Early retirement pension. Conditions for receiving an old-age labor pension. Employees’ rights to early pension provision in brief

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The Federal Law “On Labor Pensions in the Russian Federation” names several categories of citizens for whom the retirement age has been reduced.

These are, first of all, women who have given birth to five or more children and mothers of people with disabilities since childhood, who have raised children up to the age of eight, women who have given birth to two children and have worked for the required period of time in the Far North, as well as visually impaired people of the first group and citizens with pituitary dwarfism (Lilliputians).

Earlier than the generally accepted period of five years, a pension is established for those who have worked for at least 15 years in the Far North, or 20 years in areas equivalent to such areas.

Some workers, for example, those employed in underground mining, in marine fisheries, as well as rescuers and firefighters, pilots, medical, teaching and creative workers, are granted early pensions regardless of age for a sufficiently long professional activity.

Grounds for early assignment of a labor pension in connection with work in special working conditions

The new law preserves the possibility of early retirement in old age for workers who have worked the required time in industries with harmful and health-hazardous working conditions.

The reduced retirement age is set for men at 50 years, for women at 45, if they respectively worked for at least 10 years and 7 years 6 months in underground work, in work with hazardous working conditions and in hot shops and their work experience is at least 20 and 15 years. The Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers approved List No. 1 of professions, employment in which gives the right to this preferential pension.

The generally accepted retirement age for men and women is reduced by five years if they worked, respectively, in jobs with difficult working conditions for at least 12 years, 6 months and 10 years and have an insurance period of at least 25 and 20 years, respectively. These professions and jobs are defined by List No. 2, adopted by the same resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers.

In addition, Article 27 of the above Federal Law names specific professions that also serve as the basis for the appointment of early retirement due to hazardous working conditions.

In particular, men retire at 55 years old, and women at 50 years old, if they have the insurance period necessary to assign a pension according to List No. 2, and have worked for 12 years and 6 months and 10 years, respectively:

As workers of locomotive crews and workers of certain categories who directly organize transportation on railway transport and the metro (according to the list of professions and positions);
in expeditions, parties, detachments, on sites and in teams directly on field geological exploration, search, topographic-geodetic, geophysical, hydrographic, hydrological, forest management and survey work;
as workers, foremen (including senior ones) directly at logging and timber rafting, including servicing machinery and equipment (according to the list of professions, positions and industries);
as sailors on ships of the sea, river fleet and fishing industry fleet (except for port ships that constantly operate in the port water area, service and auxiliary ships, traveling ships, suburban and intracity traffic);
on work on direct control of aircraft flights in civil aviation. For men, retirement age is 55 years old, for women - at 50 years old, if they have an insurance period of 25 and 20 years, respectively, and have worked for at least 20 and 15 years, respectively;
as machine operators (docker-mechanizers) of complex teams during loading and unloading operations in ports;
as drivers of buses, trolleybuses, trams on regular city passenger routes;
in the engineering and technical staff for the direct maintenance of civil aviation aircraft.

If a woman has worked as a tractor driver, driver in agriculture, other sectors of the national economy, as well as a driver of construction, road and loading and unloading machines for at least 15 years and has an insurance record of at least 20 years, she has the right to a pension of 50 years.

These are cases where an employee has every reason to receive an early pension due to working in harmful and difficult working conditions.

This category of workers retains the right to be assigned an early retirement pension, provided that persons who have worked in such professions and positions have at least half of the special work experience required for the assignment of an early pension or on the date of assignment of an early pension. For other persons who are just starting to work in special working conditions or have worked less than half of their special work experience, the assignment and payment of early pensions will be made in accordance with the legislation on professional pension systems.

Only those employees who were constantly engaged in performing work specified in the lists for a full working day have the right to early retirement. Full-time work means performing work at least 80% of the time.

If employees, due to a reduction in production volumes, worked part-time, but performed full-time work that entitled them to a pension due to special working conditions, then the special length of service is calculated based on the time actually worked.

The special length of service that gives the right to early retirement includes periods of temporary disability and annual paid leave, including additional ones.

The main document for assigning a preferential pension is the work book.

Actual employment can be confirmed in each specific case by a clarifying certificate issued by the enterprise administration with reference to archival documents of that period.

The basis for confirming the heavy work being performed can be the staffing table, wage documents, orders assigning workers to certain areas of work, shift logs, time sheets, technological process and others. Therefore, when issuing a clarifying certificate for the appointment of a preferential pension, the enterprise administration bears responsibility.

On the early assignment of old-age labor pension to persons engaged in teaching activities

An old-age labor pension is assigned early to persons who have carried out teaching activities in state and municipal institutions for children for at least 25 years.

To calculate the length of service of teaching staff, the new List of positions and institutions, work in which gives the right to early assignment of an old-age labor pension to persons who carried out teaching activities in state and municipal institutions for children, and the Rules for calculating periods of work giving the right to early assignment of a labor pension, are used. in old age to persons who carried out teaching activities in state and municipal institutions for children.

The right to preferential calculation of length of service is granted only if two conditions are met simultaneously - work in specific positions and in certain institutions, structural divisions provided for in the List.

The list was approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 781, is exhaustive and is not subject to expanded interpretation. The right to establish the identity of the names of institutions, structural units and positions provided for in the List and List with similar names and positions is granted to the Ministry of Labor and Social Development of the Russian Federation upon the recommendation of the Ministry of Public Education of the Russian Federation and in agreement with the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

A prerequisite for including a period of work in teaching experience is the employee’s enrollment in a full-time position. In this case, periods of work performed in positions and institutions specified in the List are counted as length of service, regardless of the condition of fulfilling during these periods the standard working time (teaching or educational load) established for the wage rate only if fulfilled (in total for the main and other places of work) working time standards (teaching or teaching load). For work in the position of music director, this condition is met regardless of the time when the work was performed.

Work as a primary school teacher in general education institutions, provided for in clause 1 of the List, and as a teacher in general education schools of all types located in rural areas (except for evening (shift) and open (shift) general education schools) is included in the work experience, regardless of the volume of the teaching load performed. It is possible to sum up the volume of work in several positions and institutions provided for in the List.

A prerequisite for including periods of work in positions provided for in the List in the teaching experience in evening (shift) general education schools, open (shift) general education schools, in education centers, in evening (shift) vocational schools and institutions of secondary vocational education is training in these institutions, at least 50% of children under the age of 18 years.

Periods of work in educational institutions for children in need of psychological, pedagogical, medical and social assistance, and in social service institutions provided for by the List, are counted towards the length of service only if they fulfill (in total for the main and other places of work) the standard working hours established for the wage rate (official salary), regardless of the time when this work was performed.

Work in health care institutions provided for in the List is counted toward teaching experience only in the positions of educator and senior educator.

Work in the positions of a teacher, teacher-educator and nursery nurse is counted as work experience, and in the positions of assistant director for the regime, organizer of extracurricular and out-of-school educational work with children, teacher-methodologist, hearing room instructor, parent-educator, as well as in the positions indicated in the List in family-type orphanages.

Periods of work in the positions of director (chief, manager), deputy director (chief, manager) of kindergartens of all types and nurseries, interschool educational and production centers for labor training and vocational guidance, as well as directors of additional education institutions for children are counted towards the teaching experience .

As for institutions of additional education for children, work in positions that give the right to an early retirement pension in old age in institutions of additional education is counted as length of service if the employee complied with the standard working hours established for the wage rate.

Periods of such work are counted towards teaching experience only if two conditions are met:

First, having at least 16 years 8 months of teaching experience;
second, the specified length of service (16 years 8 months) must necessarily include work in positions and institutions of additional education for children provided for in the List. In this case, the duration of such work does not matter.

It must be taken into account that when determining the right to be included in the relevant work experience, the type and type of institution should also be clarified.

The length of service is calculated on a calendar basis - from the day of enrollment in the corresponding position until the day of dismissal from it.

In addition, it is necessary to take into account that periods of training in advanced training and retraining courses, being on educational leave, unpaid leave, forced leave on the initiative of the administration and child care leave constitute a special length of service taken into account for the assignment of an early retirement pension. old age for teaching staff are not included.

On the early assignment of an old-age labor pension to persons engaged in medical and other activities to protect the health of the population

Among medical workers, early retirement pensions are assigned to persons who have carried out medical and other activities to protect public health in state and municipal health care institutions for at least 25 years in rural areas and urban settlements and at least 30 years in cities, regardless of their age.

To calculate the length of service of medical workers, a new List of positions and institutions is used, work in which gives the right to early assignment of an old-age labor pension to persons who carried out medical and other activities to protect public health in state and municipal health care institutions, and Rules for calculating periods of work giving the right for the early assignment of an old-age labor pension to persons who carried out medical and other activities to protect public health in state and municipal health care institutions.

The right to preferential calculation of length of service is granted only if two conditions are met at the same time - work in specific positions and in certain structural units of healthcare institutions provided for in the List.

The list was approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 781, is exhaustive and is not subject to expanded interpretation.

The right to establish the identity of the names of institutions, structural units and positions provided for in the List and List with similar names and positions is granted to the Ministry of Labor and Social Development of the Russian Federation upon the proposal of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation and in agreement with the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

The length of service that gives the right to early assignment of a labor pension also includes periods of work in positions provided for by the Lists, in clinics and hospitals of higher medical educational institutions, the Military Medical Academy, military medical institutes and medical scientific organizations, in the central consultative and diagnostic clinic of the Military Medical Academy and in the treatment and preventive structural units of territorial medical institutions. And also in medical and sanitary and medical units, outpatient clinics, infirmaries, clinics, outpatient departments, offices, specialized medical care groups (military district, navy), medical support groups, medical service, medical group, military medical services, hospitals, sanitary -epidemiological laboratories, sanitary control points, medical companies, medical health centers, paramedic health centers and medical obstetric centers, which are structural divisions of state and municipal institutions (military units).

Periods of work in positions and in institutions specified in the List are counted towards length of service provided that it is performed full-time (full-time), and for work as a chief nurse, this condition is required regardless of the time when the work was performed.

In cases where, during the period under review, work in the relevant positions of doctors and nursing staff took place in several state and municipal institutions provided for by the List, as well as in structural divisions of state and municipal institutions (organizations) on a part-time basis, the volume of work in positions is summed up (including various) provided for in the List, for all places of work.

If, as a result of such summation, the volume of work is equal to the full rate, then this period is included in the length of service, which gives the right to early assignment of a labor pension.

Periods of work in positions and institutions specified in the List are counted towards length of service in calendar order, i.e. from the date of hiring to the day of dismissal.

The exception is when a preferential procedure for calculating length of service is applied:

For persons who carried out medical or other activities to protect public health in state or municipal health care institutions in the city, rural area and urban-type settlement (working village), periods of work in a rural area or urban-type settlement (working village) are counted towards special experience as 1 year and 3 months;
persons who worked in structural units of healthcare institutions in positions according to the List of structural units of healthcare and positions of doctors and paramedical personnel, work in which during the year is counted towards the length of service giving the right to early assignment of an old-age pension, such as 1 year and 6 months . According to the List, the right to preferential calculation of length of service is also granted if two conditions are met simultaneously - work in specific positions and in certain structural divisions of healthcare institutions. The list is an annex to the above Rules, is approved by a government decree and is not subject to broad interpretation.

In the event that the work took place in a rural area or an urban-type settlement (working village), as well as in a city, rural area and an urban-type settlement (working village) in structural units of healthcare and positions provided for in the List, the work experience is calculated as 1 year and 9 months per year of work. But at the same time, the required work experience in state or municipal healthcare institutions in calendar terms must be 30 years.

It should also be borne in mind that the preferential procedure for calculating length of service applies to operating medical specialists of all titles, including operating medical directors; operating nurses, including senior nurses; midwives, including elders; dressing nurses in strictly named departments (6 types) of surgical hospitals. For other doctors and nursing staff, periods of work are included in the length of service according to the actual duration, i.e. without the use of benefits.

In addition, it is necessary to take into account that periods of training in advanced training and retraining courses, being on educational leave, on unpaid leave, forced leave on the initiative of the administration, on parental leave during special periods of service taken into account for the assignment of an early retirement pension for old age medical workers are not included.

Many citizens of our country have every right to retire early, but few of them know what conditions must be met? Where should I contact regarding registration? What laws govern it?

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What it is?

Early old age pension is financial assistance to citizens who deserve to retire earlier than expected.

For example, this may be due to difficult working conditions, or due to the presence of a disability.

Normative base

Since January 2019, the issue of early pension provision has been regulated by such legislative acts as:

  • Federal Law No. 400 “On Pension Insurance”;
  • Federal Law No. 424, which regulates the issue of the funded part of pension payments;
  • Federal Law No. 422, which guarantees the rights of insured citizens in the compulsory pension insurance system when creating and investing funds in the funded part, including the procedure for making payments.

Who is eligible?

Speaking about who is entitled and assigned an early pension, it is better to consider this issue separately for each category.

For teaching staff


Early pension payment is accrued from the moment the documents are transferred to the employees of the Pension Fund.


In the current year 2019, the basic pension amount is about 4 thousand 820 rubles. In this case, the availability of pension points is also taken into account.

How to calculate

To carry out the calculation, you must use the formula (new calculation rules):

PV = SK x C x Pi + BR x Pi, in which

  • SC – the total number of coefficients that the applicant was able to accumulate;
  • C – cost of 1 coefficient;
  • BR – basic size;
  • Pi are indices that are used as an increase in the base size.

Calculus example

Gribinyuk M.V. completed his studies at the university in 2019. In February 2019, he begins his work, where he receives 50,000 rubles. He plans to stay at this job until his retirement, but he does not intend to invest in it. Let's determine what pension he can receive at 60 years old.

We determine his insurance experience: 60 – 24 (how old he is at the moment) = 36.

Let's determine the number of points:

(50,000 x 12 x 0.16 / 876,000 x 0.16) x 10 = 6.849 points, where

  • 12 is the number of months in a year;
  • 0.16 — interest rate on insurance payments;
  • 876 thousand rubles = contribution base for 2019;

Then we will calculate points for the number of years worked:

6.849 x 37 = 246.564 points

Let's calculate the amount of the IPC and its price:

246.564 x 78.28 = 19 thousand 301 rubles

To this amount we now need to add the base size and we get:

19 thousand 301 rubles + 4 805 = 24 thousand 106 rubles - this is the amount of the monthly pension.

Some features

Re-registration for old-age pension

In the case when citizens who received an early pension entered the general age category for receiving an old-age pension, they are transferred automatically.

In simple words, when converting from an early pension to an insurance one, you do not need to present any documents, including writing an application.

Early retirement is a pension received by citizens Russia, earlier than the usual pension deadline, specified in the relevant provisions adopted to maintain records of Federation pensioners and simplify related procedures.

This type of monthly pension support is assigned to citizens, residents of the Federation, taking into account the list of norms defined by Legislative provisions. The main condition for receiving early payments is to work in difficult conditions, where there is a threat to the life or health of the hired employee, due to the activities being performed that are necessary for society and the state.

An important nuance early retirement, earlier than the due date, is the citizen’s worked, actual experience labor activity, consisting of two parts: insurance and real, acquired in difficult working conditions.

Areas of professional employment in which the employee is entitled to receive benefits are grouped into categories:

  • Specialists working in workshops and underground, exposed to harmful substances and lack of oxygen;
  • Employees of enterprises and factories facing difficult conditions for their activities;
  • Work in the economic sector, types of sowing, loading and unloading operations, tractor drivers, agricultural drivers, workers of road and construction organizations;
  • For women: work in textile factories associated with a high degree of labor intensity;
  • Locomotive crews ensuring the absence of threats during transport and road traffic, transportation of passengers in the metro, ground public transport, as well as drivers of equipment involved in the transportation of cargo and other elements, raw materials and goods involved in the processes of extraction of mineral resources, necessary minerals, for conducting business activities countries;
  • Participants and workers of distant and nearby expeditions, scientists, workers of parties and committees, citizens carrying out topographical and geological exploration work;
  • Forest industry workers, masters of harvesting forest resources, including both work on site in forests and in workshops and factories, processing, sawing, servicing mechanisms and equipment associated with this activity;
  • Workers in ports, when receiving goods and cargo, loading/unloading them for the export and import of goods, resources, raw materials;
  • Fleet workers serving in the crews of sailing vessels, river fleets and activities for fishing and production of fish and other marine food products;
  • Citizens carrying out rescue activities in difficult conditions, mountains and underground ores, mines, as well as workers of these parts where raw materials are extracted;
  • Civil aviation workers, members of Federation flight crews, operators of airplanes and other aircraft, as well as mechanics and other technicians involved in maintenance and repair work, to maintain the entire air fleet in good condition;
  • Liquidators of emergencies, accidents, leaks, civil defense workers, the Ministry of Emergency Situations, all rescue and professional teams;
  • Workers serving zones of isolation from society of citizens who violate the laws of the Federation and employees of relevant institutions;
  • Workers in children's pedagogical institutions and places of education for the younger generation;
  • Medical and treatment workers who work for the benefit of society and improve the health of citizens of the Federation;
  • Creative workers of theaters and other production and entertainment organizations;
  • Citizens serving in testing equipment, aviation and space, flight and aeronautics.

Retirement And appointment related payments to all employees of the above-mentioned organizations and enterprises, spheres of employment and industries, are carried out depending on their achievement of the required age: in this case, the smallest number of years for working women is 45-50 years, and for men this figure is 50-55 years . However, there are areas of employment in which the retirement age may be already 40 years, or may not be taken into account at all.

The average insurance length of working men, according to this list, is about twenty-five years, and for women twenty. The actual length of service and the second part required to fully receive pension support and privileges varies depending on the activity and can range from ten years for men and seven years for women of the Federation.

Employees who have the right to retire earlier than due (early) due to old age:

  • Women who have given birth to five or more children, all of whom have reached the age of eight;
  • The father or mother of a disabled child who raised him until the age of eight;
  • A guardian of a disabled person who cared for a child up to the age of eight;
  • Women who have given birth and raised two or more children, work in the Far North and live there, and their total work experience must be twelve years;
  • Residents and citizens of the Federation who became disabled due to military actions and conflicts;
  • People with visual impairments, visually impaired people of the first group;
  • Dwarfs and citizens born midgets with a congenital pituitary anomaly (nanism);
  • Employees of the Far North and equivalent territories with fifteen to twenty years of work experience.

Early retirement pension, is determined by Federation Law 173, which describes the conditions for obtaining and appointments these types of pensions. The twenty-seventh and twenty-eighth articles explain in detail all the nuances of compliance with the proper conditions and lists of required copies and originals documents, upon provision of which, the citizen receives right to early old age pension and state support.

General provisions exit and entry into retirement age , actions when staffing is reduced, citizens’ appeals to the pension fund and the procedure for preparing the implementation of all necessary steps.

Documents, copies and originals required for accruals, receipts and appointment of early pension:

  • A statement indicating the desire to exercise your right and exercise: early retirement;
  • The original and a made copy of your current passport as a citizen of the Federation;
  • If available, the original and a copy of your military ID;
  • Certificate of funds received at work (income), consecutively since 2002, for sixty calendar months (five years);
  • An original document and a copy that confirms your experience.

*There are situations when Pension Fund, may ask to supplement the list of documents provided, copies and originals.

Formula for calculating early pension, its average size:

On January 1, 2016, Law 400-FZ came into force, defining a new procedure for calculating early retirement and receiving corresponding monthly payments.

Citizen N can retire. His experience is twenty-five years and the average salary level is 1.5 times higher (150%) than the average salary level in Russia.

To calculate the pension for this citizen, you need to refer to the basic pension indicator of the FV and add to it the insurance part (translated into points), depending on its quantity. Or calculate the pension, taking into account the new opportunity for citizens of NP - the funded part of the pension, for those who wish to take advantage of this innovation.

FV(fixed value) for 2018 = 4982.9 rubles and above;

JV(insurance part of the pension) 1 point = 81.49 rubles (changes and approves annually).

SP points are recalculated for each year worked by the citizen.

The insurance part of a citizen's pension N = 25 (years of experience) * 81.49 = 2037.25 rubles;

Pension = (FV+SP)+ NP (according to standard state conditions 16% per year, or at personal request and accumulation of interest deductions from wages 10%) = 4982.9 + 2037.25 = 7020.15 + (NP calculated individually).

Average salary in Russia in 2017 = 35845.

Calculation of an individual NP indicator for a citizenN:

Citizen N received a salary in the amount of 150% of the average monthly = 35845 + 17922.5 = 53767.5 rubles * 12 (months) = 645210 (NP = 103233.6 rubles per year), about 7.3 points for each year worked with such a salary.

25 (years of experience)*7.3 ( NP points) = 182.5 (points) * 81.49 = 14871.925 rubles

Full early retirement= 4982.9 + 2037.25 + 14871.925 = 21892.075 rubles per month.

Most citizens work in one field or another, but not all professions are the same. Some are particularly complex and harmful, so the state grants their representatives the right to early retirement.

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In addition to those working in particularly difficult conditions, certain categories of citizens still have the opportunity to receive a pension before others. We’ll talk further about what these categories are and at what age workers have the opportunity to retire early.


Early pension is a special type of pension that can be provided to an employee who has not yet reached the retirement age common to everyone (for men 60 years old, for women 55 years old), but who has a certain length of work experience in a particular profession, or belongs to a special categories of citizens.

Legal regulation

Pension laws have been frequently amended and supplemented in recent years. They concerned indexation, calculation of length of service, and one-time payments, but the main regulatory framework remained unchanged.

The most significant federal laws regulating insurance and preferential pensions include:

  • . Articles 27-28.1 are devoted to early retirement in old age.
  • . Chapter 6 indicates the rights of categories of citizens and professions to preferential pensions.

The remaining laws concern more general issues in the pension sector.

Who has this right?

Federal Law No. 400-FZ lists more than 20 points that specify the conditions for preferential retirement for men and women working in certain conditions, in certain specialties and positions, and having a certain length of service, insurance and labor experience.

Here are some of them:

  • persons who worked in underground structures or in workshops with elevated temperatures, under particularly difficult working conditions;
  • women who worked at high intensity or operated heavy equipment;
  • railway workers;
  • geological prospectors, search engines;
  • workers of sea and river vessels;
  • public transport drivers;
  • miners;
  • aviation industry workers;
  • rescuers;
  • correctional service officers;
  • teachers;
  • doctors working with the population;
  • creative and theatrical figures.

We can also identify several special categories of citizens to whom the state is ready to provide early retirement:

  • Mothers of many children with five children, or two or more, who worked in the Far North.
  • Visually impaired or injured as a result of combat operations.
  • Disproportional dwarfs and midgets.

The retirement age of these citizens also varies depending on working conditions and length of service.

Early retirement in 2019-2017

General conditions and main purposes


When taking into account the conditions that give the right to receive an early pension, length of service is of great importance.

Moreover, the legislation distinguishes several types of experience:

  • insurance;
  • labor;
  • special.

Insurance experience– this is the total period during which insurance payments were made to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. This may include periods of activity not only under an employment contract, but also under a civil law contract.

Seniority– the total time during which a person worked under any type of employment contract (permanent, temporary, seasonal work or at home).

Special experience- a type of seniority that applies to military personnel, gained for length of service.

In addition to these periods, a citizen’s total work experience includes:

  • work or employment in the Russian Federation and abroad;
  • compulsory military service;
  • period of registration for unemployment;
  • the time during which the person was on;
  • period;
  • the length of time a person was in prison.

Meanwhile, it is worth recalling that the minimum amount of insurance coverage that a pensioner must have is five years.


According to the generally established procedure, the age of retirement for men is 60 years, and for women - at 55.

Reducing the retirement age before the deadline, depending on the severity of working conditions and length of service, varies:

  • for men - 50, 55 or 58 years old;
  • for women - 45, 50 or 53 years.

Men and women whose total insurance experience is at least 20 and 15 years have the right to enroll ten years earlier than others.

Moreover, they devoted half of these periods of time (10 and 7 and a half years) to work in underground or hot workshops and took part in hazardous production. And also at the age of 50 and 45, people living and working in the Far North can receive a pension. These citizens had to perform the duties of reindeer herders for 25 and 20 years, or engage in fishing and hunting.

Citizens who received the right to receive early pension payments 2 years earlier than others (men at 58 years old, women at 53) are those who were laid off or laid off due to the liquidation of an enterprise.

The employment service was unable to find employment for these individuals within a certain period of time, so they can be retired early with their consent.

Availability of consent

Since the provision of a pension occurs upon submission of an application to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, the presence of his consent is, of course, necessary.

That is, a future pensioner always has a choice when to apply for his pension - exactly when he reaches a certain age or some time later. Moreover, at present, non-state pension funds offer favorable conditions under which delaying the registration of a pension will increase its future payments.

It’s another matter if the employment center offers to send a laid-off unemployed person early (no earlier than two years) to retirement. This is done only with the consent of the citizen.

By old age

Men at 58 and women at 53 in 2019

The age of old-age pensioners for workers who fell under or from liquidated enterprises is reduced by two years.

The conditions for providing preferential care for well-deserved retirement are:

  • the employment center cannot find a citizen a new place of work;
  • the accumulated experience is 20 years for women and 25 years for men;
  • the employee agrees with the prospect of early retirement.

In this case, the proposal to bring a citizen into early retirement should come from the employment service.

By harmfulness

List No. 1 and No. 2

The Ministry of Labor has established detailed lists, the so-called lists 1 and 2, defining the professions, positions and specialties whose representatives receive early pension payments.

The determining condition here is also having work experience in these professions.

Retirement benefits according to list No. 1 are available to those employed in hazardous industries:

  • mining;
  • metallurgical;
  • chemical;
  • electrical engineering;
  • work with radioactive substances.

According to list No. 2, workers in especially difficult conditions can go on vacation earlier than normal age:

  • miners, machine operators;
  • miners;
  • slingers, drawers (metallurgy);
  • chemical synthesis operators;
  • medical workers;
  • wood workers.

To confirm the right to a preferential pension, the listed categories of citizens will have to present the relevant certificates, records, etc.

Along with the application, all applicants must have with them:

  • original and photocopy of passport;
  • original and photocopy of work;
  • military ID (if available);
  • certificates certifying experience;
  • information on monthly income for any period of time in a row for 60 months before January 1, 2002.

The supporting documents (they depend on the category of benefits) include the following:

  • certificate of dependents;
  • address certificate;
  • disability certificate;
  • on raising a child under eight years of age;
  • certificate of family composition;
  • birth certificate of all children;
  • certificate and certificates of guardianship.

Working hours for professions from lists No. 1 and No. 2 or the period of activity in northern conditions can be confirmed by marks in work books, in personal HR cards, personal accounts for payroll, etc.