Will a mask save you from viruses? Disposable medical masks, surgical masks, goggles

For children

Today we will talk about medical face masks. Let's find out what they are, how and how much they need to be worn, and whether they are beneficial. Read about all this in the article below.

for face

A medical mask is an individual means of protecting the respiratory system from viruses and bacteria that are transmitted by airborne droplets. They are disposable and reusable, but the first option is more common.

Disposable medical face masks are a bandage that is worn on the face, covering the mouth and nose. Most often it has 3 or 4 layers. It stays on your face with ties at the back or elastic loops that go over your ears.

History of origin

Yes, a medical protective face mask also has its own history. It is believed that the first such mask appeared in Europe back in the Middle Ages, when the bubonic plague epidemic was rampant. At that time they called it the “Plague Doctor mask.” At that time it looked rather strange, but despite that it was still practical. The beak, that is, the front part of the mask, was filled medicinal herbs or aromatic salts in order to protect the doctor’s sense of smell from the nasty odors of rotting flesh, as well as to create an antibacterial environment inside the mask. The mask was worn over the entire face, and the eye holes were covered with glass.

In the 19th century, doctors began using woolen bandages with a valve. They were replaced by terrifying masks from the Middle Ages. Medical face masks in modern form appeared only at the beginning of the last century. This happened when Schroeder proved the effectiveness of cotton filters for air purification. The evidence was based on Louis Pasteur's research on the spread of microorganisms. Masks became especially widespread when the deadly Spanish flu epidemic broke out. Already by the 20s of the last century, the use gauze bandages medical staff has become mandatory.

IN modern world Most often, disposable dressings are used, which are made of non-woven materials.


There are several types of medical face masks. Their main classification concerns their purpose. There are procedural (everyday) and specialized (surgical) masks. Treatment masks have 3 layers and are made for one-time use. They have a filter in the middle and 2 outer layers. Depending on the size, there are medical ones for the face and adults. They are used in clinics, hospitals and in public places.

Specialized masks are those that consist of 4 layers, and in addition to 2 outer layers and a filter, they have an anti-liquid layer. It protects the face from biological fluids that are involved during the operation. Such masks can be with or without a screen. They are used only for operations.

Masks are also divided into sterile and non-sterile. The latter are most often used in Everyday life. Since the material is in contact with the outer layer of the skin, additional disinfection is not necessary. Sterile masks are applicable in laboratories, operating rooms, etc. IN normal conditions It is not advisable to use sterile masks, as they instantly lose their properties.


In the Middle Ages, masks were made from just about anything. Then it was time for wool. But masks made from this material did not last long. Today, masks are made from nonwoven materials that consist of polymer fibers.

What does it consist of?

Medical face masks have 2 outer layers, which are their frame. There is also a filter that is located between the layers. Then there is an anti-fluid layer, but this is only found in surgical masks. There is a nose clip, an ear loop or elastic band, a nose clip and an anti-fluid shield, which is only found in specialized masks.

How much to wear?

Wearing the mask lasts 2-6 hours. The time period largely depends on the conditions external environment. Experts recommend wearing masks for no more than 2 hours during epidemics or health care facilities. Masks, which are used to protect against man-made environmental factors, can be worn for 3-6 hours.

Many people wonder which side to wear a medical mask to face. So, you need to wear them with the white side to your face. You can use the ear loops or ties as a guide: they are located on the side that should touch the face.


Do you want to know what a medical face mask is called? That's what it's called. If you thought the correct name was “respirator,” then you were wrong. Medical masks are often confused with those used to protect against airborne contaminants. By the way, many studies have shown that masks are effective only when they fit tightly to the face around the entire perimeter and do not allow air to pass through. If air leaks, then desired effect will not be achieved. Even through small gap up to 50% of all the air a person inhales can leak. That is why for serious protection against microorganisms it is better to use RPE - technical

The effectiveness of masks has been called into question after surgical masks and respirators were shown to not protect doctors from exposure to harmful substances in the eyes. Experts also strongly recommend using RPE in this case.

However, research by scientists has not yet discovered big difference between health care workers who wore and those who wore surgical masks. Their incidence rates were the same. The fluctuations were quite insignificant, although the characteristics of the protective elements varied greatly.

Surgical masks are not considered suitable for respiratory protection against air pollution. But at the same time, they can reduce the risk of harmful substances entering the air from a sick person, and therefore should be used to protect the health of others.

In Russia there are no clear and substantiated scientific point recommendations for the use and selection of products personal protection. Respirators were practically equal to ordinary masks, which, even by their design, are not intended to protect the human respiratory system from polluted air (it is impossible to achieve a tight fit to the face; there is no testing of the material used for filtration).

Summing up the article, I would like to say that medical face masks are inexpensive means personal protective equipment, which is best to have with you at all times. Such a mask cannot guarantee absolute protection, but the risk of becoming infected with something will decrease many times. It is not so important whether research has been conducted on this matter or not, because the health of each person is in his own own hands. The main thing to remember is that if you have the opportunity to protect yourself, then it is better to do so than to regret it later. Safety measures come first.

This is perhaps the simplest means of preventing the spread of infection transmitted by airborne droplets. Thanks to her invention, it was possible to protect both patients and medical workers themselves from unnecessary contact.

What does a medical mask usually consist of?

In the vast majority of cases, it is made of multi-layer gauze. The fact is that this material, laid in one row, cannot become a reliable barrier to infection. In addition, such a medical mask very quickly becomes saturated with moisture and becomes useless. That is why their single-layer varieties, despite all their economic attractiveness, are not used. Most often, 3-layer and 4-layer medical masks are sold in pharmacies. They, when used properly, can be excellent protection for many people.

A small layer of a protective substance is often applied to the gauze, which increases the life and efficiency of its service. There is also either an elastic band or special ties that allow you to quickly attach the mask to your face.

The use of such a protective attribute is very beneficial from an economic point of view. The fact is that for such a product as a disposable medical mask, the price is set at 2 to 3 rubles. It is simply not possible to find something equally useful in the field of protection against the spread of infection and equally inexpensive.

How to use?

It is worth noting that if used incorrectly, a medical mask can even be harmful to humans. First of all, it is necessary to remember that it should be worn by the patient who is the carrier of the infection. The fact is that this practically eliminates the transmission of bacteria and viruses by airborne droplets.

It must be remembered that a gauze mask is disposable, that is, after the first use it should be thrown into a container. Moreover, today it has been reliably established that this piece of protective clothing can be worn for no more than 3 hours. This is due to the fact that any gauze over time becomes saturated with moisture emitted during breathing. As a result, the mask becomes not protective, but, on the contrary, a very unfavorable attribute. Being saturated with moisture, it not only does not prevent infection from entering the human respiratory tract, but also creates a condensation effect, which facilitates infection.

When is a medical mask necessary?

As noted earlier, it should definitely be worn by those who have infection, capable of being transmitted by airborne droplets. In addition, it is highly recommended to wear a mask in healthcare settings during influenza epidemics. It also needs to be worn in the operating room: both for surgeons and others. medical personnel. When performing manipulations, you should also wear a gauze mask. At the same time, do not forget to change it every 3 hours.

Medical mask: properties and methods of use.

With the onset of wet weather, there is a greater likelihood of the spread of viral diseases. An elementary way of protection is a medical mask. Is this product really effective? This article will answer this and other questions regarding the use of a protective mask.

What is a medical mask for? Does it protect against infection?

The best way protection against the spread of infection

A protective mask is worn to prevent the spread of viral diseases by people infected with them.

Most often these include:

  1. Working staff in medical institutions when communicating with big amount patients
  2. Food production workers in the production of mass produced food
  3. As well as other categories of infected people who do not want to contribute to the further spread of the infection
  • Exists erroneous opinion that it is necessary for infected and healthy people to use a mask. According to doctors, this is not so.
  • A protective bandage cannot 100% prevent the entry of infected air. This is explained by the fact that when worn, the degree of adherence to the skin is not significant, that is, to prevent infection in a building with infected air healthy person the mask is incapable.
  • In this regard, it is necessary to use the protective measures in question directly to patients. This minimizes the possibility of spreading viruses through breathing, coughing and sneezing.
  • Since inside the protective object a favorable atmosphere(warm and humid), which promotes the proliferation of microorganisms; when they come under protection, they actively grow - using a mask in the absence of infection increases the possibility of disease.

How to wear a medical mask correctly, which side should you put on your face?

Masks have several different purposes and are divided into:

  1. Dentists
  2. Surgeons
  3. Carrying out procedures
  4. Common use
  • For medical use, a nasal retainer is added to the product. In this case, there is no alternative to putting on a mask - definitely with the inside facing towards the face.
  • In other options offered by the manufacturer, the following points should be taken into account:
  1. In the presence of water-repellent impregnation- place the product with an unimpregnated dark layer inside
  2. In the presence of different color- place the color layer outward
  3. Ear loops and ties are sewn on the outside
  4. If there are any specific features, the manufacturer usually indicates in the attached instructions. Pay attention to this.

Use the example shown in the photo to correct location protective device.

Correct fixation

How long can you wear a medical protective mask, how often should you change it: rules for using a medical mask

Follow the basic rules

On the quality of cleaning abilities disposable mask influence:

  1. Its throughput properties
  2. Filtration efficiency
  3. Humidity and purity of atmospheric air
  4. Continuous duration of mask use
  5. Physical activity of the patient at the time of its application

The combination of these characteristics allows manufacturers to set the following temporary requirements:

  • If you have a paper filter – 2 hours
  • Treated with a bactericidal agent – ​​3-5 hours
  • If the product is wet due to coughing, sneezing or breathing, remove it immediately

Can medical masks be washed?

Types of protective devices
  1. There are no sterilization methods to restore the original protective quality of a mask intended for single use. After use, it is immediately thrown away.
  2. For reusable gauze masks, wash in hot water with soap solution. After drying, iron on both sides using the hottest heat possible.

Don't ignore using a mask. Proper Use The product helps minimize the spread of viral diseases.

On January 26, Ukraine declared 2016: according to the Ministry of Health, the number of cases exceeds 2.6 million people, including 83 cases- lethal . The epidemic threshold has been exceeded in 18 regions of Ukraine, quarantine is being extended in schools, and people are buying medical masks in the hope of protecting themselves from the virus. Will this preventive measure help?

Do disposable medical masks protect against influenza and ARVI?

Medical masks, which are called in the old fashioned way, are designed to protect the respiratory system from viruses and bacteria. However, during an epidemic, this remedy is not 100% effective: if a patient is in a closed room without a mask, the virus is already circulating in the air, which the bandage cannot contain.

Why introduce a mask regime and wear masks?

Medical masks should be worn by a sick person so that particles of his saliva and sputum do not reach respiratory tract surrounding people. Thus, if your colleague or relative is coughing, give him your mask, thoroughly ventilate the room, or even better, do a wet cleaning.

What medical masks should I buy?

Pharmacies sell procedural (everyday) and surgical (specialized) masks. The simplest ones consist of 3 layers nonwoven material. These are the ones you should buy to wear in public places in case of illness. Surgeons and medical staff use specialized four-layer masks that protect the skin from body fluids during operations, laboratory research and other procedures.

Which protective equipment should I choose instead of a disposable mask?

Is it dangerous to get a flu shot?

Many people today refuse vaccinations for fear of complications. Of course, their probability cannot be excluded 100%, but they are absolutely justifiably considered one of the safest medical supplies. Vaccination will not make you sick, but the weak side effects flu-like symptoms ( headache, runny nose, fever, body aches) pass quickly.

Maria Nitkina

Today on the street and in public places you can meet people wearing medical masks, who are thus trying to protect themselves from the influenza virus. Does a mask really help protect yourself, or is it just a tribute to general panic that people are happy to succumb to?

It is interesting that people are divided into two categories: some constantly wear a mask, literally afraid to leave the house without it, while others are afraid of people wearing masks, considering them sick and contagious. What does a mask actually protect against and how to wear it correctly in order to get real results, protecting yourself and your loved ones from influenza and ARVI?

A mask can actually limit the widespread spread of the flu and can help protect you if you use it correctly when caring for a sick person at home.

You can buy a disposable mask made of fabric or paper at a pharmacy. It is inexpensive and can protect you for 2 hours until it becomes damp. But after that, the mask does more harm than good. There are masks with a longer duration that can be worn for 4 or 6 hours, and they use other types of impregnations, but such masks are more expensive.

In any case, use it indoors or outdoors different masks, and if you touched the mask with dirty hands, then throw it away immediately. Never reuse a removed disposable mask!

It is very important that the mask fits tightly and comfortably on the face and that there are no cracks around it into which viruses can enter. Instead of a mask, doctors allow the use of respirators purchased at a regular home and repair store. Respirators are good because they fit tighter on the face and can be changed once a day, but they are much more difficult to breathe in long time. This is especially true for sick people who already have difficulty breathing and cough. The sanitary doctor of Russia even advises wearing masks only for people who are caring for a sick person, since the sick person himself experiences a lot of inconvenience from wearing a mask. But this does not apply to those cases when there are children in the house, since children cannot walk around in a mask for a long time, they constantly touch it with their hands and often take it off. Be sure to use a mask when entering the room of a sick person and leaning towards the sick person.

Some people use masks homemade, making them from four layers of gauze. If you sew such a mask for yourself, wash it daily and iron it on both sides with a hot iron every 2 hours. Throw disposable masks in the trash and do not touch used masks with your hands. After you remove any mask, immediately wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water, running them under running water for at least 20 seconds.

Wear masks only in crowded places, and try to breathe outside fresh air. That is, you only need to wear this personal protective equipment before entering a store, metro, clinic, or other public places.