Marriage line on a woman’s hand. The meaning of one of the most interesting lines on the palms - love (marriage) according to palmistry

For a wedding

Our future is shrouded in mystery. But many people, especially the fair sex, are constantly interested in the question: how to find out “How many marriages will I have?” by hand, by numbers, or something else. Oh, how tempting it is, that it even seems unrealistic, but, oddly enough, it’s a little bit to lift the veil of secrecy.

With the help of such a science as palmistry, you can find out what is hidden in a person’s destiny. You just need to look carefully at your palm. And let's try to figure this out together and understand whether and how you can find out by looking at your hand how many marriages a person will have.

What is the name of the science of fortune telling?

Palmistry is the name of the science of palm fortune telling; the origins of this science must be sought in ancient Egypt. Then fortune telling by hand was very popular and existed as a science for the elite. Today it is available to everyone.

First, a novice palm reader needs to decide on which hand to correctly examine the lines. The lines of your future marriages are on the active right hand. This hand reveals your outer shell, how people see you in real life. This is true for right-handed people. If you are left-handed, you should look accordingly on your left hand.

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Now we need to correctly find the lines responsible for the marriage. The marriage line on a person’s hand is located (located) almost on the side of the palm under the little finger, as in the photograph, which can be enlarged with a mouse click.

We are only interested in clearly drawn lines, because they are the ones that will tell us about marriage. Short lines speak only of affection. So, the number of clear lines you see is probably the number of serious relationships fate has in store for you. What else do the lines on the palm tell us about marriage?

When the marriage line on the hand is next to the heart line, then the marriage will be early. By the way, the heart line starts under the little finger from the very edge of the palm and comes to the long or index finger.

The marriage line passing between the beginning of the little finger and the line of the heart will indicate that your marriage will happen at the age of 25 - 30 years.

Line passing very close to the base of the little finger, will tell us that a likely marriage will take place at a later age.

How can I tell by my hand if I will get married?

If in your palm the marriage line turns upward, then you will be a bachelor (bachelor) all your life.

A downward line means that you will outlive your husband (wife). Divorce cannot be avoided if the marriage line bifurcates at the end. Moreover, the wider the fork is at the end of the line, the more discord there will be between people. The initiator of the divorce in this case will be the owner of the hand. A large fork on the marriage line will tell us about the scandalousness of its owner.

An island at the end of the line also means divorce. The difference is that it will be more emotional and will certainly end in irreconcilable hostility, courts and proceedings. If you see just such a sign on your palm, you are an emotionally sensitive person, and there is discord in your family.

It is worth paying attention to the trait of divorce, which appears precisely during such periods of life. The divorce line should be looked for on the thumb. This is a small line extending down from the base of the thumb.

If the marriage line is directed from the side to the center of the palm, but towards the end it loses its clarity, this means that feelings are gradually fading away. You may have to break up soon. The wavy marriage line is also important, showing frequent quarrels and troubles in the family.

Treason line on the hand in Palmistry

If a barely noticeable, thin line runs very close to the marriage line, this may mean the presence in your life of another love affair, in other words, a lover (mistress).

Such lines, betrayals in palmistry, as a rule, should be considered on the inactive hand (left), since the active hand expresses the outer side of your essence, and the inactive hand expresses the inner emotional state of the soul. When the marriage line bifurcates, the top line continues to rush towards the center of the palm - this means that after separation your relationship is likely to continue.

But a straight line, tending to the center of the palm and mixing with the line of success, can tell us that your marriage will certainly be happy and successful. The line of success is a line that starts at the bottom or middle of the palm and is directed upward to the ring finger.

By the marriage line on your hand, you can also judge the health of your partner, as well as whether your marriage is happy and successful. To do this, you should take a closer look at the clearly delineated marriage line, and if there are small herringbone-shaped branches on it, the health of your couple will be poor.

If a branch goes from the marriage line to the so-called Mount of the Sun and intersects with the line of the Sun, this may mean that your half will be a successful and very famous person. Conversely, when the marriage line is directed downward and intersects with the line of the Sun, then you will lose your position in society by creating a marriage.

You can find the Hill of the Sun, or the Hill of Apollo, under your ring finger. This mound, if present, symbolizes the success and self-realization of the owner of such a palm. The line of the Sun, also called the line of Apollo, the line of Success, the line of Luck, originates from the ring finger and can pass down the entire palm. Unfortunately, not everyone has such a pronounced line.

If a person does not have a marriage line?

It happens in Palmistry that a person does not have a marriage line at all, although he is married. This means one thing - a marriage of convenience. In such a marriage there is no place for love and tender feelings. As a rule, such a marriage is concluded to obtain some benefit for the partners. When the line looks like small consecutive nodules, marriage is simply contraindicated for such a person, since in marriage he will be unhappy and lonely.

I'm sure by now you already have some answers to your questions regarding marriage, and how many of them you will have. And yet it is worth considering that palmistry only tells us about possible options for marriage, as well as the development of further relationships in marriage.

Please note that in order to draw final conclusions, you need to consider and compare the signs on both palms. There are many other factors to take into account. Do not make hasty conclusions and do not rashly take measures to prevent undesirable events.

For a deeper interpretation, it is better to contact a professional. He will analyze both hands, take into account all the influences and signs, and give you a competent answer.

And of course, the future depends only on your choice, which will be made by you at a predetermined moment in life. This means that he is entirely dependent on you. The marriage lines on your hand will tell you how many partners fate gives, but how many times there will be a wedding in your life, and how happy your family relationships will be is up to you to decide.

No matter how much modern people talk about the triumph of progress, few will miss the chance to find out if he will find a mate. In such a method of fortune telling as palmistry, the marriage line can give an answer about the likelihood of a love relationship.

Marriage lines on the hand are horizontal stripes located on the edge of the hand just below the little finger. They can reach towards the Mount of Mercury (immediately below the little finger on the palm) or cross it. To find them, just turn your palm with the edge towards you and bend your fingers.

The location of the dashes, which are otherwise called marriage lines, is horizontal. It happens that the line of marriage - clear and deep - makes its way in splendid isolation. It may turn out that on your palm in the indicated place there are a large number of small and shallow lines.

The location of these strokes, their depth, clarity, intersecting marks - all this is of great importance for interpretation. The drawings on the right palm should be evaluated; they are closer to reality than the data about a person’s inclinations “recorded” on the left.

If the marriage line on your hand is the only and clearly expressed one (image in the photo), and also goes to, this portends a long and strong relationship that will culminate in marriage. A horizontal arrangement is ideal, and the straighter the line, the more successful the pair will be.

There may be two or three clearly readable outlines, but they will be shorter: one human life is unlikely to be enough for several long family unions. If there are many small strokes between the base and the heart line, this portends a large number of love affairs. Short small lines can be interspersed with deeper rays, promising a more or less long-term relationship.

It’s worth remembering: a marriage line on your hand is not a guarantee of a stamp in your passport. Signs on the palm speak only about the probable relationship between a man and a woman, but not about official marriage. How to use this opportunity will depend on you..

Wrist "calendar"

Many women are concerned about the question: “When will I get married?” The marriage line on your hand will tell you the age at which fate will make you happy with your soulmate. Men are usually less interested in this question, but they may also be interested in the explanations of palmists.

How old you will be when you can find a partner depends on whether the marriage line is high or low. Divide the interval from the base of the little finger to the line of the heart into three parts. 25 years is the meaning of each segment.

Is the marriage line not far from the heart line? In this case, the owner of the palm will get married or the owner will get married before the age of 25. Typically the age at which marriage will occur is in the middle third. Late love is promised by a horizontal line on the palm almost under the little finger.

If you want to know a more accurate age when marriage is possible, you need to make more detailed calculations (pictured below).

Let criminologists say that the fingerprints and pattern of the entire palm of each person are unique, but palmists are confident that the marriage lines on the hand can be systematized. The road map of fate on the right hand tells about a favorable situation or dangers in a relationship. Any deviations from the flat horizontal are significant.

For clarification, let's turn to the traditional one. For example, when the marriage line rises, most likely fate has decided not to give you vain hope of creating a strong union: there may be a relationship, but formalizing it will reduce feelings to nothing. There is another interpretation: if the marriage line is directed upward towards the little finger, the partner will either be much older than you, or higher in status.

The presence of a fork at the end of a love line is a symbol of the dissimilarity of the characters of the partners and, as a result, a break in the relationship. The presence of a wide fork at its end speaks of the emotionality and even scandalousness of the owner of the hand. If the sign of marriage begins as smooth and deep, and then becomes thinner and bifurcated, the union will be for love, which can be replaced by noisy showdowns, breaking dishes and divorce.

It happens that the marriage line goes down to. Palmistry deciphers the meaning of such a drawing as probable widowhood: most likely, you will outlive your spouse. The closer the marriage line comes to the straight line of the heart in the palm, the deeper the emotional experience will be.

Hint signs

Palmistry reads a successful and happy marriage by an even and deep pattern: the fewer additional marks the marriage line bears, the better. But when such signs appear, it is a warning of possible problems. To find out what to do and how not to fall into the trap of fate, you need to understand the meaning of additional symbols (you can also watch a video about this).

A broken marriage line or consisting of several short strokes means the owner of the palm is prone to loneliness. It is possible that even after being in a family relationship for many years, such a person will feel distant, misunderstood and unloved.

When a clearly defined island is read at the end of the marriage ray, it can have two meanings. Either the marriage will be short and unsuccessful - only a few years, or the separation will be overshadowed by scandals and the division of property and children through the courts. An island in the middle of the line - possible serious disagreements and the desire to separate will be overcome.

If the line of love is crossed by two lines and a cross is obtained, there may be interference from outside the marriage (this could be opposition from relatives, material interference, or rejection by society - for example, an unequal marriage). Be prepared to stand up for your relationships if they are dear to your heart.

Have you considered the star? The threat to marriage comes from within: you need to make an effort so that neither your partner nor you have the desire to “go to the left.” When the love ray is crossed by a vertical line, a period of cooling in the relationship is possible. How to look at the vertical line at the end of the love line? Most likely, this foreshadows a calm separation by mutual agreement.

How many children the owner of the palm will have can also be determined by the line of love. But this is quite difficult to determine, because children’s strokes are small and cannot always be read accurately. The lines extending upward to the little finger from the line of love are the signs of children.

A short but clearly readable dash means a daughter, a longer and deeper one means a son. It's worth remembering that these touches matter in understanding how many opportunities you'll have to have children. Modern palmists are confident that this number of opportunities to have children includes the likelihood of adoption, and not just the birth of one’s own child.

But if another, much weaker silhouette is located parallel to the marriage line, down or up from it, it is most likely that the owner of the palm will have an extramarital affair. The lines extending down from the marriage line indicate that it is necessary to pay attention to health - both your own and that of your spouse or partner.

Rewrite the script

No matter how much people search for “signs of predestination,” they have the opportunity not only to learn about the script written by fate on our palms, but also to correct and rewrite it. Palmists are sure: what our future life will be is largely determined by our actions.

  • The marriage line, which is located on the right palm, can change throughout life, reflecting how we embody our natural inclinations.
  • The number of “baby signs” is the number of chances of having children, and whether you accept them depends only on you.
  • If you constantly ask yourself questions: “Will I get married?”, “When will I get married?”, “What will my husband/wife be like?”, “How many children will I have?” - and at the same time sit at home and watch videos and photos of other people’s palms, then you can miss all the opportunities given to you. You need to go out into the world, be active - and your happiness will become closer!

In addition, what your family life will be like cannot be fully determined by marriage alone. There are many other additional signs on the palm that need to be looked at and analyzed in order to understand the life situation as a whole. Be happy! Author: Olga Inozemtseva

Yana Volkova June 27, 2018, 12:20

Difficulties in the most important aspects of human life (finding a good job, a happy marriage, children) force men and women to look for answers to their questions in the most unexpected places. For example, on your own palm. It is not difficult to resort to the help of such “palmistry for beginners”. Just look at your hand to see which line is responsible for marriage, and compare the picture you see with a description in the literature, be it simple interest or an urgent need to find a partner for family life. What will help change the marriage line if the result in the palm of your hand does not indicate an imminent marriage?

What does the marriage line look like, where is it located and on which hand?

To find out whether your correct marriage line is on your right or left hand, it is enough to understand which hand is your leading one. Palmists say that only in her palm can one read the real state of affairs here and now. But the second palm only shows potential inherent at birth.

If you turn the palm of your leading hand edgewise and look at the area between the base of the little finger and the beginning of the heart line, you will notice a small fold there (and sometimes more than one). This is that very cherished feature.

Photo of an example of a marriage line on the palm. Easy to find

The meaning of the marriage line in palmistry is ambiguous. That is why it is also called a line attachments or line relationships. A deep and noticeable line means a very strong connection, which will most likely lead to marriage. But it does not provide for the stamp itself in the passport.

It could also be a fairly drawn-out civil marriage, which from all sides looks like a family: love, mutual understanding, common life and budget, children

If you identify the most noticeable fold as the marriage fold, then many people will notice another small line above the marriage line. Palmists interpret it as big youthful love which will be (or was) a serious feeling in a person’s life. Such subtleties gave these folds another name - love lines.

Types of marriage lines and their interpretation on the palm with explanations in pictures. Signs of failure and happiness in the family

When men get married and women get married, everyone hopes for happiness and wishes only good things for their family. Palmists claim that by examining the desired fold a little better and identifying rare signs on the marriage line, one can understand what is in store for the owner of the hand in his marital relationship.

And there can be a lot of options. After all, only a smooth, clear, long (about 2 cm) and deep marriage line, which does not bend anywhere, suggests practically cloudless existence families.

Direct line of relationship - successful marriage

But if it rises and goes up to the little finger, this means that the relationship is expected to be very emotional. But they will quickly burn out, and the spouses will grow cold towards each other. If the fold goes down and even connects with the line of the heart, this may mean that no matter the quality of the marriage, it will end in possible widowhood. Widowhood is also promised when a vertical line crosses the relationship line. According to other transcripts, the tragic option is excluded, and it means a mutual break in relations due to the faded feelings of the spouses.

A downward bend of the marriage line is a sign of great failure in marriage

A gap in the middle of a straight marriage line is interpreted as sudden violent conflict between partners, the successful completion of which is difficult to predict.

A fork or trident at the end of the line of affection speaks of divorce after betrayal. The one who has this split in his palm and can read it will change. But if the line begins with a fork, then the marriage will presumably develop with a person who was in a love affair with you in the past.

Forks and tridents at the beginning and end of relationship lines as a sign of inconstancy

If you find that there is a clear double straight line in the right place, this may mean a simultaneous strong connection with two partners at once. The second interpretation of two parallel lines speaks of the practicality of family relationships. Spouses can become good business partners.

In case the love line connects at the beginning with one or two others, this may mean that your deep relationship with one partner will experience a series of breakups. But in the end they will end in a strong connection and, most likely, even a wedding.

If fairly clear symbols are visible on the palm in the area of ​​the line of affection, palmists interpret their meaning as follows:

  • A diamond or square at the end of the marriage line means there will be a break in the relationship, but it will be restored if the couple makes an effort.
  • A lattice on the marriage line, and especially at the end, means a complete break between people. It is even possible to lose all contacts.
  • A star on the line is considered a bad symbol, and means openly selfish, dishonest relationships in the family.
  • An island in the middle of the marriage line suggests a dramatic and very difficult relationship with your spouse.
  • A mole on the marriage line is also not the happiest sign for family life. A mole in the middle of the fold promises celibacy. Its placement in other places on the line warns of serious difficulties in married life.

Symbols and signs on the love line as a threat to even the best relationships

In the case when the triangle is located on the marriage line or the line ends in a triangle, the owner of the palm faces emotional or physical pressure from the partner. I recommend palmists to a person be more decisive and value yourself.

Additional lines, shoots from the marriage line or crossing it, also have their own meanings. And not always bad. One, two or three lines extending upward from the marriage line are defined as the lines of children. Palmists say that every pregnancy counts, including unsuccessful and interrupted.

Photos of marriage lines and children according to palmistry

But the same lines, but going down, are interpreted ambiguously. But in any case, not good:

  • problems and disagreements that accompany marriage;
  • health problems with one of the partners.

A serious disagreement or a long separation can be expected if the marriage line ends with a break and continues above as if nothing had happened.

The location of the marriage line on the edge of the palm below the little finger is a classic option in palmistry. But some schools claim that your attachment lines are actually on the Mount of Venus, under the thumb of the palm. The interpretation of signs and symbols on it is no fundamentally different from the traditional interpretation described above. But the nuances should be checked by a knowledgeable specialist.

How can you tell by looking at your hand how many marriages there will be? And will there be?

I can assume that most people, looking at their own palm in search of a marriage line, hope to see one noticeable line that symbolizes a long and cloudless relationship with their one and only partner. But it happens that the marriage fold fuzzy and not alone.

Two clear marriage lines on your hand – two stamps in your passport?

Does this imply more marriages in a person's life? Palmists say not really. It is impossible to understand for sure how many times you get married by looking at the marriage lines. Deep and clear lines indicate an equally deep relationship with your partner. And that they will most likely lead to marriage. But for a man to love a woman and not be officially married to her is not the last option.

Therefore, experts interpret marriage lines on a man’s hand, rather, as relationships of varying degrees of depth, which are similar to a family in its usual sense

But whether there will be a stamp in the passport depends only on the person himself.

Fortune telling by a woman's hand for marriage is easier to understand for a palmist. After all, if a woman is seriously in love, she will do everything in her power to will try to marry the chosen one. Therefore, the number of relatively clear marriage lines among young ladies still corresponds to their real possibilities of getting married.

For a woman, the chance to determine how many marriages there will be in life can play a cruel joke. Seeing that there is a chance to become a bride again, the young lady may simply be negligent about the relationship in her first marriage and lose true love and a very good person. After all, even the best specialist cannot accurately determine that the second marriage will actually succeed. Predictions are predictions, and happiness is forged by the hands of a husband and wife.

Photo of the meaning of the marriage line on a woman’s hand. Do multiple lines mean multiple marriages?

How to determine when you will get married by your hand? Age scale on the palm

Almost every young lady (and some guys) at some point in her life tries to find out with various fortune-telling and signs at what age she will get what she wants. ring on the ring finger. Experienced palmists know a simple way to determine what age you will get married based on the palm of your hand.

To calculate the approximate age of marriage, you need to measure the distance between the lower mark of the heart line and the upper mark of the base of the little finger. This distance is conditionally equal to the average human 75 years of life. Then divide this section into three equal parts, which will be equal to the periods:

  • from birth to 25 years;
  • from 25 to 50;
  • from 50 to 75.

Usually the deepest line is located on the second segment. But the lines for a period of up to 25 years are most often determined short-lived youthful hobbies. Of course, these figures are mostly very approximate. A very experienced palmist can determine the exact age of marriage.

Photo of the marriage line on the hand with explanation by year

If there is no marriage line on the palm? Do not panic!

If you have been peering at your palms from all sides for an hour, but cannot find the necessary lines, do not be discouraged. Sometimes even the best specialists cannot discern the treasured features on human hands (it happens, even in married people!). Some people scare us with the “crown of celibacy,” while others say that the absence of a line responsible for marriage simply means forced legalized relations or wedding if necessary.

This happens when parents force you to get married. Or when a girl accidentally gets pregnant, and the guy decides to marry out of conscience, not love

And there is also a frequent phenomenon - a marriage of convenience.

In general, relationships in a legal family can be more than tolerable. Mutual respect, understanding and harmony live even where there is no love. But palmists do not define this type of marriage like a true match made in heaven. Thus justifying the lack of the required line on the hand.

The marital fold is rarely shown even in those who are not naturally predisposed to marriage: men and women who are bored with one partner, and whose everyday life is constraining and depressing. Such people, even having successfully married, do not have a marriage line because they do not treat it properly.

A little more information about what is important and necessary can be obtained from the video about marriage lines on the hand.

Criminology experts say that the lines on a person's hand are unique to everyone. But the lines are changeable. Over time, some folds become deeper and more distinct. Others level out to almost zero. And whether a marriage line can appear on the hand, as a fact of a completed wedding or a hope for its imminent prospect, can only be said by the one for whom this happened. Do not forget that the result of fortune telling is just one of the options for a possible future. And even if the layout of the lines on your palms disappoints you in some way, let this serve as a strong impetus for more active actions to achieve your intended goal.

The science of palmistry has long enjoyed great success. In other words, this is the science of the lines on a person’s palms, which allows one to find out what awaits a person in the future and what happened in the past. Among other things, an experienced palmist can find out from his hand what an individual’s character is and when he is destined to find his soul mate. The latter can be read from the marriage line on the hand. This is exactly what will be discussed next.

On which hand is the marriage line in palmistry for men and women?

The lines on the left and right hands have some differences, which is why the question arises: on which hand is it better to study information about a person. According to palmists, the information on the active hand will be more accurate. If you are right-handed, then look at your right hand, if you are left-handed, look at your left hand. Moreover, studying your future fate does not depend on what gender you are.

Marriage line on the right and left hand: types, photo with interpretation

  • Heart line- in the image below it is number 19, responsible for emotions, all kinds of experiences.
  • Head line- in the picture, this is number 21, indicates intellectual achievements.
  • Life potential lines, in other words - life line(image #8). Here you will learn about your health and life potential.
  • Line of fate(No. 27) - don’t be alarmed, if you don’t have it, it means you’re going with the flow and don’t have clear goals in this life.
  • Line of relationship (marriage) - located on the edge of the hand on the little finger side (No. 23). Some people have several. What is important is that these lines do not indicate the number of relationships in marriage, but fateful relationships. It is better to call this line the line of love.

Palmistry - lines on the palms

IMPORTANT: To get a good look at the love line, just bend your palm, then you can clearly see this groove.

Relationship line leading to breakup

How to determine the age of marriage based on the lines of the hand: photo with transcript

Of course, many would like to find out when they will tie the knot. This question is especially interesting for girls. You can find out about this if you can read palms and have at least a little knowledge of palmistry.

To determine approximate age of marriage enough:

  1. Divide the area between the heart line and the base of the finger (little finger) into three equal parts.
  2. Each part will be approximately equal to a period of twenty-five years of life.
  3. Then look at which part the marriage line is in, if in the first, then you will have a marriage up to 25 years, in the second zone - up to 50, in the third - up to 75 years.

IMPORTANT: Often the marriage lines on the left and right hands give different interpretations. There are cases when you have several relationship bars on the left, but only one on the right. This is interpreted as follows: it means that you will have attachments, but because of your principles, you will not have anything serious with the person.

How to determine the number of marriages: photo with transcript

If you delve into the essence of studying palmistry, you can easily determine the number of relationships a person has in the future or past. To do this, just count how many stripes of marriage you have between the heart line and the base of the finger. The image below clearly shows two features.

However, even such lines do not indirectly state that a person will necessarily formalize his relationship in the registry office. This often indicates a long relationship outside of marriage. To know exactly your destiny, you also need to study the hand and the chosen one.

IMPORTANT: There are cases when a person does not have a relationship line, but lives in a marriage. This can only mean the following: this marriage was of convenience, there are no feelings for the chosen one.

What does a short marriage line mean: photo with explanation

It is very interesting that there are no identical lines on people’s hands. In particular, the trait responsible for marriage can be of different lengths. And this is a kind of hint. The shorter the line, the shorter family relationships await you. In addition, at the end of the line you can find out what will be the reason for the divorce. You will learn about these signs further.

What does a long marriage line mean: photo with transcript

Even a person who has already been in a relationship can compare the duration of the relationship. If the first marriage ended very quickly, then the line will be short, and a marriage that will last a long period of time is destined on the hand with a long line, it extends beyond the edge of the wrist.

If the trait of attachment also rests on sun line, then you will connect your life with a person with a high position in society.

Short, long line of relationships

What do two marriage lines mean: photo with explanation

We have already dwelled a little on this topic. If a person has two clear traits that indicate marriage, then he will have two marriages. However, for men this statement is not always true. Young people, as a rule, often exhibit two traits, despite the fact that they have only one marriage.

Two lines of love

What does a split marriage line mean: photo with transcript

There are various signs of fate on the line of affection. In particular, if a separation occurs, an experienced palmist will be able to determine the reason for this even before the end of the marriage. If there is a fork at the end of the line, as in the photo below, then the partners will not be able to live together due to differences in views.

And the shoot at the beginning of the line indicates that the relationship most likely will not work out, and there will be no marriage. Or there may be interference due to the fact that one of the partners has a high position in society and the other does not.

Successful marriage and unsuccessful marriage - palmistry

What do different marriage lines on both hands mean?

If you are left-handed, then you should read the lines on your left hand. You can find correct predictions about family life only on this hand. The right one in this case only predicts what could have happened if you were a little more windy.

Different lines of love on the left, right hand

IMPORTANT: Usually there are more love lines on the passive hand than on the dominant one.

What does the absence of a marriage line mean: photo with interpretation

If a person does not have a line of relationships, then he may have been damaged. That's what they said back in the old days. Now this means not only the absence of a relationship, but also a marriage union under a contract, which was created without feelings for some benefit.

The marriage line on the hand ends in a triangle: photo with transcript

  • If you see on the family relationship line clear triangle, then someone in your couple suffers from violence, and not only physical, but also moral.
  • At upward curvature of the marriage line most likely, such people there will be no more relationships. The reasons may vary. In particular: complete reluctance to have a family, or suffering for a deceased partner.
  • The marriage line goes sharply to the heart line- speaks about the loss of a life partner or a complete lack of perception of him.
  • Presence stars on the line indicates that your spouse is cheating, living with you for profit.
  • Island (oval, rectangle) on the line of marriage also does not mean anything good. It is a sign of difficult interpersonal relationships.

What does the line of a happy marriage look like on your hand?

If you are the owner of a clear, direct trait of marriage, then you can be envied; you will have a wonderful relationship with your other half. Moreover, the longer this line, the better.

Marriage lines

Can you trust the marriage lines on your hand?

To believe or not to believe the clear lines on your hands is only your choice. The science of palmistry has already existed for many years. Experts in this field studied it using examples of the destinies of many people. However, if you want to trust a palmist, then choose experienced masters of their craft, since beginners often make mistakes with their predictions.

IMPORTANT: Despite the predictions, fate can still be adjusted. In order for family relationships to be harmonious, first of all you should be able to build them correctly, and then the lines will indicate a successful marriage.

Video: Types of relationship lines

Video: Is it possible to change the marriage lines on your hand?

Professional palmists can see key events in life on the hand and predict them with great accuracy. For example, a specialist can easily determine the date of death or the next difficult period. In addition to personal practice, palmists rely on basic knowledge that is available to everyone to study. By carefully examining your palm, even an ordinary person will be able to “read” the fateful signs. According to practitioners, information about the number of children and possible marriages is hidden in the patterns and lines.

How to define family life by marriage

It is customary to guess by using the leading hand (right-handers look at the right hand, left-handers look at the left). The marriage line is very easy to find. It is located on the edge of the palm directly above the heart line.

One trait foreshadows a happy family life. A person with such a sign on his hand is focused on strong, stable relationships. There can be several strokes, they can be of different lengths and depths. Many weakly expressed features mean frequent attachments that do not end in anything serious. Pronounced lines indicate a long-term relationship that leads to official marriage. This is what practitioners focus on: