Why do you crave salty and sour foods during pregnancy? Salt consumption during pregnancy.


The taste preferences of expectant mothers sometimes amaze and even cause a sincere shock to those around them: pregnant women can happily eat herring with jam or pineapples with onions, washing down breathtaking gastronomic innovations with a glass of milk flavored with herbs and spices. However, this is not the limit - many women in position daily eat things that are absolutely unsuitable for this - chalk, whitewash, lime, etc. And although such culinary addictions seem absurd, sometimes they have a completely logical explanation from a medical point of view.

The most common change in food tastes is uncontrollable cravings for salty or sour foods. Why might pregnant women be drawn to such dishes and how can they balance their diet without denying themselves small joys and without harming their health? Advice from experienced nutritionists will help you understand the changes in food preferences of expectant mothers.

Why do you crave salty foods during pregnancy?

For expectant mothers, pickles and herring are the best treats! And although not every woman, upon the onset of conception, notices an irresistible craving for salty foods, such a craving is quite common, especially in the first trimester. And the reason for this is physiology.

In fact, the desire to treat yourself to something salty is not a whim at all." interesting situation" In the first months, the hormone progesterone, which is necessary for successful attachment, is abundant in a woman’s body. ovum to the wall of the uterus and the subsequent development of pregnancy. However, one of the actions of progesterone is relaxation blood vessels, which leads to symptoms of toxicosis - shortness of breath, lethargy, apathy, drowsiness and dizziness. Increased salt intake, on the contrary, constricts blood vessels and thereby increases low blood pressure to normal level, easing the condition of the expectant mother. Drinking liquid after a portion of salty food also contributes to this process.

Another reason for the craving for salty foods is the lack of nutrients, the need for which increases sharply during pregnancy. Salt is a good source of sodium, calcium, and iodine (of course, if it is iodized), so many mothers subconsciously try to compensate for the lack of these elements by adding salt to their dishes.

The need for salty foods usually decreases along with the level of progesterone in the blood, that is, by the second trimester. If this does not happen, such a food addiction may be a reason to consult a specialist - perhaps it is due to abnormalities in the thyroid gland, severe psycho-emotional stress, or an infection of the urinary system.

Standards for salt consumption

If in the first trimester expectant mothers are allowed to pamper themselves with salty dishes, then as the period increases this eating habit must be controlled more and more strictly. Daily salt intake in pure form vary depending on the month of pregnancy and are:

  • up to 12 grams over 1-3 months,
  • up to 9 grams per second trimester,
  • up to 3 grams - in the third.

Moreover, many obstetricians recommend giving up salt altogether from the 8th month, because its entry into the body can provoke an attack of hypertension or severe swelling. However, the advisability of such a strict framework can only be determined by the attending physician who is familiar with the peculiarities of the pregnancy of a particular patient.

What salty foods can you eat and in what quantity?

Not every salty dish can be included in the diet of expectant mothers. For example, it is better to avoid chips, smoked meats and other fast food altogether, since such a menu will not bring the slightest benefit. How to satisfy an irresistible desire?

  1. Pickled cucumbers. Of course, pickled vegetables are far from the most healthy food, but 2-3 cucumbers a day will not harm a pregnant woman in the first trimester.
  2. Pickled tomatoes. This type of vegetable is not as harmless as cucumbers - they can lead to swelling and pressure surges, but eating one tomato once a week is not prohibited.
  3. Lightly salted fish. Red varieties soaked in salt marinade are especially useful for expectant mothers. A few slices of salmon or trout every day will compensate for the lack of nutrients and allow you to satisfy the desire to enjoy something salty.
  4. Caviar. Certainly, the greatest benefit There are red and black varieties, but herring caviar is suitable as an economical option for every day.
  5. Sauerkraut. Although it is not as salty as I would like, sauerkraut perfectly satisfies hunger, curbs cravings for salt and also provides the body with food for a pregnant woman folic acid, especially necessary during the first trimester.

Why do you want sour?

Another fairly common desire during pregnancy is sour foods. Lemons in their pure form, fruit drinks without sugar, cranberries - all this seems attractive and incredibly tasty to pregnant women. The fact is that a sharp sour taste - sure sign high content of vitamin C, which is essential for a pregnant woman. The functions of this substance cover many physiological processes in the bodies of the fetus and the expectant mother:

  • promotes the absorption of calcium and iron,
  • reduces the symptoms of stress, which somehow affects pregnant women,
  • reduces uterine tone,
  • improves digestion and relieves constipation, which affects many pregnant women,
  • strengthens the immune system and helps resist colds.

Therefore, if you want something sour, feel free to chew lemons, washing them down with concentrated cranberry juice - none of this will harm you during pregnancy. However, make sure that such a diet does not cause side effects- In people with hyperacidity, foods high in acidity can cause heartburn, stomach pain and intestinal upset. If you notice at least one of the above signs, you should consult a doctor and correct daily menu, supplementing it with vitamin supplements with ascorbic acid- when the level of vitamin in the body is normalized, the craving for sour foods will disappear by itself.

Pickles, tomatoes, mushrooms, whatever. As you know, during a period of toxicosis, a woman cannot deny herself the desire to indulge in salty foods, and not just indulge in them - many pregnant women consume salty foods in unlimited quantities. But is it possible to eat salty foods during pregnancy? Let's find out from this article.

Insufficient or poor nutrition during pregnancy is not at all as harmless as it might seem at first glance. If the child doesn't have enough " building material", then first he will take everything that is missing from the mother’s body - this is how nature ordered. This will definitely affect general condition woman's health. And then, when the deficiency of necessary substances becomes critical, the pregnancy will simply be terminated, the fetus will die and a miscarriage will occur.

Why do you crave salty foods?

This syndrome is familiar to every pregnant woman firsthand. And it is connected precisely with the fact that the fetus, which is in the womb, begins to absorb useful and necessary substances from the mother’s body. Accordingly, the woman’s body, not yet fully understanding what exactly it is missing, begins to send desperate signals that its balance of microelements has been disturbed and they urgently need to be replenished.

The body of a pregnant woman requires those products that taste like what it needs. And sometimes the demand for pickles actually arises when the pregnant woman’s body needs citrus fruits with their microelements and vitamin C.

Can pregnant women eat salty food?

In principle, doctors do not impose any prohibitions on eating salty foods during pregnancy, especially at the beginning. The only recommendation is that a pregnant woman should exercise reasonable restrictions in consuming salty foods and not get too carried away with them.

Why can't pregnant women eat salty foods?

A pregnant woman’s body needs salt because it helps retain required amount liquids, creating certain reserves. And it is clear that a woman needs this fluid several times during pregnancy. large quantity than in the normal state. However, too much salt and salty foods are not good for anyone, not even the Bedouins in the arid desert.

  1. Firstly, salt helps increase blood pressure blood. That is why people suffering from hypertension are advised to reduce its consumption as much as possible. And pregnant women high blood pressure, of course, is also not useful.
  2. Secondly, more later During pregnancy, salty foods, or rather, their excessive consumption, can cause the formation of edema, and in pregnant women they already appear quite often. Therefore, they should not be further provoked.
  3. And finally, excess salt accumulated in the body can cause various problems with the kidneys, for example, their dysfunction or other diseases.

While your baby is not yet born, you remain his only and irreplaceable source of nutrition. This is why it is so important for pregnant women to ensure that their diet contains everything necessary to maintain life and normal development child. And also that this diet be sufficiently balanced and there is no bias in it towards one product or another and, of course, does not contain anything harmful or toxic. Moreover, what may be absolutely neutral for the mother herself can have quite a negative impact per child. Or - on the course of pregnancy as a whole.

During pregnancy female body undergoes a lot of changes, including in taste preferences. But why do you crave salty foods during pregnancy? Does it exist scientific explanation this process or this addiction depends on individual characteristics every pregnancy?

In fact, pregnant women often have a desire to eat something salty. Why do you crave salty foods during pregnancy? Are there any explanations for this fact? Salt is a source of sodium, an essential trace element that should be present in any human body in sufficient quantities. Sodium is involved in the functioning of the brain, heart, Bladder and kidneys.

In a pregnant body, sodium is consumed not only by the woman, but also by the child, so the desire to replenish the level of this microelement by eating salty foods is understandable. Moreover, sodium, which is part of the salt, is needed for proper blood circulation to the vessels and placenta, as well as for regulating the volume amniotic fluid. Therefore, the fact that a woman craves salty foods during pregnancy is natural and justified.

The presence of salt in the body is also necessary to normalize the blood pressure of a pregnant woman. The decrease in blood pressure is explained by the fact that in the first weeks of pregnancy the body produces the hormone progesterone in large quantities, which significantly weakens the blood vessels, slowing down blood circulation. Therefore, often in the first trimester there may be following symptoms that cause discomfort to a pregnant woman:


Increased drowsiness;


With an increase in salt in the diet, the amount of water a woman drinks also increases. And water, in turn, helps increase the amount of blood, thereby increasing blood pressure and relieving unpleasant symptoms.

It is worth remembering that the above processes relate only to the first trimester of pregnancy, the period active development placenta and progesterone secretion. When the placenta is fully formed, it begins to perform the functions of hormones, and salt is no longer needed in this process. Therefore, during pregnancy you crave salty foods, mainly in the first trimester. But if the desire to eat salty foods does not disappear even in later stages, then you should think about the harm large quantity salt for the child and for the mother herself, and limit its use. Due to an excess of salt in the body, the risk of edema, increased blood pressure and the development of preeclampsia increases.

How much salty foods should you eat during pregnancy?

It’s clear why you crave salty foods during pregnancy, but how do you know what the required amount of salt is during pregnancy so that it is beneficial and not harmful? Salt intake per day healthy person in the normal state is 4 grams, and the normal amount of salt for pregnant women is:

  • In the 1st trimester – 12 grams per day;
  • In the 2nd trimester – 9 grams per day;
  • In the 3rd trimester - 3 grams.

It should be taken into account that the above indicators refer to healthy pregnant women who do not have chronic diseases or problems in the development of the child. If a pregnant woman experiences the following symptoms: high blood pressure, the presence of edema and toxicosis, heart disease, kidney disease, liver disease and bladder disease, then the amount of salt consumed per day should be reduced to 1 gram.

Why do you crave salty foods during pregnancy: healthy and dangerous foods

Let's look at the characteristic properties of salty foods using some examples.

Salted cucumbers . The harm from eating large quantities of pickled cucumbers is explained by the presence of vinegar in their marinade. Vinegar can destroy tooth enamel, increase appetite, thereby causing weight gain. Because of this effect, pregnant women are advised to limit the number of cucumbers they eat per day to a couple of pieces. If during pregnancy you crave salty things with an irresistible force, then it is better to eat homemade pickles, rather than store-bought ones, which contain a high vinegar content.

Salted tomatoes. Eating an unlimited amount of this product is even more harmful than the cucumbers described above. Salted tomatoes can cause swelling and provoke surges in blood pressure. But if you really want salted tomatoes during pregnancy, then you can afford no more than 1 piece per week.

Salty fish . Lightly salted red fish is the most the best option salty product that does not cause any particular harm to pregnant women. In addition, such fish contains a high content of useful substances that have beneficial influence on intrauterine development child. But this plus does not mean that you can eat fish during pregnancy in unlimited quantities. The best solution would be to eat 1 small piece of red lightly salted fish once a day. This amount of product can compensate for the lack of salt in the pregnant body.

How can you replace salty foods during pregnancy?

It is known that during pregnancy you crave salty foods, but what to do if eating salty foods is for you? expectant mother prohibited? In this case, you have to look for alternative options.

The most common substitute for table salt is natural iodized sea salt. Included sea ​​salt In addition to sodium, there are about 80 useful microelements and minerals. Products containing iodized salt help strengthen thyroid gland both the pregnant woman and the fetus. But you need to take into account that heat treatment destroys everything beneficial features sea ​​salt. Therefore, it is recommended to salt the dish when it is already ready.

In order for salt to benefit the pregnant body and the body of the unborn baby, you need to follow the norms of daily consumption of this product and take into account all the above recommendations. Therefore, if you are craving salty foods during pregnancy, proceed from your health and eating habits, but also remember that any product is good in moderation. You should not abuse salty foods in order to preserve your health and the health of your child.

There are several hypotheses that explain the desire to eat something special, in particular:

  • hormonal changes;
  • emotional instability;
  • lack of certain substances;
  • physiological characteristics;
  • mental disorders.

According to doctors, desire Eating something unusual occurs in pregnant women when there is an acute lack of any nutrients in the diet. If the craving for eating inedible substances becomes intolerable, you should inform your doctor about this so that the specialist can prescribe the appropriate vitamin complex.

You should not give in to momentary desires and eat inedible (plaster, chalk soap, etc.) or harmful products - this can lead to very negative consequences.

Why do you want chalk, tomatoes and other products?

Taste preferences expectant mother can tell a lot about the state of her health and the need to replenish the supply of certain substances in the body. So, if you want chalk during pregnancy, you most likely lack vitamin D and calcium. The deficiency of these substances occurs as a result of the formation skeletal system baby, so it is recommended that mommy introduce increased amounts of fish and dairy products into her diet. In addition, you should get a prescription from your doctor for a vitamin-mineral complex that helps replenish the deficiency of substances.

If you want fresh tomatoes during pregnancy, you should pay more attention to the range of products you consume - this factor signals a lack of vitamins PP, C, B. Tomatoes are not a prohibited product when carrying a baby, but they should be consumed in a rationed manner and exclusively fresh. This vegetable will help cope with constipation, improve mood, and relieve excessive swelling.

But, eating tomatoes is allowed only in the absence of contraindications, which include arthritis, diseases genitourinary system, individual allergic reactions.

If you have a craving for alcohol...

Strange taste preferences occurring during pregnancy are not uncommon. Most of them are much easier to satisfy than to fight an irresistible desire. But what if you want to drink beer during pregnancy?

As you know, drinking alcohol can lead to the development of serious problems and harm your health. developing organism. It is for these reasons that you should not drink alcohol, including beer, during pregnancy.

Remember that giving in to the desire to taste beer can harm your baby.

According to doctors, if a pregnant woman wants beer, this means a lack of vitamin B in her body. You can compensate for the deficiency of this substance by consuming foods such as:

  • liver;
  • milk;
  • legumes;
  • chicken eggs;
  • apples;
  • tomatoes;
  • yeast;
  • oats;

Why do you want sour or salty?

According to the results of statistical studies, the majority of pregnant women want to eat foods with a pronounced taste - excessively hot or sour, sweet or spicy, salty or smoked. So why do you crave salty foods during pregnancy? This craving can be explained quite simply - salt, which is a natural source of sodium, is necessary for the normal functioning of many organs. Sodium is needed for:

  • maintaining a normal level of amniotic fluid;
  • functioning of the heart, brain, kidneys and bladder;
  • preventing hypotension;
  • healthy blood circulation in the placenta.

As a rule, the strongest cravings for salty foods are observed in the first trimester, when the hormone progesterone is intensively produced. If you really want something salty, you can eat a small piece of red lightly salted fish, and it is also recommended to replace regular table salt, added to dishes during cooking, with iodized salt, which is more saturated with useful substances.

Scientists say that a woman should not worry if she craves sour foods during pregnancy. This desire is due to natural physiological needs - restructuring of the body and change hormonal levels. As a rule, a strong craving for acidic foods is observed in the first third of pregnancy. Eating foods with sour taste contributes to:

  1. Production of gastric juice and better absorption of food.
  2. Relief from nausea.
  3. Absorption of calcium and iron.
  4. Received by the body sufficient quantity vitamin C.

If during pregnancy you want to eat something sour, you shouldn’t deny yourself this. The main thing is to eat any foods in moderation and not to eat those that can harm the development and health of the baby and mother. It is also worth telling your doctor about any unusual cravings that arise - he will select the appropriate vitamin and mineral course and help you adjust the menu.

Do you want to eat something special? Are you craving salty, sweet or spicy? Many women notice cravings for certain foods during pregnancy.

Food cravings are a state where you really, really want to eat something delicious! You may want pickles right now! This is usually normal during pregnancy. Such cravings must be satisfied, unless, of course, what you want to eat is ! And don't eat too much, eat in small quantities.

Eating too much of what you crave, especially sweet, spicy or salty foods, can cause problems such as severe heartburn, bloating (gas in the intestines) and excess weight gain.

Keep in mind that you only need 300 extra calories per day during pregnancy to support your baby's growth (calories should be slightly higher).

Eating fast food or snacking on sandwiches every day to satisfy your cravings can cause your weight to skyrocket.

What causes food cravings?

We don't know exactly what causes cravings for certain foods during pregnancy. Most likely, it is associated with the activation of pregnancy hormones, which make your sense of smell stronger. Due to an increased sense of smell (perception of smells), the sense of taste may change and the need for certain foods may appear.

Here are some ways to curb food cravings:

1. Introduce a food you're craving into your daily diet. Introduce citrus fruits, melons and juices into your diet.

2. If you are drawn to harmful product, find a healthier replacement. So, for example, if you want potato chips, try making them at home in the microwave without adding oil. If you're looking for something crunchy, try carrots or apples. If you have an incredible sweet tooth, replace candy with honey.

3. Don't buy too much of your desired product. Don't buy a whole bag chocolates, buy a couple of pieces, it may be enough to satisfy your craving.

4. Distract yourself with some activity so as not to think about your desire to eat. Go for a walk, call a friend.

Cravings for the inedible

Some pregnant women experience irresistible cravings for inedible things. Please note that eating non-food items may cause problems for you and your baby.

Non-food items include:

  • ice (snow, icicles);
  • whitewash (lime);
  • clay, earth, mud;
  • starch;
  • coffee grounds;
  • wax (paraffin).

If you experience cravings for these foods, talk to your doctor about it.

Food aversion

Food aversion is the exact opposite of food cravings, i.e. aversion to certain foods. Instead of wanting to eat some food, you, on the contrary, don’t want to eat it at all! When pregnant, many women experience food aversions.

You may find that you have food aversions with really strong odor, such as onions, garlic, coffee, hamburgers and eggs. Typically, such disgust appears in the early stages of pregnancy, along with morning sickness(early toxicosis).

Try replacing the foods that disgust you with other foods. For example, if you hate the taste of meat, replace it with protein-rich foods such as beans or cottage cheese. But be careful with beans - they can provoke! If your aversion is to dairy, find other sources of calcium, such as dark green leafy vegetables or Orange juice. As a last resort, you can take calcium tablets.

You may notice that you begin to develop an aversion to foods that you previously loved. Don't worry, it will most likely go away once you give birth. Although sometimes food aversion may persist for long time after the birth of a child, and for some women it persists forever.