How can you increase your pension? Five ways to increase your future pension

March 8

Greetings, dear readers!and no less expensive insured persons of the pension system... Pensioners are costing the state more and more, which means that the “screws will continue to be tightened” and every year the measures will become more drastic and tougher, but in essence the size of our future pension depends only on us and soon there will be no one to shift responsibility for your poor old age to! Therefore, we learn to plan and manage our financial capital, including pension capital!

Increase your future pension

Quite rarely, Russians think about their pensions while they are still of working age. This is due to the fact that the vast majority of our citizens are confident that retirement is still very far away and the likelihood of its occurrence is very slim. But as practice shows, this is a big and sometimes fatal misconception. Life in old age, its quality and level depend on how we approach this issue today. Despite the fact that many citizens still have enough time before reaching retirement age, this should be viewed from the perspective that there is still time to form sufficient pension capital for a prosperous life in old age. And not from the position that there is still a lot of time ahead and there will still be an opportunity to think about this issue, but it is already closer to the established age.

The latest changes to the pension system of the Russian Federation are aimed at rebuilding the consciousness of citizens and teaching us how to independently save for our old age and bear personal responsibility for the level of well-being during a non-working age.

That is why today I will give you, future retirees, some useful and practical advice on how to increase your pension capital and what simple actions can guarantee you a decent level of pension security after you stop working.

How to save for your retirement

Tip #1. In 2015, the pension system for accounting for the insurance rights of citizens changed dramatically. Now, in order to acquire the right to an insurance (state) pension, citizens must have at least 15 years of insurance experience, while previously the mandatory norm was 5 years. This is a very important change, failure to comply with which could significantly reduce the level of pension provision. To avoid this, you must ensure that your employment is of an official nature, in accordance with all the requirements of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

In addition, in 2015, a point system for recording the rights of citizens in terms of insurance pensions began to operate. At the current time, all insurance contributions that employers contribute to our future pension in rubles are converted and taken into account in the pension system in points. The number of points directly depends on the amount of insurance contributions that the employer pays to the tax office (since 2017). And the amount of insurance premiums directly depends on the amount of the citizen’s official earnings, since they are calculated at 22% of the payroll (employee wage fund, excluding reduced tariffs). The level of the insurance pension in the future will depend on the number of pension points earned during working life. It is worth noting that there are also requirements for the minimum amount of pension points, which is mandatory to acquire the right to an insurance pension - 30 points. If you are at retirement age (currently for M - 60 years old, for F - 55 years old), then you will have to continue your working activity in order to “earn” the required minimum, or to receive the right to a social poverty pension ( M-65 years old, Zh-60 years old). Therefore, today it is important to monitor and increase the level of your earnings, on which your future pension directly depends, and also to ensure that this earnings are “white” and that the employer makes insurance contributions in full from its calculation.

Until 2021, upon retirement, transitional requirements for the length of service and the number of pension points apply.

What determines the size of the pension?

Tip #2. Since 2002, Russians who were born in 1966 have the opportunity to form two types of pensions: insurance and funded. As we noted above, the employer pays insurance contributions in the amount of 22% of the payroll to the Federal Tax Service. Of these, 16% until 2014 were allocated to the insurance pension, and 6% to the funded pension. From 2014 to 2019 inclusive, contributions to the funded pension are “frozen”. However, from 2002 to 2014. Every Russian of the specified age has savings and it is these funds that can become good capital in accounting for your future pension. A funded pension, unlike an insurance pension, is the property of a citizen, is accounted for in monetary terms, is inherited by the owner’s successors (in case of premature death), and must be managed (invested) in order to bring additional profit through specially created financial structures - non-state pension funds or management companies.

To increase your pension capital, without additional investments, you just need to be active, leave the “silent” category (if you have not yet transferred your pension savings to the management of a fund or company) and choose a non-state pension fund/managerial company with the maximum average annual return over the last 5 years . At the same time, it is worth taking into account the reliability of the fund and some other important data: the composition of the fund’s founders, the amount of pension savings and reserves under management, the number of clients, etc.

Somebody Some citizens refuse to form a funded pension against an insurance pension, but I consider this a strategic mistake and a big omission for several reasons:

  • the insurance pension cannot be inherited, but the funded pension will be inherited by legal successors;
  • the insurance pension cannot be managed and additional income cannot be obtained;
  • the amount of the insurance pension is tied to many macroeconomic indicators in the country, while the funded pension depends only on the citizen’s income and his choice of NPF/MC.

For clarity, I will give the calculation of the amount of pension savings:

A man, who has 15 years left before retirement, accumulated savings in the amount of 300,000 rubles over the period from 2002 to 2014. This year he decided to invest his savings through a non-state pension fund and submitted a corresponding application at the end of last year. At the same time, we determine that the average annual return of the NPF is 10% per annum, unchanged throughout the entire investment period. It is also worth considering that since 2016 there has been a mandatory period of stay in a non-state pension fund (5 years); in the event of an early change of insurer, the client loses profitability for the entire partial period of stay in the non-state pension fund. This means that the fund accrues profitability to client accounts not annually, but based on the results of the “five-year plan”.

Calculation of pension capital when participating in the mandatory savings system:

300000×10%=30000 rub. per year, the non-state pension fund brings its client additional income. income

30000×5=150000 rub. income for five years

First five years: 300,000+150,000=450,000 rubles.

450000×10%=45000 rub.

45000×5=225000 rub.

Second five years: 450,000+225,000=675,000 rubles.

675000×10%=67500 rub.

67500×5=337500 rub.

Third five years: 675,000+337,500=1,012,500 rubles.

It was by this amount that the man was able to increase his pension capital by transferring savings to the management of a non-state pension fund, while increasing the initial capital by more than 3 times.

It is worth noting that this calculation is given without taking into account the possibility of “unfreezing” the financing of the funded pension of Russians from 2019.

In order to form a decent pension, it is necessary to take the necessary actions in this direction today, and in order for them to be productive and bring the expected result, it is worth consulting with a specialist.

You can do this by writing in!

P.S. “When I retire, I will do absolutely nothing. The first months I will just sit in a rocking chair.

- And then?

“And then I’ll start swinging.” Faina Ranevskaya

Since 2002, Russia has had a pension model based on insurance principles. This means that the size of your pension now directly depends on the size of the pension contributions generated for your entire work activity in your personal account. You need to think about your well-being in your declining years now, because a pension is not a social benefit, but compensation for lost earnings.

Modern Russian legislation provides many opportunities to increase your future pension and make it worthy. Already now you can competently manage your pension savings, choose a non-state pension fund or management company to increase these funds, and join the State Pension Co-financing Program, which will help to significantly increase your future pension.

The sooner you begin to take a responsible approach to your future, the more stable and interesting your life in retirement will be.

The basis of your future pension is the mandatory insurance contributions of your employers to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation (PFR). In 2011, according to the law, they amount to 26% of the employee’s annual earnings within the range of 463 thousand rubles for each place of work. These payments go to your individual personal account. Every working Russian has this account - the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation opens it from the moment you receive an insurance certificate of compulsory pension insurance (as a rule, this happens when you enter your first official place of work).

The larger the amount of contributions recorded in your individual personal account with the Pension Fund, the larger the pension will be - that’s why it is important to receive a “white” salary.

Funds from employers' insurance contributions are distributed between two parts of your future pension: insurance and funded.

The insurance part is formed from insurance premiums received after January 1, 2002, as well as by converting pension rights acquired by you before 2002 into the calculated pension capital. The insurance part includes a fixed base amount. From February 1, 2011, the fixed basic amount of the old-age pension was 2,963 rubles 7 kopecks.

The funds from the insurance part of your future pension are recorded in your individual personal account and are indexed annually by the state in accordance with the growth of average wages and the growth of Pension Fund income per pensioner, but not exceeding the growth of Pension Fund income. Physically, this money is used to pay pensions to current pensioners.

The funded part of the labor pension is formed:

  • mandatory for working citizens born in 1967 and younger through the employer's payment of insurance contributions to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation (in 2011 - 6% of the citizen's wage fund, but not more than 463 thousand rubles per year);

    IMPORTANT! Men born in 1953-1966 and women born in 1957-1966 also have a funded part of their labor pension, in whose favor in the period from 2002 to 2004. inclusive, insurance contributions were paid for the funded part of the labor pension. Since 2005, these deductions have been discontinued due to changes in legislation. At the same time, this category of citizens also has the right to choose a management company or non-state pension fund for investing pension savings.

  • on a voluntary basis from participants in the State Pension Co-financing Program at the expense of their own voluntary insurance contributions, state co-financing funds and contributions from employers, if they are a third party to the Program.

The funds from the funded part of your future pension are taken into account by the Pension Fund in a special part of your individual personal account. By your decision, they are transferred to one of the management companies or a non-state pension fund for investment.

Why is it more profitable to retire later than the generally established retirement age?

The longer you work after reaching the generally established retirement age (60 years for men and 55 years for women), the higher the size of your future pension will be. From 2036, the established fixed base amount of the insurance part of the old-age labor pension will increase by 6% for each full year of service exceeding 30 years for men and 25 years for women.

This rule comes into force in 2015 - then it will be enough to have only 9 years of insurance experience to receive an increased pension. From 2016, 1 year will be added to this standard until it reaches 30 years in 2036.

Investing the funded part of a future pension is an opportunity to create, preserve and increase existing capital, a way to earn a plus for a future pension.

The savings part is transferred, at your choice, to a management company or a non-state pension fund, which invests pension savings in the stock market.

You can form your pension savings:

  • through the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, choosing one of the management companies with which the Pension Fund has entered into an agreement. In this case, the assignment and payment of the funded part of your labor pension will be carried out by the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. You can choose either a state management company (GMC) - Vnesheconombank, or a private management company (MC). Private management companies have a wider range of assets for investing your pension savings than state management companies;
  • through a non-state pension fund (NPF), one of the activities of which is compulsory pension insurance. In this case, all pension savings will be transferred by the Pension Fund to the NPF you have chosen, which will assign and pay out the funded part of your pension.

How to manage your pension savings?

If you want to transfer your pension savings to a management company or non-state pension fund, you must submit an application for transfer of pension savings to any Pension Fund department before December 31 of the current year. Your money will be invested in a new way from April next year!

The list of management companies and non-state pension funds, application forms and samples of their completion can be found by going to the website of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation (opens in a new window).

Where can I get information about the results of investing pension savings?

Information about the results of investing pension savings by the management company you have chosen is indicated in the notice on the status of the special part of your individual personal account, which is sent out annually by the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

Information about the results of investing pension savings by the non-state pension fund that you have chosen is indicated in the notice on the status of the pension account of the funded part of the labor pension, which the NPF must send annually.

In addition, you can get acquainted with information on the results of investing pension savings of management companies on the websites:

  • territorial bodies of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation;

What else can you do to increase your future pension?

Join the State Pension Co-financing Program. All Russians can take part in the Program without restrictions, including those who do not have a funded part of their pension under compulsory pension insurance (men born in 1953 and women born in 1957).

If you deposit more than 2,000 rubles per year into your personal account with the Pension Fund, the state doubles your contribution up to 12,000 rubles per year. You can count on co-financing from the state only if your contribution under the Program during the year is at least 2,000 rubles.

Subject to your contributions in the amount of 12,000 rubles per year and state contributions, the total amount under the Program for the year will be 24,000 rubles. It can be even greater due to the income from investing your pension savings in the stock market. And this money is necessarily invested by a private or state management company or a non-state pension fund of your choice.

In addition, your employer may act as a third party to co-finance your future pension. The amount of employer contributions is not limited and does not depend on the amount of additional contributions paid by employees.

Detailed information about the Program is available on the Pension Fund website (opens in a new window).
We are also ready to answer your questions by calling 8-800-505-5555 (toll-free call).

Take part in voluntary non-state pension programs offered by non-state pension funds. Even if you form your funded part of your pension through the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, you can still participate in non-state pension provision by concluding an agreement with any non-state pension fund.

You can enter into an agreement for individual pension services and accumulate an additional pension for yourself using the selected program offered by the Non-State Pension Fund.

The list of non-state pension funds operating in compulsory pension insurance can also be studied by going to the website of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation (opens in a new window)

Your future pension is in your hands!

Nowadays, it is quite difficult for many pensioners to live on one pension. Due to the constant rise in inflation, the population is having a very hard time.

In order to make the payment amounts relevant in relation to current prices, the government is introducing indexation - a special increase that should help pensioners live in conditions of intense inflation.

Similar measures are carried out every year, as a result of which the amount of payments gradually increases. However, many do not notice real changes for the better, which is why indexation of pensions remains an actively discussed issue in society.

If until recently the increase in pensions for non-working pensioners occurred by an amount not less than the inflation rate, then in 2019 the Government will change the traditional approach to increasing pensions, since the total amount of the increase will exceed the level of growth in consumer prices. The procedure itself will be implemented in 2 stages:

  • From February 1, 2019, indexation will take place taking into account the inflation rate for the past year. According to preliminary forecasts, for 2018 inflation is estimated at 2.9-3.1%. This means that from February 1, the increase will be about 3% or 432 rubles. with an average pension payment of 14,414 rubles.
  • From April 1, 2019, additional indexation will take place, the amount of which depends on the income of the Russian Pension Fund (it is carried out only if the required amount of funds is available in the Pension Fund budget). For 2019, the release of additional funds that can be used for additional indexation of payments to pensioners will appear thanks to the new pension reform, or rather, the increase in the retirement age. If we take into account the increase announced by the Government for 2019 by 7%, it turns out that from April 1 they will increase by another 4% or by 568 rubles. in monetary terms, subject to receiving the national average pension provision in 2018.

On a note! According to Anton Siluanov, head of the Ministry of Finance, the expected increase in VAT to 20% in 2019 (compared to the current 18%) could lead to an increase in inflation to 4.5%. In this case, the February increase will be on average 640 rubles, and the April increase will be only 360 rubles. The government plans to maintain the given rate (2 times higher than inflation) for at least the next 5 years. In this case, by 2024, Russians will receive pension payments of an average of 20,000 rubles, that is, they will increase by 35% compared to 2018!

Since 2016, the authorities have decided to abolish indexation for working pensioners. The logic of this decision is clear - such people receive additional income from their work, so spending money on indexing their pensions in an economic crisis is quite a costly undertaking.

The government ensures that older people who continue to work receive a pension not lower than the subsistence level. For those whose payments are below this level, special compensation payments are provided at a level that is not enough to reach the subsistence level.

Discussions continue around such an initiative: many officials say that pensioners go to work not because they simply want more money, but because they cannot live on such a small pension. However, for now the government has no plans to return indexation to this segment of the population.

At the moment, their official position is that working pensioners should not wait for indexation in 2019. A pension increase in Russia for a working pensioner who quit his job occurs a month after the dismissal.

In addition, if a pensioner is officially employed, he receives additional pension points, which will subsequently have a positive impact on the amount of payments. This is how the authorities encourage pensioners not to hide their income.

Unfortunately, so far all innovations in pension legislation regarding the indexation of pensions apply only to non-working pensioners. For working pensioners, at least for the coming years, the “indexation freeze” in force since 2016 will remain. All missed promotions will be credited to them after dismissal.

In total, in connection with the pension reform, the following changes are proposed, which should be recorded in amendments to the pension legislation by the end of 2018:

  • Now the increase in the insurance pension will always be carried out at an increased rate - that is, above the level of inflation (which is expected to be within 3-4% in the coming years). It is expected that this will significantly improve the standard of living of Russian pensioners. The new indexation date is January 1 of each year.
  • This program will be designed for at least 2019-2024. During this time, they plan to increase the average insurance pension amount by 6,000 rubles. (1000 rubles per year).
  • The actual bonus will be calculated individually by multiplying the pension amount by the indexation coefficient corresponding to an increase to the average pension in the amount of 1000 rubles. As of 01/01/2019, the estimated coefficient is 7.05%.

How much will your pension increase?
In future years, until 2024, they plan to increase the pension annually by an average of 1,000 rubles. That is, the total annual income of a pensioner in each next year will be 12,000 rubles. more than the previous one. This additional payment will apply only to non-working pensioners.

Since the increase in monthly pensions in Russia will take place in 2019 only through indexation, this means that it will affect citizens who meet the following criteria:

  • retired and are not working;
  • receive insurance pensions (for old age, loss of a breadwinner or disability).

It should be borne in mind that not everyone can count on an increase of 1,000 rubles. For citizens receiving a smaller pension and the increase, accordingly, is not so significant (and vice versa).

In each specific case, it will depend on the length of service and the amount of contributions paid. Every pensioner can now roughly calculate how much their pension will increase in 2019. The increase will be about 7% of the amounts received to date.

Only insurance pensions are subject to indexation, the amount of which is often lower than the subsistence level established by local authorities for pensioners in a particular region of residence. At the same time, citizens receive social supplements in order to eventually reach this very subsistence level.

It is worth noting that the surcharges themselves are not indexed. Accordingly, for such citizens the increase will, in fact, be imperceptible, since the total amount of payments for them will remain unchanged.

Only the ratio of the pension itself will change (it will increase by 7% of the amount accrued in 2018) and the social benefit, which will be paid in addition until the amount of the established subsistence minimum is reached, which for the 2nd half of 2018 will be 11,280 rubles.

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In August, the Russian government announced that there would be no planned indexation of pensions in 2016. Instead, pensioners will receive a fixed payment of 5,000 rubles in January next year. Also currently being discussed is freezing the funded part for another three years (in 2017–19). Is it possible to somehow influence the size of my future pension? In what ways can it be increased?

You can calculate the amount of pension you are facing today. There is a special calculator installed on the website of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. But the changes in our legislation, which we periodically observe, and the unstable economic situation indicate that it is safer to keep your future in your own hands.

It is unlikely that in 20-30 years pensions will suddenly be cancelled. But the procedure for their calculation and the amount of payments may undergo significant changes. However, today you can take care of your future pension yourself.

Where does the pension come from?

The pension consists of two parts – insurance and funded. The first part is fixed, the second depends on the amount that has been accumulated. The first is established by the state, the size of the second can be influenced by the future pensioner.

The funded part is formed from insurance contributions from employers and investment income. That is, while a person is still working, the money that he has already put aside is invested somewhere - in shares, on deposits, etc. But the fact is that he himself does not determine or form an investment portfolio. The state does this for him if the funded part was transferred to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. And then the amount is managed either by the management company (the management company chosen by the Pension Fund). Or the money is transferred to the Non-State Pension Fund, and then the state is no longer responsible for it (assignment and payments).

For the last three years, the funded part has been frozen, that is, it has remained unchanged. Last week it became known that the government had resumed discussions on the pension issue. It is expected that the freezing of the savings portion will be extended for another 2-3 years. This means that the money will not be used to increase the pensions of currently working citizens, but to pay those who are already disabled.

For many, retirement is like a “wonderful, distant future” that will come someday later, but “I still won’t live to see it.” Such skepticism is quite understandable for Russians. However, it would be foolish to completely abandon pension payments. You still pay taxes. Moreover, if you take care of the size of your pension now, you will be able to increase it in the future.

There are several options for increasing your pension.

Method 1. Transfer the funded part of the pension to a non-state pension fund

The key difference between a state pension fund and a non-state one is their relationship with finance. Investments of the former, as a rule, are reduced to minimal risk and often do not exceed the rate of inflation. Non-state pension funds can carry out more daring operations, which can be both profitable and unprofitable. It's up to you to decide whether to take risks or not. Remember that in any case, you can change NPF to GPF and vice versa once a year.

Before transferring the funded part of your pension to a non-state pension fund, check whether it has a license. For example, you can look for it in the list of funds and management companies with which the Pension Fund has concluded agreements.

Method 2. Invest maternity capital into your pension

Maternity capital, which women receive for the birth or adoption of a second child, can also affect the size of the pension. Many families use it to solve housing issues or spend money on their children’s education. But this amount - in 2016 it is 453,026 rubles - can also be transferred to the funded part of the mother’s pension. This will be especially true for women who devote themselves to raising children and who do not have enough work experience, that is, the pension itself will be minimal. Maternity capital can increase it.

Method 3. Work only officially

The whiter your salary, the more money you will receive from the state after retirement. For every officially paid salary or bonus, the employer transfers 22% to the Pension Fund. This amount can be used to form the insurance part of the pension. Or, at the request of the employee, it can be divided: 16% into insurance, and 6% into savings.

Method 4. Work after retirement

Working in old age is difficult, but, nevertheless, in Russia, approximately every third pensioner continues to go to work. And if they work under a contract, then they still receive contributions to the Pension Fund in the amount of 22%. For this category of citizens, annual indexation of pension payments is provided, because the amount in their individual account with the Pension Fund is constantly increasing.

Method 5. Postpone retirement age

In our country, the retirement age is set at 55 years for women and 60 for men. There are many options for early retirement. But few people know that this date can be officially postponed.

The later you retire, the higher your pension payments will be, which directly depend on the bonus coefficients. For example, if a person retires 5 years later than expected, the fixed part of the pension will increase by 36%, and the insurance part by 45%.

Method 6. Save money

Relying on yourself is the most reliable, reliable and affordable option. To put it simply: if you want to live beautifully in old age, start saving when you are young. You can put money aside as a deposit in a bank and after retirement live on the interest or withdraw little by little from the principal amount. You can save up for an apartment and rent it out. You can take a risk and buy shares and then sell them off. Or you can sew part of your salary into a mattress the old fashioned way.

There are other ways to ensure a comfortable old age. For example, raise a genius - a politician, businessman, inventor - and hope that in old age he will support you. Or write a book, song or music and live off the royalties. Become a rock star and sell interviews and memoirs after your career ends.

The horizon beyond which retirement looms is actually much closer than it might seem. There are now more than 40 million pensioners in our country. At some point, everyone who turns 55 or 60 will join this category. And if you don’t want to deny yourself anything in retirement, you should now think about how best to organize this period for yourself.