Is it possible not to change a baby's diaper at night? Diapers for a baby: how to change and other important nuances

Other reasons

With the advent long-awaited child New parents have a lot more worries. In the first months of life, the baby really needs attention and care from the mother. He simply won't survive without her. He needs special care. It was at this moment, and maybe earlier, even when mommy is in maternity hospital, she has a question: “How often should I change diapers for a newborn?” It's no secret that babies urinate often (about 20 times a day), so they soft skin must be reliably protected from diaper rash and irritation.

With the advent of disposable diapers, the life of young parents has become noticeably easier: there is no need to constantly wash diapers or worry that a brand new blanket will quickly become unusable. Before babies They put a cloth under the sheet in the crib, now there is no need for it. All that is required from adults is to put on the baby good diaper. How often should you change a newborn's diaper? Answer this question we will try in this article.

What does a caring mom need to know?

The first month of a baby's life is a very important period. The baby must be looked after, not forgetting to show the attention and love that are so essential and necessary for him. Having taken the child home from the maternity hospital, the mother may notice that she has no time left for herself: she spends every free minute next to the baby.

It is necessary to carefully prepare for the swaddling process. Before changing your child's diaper, you need to lay him down and have everything you need nearby: water for washing, wet wipes, fresh diaper.

Monitor your baby's skin condition

How often should a newborn's diaper be changed? A baby's skin is very sensitive to any influence, so choosing a diaper is a responsible and serious matter. It should be noted that diapers are changed for infants much more often than for older children. Ideally, each diaper change should occur at least every two to three hours. That is, on average, 10-12 diapers are used per day. Of course, the best thing to do is to change the diaper before bed, before going for a walk, and immediately after returning home.

You can be sure: during your cohabitation The baby will feel comfortable outside. To avoid any skin irritation, use special creams. Keep it clean and try not to let your baby stay in one diaper for a long time. If you do everything correctly, then the question of how often to change diapers for a newborn will not arise.


Young mothers who have their first child have to be taught many tricks: how to properly hold a baby, feed it, wash it and change a diaper. All these things sometimes cause them fear and real panic. You need to get used to the child, and you won’t be able to become an experienced mother right away. How often should a newborn's diaper be changed? What is the sequence of actions?

First you need to remove the used diaper from the baby. To do this, slightly lift the baby’s legs, unfasten all the Velcro and carefully pull out the diaper from under him. Then it is advisable to give the baby the opportunity to take air bath(literally a few minutes), it is very useful for delicate baby skin. After this, apply baby moisturizer to the groin area and bottom. Now you can start putting on your new diaper. It is advisable that you have it on hand and prepare it in advance, since running around looking for it at the most crucial moment is extremely inconvenient. After putting the diaper on your child, carefully straighten out all the folds so that the baby is comfortable and comfortable.

As needed

Small children wet their diapers very often. And there is nothing surprising or abnormal here. It's just the way their body works. Parents just have to adapt to the baby's schedule. How often should you change diapers for a newborn? This depends primarily on how full the diaper is during the day.

It is worth noting that you should always change the diaper immediately after your baby poops. The fact is that feces, due to their high acidity, greatly irritate children’s delicate skin and can cause redness. Regardless of how much time has passed since changing the diaper, it must be replaced with a new one. Always strive for maximum comfort and do not skimp on your child’s health.

Do I need to get up in the dark on purpose?

many young people inexperienced mothers I'm concerned about the question of how often to change a newborn's diaper at night. Is it necessary to do this at all? If your baby wakes up in the middle of the night and cries, of course, check his diaper. If necessary, replace it with a new one.

There is no need to specially get up and wake up a peacefully snoring baby. By doing this you will only disrupt sleep for both him and yourself. If your baby sleeps peacefully until the morning, then mom also has the opportunity to have a good rest. Use your free time wisely.

Instead of a conclusion

Thus, the question of how often to change diapers for a newborn has its own logical answer. A mother's instincts are limitless. A woman doesn't need to have professional education to begin to feel your baby's needs.

Many expectant parents consider the procedure of changing a diaper to be quite complicated and time-consuming. In fact, changing diapers is quick and easy. In today's article we talk about how to make this procedure easy and enjoyable.

Why is it important to know how to change a diaper correctly?

After the baby is born, one of the main concerns of parents is changing diapers. Newborn babies often go to the toilet, so the comfort and health of the baby depends on the ability to quickly and accurately change a diaper. This is not difficult to do, but it is important to know a number of generally accepted recommendations designed to make this procedure easy and stress-free.

When should you change a diaper?

  • Since a newborn baby relieves himself often, it is generally accepted that the diaper should be changed at least once every 4 hours. This rule is true even in cases where the diaper is not yet fully filled, because the baby’s skin must be regularly ventilated. A fresh diaper in any case provides better air flow than an already used one.
  • Of course, regardless of time, the diaper should be changed after each full bowel movement. Fecal matter most irritates the child’s vulnerable skin, so in this case, delay is unacceptable.
  • A new diaper will come in very handy before you put your baby to bed. It doesn’t matter whether we are talking about a night’s sleep or a short day’s sleep - a clean new diaper is the key to a strong and healthy sleep without the anxiety that comes with the irritation and itching associated with an overfilled diaper.
  • If you put a fresh diaper on your baby before a long trip, be it a walk or a shopping trip, you will get rid of many possible problems.
  • Diapers must be changed if during restless sleep it has shifted and no longer fulfills its function. Also, the diaper is always changed if there is damage.
  • An important point: newborn babies go to the toilet with different frequencies, so the number of diapers that will have to be used in one day is ultimately determined by the baby's parents.

As a rule, after a child turns six months old, he stops going to the toilet with the same intensity, and the procedure for changing the diaper becomes less frequent.

How to change a diaper correctly?

With some skill, changing a diaper becomes a simple and quick procedure. The main thing is to do everything consistently, following generally accepted recommendations.

Step 1. Prepare everything you need.

We need a new diaper, wipes, some warm water with baby soap, a towel, and powder or cream.

Step 2. Learn how to remove the diaper correctly.

To do this, you need to put the baby on his back, unfasten the used diaper, then take the baby by the legs with one hand and lift him up. We take out the diaper, carefully rolling it up to prevent the contents from leaking out.

Step 3. Remove dirt.

If the diaper is full, remove the dirt with a napkin. After that I wash the child warm water. If there is serious contamination, you should use baby soap, but you should remember that in order to maintain the natural balance of microflora, you should not overuse even the most gentle and safe soap. We dry the baby with a towel and leave him naked for a while so that the skin rests and ventilates.

If you have to do the diaper change procedure outside, you can get by with just wet wipes. Leaving a child naked, without a diaper, is only permissible during warm weather.

Step 4. Treat the baby's skin.

To do this, you can use classic powder, cream or special gel. If the child does not have skin problems and sweats a lot, then you should use powder. This is the most common option, which eliminates the occurrence of allergies and helps remove excess moisture. However, sometimes your baby's skin becomes dry and irritated. In these cases, it makes sense to use baby cream or special gel.

Step 5. Put on a new diaper.

Holding the child by the legs with one hand, we place a new diaper under his back with the other hand. Then we lower the legs and straighten all the Velcro and elastic bands. After this, we put the front part of the diaper on the baby and fasten the Velcro. It is important to check the position of the diaper elastic bands located between the legs - they should not curl inward - in this case, urine and feces may leak out.

It is important to make the diaper changing procedure safe. Prepare all the necessary accessories in advance and never leave the child alone unattended - he may roll over and fall from the surface on which you are changing the diaper. Also, we must not forget that umbilical wound in newborns this is a very vulnerable place, so for babies under 6 months you should use diapers whose design takes this anatomical feature into account.


In the presence of general recommendations, the frequency of changing a diaper in a newborn depends on the characteristics of the baby’s body. Parents find out how often this procedure needs to be done empirically. The skin care product that is suitable for a child’s skin is determined in the same way. Knowing all the nuances of this important procedure, parents quickly get the hang of it and deftly change diapers at exactly the right time.

New mothers who have recently given birth to their first child are very afraid of doing something wrong and accidentally harming the baby. You want to raise healthy, happy and active children, and therefore surround them with care and attention. And since changing disposable diapers is an integral part of caring for small children, many parents quite reasonably have concerns and doubts about whether they change diapers often enough.

In fact, today there is no strictly established standards, in which it would be written how long it takes to change the diaper. However, be sure to take into account the child's age and how often he urinates and defecates.

How often should newborn diapers be changed?

Newborns are considered children from the moment of birth until they are 28 days old. Moreover, this neonatal period is divided into two stages:

  • early neonatal period, which approximately lasts from the 1st to the 7th day of the baby’s life;
  • late neonatal period, which begins on the 7th day of life and ends on the 28th day.

Each of these stages little man has its own characteristics and directly affects how many times his parents will have to change their diaper.

The thing is that it is in the first week of a baby’s life that his adaptation to extrauterine existence occurs. Therefore, parents need to be prepared for the fact that the child will urinate frequently (the norm is 15–20 times per day).

Moreover, it is on early neonatal period (approximately from the 1st to the 5th day) the child’s body is freed from meconium, and only with the appearance of breast milk his stool begins to improve. Thus, when caring for your baby, you will have to change the diaper more often than older children.

On late neonatal period are also observed frequent urination in a newborn (up to 20 times a day), but the child’s body has already gotten rid of the original feces, and stool begins to improve. Therefore, if you ask any pediatrician about how often to change diapers for newborns, he will answer that this should be done every two to three hours.

Many diapers designed for newborns have special indicator strips. They indicate to parents that it is time to make a change. If there is no such indicator, then it is recommended to pass your hand over the inner surface diaper, and if it is wet, then immediately remove it from the child. At the same time, you must remember to regularly wash your baby and give his delicate skin a break from the diaper.

In addition, do not be alarmed if the process of defecation in a newborn occurs after each breastfeeding- this is considered the norm. But if this happens, you must immediately remove the diaper and wash the child.

How many times should babies from one month old change their diaper?

Every mother needs to understand that the older her child gets, the fewer times he will need to relieve himself. Of course, it will not be possible to accurately calculate this, because there are individual characteristics organism, but still there is some dependence (Table 1).

Table 1 - Relationship between the child’s age and frequency of diaper changes

From the table you can see that at age up to 3 months Pediatricians recommend changing the diaper every 3-4 hours and doing this even if it is not yet full. And all because the skin of small children is very delicate, and prolonged stay in diapers can cause diaper rash and a feeling of discomfort.

Aged from 3 to 6 months You can change your child’s diaper even after being in it for five hours. But this does not mean that you can keep your baby in overflowing diapers - this should never be done under any circumstances.

As for the kids one year old, then their parents usually no longer have questions regarding changing diapers, because they already know the needs of their child and the characteristics of his body, so they change them as needed.

Do I need to change diapers at night?

Many diligent parents, remembering that the diaper needs to be changed every three hours, regularly carry out this manipulation with the child even at night. However, doctors do not recommend doing this if the diaper is not full, the skin is dry and the baby sleeps peacefully. In cases where the diaper is full or something clearly causes discomfort to the child, you should carefully replace it.

Caring for newborns is a very painstaking and responsible task, but disposable diapers make life much easier modern parents, who can only carefully monitor their baby. Changing diapers regularly, caring for delicate skin and following the rules intimate hygiene, mothers will save themselves and their children from unnecessary worries and suffering.

How many times do you change your child’s diapers? Share your experience in the comments - it will be invaluable for parents!

Changing a diaper is as big and important a part of caring for your baby as feeding it, although sometimes it can seem like an endless chore. You will have to change a huge number of diapers - on average 10 per day! But with a good knowledge of the basics of this matter, you can keep your child clean and comfortable without any problems. Therefore, it is very important to start training as early as possible. Thanks to modern technologies, it is almost impossible to understand by touch whether a diaper is wet, so for the first time, plan to change it after each meal - just like after each trip to the toilet.

How to use diapers correctly?

Before you begin, make sure you have everything you need:

  • Clean diaper
  • Diaper rash remedy
  • soft cloth and a small amount of warm water or baby sanitary napkins

Remember! Never leave your baby unattended on the changing table - even newborns can pump themselves and hurt themselves.

So, how to change a diaper correctly? First, remove the soiled diaper. If the baby has only had a baby, then it is best to change the diaper immediately - without using napkins or washcloths (provided, of course, that you have a high-quality diaper). If the baby has gone big, then you need to wipe his bottom with a baby sanitary napkin or washcloth. Always remember to wipe from front to back to avoid introducing bacteria into the urinary tract. As long as a damp cloth or cloth with plain water is sufficient, there is no need to use soap. When necessary, use only mild soap, as any soap strips your baby's skin of important natural oils.

  • Wipes can be helpful when changing a diaper, but they are essential if the diaper is very dirty.
  • If you wish, you can use special products to avoid diaper rash - this should be done before putting on a clean diaper.
  • Avoid using baby powder - it does not help prevent or treat diaper rash and can be harmful if your baby inhales it.
  • Wrap the clean diaper tightly around your baby and secure the fastenings at the front.
  • If the baby's umbilical cord has not yet fallen off, use special diapers with a cutout for the navel (or roll up a regular one) for unobstructed access to fresh air.
  • As the baby grows, he becomes more restless. Therefore, you can keep a couple of toys near the changing area to distract attention.
  • If, when changing a diaper, you notice that your baby's skin is red along the contour, it means that either you fastened it too tightly, or your baby is already ready for the next size.
  • If you begin to notice frequent diaper leaks, this may also be a sign that your baby is ready for the next size.

Tips for changing a baby girl's diaper:

  • In the first days after birth, a small amount of blood or discharge is normal. This is a reaction to hormonal changes, following after birth.

Tips for changing diapers for boys:

  • If your baby is uncircumcised, don't try to pull down the foreskin to clean underneath. Everything will open in due time (often it is completely closed for up to 3 years).
  • Experienced moms It is advised to place a bib or diaper on your baby’s penis while you carry out the necessary procedures, so that you yourself do not accidentally have to go change clothes :)

Avoiding skin irritation and diaper rash

Children who wear diapers are at risk of diaper rash. In other words, all children! If you notice red bumps on your baby's skin, it's likely that your baby has one of the many types of rashes.

What causes irritation? A few reasons:

  • Contact of skin with damp surface
  • Intestinal enzymes in baby's stool
  • Ammonia produced when stool mixes with urine
  • Stiff diaper or irritation caused by overzealous butt cleaning

Luckily, there are many ways to prevent skin irritation and diaper rash. . Here are the most common ones:

  • Frequent diaper changes
  • Using super-absorbent disposable diaper
  • Applying a thin layer special cream or ointment on the baby’s bottom as additional protection from moisture. There are also special diapers containing the necessary ingredients.
  • The baby should be without a diaper for some time every day. Fresh air promotes dryness, and the baby will be delighted with the freedom received.

How often should a newborn's diapers be changed?

As parents, it's best for you to know when to change your baby's diaper. Behind frequent change diapering a newborn occurs about 10 times a day. It seems like a lot, but you have to understand what the amount is wet diapers indicate the correct and sufficient nutrition of your baby. When choosing gauze diapers this number increases further due to the lack of an absorbent layer.

As the baby grows, the number of diapers needed gradually decreases, and the changing time stabilizes: in the morning, when he wakes up, before or after feeding, after nap, and in the evening before bedtime.

You can buy diapers and other hygiene products for your baby in our catalog of baby products. Be healthy!

It is very difficult to imagine caring for a baby without the use of disposable diapers. These hygiene products have made the everyday life of parents with small children much easier. However, the use of diapers raises many questions among inexperienced mothers.

For example, many women ask how often to change diapers for a newborn, and what needs to be done during this procedure. Every mother should be aware of the issues of caring for a small child, because the well-being and health of the baby depends on her actions.

The skin of a newborn baby is very delicate and sensitive. Wearing a diaper for too long can lead to minor problems. Due to prolonged interaction with urine and feces, the child’s skin will turn red, diaper rash will occur, and a rash will appear. All this can be avoided if the mother knows when to change her newborn’s diaper.

How often should diapers be changed?

Every mother has her own answer to this question. Some women, regarding how many times a diaper needs to be changed, believe that this should be done at certain intervals. Other parents are sure that the procedure is needed after every bowel movement. According to a third opinion, diapers should be changed as they are full.

It is impossible to give a specific answer to the question of how many hours to change a diaper.

The frequency of changing diapers depends on the age of the child. The younger the baby, the more often you need to do this:

  1. If the baby is not yet 3 months old, then it is recommended to change the diaper every 3-4 hours. At this age, babies urinate very often. If feces are detected, the diaper must be removed immediately. The condition of the skin depends on how many times you change a newborn's diaper.
  2. For mothers with children aged 3 to 6 months, experts advise changing diapers every 4-6 hours. At the same time, it is worth monitoring the degree of its fullness. The diaper may need to be changed much sooner.
  3. Children aged 6 to 12 months are less likely to relieve themselves. Parents no longer adhere to rules explaining how long it takes to change diapers. This is done as it is filled.

About changing diapers at night

At night, you should not forget about changing diapers. It is advisable for the mother to wake up several times and check the fullness of the diaper and the dryness of the baby’s skin. If the diaper is dry, then there is no need to wake the baby. However, a change is required if there is feces, because they are very irritating to the skin.

Nothing bad will happen if the child sleeps all night in one diaper (provided that there is no feces in it). If the baby sleeps soundly and there are no diaper rashes or rashes on his skin, then you should not disturb him or wake him up. He himself can communicate that he is uncomfortable by crying.

Those parents who don't want to think about whether to change a diaper at night can buy disposable diapers, suitable for night sleep. In such products the baby will feel more comfortable. As a rule, they do not leak along the back and sides and can absorb much more urine. Consequently, such diapers, in the absence of feces, do not need to be changed when the child is sleeping.

Diaper changing procedure

Putting a clean diaper on your baby is not the only task of parents. This is not enough to prevent diaper rash and rashes. It is necessary to cleanse the skin of baby feces and treat it by special means, preventing irritation.

How to change a diaper - actual question for inexperienced parents. For the procedure you will need: a clean diaper, baby soap and a container of warm water or wet wipes, a towel, cream or powder. Mom should wash, dry her hands and prepare the changing table. To change a diaper, perform the following steps:

  • unfasten a dirty diaper, but do not take it off;
  • the front part of the diaper removes feces from the skin;
  • take the child by the ankles, carefully lift the butt off the table;
  • roll up the used diaper under the baby and throw it away;
  • wash the child with warm water using baby soap(an important nuance - in girls, the genitals are cleaned from front to back);
  • gently wipe the baby;
  • apply cream or powder to the skin before changing the diaper.

Regarding washing, it is worth noting that soap does not have to be used every time. It can upset the balance of microflora in intimate place. It is advisable to use soap no more than once a day. With absence heavy pollution You can wash the child with warm water alone. Some mothers use wet wipes.