Scenario for a theatrical ceremonial event dedicated to the Day of Knowledge, “the secret of the golden key.”


I approve

Director of MAOU DOD CDT

"Folk Crafts"

Zhuchenko O.G.

Theatrical performance script

for pupils

MAOU DOD CDT "Folk Crafts"

Prepared by: Director


"Folk Crafts"

Pustovit I.A.

Khabarovsk 2016

Theatrical performance script for students

CDT "Folk Crafts"


  • Matroskin
  • Ball
  • Pechkin
  • Uncle Fedor
  • Shalyay Go ahead


  • Camera for Sharik
  • Bucket
  • Large envelope

Musical accompaniment:

  • The main theme of the film “Prostokvashino”
  • Song of the cat Matroskin
  • Knock on the door
  • Song “If only there were no winter” from the film “Prostokvashino”
  • Sound school bell
  • Song "They teach at school"

Music from the film “Prostokvashino” is playing. A ball with a photo gun runs onto the stage. Photographs children.

Ball: - Oops! This is the crowd. I have never seen so many children. So! And also from this perspective. Okay, stop, models, don't move.

(Matroskin comes out with a bucket. A song from the film plays

“And I’m noticing more and more often...”)

Matroskin: -That’s how much milk my Murka gave. No wonder he prepared so much hay. (wipes sweat from his forehead) - Today is September, we can dig up some potatoes. Hey, spaniel photographer, I need your help! Get the shovels from the barn.

Ball: - No, Matroskin, I can’t. I'm having a good day today. I came across rare footage. You need to print the photos and send them to the competition.

Matroskin: -You hopeless quitter! I carry all the household chores on myself. You will live with me all winter on water and bread, and sleep on the street. (picks up the camera)

Ball: - Well, please. Do whatever you want with me. All the same, I don’t like life without photos (turns away).

(knock on the door)

Ball: - And then it began to rain. Potatoes are cancelled.

Matroskin : But it seems to me that it’s not the rain knocking, but someone knocking on the door.

Sharik: Yes, yes, come in!

Matroskin:- I wonder who it is?

Ball:- Admiral Ivan Fedorovich Krusenstern. Man and ship.

Matroskin:- Well, you're already completely, (pounds his fist on his forehead)

Sharik: - Who's there?

(Pechkin comes out with a large envelope)

Pechkin: -And it’s me! Good afternoon. I have an urgent message for you from the Ministry of Education.

(Sharik snatches the letter, but cannot make out what is written there)

Ball: - Some kind of wigwam made of letters...

Matroskin: - Oh, come here already, half-educated terrier. Yes, I see you, master of mongrels, don’t even know how to read.

Pechkin: - In general, the letter says that every child, according to the Law on Universal Education, must study and attend school. Today is already September 1, and your Uncle Fyodor does not even think of appearing at his school desk. Look, the kids are ready. They are standing, waiting for them to be admitted to first grade for the first time. By the way, where is Uncle Fyodor himself?

Matroskin : -Oh, he’s in complete trouble! All day long he hangs around the village with them and his friend, messing around!

(Uncle Fyodor appears arm in arm with Shalyay-Valyay and Pippi. They sing to a soundtrack. They dance around with headphones on, spit on the floor and rub it with their shoes)

Matroskin sighs heavily.

Pechkin:- Dear Uncle Fedor!

(Uncle Fyodor explodes with laughter)

Uncle Fyodor : - Yes, okay, messenger. You can simply say Fedya.

Pechkin:- Listen, Uncle Fyodor. Let's get ready, let's go to the city. The holidays are over. It's time for you to go to school. Where are your school supplies?

(Uncle Fyodor, Shalyai - Go ahead: “What?”)

Pechkin: - Didn’t you buy your child anything for school over the summer? Look what a huge farm. What, you don't have enough funds?

Matroskin: - We have the means. We are not smart enough. I told this indoor pug - buy notebooks, pens, albums. What is he? I went and bought a photo album.

Shalyai-Valiai: -Hey, mustachioed guy, why are you bothering me? We are the Pepsi generation. We are all knowledge from life experience let's take it. They don’t intend to wipe their pants at their desks. We can give clear answers to any questions.

My name is Shalyai-Valiai, I can even give you the first school advice.


If you were given a textbook

You're in a terrible state,

Don't be upset at all.

You can make airplanes

Ships, frogs, bombs

From the textbook sheets.

And then return it back

With the words “so it was.”

If in class during a lesson

You'll want to do

Something very useful

For example, eat candy,

You tell the teacher:

“Stop making fun of me!”

He, struck down by the menacing speech,

They will “praise” you for a long time.

Well, take it boldly

Take your briefcase and go out.

You are calm in the corridor

You'll finish your chocolate.

Matroskin: - You, Pepsi, don’t understand anything. School knowledge is so diverse and enormous that you can then use it all your life and look smart person. Well, like me, I can do a lot of things: even embroider, and on a typewriter too. Do you, Pippi, even know where your dad went and where this place is on the map? No. That's it. Geography would tell you about this.

Do you, Uncle Fyodor, know how many revolutions the Earth makes around the sun? And what kind of science is astronomy?

Shalyai-Valiai: - What, she’s still spinning? And we are together with her? Why then don’t we fall? I'll probably go see you. It seems like I heard something new. Otherwise, read everything, count and write. And then suddenly astronomy...

Uncle Fedor: - No! I don't give up that easily. If you prove that you are smarter than me, I will go to school.

Ball: - Yes, it’s easy. Are you ready, schoolchildren?

After the deadline, your arrival

What will the teacher call you?

There will be punishment

Thank you for...(late)

Stands on one leg

He twists and turns his head.

Shows us countries

Rivers, mountains, oceans. (Globe.)

I found 5 berries in the grass,

Ate one, left... (4)

There is, friends, such a bird:

If he lands on the page,

I'm very happy

And the whole family is with me.

There is a completely different bird.

If he lands on the page,

That with a bowed head

I'm returning home. (Five and two)

Some grandma's abacus

I don't feel like taking it with me.

I'd better take it guys

New to school... (Calculator.)

Shalyai - Go ahead: - Come on! So savvy. Okay then last question. What is 1234 times 5678?

Matroskin:- Pippi, this is very difficult question. Many guys are just starting their journey across the countryKnowledge. But very soon they will find the answer to this question in mathematics lessons.

Go ahead - Go ahead: - Yes, I don’t know the answer myself. But I also want to know. Then I will also go to school.

Uncle Fyodor :- Yes, we will all go to the same class together!

Sharik, Matroskin and Pechkin:- That’s wonderful! Well, guys, go ahead, gnaw on the granite of science and conquer the heights of knowledge!

Song to the tune of “If only there were no winter!” (m/f Winter in Prostokvashino)

  • All the heroes sing

If only I didn't have to go to school

I wish I could stay at home

You would never have known

What do they give in the canteen?

They wouldn't know themselves

Strong or weak

I wouldn't make the kid laugh

If only, if, if.

If only I didn't have to go to school,

And all the time in kindergarten -

You never knew

How to build a graph.

Speak without mistakes

Sometimes at least

No one could teach you

If only, if only, if only...

No one could teach you

If only, if only, if only...

If there were schools at all,

Wasn't in the world

Would never ring

A magical call to you

They wouldn't catch me at this hour

Glances of admiration

We wouldn't sing to you now

If only, if only, if only...

We wouldn't sing to you now

If only, if only, if only...

Come to our center

We are always glad to see you.

No one would have told you that

If only, if only, if only...

No one would have told you that

If only, if only, if only...

The school bell is ringing

(the heroes stand on a par with the guys)

The song “They teach at school!” plays, and the children go to class.

Sometimes at least

No one could teach you

If only, if only, if only...

No one could teach you

If only, if only, if only...

If there were schools at all,

Wasn't in the world

Would never ring

A magical call to you

They wouldn't catch me at this hour

Glances of admiration

We wouldn't sing to you now

If only, if only, if only...

We wouldn't sing to you now

If only, if only, if only...

Come to our center

We are always glad to see you.

No one would have told you that

If only, if only, if only...

No one would have told you that

If only, if only, if only...

Scenario for the First Bell holiday

"The School Fairy Tale Begins"


Leading Once upon a time there lived a little girl. Once upon a time, her grandmother gave her a red riding hood. Since then, everyone called the girl just that. But time passed, the girl grew and grew, and her grandmother and mother gave her a red briefcase. And so Little Red Riding Hood went to school with a new briefcase.

Little Red Riding Hood runs out singing.

If it's a long, long, long time,

If it's long along the path,

If it's long along the path

Jump, run and gallop,

Perhaps, then of course.

That's probably true, true,

It's possible, it's possible, it's possible

You can run to school.

A-up, the bright school has opened the door for us,

A-up, we have become a year older over the summer.

A-up, both girls and boys

A-up, took the bags, took the books,

A-up, we are all schoolchildren now.

And as soon as, as soon as possible,

And as soon as the year will begin

Our school year will begin

Right from tomorrow.

I promise everyone today

That there are only fives,

Maybe rarely even fours

They will be with me.

And of course, and of course,

If you're so lazy

If you're just careless,

It will be a difficult year for you.

That's why I wish everyone

I want to be active

I wish you to be diligent

He will soon come to knowledge!

Leading But Little Red Riding Hood is not the only one starting to study today. Together with her, ______ first-graders entered the first grade of our school. We greet them with friendly applause!

Exit of first-graders

1 "A" class. Teacher Konovalova Elena Anatolyevna. ____ pedagogical category. Teaching experience _____ years.

1st “B” class Teacher Rodionova Lyudmila Aleksandrovna. Highest pedagogical category. Teaching experience _____ years

1 "B" class. Teacher Sitnikova Larisa Alekseevna. First pedagogical category. Teaching experience _____ years

Leading Now everything is assembled and we begin our holiday

Anthem of Russia

Leading The holiday dedicated to the Day of Knowledge begins!

Musical loss

Leading I will ask the youngest participants, our first-graders, to speak now in front of the whole school so that everyone can see how brave, active, and talented you are.

First graders read poetry

Wolf runs out

Wolf Ooh, I'm a big Wolf

Very scary, very evil!

Everyone here is afraid of me!

I could eat them all now!

And knows a lot about guys

Merciless gray wolf.

But in the morning I still miss you,

Ate sausages, drank tea,

And to make me more fun,

I decided to steal the call.

Disappear without a call!

All! I ran. Bye!

Runs away

Leading Dear Little Red Riding Hood! Help out! Tell us what to do.

KS What a harmful Wolf!

Doesn't want to study

That's why there are animals in the forest

He often gets in the way.

He's a bully, he breaks everything,

He has no conscience at all.

But there is also justice for the Wolf,

She won't have long to wait.

I'll run now

And I will bring help.

Runs away

Leading In the meantime, Little Red Riding Hood is thinking about how to help us, we will listen to the parting words of the school principal. The floor is given to Olga Vladimirovna Samoilova.

Director's speech, presentation certificates of merit

Little Red Riding Hood and the Wolf come out and sing to the tune of “The Song of the Wolf and the Hare”

Tell me, Cap, where you have been,

Tell me, honey, how are you?

I ran after you, Gray Tail,

I have one question for you.

Come on, come on, start dancing!

Okay, Wolf, - 2 times

Okay, let's clap! (dances a little)

Wolf The bell should have rung for the guys,

Only I dragged him with me.

KS Don’t deprive the kids of the holiday,

Return our call quickly.

Come on, return the bell as soon as possible!

Oh, how I want to upset everyone, how I want to upset all the guests! (The wolf runs away)

Little Red Riding Hood Well, Wolf, wait a minute! Since the negotiations were unsuccessful, we will have to turn to the Hunter. That's who will definitely help us. I'll bring him now.

Leading Dear guys, dear guests! The guest of our holiday is addressing you _______________

Speech by the head of administration

Hunter comes out

Hunter I am a Hunter - the highest class.

I fought with the Wolf more than once,

And believe me, friends,

I was the winner!

This gray hooligan

Annoyed you today

And almost ruined the holiday...

But he attacked the wrong one!

Together we will find the wolf

This first day of school!

Leading Friends, _____________________ is going through this unusual adventure with us. Now he will congratulate you on your holiday.

Guest performance

The Wolf runs out. WITH different sides Little Red Riding Hood and the Hunter with a gun are coming at him

Wolf Guard! Trap! You surrounded me!

You defeated me! The beast has no chance!

But I am a child of nature, I need to be protected,

Look in the Red Book, Wolves must be respected!

KS The Book also says that it is not good to be a bully!

You wanted to disrupt your studies, so you took away the bell.

Return it to the guys so the lesson can begin.

Wolf No, I won’t give up just like that! I'm a Wolf, not a kind person.

I will demand a ransom from you: from you, and from you, and from all the guys.

Hunter The wolf forgot that he was at gunpoint, these (points to the gun) are not toys at all!

I'll put you in a bag, I'll take you to prison.

You will, Wolf, you will be in the zoo, there you will learn intelligence.

Wolf The zoo is boring, cramped, I'm bored there alone!

I don’t want to live in a zoo - I’ll return your call now.

Get it straight into your hands and start the celebration at school.

Gives it to Little Red Riding Hood, who gives it to the Host.

Leading Our little adventure ended happily, but the school fairy tale is not over at all. On the contrary, it is just beginning. Now comes the most exciting moment of the holiday. Attention! The right to give the First Bell is granted to a 10th grade student ___________________________________________ and a first grade student __________________________

First call

Song to the tune of " School years»

The first fine day in September.

Timidly we enter the school arches.

The first teacher and the first lesson -

This is how the school years begin.

Well, then day after day they will run:

Twos, fives, lesson, recess,

Homework assignments, social work,

And of course, communication with friends.

School years are wonderful, with books, with sonorous songs.

How fast they fly, you can’t turn them back,

Will they fly by without a trace?

No, no one will ever forget their school years.

Leading Now, according to tradition, we all lead first-graders to their first lesson in their lives with loud, friendly applause. Let him lay the foundation for good teaching in our school. Good luck!

First-graders leave to the soundtrack of “School Years”

Leading A school fairy tale has begun for you, dear children, teachers and parents! I wish that everything in it would be easy, that problems would be solved with fabulous speed, that good would always triumph over evil, and that, as in any fairy tale, there would be a beautiful, happy ending.

KS To keep everything in order, keep your notebooks clean.

Wolf Be less harmful, children: it is better to be kind in the world.

Hunter It’s fashionable to be smart these days, don’t be lazy to learn everything.

Leading Don’t upset moms and dads, it’s not easy for them - don’t forget!

Director Let our road to the Land of Knowledge become easier and more desirable! Good luck, friends!

Leading Now, dear friends, we will leave this room in an orderly manner.

Everyone leaves to the soundtrack of “School Years.”


The girl is a hooligan and doesn’t like school.

The boy is a nerd and loves to study.

The boy Petya comes on stage. Stand in the middle of the stage in a shirt and trousers. The music begins, cheerful and perky. The girls run out, put his jacket on him, take out his briefcase, and begin to collect his briefcase. They gathered and ran away.

P.- Hello boys and girls, we are glad to welcome you today to our holiday! Does everyone know what day it is today?

Children answer “day of knowledge”

P.- Absolutely right with Today, students and teachers traditionally celebrate the Day of Knowledge - September 1!
The first school bell rings across the country, signaling the start of a new one. academic year! In any educational institution From this day the new school year begins - a special, solemn, wise holiday. Knowledge is power! Learning is one of the greatest human needs. Learn, enrich our country with knowledge! Happy Knowledge Day!

The girl Sveta comes out.

D. – Hooray! Hooray! Hooray! And so every year. How much is possible? What's special about this holiday???! NOTHING! Bored at school, are you forced to study? They give two! And who likes getting bad marks? They ask a lot. They force you to read, but everyone loves to read? Well, you see, that’s why I won’t go to school this year. I'd rather go for a walk every day and have fun!

P.-Who are you?

D.I am the most cheerful, mischievous and hooligan girl Katya!

P.– it’s immediately obvious that I didn’t go to school! You good manners didn't you teach? Would you like to say hello to the guys?

D.- A! This?! It's so easy!

Hello guys! Boys and girls!
I greet you from the bottom of my heart, dear kids!
Comrades, adults, hello to you too!
And I have no more greetings.
However, why not?
Once again I say to everyone, everyone, everyone: “Hello!”

Why is it so unfriendly? Not hot - not cold, not wet - not dry, not bitter - not sweet, not rolly - not wobbly? Let's say hello in an unusual way. When I say: “Hello!” - all the boys will shout: “Fireworks!” - and wave to me. Let's try it. Hello!

The boys are greeted.
Girls, I suggest you say hello in French, like this: “Bonjour!” - and blow me a kiss. So, let's rehearse. Hello!
The girls are greeted.
Dear adults, mothers and fathers, grandparents, uncles and aunts, I ask you to say hello in the Eastern way. To do this, you need to fold your palms in front of your chest, make a small bow and say: “Salaam alaikum!” Hello!
Adults welcome.
Now let’s all say hello together, but each in his own way. Boys – “Salute!”, girls – “Bonjour!”, adults – “Salaam alaikum!”,
We said hello very well,
Now let's have some fun,
We will sing, joke, play
And, of course, dance.

P. – that’s a great way to say hello, but we never met!

My name is Petya! And this, as we understand, is Katya’s most important fidget. But we don’t know your names, let’s now shout your names loudly one, two, three times! One, two, three...

So, is everyone ready for school? (Yes)

D.- what can you learn at this school?!

- If you agree, say in unison: “This is me, this is me, these are all my friends!”
If you don't agree, keep quiet.
*Which of you is always ready to live life without teachers?
- This is me, this is me, these are all my friends.
*Who wants to be a scientist,
Cheerful, slim and cheerful?
*Who among you does not walk gloomily,
Loves sports and physical education?
*Who is not afraid of frost,
Does he skate like a bird?
*Well, who will start lunch?
From imported chewing gum, sweets?
*Who loves tomatoes?
Fruits, vegetables, lemons?
*Who has eaten and brushes his teeth
Every day twice a day?
*Which of you, from the kids,
Walking around dirty from ear to ear?
*Who, according to the schedule
Doing physical exercises?

P. - oh, but do you like physical education??

D. - yes, but what?

P. – then let’s all do some exercises together now?

D. – can I please do some exercises!? I love exercises so much! Are you guys ready???

Hands to the heels and to the ears on the knees and to the shoulders to the sides on the waist up, and now a cheerful laugh hihihi hahaha how good everyone is and laughed from the heart, once they clapped their hands, two stamped their feet, three four pulled themselves up and smiled at each other!

P.- well done
Guys, but physical education is not the most important thing they teach at school, but the most important thing they teach at school is reading, writing, and counting. Do you want to be able to write, count and read? (Yes!) Maybe someone already knows how? (Yes!) Let's check! Can you guys count? Until when? Up to a million! Let's do this. I will read you a funny “mathematical” poem, and you help me!

Once a bunny ran along the plains -
And that means the bunny was... (alone)
The hare ran to him,
Then there were only... (two) birds.
Another one is running - look!
Now there are hares... (three)
A new hare rushes:
“The path is wider for me!” -
So, therefore, there are already... (four)
Bah, here he is running alone again,
So, that means there are now hares... (five)

The counting game is played several times, each time getting faster.

You see how well our children can count.

D.- So then why do they go to school?! And so everyone knows - I can’t understand. What else can you teach them?!

P.- well, whatever! for example, attention! Dolphin game (I'll explain along the way, you know her)
There are still many, many interesting subjects and lessons at school! Physical education, drawing...

D.- yes, but do they teach dancing there? But I know how, do you want me to teach you?

Dancing: little ducklings.

I also have a friend who will teach you how to dance even better!

Then meet me! Dolphin moment.

Dance marathon.

P.- well done guys danced with all their hearts! Can you solve the riddles? Just be careful.

Riddles.the girl is confused in her answers.

D.- what smart guys. But I didn’t guess a single one.

P.- Don’t be upset, it’s better to go to school with me and the guys.

D. – will you take me with you?

P. – won't you go for a walk?

D. – no honestly, honestly!

P. – So guys, let's take her to school with us?

D. – Well, today is a holiday, isn't it? And I invite everyone to start having fun and playing together now! All agree? Yes! Great. Well, the sports ground is open for you today! Also for those who want to compete with our friends in knowledge. Our friends are waiting for you... here and there. Well, what would a holiday be without colorful faces. Artists work for you near the stage, but they are not ordinary ones and will be able to decorate your face according to your desire. And also young artists I'll be waiting near the stage for drawings on the asphalt.

Guys, our holiday has come to an end, and it’s time for us to go. But that’s not all for you, from 16:00 to 17:00 courtyards will be open on Nekrasova Street 1a, Sovkhoznaya 7, and behind the Lapland cafe we ​​will be glad to see you at our courtyards.

Presenter: We have gathered here now for a fun children's hour.

How did you relax in the summer? Did you miss each other?

Look, guys, how beautiful everything is around.

And wherever we look, there is a friend on the left and a friend on the right.

Today we congratulate all of us on September 1st!
And, of course, we wish that the year was not in vain,
So that we learn everything and find friends for ourselves,
We gained a lot of knowledge and invented something.

If things get tough, the teacher is right there,

We can't live without each other, fun can wait.
We read and play, we draw and sing,
We continue training in the morning, evening and afternoon.

To begin with, for the sake of order, we will solve riddles.

1. Who will color our album?

Well, of course, (Pencil)

2. To write with pens,

We will cook (Notebook)

3. I was with my grandmother, -

All over her apartment

Three huge tables

Each has legs - (Four)

4. They live in a difficult book

Cunning brothers.

Ten of them, but these brothers

They will count everything in the world.(Numbers)

Presenter: Now we’ll take the numbers and start playing with them!


(Two teams of 10 people. Each person wears a sign with a number from 1 to 10. To the music, they scatter in all directions. At the end of the music, they line up in order of numbers from 1 to 10)

Presenter: Letters are icons, like soldiers in a parade.

IN in strict order lined up.

Everyone stands in the appointed place,

And everything is called...

Children: Alphabet.

Presenter: What is the very first letter in the alphabet? You name it!


(Children take turns calling words starting with the letter “a”)

Presenter: And time definitely goes on and on,

And the school year will begin soon,

There are minutes, seconds, moments left,

Let's not get bored, let's continue the fun.


(Teams of 5 people. Run one at a time to the easel, draw one part of the face at a time. Who is faster)

ED: Listen guys
Fairytale riddles,

1. Wears a gold key,
Who is this cute boy?
Wooden... (Pinocchio)

2. She lives in a swamp,
The arrow is guarding everything,
And at night he suffers
And he calls the groom
green frog,
And her name is... (Frog Princess)

3. What kind of pie is this?
He has a ruddy side
He sweeps the bottom of the barrel,
He scrapes through the barns,
Tell me quickly, my friend, who is it? (Kolobok)

4. Merry-laughing girl,
A very ancient old lady
The stove is heating up,
The eyes shine brightly.
She flies on a broom.
The forest and fairy tales are protected,
The house stands on a chicken leg,
She's called...( Grandma Ezhka)

Presenter: We will conduct a test and test your knowledge.

You probably forgot everything over the summer? What were you taught in kindergarten?

Answer my question, take a closer look!

How many tails do six cats have? 6

How many noses do eight dogs have? 8

- How many ears do two old ladies have? 4

How many ears do three mice have? 6

How many fingers do boys have? 10

What about girls? 10

There are tubs against the wall, each containing exactly a frog.

How many frogs were there if there were six tubs? 6

Presenter: You answered perfectly, but you haven’t danced for a long time.

I suggest you get up in pairs and boogie-woogie dance.


Presenter: Our holiday ends, and the new school year begins!

And even if there are many glorious ones,

Different days in the calendar,

But one of the most important -

The very first one in September!

Materials for the Day of Knowledge - September 1

Scenarios of holidays and lines for the Day of Knowledge, lessons of knowledge, Day of Knowledge at school and kindergarten, skits and ditties, holiday programs, rulers and games for Knowledge Day.

Kindergarten and primary school

Middle and high school

September 1 is a holiday for teachers

Leading. Dear colleagues, dear teachers! Our day has come again - September 1st! Again we are at school, again we are with those without whom our life is unthinkable - with children, so lively and spontaneous, smart and inquisitive, calm and mischievous. Again we have a year of intense, serious work ahead of us, a year of victories and defeats, a year of creative discoveries and doubts, that is, seemingly ordinary, but long-awaited New Year! For it we will need a lot of strength, energy, health... Now, in such an immediate environment, over a cup of tea, we will check whether our teaching staff is ready for the new school year, whether they can begin the educational process with dignity and professionalism!

First, let’s check how things are with the health of our staff and whether our teachers can be allowed to work with children. So, we quickly split into three groups! The first group pronounces the word “matches” loudly (let’s practice), the second group says “boxes” (let’s try how it turns out), the third group says the word “barrels” (let’s practice separately). And now, at my signal, all groups will say their word very loudly, trying to outshout their rivals.

The groups each shout their word at the same time, and it turns out something like “apchhi”.

Yes, comrades, not everything is in order with our health; apparently, not everyone in our team has recovered yet. medical examination! Hurry up to do this, otherwise you will not be allowed to pedagogical activity! Well, now we’ll check all the subject students individually, conduct a mini-exam for them and draw a conclusion about their readiness for work.

Let's start with mathematicians. Select one representative from your section. Task: count the money offered to you, while clearly and quickly answering the presenter’s questions.

Changes in an amount equal to the cost of a loaf of bread are poured onto the table. You can also use paper bills, or you can insert money that has already gone out of circulation.

So, the representative of mathematicians, the most attentive and responsible, counts the money (by the way, you can use the student’s method - a hint, that is, all other mathematicians can help their colleague) and answers my questions:
- Yours full name?
- When were you born?
— What is your teaching load?
— How many people are in your own class?
— How many of your own children do you have?
— How old are your children?
— In what year was your husband born?
— State the full name of your husband’s wife.
— How many years have you been working at this school?
— Your phone number?
— What is the name of the teacher of your labor class?
— How old is our school?
— What date is today?
— How many years are left until 2002?
— How old is your last child?

So, let's summarize. With difficulty, but still with the help of your colleagues, you coped with this difficult task, and on the first day of the new school year you managed to earn yourself a loaf of bread. This means mathematicians are allowed to work!

Leading. Exam for Russian language teachers.

The representative of this section repeats the spoken word after the leader, only the task is to say correctly:
They will call (they will call), meager (meager), rust (rust), until how much (until how much), quarter (quarter), cough (cough), alphabet (alphabet), beets (beets), dermantin (dermatin), good shampoo ( good shampoo), don't lie (don't put), and others.

Accented letters are highlighted in bold, correct pronunciation is in parentheses.

Leading. Well, the Russian language teachers are up to par! Now let's test their knowledge of literature. I give my first and patronymic, and you must tell me the last name of the poet, writer with whom you associate this name.

Mikhail Mikhailovich (Zoshchenko, Prishvin), Alexander Sergeevich (Pushkin, Griboedov), Alexander Alexandrovich (Blok, Fadeev), Vladimir Vladimirovich (Mayakovsky, Nabokov), Anna Andreevna (Akhmatova) and so on... So, to summarize: Russian language teachers and literature is allowed to work!

Leading. We check the historians section. I name the event - you name the date, I name the date, you name the event.

1380 (Battle of Kulikovo.)
1861 (Abolition of serfdom.)
Decembrist uprising (1825)
June 13. (Independence Day.)
First world war. (1914)
1946 (The year of birth of our historian.)

Leading. Of course, historians let us down a little: we need to know better the year of birth of historical figures! But you still passed the exam!

And now we check geographers, biologists, chemists, physicists, “Englishmen”. All you have to do is answer the question “Do you believe?” in one word: “yes”, “no”.

To biologists:
Do you believe that watermelon is a berry? (Yes.)
Do you believe that the ciliate slipper is an Italian dress shoe? (No.)

For chemists:
Do you believe that aqua regia is Petrovskaya vodka? (No.)
Do you believe that cupronickel is an alloy of copper and nickel? (Yes.)

Do you believe that Panama is just a headdress? (No.)
Do you believe that not a single river flows out of Lake Lache? (No.)

For physicists:
Do you believe that Newton is a great French scientist? (No. Newton is English.)
Do you believe that diffusion is the penetration of one substance into another when they come into contact? (Yes.)

"To the English":
Do you believe that Mrs Thatcher and Mrs Golubkova have any similarities? (Yes. Name.)
Do you believe that English word"face" and Russian word“street” – relatives? (Yes, “face” means face, “street” means “near the face of the house.”)

Well done! Of course, you are allowed to take classes!

Now we’ll check our physical trainers and see how high their muscle tone is. Come up with a pyramid exercise and do it on a count: do one, do two, do three, do four, smash!

So, with muscle tone Everything is fine too, physical education teachers are allowed to attend lessons.

Winter holidays in scenarios