Proper daily care for dry skin. Important rules you should know on how to care for dry skin


Dry skin of the face and body can bring a lot of inconvenience to its owners - peeling and itching, a feeling of tightness. These are all symptoms that may indicate that you have dry skin and need to urgently start caring for it accordingly.

Dry skin is not a problem at all In terms of rashes or acne, the skin looks matte and soft. But because inability to retain moisture, it is very sensitive to environmental influences, therefore it requires attention - proper cleansing, protection, moisturizing.

Sudden decreased functioning of the sebaceous glands(as a result the skin becomes dry) can occur due to metabolic disorders, hormonal changes, lack of vitamins, etc. In any case, there are reliable ways to deal with such skin and make it beautiful and radiant. Let's dive into some simple dry skin care tips!

Air conditioners and heaters dry out the indoor air too much. Connect a special air humidifier at home or simply install a bowl of water near the battery or heater.

Such a vessel can be beautifully decorated with fresh or artificial flowers. It will be both good for the skin and beautiful!

Forget about these cleansers:

Soap, alcohol and products containing fragrances, are contraindicated for dry facial skin. Gel, foam or milk should be hypoallergenic and very soft. Look at the composition!

Only warm

Cold and hot water dry out the skin! Therefore, wash only warm. The same goes for showering - after all, your skin type usually extends to the rest of your body.

If you want to avoid the feeling of skin tightness throughout your body, do not get carried away with a boiling shower - in general you should spend no more than 10 minutes in water, and then be sure to rinse the skin with flower water or herbal decoction to even out the PH of the skin after tap water.

Do not use tap water!

If possible, try to wash your face only with soft water; tap water usually dries the skin too much and can cause irritation. Use mineral water or herbal infusions to wash your face.

Dry facial skin may be a consequence of excessive exposure to chemicals

Washing powders, detergents and air fresheners - all household chemicals can make our skin dry, especially if you often use these products without gloves.

As for the face, in this case chemistry can be called any cosmetics, both skincare and decorative, that contains toxic artificial preservatives (nipazole and paraform, etc.) are all mass-market cosmetics.

Oils to the rescue!

You can even use baby oils to care for dry skin - do a gentle facial and body massage with them every day. Natural vegetable oils also moisturize and nourish the skin well.

Cocoa, shea butter, avocado, coconut, macadamia, sasanqua, apricot, jojoba, evening primrose, black cumin, and wheat germ oils are ideal for dry skin. Use these oils as a base, to which you can add a few drops of essential oil (2-3 drops per 30-50 ml). For thin dry skin Sandalwood, rose, neroli, carrot, jasmine, adana, ylang-ylang oils are suitable.

ATTENTION: Just under no circumstances apply essential oils directly to the skin - their concentration is too strong and can cause dryness and irritation.

Read the labels!

Preferred Ingredients for Dry Skin:

  1. Ceramides. (Helps skin retain water and soothe dry skin. Synthetic ceramides can mimic natural substances in the top layer of skin that help retain moisture).
  2. D-panthenol and squalene.
  3. Hyaluronic acid.
  4. Aloe vera.

All these components help retain moisture in the skin.

Eat and drink

To keep dry skin looking better and not dry out, drink more water and include foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids(fatty fish, nuts, flaxseed and safflower oil).

As well as products containing essential for the skin vitamins A(liver, apricots, carrots, pumpkin, spinach and parsley), IN(dairy products, fish, brown rice, grain bread, melon, green apples and cabbage), E(seeds and nuts, cucumbers, broccoli, radishes, potatoes), F(fish, corn, vegetable oils, grains, black currants).

Moisturizing cream

After washing and cleansing your face (and body), you should apply a moisturizer specifically for dry skin. Apply it to damp skin - it will work much better this way!

If you regularly moisturize and nourish your skin, and at the same time eat right, then no peeling will occur. But if this problem nevertheless overtakes you, it is better to consult a dermatologist.

To eliminate flaking, creams based on a fatty base, for example natural oil, are suitable - it creates a waterproof barrier between the skin and the air so that moisture does not evaporate from the skin.

ADVICE: In extreme cases, you can use a cream with a small (0.5%) content hydrocortisone- but remember that this is not a cosmetic, but a medicinal product, you need to lubricate your face with it 1 per day for 2 weeks, not more.

Makeup removers

Before cleansing your pores, you need to wash off your makeup every evening, and in case of dry skin, it is better to do this with hydrophilic oil. It gently removes all makeup (even eye and BB cream) and does not dry out the skin.

Hydrophilic oil you can buy and you can do it yourself to ensure there are no preservatives.

To do this you need to mix the following ingredients:

  • Polysorbate 80 (10%).
  • Rice bran oil (20%).
  • Peach oil (40%).
  • Sweet almond oil (30%).
  • 2 drops tea tree essential oil.

PREPARATION: Pour the components in the above sequence and mix thoroughly, stirring until a homogeneous buttery white milk is formed. It is recommended to apply with dry hands to a dry face to remove makeup, and then rinse with water. The skin is then ready for a deeper cleansing of the pores.

Don't get carried away with scrubs!

Dry skin does not tolerate mechanical influence - therefore, you need to choose only gentle scrubs, with small grains, and you also need to clean them for no more than a minute - this is enough to remove the upper stratum corneum. Scrub is recommended to use no more than 1-2 times a week.

Masks for dry skin


  • 1 tbsp. spoon aloe vera gel
  • 1 mashed avocado
  • 1 tbsp. spoon of cottage cheese

APPLICATION: Grind the avocado in a blender or mash in a mortar until creamy. Add curd and aloe vera gel. If you don’t have a ready-made gel, you can replace it with fresh aloe juice. Mix all ingredients and apply evenly to face for 20 minutes. Then carefully rinse with warm water.


  • 1 tsp. olive oil
  • 1. tsp. liquid honey
  • 1 yolk

APPLICATION: Mix the components and apply with a cotton swab to the face in several layers (2-3). Leave for 20 minutes and rinse with warm water. If you use the mask 1-2 times a week, it will eliminate skin flaking and tightness.

Features in cold and heat

In the hot season, dry skin should be better protected from ultraviolet radiation, as we know it is thinner, so the product must be selected accordingly, stronger. When it's hot use thermal water to moisturize your face.

Dry air and lower temperatures in winter reduce our skin's production of lipids, which are supposed to form a protective film and retain moisture. This is why in winter, skin of any type becomes drier, not to mention skin that is initially prone to dryness.

ADVICE: In winter it is advisable to apply under makeup thick fatty creams, which would protect the skin from drying out in the cold.

Natural cosmetics for dry skin

Dry skin, like no other, requires careful treatment. Therefore, in order not to harm it, choose natural cosmetics.

Most of the products, some of which we described above, can be made independently at home from ingredients purchased at the pharmacy and at the market. If you do not want to waste time on such experiments, then you will have to buy cosmetics that are more expensive than those presented in the mass market.

IMPORTANT! The base should contain the above ingredients: urea, hyaluronic acid, plant extracts, natural plant and essential oils. Such cosmetics can be sold in pharmacies or in specialized online and offline stores.

Dry facial skin is highly sensitive, so care for it must be competent. Cosmetologists recommend using different products according to the season of the year, not forgetting the general rules. Most caring procedures are carried out using homemade masks, lotions and creams, and the effect from them will be no less than from professional cosmetics and salon services.

This type of facial skin has its own distinctive features: it looks thin, almost “transparent”, in adolescence it does not cause problems with pimples and blackheads, in older age small wrinkles and age spots appear on it.

Any external irritant can have a negative effect on dry facial skin - even short-term exposure to the sun or wind, washing with poor-quality water provokes the appearance of lesions with intense peeling and redness.

To ensure proper and effective care for dry skin at home, you should follow the recommendations of cosmetologists:

For the type of skin in question, cosmetics containing cellulose substances, hyaluronic acid, chitosan, collagen and algae polysaccharides will be effective and safe.

  • Deep cleansing of dry facial skin should be carried out regularly, at least once every 10 days. For this, the use of scrubs is allowed, but they must be made of soft abrasive components. The presence of fruit acids and sucrose crystals in them would be appropriate.

Secondly, you need to adjust your drinking regime: in winter, when you have to stay in rooms with dry air for a long time, the skin becomes thinner and prone to cracks, inflammation and rashes. You should drink at least 2.5 liters of clean water per day, and treat your skin with moisturizer in the evenings. It is highly advisable to always have a small vessel with you with water, which you periodically irrigate your skin through a spray bottle.

Third, you will need to use specific masks. They can be prepared at home, especially since all the ingredients are usually on hand. Here are just a few effective mask recipes for caring for dry skin in winter:

Masks for winter care should be used at least 2 - 3 times a week, you should choose one recipe, you are allowed to change it after 3 weeks, before that the skin “rests” for 7 days.

When it comes to choosing professional cosmetics for dry skin in the winter, you should pay attention to those that contain hyaluronic acid and ceramides.

These components form a lipid layer and provide protection for sensitive skin from low air temperatures, dryness, and winds.

Let's take care of ourselves in the spring

In spring, the body undergoes dramatic changes - metabolic processes begin to work at an accelerated rate, there is a lack of vitamins, and immunity decreases. This naturally affects the condition of the skin of the face, and if they are of the dry type, they will appear:

  • excessive peeling;
  • dull color;
  • small wrinkles;
  • foci of inflammation - redness, rashes;
  • freckles, age spots.

Sun exposure causes freckles and age spots to appear.

These problems can be solved by regularly using homemade masks:

  • pulp of ½ grapefruit + 1 tablespoon of olive oil – cleanses and softens;
  • pureed fruits (any) + cream in equal quantities – nourishes and moisturizes;
  • lemon, crushed in a blender + potato starch in equal proportions - whitens and cleanses;
  • 30 g of rye bread + 50 ml of low-fat kefir – tightens, tones, moisturizes.

These products are applied to a previously cleansed face for 10 minutes and washed off with warm water. After the procedure, you should definitely lubricate your skin with a moisturizing cream, and instead of washing your face in the morning, you should give preference to rubbing it with an ice cube made from a decoction of chamomile or calendula.

To keep dry facial skin beautiful, fresh and problem-free in the spring, you should follow the recommendations of cosmetologists:

  • drink 100 ml of sauerkraut brine daily or eat at least 3 tablespoons of this product - this will prevent the appearance of freckles and age spots;
  • You need to get used to the sun's rays gradually, so in spring it is appropriate to wear wide-brimmed hats and sunglasses;
  • You should drink at least one and a half liters of clean water per day;
  • You can wash your face in the morning and evening with water with the addition of a small amount of honey or milk (1 teaspoon per glass) - this will soften the dermis and make it smoother;
  • cleansing the skin should be carried out only with soft scrubs; aggressive agents can increase the susceptibility of the epidermis to ultraviolet rays.

It is entirely acceptable to use professional cosmetics in the care of dry skin in the spring.

It is advisable to choose moisturizing creams that contain cocoa butter and aloe extract, vitamins A, C, E. Masks and cosmetic gels, serums with amino acids, selenium, etc. will be useful.

Caring for dry skin in summer

Sun rays, sea water, high air temperatures, winds - absolutely all factors have a negative effect on the skin of the face. If it is dry, then in the summer you will need to pay special attention to it. Cosmetologists highlight several basic recommendations for care:

  • Protection. It is required around the clock, so before going outside, be sure to apply a protective cream that will prevent the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays on dry facial skin. When choosing such products, you need to pay attention to the composition and give preference to those that have a minimum of chemical additives.

You definitely need to take care of your lips, because chapped and flaky, they will not add beauty to your appearance, so hygienic lipstick should be used constantly.

  • Hydration. Loss of fluid in the summer occurs very quickly and it would be a good idea to replenish it - you should definitely drink 2 liters of water per day. In addition, it is necessary to constantly irrigate or wipe your face with ice cubes.
  • Cleansing. Any exfoliating procedures should be carried out at least once a week. If you have dry skin, you should not use aggressive products; it is better to prepare scrubs yourself, and by and large, even pureed fruits and berries can rid the epidermis of excess scales. After such procedures, it is necessary to lubricate the skin with a moisturizer.
  • Nutrition. There is room to “turn around” here! Fruits and vegetables are freely available, so they need to be included in the menu in large quantities. From some vegetables and most fruits/berries you can make quick masks that will saturate the dermis with essential vitamins and microelements in just 10 minutes.

Summer is not a reason to forget about masks, which should be used at least 2 times a week. The most relevant during this period of the year will be:

  • Nutritious. The basis is taken from berries or fruits - apples, strawberries, peaches, apricots, currants and so on. They need to be turned into puree and added cream or sour cream - all components in equal proportions. Apply nourishing masks to previously cleansed facial skin, leave for 20 minutes, rinse with warm water.

In case of excessive dryness of the dermis and existing peeling, it is recommended to add 5-10 drops of vegetable oil to nourishing masks, for which you can use olive, flaxseed, wheat germ, grape seeds, and nut oils.

A mask based on whole milk also has moisturizing properties: add 1 teaspoon of aloe leaf pulp and the same amount of oatmeal per 50 ml. Such products have their beneficial effects within 15 minutes - this is the time of the procedure.

  • Cleansing. They can replace scrubs, and the effect will be no less high. It is enough to mix 1 tablespoon of ground almonds (powder with small grains) with the same amount of liquid honey. The mass is applied to the face, and after 10 minutes a light massage is performed. After such a cleansing procedure, the face is washed with warm milk and lubricated with a nourishing or moisturizing cream.

Experts recommend not using decorative cosmetics in the summer, or at least limiting yourself to blush, mascara and lipstick. In any case, foundation and powder will definitely be inappropriate.

By following all the tips for caring for dry skin, there will be no problems with it even in the summer, and the transition to autumn days will be more painless.

Maintaining beauty in autumn

And during this period of the year, care for the dermis is required, although it is nourished with vitamins, constantly moisturized, and cleansed with the “right” products. In autumn, the biological rhythm of the body changes; a reduction in the light period of the day and an increase in the dark do not have a very positive effect on people. Because of this, the immune system and psycho-emotional background simply “revolt.” Therefore, competent caring procedures will be very appropriate.


It should be carried out with mild means and with the addition of vegetable oils. This will help retain moisture in the dermis and narrow the pores, which means that the risk of inflamed areas of facial skin becomes minimal. The most effective and safe recipes for cleansing masks for dry skin in the fall:

  • 1 tablespoon oat flour + 1 tablespoon milk + 1 teaspoon olive oil;
  • 1 teaspoon finely ground salt + 1 teaspoon almond oil + 1 tablespoon kefir;
  • 1 teaspoon chopped almonds + 1 tablespoon sour cream + 5 drops of peach essential oil.

Watch the video on how to properly care for dry skin:

These products are applied to the skin with soft circular rubbing movements - this period of the procedure lasts 3 - 4 minutes. Then the mass remains on the face for another 8 minutes and for the remaining 3 minutes it is again rubbed over the surface of the dermis. Only after these manipulations can you wash your face with warm water and treat your skin with a moisturizing or nourishing cream.

Cleansing procedures in the fall should be carried out at least once a week.

Hydration and nutrition

In the autumn, creams and masks with such properties should be used more often than in the summer. It is better to choose creams with a natural composition; they should contain cocoa and jojoba butters, glycerin and chamomile or calendula extracts. A nourishing cream is applied to the skin in the evening after mandatory cleansing without alcohol, and a moisturizing cream is applied twice a day.

As for homemade masks, in the fall you should pay attention to the following recipes:

You can apply the composition 2 times a week and wash off with warm milk.

  • Grind pear, grapes, apple and white cabbage into a puree. Take 1 tablespoon of the prepared mass, add to it any moisturizing cream in the amount of 1 teaspoon, stir everything and apply to the face. The procedure takes 20 minutes.

In the fall, you can actively use lotion to cleanse your face of decorative cosmetics, dust and dirt. It is prepared from 3 parts water and 1 part aloe pulp, stored for no more than 10 days in a cool place, and used 2 times a day. This composition is suitable for preparing ice cubes - they wipe the skin with them in the morning, replacing the usual washing procedure.

Dry facial skin, with proper and regular care, will remain fresh, toned and without any external changes at any time of the year. Peeling and redness, pigmentation and early wrinkles appear only if a person forgets about the recommendations of cosmetologists.

Useful video

Watch the video about masks for dry skin - advice from a cosmetologist:

Our face is the mirror of the soul. While others suffer from constant pimples, blackheads, and desperately struggle with oily sheen, girls with dry facial skin live calmly and do not think about such problems. However, this advantage does not remain with them for long. After twenty years, small wrinkles appear. Due to the insufficient amount of fat, a protective layer is practically not formed on the skin. Firmness and elasticity are lost faster and faster.

2) An egg mask will provide effective care for dry skin. Add a little chamomile extract to a mixture of one egg yolk and a spoon of vegetable oil. Leave on face for 10-15 minutes, rinse with warm tea. After using the mask, you can apply

3) An orange mask with egg yolk will also give the skin nutrition and hydration, while also having a whitening effect.

4) Apple-honey mask is easy to prepare and good for the skin. Grate a small apple, peeled, on a fine grater, mix with one spoon of sour cream, and hold on your face for about 20 minutes. Rinse off with warm water or herbal infusion.

5) You can also regularly make sour cream or kefir masks. With their help, you will moisturize your skin and give it the necessary vitamins and microelements.

Caring for dry skin also involves washing with decoctions of chamomile, mint, and calendula. They are easy to prepare and perfectly nourish and moisturize dry skin.

To avoid causing excessive drying of the skin, minimize visits to the sauna and bathhouse. Chlorine water in the pool also has a very negative effect on dry skin. To wash your face, use special gels for dry skin; under no circumstances wash with soap - it dries out the skin very much.

If you spend a long time in the hot sun, use a protective cream. In cold weather, try to stay outside as little as possible, especially in the wind. Dress to cover as much exposed areas of your body as possible, especially your arms, legs and face.

Pay attention to how you eat. Your diet should include more fresh vegetables and fruits. You may not be drinking enough fluids. Try to drink about 2 liters of various drinks a day (tea, juice, fruit drink, water).

Caring for dry skin is no less problematic than caring for oily skin. It takes persistence and constant treatments to keep your skin looking attractive at both 16 and 36 years old.

On the one hand, owners of dry skin are very lucky, because they have an even tone, a matte finish and almost invisible pores. But at the same time, the lack of moisture and fat makes it vulnerable, imposing certain rules for daily care and careful protection. In the absence of the necessary procedures, the skin will quickly lose its natural beauty, become sensitive, tight and unpleasant to the touch. Negative age-related changes will quickly appear on it. All these consequences can be avoided with the help of suitable care techniques.

Causes of dry skin on the face in girls

Congenital dry skin is associated with insufficient activity of the sebaceous glands. But in some cases, dryness is acquired. Dermatologists identify internal and external factors that can cause such changes.

Internal ones include:
  • genetic predisposition;
  • elderly age;
  • some dermatological diseases (psoriasis, eczema, dermatitis);
  • disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system;
  • insufficient or unhealthy diet (especially lack of vitamins A and E);
  • heart failure.

The main external reason that causes excessive dryness of the skin is improper care. For example, using alkaline soaps, alcohol-based products and lack of moisturizing. Prolonged exposure to hot, dry air can shift the skin's natural balance. Thus, many women notice that after a vacation spent in warm countries, the skin on their face becomes dry.

The main causes of dry facial skin can be successfully combated. In order to make your skin healthier and improve its appearance, it is necessary to use a comprehensive approach, including both switching to the right care system and changes in diet.

American dermatologist Nicholas Perricone has developed a nutrition program designed to improve the condition of dry and aging facial skin. It includes regular consumption of fatty fish, nuts, legumes, and some types of vegetables and fruits. : After a few months, the skin becomes softer and the feeling of tightness disappears. A similar effect can be achieved by regularly taking fish oil.

How to care for dry skin?

The main goals of dry skin care are the gradual restoration of fat balance and the prevention of premature aging.

To achieve maximum effectiveness, dermatologists advise combining home and salon care.

Skin care at home

The most important rule of self-care for your skin is regularity. Only daily adherence to the care described below will give lasting results.

Facial skin care in the morning
  1. Wash your face with a gentle cleanser designed for dry skin. It is preferable to opt for a product that has the consistency of milk or gel. The use of soap for washing is prohibited. It is also recommended to soften the water first. To do this, you can boil it or add soda at the rate of 1 tsp. for 1 liter of water. In case of severe tightness or peeling, you should stop washing your face and wipe your face with cosmetic milk.
  2. Use a moisturizing toner or lotion. Pour a little product into your palms and apply to skin with light patting movements.
  3. Apply moisturizer. Many people make the mistake of rubbing cream onto their face. Apply a few drops of cream to your fingertips and gently massage into the skin until completely absorbed. If you feel that the cream has not been completely absorbed, then leave it for 15-20 minutes, then blot off the excess with paper napkins.
  4. If the cream does not contain light filters, additionally apply a protective agent. In summer it is better to use sunscreen, and for other times of the year a foundation or powder with SPF 8-10 is suitable.

Evening facial treatment
  1. Remove makeup thoroughly using milk. Then wash your face with water at room temperature.
  2. Wipe your face with lotion or toner.
  3. After a few minutes, apply a nourishing cream containing the following components: liposomes, ceramides, linoleic acids. Don't forget to remove any residue with a napkin. Cream that is not completely absorbed can lead to swelling and swelling.

Twice a week, supplement your evening care with light peeling and mask. The products you choose should be designed to moisturize dry facial skin.

Visiting beauty salons to care for dry and sensitive skin

What procedures should you pay attention to in the salon?

  1. Darsonvalization eliminates the first signs of aging and improves the overall condition of the skin.
  2. Massage increases blood circulation and resolves uneven complexion.
  3. Paraffin therapy perfectly softens the skin, enriching it with vitamins and nutrients.
  4. Acidic can improve skin texture and complexion.
  5. Various masks are aimed both at maintaining the results achieved with the help of properly selected care and other procedures, and at solving specific problems.

All of the above procedures must be carried out in courses.

Features of seasonal skin care

Every woman wants to look great at any time of the year. In order to achieve this goal, it is important to understand that the condition of the skin varies throughout the year. These changes require corresponding changes in the chosen care.


The frosts typical for Russia immediately leave an imprint on the face. In winter, many people with dry skin wistfully remember how good they looked in summer. During the cold season, the skin becomes pale and unhealthy: peeling and irritation appear. In winter, the time comes for intensive care, when the usual moisturizers should be replaced with nourishing ones.

Dermatologists recommend following a simple but very important rule. In winter, all creams should be applied no later than 30 minutes before going outside. Otherwise, hypothermia may occur, which often results in rosacea.

  • For the winter, choose creams with a thick and oily texture, additionally enriched with vitamins and oils.
  • Winter is the right time for procedures with lactic and fruit acids. They will help restore the skin and also solve problems such as uneven and dull complexion, expression lines. Do not forget that products with acids increase skin sensitivity and make it more susceptible to ultraviolet radiation. If you decide to conduct a course at other times of the year, be sure to use comprehensive protection with a high SPF value.
  • Due to central heating, indoor air becomes very dry. This leads to intense loss of moisture. Slow down this process by working in two directions: nourish your skin throughout the day with thermal water or moisturizing lotion and combat dry air. Special air humidifiers, indoor plants or battery-powered wet towels will help you.
  • If your facial skin is very dry, avoid washing your face with water for a while. Replace it with cleansing using cosmetic milk.
  • Do not wash off scrubs and peels with water. Let the product dry slightly and wash it off with milk. Finally, wipe your skin with toner or lotion.
  • In winter, it is necessary to undergo a course of restorative procedures. They will increase the protective properties of the skin and prepare it for spring. You can conduct a course of masks yourself or go to a beauty salon.


Dermatologists consider spring the most difficult time of the year. Sudden changes in weather, strong winds and slush have an extremely adverse effect on skin that is weakened after a long winter. Caring for dry skin in spring comes down to fighting flaking, cracks and redness. First of all, the skin needs to soften and normalize the moisture level. It's time for a course of soothing masks. And of course, throughout the spring you should not forget about your usual care.

It is in the spring that freckles appear. If this is not desirable for you, before going outside, be sure to use products that contain filters with a sun protection level of at least 15.


Usually, skin looks much better in summer than in any other season. This is due to both changes in diet and good mood. But this particular period is fraught with many dangers. It is impossible not to notice such typical seasonal problems as burns and severe tightness. But don’t forget about those that can affect you later - premature aging, pigmentation and cancer. All of them are associated with increased solar activity. Therefore, the main tasks of skin care in the summer are increased hydration and intensive sun protection.

For daily protection in urban environments, use decorative cosmetics that have sunscreen filters. For the beach and outdoor activities, choose sunscreen. Also remember to wear hats and sunglasses. They will protect your skin from wind and active sun.

At this time, you should actively use a variety of fresh herbs, vegetables and fruits. They are perfect for making compresses and masks. If you choose salon care, then pay attention to moisturizing procedures.


At the beginning of autumn, most women face the consequences of improper summer care and intense tanning. Dry facial skin begins to flake and becomes rough.

What to do with dry skin in the fall?
  • If it's cold outside, give up cleansing foams and gels in favor of milk and toner. These products do not lead to additional moisture loss.
  • Dehydrated skin needs restorative therapy. Creams containing ceramides, fatty acids and lipids will help to establish its protective functions. Emulsion creams are perfect as a daytime product. They create a dense but comfortable film that prevents moisture evaporation. A high-quality emulsion cream does not clump and reacts normally to decorative cosmetics.
  • If your skin is very flaky, continue using your regular moisturizer in the morning and replace it with a nourishing one in the evening. Oil compresses, which you can make yourself using heated oil and gauze, will give an excellent effect.
  • If you often went to the beach in the summer, take time in mid-autumn for an anti-aging course. Don't neglect anti-aging products even at a young age.
  • If age spots appear, take a course of whitening masks or light peelings.

Proper and regular care of dry skin will not only give it a radiant appearance, but also gradually normalize the function of the sebaceous glands. This will help preserve her beauty and health for a long time.

29 October 2003, 09:06

Cosmetologist-valeologist Svetlana Viktorovna Kolosova answers questions about how to care for dry skin.

“What does dry skin look like and is it possible to correctly determine your skin type yourself?”
Marina Mikhailova, Michurinsk

Home daily remedies should be combined with professional salon treatments and beauty massage. It is advisable to carry them out twice a year. Then maintain the achieved effect with one preventive salon procedure every three weeks.

"Is tap water harmful to dry skin?"
Ksenia Isaykina, Moscow region.

— Dry sensitive skin is afraid of chlorinated tap water. To wash your face, use filtered water or mineral water. A wonderful old recipe for water for washing: two-thirds clean water and one-third boiled milk. If you do wash your face with tap water, then wipe your face with a non-alcoholic toner. Otherwise, the remaining salts contained in tap water will dry out the skin.

"How to protect dry skin from external influences in summer?"
Kristina Aranyan, St. Petersburg

— In the warm season, dry skin suffers less. Painful sensitivity is more common in winter. The heat promotes the secretion of oil and sweat, which partially protect the face. Although the skin still lacks moisture and oil. And if on cold days dry skin needs a constant layer of fat, then in summer the emphasis of care should be aimed at hydration.

When going outside, apply “protection”. Use the principle of two-layer protection: apply a protective cream to the hydro product or greasy cream. The sun factor number indicated on the protective cream should be quite high. For example, if your skin turns red 30 minutes after being in the sun, and the protective factor of your cream is 5, then when using the cream you can be in the sun 5 times longer without pain, that is, 150 minutes. This, you see, is not enough. At recent world exhibitions, protection creams are demonstrated that are both moisturizing and at the same time, with a protection factor of 30 and 40, and the SELVERT THERMAL company offered a cream with a factor of 50.

In summer, air conditioners dry out your skin just as much as the sun. They withstand walks in rain and fog quite well. The smallest particles of moisture penetrate the stratum corneum and gently activate blood supply. It is worth “improving” the indoor air with room humidifiers. Ornamental plants also partially help to cope with this problem. But still, the most effective modern remedy is thermal water sprays. The face should be pollinated at a distance of 25 cm. The more often the better.

“Is it possible to choose medications for dry skin without the help of a cosmetologist?”
Ariadna Antonova, Krasnoyarsk region

— Spring and summer are the ideal time to choose cosmetics. New products should not be tried on yourself in winter, when the skin already feels difficult due to cold and low humidity.

“My skin began to peel after I lost weight for a month using laxatives. Is this a coincidence?”
Oksana Raikina, Kyiv

- No. Women with dry skin should avoid anything that robs the body of moisture. Both externally and internally. All laxatives and diuretics, even seemingly harmless teas, are means of dehydration. When they are used for a long time, healing mineral substances leave the cells along with moisture.

"Are masks a quick fix for dry skin?"
Antonina Nikolaeva, Bryansk

I would classify creams containing panthenol as accelerated-acting drugs. They are used as a night cream for severe flaking of dry skin. Irritations are quickly relieved by chamomile or linden blossom lotions, as well as oil compresses. To make a compress, you need to warm two or three tablespoons of vegetable oil in a water bath, make a mask out of cotton fabric, cutting holes for the eyes and nose. Place the oil-soaked cloth on your face for about twenty minutes.

Masks should be applied regularly, once every three days, for 15 minutes. Of the ready-made masks, I would recommend the “Grandma’s Pharmacy” series. It contains wonderful masks for sensitive dry skin: a moisturizing tomato mask and a rejuvenating mask with oats and carrots. It is advisable to wash off the masks with contrasting water. This hydrogymnastics is excellent for dry skin. Dehydrated skin will be improved by a cucumber mask; mask of cottage cheese, yolk and olive oil; banana with milk.

“Is it worth using foundation in the warm season?”
Regina Smirnova, Sumy

— Foundations in summer should be used only when necessary, as a decorative or corrective product. Dehydrated skin will be improved by a cucumber mask or a banana mask with milk.