Do-it-yourself foamiran bud: a master class with a photo. Master class decoration valentines day graduation wedding master class wreaths of rosebuds foamiran foamiran fom isolon Green buds from foamiran


Today I made a rose with a foamiran bud and I want to introduce you to the techniques for making a flower. Iranian foamiran, thin and excellent for making flowers, is well tinted with pastels, oils or acrylics.

For work we need:

  1. foamiran pink and green.
  2. Aluminum wire for the stem with a thickness of 2-3 mm., Copper for the bud is thinner and very thin wire for attaching the leaves.
  3. Tape green color.
  4. Glue second gel Moment.
  5. Rose patterns.
  6. The pastel is bright pink.
  7. Manicure scissors.
  8. Foil.
  9. Awl.
  10. Toothpick.
  11. Iron.

Sequence of work

Cooking rose templates. I made them from cardboard in three sizes.

No. 1 - dimensions: 50 * 30 - 14 pieces.

No. 2 - 55 * 38 - 10 pieces.

No. 3 - 57 * 46 - 15 pieces.

In addition, you will need a template for the sepals of the rose and the bud. Its size is for a rose with a diameter of 10 cm, and for a bud 8 cm.

Leaf patterns in the amount of 3 of the same size and one large.

Cut out petals and leaves.

We roll the foil carrot for the core of the rose and the second for the bud.

First, we make a bud from petals No. 1. We glue the foil around, laying one petal on the other. It will take you a few petals, about 5-6. It all depends on your idea of ​​buds.

Now we glue the rosebud with petals No. 1. Glue is applied dotted at the bottom and from the sides of the inner side of the petals. We glue the petals so that they overlap one another, about a third.

Petals No. 1 can not be twisted so that they are not open.

We twist the petals number 2. Fold the top of the petal like an accordion and roll it back and forth in your fingers. Spread it with your fingers and easily push a small hole. Glue the prepared petals in the same order.

Petals number 3. We heat the upper edge of the petal on the iron and twist the edge outward from both sides. It turns out to be a corner.

So we use all the petals. Now take a red pastel, crumble it on paper and rub it with your fingers along the edges of the rose and bud. Usually craftsmen tint the petals right away, but I decided to do this when I glued all the petals together. It needs to be tinted on both sides.

Preparing the sepals for the rose and bud. Tinted with red pastel. We warm the ends on the iron and twist each separately. Glue the bottom of the rose and bud. At the bud, it should be more collected.

We prepare a stem for a rose from aluminum wire. With an awl, we make a hole in the bottom of the rose. Lubricate the wire with glue and insert it into the hole. We wrap the teip with tape.

We cut out the leaves from green foamiran and make cloves with scissors. We tint the leaves with pastels. Warm up on the iron, give them a natural look. We draw the veins with a toothpick. We insert the copper wire into the bud, wrap the teip with tape according to the same principle as the rose.

We glue three petals on a thin wire and wrap it with tape. We attach to the button.

We process a large leaf and attach it higher on the stem.

Spray the rose with hairspray to set the pastels. So our rose with a bud is ready! An interesting effect turned out in different lighting, the rose looks different!

You can make several of these roses in different shades and put a beautiful bouquet in a vase. He will delight you with his unfading beauty!

Roses from foamiran (plastic suede) are fashionable and relevant decorative elements for creating jewelry, hair ornaments, curtain ties, topiaries, dubbing bouquets for brides. Material for making flowers, as well as special tools, are easy to purchase at any needlework store. In this article, you will learn how to choose plastic suede to create the most realistic plant. What tools will be needed to make a beautiful foamiran rose. A step-by-step description will help to create a flower even for complete beginners in this matter. Try to plunge into the exciting world of artificial floristry.

Title options

Foamiran, fom, revelure or plastic suede are all names for the same material, which can vary in thickness. There are also names fomierans, "Eva Foam", "Fom Eva". The material origin is Iran.

Types of foamiran

There are such types of foamiran:

  • plastic suede of the company "Foam Eva" of Iranian production. Available in the form of squares 60 by 60 cm. Material thickness: 1 mm. Iranian fom is considered a classic among other species. It is easy to work with it: it does not shrink during heat treatment. Holds its shape well even after several years. Please note that a sheet of Iranian foamiran can vary in thickness from 0.6 to 1 mm. This is the norm.
  • Turkish foamiran. It differs from Iranian in a more meager palette of colors. Sheets have a uniform thickness - 1 mm.
  • Chinese revision. Not suitable for creating flowers. The sheets are 3-4 mm thick. Dolls and other crafts are made from it. Excellent material for children's creativity.
  • Marshmallow fom Chinese production (silk). Very thin up to 0.5 mm. It cannot be treated with heat, while it shrinks. It does not hold its shape well, so wrapped rose petals are likely to unwind after a while. Excellent for creating delicate and transparent buds, such as cherry or apple blossoms.
  • Foamiran marshmallow Iranian. Porous and airy material about 1 mm thick. In its raw form, it is used for flowers with fleshy leaves, for example, to create realistic succulents. There is a way to make marshmallow fomme thinner. Place it between two sheets of paper and iron it. Air will come out of the material, and it will become thin like papyrus.

Rose from foamiran: a master class with step-by-step instructions

In this master class, we will look at how to make a flower queen from this delicate material. For work you will need:

  • pale pink or white foamiran;
  • scissors;
  • iron;
  • dry pastel (pink and brown);
  • wire;
  • a piece of foil or synthetic winterizer;
  • sponge;
  • glue gun.

We cut out rectangles of 4x4.5 and 5x5.5 cm from foma. In order to get the shape of a petal, cut off their corners, folding in half. For a lush rose, you will need about 25 large and 15 small ones. For a bud you need 10 small petals. The quantity is given approximately, since the petals may tear during operation. In addition, the master himself regulates the splendor of the flower.

How to make a foamiran rose more realistic? To do this, you need to tint its petals to recreate their natural color.

Dry pastel is best for beginners. Even with the first experience, they will get an excellent foamiran rose. The master class is designed specifically for such novice masters of artificial floristry.

So, take the petals, a damp cloth or a piece of sponge. Draw some paint on it with pastel chalk and walk along their edges.

Heat the iron to the temperature set in the "wool" mode. Attach the petal to it for a few seconds. The properties of the material are such that it will become thinner and more pliable. Fold it like an accordion and roll it between your fingers to release all the air.

Foamiran rose petals, like natural flowers, have a curved edge. To recreate it, you need to attach the edge of the workpiece to the iron again and wrap it with your fingers. Treat all future petals in this way.

Let's move on to creating the basis for a rosebud from foamiran. Take a wire, a piece of synthetic winterizer or foil. Twist any of them into a small ball. Plant it with glue on the wire. Cut out a small square from foamiran. Wrap it around the ball and fix it from below with a thread or thin wire.

This is the basis for a future foamiran rose. The next step is attaching the petals. Take a smaller piece. Put just a little glue on the base of the petal and wrap it around the ball. Get a button. We take the second petal. We mark the seam of the bud with a look. We apply the second blank to its middle. How densely the petals are arranged will determine how much a blossoming rose you will get. In order to glue the workpiece, you will need very tiny droplets of glue on the sides.

Keep them as low as possible. Thus, fasten all the other foamiran rose petals. You can stop at any moment and get a beautiful bud. When you run out of small blanks, move on to using larger petals.

Next, we need to make a sticker for a foamiran rose. We don't need templates for this. Cut out a square from the green material. Pierce a piece of foma in the middle with the wire on which the flower is located. Draw the outline of the sticker with a pencil. Remove it and cut it out with scissors. Make small notches along the edge.

Heat up the iron. While it is warming up, process the material with brown pastel chalk as described above. Attach the workpiece to the iron. Fold like you did with the petals and twist between your fingers to make the material thinner and the gluing look more realistic. Put a little glue in the middle and attach it to the back. So the foamiran rose is ready. The master class for beginners is over.

Glue for foam

When working with plastic suede, the following types of glue are used:

  • Hot glue from a special gun.
  • "Cosmophen". Transparent glue of instant action. It is convenient to glue very small parts.
  • Glue "Moment".

Molds for making roses

Mold - a device for detailed study of the texture of leaves and petals of a plant. There are different sizes. For beginners, it is better to purchase a fairly large universal mold for sheets. For the manufacture of rose petals at first, it is not needed. Their texture is such that it is enough to scroll the workpiece between the fingers.

Tools and materials

To make artificial flowers, you may need:

  • molds;
  • iron;
  • glue;
  • wire;
  • teip tape,
  • stamens for artificial flowers;
  • pliers;
  • nail scissors;
  • paints;
  • curly hole punchers.

This is not the whole list of necessary materials. With the acquisition of experience, each master adds something of his own to it.

How to tint flower petals

Petals can be tinted with these types of paints:

  • acrylic;
  • oil;
  • dry or oil pastel.

Ideas: where to use foamiran roses

Artificial flowers are used in the manufacture of necklaces, earrings, headbands, wreaths, hairpins, hair bands. The original idea is the use of foamiran roses in the suite design (candy bouquets).

Skillful craftswomen create flowers that at first glance cannot be distinguished from natural ones. The material is especially appreciated in wedding floristry. Roses and other revelour flowers adorn the arches for the newlyweds. They are put on the tables, they decorate the wedding procession with them. Artificial flowers are used to make duplicate bouquets for brides, which they then throw to their bridesmaids.

Material advantages

Foamiran is a soft material that is sold in sheets. As a rule, the palette consists of 20 or 24 colors (depending on the manufacturer). On sale there is foamiran with a thickness of 0.6 to 4 mm. The material is very practical. Products from it are not afraid of water, bright sunlight and deformation. The main feature of Thomas is the ability to stretch and not tear at the same time. It can be stretched by 10%.

Making flowers from revelour is a hobby that can bring a needlewoman not only good emotions, but also a decent additional income. Roses from foamiran are so charming and realistic that there is hardly a female representative who does not like them.

Often, to create flower arrangements, brooches, hairpins or headbands, not only blooming, but also small buds are required. In this master class, you will learn how to make a foamiran bud with your own hands. As an example, let's take some of the most popular flowers: rosebud, lily bud, mallow bud and eustoma. The lily bud will turn out to be quite large in size, so it is better to use it for composing compositions. The rest of the flowers are smaller and suitable for foamiran jewelry design.

How to make a lily bud from foamiran: step by step photos

What we need in order to start making a lily bud:

  • white and green foamiran;
  • foil;
  • orange stick for manicure;
  • thin and thick wire;
  • oil and dry pastels in pink and green, wet wipes and a sponge;
  • teip tape.

To create a bud, we first make such a base out of foil. The size can be varied as desired. In total, we need several of these bases for the buds.

Apply three strips of hot glue to the foil base and let them cool.

Then you need to take a piece of white foamiran and paste over the base.

Here we have such a button. We protonate it with pink oil pastel and process the tip with teip tape.

These are the buds I prepared for my branches.

Cut out leaves from green foamiran. You can make them in different sizes. But calculate the number of leaves, 2-3 leaves should be placed near each bud and flower. Since I will put a branch in a bouquet, I will attach the leaves only under the buds. If you just want a branch of a lily, there must be leaves under the flower.

Apply the veins of the leaf with a stick.

We take two types of oil pastels and tint the leaf with a sponge on both sides.

Then we stretch the edges of the lily leaf a little by folding the leaf in half.

Glue litons all over the sheet.

Since the trunk of a lily is not thin, and I do not have such a thick wire, I use cocktail sticks. Well fixing the wire with the bud into it.

Before we start attaching the leaflet, we lightly protonate the bud and sepal with green pastel. We make 2 - 3 turns of teip tape and apply a sheet. Then we wrap the sheet and after the sheet we make 2-3 turns.

Then we apply the second sheet and fasten it against the first sheet. We do 2-3 turns again.

So we continue to fasten the lily buds. The number of them will depend on which branch you would like to receive.

Bud from foamiran mallow flower

We take the foil and form a ball for the base of the bud. We cut out the sepals for the bud from their green foamiran. Square 3 * 3 cm cut out a four-leaf 2 pieces and grind between the fingers.

We attach the base of the bud to the wire and glue the base with sepals so that the foil is not visible. We process the wire with foamiran or teip tape several layers.

Foamiran rose bud: two design options

Rosebud is one of the most popular. It is used to decorate many products and compositions from foamiran, because a rose is a universal flower and can be combined with almost any kind of flowers. In this part of the master class, we will see how to make a rosebud from individual petals and using a universal pattern.

How to make a rosebud from individual petals

What do we need in order to start making a rosebud

  • yellow marshmallow foamiran;
  • foil;
  • thin and thick wire;

From yellow foamiran we cut out petals in the form of droplets, of different sizes for a rose. For a bud, we need 3 small petals and 4 larger petals. We process them by ironing them and heating the edges with a lighter, slightly twisting the petals for more

From the foil we make the base for the rose in the form of a droplet and glue the base onto the wire.

We take two petals and glue a drop of foil, glue the petals one against the other, closing the foil, cover the remaining foil with the third petal.

We take the petals of a larger size and glue them in a circle at the same level in height slightly overlapping.

Rosebud from a universal pattern

What we need in order to start making a foamiran bud for a rose:

  • lilac foamiran;
  • foil;
  • thin and thick wire;
  • hot glue, as well as universal or second glue.

From lilac foamiran we cut out 3 petal universal circles for a rose bud.

To assemble a rose bud, we prepare the base of the flower from foil (we take a piece of foil 10 * 30), compress it well and align it. Then we coat the entire base of the foil with glue from a thermal gun so that the bud becomes even.

Then, with a small petal circle, in which the petals are not twisted, we glue the base so that the foil is not visible. We take the next petal small circle and glue it so that the flaps of the petals look outward. The petals should be flush with the petals of the first row, if necessary, the petals can be slightly tightened or, on the contrary, pressed at the base.

We coat the third and fourth petal circles at the base, raise the petals and press them to the base. Flap circles with glue so that the petals are staggered. We glue large petal circles to the base, placing the petals in a checkerboard pattern. If necessary, you can lift the petal and glue or press it to the base. Here is our foamiran bud ready.

How to make a eustoma bud with your own hands: MK

What do we need in order to start making a eustoma bud.

  • white and green foamiran;
  • foil;
  • thick wire;
  • hot glue, as well as universal or second glue;
  • oil and dry green pastels, wet wipes and a sponge;
  • teip tape.

For a eustoma flower bud, cut out 5 petals 1.5 cm in size in the form of a droplet. We also prepare the base in the form of a drop of foil or foam, glue the wire. We fold the petals with an accordion, grind between the fingers, straighten them, not pulling out a lot.

We glue all 5 of them so that the top of the petal converges and the bottom diverges. With the resulting “fan”, we glue the base - a droplet.

I was helped by my experience in making flowers from corrugated paper and making cards in the style of scrapbooking.

Flowers from foamiran are very light and beautiful, they can decorate the rim, make a boutonniere or arrange in the form of an elastic band on the hair. My daughter liked the flowers very much and she has already ordered an elastic band for her hair. When she saw the roses, she jumped with happiness, hoping that soon she would have a new beautiful hairpin or scrunchie. Well, what to do, little fashionista.)))

Rosebud from foamiran. Master class for beginners

We will need:

  • foamiran (I have Iranian)
  • glue gun
  • scissors
  • foil

I did not buy a lot of foamiran. But I really liked to create from this material. I bought white and green foamiran. Foamiran Iranian.

In the photo, of course, he looks paler than in life, and the day is cloudy today, the photo is not at all of the quality that I wanted. Nevertheless, I made roses, which I am very pleased with.

For the rose, we need 3 petals 2.5 by 2.5 cm and 3 petals 3 by 3 cm. You can reduce the size as desired, depending on what you need the rosebud for.

I also drew a star-shaped sepal template about 2.5 cm long each edge.

Now we turn the squares diagonally and start cutting out the droplet. These will be the rose petals.

You can cut out each rose petal separately, but for me it's faster and easier. The petal is obtained in the form of a droplet. We need three small petals and three larger ones.

Now let's shape the petals. We turn on the iron. Do not heat up the iron too much, let it be warm and not too hot.

For a few seconds, apply a petal to the iron. Then we collect the wide edge of the petal with an accordion and scroll clockwise 3-4 times. In the end, here's what happens.

And so we do with 6 petals. Then unfold the petals and slightly stretch the middle. It kind of reminded me of working with corrugated paper. Corrugated paper roses also turn out to be quite beautiful, and the principle of operation is similar.

True, unlike foamiran, corrugated paper does not tear. But I tore petal 2 from foamiran, but all through negligence.

This is what rose petals look like.

Now let's start preparing the sepals. For the manufacture of sepals, I cut out an asterisk. I make small cuts along the edges. I know the edges are still tinted, but I didn't do that.

By the way, yesterday at the market, I was told that you can tint the leaves with ordinary eye shadow. This is a note. I haven't tried it, but I think you can try.

When all the edges are finished with scissors, I put the sepals on a hot iron for a couple of seconds, collect everything in a bundle and scroll clockwise several times. We unfold the sepals.

The result is such beautiful, and most importantly believable sepals, like real rosebuds.

When everything is prepared, it is the preparation that takes a lot of time, you can start assembling a rosebud from foamiran with your own hands.

To create a bud, we need a small piece of foil. I folded the foil and gave it the shape of a small droplet. The size of the foil droplet should be such that it is completely covered by the petals.

I need a piece of white foaminaran to cover the foil. Thus, a rosebud is formed. Now I'll show you how I do it.

I apply hot glue to the edges of the rectangle and apply it to a drop of foil. It is necessary that the edges fit snugly and the foil does not shine through.

I put glue on the bottom edge of the petal. If you don't have a glue gun, you can try instant glue. Thus, a button is formed.

After gluing the first row of petals, glue the second row of petals 3 by 3 cm. The second row of petals should be 2-3 mm. above the first. It turns out a bud of 6 petals.

Apply glue to the bottom edge of the petals and glue them to the bud.

This is how the reverse side of a foamiran rose bud looks like.

Glue the finished bud to the sepal. We put a drop of glue on the middle and apply a rose.

I apologize for not filming as I drip hot glue and glue. Because I took the photo myself, and this is very inconvenient. Therefore, I point with my finger where I will apply the glue. There were no helpers today.)))

I also additionally fix the sepals to the rosebud with glue. As in the photo.

Such flowers can make a beautiful wreath. If you like headbands and wreaths with flowers from foamiran, then I suggest that you familiarize yourself with Tamara Chervinskaya's master class “Spring wreath from foamiran.” Master class with step by step photos. I am sure that if you have the desire, then everything will work out for you!

Create with love! I really liked working with foamiran, the only thing is that this work takes a lot of time.))) But the roses are obtained as if they were alive.

Foamiran rose bud - all about beauty and health to the site

I was helped by my experience in making flowers from corrugated paper and making cards in the style of scrapbooking.

Flowers from foamiran are very light and beautiful, they can decorate the rim, make a boutonniere or arrange in the form of an elastic band on the hair. My daughter liked the flowers very much and she has already ordered an elastic band for her hair. When she saw the roses, she jumped with happiness, hoping that soon she would have a new beautiful hairpin or scrunchie. Well, what to do, little fashionista.)))

Rosebud from foamiran. Master class for beginners

We will need:

  • foamiran (I have Iranian)
  • glue gun
  • scissors
  • foil

I did not buy a lot of foamiran. But I really liked to create from this material. I bought white and green foamiran. Foamiran Iranian.

In the photo, of course, he looks paler than in life, and the day is cloudy today, the photo is not at all of the quality that I wanted. Nevertheless, I made roses, which I am very pleased with.

For the rose, we need 3 petals 2.5 by 2.5 cm and 3 petals 3 by 3 cm. You can reduce the size as desired, depending on what you need the rosebud for.

I also drew a star-shaped sepal template about 2.5 cm long each edge.

Now we turn the squares diagonally and start cutting out the droplet. These will be the rose petals.

You can cut out each rose petal separately, but for me it's faster and easier. The petal is obtained in the form of a droplet. We need three small petals and three larger ones.

Now let's shape the petals. We turn on the iron. Do not heat up the iron too much, let it be warm and not too hot.

For a few seconds, apply a petal to the iron. Then we collect the wide edge of the petal with an accordion and scroll clockwise 3-4 times. In the end, here's what happens.

And so we do with 6 petals. Then unfold the petals and slightly stretch the middle. It kind of reminded me of working with corrugated paper. they also turn out quite beautiful, and the principle of operation is similar.

True, unlike foamiran, corrugated paper does not tear. But I tore petal 2 from foamiran, but all through negligence.

This is what rose petals look like.

Now let's start preparing the sepals. For the manufacture of sepals, I cut out an asterisk. I make small cuts along the edges. I know the edges are still tinted, but I didn't do that.

By the way, yesterday at the market, I was told that you can tint the leaves with ordinary eye shadow. This is a note. I haven't tried it, but I think you can try.

When all the edges are finished with scissors, I put the sepals on a hot iron for a couple of seconds, collect everything in a bundle and scroll clockwise several times. We unfold the sepals.

The result is such beautiful, and most importantly believable sepals, like real rosebuds.

When everything is prepared, it is the preparation that takes a lot of time, you can start assembling a rosebud from foamiran with your own hands.

To create a bud, we need a small piece of foil. I folded the foil and gave it the shape of a small droplet. The size of the foil droplet should be such that it is completely covered by the petals.

I need a piece of white foaminaran to cover the foil. Thus, a rosebud is formed. Now I'll show you how I do it.

I apply hot glue to the edges of the rectangle and apply it to a drop of foil. It is necessary that the edges fit snugly and the foil does not shine through.

I put glue on the bottom edge of the petal. If you don't have a glue gun, you can try instant glue. Thus, a button is formed.

After gluing the first row of petals, glue the second row of petals 3 by 3 cm. The second row of petals should be 2-3 mm. above the first. It turns out a bud of 6 petals.

Apply glue to the bottom edge of the petals and glue them to the bud.

This is how the reverse side of a foamiran rose bud looks like.

Glue the finished bud to the sepal. We put a drop of glue on the middle and apply a rose.

I apologize for not filming as I drip hot glue and glue. Because I took the photo myself, and this is very inconvenient. Therefore, I point with my finger where I will apply the glue. There were no helpers today.)))

I also additionally fix the sepals to the rosebud with glue. As in the photo.

The result is such rosebuds from foamiran. I made 3 buds. My daughter convinced me that, as for a beginner craftswoman, quite beautiful roses turned out.)))

True, from one I got a big rose. I additionally glued 2 more rows of petals. One of the petals is 3.5 by 3.5 cm, and then another row of petals is 4 by 4 cm.

Such flowers can make a beautiful wreath. If you like headbands and wreaths with foamiran flowers, then I suggest that you familiarize yourself with Tamara Chervinskaya's master class "." Master class with step by step photos. I am sure that if you have the desire, then everything will work out for you!

Create with love! I really liked working with foamiran, the only thing is that this work takes a lot of time.))) But the roses are obtained as if they were alive.