What kind of heel is possible for pregnant women? Can pregnant women walk in heels?

Other reasons

I remember myself before my first pregnancy - all my shoes were stilettos - I ran in them from morning to evening, and did not know grief. However, my belly began to grow, my legs began to swell, and, out of necessity, I had to buy ballet shoes. However, there are also stubborn girls who almost go to the maternity hospital in heels. Why is this dangerous, and in general, can pregnant women walk in heels? We'll find out soon!

A woman in heels is hard to miss. Overnight she becomes slimmer and more attractive. This is noticed by everyone around and especially representatives of the opposite sex. In order to stand out in their eyes, many women ignore the rules that state that pregnancy and high-heeled shoes are incompatible concepts.

Do you know why they are incompatible? It turns out it's all about the heel mechanics. Nature has thoughtfully created the muscles and tendons of the legs that act like springs. As you walk, they stretch, take on the load, and provide additional energy for the next step. We don’t even know about their work, because everything happens synchronously.

What disrupts such a harmonious process is elevation, and this is precisely what a heel represents. It literally blocks the natural “springs”, depriving the foot of its natural capabilities. As a result, the load on the legs increases significantly, but this is not the most important thing. Shoes with heels change the position of the body.

That beautiful posture that others stare at is the result of a change in the fulcrum. Now the young lady leans on her toes when walking. It is easy to guess that this affects stability, simultaneously weakening the ligaments of the ankle and foot. Additionally, the center of gravity shifts forward. To maintain balance, a woman has to lean back slightly.

The position is seductive, because it creates a curve in the lower back, but it is not very pleasant: regularly wearing high-heeled shoes provokes curvature of the spine and displacement of internal organs. Along the way, the muscles of the pelvis, legs, and lumbar region are constantly tense, which together leads to the most unpleasant consequences in the form of heaviness in the limbs, poor circulation, varicose veins, and even flat feet.

Danger during pregnancy

To understand why you can’t wear heels during pregnancy, it’s enough to analyze the changes that occur in the body in an interesting position. First of all, hormonal levels change.

In general, there is nothing wrong with this, unless you take into account that it also affects the ligaments: they relax and become looser. Add here the increased load on muscles and blood vessels, and you will understand that varicose veins and flat feet are not a possibility, but a reality, at least for many expectant mothers.

The troubles that high-heeled shoes can cause in the early or late stages of pregnancy do not end there. Possible:

  • Injuries. Look at the statistics of falls and dislocations concerning representatives of the fair half of humanity, who cannot imagine their lives without elegant pumps or stilettos. For those who are in an interesting position, it increases significantly. Do you know why? The ligaments of the spine are now weakened, and any sudden movements threaten to displace the vertebrae. This, by the way, leads to pain in the lower back and cramps in the legs.
  • Risk of miscarriage. Who among us has not suffered from uterine tone during pregnancy? Perhaps only a few. The rest are at risk, since in such conditions the situation is aggravated by severe overstrain of the leg muscles, which adds stress to the spine and hip joints. The latter, in fact, can increase tone.
  • Saggy belly, stretch marks. Do you want to stay beautiful after giving birth? Listen to the advice of doctors who say that you should give up heels in the early stages of pregnancy. Injuries have nothing to do with it. When the center of gravity shifts, the stomach protrudes, and since the skin is already stretched, it also sags over time. It can all end with a so-called leather apron.
  • Malposition. When the center of gravity shifts, the baby runs the risk of lying down incorrectly. As a result, the doctor can record a transverse or breech presentation and send the expectant mother to a caesarean section. But it might not have existed if she had given up the wrong shoes in time.
  • Cramps. They are a consequence of overstrain of the calf muscle and are especially annoying for women during long pregnancy periods.
  • Loss of balance. Nature intended that in the second trimester a woman’s center of gravity should shift. If she “puts her hand to it”, that is, wears high-heeled shoes, one day everything may end in a fall due to the inability to maintain balance.
  • Swelling. In the third trimester, many women experience swelling. Of course, their current situation and diet are to blame, but narrow shoes with heels or platforms, which impede the outflow of fluid, add fuel to the fire.

Also possible are muscle strains, back and leg pain in the evening, all due to heels.

How long can you wear high heels?

Ideally, heels are contraindicated in both the first and third trimester. Meanwhile, life, or more precisely, the order in the office, sometimes dictates its own rules to us women. The strict dress code stipulates the wearing of shoes with heels, and the doctor prohibits it during pregnancy. What to do in this situation? Look for a compromise.

In the early stages, heels are acceptable if there are no contraindications - uterine muscle tone, threat of miscarriage, varicose veins. Moreover, you can even wear a stiletto heel, although a stable, small one is still preferable. At later stages it is better to choose something at low speed.

What heels can be worn during pregnancy at different stages

It's easiest for women in the first trimester. The tummy there is still small, so the load on the joints has not yet increased. Most of the beautiful women continue to wear shoes with the heels they like and are not even in a hurry to change their shoes. You can understand them, especially since it is important for them to enjoy such a walk, because very soon everything will change.

In the second trimester, we need to pay closer attention to what we wear. No matter how convenient it may be, a stiletto heel during this period is not the best option. Even if it is as stable as possible or small enough. It loses to all other types of heels due to the risk of injury and negative impact on the anatomy of the foot. As a result, a woman has to balance all the time in order to maintain her balance, and no one knows how this may end sooner or later.

Some women prefer wedge heels. Thin and looking like a heel, it is, in fact, one, albeit in combination with a platform. Whatever one may say, this is also not the best option, although it has clear advantages: such shoes provide a smoother transition from the front to the back, making the negative impact on the foot less pronounced.

The third trimester is the hardest, because the tummy at this time is significantly enlarged. What heels can you wear at this time? On small ones, 3–5 cm high. Another acceptable option is a stable wedge heel. It is also not recommended to be completely without heels, otherwise this will lead to widening, flattening of the foot and the development of flat feet.

Can pregnant women walk in heels?

Summarizing all of the above, we can answer that both in the early stages and in the later stages, a pregnant woman can pamper herself with high-heeled shoes. The main thing is to closely monitor your health and refuse it at the first signs of illness or contraindications.

In addition, it is very important to follow safety rules in such situations, namely:

To minimize the load on the foot, you should walk and stand in heels as little as possible, for example, changing into more comfortable shoes, sitting at a table or during lunch. Another option is to purchase an arch support insole to support your arch.

Fans of models with a narrow toe should pay attention to thumb spacers or gel pads: they prevent deformation.

Well, and most importantly, after a hard day at work, don’t forget to pamper your feet with a warm bath (water 37 - 39 degrees) and a light massage. They will be very grateful to you for this!

A woman strives to be attractive and beautiful in any situation. And it is the heel that is the most effective way to make your legs slimmer.

Expectant mothers, even during pregnancy, strive to look more feminine. Therefore, they do not refuse to wear them even when a rounded tummy begins to appear. But are pregnancy and heels compatible? This article is devoted to considering precisely this issue.

Even if you are not carrying a child under your heart, it is better to refuse them. After all, the human body is not designed to withstand such stress. But in reality the verdict is not so clear.

Doctors agree that wearing only high heels can be dangerous for the expectant mother and child. But flat soles are also undesirable, especially for a pregnant woman, who already has an increased risk of developing flat feet. Therefore, you can wear heels during pregnancy, but their height should not exceed 4-5 cm.

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It is undesirable to wear high heels for the following reasons:

  • During pregnancy, a woman’s body produces a special substance called relaxin, which makes the ligaments softer and more elastic. This makes labor easier. But the substance acts on absolutely all ligaments in the body. Therefore, any careless step can cause serious injury. This danger is relevant in the later stages, when a woman, due to her large belly, simply does not see where she is stepping;
  • Heels in the early stages of pregnancy are also not advisable. The fact is that due to tension in the leg muscles, the load on the hip joints and spine increases. This in turn can lead to stimulation of the muscles of the uterus, which can lead to miscarriage;
  • The situation described above is also relevant for late pregnancy. But here, wearing high heels can cause premature birth and complications during labor;
  • High heels during pregnancy cause a shift in the center of gravity, causing the baby to move forward, increasing the load on the spine. Therefore, sharp pain in the lower back can often be observed. The displacement of the uterus causes the abdomen to enlarge, which will lead to an increase in the number of stretch marks in the future. This problem should be considered from an aesthetic point of view.

How to choose the right shoes with heels

As we have already learned, it is possible to wear heels during pregnancy. But here it is important to choose the right height.

To understand the importance of choosing heel height, we can consider a simple example. Take a heavy brick, place it on a wide glass and on a glass with a long and narrow stem. As the load increases, the glass will break first. Therefore, the heel should be low and wide.

When choosing a height, try rising on your toes. If there is still space between the floor and the heel, then the optimal choice has been made. At normal height, the hip muscles are pumped up, but the load on them is optimal.

Exceeding the permissible height even by 2-3 cm contributes to an increase in the load on the spine by up to 22%, its curvature, and the development of varicose veins and arthrosis.

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How to Wear Heels During Pregnancy

Sometimes situations arise when wearing such shoes is simply necessary. In this case, be sure to follow the following rules:

  • Wear them no longer than 2-3 hours a day. At the same time, it is advisable to have a pair of shoes with you that you can change into at any time;
  • Periodically do a contrast shower for your legs to keep their muscles constantly toned;
  • Shoes should be made exclusively from natural materials;
  • Tight shoes should be excluded from your wardrobe.

We have looked at how compatible pregnancy and heels are. The decision about whether to wear them or not is yours to make for yourself. And here, first of all, one should take into account the fact that during pregnancy a woman develops a “duck” gait due to a shifted center of gravity. And with too high a heel it can look simply ridiculous.

But a small, neat heel can even hide this feature. If you are in doubt, it is better to consult with your doctor, who, taking into account your state of health, will give you personal recommendations.

Pregnancy forces a woman to give up some small joys, including high heels. Why are high-heeled shoes unacceptable during pregnancy, and at what point should you put them away in the closet?

High heels and pregnancy are incompatible things. And this is the unanimous opinion of doctors. Although many expectant mothers believe that it makes no sense to give up heels in the early stages of pregnancy, this opinion is wrong.

Heels and the eighth week of pregnancy: is it possible to wear such shoes?

Enormous changes occur in the body of the expectant mother; hormonal changes affect the functioning of various organs. Hormones also affect the softening of the ligaments of the limbs: they stretch and become looser. And if against this background a woman wears high heels, the risk of flat feet increases significantly.

So is it possible to wear heels during pregnancy? Of course not. And it’s not even a matter of the load on the spine, which leads to undesirable consequences at a later date. But the fact is that excess tension on the legs and load on the pelvis increase the risk of miscarriage. The eighth week is one of the crisis periods of pregnancy, why endanger the life of an already growing baby?

If a woman has:

Abdominal and lower back pain;

There is a feeling of fatigue;

Dizziness occurs;

There is weakness and drowsiness; all the more so, she should stop wearing high heels. During this period, she may stumble or fall, which is very dangerous during pregnancy.

What shoes to wear?

But it is better to refuse flat soles; this option cannot be called useful. The most optimal solution is a 3–5 cm heel. A stable, low heel will not do any harm. And if a woman really likes shoes with flat soles (especially winter models), they still need to be alternated with shoes with small heels. It is ideal if the expectant mother goes for a consultation with an orthopedic doctor, and he will give her individual recommendations regarding shoes during pregnancy.

By the way, you should go to the store for new clothes in the evening - at this time the foot swells a little, you definitely won’t buy shoes that will then be too tight.

Why are heels still dangerous during pregnancy?

And a couple more tips regarding the “shoe issue” will not be superfluous:

Wearing high heels with an already rounded tummy can lead to severe pain in the back and legs;

When wearing heels, the center of gravity shifts, and as a result the position of the uterus may change, and this is dangerous for the baby to turn over;

Expectant mothers in the last weeks of pregnancy often acquire a duck's gait; a woman with such a feature, standing in heels, looks a little ridiculous from the outside;

The risk of injury when wearing heels in late pregnancy is higher than ever.

Whatever one may say, the harm to mother and baby from wearing heels is great. And is it really worth worrying so much about giving up your favorite shoes and boots, if so many beautiful outfits are combined with shoes with small heels? When it comes to fashion and health, you can always find a good compromise.

Heeled shoes have become so firmly established in the life of a modern woman that even pregnancy is not a reason to give them up. Despite doctors' prohibitions, many expectant mothers continue to wear elegant thin stilettos and their favorite platform boots almost until the day they give birth. Gynecologists warn: heels are dangerous! Wearing such shoes creates a serious load on the spine, pelvic muscles and legs, and therefore interferes with the work of internal organs. Is it worth risking your health if you can temporarily give up heels, preferring comfortable, stable shoes?

The dangers of high heels

Wearing shoes with heels creates certain problems:

  • The center of gravity shifts and the fulcrum changes. Normally, the body weight should rest on the entire foot. When wearing high heels, this does not happen and the weight falls only on the metatarsals. This position does not promote good stability and increases the likelihood of falling. Injuries during pregnancy can have serious consequences, including miscarriage.
  • Wearing high-heeled shoes increases stress on the ligaments of the foot and ankle, which leads to pain and swelling.
  • The heel increases the load on the spine. Wearing uncomfortable shoes increases lumbar lordosis (natural curve). The center of gravity shifts forward, causing chronic pain in the lumbar region.
  • When walking in heels, the load on the pelvic muscles increases, which also does not contribute to improving well-being.
  • Excessive load on the leg muscles worsens the condition of the veins of the lower extremities and creates conditions for the development of varicose veins. Varicose veins are a direct path to thrombosis.

While expecting a baby, a woman's body changes significantly. Increasing load on the legs leads to the appearance of a “duck walk,” which becomes especially noticeable in the later stages. The woman walks slowly and waddles, but this is not the main problem. Under the influence of progesterone, ligaments soften and stretch, the load on muscles and blood vessels increases - and all this happens even when wearing ordinary comfortable shoes.

What will happen if the expectant mother wears high-heeled shoes despite doctors' prohibitions? The load on ligaments, muscles and joints will increase, which will lead to unpleasant symptoms:

  • heaviness and pain in the legs, especially after a long walk and in the evening;
  • swelling of the lower extremities;
  • the appearance of varicose veins or worsening of existing disorders;
  • pain in the lumbar region;
  • cramps of the calf muscles.

The appearance of stretch marks on the abdomen is also associated with wearing uncomfortable shoes. Excessive forward bending when wearing heels causes excessive stretching of the abdominal muscles. The divergence of the muscles provokes tension in the skin, which causes stretch marks to appear.

Wearing shoes with heels significantly increases the risk of joint dislocation during careless movements, and also leads to displacement of the vertebrae.

If you really want to, is it possible?

Gynecologists are categorical on this issue: a pregnant woman should not wear high-heeled shoes - from 4-5 cm. High heels are strictly prohibited as the most unstable option, creating the maximum load on the muscles and ligaments. It is not recommended to wear shoes with a high platform, including the “grinders” that are fashionable in some circles. It is better to put such shoes in the closet - they will still be useful to the young mother after the birth of the child.

It would seem that the most comfortable option for a pregnant woman is ballet flats, pumps and sneakers. But orthopedic doctors are already protesting here, categorically not recommending such shoes to any of their patients, and to expectant mothers in particular. A flat sole does not support the foot, which means it creates increased stress on the spine, pelvic ligaments, joints and blood vessels of the lower extremities. From the point of view of possible injury, ballet flats and sneakers are safer, but you should not get carried away with such shoes either.

The best option for a pregnant woman is shoes with a tight but not hard back and a small, stable heel - up to 3 cm. You can wear shoes without a pronounced heel, but with a comfortable wedge. These could be shoes, boots, boots - anything that seems comfortable and will be appropriate for the season. When choosing sandals and sneakers, you should also give preference to comfortable models with a formed arch.

Important aspects:

  • Pregnant women with flat feet should wear special orthopedic insoles.
  • For varicose veins, do not forget about elastic knitwear. You need to wear compression garments every day until the birth.
  • The sole of the chosen shoes should be grooved - this will additionally protect the pregnant woman from falling. If the sole of the chosen shoe slips, you can correct the situation in a shoe workshop.
  • Shoes must be the right size. Too tight or, on the contrary, loose shoes are no better than dangerous stilettos and high heels.

In the first trimester, while the load on a woman’s body is not so significant, you can treat yourself to your favorite high-heeled shoes or boots. But even in this case, you should forget about stilettos, giving preference to more sustainable options. Heeled shoes can be worn on a holiday or a business meeting, but for no more than 2-3 hours. After 12-16 weeks you need to finally switch to comfortable and safe shoes.