Standard of living of pensioners in different countries. The largest pensions in the world

For children

Before we begin, we want to warn you: our task is to study the comparative table of retirement ages in other countries. It should reflect current data (February 2019), based on information in open sources on the RuNet. If you have other verified information, we are waiting for your comments.

No matter how you feel about the United States, experts believe that the economy of this state is the most stable, so let's start with the states. There are 2 types of pensions - state and from companies in which a person worked for a long time. You can leave both for health reasons at any time. But then the payments will not be the highest. In most cases, Americans become pensioners if they are between 59.5 (59 full years plus 6 months from the date of birth) and 67 years. Everyone chooses for themselves how much to work, and it depends on how much the citizen would like to receive in old age. For most, it is profitable to retire at 67, so we will take this figure as a basis.

A country with a unique history has an equally unique pension system. By law, only city residents are entitled to it. Those who have rural registration must be supported by their children.

Chinese men can leave the service at 60, and women at 50-55, depending on their occupation. The Chinese authorities have repeatedly said that they are going to increase the pension qualification by 5 years. The last time they promised to do this was in 2017, but it didn’t work out. The reform was postponed until 2045.

The retirement age in Japan, as in the United States, depends on how much a person would like to receive in old age. If a Japanese person is ready to be content with 70% of a well-deserved pension, he can leave work at 60. But if he claims 100% of payments, he will only be released at 65. This applies to both women and men.

Western European countries: Germany, England, France

The retirement age in Europe differs depending on the specific country. In Germany, provided that the citizen is not disabled or a representative of another preferential category, you can stop working at 65. Now the pension system is being reformed in such a way that persons born in 1964 and later will be able to leave service only at 67. Age limit the same for both women and men.

Retirement in France: the age was raised to 62.5 in 2018 (without gender division). You must have at least 42 years of experience to receive all payments provided by law. If your work experience is not enough, you can work until you are 67 and still receive the full amount.

In the UK, since November 2018, both men and women can retire at 65. And in the near future, the authorities plan to increase the age limit to 67. An Englishman will be able to receive the maximum pension with a minimum length of service of 44 years.

If we do not limit ourselves only to the countries of Western Europe, but take countries such as Sweden, Belgium, Denmark, Italy, Switzerland, Norway, Finland, then the retirement age in European countries (table 2019) is somewhat different (countries are listed in alphabetical order):

Retirement in countries of the world (table for 2019), years

65, but if you have more than 41 years of experience, you can leave at 63

62 - if you have 38 years of experience, but in general the formula “age + work experience = 100” works, that is, with a lot of experience you can leave work earlier

63, but for various reasons you can leave at 60

65, but some beneficiaries may leave the service earlier

Women - at 64, men - at 65

What about our neighbors?

It is especially interesting to know what the retirement age is in the countries of the world (the 2019 table is presented below) located next to Russia: in Belarus, Ukraine, Poland, Bulgaria, Moldova, the Czech Republic, Slovakia.

To make it clearer what the retirement age is in the world, see the 2019 table.

What time do they retire, years

According to the approved reform, from January 1, 2022, men will retire at 63, and women at 58. In 2019, a woman can stop working at 56.5, and a man at 61.5

Women - 60.8 with at least 34.8 years of experience, men - 63.8 with at least 37.8 years of experience

According to the approved reform, pensioners can be persons who have reached 63 years of age. But men will “reach” this level by 07/01/2019, and women - only by 07/01/2028. Therefore, in 2019, representatives of the fair half are required to work until the age of 58.5. In this case, it is necessary to have a minimum work experience of 15 years.

Women - at 60, men - at 65

Women - 55.5, men - 60.5 with at least 10 years of experience. According to the reform, by 2028 women will retire at 60, men at 65

60 - with a full 26 liters. length of service; if less than 16 years old, then they will be released for a well-deserved rest at 65

Citizens born after 1971 - at 65

After analyzing this data, it is easy to answer the question of where the lowest retirement age is: in China. In many countries, an ordinary citizen can retire no earlier than 60, and on average around the world - at 63–64. And the richer the state, the more dedication it demands from its citizens. Against this background, Russia looks “like everyone else”: we follow global trends in raising the retirement age limit, no matter how much we want to distinguish ourselves.

Table of pension amounts in different countries of the world

A resident of any state, having reached a certain age, has the right to receive material support from the state, called a pension. The amount of pension provision varies in different countries. The amount of payments is influenced by the length of service, the average salary, and the average amount of pension provision in the state.

How pensions are organized in Europe

The governments of many developing countries of the European Union are interested in ensuring that pensioners receive payments that are sufficient to meet all needs.

The main focus of many pension-related reforms in European countries is raising the retirement age.

There is a rational grain in this, because many older Europeans, regardless of their age, work, which means they have a stable source of livelihood.

The standard of living of older people is affected by the following:

  • minimum established amount of pensions;
  • indexing pension provision taking into account inflation in the state;
  • benefits for pensioners;
  • retirement age. It depends on the average life expectancy, as well as on the consumer basket.

Pension in Australia

The state pays single elderly people approximately $0.5 thousand monthly. Families of 2 people receive 0.9 thousand dollars for two. The average salary in the state is 4.5 thousand dollars. Like other social benefits, pension benefits are indexed every year due to price increases.

Not all citizens receive the above amounts. If an Australian has a home worth more than $160,000, the pension benefit is reduced. For all other types of property there is a limit of 280 thousand dollars. A citizen may be completely left without pension payments if he is the owner of expensive property.

People who have large incomes tend not to go beyond the legal limit. Of course, what is important to them is not so much the pension itself as the benefits for pensioners.

Supply in China and Japan

A distinctive feature of the Chinese state’s pension system is that agricultural workers do not receive any financial support.

Only managers, civil servants and factory employees are entitled to receive a pension in China. Males begin to receive payments at 60 years old, females at 50. Women who worked as managers become pensioners at 55 years old.

In general, despite the significant economic recovery that the state has shown over the past 30 years, most issues regarding pensions remain unresolved. The average pension payment in the Chinese state is only $80. This situation is due to the large number of old people in China; this nation is recognized as aging.

During his working life, a citizen transfers 11 percent of his own salary to the state. In this case, 4 percent are deducted automatically, and the remaining 7 percent is contributed by the hiring company.

To purchase the opportunity to obtain a basic pension, required to work in a state-owned company for more than 15 years.

In Japan, things are completely different. The average pension payment in Japan is approximately $700. This makes it possible for older Japanese people not to lack money and live a comfortable life. This amount is enough for food, for making utility bills, and for vacation.

According to statistics, Japan has the highest life expectancy. The number of Japanese people who are over 100 years old is more than 60 thousand people. The average life expectancy in Japan is 84 years.

Experts believe that healthy eating helps Japanese people live long. They eat a lot of rice, soy, and fish. Also, when becoming a pensioner, a Japanese citizen does not stop living actively. You can meet pensioners from Japan in any part of the world.

Comparative table of pensions in countries around the world

Here are the figures for the size of pensions in the Russian Federation and European countries as of 2018:

It becomes clear that in European countries pensions are much higher than in Russia. Even in Hungary, older people receive more than in the Russian Federation, to say nothing of countries such as Germany and Spain. However, it must be taken into account that prices in European countries, as well as tax contributions, are quite high, especially when compared with the Russian Federation.

We invite you to watch a video with useful information:

What are pensions like in countries around the world?

What financial laws are used to calculate pensions in different parts of the world? Where is the best place for older people to live and how much do pensioners earn in a particular country?

Upon reaching a certain age, a person can stop working and receive money through pension savings. Each country has its own retirement age and its own calculation methods.

New Zealand

This country is often called “a paradise for retirees” and this title is fully deserved. On average, people here live to be 80–85 years old, so retiring at 65 is not stressful for them. Why worry? Almost 20 more years of rest are ahead! On average, a pensioner here can receive up to $1,500 per month.

Mandatory conditions for receiving a pension: residence in the country for 10 years continuously from the age of 20 and 5 years after the age of 50. Also, even those who have a residence permit can become pensioners. To do this, you need to live in the country for at least 10 years. There are no such “balls” anywhere else! But if you decide to go live in another state after the onset, the government may reduce your pension.

In New Zealand, the pension is approximately 40% of the average salary, which is one of the highest in the world. In addition, it is indexed annually to make pensioners feel comfortable. Forget about certificates of work experience and income level. Here it's just pieces of paper. In New Zealand, other indicators influence pension amounts:

  • are you married?
  • who do you live with - husband, children, grandchildren, etc.;
  • whether your spouse receives a pension;
  • Do you have pensions in other countries?

A single person will receive a larger pension than a married person. And this is easily explained - after all, a single person needs to pay his own bills. There is simply no support in the form of a spouse who is ready to share this with you.

  • transfer everything to pension and receive a little monthly;
  • transfer all the money to a bank account and use it as you wish now;
  • buy property.

It can be called the complete opposite of New Zealand. Here, only a limited list of people can receive a pension. Yes, the law simply does not provide for ordinary people to receive money from the state.

The minimum pension is 618 yuan (about 5,500 rubles), and the national average is around 2,000 yuan (about 18,000 rubles). But if you think that's a lot, no. This is even below the subsistence level.

In China, children are forced to take care of their parents. If you don’t want to help, you’ll face huge fines or go to prison. This is where you really need to give birth so that water will be brought. The state simply cannot raise pensions to the subsistence level. The reason for this is the incorrect policy of birth control in the second half of the last century.

Mandatory conditions for receiving a pension in China:

  1. The age of women is 55 years, men - 60 years. If a woman is engaged in heavy physical labor, then the retirement age is reduced to 50.
  2. Official experience - from 15 years;
  3. Work in government agencies or in industry;
  4. Running a small business;

The average pension for our neighbors is $150–160. But to get it, local residents need to work for 20–25 years, and they must pay almost a third of their salary to the Pension Fund! On average, women begin to receive a pension at 58 years old, and men at 63. This situation is observed in almost the entire post-Soviet space.

Ukrainian pensioners live practically from hand to mouth. The average pension in the country is $80–90, which is not enough even to pay for utilities. Therefore, in the last few years there has been active interest in private pension funds, even among young people. The retirement age is gradually rising to 65 years, with an average life expectancy of approximately 70 years.

The average Polish pension is only $460. Why only? If we compare it with our western neighbors, the Poles receive 2 or even 3 times less, but if we take into account the cost of living, then pensioners have enough to live on.

The video has been deleted.

The pension itself consists of 3 levels: funded, individual and joint. And if you donate money to all funds, you can receive as many as 3 pensions! Women retire at 60, and men at 65. That is, Poles can live “for themselves” for an average of 10–15 years.

Another paradise for retirees. Here you can receive an average of $2,000 per month from the government! And this despite the highest life expectancy in the world, the Japanese now live on average to 83–85 years. But they themselves do not want to retire. Although by law the Japanese can retire at 65, most often residents of the Land of the Rising Sun become pensioners only at 70.

The average pension here is approximately $1,500. Every month every working German pays 20.3% of his salary to the Pension Fund. Now residents of Germany can retire at the age of 65, but by 2030 they will only be able to retire at the age of 67.

The average Spanish pension is around $1,110. It has one of the strictest pension systems. To receive money from the state you need at least 37 years of official experience. So far, Spaniards retire at 65, but gradually the “rest” age is rising to 67. However, if your health does not allow you to work, then you can become a pensioner as early as 62.

The average pension in the US is approximately $1,400–$1,500. The minimum pension ranges from $730–735 for singles and $1,110 for a married couple. For those born in 1937 and earlier, the retirement age began at 65 years old, for those born between 1943 and 1955, rest began at 66 years old, but for those born after 1960, the retirement age began at 67 years old. But here people can afford to retire at such an advanced age, since now the average life expectancy in the United States is 80 years.

Moreover, the pension system is very flexible. And if life circumstances have developed in such a way that you can no longer work as before, then you can retire earlier. Yes, you will receive a little less, but no one will force you to work until you die.

Local pensioners receive about $1,500. But this requires more effort. The state provides benefits in the amount of $370. You must earn the rest of your pension by putting some money into private pension funds. If you pay contributions for about 25–30 years, you will just reach a decent retirement in the region of $1,400–$1,600.

The average pension in Russia is $150. However, you can receive it from the age of 65. And no one knows what will happen in 5 or 10 years. It is possible that the retirement age will rise to 70 years.

Therefore, if you want a truly dignified old age, then you need to put money aside for a deposit now. In our country, counting on government help is an unaffordable luxury. Therefore, you need to take care of yourself from a young age. We have already talked about the most profitable deposits; you can choose and arrange the most suitable one in the “Deposits” section.

Pensions in Different Countries of the World 2019 Table

Average pension in Russia and countries of the world in 2019

Russia, in its desire to imitate Western states, also attempted to create, in addition to the solidarity pension, a funded pension, but it all ended in another failure: pension savings were frozen until better times. In fact, pensioners of the Russian Federation are directly supported by the state, and the size of their pensions directly depends on the will of the State Duma deputies and the government of the Russian Federation.

Russia is among the top 5 worst countries in the world for people of retirement age to live. In the Global Pension Index of the investment company Natixis Global Asset Management, the country took 40th place out of 43 possible

Russia remains one of the worst countries in the world for people retiring. In the Global Retirement Index 2017, it ranked 40th out of 43 possible, behind Turkey, China and Mexico. Only Brazil, Greece and India are below Russia in the ranking.

Russia is in the “basement” of the ranking, as are its BRIC partners - India (43rd place), China (38th) and Brazil (41st). The top five countries for retirees to live in are Norway, Switzerland, Iceland, Sweden and New Zealand. The United States fell three positions in the global top over the year and took 17th place.

The first Global Retirement Index was released in 2013. It is calculated by the management company Natixis Global Asset Management and the provider of research services in the field of finance and strategic consulting CoreData Research. It includes developed and developing economies that are members of the International Monetary Fund, the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development and BRIC.

When calculating the index, 18 indicators are taken into account, which are distributed across four sub-indexes: pension finance, material well-being, quality of life and health. The sub-indices reflect four key aspects of retirement security: financial means for a comfortable retirement, access to quality financial services to protect savings and increase income, access to quality health care services, and a clean and safe environment. According to the authors, the index can serve as a guide in choosing countries and means to effectively preserve your wealth and create the most comfortable conditions in retirement.

Over the year, Russia worsened its position in the components of “material well-being” (35th place) and “health care” (42nd place) and improved its position in quality of life (36th) and finance (43rd). In terms of more detailed criteria - in terms of income equality and per capita income - Russia took fifth and seventh places from the bottom.

In the employment sub-ranking (the higher the unemployment in a country, the worse the potential situation of pensioners), the country dropped five positions to 17th place. The authors of the study also note a deterioration in the state of affairs in Russian healthcare. In terms of life expectancy, Russia took second to last place in the ranking - this indicator for the country has worsened for the second year in a row.

“In Russia, compared to other OECD countries (mostly they participate in the review), there really is a significant lag in the financial situation of citizens,” Evgeniy Biezbardis, head of the analytical service of the Association of Non-State Pension Funds (ANPF), commented to RBC on the study’s findings. “So, according to Rosstat, the share of people living below the poverty line has been growing recently and amounted to about 22 million at the end of the first quarter of 2017.” The situation for pensioners is getting worse: their real pension is falling, the expert says. Based on Rosstat data, the incomes of the poorest Russians, which often include pensioners, are almost 16 times less than those of the group with the highest incomes.

Russia is also at the bottom of the top based on indicators such as health insurance costs (fourth place from the bottom) and health care costs per capita (eighth place from the bottom). Over the year, Russia managed to improve its average score in the “finance” category, however, despite this, the country took last place in the corresponding top. Russia also ranked last in the categories of “government” and “inflation”, as well as sixth from the bottom in problem bank loans and tenth from the bottom in interest rate dynamics.

Russia demonstrated good results in only two indicators: it took third place in the sub-rating of “public debt”, and also 11th in terms of the pension burden ratio, which is the ratio of the population aged 65 years and older to the population aged 20 to 64 years. . Russia strengthened its position in the quality of life subcategory due to an increase in the "feeling of happiness" score, as well as improvements in environmental factors as a result of progress in reducing carbon dioxide emissions per GDP. However, the country ranks third from bottom in the list of environmental factors, and sixth from bottom in the subcategory “biodiversity and habitat”.

It is incorrect to combine countries with different pension systems into one index, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Vice-Rector for Development of the Academy of Labor and Social Relations Alexander Safonov told RBC. “Firstly, the Russian pension system, unlike Western ones, is additionally financed by the state through a system of social benefits and benefits for pensioners and persons with veteran experience. Secondly, Russia has one of the lowest age rates for retirement (no country in the world retires early at age 45). Thirdly, the social structure of society in Russia is determined by the industrial economy, i.e. a large number of pensioners are hired workers, which is why their pensions are lower. Fourthly, medicine is free in Russia,” the expert explained. “However, in terms of the replacement rate for lost earnings, we are very far from European indicators, and we do not reach the pension standard established by the International Labor Organization (ILO) - 40% of lost earnings,” Safonov noted. “There is also a problem of inflation, and this is a true reflection of the situation that is developing in Russia.”

Upon reaching a certain age, a person can stop working and receive money through pension savings. Each country has its own retirement age and its own calculation methods.

New Zealand

This country is often called “a paradise for retirees” and this title is fully deserved. On average, people here live to be 80–85 years old, so retiring at 65 is not stressful for them. Why worry? Almost 20 more years of rest are ahead! On average, a pensioner here can receive up to $1,500 per month.

Mandatory conditions for receiving a pension: residence in the country for 10 years continuously from the age of 20 and 5 years after the age of 50. Also, even those who have a residence permit can become pensioners. To do this, you need to live in the country for at least 10 years. There are no such “balls” anywhere else! But if you decide to go live in another state after the onset, the government may reduce your pension.

In New Zealand, the pension is approximately 40% of the average salary, which is one of the highest in the world. In addition, it is indexed annually to make pensioners feel comfortable. Forget about certificates of work experience and income level. Here it's just pieces of paper. In New Zealand, other indicators influence pension amounts:

  • are you married?
  • who do you live with - husband, children, grandchildren, etc.;
  • whether your spouse receives a pension;
  • Do you have pensions in other countries?

A single person will receive a larger pension than a married person. And this is easily explained - after all, a single person needs to pay his own bills. There is simply no support in the form of a spouse who is ready to share this with you.

And if we take into account that the average salary is approximately 2,500–3,000 US dollars, then their minimum pension will be about $600–700.

New Zealanders are also saving extra money into their KiwiSaver account. No, this is not an electronic payment system, it is a commercial investment platform. If you are faced with financial difficulties, you can temporarily interrupt the deduction of funds. The essence of its activity is that a person pays interest from his salary here. The fund uses your money until you reach retirement age. As soon as the amount of contributions reaches NZD 1,000, half of them are sent to your account. The more you put into it, the more you will receive in old age. There are several cases when you can use the accumulated money before retirement:

  • buying a property.
  • difficult financial situation.
  • disease.
  • death of the insured

Any citizen or permanent resident of the country, even those not officially employed, can become a participant in the system. This is an ideal country for freelancers. Just imagine - you can save for your own retirement, knowing that your money will come back to you in old age!

Once you reach the required age, you have 3 options for how to use the money:

  • transfer everything to pension and receive a little monthly;
  • transfer all the money to a bank account and use it as you wish now;
  • buy property.


It can be called the complete opposite of New Zealand. Here, only a limited list of people can receive a pension. Yes, the law simply does not provide for ordinary people to receive money from the state.

The minimum pension is 618 yuan (about 5,500 rubles), and the national average is around 2,000 yuan (about 18,000 rubles). But if you think that's a lot, no. This is even below the subsistence level.

In China, children are forced to take care of their parents. If you don’t want to help, you’ll face huge fines or go to prison. This is where you really need to give birth so that water will be brought. The state simply cannot raise pensions to the subsistence level. The reason for this is the incorrect policy of birth control in the second half of the last century.

Mandatory conditions for receiving a pension in China:

  1. The age of women is 55 years, men - 60 years. If a woman is engaged in heavy physical labor, then the retirement age is reduced to 50.
  2. Official experience - from 15 years;
  3. Work in government agencies or in industry;
  4. Running a small business;


The average pension for our neighbors is $150–160. But to get it, local residents need to work for 20–25 years, and they must pay almost a third of their salary to the Pension Fund! On average, women begin to receive a pension at 58 years old, and men at 63. This situation is observed in almost the entire post-Soviet space.


Ukrainian pensioners live practically from hand to mouth. The average pension in the country is $80–90, which is not enough even to pay for utilities. Therefore, in the last few years there has been active interest in private pension funds, even among young people. The retirement age is gradually rising to 65 years, with an average life expectancy of approximately 70 years.


The average Polish pension is only $460. Why only? If we compare it with our western neighbors, the Poles receive 2 or even 3 times less, but if we take into account the cost of living, then pensioners have enough to live on.

The pension itself consists of 3 levels: funded, individual and joint. And if you donate money to all funds, you can receive as many as 3 pensions! Women retire at 60, and men at 65. That is, Poles can live “for themselves” for an average of 10–15 years.


Another paradise for retirees. Here you can receive an average of $2,000 per month from the government! And this despite the highest life expectancy in the world, the Japanese now live on average to 83–85 years. But they themselves do not want to retire. Although by law the Japanese can retire at 65, most often residents of the Land of the Rising Sun become pensioners only at 70.


The average pension here is approximately $1,500. Every month every working German pays 20.3% of his salary to the Pension Fund. Now residents of Germany can retire at the age of 65, but by 2030 they will only be able to retire at the age of 67.


The average Spanish pension is around $1,110. It has one of the strictest pension systems. To receive money from the state you need at least 37 years of official experience. So far, Spaniards retire at 65, but gradually the “rest” age is rising to 67. However, if your health does not allow you to work, then you can become a pensioner as early as 62.


The average pension in the US is approximately $1,400–$1,500. The minimum pension ranges from $730–735 for singles and $1,110 for a married couple. For those born in 1937 and earlier, the retirement age began at 65 years old, for those born between 1943 and 1955, rest began at 66 years old, but for those born after 1960, the retirement age began at 67 years old. But here people can afford to retire at such an advanced age, since now the average life expectancy in the United States is 80 years.

Moreover, the pension system is very flexible. And if life circumstances have developed in such a way that you can no longer work as before, then you can retire earlier. Yes, you will receive a little less, but no one will force you to work until you die.


Local pensioners receive about $1,500. But this requires more effort. The state provides benefits in the amount of $370. You must earn the rest of your pension by putting some money into private pension funds. If you pay contributions for about 25–30 years, you will just reach a decent retirement in the region of $1,400–$1,600.


The average pension in Russia is $150. However, you can receive it from the age of 65. And no one knows what will happen in 5 or 10 years. It is possible that the retirement age will rise to 70 years.

Therefore, if you want a truly dignified old age, then you need to put money aside for a deposit now. In our country, counting on government help is an unaffordable luxury. Therefore, you need to take care of yourself from a young age. We have already talked about the most profitable deposits; you can choose and arrange the most suitable one in the “Deposits” section.

Countries with the largest pensions in the world are scattered throughout the planet, and in them the income of people in old age exceeds the salaries of many specialists and workers in many countries. Information about such states, the amount of payments and other interesting information is indicated in the article.

Confident leader

The largest pension in the world is paid to Danish citizens in the amount of $2,800. Their pension reform is considered almost ideal from the point of view of ordinary people. To receive such an amount, it is enough to have a certain work experience, as well as live in the country for at least forty years. If a person does not pass one of the requirements, then he will not be left without a pension. Money will be paid in old age, but in much smaller quantities. It is worth noting that the Scandinavian countries have the most acceptable social conditions for living, and Denmark does not stand out from the total. Pensioners have enough money for a carefree life, as well as savings for children or grandchildren.

Unexpected second place and third

Mexico occupies a confident second place in the list of countries with the largest pensions in the world. Here, an elderly couple is paid $2,129 between them, which is already quite a significant figure. At the same time, older citizens spend on average only a third of this figure per month, and therefore they are guaranteed a carefree life. In the United States, such programs do not exist for people, and therefore many people move to Mexico as they get older, where it is easier to live and pays more. The country does not boast economic prosperity and stability, but it is worried about its elderly citizens.

Third place goes to Finland, which also has one of the largest pensions in the world. This amount on average reaches almost two thousand dollars. The indicator is usually formed based on the following criteria:

  • hard physical labor,
  • work in hazardous working conditions.

For native citizens, a pension is mandatory, but immigrants must have lived in the country for more than 40 years.

Fourth and fifth places

The list of countries with the largest pensions in the world continues with Switzerland, where pension reform is time-tested and based on a three-part system. The first of these is monthly contributions of a certain percentage of income to special funds. The second aspect is the mandatory insurance of your labor, which allows you to receive about 60% of your income in old age. The third factor is considered to be voluntary investments in excess of the percentage that is mandatory to be deducted. The system works perfectly, without much effort people retire without thinking about the need to ensure a carefree old age. The average payment per month is $1,900.

The top five, unexpectedly for everyone, is closed by the small country of Panama. Here, a retired married couple is paid $1,865. Considering that this is only a thousand less than in Denmark, where the pension is the largest in the world, and the level of the economy is several times higher, then the result is impressive. It only remains to add that very little of this amount is spent on paying bills and daily expenses.

Continuation of the rating

Which country in the world has the largest pensions became known from the beginning of the list, but Denmark’s neighbors are doing quite well in this regard. Sixth place is confidently occupied by Norway, where the average level of payments is slightly more than one and a half thousand dollars. The pension reform of this country is included in the list of the best researched by specialized publishing houses.

The state policy is such that an amount of 4.5% of GDP is spent on providing for the older generation. Payments are divided into basic and additional; bonuses are possible depending on the amount of labor and place of work. In Germany, the payout level is slightly lower, but $1,200 is enough for sixth place on the leaderboard. Here, pensions are awarded to citizens in two ways. The first is state provision for people whose monthly income does not exceed 3,900 euros. The second direction was created for those who want to save for themselves for a carefree old age. A person transfers the amount to funds that pay out savings after retirement.

End of the list

If US residents knew what the largest pension in the world is, they would probably think about moving to Denmark. In their home country, the average level is frozen at $1,200, which allows them to share sixth place with Germany. This figure is only approximate, because the system of calculating money in this state depends on the place of work, length of service, working conditions and many other factors. Often people receive about half the amount from their salary.

In Spain, the average pension is 10 dollars less than in the USA and Germany. However, here the system is based on the number of social insurance contributions. When the time for payment comes, the indexation of price increases is taken into account and the amount of money is determined. The top ten is closed by France, where the pension is divided into basic and additional. The first type is awarded by the state as assistance, and the rate of the second category is determined by the number of points scored when leaving work. The average is a thousand dollars.

Finances paid by the state and commercial organizations (for example, a non-state pension fund) are a safety net for people when they become incapacitated. In many countries around the world, such support is available in one form or another.

Payments for maintenance in old age depend on a number of factors, among which a special role is played by: the person’s work experience, the amount he receives and the average salary in the country.

The legislative features of specific states also have an impact. But there is one thing in common - almost everywhere, upon reaching the established age threshold, a citizen can claim to receive the payments due.


This country provides citizens with every opportunity to ensure a decent life. They retire at age 67, receiving an average of $1,400. But there is a difference between the western and eastern parts of the country.

So, in the second payment is lower and amounts to only $1,200 per month. Increased payments are possible due to the fact that over a long period of work, pension contributions amount to 20% of earnings.

Additionally, every citizen can voluntarily use the services of companies that allow them to accumulate a decent amount of money for old age.

Subject to the established conditions, foreign citizens can also apply for support in the event of disability in Germany.

United States

In the USA there is a situation similar to Germany. Here, men are provided with a pension from the age of 67, and for women the mark is set at 65. They are paid $1,100-1,200 per month. A voluntary approach to creating savings for old age prevails in the country.

It is not uncommon for one person to save money into several accounts at once, receiving a substantial pension upon retirement. There is a stereotype that the United States does not have a public pension fund. This is not true. It’s just that its activities do not extend to all segments of the population.

In the case of the state Pension Fund, you can retire early. But then the amount received is reduced to 70% of the maximum and it will not be possible to increase payments in the future.

british kingdom

The UK is considered to have an exemplary pension system from an organizational point of view. The following payments are provided:

  • state,
  • private,
  • assignment to individual categories based on length of service.

For men, retirement is provided only at 65 years of age, and for women - in the range from 60 to 65. Pensioners receive about 600 pounds sterling per month, which is almost half as much as residents of Germany.

This is due to the fact that only 5-8% of the funds received are allocated to the formation of the egg capsule. However, World War II veterans feel good: depending on their ranks and injuries, they claim payments from 150 to 650 thousand rubles per month.


China, like the United States, has a limited public pension system. There, managers, civil servants and employees of industrial enterprises can apply for payments.

For men, the retirement age is set at 60 years, for women – 50/55 (the second case is only for those occupying managerial positions). Despite strong economic growth, the average payment fluctuates around $80.

Empire of Japan

In Japan, when you get old, you don't have to experience financial difficulties. A pension helps with this, the average size of which is $700. This money is enough to pay for utilities, food and leisure.

The Japanese go on vacation at the age of 65. You can do this earlier from the age of 60, but in this case the amount of payments is reduced by 25%. If a decision is made to work, then for each year worked, payments will be added to pension savings. And by the age of 70, your pension can be increased by a quarter.

Danish kingdom

Denmark's pensioners are rightfully entitled to the title of the richest. Every month, one person receives an average of $2800. They retire at the age of 65-67 and live to an average of 80.

A decent state pension is paid, and often a person also has savings in non-state pension funds (NPF).

Table of pensions in the world

A whole book would be needed to cover old age benefits around the world. For an article, you can pay attention to only a part of the countries and display statements for them in the form of a table:

A country Average pension received (equivalent in $)
Belarus 250
Austria 2700
Azerbaijan 127
Bulgaria 122
Brazil 665
Spain 1088
Hungary 285
Iran 105
Italy 1198
Kazakhstan (all about) 201
Lithuania 305
Cyprus 1358
Korea 190
Mexico 1000
New Zealand 276
Romania 163
Norway 1842
Singapore 250
Poland 450
Türkiye 112
Finland 1450
Estonia 491
Czech 503
Slovakia 461
Switzerland 1112
Croatia 214

The differences between pensions around the world are tenfold.

Russia's place in the world ranking

Until recently, men retired at 60, and women at 55. But with the implementation of the pension reform, the indicators will shift to 65/60 by 2028. Payments can be insurance, social and savings.

The first option is available, as a rule, only in the event of old age, loss of a breadwinner or disability. Social benefits are received by citizens who cannot confirm their work experience.

If a person was born in 1967 or later, then he can open a personal account to save pension contributions independently and under his control. The size of the amounts received directly depends on the size of the contributions.

It should be noted that there is no single universally accepted exemplary rating. But, alas, in all of them Russia is making its way into the leadership from the end. To understand the reasons for this unsatisfactory state of affairs, it is enough to look at the size of the payments received.

In the Russian Federation in 2019, the average pension amount is (in rubles):

  1. Insurance payment: 13,657.
  2. Disability support: 13,349.
  3. Social benefit: 8803.
  4. Disabled people and war veterans: 30,000.

To improve the situation, it is proposed to use the funded component of the pension and voluntarily participate in one’s own provision for old age.

A person needs to independently save a certain percentage of his income (for example, in a non-state pension fund) in order to have the means to live in the future.

Pension size in the world

The amount of content obtained is influenced by a large number of factors. The final size of the pension received depends on them. To better understand this, you should pay attention to the different categories of payments according to their size.

Largest pension

The Danish pension system is deservedly recognized as the best. The payments received make it possible to ensure a comfortable existence even if, as a young person, the person did not work or received low wages.

The system provides for the existence of two main elements: payments from the state and the Pension Fund. In the first case, the calculation formula is interesting. So, if a person had a small income, he was entitled to increased payments. And vice versa.

At the same time, the percentage of earnings contributed to the Pension Fund allows you to maintain interest in white wages, because it allows you to claim larger payments than those offered by the state.

At the same time, the requirements for work experience are strict. It must be at least 40 years old to fully qualify for the state pension. If the deadline requirements are not met, the amount of support is reduced.

Average pensions

Countries with developed economies can boast of average indicators. A person who worked all his life and saved for his old age, paid state taxes and formed a reserve in a non-state pension fund claims to receive ±$1000. This amount of maintenance allows you to qualify for a decent, secure old age.

Lowest pensions

The lowest content is recorded in the countries of the former socialist bloc and the third world. This is due to the imperfection of forms of pension provision (or even their absence), low wages received while working, and the unwillingness of the population to take care of their own future.

Retirement in the world

Payments upon the onset of old age differ significantly in different countries. As a rule, retirement is envisaged with 60 years and later - for men and from 55 - for women. Although in some cases these periods may be reduced. Moreover, the longer a person works, the better support he can count on.

Relying only on the state to provide decent pensions is not the best idea that would only suit Denmark. In most successful examples, people independently think about what means they will live on when they get old.