How to dress to hide your belly. How to hide a bulging belly with clothes? Visual correction of a large belly. Tips from a stylist


The article will not contain stories about miracle diets that help quickly eliminate overweight. And a list of exercises that allow short time achieve the desired results. Instead, we'll show you how to hide your belly with clothes. Of course, if it is really necessary.

This topic is quite relevant nowadays. Many young girls and often mature women They are racking their brains trying to find a solution to how to hide their visible belly. Have beautiful figure Everyone wants it, but not everyone is given such “grace.” This means that many will be interested and useful to learn a few tricks on how to cope with such a disadvantage using everyday clothing.

The most important thing is posture. A straight back is the basis for successfully hiding your tummy. But how to hide it so that people around you don’t guess? There really aren’t many tricks for hiding your real figure, but we hope they will be useful.

The first trick: if it’s a dress, then it’s a trapezoid style.

For representatives of the fair sex with a thick figure, it is ideal the dress will suit loose fit, where there is no clear division between the top and the skirt. Even when a girl is thin, but her constitution is not ideal, a visible belly in a tight dress will only attract unnecessary and completely unnecessary glances. A trapezoidal silhouette, devoid of a fitted fit, will be a real salvation and will best hide figure imperfections. There is no need to choose large flares. The main thing is an even silhouette. Retro dresses may be a good option - with various decorations on fabrics like frills and fringes.

Trick two: don’t overtighten

Under no circumstances should a protruding belly be tightened. Not the top, not the middle, not even the bottom. Because when you try to tighten your tummy, using a belt of pants, a skirt or the same dress, you will only emphasize the areas that appear outside the belt. The secret is that the underwear should completely hide the part of the abdomen that appears, but not compress it. In cases where the transition between the protruding area and the waist is large, there is no need to sweat over a perfect fit. The item should fit your figure according to its cut.

Those who like to show off in a skirt without outerwear - a cardigan, etc. - need to take a closer look at loose fit with a wide belt. At the same time, this does not mean that straight-cut skirts should be completely excluded. But they need to be worn with some outerwear: jackets, vests. In turn, it is better to wear them without fastening them. This nuance will help to slightly cover the protruding tummy.

Trick three: fasten it correctly

If you do fasten your outerwear, you need to make sure that a button (or several) is located on the most visible area of ​​the tummy. If you fasten it at the top or bottom, it will only stick out, drawing attention to itself even more obviously.

You should also be careful when choosing pants that have a zipper located in the front. Often, due to the cut, the flies turn out to be quite voluminous, and if the tummy protrudes, then the volume falls on the problematic part of it.

It is worth noting that any rule must have exceptions. IN in this case An exception is jeans with a flat fastener, which will slightly tighten the protruding area. There is no need to cover your belly with a sweater over jeans. The top, just the same, should not fit tightly, but rather be loose.

We hope this article on how to hide your belly under clothes was helpful!

to look beautiful!

We select a wardrobe for women with short stature and a protruding belly. Having a non-standard figure is kind of a plus. You will always look more original and more interesting than others.

The most important thing in choosing clothes Silhouette - The silhouette of any outfit should be semi-fitting - it will emphasize the subtleties of the curves female body and gives room to male fantasy.

Looking ahead, REMEMBER - YOU ARE THE MOST CHARMING AND ATTRACTIVE, and no matter what figure you have!

Read this article to the end. It contains tips that will suit slender women, and in general it’s interesting.

There are 5 kinds of body type

For overweight women short and with big belly We recommend dresses that are relatively short, with vertical and oblique shaped lines, straight or slightly tapered at the bottom. Models from the 60s are simply perfect for this body type.

Overweight women can afford absolutely any color, but you should avoid acidic colors. The same bright pink can be replaced with coral, lemon with sand, purple with lavender. White fabrics look great on overweight women, but with a light warm shade. Black and gray tones It’s best to leave them for special business occasions, but it’s advisable to dilute them with bright accents.

Mixing colors is fine, in moderation, and remember that monochromatic clothing makes you look taller and slimmer. Such colors visually reduce volumes.

Try not to wear clothes made of thick fabric, this will add extra visual volume to your figure.

The fullness of a large belly can be masked by vertical relief lines, as well as straight, loose or semi-fitting styles.

A high waist under the bust and a trapezoidal bottom look good. Small folds or draping, but in very small doses (only to slightly diversify your clothing patterns).

Skirts (limited) and trousers are straight or slightly flared. A best option— these are a little narrowed. It looks simply amazing.

Also, in clothing models for a figure with a large belly, an asymmetrical cut looks good, since it also attracts attention, distracting the eye from the large belly. These can be tunics and blouses with different lengths or asymmetrical decor.

Coloring is best in a small pattern; variegated fabric hides unnecessary shapes.

A combination of colors arranged vertically can make your figure look slimmer. For example, in front there is one solid color, and on the sides there are dark reliefs.

The color of clothing should not be flashy or bright. But you should not avoid soft light tones, which exist erroneous opinion as if they were making you look fat. You don't always have to wear black and white dark blue, although these are the colors that are considered the most suitable for obese women. Black color, reducing volume, at the same time emphasizes the silhouette. And if the figure is deformed, then you should not emphasize the contour. In this case it is better to use soft colors, as if dissolving in the air.

Fabrics not recommended large stripes and checks, as they further increase the volume, but small checks or stripes are quite acceptable for obese women. It is recommended to avoid printed fabrics with large and bright patterns.

Do not use a FLORAL PATTERN in several items of clothing in one set, for example, on a skirt and on a blouse.

Women with a stooped figure should not wear tight backs. Gathering and soft darts at the waist make slouching less noticeable. Collars that fit well away from the neck. The neckline without a collar and the neck-hugging stand emphasize the stoop, and if you add a short men's haircut, then the lack of figure will become even more noticeable. Long hair or a large low knot hides the stoop.

Styles with large round necklines or round collars and coquettes. Straight yokes with small gathers or tucks soften the stoop. It’s a good idea to make a counter fold that goes below the yoke; This is applicable in blouses and dresses of strict shape. On the back along the waistline, it is recommended to make soft tucks and gathers, but not deep and long darts that emphasize the round back. The bottom of the jacket is well gathered wide elastic band or on a strap. A big flaw in the figure can be the deflection of the spine at the waist. Women with such a figure are not recommended to wear tight skirts; they emphasize their flaws.

It is better to sew skirts wide, lagging behind the figure, widened downwards, with wedges or straight cut with folds, small folds or gathers. But if you still sew a narrow skirt, then you should not make deep and long darts on the back. The darts are made small and short, and the excess fabric is placed in the center of the skirt between the darts.

Darts can also be replaced with soft tucks. The bodices of dresses should not further emphasize the arch of the back; A slight overlap or undercut with tucks is recommended. You can hide such a defect with a strap. The belt can be used soft, with the ends tied not at the front, but at the back.

If a woman has wide hips, small breasts and a thin waist, she can wear wide skirts with pleats that fit along the back of the waist, and jackets with raised seams, which can also be suits with a straight jacket tied at the waist with a belt. This jacket visually reduces the width of the hips. If the waist is wide, the jacket should be made without a belt, in a semi-fitting shape: B straight dress When cutting the bodice, it is recommended to slightly widen the shoulders or place small under-shoulders, which also visually narrows the hips. IN summer dresses and in sundresses it’s good to do it on the back deep cut cape, this also reduces the width of the hips.


The cut of a dress, jacket, coat or stole should be nai big amount vertical lines. The so-called “smart dresses” look great on plump women, when the vertical is emphasized by a companion fabric or, conversely, fabric of the exact opposite color. These tricks, like slanted pockets or hem flares, can visually lengthen the figure.


This is underwear that models the figure. The slimming version is intended for everyday wear, while the corrective version is more rigid, made of dense materials- for some individual cases. Lingerie is often made without seams, and it fits perfectly under tight-fitting dresses. When choosing, strictly adhere to your sizes, shapewear smaller size, than necessary, will make your day unbearable. You can use T-shirts, panties, corsets, etc. as shapewear.

Raglan! O Great Raglan!

The raglan cut is characterized by the fact that it visually reduces the width of the shoulders and makes the figure more feminine.

Women with narrow, sloping shoulders should not sew or buy a raglan or semi-raglan cut coat or dress, as this narrows the shoulders even more.

And again I will remind you of my opinion... “!!!”

Accessories should be of high quality, and their quantity should be moderate. For obese women, slightly larger accessories are recommended: wide bracelets, long beads, clips and noticeable earrings.

Bags with a fake label, large cheap Chinese pendants, plastic rings on adult woman unacceptable. A charming Lady can dress simply and still look very expensive.

A little for the skinny

Very thin women It is not recommended to hide the body in a huge number of draperies, gathers, or ruffles. All this only emphasizes thinness. First of all, you need to try to make such a figure as feminine as possible. To do this, you need to identify the lines of the waist and chest. The bodice of the dress should have various undercuts, horizontal reliefs or small drapery under the bust and a large collar. Skirts should be wide: A dress-suit with an adjacent jacket, narrow or wide skirt significantly softens the impression of thinness. A suit for very thin people is well built on the contrast of the shapes of the bodice and skirt: narrow skirt and a wide jacket; narrow jacket and wide skirt into the fold. Can be recommended pleated skirt with a straight jacket like a jumper or a knitted blouse. Skirts with wide frills are good.

Narrow and long sleeves emphasize the thinness of the arms. Excessively short sleeves or a sleeveless dress are not recommended if you are very thin. Women with long and thin necks should avoid long necklines; round, shallow necklines will suit them. Wide belts contrasting colors always visually expand the figure.

And as always, an example from our Stars

Don't be afraid to experiment. Every closet has at least three things, which you can always combine with your entire wardrobe.

And remember, your comments are always relevant!

Clothes not only make a person beautiful, but also help to properly disguise some of the existing flaws, for example, such as a protruding belly and sides. Next, you will find out which dress models cope with this task flawlessly.

To begin with, let us immediately stipulate that a figure with no matter what flaws is not a reason to refuse such graceful feminine and beautiful outfits like a dress.

What dresses hide your belly and sides?

Non-standard waist. It's about about dresses with high and low waistlines. In general, high-waisted dresses perfectly hide any flaws in the figure, without losing the slender curve of the female body. will perfectly highlight the chest and neck, but if your pride is slender legs, be sure to look for a model with short length or a high, dramatic neckline.

A low waistline on a dress also cuts off excess volume well, but if the top of the dress straight cut or loose with draperies. Typically, such dresses come with a low, wide belt, which will allow you to raise the top a little, giving it airiness.

Case. Truly the most versatile and practical dress model and it suits all girls and women with different types figures. The only thing is that if you want to hide some imperfections, choose a sheath model that is not too narrow, but not too tight.

Shirt. Traditionally, a shirt dress is made of cotton and has a straight cut, in a word it regular shirt, but with a very long bottom. I think it’s clear here that absolutely everything is hidden behind the loose cut.

Trapezoid. The A-line silhouette is perfect for women with an apple body type. It perfectly masks any volume around the waist and gives the image lightness and grace. To hide your belly, take a closer look at models with a flowing cut or draperies at the waist.

Asymmetry. To balance the figure, asymmetrical details should be located in the waist area; wrap dresses look great. Don't ignore different decorative elements at the waist - a wide belt, a voluminous bow, drapery, etc.

Kimono. A dress of an exotic oriental style perfectly smooths out all the flaws and gives the figure sophistication and grace.

Bat. The upper part of the dress is shaped like wings bat, hence the name. It creates an interesting playful look, and the numerous folds and drapes on the belly do the trick!

Dresses that hide the belly and sides

Continuing the conversation about the corrective properties of clothing, today we will touch on the central part of our body, namely the tummy. It can appear in a woman various reasons, but not every one radically solves this problem. Not everyone can force themselves to give up unhealthy snacks or go in for sports, but every woman wants to look slim and graceful. Let's talk about how to hide your belly with clothes.

From the time when women got rid of the shackles that tired them, I mean), their life, on the one hand, became easier, and on the other hand, became a little more complicated. There were no devices that could correct the figure in 5 minutes, so I had to look for other ways or constantly work on myself.

It should be noted that miracles and instant changes in this case should not be expected. Much depends on the size of the protruding tummy and other parameters of the figure. If a woman is large enough, then even shapewear will not be able to make her super slim. But if a lady has an average build and her tummy does not stick out very much, then either shapewear or choosing the right set of clothes can come to the rescue.

As always, we will talk about those things and moments that should be avoided so as not to aggravate the situation and those that it is advisable to follow. Let's consider all the points in order.


In principle, fabrics can be of different quality, but they should be chosen correctly depending on the style of clothing. If you nevertheless decide to purchase a tight-fitting dress, then it should not be made of thin knitwear, as it will emphasize the bulge of the abdomen. It is advisable to choose more thick fabrics, who can hold and tighten this zone.

Very thick, fleecy or boucle fabrics will also create extra volume and should be avoided.

If you love knitted items, then choose those that have small patterns rather than large knits.

For full figures It is not advisable to use guipure and openwork fabrics.


The most acceptable are either small drawings or chaotic abstract ones, which break the visual lines of perception and visually hide the abdominal area. Even motley small patterns are possible, for example in .

An interesting option in this case there may be clothes with optical illusions V. But the drawing must be chosen carefully and carefully, but if it is successful, then the stomach can hide in a surprising way without actually disappearing anywhere).


No matter how much you would like to try on a very tight dress, if you have a protruding tummy, it is better to refuse it. A-line (trapeze) dresses, slightly widened at the bottom, are perfect, as they were worn in.

You should not choose tight fitting skirts or dresses. Against the background of a narrow bottom, the stomach will appear even more obvious.

In this case, things with an empire silhouette with a high waistline will work well. You can make a small gather under the chest, which, when gently falling down, will not gather into folds on the stomach. There is absolutely no need for extra fabric there. A little loose fit will suffice.

If the tummy is loose, then there is no question of any low waist in skirts and trousers. Hanging bellies did not add beauty to anyone. The height of the seat should be chosen so that the protruding part of the abdomen is pressed against the clothes and hides it. There are things - traitors that any...

It is advisable to wear outerwear, such as blouses, T-shirts, tank tops... not tucked into waist items. In this case, you will draw a clear border in the abdomen area, which will attract attention. Wear them for release and not in a very tight-fitting version. Their length should be slightly below where the belly ends. Blouses with a slight slouch that hide your tummy will look good. Dresses with a low waistline also work well.

Choose models that focus on the upper part of the figure. This will be a red herring.)

You can experiment with dresses that have horizontal wide ruffles sewn from top to bottom. Such models are suitable for smaller figures, and the frills will hide the tummy.

Straight cut tunic dresses and free silhouette will also work well. If they also have beautiful design at the top, this will make them even more winning.

Dresses with a wrap and small decorations will work well to correct the problem area.

Don't forget that vertical lines in clothes will always elongate you and make you slimmer.


As for the details, everything that is in the abdominal area should be excluded. Large pockets with flaps, trims with fleecy edges (Chanel style), large shiny buttons, voluminous twisted draperies with a lot of fabric, double sides, ...

Shift the emphasis to the upper part of the body. Perhaps it will be an interesting collar or a small frill (if the chest is not very big size), coquettes, original sleeves, collar collars, unusual necklines...


All decorations must also be removed from the central part of the figure. Wear a beautiful necklace or beads on your neckline. This will draw attention to the upper area.

Under no circumstances should you attach it to the waist area, which is so popular now. Better attach a flower at the top.

Please pay attention Special attention belts, if you like to wear them and don’t want to give them up. Depending on your body type, you need to select a belt of a certain width. You can familiarize yourself with the rules for selecting belts in the article

These are the recommendations regarding a protruding tummy. I will be glad if they are useful to you when choosing future updates. By carefully examining the item in the store and scanning it, you will save yourself time and will not have time to ruin your mood. You will only try on what definitely suits you.

And if you still decide to make a little effort and in the near future see mirror image mine slim stomach, then special exercises will help fulfill this desire.

Love yourself no matter what! Wear clothes that decorate you and enjoy every day!

Leave your comments and share useful information with your friends!

Find out even more interesting things:

Any woman wants to be beautiful, even if she has flaws in her figure. Look great with non-standard figure Properly selected clothing will help.

Every lady has at least one “problem spot” in her figure. Women try to fight overweight with the help of diets. But few people know that diets can be dangerous.

Often after a diet, a girl gains more more weight, and new problems with health and figure appear. It is much safer and more interesting to hide your flaws with the right clothes.

Hide figure imperfections correctly

With the help of clothes you can hide from four to eight kilograms excess weight. There should be harmony in everything. The legs should appear the same length as the body or slightly longer.

It looks ugly when your hips are wider than your shoulders and your upper body is shorter than your lower body. It is necessary to hide figure flaws correctly, and then you can create a proportionately built and visually beautiful body.

What clothes should fat girls wear?

  • It is contraindicated to fasten all the buttons on a dress or jacket
  • clothes with wide and even vertical stripes
  • tight dresses
  • contrasting clothes
  • small scarves
  • large jewelry
  • stand collar

So what clothes to wear fat girls? IN outerwear The contours of the body should be outlined softly. The slanted lines of seams, pockets and clasps are suitable. Suitable for extended collar and V-neck, lengthening the neck. Matte shades of the material will look great, and cool tones make the figure more slender.

Tip: Wear wide scarves, voluminous shawls and small Jewelry. This will give the image a neat look and visually remove extra pounds.

How to hide your sides and stomach with clothes?

By using some tricks you can achieve incredible success in selecting the right clothes for myself. How to hide your sides and stomach with clothes?

  • Wear dresses in dark colors and avoid white, pink and blue
  • Be careful with clothes with prints. If the drawing is located in the abdominal area, then it will focus attention in this area
  • Give preference to dresses and skirts made of heavy fabrics. Lightweight material will highlight all the imperfections of the figure
  • Do not emphasize your waist, especially with a wide belt. Dresses must have obliques and other interesting lines, which add chic to the image and distract attention from the stomach and sides
  • If you have beautiful breasts, wear dresses and blouses with deep necklines.
  • Gathering on the stomach, large vertical flounces from the neck to the bottom of the dress, a loose fit - these are the main commandments in order to successfully hide figure flaws in the abdomen and sides

Dress models that hide figure flaws

Every woman wants to wear dresses, even if she has extra pounds. After all, in a dress a lady looks feminine and impressive. There are several models of dresses that hide figure flaws:

  • Empire dress Distinctive features This model features a high waist, a seam under the bust and a flared hem.

  • Trapezoid. Tight top and loose bottom. The fabric should be light and flowing

  • Bustier. A lady with a beautiful neckline and breasts is suitable. High bodice with or without straps. Knee Length

  • Shirt style dress. Straight cut, buttons. You can add a thin belt

  • Greek style. Loose fit, drape and slight slack in the belly area

  • Kimono. The dress of this model follows the cut of a kimono - a loose style

How to hide leg imperfections?

In this case, color, print, style and fabric matter.

1. When choosing tights, give preference to beige and white tones. This technique is suitable for thin legs

2. Uneven feet will be invisible if you wear loose trousers. A year-length skirt, flared at the bottom, is suitable for those with U-shaped legs.

3. Short legs will become visually longer if a girl wears minis, high-heeled shoes and tights to match her shoes.

These techniques will help hide leg imperfections. Most importantly, don't be afraid to experiment

Clothing that hides figure flaws. Photo

TIP: Throw out dresses with wide belts, jeans and leggings.

Clothes that hide figure flaws include the following models:

  • Tulip dresses
  • Dresses with oblique lines
  • Dresses with a seam under the bust
  • Pants with arrows in combination with dark-colored shirts
  • Loose cardigans
  • Clothes with patch pockets, gathers and pleats on skirts
  • Asymmetry

The photos will allow you to choose a wardrobe for any occasion in life.

How to hide crooked legs

Hide your crooked legs long skirts different styles and wide trousers - classic, flared down.

How to hide full legs

Long skirts and dresses, wide pants- These are clothes that need to be worn to hide full legs.

Important: If you have massive hips, then wide leg pants are not for you. They can only highlight this flaw. Opt for classics made from good dense fabrics that keep their shape.

How to hide skinny legs

Young girls can wear light or white tights with a large pattern.

Thin ankles are an asset worth showing off. Hide Thin legs You can use cropped trousers.

IMPORTANT: You will expose your ankles, drawing attention away from your skinny upper legs.

How to hide your sides with clothes

Wear shapewear. This outfit makes it easy to hide your sides. Bra, panties, bodysuit or corset must be good quality. Good shapewear will help banish complexes and disguise big belly and excess on the sides. Good posture adds beauty and confidence. No one will think of a woman that she is fat if she walks in heels and with a radiant smile!

How to hide big hands

Graceful lines of hands can be created using perfect wardrobe. Hide big hands Clothes with 3/4 sleeves will help. In this case, attention will be focused on the wrists, which are the thinnest area of ​​the hand. Extended sleeves, natural fabrics, massive bracelets - all this will create an excellent contrast with the wide top of the arms.

Dresses that hide full arms

Sleeves on dresses should cover your arms. A woman with such flaws should give up straps, fluffy frills and folds. Dresses that hide full arms are sleeves up to the elbow or 3/4.

How to hide a long neck

Hide long neck will help voluminous scarves And large scarves, round neckline on clothes, bows and ruffles at the top of blouses and dresses.

How to hide a short neck

Clothing with an open neck will help visually lengthen your neck. Hide short neck A V-neck on a dress, jacket or blouse will help.

What clothes hide your belly? Photo

Arrange correct accents in your figure:

  • Highlight the benefits
  • Wear clothes with an original neckline
  • Simple and sleek cut

Such clothes hide the belly and create accents on the décolleté, legs and other areas of the figure where there are no problems.

How to hide broad shoulders with clothes - photo

Broad shoulders are a disadvantage for a woman. After all, a lady should be sophisticated and feminine. But you can hide it with clothes broad shoulders. Photos will help you see how to do it correctly.

Hiding full shoulders

An openwork cape in the form of a summer jacket will help hide full shoulders. A loose-fitting blouse with slanting flowing lines, an asymmetrical cardigan, suits and dresses with an emphasis on the hips, ponchos and different game flowers will help make a wardrobe for a woman with with full hands perfect.

How to hide big breasts

Large breasts are not a disadvantage, but women believe that with such volumes the figure becomes disproportionate. Hide big breasts the correct one will help comfortable bra, beautiful colors on the top and light bottom. Elongated jewelry - chains, beads, thin and light scarves.

How to hide small breasts

Lace, buttons, pockets, blouses with frills. Clothing details located in this area will help hide small breasts.

How to hide a big butt

Fitted dresses, coats, flared skirts, and high-waisted trousers will help hide a big butt perfectly.

Tip: Avoid mid-thigh straps, pleats and frills around the garment.

How to hide wide hips with clothes

Low-waisted trousers will help visually reduce your hips. The combination of colors is perfect - bright top and dark trousers or skirts. Hiding wide hips with clothes is easy and every girl can do it.

Tip: Don't wear sports trousers and trousers in bright colors. Tapered trousers are also prohibited.

Dresses that hide wide hips

A wide, loose-fitting dress will cover full hips. Add vertical lines in the form of a belt that hangs from the waist. Dresses that hide wide hips always have vertical seams, colored stripes and wide hems. All this will distract attention from the problem area.

Skirts that hide wide hips

A skirt is one of the most feminine wardrobe details. Skirts suit all women, you just need to wear them correctly. Skirts that hide wide hips:

  • pencil skirt. Suitable for office. Can be straight or flared downwards
  • Skirt with Basques. The peplum should have a loose hem, visually reducing the hips
  • flounces at the bottom of the skirt. This cut helps to visually balance the hips and remove volume in this area.
  • tulip skirt. Will make the hips less noticeable, diverting attention to the knees and waist area

What clothes to wear with a pear figure

Full hips, buttocks, plump legs - this type of figure is called “pear”. Women often have a question: what clothes to wear with a pear figure? It is worth giving preference to such clothes:

  • flared trousers
  • high waist dresses
  • pencil skirt, a-line skirt
  • A-line coat with massive shoulder straps, which will help balance the silhouette

Swimwear hiding figure flaws

There are many models of beachwear that allow you to focus on your advantages. Swimsuits that hide figure flaws are one-piece models that cover problem areas. These include:

  • bandeau
  • halter
  • high neck
  • halter
  • monokini
  • swimdress

Dress styles that hide figure flaws

Dresses with a peplum will help hide an ugly figure. Baska is original item, which distracts attention and emphasizes elegance.

Dress styles that hide figure flaws will help remove the emphasis from problematic hips and excess in the abdominal area. These dresses should not restrict movement and should be made from good fabrics with small prints and oblique stripes along the silhouette.

Fabric that hides figure imperfections

Use high-quality clothes for sewing natural fabric. Avoid synthetics, which treacherously tighten problem areas. The fabric that hides figure imperfections should be pleasant to the body.

Pants and skirts should be made of heavy fabric that will smooth out any imperfections in the silhouette. For a dress, do not choose light knitwear, as this fabric will not be able to hide a large belly or wide hips. Suede and corduroy will make the figure more massive.

  • Choose clothes by following the tips above
  • Don't forget about accessories that will balance the top and bottom of the silhouette
  • Choose shoes with heels, and use shapewear for special occasions putting on under luxury dresses and costumes.
  • Despite your figure flaws, don’t focus only on trousers and hoodies
  • Let your image be decorated beautiful dresses, skirts and fashionable blouses

Video: Fashion for plus size women. Body correction using clothes