Severe itching of the skin during pregnancy. The body itches in pregnant women, what is the reason and how to treat it? Skin itching during pregnancy: possible causes and treatment


Pregnancy is a big stress for the female body. Some pregnant women had to endure several months of toxicosis, while others did not even encounter such symptoms. Another problem of pregnant women is itchy skin. Why does this happen and how can this disease be treated?

Itching manifests itself in pregnant women on the skin in different ways. He worries some in the morning and evening, while others around the clock. Sometimes the symptoms are minor. Often itching brings great discomfort to the expectant mother. If it is very strong, then on the body you can see the comb to the blood.

Also, other symptoms may appear on the body during the bearing of a child:

  • dry skin;
  • stretch marks on the chest and abdomen;
  • rashes on the arms, chest and legs;
  • change in skin color.

The patient must tell the attending physician about all such changes so that he can make the correct diagnosis.

Allergy as the cause of itching

Sometimes in the early stages of pregnancy, severe itching worries, the reasons for this phenomenon may be an allergic reaction.

In this case, a woman needs:

  • limit contact with pets;
  • avoid rooms where there is a lot of dust;
  • replace the feather pillow;
  • temporarily stop wearing woolen clothes;
  • limit the use of allergic products;
  • avoid contact with sunlight.

If itching during pregnancy is the cause of an allergy, then it is possible to get rid of all its symptoms by eliminating the irritant. Once and for all, it is impossible to eliminate this disease, but if you follow the advice of a doctor and a healthy diet, you can improve the condition.

The main symptoms of this disease are pruritus, which often increases at night. On the skin, you can see certain wounds. Often several people in the family suffer from this disease at the same time.

To cure the disease, you should see an infectious disease doctor. After that, you need to pass a scraping from the skin to identify the scabies mite. Further, patients are prescribed ointments, medicines and careful treatment of the bed.

Cholestasis of pregnancy and itching

Cholestasis often develops against the background of pathological processes in the liver. In this case, there is stagnation of bile in the gallbladder. There is intrahepatic and extrahepatic cholestasis.

With this disease, pregnant women may feel itching in the plantar and palmar surfaces. Further unpleasant symptoms can be felt throughout the body. The most pronounced complaints are at night. Cholestasis occurs in the last month of pregnancy.

Intrahepatic cholestasis

Women who have:

  • diseases of the digestive tract;
  • pancreatic tumor;
  • hereditary predisposition;
  • problems in the bile ducts;
  • cholelithiasis.

In addition to severe skin itching, pregnant women need to pay attention to feces, urine and skin color. If you start the disease, then the feces will have a light shade, the urine will become dark, and the skin will turn yellow. A high content of bile pigments can harm mother and child.

To determine cholestasis, pregnant women need to pass the following tests:

  • general analysis of urine and blood;
  • blood glucose;
  • Ultrasound of the liver and gallbladder;
  • blood biochemistry.

Analysis of the level of bile acids and liver tests are taken twice. This is due to the fact that pruritus is often a precursor to changes in blood counts.

How to deal with itching yourself?

Treatment of itching on the skin is aimed at eliminating the underlying cause, the onset of the symptom. To do this, you can use the following recommendations of doctors:

  1. Ventilate the apartment every day so that the room is no more than 18 ° C. The procedure is necessary to prevent excessive sweating.
  2. Doctors recommend taking a shower every day and following the rules of hygiene.
  3. Itchy places should be washed daily with a soda solution or medicinal herbs in the form of a tricolor violet, chamomile and a string.
  4. It is advisable for pregnant women to make compresses with duckweed and chamomile. Herbs must first be ground to a state of porridge, and then put them on the skin, covering them with a gauze napkin. The procedure is preferably carried out twice a day.

Such methods can eliminate itching. However, it is important not to forget to treat the underlying disease. Indeed, otherwise, the itching can return again and bring discomfort to a pregnant woman.

Patients with diabetes need to monitor their blood sugar levels. Sometimes you will need to inject insulin. Such treatment must take place under the supervision of an endocrinologist.

If pregnant women suffer from dermatosis, then they are prescribed a diet that excludes spicy and salty foods. To eliminate itching, lotions with a solution of potassium permanganate are applied to the itchy place. Antihistamines and vitamin therapy help to eliminate burning sensation.

Treatment for cholestasis takes place in a hospital. Patients are prescribed drugs for the outflow of bile (Papaverine) and to maintain the functioning of the liver (Essentiale).

If women have jaundice, then there is a direct threat to the health of the expectant mother. With such a disease, a pregnant woman is hospitalized and the pregnancy is terminated at any time.

What should a future mother do?

Regardless of which part of the body is prone to discomfort, a woman should definitely consult a doctor. Only a doctor can determine the true cause of the itching. If there are suspicions of abnormal liver function, then a number of important studies should be carried out: take a blood test or do an ultrasound scan. In the event that a woman needs the help of doctors, a pregnant woman can be admitted to a hospital in order to undergo the entire course of treatment under the supervision of doctors.

The following recommendations help to alleviate the condition of the expectant mother:

  1. Pregnant women need to watch their diet. You should refrain from salty, fried and fatty foods. You also need to give up overseas fruits and seafood. After all, they cause allergies. To improve bowel function, you should eat dried apricots and prunes. It is worth temporarily abandoning the intake of sweets. Instead of chocolate, you can eat homemade yogurt and fresh fruit.
  2. Cleanliness of the body should come first. You should abandon your favorite gel, and instead buy a children's series that does not irritate the skin.
  3. A cosmetic cream that does not have dyes and a pronounced aroma helps to eliminate itching. In extreme cases, you can buy baby cream.
  4. Don't forget to take water. If a pregnant woman does not have edema, then you should drink up to 2 liters of water daily.
  5. You can improve your condition by walking in the fresh air and healthy sleep in a well-ventilated room.
  6. It is important to review your personal wardrobe and abandon underwear made from synthetic materials. Clothing must be spacious and not interfere with movement.
  7. Bathing in hot baths is prohibited.
  8. If the legs itch, then a soothing compress of oatmeal, which is steamed in milk, can be applied to the inflamed area.
  9. Pregnant women need to endure so as not to scratch the skin.
  10. To eliminate itching, you can take baths with herbs once every 7 days, which relieve inflammation. You can choose good herbs with the help of a gynecologist. A string and chamomile help improve health.

Itching brings a pregnant woman a lot of unpleasant troubles. After all, the body is constantly itching, and this interferes with doing other things. Sometimes for this reason, the mood can deteriorate or sleep can be disturbed. In this case, you should clearly follow all the doctor's recommendations.

During pregnancy, various changes occur in the body of the expectant mother from the first days. A pregnant woman becomes more sensitive, and all changes in her body cause an immediate reaction. Unfortunately, not all sensations can be pleasant during this period.

One of the unpleasant moments during pregnancy can be called body itching. Although it does not occur so often and mainly in the second half of the term. Itching occurs either on its own or is accompanied by yellowing of the skin. He delivers the biggest concern at night, when the woman's body is resting. During the day, it is not so noticeable due to the possibility of being distracted by various chores.

Causes of itching

Itching during pregnancy can be called a certain complication of this condition. The exact causes of its occurrence have not yet been established. Most often, itching during pregnancy is caused by stretching of the abdominal tissues associated with its rapid growth. If itching is caused precisely by this change in the physiology of a woman, then special creams and gels for stretch marks can help in such a situation. They moisturize the skin well and make it supple. As a result, itching will go away, and the likelihood of stretch marks will be much less. If the itching does not go away after using these remedies, you should not self-medicate and you should consult a doctor, as it may be the result of any disease.

This can manifest itself as a disease of the biliary tract and liver. The amount of estrogen during pregnancy rises and can lead to bile stasis. In this case, bile acid is secreted very abundantly and gets on the skin, which causes itching.

During pregnancy, as a rule, vaginal secretion increases, which can contribute to the multiplication of microorganisms and the appearance of itching. The appearance of infections such as candidiasis, trichomoniasis require mandatory medical treatment prescribed by a gynecologist. Pregnant women often develop a skin disease such as polymorphic dermatosis. It may appear in the last trimester of pregnancy as a red rash on the abdomen and thighs and itching. The rash gradually disappears closer to childbirth.

Relief from itching

To get rid of itching, or at least reduce it, you can use some recommendations. It is necessary to take a shower more often or to wipe the body with a towel dipped in warm water. Then you can rub the ointment of lavender, calendula or fir with massaging movements. Rubbing after a shower of special milk or body oil can also alleviate the condition. They eliminate dry skin caused by various cleansers. And frequent showering will help remove excess bile acid that has got on the skin.

There are medications that can relieve the condition of itchy skin. For example, activated charcoal reduces intestinal toxicity. Some drugs are designed to improve liver function and prevent bile stasis.

Another cause of itching during pregnancy can be food allergies. Intolerance may occur to certain foods that a woman did not consume before pregnancy.

Wearing synthetic clothing can also cause itching. Therefore, things should be made from natural fabrics, and underwear should be specially selected and breathable.

A woman should try not to overheat, heat only increases itching. In addition, overheating is harmful to the unborn child. Itching in a future mother does not affect her baby in any way, if it is not cholestasis of pregnant women. In this case, the woman may be offered the stimulation of labor in order to avoid negative consequences for the child.

Among all the conditions and uncomfortable situations that often accompany the period of pregnancy, or occur at one time or another, sometimes itching occurs in different parts of a woman's body. This does not mean that the pregnant woman has some kind of disease. But, the discomfort that this condition delivers is so high that sometimes it seems to drive you crazy. Of course, not every woman, having become pregnant, is faced with the problem of itching. But, it can arise for everyone, no one is immune from this problem.

Itching can be intermittent or constant. It can be an independent sign or accompany other symptoms, change its character, intensify in the evening, and go to a minimum in the morning.

To find out the real cause of the skin, it is worth consulting with several specialists at once: a gynecologist, a dermatologist and an infectious disease specialist.

Why does the skin itch during pregnancy

There are a number of theories regarding the occurrence of pruritus in women during the period of bearing a child. These include:

  • occurrence: since the chest and abdomen during this period begin to increase, grow, the skin in these areas is stretched, micro-ruptures of the fibers occur.

    The appearance of stretch marks, as a rule, is preceded by skin itching, which is localized in the places of their formation. These places include the abdomen, thighs.

    Buttocks, chest, and sometimes the upper arms. This kind of skin itching occurs, as a rule, at the end of the second - the beginning of the third trimester, in women who are genetically predisposed to weight gain;

  • cholestasis: caused during pregnancy by liver dysfunction, which occurs due to natural changes with the onset of pregnancy.

    Usually itching occurs in the area of ​​the palms and feet, with reddening of these places. After a while, itching can spread to the whole body, intensifying in the evening and subsiding in the morning. Cholestasis usually manifests itself in this way by the beginning of the third trimester.

    At the same time, the urine of a woman visually noticeably darkens, and the feces, on the contrary, become light. The risk level of cholestasis is increased in those women who have high blood cholesterol levels or chronic diseases of the biliary tract;

  • a common cause of itching during pregnancy is the restructuring of the hormonal system. Itching that occurs for this reason is localized on the feet and palms, and disappears only after delivery;
  • sometimes the cause of itching, of course, are skin diseases. These include: dermatitis, dermatosis, eczema, skin fungus, and other diseases. In addition to itching, skin peeling, rashes and swelling usually appear;
  • Another cause of itching during pregnancy can be an allergy. Such itching will be accompanied by redness, and other associated symptoms inherent in allergies.

    In this case, laundry detergents, shampoos, exotic fruits, seafood, plant pollen, and more can serve as provocateurs.

    During pregnancy, it is not recommended to change the washing powder, shampoo, hand and face cream, diet. And in cases of an allergic reaction, it is necessary to eliminate and exclude the interaction of the allergen with the skin of a pregnant woman;

  • itching can occur due to excessive sweating in a pregnant woman. To avoid itching, it is tedious to take a shower more often, change into clean linen and clothes, and linen and preferably all clothes should be made from natural fabrics that “breathe”. You can visit a doctor and listen to his recommendations on this issue;
  • itching in the genital area is usually caused by thrush. It just needs a doctor's consultation, diagnosis and treatment.

Causing a skin child includes both hepatitis and hepatitis. To find the cause, it is important to consult a doctor in time and undergo a thorough examination of your body. After establishing the cause, the doctor will prescribe an adequate treatment that will help relieve itching and get rid of the problem and discomfort.

Does itching affect the baby?

Skin itching on the body of a pregnant woman in no way affects the development of the fetus. But, severe itching that appears in the third trimester may be a sign of cholestasis, as described above, a serious liver disease.

Its symptoms will be: onset of itching on the palms and feet, worse at night, pale stools, no rash of any kind. To soothe itching, the doctor may prescribe a special drug in the form of a cream or ointment.

But expert advice is needed. Cholestasis during pregnancy can cause. Therefore, the doctor must constantly monitor such a future mother with a child in order to avoid adverse consequences and complications.

Itching during pregnancy is a common complaint of women expecting the birth of a baby. In this case, sensitive areas of the skin can be located in a variety of places. Naturally, most often in pregnant women, itching is localized in the abdomen, less often they note that the whole body itches. Should I be worried about such a problem? What is itching during pregnancy, and how to deal with it? You will find answers to these questions in this article.

Why does the body itch during pregnancy?

Specialists identify a number of the following reasons that are not included in the risk group for the development of conditions dangerous for pregnant women:

  1. Increased load on the liver, resulting in the development of cholestasis (stagnation of bile), which disappears immediately after a successful birth.
  2. Hormonal changes in the body of a woman who is preparing to become a mother, associated with an increase in estrogen synthesis. Utilization of the excess of these hormones occurs in the liver, which creates an additional load on the organ and leads to its dysfunction with the accumulation of bile. The toxic substances accumulated in the hepatic ducts are carried throughout the body with the blood flow, irritate the nervous sensations and potentiate the occurrence of itching sensations (hands itch during pregnancy, legs and other parts of the body).
  3. Drying and irritation of the skin, as a result of an increase in the body weight of a woman and a change in the volume of fluid circulating through the vessels.
  4. The formation of stretch marks, which are known to pregnant women as stretch marks of the skin of the abdomen, due to a deficiency in the body of collagen and elastin against the background of a rapid increase in the volume of the abdomen. The lower extremity girdle may also suffer. Often during pregnancy, legs itch as a result of skin stretching.
  5. Wearing underwear made from low quality synthetic fabrics that are very tight fitting.
  6. Increased sweating, when excess moisture creates favorable conditions for the growth and reproduction of microorganisms on the surface of the skin that can provoke the appearance of itchy sensations.

During pregnancy, itchy skin is a fairly common occurrence that does not harm the health of the expectant mother and her baby. But in some cases, a similar symptom can signal a malfunction in the body of a pregnant woman. Therefore, you should not ignore any discomfort or discomfort, but immediately seek advice from an obstetrician-gynecologist.

Itching of pregnant women can be a sign of serious disorders in the body of a future mother, which, without adequate medical correction and immediate response from doctors, often cause premature termination of pregnancy or pose a real threat to the health of a woman and her baby.

There are the following diseases that can provoke itching of the skin during pregnancy:

  • diabetes mellitus diagnosed in a woman before pregnancy, as well as persistent hyperglycemia in the later stages (gestational diabetes);
  • allergic reactions that are frequent companions of pregnant women and occur under the influence of various factors on their bodies, including food, hygiene products, synthetic vitamins, and the like (itchy rash most often appears on thin and delicate skin, in natural folds);
  • skin itching during pregnancy can be an early symptom of severe liver dysfunction;
  • thrush or candidiasis provokes the appearance of itchy sensations in the genital area, which are accompanied by copious secretions with a sour smell;
  • hormonal changes in pregnant women with an increase in the activity of the production of thyroid hormones, adrenal glands;
  • nervous disorders;
  • skin diseases, in particular, lichen, eczema, dermatitis, scabies and fungal infection of epidermal tissues;
  • chronic intoxication of the body.

Why does the body itch during pregnancy? Doctors hear this question every day. Itching sensations can haunt a woman throughout the entire period of bearing a child, and may manifest themselves exclusively in the first or second half of pregnancy.

During early pregnancy, itching of the body is felt by about half of expectant mothers. This unpleasant symptom appears already in the first month and is associated with hormonal changes in the body of women. Sometimes some of them perceive such discomfort as a sign of pregnancy, which has come. Such a judgment is far from reality, since these two concepts are not normally combined.

The main reason why the body itches in the first weeks of pregnancy is the activation of pathogenic microflora, the exacerbation of chronic thrush and the development of bacterial vaginosis. All this happens against the background of a sharp decrease in immunity, therefore it has pronounced clinical symptoms. Also, at the beginning of pregnancy, a woman begins to develop cholestasis and, as a result, severe itching throughout her body.

Itching in late pregnancy

Particularly acute women feel itching and burning during pregnancy for a period of 32-36 weeks. The reason for such changes may be a rapid increase in the size of the abdomen, skin stretching and the formation of stretch marks.

It is extremely rare at 6-9 months of pregnancy that itchy sensations in women are a sign of hepatitis or hepatosis. It is not worth suspecting cholestasis in expectant mothers in the later stages, since it almost never occurs during this period.

What to do if itching occurs during pregnancy?

If a woman's body itches during pregnancy, it is better not to postpone a visit to the doctor, but to consult a dermatologist and gynecologist as soon as possible. Treatment of the condition must be necessarily based and aimed at eliminating the main cause of the development of the pathological process that has become the reason for the occurrence of itching.

Simple recommendations will help to alleviate the general condition of a pregnant patient, which include:

  • the need to eat right and exclude from the diet foods that can provoke the development of allergies;
  • the importance of observing the drinking regimen (if the skin itches all over the body, doctors recommend that the expectant mother drink at least 2-2.5 liters of fluid per day);
  • prevention of drying of the skin by using special moisturizing cosmetics;
  • control over personal hygiene of the body, wearing loose underwear made from natural fabrics, frequent taking a warm shower;
  • avoidance of stressful situations;
  • relaxing massage.

Drug treatment of itching during pregnancy is indicated for female representatives in whom discomfort is associated with the presence of diseases of the internal organs.

  • With the development of hepatosis, you should drink a course of hepatoprotectors of plant origin, sorbents and immuno-strengthening agents.
  • Skin diseases should be treated by a dermatologist. Therapy of such conditions is aimed at eliminating the main etiological factor in the occurrence of itching.
  • In case of allergies, it is advisable to use antihistamines.
  • In diabetes, it is very important to maintain the maximum acceptable blood sugar level for a woman's body by increasing insulin doses and tightening the diet.
  • In the case of the neurogenic nature of itching, patients are prescribed sedatives, sedative decoctions and teas.

If itching of the body appears at any time, you should not panic and self-medicate, it is better to seek help from a specialist. A professional approach and proper treatment will minimize discomfort during pregnancy, facilitate its course and prevent the occurrence of possible diseases, both for the expectant mother and the baby.

Why is itching during pregnancy dangerous?

The itching of the body itself during pregnancy is not a dangerous condition for a woman's health. It is not he who can harm, but the reasons that provoked unpleasant sensations. For example, discomfort significantly worsens the emotional background, and also disrupts the full-fledged sleep of the expectant mother, as a result of which she becomes irritable, feels unwell, and experiences depression.

In addition, severe itching, provoked by internal ailments, is a danger to the health of the baby. It often causes distress (lack of oxygen to the child) of the fetus, as well as other more serious complications.


As you know, skin itching during the period of bearing a child is always easier to prevent than to cure. To achieve this, the advice of doctors will help, including:

  • compliance with the correct diet of a pregnant woman and the rejection of products that can cause allergies;
  • regular body hygiene with water procedures and the use of hypoallergenic products;
  • the use of vitamin complexes that improve the condition of the skin, folic acid, magne B6;
  • a conscious choice of creams for skin stretch marks that contain a minimum amount of flavorings;
  • regular spending time in the fresh air, long walks before going to bed;
  • adequate drinking regimen;
  • taking herbal baths using chamomile, calendula, St. John's wort;
  • avoidance of direct sunlight;
  • prevention of scratching with their subsequent infection and the use of a special ointment for itching;
  • changing synthetic underwear to more natural and high-quality ones.

It is important to remember that itching during pregnancy is one of the causes of a violation of the general condition and psycho-emotional background of a woman. It disturbs sleep, makes the expectant mother irritable. Therefore, you should not endure such discomfort, but immediately seek help from a doctor and solve the problem until its consequences arise.

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All the complications that arise during pregnancy include one thing, which is not necessarily a sign of some kind of disease, but it certainly brings discomfort, and sometimes even drives you crazy - it's skin itching. This is not to say that if you become pregnant, you will certainly encounter this problem. But absolutely everyone has a chance, because practice shows that the skin of many expectant mothers itches.

This may be constant or occasional itching, it may appear alone or in combination with other symptoms, increase in the evening or not change its character. But be that as it may, before doing anything, it is necessary to consult a gynecologist, an infectious disease specialist and a dermatologist and find the cause of the skin itch.

Why does the skin itch during pregnancy?

To the question: “Doctor, why do I itch during pregnancy?” No doctor will definitely answer you, because there is simply no exact answer. But still, for some reason, the skin itches, and the reason for this must be sought.

There are several theories regarding the occurrence of pruritus during pregnancy. Causes are looking for depending on the manifestations. It can be:

  • The appearance of stretch marks: due to the rapidly growing chest and abdomen, the skin is overstretched and severe itching occurs at the points of fiber rupture, preceding the appearance of striae. Such itching is localized in the abdomen, thighs, buttocks, chest, and sometimes the upper arms. It occurs in the second half of pregnancy, most often in genetically predisposed and fairly recovered mothers.
  • Cholestasis of pregnancy: caused by a malfunction due to . It is mainly accompanied by reddening of the palms and feet, which are very itchy. Over time, itching spreads to the whole body and intensifies in the evening and at night. Cholestasis of pregnancy most often occurs in the third trimester. At the same time, urine can noticeably darken, but on the contrary become lighter. The risk group includes women with high blood cholesterol levels and chronic diseases of the biliary tract.
  • Hormonal changes: they are often the cause of the development of cholestasis. Such itching is also localized on the palms and feet and disappears only after childbirth.
  • Skin diseases: often there is dermatosis and eczema of pregnant women, skin fungus and other diseases accompanied by itching and other manifestations on the skin (peeling, rashes, swelling).
  • Allergic reactions: usually accompanied by rash, redness and itching, as well as other associated symptoms. A provocateur can be washing powder, a new shampoo, seafood, exotic fruits, plant pollen, and anything else. Therefore, it is better not to experiment with anything now. In the case of an allergy, it is first necessary to exclude the effect of the allergen on the body.
  • Excessive sweating: Sweat that collects in the folds of the skin can cause itching and discomfort. If you find yourself sweating more, take a shower more often and change into clean clothes (necessarily made from natural fabrics). Telling the doctor that the sweating has intensified will also not be superfluous.

Among the causes of itching can be such serious diseases as hepatitis. Therefore, it is still necessary to start your research and solve the problem with a visit to the doctor. And even though skin itching does not affect the child in any way, it certainly brings discomfort to the mother, it can also be the cause of a bad mood and even pose a certain threat if it is a sign of some kind of illness. And recent studies do show that itching increases the risks of an unfavorable course of not only pregnancy, but also childbirth.

How to eliminate skin itching during pregnancy?

The solution to the problem depends on the identified cause. With cholecystitis or other medical diagnosis, the doctor will prescribe an examination, treatment and diet. In addition, you need to properly care for your skin. Try to take a warm (or summer), but not a hot shower more often, rub yourself with a towel. Massage with alternating strokes and rubbing is especially useful for those prone to stretch marks - it will significantly alleviate your condition.

After showering, always apply a light moisturizer to your body, as drying out the skin can make it more itchy. Try not to overheat, wear loose-fitting clothing made from natural fabrics, and drink plenty of fluids.

Pay special attention to cosmetics - these should be the safest creams and gels without fragrances and other harmful substances. There are also many recipes for traditional medicine for itchy skin.

Especially for- Elena Kichak