What to do if a child does not remember letters. Primary school - Advice from a psychologist to a young student

For a wedding

Many parents sometimes face such a problem that their children cannot remember the alphabet. In this article we want to tell you how to solve this problem.

Teaching a child letters is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. Due to the fact that young children are very restless and cannot concentrate on one lesson for more than 5 minutes, you will need to prepare tasks with letters in such a way that the child remains interested and has some understatement, which will subsequently encourage him to further study the letters of the Russian alphabet. Each of your lessons should take place in a game, colorfully, quickly and creatively, then your baby will quickly learn letters. You should also take into account the age of the child, if the baby is from 1 to 2 years old, then accordingly you need to prepare tasks designed for this age, if the baby is older, then accordingly the tasks should be longer and more creative. It has already been proven by experts that all children aged 0 to 3 years have an intensive brain growth; during this period, photographic memory is very well developed, so he can remember everything as a picture, so during this period you can easily teach your child letters.

Start with - You can choose one of the example songs I gave for children about the alphabet. Everything is always easier to remember in it. Songs last no more than 1 minute and are always easier to learn with cheerful music. You will see how soon your baby will hum the melody from this song himself, and most importantly, learn the names and sequence of letters in the Russian alphabet. Very good - you can download it and use it, for example, on the road or just turn it on during the day. It is designed for ages from 1 to 5 years.

Learning letters

Games to help you learn the letters of the Russian alphabet

House of Sounds This game will help you identify all the sounds in words of three to five sounds. You draw a house with three windows and explain to your child that names live in the house. Each apartment has a sound tenant. The CAT went to his house. He has three rooms. Each sound sleeps separately. We need to put the cat to bed. Who sleeps in the first bedroom? You give the child a chip the size of a house window: “This is a sound. Call him to sleep.” The kid calls: “K-K-K” - and puts the chip in the first room, etc. If a child “loses” the second sound and “catch” the sound T with the second chip, you are surprised: “Does KT live here? I thought KOOOT lives here!”

Playing Dr. Zvukov “I am Dr. Zvukov,” you announce to the child, putting on a white cap or something similar, “if your dolls have not learned to pronounce any sounds, I will cure them.” Tanya,” you turn to the doll, “say: “A large grapevine grows on the Arrrarrrrat mountain.” And burr for Tanya: “On the gollle Allallllat lllast kllupny winelllad.” Your daughter does not pronounce R. I prescribe her medicine: name ten words starting with R and five words ending with R. You can suggest the words yourself or send a “nurse”. The child (in the role of a nurse) is in charge of Tanya, and she gradually recovers. You should play if your baby does not burr himself.

The need for a hard sign in the Russian alphabet is now not disputed by anyone. After all, it performs very specific functions, for example, it separates the consonant of the prefix from the vowel of the root in words such as congress and eat. And before the reform of 1917-1918. it was called “er” and was written at the end of words after a hard consonant, without carrying any special semantic load. However, it took up more than 8% of printing time and paper and cost Russia more than 400,000 rubles annually. Modern man is nowhere without the alphabet. Not only because without these sticks, rings and hooks there will be no writing (no newspapers, no books, no - what a nightmare! - the Internet). But also because we are too accustomed to expressions like “from A to Z” or “Z is the last letter in the alphabet”, and replacing it with something like “Z is the last letter in the alphabet” will not work.

How to learn letters with your child for a long time

We bought a CD for ours, ABVGDeyka, we turn it on every day for a few minutes and she learned almost all the letters without our participation. There is also an alphabet with pictures, from the pictures she has also already figured out which letter starts with which word. The main thing is that the child himself wants it. Ours is 4 years old.

In a playful way, the child needs to be shown how letters form syllables. When he learns to read all possible combinations, then explain to him how syllables are combined into words. Examples should consist of words that are familiar and understandable to the child. At the same time, you can start showing him how to write block letters. Sometimes, it is difficult for children who already know how to read what their mother wrote to read printed text, so learning should be parallel. In the future, for learning it is better to use children's books with short fairy tales, where the words are divided into syllables and there are a large number of pictures. However, as soon as the child understands the essence of reading syllables, then switch to reading a regular book (necessarily with pictures) and continue learning further. Otherwise, the child will have problems reading words that are not broken down into syllables. The main thing is that the child is interested and does not get overtired, then he will have a constant desire to read something. And do not forget to praise your baby - this is the most important incentive for him. As for perseverance, then everything is fine with your child. Even first-graders cannot concentrate their attention for more than 15 minutes - this is normal. Practice for 10-15 minutes, praise her several times a day and tell her how happy her dad or grandparents will be when she writes or reads something to them.

Beautiful letters for Russian classmates

The mistake of many parents is when they start teaching letters, but they should learn sounds (not Be, but the sound B, etc.) Try to explain this to the child that there is a letter, but there is a sound and the sound is different. When reading, we read with the help of sounds, a pair of sounds is a syllable that we read: first we name the sounds separately (BA - sounds B and A, BA-a). A few training exercises and the child will understand.

If you want to develop a child, then develop according to age, taking into account psychophysiological development. Colors (up to 3 must know all the basic ones), Animals (classification - wild or domestic), Ability to retell a fairy tale, Tell a story using pictures, and many others. A child must first understand the diversity of the world around him, and only then learn to read about it. For him, any reading is like reading Hamlet at 6 for you. Why bully a child? The ability to read is by no means an indicator of the development of a child’s intelligence and personality.

Everything should be gradual. The child will learn to read. Mine also knew half the letters by the age of 2, but now he is not interested in learning them. I do not insist. Why burden the child? We need to teach him self-service skills. And all this early learning leads to neuroses. He will go to school and learn to read. In general, in order for a child to read, the family must read. Organize family readings, role-based readings.

We learned to read from Zhukova’s ABC book, it was an ideal book, all the friends we gave it to quickly started reading it. So, on the very first page, the author ADVISES that you should under no circumstances learn all the letters with your child at once; this should be done gradually. And she also has this picture, it kind of helps the child visually imagine the path from one letter to another and learn to pronounce them together, and not separately. Pointing with a pencil to the first letter, ask the child to draw the first letter until you with the boy you will not reach the second path along the path.

Beautiful Russian letters for children - preschoolers

Until the age of 4, this is not necessary, it is better to teach colors, animals, plants, the surrounding world, and the child will not be able to perceive both. And in general, I think that it’s easier to learn according to Glen Doman’s system; you learn words instead of letters.

Let's move on to letters When showing your child a letter, call not its “official” alphabetical name, but the sound that it stands for. Try to sing this sound, draw it out, as long as possible, both when showing the letter and when pronouncing words with this letter. When entering a letter, name as many words as possible that begin with the corresponding sound. Give your child only printed examples of letters - they will teach him how to write them at school. He will remember the letter easier if he tries to draw it or lay it out from sticks, or draw it on the snow or sand.

The most important rule that parents must learn is to build learning according to the principle from sound to letter. A letter is a sign of sound. Introducing a letter sign will be ineffective if the child does not know what exactly it means. In order to learn to read and write, a child must discover that any word consists of sounds, and only then “understand the relationship” of sound and letter. The sound training period does not last long: three to four months. At the same time, a child can learn letters already in the second month of classes. But let the training take place in the form of a game, and not an “obligatory” task, with grades given for academic performance. The baby should enjoy learning sounds and letters. And if you manage to maintain the theme of the game for ten to fifteen minutes, this indicates the effectiveness of your teaching efforts. We offer you several games that will help your child learn to distinguish sounds in a word by ear.

Most psychologists believe that teaching children to read too early (before three years of age) can lead to distortions in the child’s development. The best time is when the baby is already four or five years old and has learned to speak well. This, of course, does not mean that a child should construct phrases like an adult. He may also have a lisp and burr, may not pronounce long, complex words, and sometimes may not agree on cases. If the child started talking quite late - by the age of three - or has serious pronunciation defects, a poor vocabulary, speaks in short sentences and does not use prepositions at all, does not change words by case - it is better not to rush into learning to read.

anonymous, Female, 37 years old

Hello, Doctor. My son is 4 years and 3 months old. Lives in a bilingual environment (Russian and Bulgarian), speaks two languages ​​normally. Started speaking very early. There have never been any problems with this. We hardly go to the garden (my son has asthma). After repeated repetition of the same information, he does not remember. Even counting to five causes difficulties. For example, he counts correctly once, and then several times (one, two, four, six, eight). I'm trying to teach him how to recognize numbers. She showed the numbers from 1 to 5 many times. The child remembered the number four. The rest, no matter how much they repeated, he could not remember. We learned the alphabet with difficulty; it took several weeks. Now he can easily recognize almost all the letters. He doesn’t want to teach, he has to manipulate and show a lot of patience. I can’t understand how, after 30 or even 50 repetitions of a number, for example, 2, he still doesn’t remember this number. We have a problem or the child is just distracted. How to determine this? What to do? Thank you in advance.

Hello. I’m not a doctor, but let’s try to figure it out from a pedagogical point of view. Under similar circumstances as described by you, it is recommended to visit a neurologist. Before the visit, it is recommended to do an ultrasound of the brain and do not prescribe treatment on your own. After all, the problem may lie in neurosis. With this disease, the child’s nervous system and brain are affected. Not a very dangerous phenomenon, it is common among children and adults. But nervousness does not have the best effect on memory. It is difficult for the child to understand what is happening, and some difficulties also arise with memorization. If the problem is neurosis, then the neurologist will definitely prescribe a set of exercises and may even prescribe pills to increase attentiveness and mental development. In the case of young children, only the first treatment method can usually be used. But for older children, drug treatment is often prescribed. In any case, you will first have to find the cause of the neurosis and cure the disease. Once it goes away, the memory will return to normal. But you still have to train her. The next reason, and a very common one, is not the best heredity. It's no secret that intellectual abilities are passed on from parents to children. And therefore, if mom or dad had memory problems in childhood or as an adult, then the baby may also experience them. Sometimes the cause of impaired memory development is simple lack of sleep. It is rare in children; it is more relevant for school-age children. The following reason is common among children of preschool and school age. Provided that the baby gets enough sleep, we can assume that he simply has hyperactivity syndrome. This, as already mentioned, is a common disease of the central nervous system. Diagnosed as good without any problems. If everything is in order in the field of neurology, with heredity and sleep patterns, too, then you need to pay attention to how often the baby’s mind is trained. This is extremely important. If the brain is not constantly trained, it loses its development. More precisely, it stops. As a result, memory and attention are impaired. And at any age. Correcting the situation is not so difficult. It is enough to regularly train your brain for attentiveness and intelligence. Exercises are developed depending on the age of the baby. As a rule, it is enough for children to go to a variety of development clubs. Sometimes it happens like this - parents think that the child has problems with mental development. But doctors say the opposite. And the baby remembers some specific, seemingly not the most interesting information. But what parents require is not. And if you try to impart knowledge into a child that is not typical for a particular age category, the data received will be entered into short-term memory. The brain simply does not require this or that information. And if there is a suspicion that the child has a poor memory, you must first make sure that the material being presented is appropriate for the child’s age. It has already been said many times that a child needs to constantly train his brain. The following exercises are good for children: often repeat phrases and words, write them with the child on a piece of paper;

Even in the case of poor preparation for school, a child who does not know letters and cannot read, with normal intellectual development, will gradually catch up with his peers. But when, during regular practice, a child is not able to remember and name letters already familiar to him, confusing them with each other, this may be the result of serious deviations. To determine further tactics, parents need to find out exactly what developmental features are preventing their child from coping with learning.

Causes associated with developmental disorders

Difficulties in learning letters may be associated with delayed mental and speech development caused by impaired blood supply to the cervical spine. This is typical for birth injuries and can appear when a first-grader begins his education. Parents and teachers should pay attention to the following characteristic symptoms:

  • increased mobility;
  • fast fatiguability;
  • child's complaints of headache and nausea;
  • tearfulness.

Functional disorders of the body caused by other factors can only be detected through special examinations. These disorders, many of which are associated with abnormalities in the development of the central nervous system, include:

  • low degree of visual perception and poor visual memory;
  • difficulties with orientation in space, when the child confuses the directions “right” - “left”, right and left arm/leg;
  • late redistribution of mental functions between the cerebral hemispheres;
  • consequences of retraining left-handers;
  • underdeveloped auditory perception, which makes it difficult to establish a connection between the spoken sound and the letter;
  • disturbances in behavior (cannot concentrate, gets tired quickly) and motivation (constantly prefers games to activities).

In case of serious problems, you cannot do without consulting a neurologist. After the examination and diagnosis, the doctor will give recommendations to parents and, if necessary, prescribe appropriate treatment, including the use of medications.

Exercises to correct disorders

Thanks to regular exercises with a problem child, which complement the neurologist’s prescriptions, it is possible to eliminate most speech pathologies that impede the development of reading and writing skills. Classes will help to correct visual perception, attention and learning motivation, as well as to develop the right-to-left orientation skill, which should be developed in a child before entering school. The following exercises are suitable for this:

  • Constant practice of words: right, left, left, right. Remind in any situation, for example, when a child picks up an object (spoon, pencil, scissors).
  • When reading fairy tales, ask questions about illustrations and pictures in books: “What (who) is on the top right, bottom left?” etc.
  • Development of fine motor skills with finger exercises.
  • Graphic dictations (image of a figure on a checkered sheet, following oral explanations). For example, ask to draw segments diagonally to the right down 5 cells, to the left up 2 cells.
  • Making letter signs that the child can look at if necessary. On one of them there should be letters facing to the left (L Y Z U E CH), on the other – to the right (B V G K R S Ts SCH Y Ъ YU E).
  • Making a comparison between two similar letters, such as “N” and “P”, or “N” and “I”.
  • Using the alphabet in verse for teaching (for example, with the poems of S. Marshak: “A bear found honey in the forest / Little honey, many bees”) gives an effective result; associations speed up memorization.

Memory development

If the child does not have neurological abnormalities, the most common reasons for poor memorization of letters are insufficiently formed and poorly developed memory, logic and attention. In this case, activities that improve these mental functions will help.

To train memory and observation skills, it is good to involve your child in useful games:

“What’s missing?”

Place several toys in a row, naming them out loud. Cover them with a scarf for a few seconds, remove the scarf along with one of the toys and ask the child to name the missing one. Repeat 4-5 times. In the future, toys can be replaced with letters.

"Sherlock Holmes"

It is necessary to determine what has changed in the person’s appearance (for example, an item of clothing, glasses, a hat has disappeared/appeared). Another option is to periodically ask the child what his friend, teacher, etc. was wearing.

Learning quatrains

This should be done daily, and for better memorization, accompany the poems with figurative pictures, drawing them together by hand.

Visual images of letters

There are various ways to memorize the visual image of letters. The sequence of actions could be like this:

  • For three days you need to study one of the letters with your child. It should be everywhere, so in addition to persistence, you will have to show creative thinking.
  • Hang up sheets of paper with the letter you are studying in your apartment so that they are in front of your eyes in every room.
  • Fashion a letter from various materials (plasticine, dough, wire), cut it out of colored paper, make it from colored ropes, branches, draw on asphalt or sand.
  • Write the letter on paper. Ask the child to trace it along the contour with a glue stick. Then glue any small grains (for example, buckwheat). Let the baby feel the resulting three-dimensional silhouette, reinforcing the visual image with tactile sensations.
  • Draw a letter on the baby's palm. This should be done on the dominant hand to stimulate the dominant hemisphere.
  • Use soft puzzles with letters. The child feels them with his eyes closed, and other channels of perception are activated.
  • Ask your child to find and circle (cross out) the letter being studied among many others on a page in a newspaper or magazine.
  • Give a task during which the child is asked to group identical letters presented in different font styles.
  • Ask to find the letter in surrounding objects on the street: on signs, advertising, in a store.
  • Together with your child, draw a letter using your hands and feet; you can use additional objects.

Writing letters in the air with the index finger of your dominant hand is helpful. It would be a good idea to switch roles: the child writes, the adult guesses, and vice versa.

You can suggest adding a letter along the dotted line or converting one into another by moving the counting sticks, for example, from “Sh” to make “C”.

Many speech therapists use a game called “Magic Bag” in their classes. Letters (plastic or metal) are placed in the bag, and the child must determine by touch which one he gets. If he guesses correctly, he gets points. If not, the letter is put back.
Putting out small words gives good results. Then the letters can be rearranged, “losing” them from the words and asking the child to restore them.

For a visible positive result, it is necessary to carry out constant work with the child. You need to praise your child for his efforts and under no circumstances compare him with other more capable children. The main thing is not to forget that all joint activities should take place in a playful way and only on positive emotions, bringing pleasure to both the adult and the child.

January 2012

What to do if your child confuses or does not remember letters

  1. Does your child differentiate between “left” and “right”? The child must be able to

Perform tasks correctly: show your left ear, right leg, etc., show what you see to your left, what’s on your right, what’s in front. If a child writes letters in the wrong direction, this is most often a consequence of unformed concepts of “left” and “right.”

2. Can your child put together six-pack pictures? If he finds it difficult, then this is a consequence of underdevelopment of visual-spatial perception, analysis and synthesis (in this case, start with a set of 4 cubes). Game-activities with various “designers” and “builders” are very useful for the development of spatial concepts and visual perception.

To make it easier for your child to remember letters, the following techniques are recommended:

An adult writes a large “difficult” letter (5-6 cm), and the child colors it.

Modeling letters from plasticine.

Cutting out letters along the contour.

“Writing” with broad gestures all the letters being studied in the air.

Laying out letters from threads.

Bending letters from wire.

Letters from everything.

Fingers and eyes can become familiar with letters and words at home, in the yard, in the forest.

At home: let the child try to make familiar letters from mosaics, counting sticks, scraps of paper and material, Kinder surprise boxes, peas, and buttons.

In the yard: draw letters with a stick in the sand and snow; Together with your child, come up with riddles about letters (small, round, likes to “ooh”), let the child draw riddles in the sand; lay out letters from dry twigs and leaves, etc.

In the forest: look for letters among the trees, bushes and leaves: a needle is [L], and if you connect it like this, it turns out [O].

Surely, each of you has your own “family games” that you play with your children at home, on vacation, or on the way to kindergarten. Share them with each other.

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We provide you with several recommendations that will help your child. remember the letters and easily move on to reading syllables. As well as games that you can play with your child at home.

Consultation for parents
“How to help your child remember letters”

At the initial stage of memorizing letters, it is better not to delve into the concepts of “sound-letter”. We need to talk about letters, pronouncing them with sounds: not “be”, but “b”, not “er”, but “r”. At the same time, pronounce them quickly and briefly. This way the child will quickly master the skill of merging sounds (letters) into syllables.

When learning letters, there is no need to use alphabets in which the letter is supported by only one picture, since when recognizing a letter, the child first remembers the picture, and then the name of the letter, and sometimes only the picture.

When coming up with words with a given sound with your child, name several words, not just one, so that he does not associate the letter with any specific object.

To practice isolating the first sound in a word, it is better to start with words where the vowels “a”, “o”, “u”, “e” are at the beginning and under stress (Stork, Donkey, Duck, Echo, etc.), after which you can try to isolate consonants not participating in the merging syllable (k-rot, t-ractor, etc.).

Games to help you remember letters

1. Game “Show the letter”

Draw the given letters using your fingers, palms and the whole body.

Lay out a letter from any material: laces, wire ribbons, counting sticks, mosaics, beads, buttons, matches, pebbles, pencils, noodles, sweets, dryers. You can also mold it from plasticine, salt dough, and draw with your finger and gouache on paper or on cereal, scattered on a tray in a thin layer.

2. Game “Find and name the letter”

Cut out letters from cardboard. Attach cardboard letters to various objects in the common room or the child’s room where you study with him. The principle of attachment is as follows: with which letter the name of the item begins, that letter is attached. For example: “cabinet” - “w”, “table” - “s”, “bedside table” - “t”, and so on. You can leave some letters of mom, dad, brother. For example: “Alla” - “A”, mom, “Kolya” - “K”, dad, draw portraits of relatives for these letters.

It is very useful to find objects in the environment that resemble letters, and also to complete the letters, “transforming” them. The letter “s” looks like a month, “o” looks like a hoop, and “p” looks like a gate.

You can find familiar letters in signs on the street, in books with large print.

3. Game "Architect"

Prepare cards from paper and draw the outline of a letter on each one with a pencil, and let the child color it. Cut each card into 2-4 parts and mix it, and ask the child to fold the letter and name it.

4. Game “Complete the letter”

An image is created for each letter. For example, for the letter “a” we add a pipe, doors, a window - we get “house”. Letters must be large.

5. Game “Find out the letter”

The child must recognize and circle the letters written in dots.

6. Game "What's Wrong"

The child finds letters in a row that are written incorrectly.

7. Game “Find and Underline”

Invite your child to find and underline (circle) a certain letter in the text. You can use unnecessary newspapers and advertising sheets for this game. The font should be large.

8. Alphabet darts game

Hang a poster on the wall - the alphabet. Throw a small ball at a certain letter and name it.

9. Game “Magnetic ABC”

You can attach it, for example, to the refrigerator and perform the following exercises: “Guess which letter”, “Which letter is missing?”, “Which letter is extra?”, “Which letter does the word begin with...”

10. Educational computer programs, cartoons, songs, poems about letters, bright alphabet books, coloring books also help remember letters .

I wish you success!

Olkhovskaya Olga Ivanovna,
teacher-speech therapist, MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 66",
Kemerovo region, Prokopyevsk