!
    Share love in two
    Not knowing parting!

    Resolve with this step
    Congratulate you from the bottom of my heart
    Well, friends, with legal marriage
    Good day and good time!

    We want you to be like now
    Even in the deepest old age
    Every day, even every hour
    They definitely held hands.

    Cordially spouses
    Now congratulations!
    And long and true
    We wish them love!

    Love each other, live richly,
    And keep your feelings sacred.
    But most of all I wish, however,
    So that your marriage does not have a marriage!

    What to wish you on this wonderful day?
    Perhaps it would be nice to wish
    So that your life is a beautiful song,
    Which is nice to sing!

    Be beautiful, be happy
    And mother-in-law, mother-in-law will be happy.
    Be healthy, always happy,
    May Advice and Love be with you!

    Our good bride
    Good fellow groom.
    Only bitter vodka in bowls
    Who will sweeten it for us?

    We wish you to live without boredom
    Happy, friendly family
    Until the day you your grandchildren
    Congratulations on your golden wedding!

    May this day be dear to you
    Not because he is harsh or gentle,
    But because it belongs to two
    And only two of you need.

    We wish you all the best!
    Live long just like this:
    Not knowing quarrels, disagreements, troubles,
    In love and happiness for many years.

    We wish you various blessings -
    Any gift is important.
    And let the flag always flutter
    Your mutual love!

    I wish you on your marriage
    There was a "Quality Mark" big!
    To bring love you torch
    Before your wedding "Golden".

    You are together - in joy and in sorrow,
    And next to those who gave you life,
    Father and mother are like a pier in the sea.
    I want to raise a glass to them!

    We wish to live up to a hundred years,
    Always have a cheerful look,
    To be so young
    At least a little gray.

    May God send you comfort and peace,
    And the angels are always standing behind!
    May peace and warmth be sent to you,
    May you be light in quiet joy!

    We wish you joy and a rainbow smile,
    Let all mistakes become success
    And let spring reign in my soul.
    Let happiness breathe in your house

    Laughing windows relatives and friends.
    Let the rain wash away resentment and mistakes.
    We wish you well and peace.
    And live life with joy, with a smile!

    You have a special day today.
    So be happy always.
    May the path be bright
    Let there be a friendly family.

    Keep sensitivity, tenderness, affection,
    The thrill of the first meeting.
    And the rings that they took in their hands,
    Save up until the end.

    You have a special day today
    So be happy friends!
    May the path be bright
    Let there be a friendly family.

    Keep feeling, fidelity, affection,
    Don't forget the first meetings
    And the rings that you put on
    Save up until the end!

    May every day and every hour
    Prosperity will come to you
    May you have a good mind
    And the heart will be smart!

    We want to congratulate you on your wedding day,
    Wish love and happiness
    We want to praise your couple!
    Worthy of joy you know!

    You walk hand in hand
    Never break up
    You will give birth to healthy children
    And always be happy!

    We wish to live in love and in peace,
    It looked like it was like a fairy tale!
    And that there is enough space in it
    Diapers, nipples and strollers!
    We wish you to live without boredom
    Happy friendly family
    Wait for the day when your grandchildren
    Congratulations on your golden wedding!

    We wish our newlyweds
    So that their path in life is successful,
    So that the house is always a full bowl,
    Life every day - brighter and more beautiful!
    Let the sun of the world shine brightly
    May the children bring you joy
    So that together a young couple
    Survive until the wedding is golden.

    Congratulations on legal marriage
    We wish you great happiness.
    We are talking seriously now:
    May millions of scarlet roses
    Lie all over the big way,
    What are you going to go through.
    And let the fire of great love
    It burns without fading!

    Remember this moment forever
    May it be sacred!
    Now you are not just a bride and groom,
    From now on, you are husband and wife!
    And let any misfortune pass you by,
    Let the flame not go out in the blood!
    We wish you health! We wish you happiness!
    We wish you strong love!

    At the noisy wedding table,
    Like a beacon of friendship, kindness,
    Lit today you two
    Star of hope and dreams.
    So let this friendship light
    You shine brightly without end.
    So that endlessly, for many years
    Two rings intertwined!

    Everything turned out the way you wanted.
    And now the desired hour has come -
    You put on chastity rings
    Flowers and music - for you!
    You are wearing wedding dresses
    Your merry feast is in full swing.
    All rituals have been observed
    Love, advice to you, eternal peace!

    Today is an important day in your life!
    So let the muse sing in the hearts of happiness,
    And you will not be lazy all your life
    To admire each other in marriage bonds.

    Through life for each other you always
    Hold on tight like you don't dream
    Do not burn you with fire, do not spill water,
    And let the light stay on the faces.

    Everyone is in a hurry to congratulate you now,
    Hug and wish you good luck in everything,
    After all, everyone values ​​\u200b\u200byour couple,
    Look, PAPA's moms are crying.

    Take care of your friendly union,
    Do not let blizzards pass between you,
    So that someone does not say later: "Alas,
    We've lost this couple, folks"

    Today you also need to wish
    So that the husband carries his wife in his arms,
    And you, madam, do not spoil him,
    But to reward for every merit

    Be a support, a righteous pillar
    You are for each other in business and not only,
    Do not argue to the red, resting your forehead,
    You love each other! Bitterly! Bitterly!

    First, I hasten to congratulate you,
    Today you entered into a beautiful marriage
    I exalt your union in verse,
    May every day of your marriage be clear!

    Today we congratulate the young - Happy Wedding Day!
    And we hasten to wish you earthly blessings:
    So that you are happy together
    And each was loved by the other!

    Live long, and, of course, richly,
    Let things argue, hearts burn.
    And if you suddenly decide to do something,
    Then reach the goal to the end!

    Forgive and pity each other,
    Let your family grow stronger with support.
    After all, spouses should help,
    The hearth of the family, as a value - save!

    And this day, let it serve as the beginning -
    Roads, distance in life!
    Love has now married you,
    And let the sky be - we keep the union!

    Happy marriage - we congratulate you!
    Swan fidelity - we sincerely wish!
    Strong sons, beautiful daughters,
    Grandparents are waiting for you soon!
    We love you very much and ask you to stand up.
    So that everyone can "Bitter!" shout out in unison!

    Marriage Poems
    On this bright day and in a good hour
    The loneliness is over for you.
    Further in life you will go together 806

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