How to calculate teaching experience for a preferential pension. Preferential pension for teachers based on length of service

New Year

  • period itself labor activity(subject to meeting standard hours);
  • periods of temporary incapacity for work of an employee related to his state of health, pregnancy and childbirth, caring for a sick child or relative;
  • periods of being on annual planned leave;
  • time during which mother (father, grandmother, other close relative) is on parental leave;
  • With current year V teaching experience The period during which the employee received specialized education or improved the level of his qualifications is also taken into account.

Teaching experience and its features

The requirement for teaching hours does not apply to employees teaching in classes primary school and in rural schools.

  • Period of sick leave.
  • The length of time a woman is on maternity leave (up to 1.5 years) and the period of annual emergency leave.
  • From 2017 when calculating special experience will take into account the period of obtaining specialized education and advanced training. To do this, the applicant must work in the teaching field before and after training.
  • All periods are counted in calendar order. If the teacher began his activity before September 1, 2000, then this period will be taken into account as a preferential period.
    The main condition is the presence of appropriate records in work book. Calculation procedure early retirement When calculating the value preferential pension in 2018, information is taken from the provided income certificate.

What is included in teaching experience and how is it calculated?

Russian Federation (education, higher education and scientific institutions); in elected positions in trade union bodies; in instructor and methodological positions in pedagogical societies and boards of children's foundations; in the position of director (head) of a teacher’s home (public education worker, vocational education worker); commissions on the affairs of minors and the protection of their rights or in departments of social and legal protection of minors, in crime prevention units (inspectorates for minors, police children's rooms) of internal affairs bodies; – time of study (full-time) in graduate school, institutions of higher and secondary vocational education that have state accreditation.

  • For the categories below teaching staff in addition to the periods provided for in paragraph.

What is included in teaching experience? teaching experience


Pedagogical experience (teaching experience) is necessary for everyone involved in this work activity. Firstly, educational workers, be they educators or teachers in schools and higher education educational institutions, will receive certain pension payments for the years worked. The more experience and higher qualifications, the more worthy pension.


Secondly, teaching experience plays important role in definition wages. As a rule, the years worked show the experience and qualifications of the teacher, so there will be greater demand for his services with a high salary. In this article we will talk about what is included in teaching experience.

The essence of the term teaching experience is the calculation of years worked in the field of education. Teaching experience is the sum of all working days. At the same time, in calculus given length of service includes work in institutions related to educational process.

How to calculate teaching experience?

Therefore, the law does not exclude the possibility of calculating length of service starting from school age. Now there is no longer such a law that the length of teaching experience includes training in higher educational institutions. However, persons who studied at Soviet era, has the right to demand that years of study be included in the total work experience.


The determination of teaching experience directly depends on changes and amendments made to the legislation. For this reason, persons who do not agree with the accrual of pensions upon registration can go to court. To do this, it is important to present a work record book, a certificate from the place of study, and a diploma.

This point is spelled out in detail in the ruling of the Constitutional Court. But in in this case there are exceptions. The teacher has the right to receive a pension early, so the length of service will be calculated based on length of service.

Personnel page

But for other categories of workers, a different procedure applies. Periods of work performed by them before September 1, 2000 are counted towards teaching experience, regardless of the condition of fulfillment of working time norms during these periods, and starting from September 1, 2002, periods of activity are counted towards teaching experience, subject to fulfillment (in total according to the main and other places of work) by the employee of the standard working time established for the wage rate. In June 2004 Constitutional Court The Russian Federation considered complaints from 38 citizens and requests from 6 courts, and issued a resolution that now allows extending the right to early provision of an old-age labor pension to persons carrying out pedagogical activity in institutions for children that are not state or municipal.

Preferential pension for teachers based on length of service

  • educational centers for gifted children;
  • various orphanages legal status, including family;
  • sanatorium schools;
  • correctional and special educational institutions of all types, including closed ones;
  • kindergartens, nurseries, kindergartens;
  • institutions of primary and secondary vocational education, including schools, technical schools;
  • schools in special areas, for example, music or art;
  • diagnostic centers, for example, a correction center;
  • rehabilitation centers for children recovering from injuries and illnesses;
  • educational institutions that teach children additional programs.

Labor activity in certain specialties is counted toward the teacher’s preferential length of service if the teaching load was fulfilled during the working hours worked.

The procedure for determining teaching experience

An important point here should be considered the procedure for calculating periods of labor activity, which can be attributed to the length of teaching experience in order to establish the level of remuneration. According to the letter of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation No. AF-97 dated October 26, 2004, the main document for determining the length of teaching experience is the work book. Pedagogical work experience that is not confirmed by entries in the work book can be established on the basis of properly executed certificates signed by the heads of the relevant institutions, sealed and issued on the basis of documents confirming work experience in the specialty (orders, service and tariff lists, personnel records books , time books, archival inventories, etc.).

Rules for registering and calculating preferential pensions for teachers based on length of service

In this case, a slightly different procedure for calculating the length of teaching experience applies. This procedure is determined by the federal law “On Labor Pensions in Russian Federation"(Article 28) and Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated October 29, 2002 No. 781, which provides a List of jobs, professions, positions, specialties and institutions, taking into account which an old-age labor pension is assigned early. It should be noted that according to the rules for calculating periods of work giving the right to early appointment old-age labor pension for persons engaged in teaching activities; there are no restrictions in calculating teaching experience for teachers primary classes educational institutions and teachers of general education institutions located in rural areas with the exception of evening (shift) and open (shift) general education schools.

How to calculate teaching experience

Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation dated July 25, 2003 No. 57 “On establishing the identity of the name of the institution “Experimental Children's Art School” with the name of the institution “Children's Art School”, including by type (types) of arts”; Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation dated October 3, 2002 No. 67 “On establishing the identity of the names of special (correctional) educational institutions for students with developmental disabilities with the names of institutions “Special (correctional) general education boarding school” and “Special (correctional) general education school””; Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation dated October 3, 2002 No. 68 “On establishing the identity of the title of the position “teacher-organizer of the fundamentals of life safety” with the title of the position “military leader.”

Pedagogical experience (teaching experience) is necessary for everyone involved in this work activity. Firstly, teaching staff, whether educators or teachers in schools and higher educational institutions, will receive certain pension payments for the years they work. The more experience and higher qualifications, the more worthy the pension. Secondly, teaching experience plays an important role in determining wages. Typically, years worked show experience and therefore there will be greater demand for his services with a high salary. In this article we will talk about what is included in teaching experience.

The essence of the term

Teaching experience is the calculation of years worked in the field of education. Teaching experience is the sum of all working days. At the same time, the calculation of this length of service includes work in institutions related to the educational process. For example, a cook in a secondary school will not receive teaching experience, since he is not a representative of the teaching profession, but an educator, laboratory assistant, teacher, deputy or lecturer are classified as educational activities in accordance with the law.

What is included in the teaching experience

Many people ask the question: “What is included in teaching experience?” To answer in more detail this question, you will need to refer to an extract from the legislation of the Russian Federation.

The calculation of working days that relate to teaching experience begins from the moment the teacher enters into an agreement with any educational institution. However, other teaching activities are not taken into account when calculating. As a rule, a professional must get a job at an educational institution, having previously formally concluded employment contract. Other teaching activities that are not included in general position legislation will not be counted as length of service. For example, a teacher engaged in tutoring does not have the right to obtain work experience in the field of education.

What is included in the teaching experience:

  • The number of days worked in the field of education or total length of service.
  • Continuous work experience for primary school teachers.

Why do you need teaching experience?

First of all, you need to understand that teaching experience is a special period that applies only to certain categories of activity. For example, special experience includes agricultural activities, industry, medicine and education. Teaching experience, like any official work activity, gives the right to receive a pension.

What is total experience

This term is used repeatedly when applying for a pension. It is also repeatedly called insurance experience. The essence of general experience is simple: a person has been working in an educational institution for a long time. Part of the time worked will play an important role in calculating your pension. In accordance with the law, total experience calculated for years worked before 2002. After 2002, the pension is calculated at the expense of pension contributions, which the person transferred during all the years he worked.

Main features of general experience

  1. The employee must work for at least 6 years in order for the length of service to contribute to the calculation of the pension.
  2. After six years of work, a small percentage will be added each year, which affects the size of the pension. This is why it is profitable to work in your profession long time to have high qualifications, recommendations and long teaching experience.
  3. The legislation repeatedly uses the term “insurance period”, which is no different from the basic concept of general work experience.
  4. In 2015, changes were made to the legislation, which state that when applying for a pension, years worked, qualifications, and amounts contributed to the personal pension fund will be taken into account.

What is continuous experience

Despite the fact that continuous experience pedagogical activity has not been used in legislative summaries for a long time; it still plays an important role in calculating pensions. This important point. As mentioned above, working as a primary school teacher affects the calculation of work experience. For example, if the number of students graduating class primary school is noticeably reduced, the school will need to combine several classes, and some teachers will have to be cut in position. This is when the countdown of continuous work experience begins. Its period is at least 3 months for a dismissed teacher.

The nuances of continuous experience

Until 2005, continuous work experience included not only days worked in the field of education, but also studies at college and higher educational institutions. Thanks to this, it was profitable for teachers to receive higher education for several years, since all years were included in the general teaching experience. Now this function has been excluded from the legislation, so continuous experience does not include advanced training courses, obtaining a master's degree, or completing an internship during studies.

Features of calculating teaching experience

Working as a teacher is difficult not only because you have to have organizational skills and be able to convey information to fragile minds. The peculiarity of teaching experience is that it is different for each teacher. For example, for a university teacher, the term is accrued only for days worked in a certain position, but a teacher of basic military training, who, as a rule, teaches in schools and educational institutions, will receive pension payments both for teaching activities and for serving in army.

Other features:

  1. If a teacher retires early, then the length of service is calculated based on work in a certain position and under certain conditions.
  2. The list of positions, conditions and professions can be found in Article No. 28 of the legislation of the Russian Federation.
  3. Pedagogical experience is also taken into account for working conditions. For example, if a teacher works in conditions Far North, replaceable or evening schools, higher educational institutions, colleges and schools.

Work experience: does studying at the institute count?

Is studying at the institute included in your work experience? Answer: no. A student of both full-time and part-time studies does not claim to include years of study in his work experience. The exception is when a student, in addition to studying at an institute or college, enters into an employment contract with any educational institution, which will indicate the position and duration of work. At the same time, you need to understand that not all students aged 16-23 will be able to fully get a job at school, kindergarten or college.

Despite this, the legislation states that a child can get an official job after reaching the age of 14, with only a passport in hand. Therefore, the law does not exclude the possibility of calculating work experience starting from school age.

Now there is no longer such a law that the length of teaching experience includes training in higher educational institutions. However, persons who studied during Soviet times have the right to demand that their years of study be included in their total work experience. The determination of teaching experience directly depends on changes and amendments made to the legislation. For this reason, persons who do not agree with the accrual of pensions upon registration can go to court. To do this, it is important to present a work record book, a certificate from the place of study, and a diploma. This point is spelled out in detail in the ruling of the Constitutional Court.

But in this case there are exceptions. The teacher has the right to receive a pension early, so the length of service will be calculated based on length of service. Here they can already accept the fact that studying at a university and advanced training plays an important role when applying for a pension. In this case, two nuances are taken into account. Firstly, the person must have completed his studies before 1992. Secondly, before starting training, the teacher had already worked in an educational institution, gaining experience.

Summing up

We have put together several basic and important theses that will answer all questions:

  1. Labor or insurance experience is calculated only if there is an official place of work, where the teacher enters into an agreement with the employer on the basis labor code countries.
  2. Pedagogical experience does not include registration of individual entrepreneurs, since labor activity in the field of education is prescribed in the legislation of the country. For example, work as a teacher includes secondary schools, nurseries and kindergartens, art schools, colleges and universities.
  3. Work in state or municipal organizations that have the right and permission to engage in teaching activities.

In addition, teaching experience also includes:

  • maternity leave, but for up to six years;
  • academic leave required by a teacher to care for a disabled person;
  • military service;
  • temporary incapacity, where the teacher receives social insurance payments.

Teaching experience is a special form of calculating labor activity, since it takes into account not only hours worked, but qualifications, position and working conditions. Everything is simple here: the higher the level teacher education, the total greater the pension in the future. It is highly undesirable for teachers to interrupt their work experience for long period, because every year worked affects when applying for a pension.

And to the positions scientific workers positions include:

  • scientific and pedagogical (faculty and teaching staff, researchers);
  • engineering and technical;
  • administrative and economic; This follows from the provisions of Article 52 of the Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ. Faculty positions include the following positions: Faculty positions include the following positions:
    • production;
    • educational support and others;
    • medical and others. And the positions of scientific workers include the following positions:
      • assistant,
      • dean (head) of the faculty,
      • director (head) of the institute,
      • associate professor,
      • head of the department (head of the department),
      • deputy head of the department,
      • professor, teacher,
      • senior teacher

How to count scientific and pedagogical experience 2018

Here they can already accept the fact that studying at a university and advanced training plays an important role when applying for a pension. In this case, two nuances are taken into account. Firstly, the person must have completed his studies before 1992. Secondly, before starting training, the teacher had already worked in an educational institution, gaining experience.
Summing up We have put together several basic and important theses that will answer all the questions:

  1. Labor or insurance experience is calculated only if there is an official place of work, where the teacher enters into an agreement with the employer on the basis of the country’s labor code.
  2. Pedagogical experience does not include registration of individual entrepreneurs, since labor activity in the field of education is prescribed in the legislation of the country.

What is included in teaching experience? teaching experience

Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated June 14, 2002 No. 2235 The scientific and pedagogical experience includes time spent working: · in scientific positions: junior research fellow, researcher, senior researcher, leading researcher, chief researcher, head (chief) of a research department (department, sector, laboratory), scientific secretary, deputy director, director in scientific organizations, scientific divisions of higher educational institutions or institutions advanced training; · in teaching positions: assistant, teacher, senior teacher, associate professor, professor, head of department, dean of the faculty; pedagogical work in higher educational institutions or institutions of advanced training on an hourly basis; · time of full-time doctoral studies; · Note:

What is included in teaching experience and how is it calculated?

Documents for registration teacher's pension To register early exit For a well-deserved retirement in 2017, the applicant must collect a certain list of documents:

  • Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • Work book;
  • Certificate of personal income tax for the last year;
  • Birth certificates of children (if available);
  • Military ID (for men).

This is a standard list of documents. If there are discrepancies in the information in the work book, the Pension Fund may require additional clarifying documents. Periods taken into account in the length of service To calculate the preferential length of service, the following periods of work of the teacher are taken into account:

  1. Full time job.
    There are established standard hours for teachers different classes. The total number of hours worked per year must be at least 240, and for middle school teachers this figure is 360 standard hours.

How is scientific and pedagogical experience determined?

Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated July 3, 2008 No. 305n, as well as Article 50 of the Law dated December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ. Accordingly, the period of work in the indicated positions (highlighted with a marker) forms the scientific and pedagogical experience. In addition, the scientific and pedagogical experience also includes the time spent studying in full-time graduate and doctoral studies, which follows from paragraph.

16, 47 of the Regulations approved by Order of the Ministry of Education of Russia dated March 27, 1998 N 814 On approval of the Regulations on the training of scientific, pedagogical and scientific personnel in the system of postgraduate professional education in the Russian Federation. Pedagogical experience also includes time spent in teaching positions in educational organizations of higher and ( or) organizations of additional professional education, in scientific organizations of an applicant for an academic title, as follows from the certificate form, approved.

Preferential pension for teachers based on length of service

  • Can scientific works be published in any peer-reviewed journal or only from the list of journals of the Higher Attestation Commission? Scientific works must be published in peer-reviewed scientific publications, the requirements for which and the rules for creating a list in the notification procedure are established by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. The list of peer-reviewed publications can be found on the official website in the section “Regulatory and reference information”, subsection “List of peer-reviewed scientific publications”. Scientific works not included in the above list are not taken into account when assigning academic titles.

Teaching experience and its features

Its size depends on the ratio of funded and insurance pensions. Required condition for the appointment of an early pension is the presence of an individual pension coefficient (pension points). In 2016, its value was no less than 9, in 2017 – 11.4; in 2018 - 13.8 and so on, with a subsequent annual increase of 2.4 until reaching 30 in 2025.


All calculations are carried out by PF employees. Therefore, for all clarifications, you should contact the Pension Fund authorities at your place of residence. On the official website of the PF there is pension calculator, with which you can calculate the approximate size of the future teacher's pension. In addition to the principal amount future pensioner may receive additional benefits.

To do this, they take into account the presence of an academic degree, work in the Far North or in similar conditions.
Details in the materials of the Personnel System: Situation: How to apply for the job of a scientific and pedagogical worker educational organization higher education Classification of positions of employees of an educational organization of higher education How can one classify positions of employees of an educational organization of higher education Positions in an educational organization of higher education are divided into the following categories: This division is provided for by the nomenclature approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 8, 2013 No. 678, by a professional qualification group approved by order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation of July 3, 2008 No. 305n, as well as Article 50 of the Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ. Accordingly, the period of work in the indicated positions (highlighted with a marker) forms the scientific and pedagogical experience.

The requirement for teaching hours does not apply to employees teaching in primary school classes and in rural schools.

  • Period of sick leave.
  • The length of time a woman is on maternity leave (up to 1.5 years) and the period of annual emergency leave.
  • From 2017, when calculating special experience, the period of receiving specialized education and advanced training will be taken into account. To do this, the applicant must work in the teaching field before and after training.
  • All periods are counted in calendar order. If the teacher began his activity before September 1, 2000, then this period will be taken into account as a preferential period.

    The main condition is the presence of appropriate entries in the work book. The procedure for calculating an early pension When calculating the amount of a preferential pension in 2018, information is taken from the provided income certificate.

In 2017 it should be 11.4 and for each next year its value increases by 2.4 (this methodology will be used until 2025, when the IPC value reaches 30).

  • Availability of the applicant for appointment pension payment an academic degree or working in particularly difficult conditions (in the Far North). In this case, the citizen can count on a pension supplement.
  • Teacher category (according to international classification).
  • Received awards and special titles for activities in the field of education.

Preferential length of service for teaching staff in 2017 It is immediately worth noting that all existing norms and rules are valid until 2030, since from this year all persons who worked in the field of education will be able to apply for a pension only on a general basis.
Read more about preferential length of service- read here. General categories of labor and non-labor periods that may be included in teaching experience are:

  • the period of work itself (subject to the fulfillment of standard hours);
  • periods of temporary incapacity for work of an employee related to his state of health, pregnancy and childbirth, caring for a sick child or relative;
  • periods of being on annual planned leave;
  • the time during which the mother (father, grandmother, other close relative) is on maternity leave;
  • from the current year, the period during which the employee received specialized education or improved the level of his qualifications is also included in the teaching experience.

Teachers and other educational workers are classified as preferential categories professions regarding the possibility of early retirement. So, in order to become a pensioner, they only need to work for twenty-five years in the teaching field, after which they have every right start receiving a pension, regardless of their age. That is, theoretically, a teacher can retire at the age of 45-47 if immediately after graduating from university he finds a job as a teacher and does not allow interruptions in his activities.

List of categories of teaching staff entitled to retire on preferential terms

Right to early exit All categories of teachers are entitled to a pension if they fulfill their job responsibilities. The list of professions that give the right to a preferential pension includes the following categories of teaching workers:

  • teachers;
  • directors of educational institutions;
  • educators;
  • heads of academic department;
  • teachers.

In addition to the list of professions, there is also a list of educational institutions, work in which gives the right to early retirement. In this regard, it is necessary to pay attention to the accreditation of the educational institution in which you work. If it is a private establishment, it is worth finding out whether its quality is considered sufficient for you to receive a preferential pension. It may happen that although you will be registered as a teacher, the institution where you work does not fall under the list of institutions in which work gives teaching staff the right to preferential exit to retire.

To avoid getting into such an unpleasant situation, you should carefully compare the entries in your work book with the positions listed in lists No. 1 and No. 2. At the same time, as noted a little above, not only professions, but also types of educational institutions must coincide. If this condition is met, then your employment record gives you the right to a preferential pension after 25 years of teaching experience.

The norm of hours worked required to count work experience as seniority in order to receive a preferential pension

At first academic year In the calendar year 2000, such a criterion as the standard of teaching time, also known as the teaching load, began to be used. This indicator determines the level of employment of a teaching worker and is therefore used to adjust the length of service of these employees. However, since this criterion was introduced in 2000, the length of service until this year is calculated without correction or other amendments.

In order for the time spent as a teacher to be counted as teaching experience, the latter must bear a teaching load of at least six hours per week, or 240 hours per year. If a teacher shows lower results in a year, then the latter is not counted towards his length of service. Teachers of secondary vocational educational institutions are placed in even more cramped conditions; in order to gain experience, they need to work at least 360 hours a year. But teachers in rural schools and primary school teachers do not have such restrictions at all; their workload can be anything. The entire time they hold a teaching position is included in their length of service, which entitles them to receive a preferential pension.

Teachers at medical institutions and social service institutions are out of luck. They are entitled to credit for years of service only if they have completed all established standards. Otherwise, their length of service required for early retirement will not increase. The same rules apply to music directors. For these categories, the accounting rules did not change in 2000; these rules were in force for them from an earlier period.

It is worth noting that almost all teachers successfully cope with the implementation of their workload plans. After all, it’s quite easy to work 240 or even 360 academic hours during the year. In fact, you will only have to work half an hour a day to accumulate work experience for preferential and early retirement.

In relation to teaching staff of institutions additional education other criteria apply. Since 2001, their employees must have at least sixteen years and two-thirds of a year of experience. When certified in the employment record of this or longer work experience in institutions of additional education in teaching positions, as well as when working in them in the period from November 1999 to the end of 2000, the employee also has the right to early retirement.

The time taken into account in the length of service required for early termination of employment due to going on indefinite old-age leave

In the period of time that must be worked in order to obtain the right to take early paid indefinite old-age leave, the following periods of time are included in the context of their relationship to working time:

  1. Period of full-time work.
  2. A period of temporary incapacity for work during full-time employment.
  3. Periods of annual leave.

It is very important that from 2015, the period of obtaining education in higher educational institutions will be counted towards the length of service of a teacher. In order to add time studying at the university to your working period, it is enough to engage in teaching activities.

Calculation of the amount of monetary allowance in 2019

Payments for this privileged category of citizens are 40% of the average previous earnings, so it is quite easy to calculate its amount. In addition to this amount, a citizen can receive various allowances due under special circumstances. These circumstances are that the teacher has an academic degree, work in medical institutions or in institutions that have special treatment work. Also, teachers who worked in the Far North or in conditions equivalent to them receive bonuses.

In 2015, Russia adopted a law according to which by 2030 the current state of affairs will be gradually phased out. The Ministry of Labor has decided to transfer teachers to general grounds retirement in old age, from this period the calculation and assignment of pensions will take place in accordance with the general procedure.

Documents that must be submitted for early retirement in old age

To obtain the right to privileged early retirement in old age, the teacher must submit the following documents:

  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • work book with the appropriate marks;
  • military ID (for men);
  • children's birth certificates;
  • certificate of pension insurance.