Hair color for mild winters. Color type "deep winter"

For teenagers

This color type has several translation options: Dark Winter, Deep Winter, and in some sources it is called Soft Winter, but this is not entirely accurate; the Soft Winter color type came from other, more detailed color type systems. Soft Winter means a cross between Dark Winter and Soft Summer, and its palette is accordingly achieved by making the colors of Dark Winter softer and lighter, but slightly darker and brighter than those of Soft Summer. In this article we will look at color types from the 12-season system, but I think it’s important to give a hint on the Soft Winter color type for those who can’t find themselves.

Typical appearance shades for Dark Winter

Eyes: black, brown, dark hazel, dark green.

Hair: black-brown, dark to medium brown, gray hair in dark and cool shades - steel, salt and pepper.

Skin: light beige, beige, olive, black-brown, black.

It is important not to forget that Dark Winter is a neutral color type, you can read about the skin of neutral color types in, but here I will just write that neutral color types often have complex skin shades that are difficult to determine the first time, which is one of the important signs of a neutral color type . Of course, you should definitely check whether the color type suits you by trying on clothes in the appropriate colors; typical appearance characteristics are given mainly to create a general idea of ​​the color type.

Dark Winter is a mysterious and mystical color type with noble deep shades, which in their range resemble a gloomy fairy-tale forest hiding many secrets. The Dark Winter season corresponds to the month of December, which still remembers the relatively warm shades of the passing autumn, but cooler and deeper colors predominate. Representatives of this color type can easily stand out in a crowd thanks to their memorable appearance and rich dark tones of clothing, easily combined with unusual accessories. To make it easier for you to reveal the richness of your palette, we will analyze its colors, features and combinations.

Parsing the palette

The leading characteristics of Dark Winter are dark and cold. The third characteristic is usually “soft”, which is why the colors of the Dark Winter palette look more muted compared to other Winters. The characteristic “dark” does not mean that you must have completely black hair, eyes or skin, but that dark colors suit you. Dark colors are not only black, but also dark shades of other colors in the palette. How do you know what colors suit you? We discussed this in previous articles, but I repeat - the color should not give a bright highlight on the face, especially on the chin, and should not draw attention to itself. You can check this by squinting - if the color is at your level of contrast, then the face will not disappear against the background of dark clothes. And, of course, the color should not make the face look tired, unhealthy, or highlight flaws. For example, if a light color type puts on dark-colored clothes, he will look pale and resemble a nun in mourning robes, while a dark color type, on the contrary, will reveal the depth of its shades and emphasize the contrast.

The mistake dark color types make when trying on dark clothes is that they forget about the importance of proper contrast, wear everything completely black and confidently say that dark colors are too dark for them. But this is not so, because it is important to remember about contrast, so the palette for Dark Winter contains not only dark colors, but also light, fairly bright shades that go well with basic dark colors. Do not be surprised by the presence of warmer yellows, greens and pinks in the palette, because Dark Winter borders on Dark Autumn, the influence of which allows you to wear some warm colors. These colors can be used for office wear, paired with darker bottoms, or for summer wear or accessories. There is pure white in the palette, but Dark Winter may have a more complex relationship with it than other Winters, so if white absolutely doesn’t suit you, you can replace it with softer shades, or use pure white in small quantities in accessories to create the necessary contrast.

Wardrobe for Dark Winter

Choosing a wardrobe for Dark Winter is usually not difficult, since Dark Winter is suitable for many basic colors that are often in fashion and can be found in most stores and boutiques. The basic rule of creating a wardrobe is to remember the contrast and not get carried away with too light colors. A completely light look may be too pale for you, so tone it down and highlight it with darker accessories, such as shoes, handbags or jewelry. Both gold and silver jewelry are suitable for Dark Winter, but it is better to choose the shade of gold and stones closer to neutral, and leave the warmest shades for warmer color types.

It's also better not to stick to just black and gray colors, just look at the beautiful palette of Dark Winter shades, these colors definitely deserve to be in your wardrobe.

Examples of successful combinations:

Having the Dark Winter palette before your eyes, you can easily choose combinations of colors of clothing and accessories to create your own unique look, because all these colors are in perfect harmony with each other. Good luck to you in this exciting endeavor, be beautiful even on the cloudiest day!

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Women with the Winter color type have a contrasting appearance that attracts the attention of others. Distinctive features: black hair, bright eyes, porcelain skin. A properly chosen color scheme of makeup, wardrobe and accessories can give an impressive look. However, first you need to decide on the appropriate subtype: dark, cold or bright.

Sophistication, nobility, sophistication - all this characterizes women who have a winter color type. The main features include a cool tone of hair and skin, as well as a clear, expressive eye color without unnecessary shades. In this case, it would be appropriate to compare it with the image of the Snow Queen, who immediately stands out from the crowd and attracts everyone's attention.

To better understand the characteristics of the Winter color type, you should consider the main features in more detail:

  • Leather snow-white, porcelain or dark with a cold olive tint. The intense blush is practically absent. It is rare to see freckles on such skin, but if they exist, they are not a bright golden color, but a dark gray or brown.
  • Hair can be either absolutely black or platinum white. Such absolute extremes perfectly characterize the Winter color type, when conventions are very rare. This also includes chestnut hair color or dark blond, but only with a cold tint.
  • Eyes winter beauties are distinguished by their expressiveness and contrast. The whites are bright, sometimes with a slight blue tint, and the iris itself can be absolutely any color: from crystal blue to coal black. The possibility of unclear shades or additional undertones is eliminated. Brunettes have black eyelashes and eyebrows, while blondes have ash-gray eyelashes.

Most owners of the winter color type are not recommended to dye their hair or change the shade of their eyes using lenses. If your soul still requires change, then it is better to pay attention to light shading colors of silver, chocolate or purple.

The main color type includes several subtypes that will help you more accurately determine the characteristics of your appearance: dark, cold and bright Winter.

Color type dark Winter

This subtype is easy to identify by the contrast of the entire image. Black hair the color of a raven's wing or ashen, dark eyes, porcelain skin with a barely noticeable bluish-olive tint. Most often, when we talk about a vamp woman or any fatal beauty, the image that appears is of the dark Winter color type.

Cold Winter color type

A spectacular combination of cool tones of hair and olive skin. Here the contrast is no longer visible, as in the previous case, the image is based on a delicate combination of colors. The eye tone can be anything, the main difference is depth and saturation. The overall appearance of such a woman can resemble a Mediterranean winter, when there is coldness, but at the same time there is a certain softness.

Bright Winter color type

This subtype can easily be confused with the Summer color type, but it has its own characteristics. The hair is dark, the skin may be dark, the eye color is bright, contrasting with the shade on the head. Bright Winter is not so common, so it may be difficult to determine this color type.

This video will help you understand in more detail which of the 3 winter color types you belong to. Only the cold Winter color type in the video is called typical Winter.

Suitable color scheme

A woman with the Winter color type is spectacular and sophisticated, so the color palette should be treated with extreme caution. The main colors that suit a winter beauty like no other are black, white and red. You can combine them in a variety of ways: in makeup, clothes, accessories. These colors will be appropriate for both brunettes and blondes and are suitable for any subtype.

In addition to the primary colors, you can give preference to yellow, pink, lilac, green, blue, brown and burgundy. These should be cool shades, in which case they will be able to emphasize the natural beauty of a woman and highlight the advantages of her appearance. You should not overuse one color; the entire image should be based on the right combination of several tones that combine well with each other.

You will have to give up pastel shades: soft pink, sky blue, beige, light green and others. They can make the image inexpressive and unfavorably highlight flaws in appearance. These tones are more suitable for summer or spring women.

Suitable colors for each of the three subtypes still have their own characteristics. Therefore, below you can find out which colors you should give preference to and which ones you should refuse.

Dark Winter

Cold winter

Bright Winter

Matching wardrobe

Impeccability in simplicity - this is precisely the rule that a woman with the Winter color type should adhere to. The clarity of the lines will add expressiveness to the classic look, and the original cut will be able to emphasize the contrasting and bright appearance. Women with the Winter color type can combine light and bright colors, as well as light and dark, for example, black and white, red and white. This contrast of colors gives it elegance.

Basic colors include black and white, blue or dark brown will also look beautiful. The shades should be closer to cool, since warm pastel colors will look unfavorable and very faded. If you want to create a romantic image, then this can be done with the help of a feminine cut of a dress or skirt, as well as the selected material: satin, silk, moire and lace.

Rhinestones and precious stones will add extravagance to your look. It is better to give preference to silver or platinum shades than gold or bronze. Diamonds as accessories can highlight natural beauty, and the whiteness of pearls will add a touch of aristocracy. Transparent, red, burgundy and emerald jewelry will also look impressive.

Suitable hair color

You can recognize a Winter woman by her black or dark brown hair, which favorably emphasizes her snow-white and slightly dark skin tone. Hair can also be completely white or with a silver undertone. This color will look very impressive on those with bright blue eyes, as you will get a real image of the Snow Queen.

Changing your natural hair tone is not recommended. In this case, you will have to contact a specialist so that he can correctly select a new color and carry out the coloring according to all the rules. It is also worth remembering that when changing your hair shade, you will have to adjust your preferences regarding clothing, makeup and selection of accessories, since familiar things may no longer suit your type.

If you can’t experiment much with color, then with haircuts things are much better. The possibilities are endless: from the shortest to the longest length. Here you will have to focus not on the color type, but on the physical features of appearance. Winter girls will want smooth, straight hair with a little volume at the roots.

Light curls will also look harmonious, they can emphasize the sophistication of the image; for evening outings, this styling is a win-win option. But you will have to give up very curly hair. This hairstyle will not decorate the appearance of a woman with the Winter color type and will look inappropriate.

Makeup Features

Winter women should focus their makeup on either the eyes or the lips. The appearance itself is bright, so it is important not to overdo it and not create the so-called “war paint”. It is important to follow a number of rules that will help you avoid mistakes in makeup:

  • Tone. The base should be smooth and almost invisible. The light texture of the foundation will help emphasize the porcelain whiteness of the face; the color should be chosen either transparent or barely noticeable light. For dark skin, beige or pink shades are more suitable. The main rule is to avoid tones with yellowness, otherwise it may create a sickly look.
  • Powder. The color of the tone and powder must match. In the evening, you can use silver shimmer on the cheekbones, then the image will be bright and memorable. It is better to avoid the bronze tone.
  • Blush. Excessive application of blush will make your face look comical and will clearly ruin your entire appearance. It is recommended to lightly flush the cheeks and cheekbones with a cool pinkish or lilac tone. If everything is done correctly, your face should have a healthy, natural glow.
  • Pencil and mascara. Classic black arrows will come in handy. You can use a cool, bright palette, but don’t go to extremes and apply mascara, pencil or eyeliner too thickly. The natural eyelash color of winter girls is black, so you should only slightly emphasize the expressiveness of your eyes.
  • Shadows. It is allowed to use bold, rich shades: blue, charcoal, green, purple. A combination with lighter tones: lemon, silver, emerald will look impressive.
  • Pomade. To make perfect lips, you should first draw a line along the contour with a pencil two shades darker, and then apply lipstick on top. All shades of cool pink will work, but rich red will look especially attractive. This color suits no one as much as women with a winter color type.

However, there are slight differences in the shades of cosmetics depending on the winter subtype.

Dark Winter

In this case, bright, playful colors are suitable. Thanks to this, the appearance of a woman with the dark Winter color type looks even more expressive.

Cold winter

In this case, it is better to give preference to more classic colors in cosmetics: gray eye shadow, red lipstick, black mascara. Although experimenting with other cool shades is also not prohibited.

Bright Winter

For the Bright Winter color type, classic cold shades are also suitable. But to make the look more fresh, it is recommended to use bright pink lipstick.

Having fully understood the features of her color type, a woman can better understand her strengths and emphasize them to her advantage. Owners of the Winter color type need to focus on cool and bright colors and not be afraid to experiment with their wardrobe, combining different materials and cuts.

Hello, dears =) Today I will continue to talk about color types within the framework of my color theory. And today we have - dark winter transitioning to mild summer. "Soft Winter" Unusual coloring, but still found.

She will be presented by the beautiful Olesya.

I'll start with a little myth about color. It is often believed that winter is always a bright color. This is due to the fact that in the theory of 4 seasons, “winter” is always bright. All the confusion comes from mixing theories. You always need to know what exactly a person means by a particular name. Therefore, seasonal names generally add to the confusion. Dark cold color "Deep Winter" is called winter purely associatively (night, December). However, if we discard the imagery that is unnecessary for us at the stage of determining the definition, then this is simply a dark and cool color (a color mixed with black and bluish). It can be both bright and soft. On the bright side it borders on bright winters, on the soft side - on mild summers. When a dark winter is also mild, that is, on the border with a mild summer, it can be difficult to determine, simply because the color seems “unusual.”

However, let's return to our heroine. From her photographs you can see that she definitely does not have a light coloring - rather dark colors suit her.

She doesn’t have a bright color either - the soft colors on her are also quite harmonious. And when you substitute her photo into a palette of bright colors, you can see that bright colors come to the fore.

Warm and cold colors also do not suit Olesya. Warm colors look heavy, and the coldest ones seem to exist slightly separately.

This is also visible in the palettes.

Dark and soft colors remain. Moreover, Olesya has a clearly cool coloring - that is, the main choice will be between dark winters and mild summers. The colors of dark autumn and soft autumn are clearly too warm and do not add freshness.

And in palettes, soft summers and dark winters look best. Especially dark winter is suitable in terms of brightness, but mild summer is still a bit dull.

From Olesya’s photographs it is also clear that it is a dark winter, not a mild summer. She can wear quite bright colors, but the grayish edge of mild summer is dull for her.

Additionally, she can wear white. Not bright “medical” white, like bright winter, for example, and not milky, like summer colors. But rather the color of white paper. This color is too bright for mild summers.

Olesya suits the colors of dark winter

Some soft summer colors also suit her.

Olesya has a Dark Soft Cool flavor - dark winter transitioning to mild summer.

These colors are associated with warm twilight, dark foliage, the refreshing coolness of the night, and soft velvet. This is a luxurious, inviting and slightly mysterious palette.

By tradition, we compare Olesya with girls with a similar coloring to train color perception =)
When compared with Katya, also in dark winter, only dark and bright (), it is clear that Olesya is a little softer, her skin tone contains a little more gray. Although the commonality of color is also visible - the velvety and coolness of the colors.

And in comparison with Maria (mild summer with a transition to dark winter), it is clear that Olesya’s colors are brighter and more saturated.

But in comparison with me, soft dark and warm (dark autumn - soft autumn, color from the other border of heat and cold, at the same level of darkness) the difference is already noticeable worse. I am only a little grayer (I still have a leading softness), and warmth and cold, since both of us are least expressed, they are not striking, it is difficult to notice the difference between bluish and ocher in colors. Therefore, you should always check with palettes and drapery, even if “the eye is a diamond” =)

And next time in the analysis we will have a dark winter with a transition to a dark autumn.

The Winter color type is the brightest of all color types, so winter girls are often those very fatal beauties. Dark hair, light skin, black eyelashes and eyebrows - all this characterizes the winter color type. How to choose a stylish wardrobe for a winter girl? We’ll talk about this today on the pages of

What clothing style suits the Winter color type?

If we describe a wardrobe suitable for winter in a nutshell, it would be elegant and businesslike.

The very image of a winter beauty is associated with this style of clothing - restrained but sexy, with rich colors, and stylish simple silhouettes.

Winter color type: subtypes and tricks in creating a wardrobe

Deep Winter

The deep winter subtype is characterized by rich shades of skin, eyes and hair. This color type in the wardrobe has different preferences from other subtypes.

Among the color solutions, a contrasting combination of black, dark brown, dark gray and bright colors such as pink, yellow, green, blue is perfect for it.

Also, pastel shades look great in deep winter - a kind of fatal tenderness.

Bright Winter

Bright Winter has its distinctive feature in the brightness of the color of the eyes and hair.

The Bright Winter color type in the wardrobe prefers bright and clean contrasts - for example, the same classic black and white and red and black.

Blue and aqua colors are also perfect for representatives of this type.

Southern Winter

But a girl of the Southern Winter color type should prefer black or white in her wardrobe.

Such total looks will suit her very well (Southern Winter has rather dark skin).

As well as the brightest colors and bold combinations.

Basic wardrobe

Now let's talk about how to create a basic wardrobe for a winter girl. First of all, we note that his items should be distinguished by clear lines, medium-density fabrics, and high contrast.

The necessary elements are classic black trousers with arrows, a pencil skirt, a simple white and red shirt, plain tops, T-shirts and blouses in gray and pastel colors, cardigans made of fairly thick materials.

These seemingly incredibly simple pieces form the basis from which you can create ultra-stylish and eye-catching looks with more complex clothing or accessories.

Since the prerogative of Winter is elegance, you can’t do without a jacket or blazer in a rich, cool shade. A “winter” wardrobe should not contain girly and romantic elements, such as ruffles, frills and bows; this will greatly fool not only any image, but also the entire appearance.

Capsule wardrobe

It’s not so difficult to create a capsule wardrobe for the Winter color type, because a touch of elegance will be visible in every capsule – business, casual, formal, etc.

For office/casual

So, for example, a capsule for work may consist of white and black trousers, a formal pencil skirt, a dress, a couple of colorful blouses of different styles and a good expensive jacket.

For holidays/travel

A wardrobe capsule for the Winter color type in the leisure sector may include comfortable silk trousers, a more frivolous skirt, printed T-shirts, bright cardigans, a comfortable fitted dress, etc.

For parties and special occasions

An evening capsule can be made up of just a couple of different dresses, a couple of clutches and accessories. Here it is better to play on quality rather than quantity.

If elegance means clothes should be of high quality and expensive. Although this is always better than a mountain of cheap unnecessary rags.

If you are sure that you are Winter, then you are given a unique opportunity to always and everywhere look elegant, feminine and sexy, and thereby emphasize your luxurious appearance. Take advantage of it!

The Winter color type is contrast, brightness, exciting, alluring cold. The snow-white face of the Snow Queen, the burning hair, eyes and sensual lips of a vamp woman, calm confidence, and the ability to present themselves make winter girls stand out from the crowd. Platinum blondes and dark-skinned beauties with brown hair also belong to this color type.

The main features of winter women are cool shades of skin and hair, expressive eyes without halftones. The wrong color palette of clothing and makeup, incorrectly selected accessories can destroy the integrity of the image and make the appearance awkward. So: harmony, perfection, charm.

In this article:

Hair, skin, eyes of the Winter color type and features of the subtypes

Hair the color of a raven wing, chestnut or dark blond with an icy tint, natural platinum blond is an exquisite contrast to this color type. Even a hint of a red or yellow accent has no place here. There is no need to change your natural hair color, except maybe slightly shade it with purple, chocolate or silver.

The skin is snow-white porcelain or dark, cold olive. If there is blush, it is barely noticeable. In rare cases, the face may be decorated with freckles, but not golden ones, but dark gray-brown ones. Aristocratic pallor is not friendly to the sun, but dark-skinned women tan easily, pleasantly, beautifully.

The eyes are distinguished by a bright contrast between the iris and crystal clear, sometimes with a slight blue, whites. The color can be any: blue, turquoise, green, cherry brown, bottomless black, but without any extraneous inclusions or halftones. Brunettes have black eyebrows and eyelashes, while blondes have ashen eyebrows.

It will not be difficult for bright, fatal women to determine the color type. And for those whose appearance is not so contrasting, but gravitates toward winter colors, a description of the subtypes will help them find themselves.

Deep Winter.

The shining face of Japanese geishas, ​​smooth black hair, radiant eyes. If they are blue, then they contain the entire depth of the sky, if they are brown, then they are dark chocolate, if they are anthracite, then they are a bottomless pool. The skin can be snow-white, bluish-olive, cool. Warm (southern) Winter.

These girls very harmoniously combine cool brown hair tones with warm olive skin tones. The contrast is not very pronounced, the appearance is enveloped in the charm of a mild Mediterranean winter. They tan easily and resemble chocolate bars in summer. The eyes are always deep, rich in tone. Light (non-contrast) Winter.

It is in this case that difficulties may arise in determining the color type; this subtype is often confused with. The skin and eyes correspond to the description of deep Winter. And based on the tone of their curls, fair-haired and blondes fall into this category. But the constant sign is cold, ashy shades.

Bright contrasts are the privilege of the Winter color type. Their appearance will beautify what looks vulgar on others. Ruby red lipstick will highlight the exquisite pallor. Bold, clear arrows will make your look irresistible. Just don’t get carried away with blush and accentuate your eyes and lips at the same time. Let's explore the contents of the ideal cosmetic bag.

Clear lines, no blur, even complexion - these are the main requirements for the makeup of these girls. Quantity may give way to quality, because they are often charming even without decorative cosmetics.

Basic wardrobe colors, accent palette

These mysterious women are amazing in black. It can be safely chosen as the main one for the basic group of clothes. Other suitable colors:

  • anthracite,
  • pure blue,
  • bitter chocolate,
  • rich green,
  • ruby red,
  • crimson.

Bold contrasting combinations will only add charm and emphasize the brightness of the image. You can combine the colors of your basic wardrobe without fear of going overboard with extravagance.

The “white top – dark bottom” option, which turns others into an office mouse or a schoolgirl, is simply ideal for the snowy beauty. White color can be used as a base color for a summer wardrobe, and, if desired, for the colder season. Only pure color is recommended. Muted shades of white steal the charm of snow girls.

The colors of light clothing, additions, and accessories should be bright and cool:

  • hot pink,
  • icy yellow,
  • lilac,
  • indigo,
  • bright coniferous,
  • rich mint,
  • azure,
  • purple,
  • lingonberry,
  • bright blue,
  • silver.

Acid and neon shades are allowed. And it’s better to stay away from warm palettes and pastel colors.

Impeccable style is the key to success

Clean lines, impeccable cut, graphics, sophistication will do. Classic clothing style perfectly emphasizes elegance. A winter girl can afford a fair amount of extravagance and original solutions in clothing styles. The only thing that won’t decorate her is a romantic look with ruffles and an abundance of frills.

Suitable materials are smooth and shiny:

  • leather,
  • taffeta,
  • atlas,
  • brocade,
  • silk,
  • cashmere,
  • velvet,
  • thick knitwear,
  • lace,
  • chiffon.

It is better to choose plain fabrics. Preferably geometric designs, with clear lines, predatory and fairly large prints. A small flower, blurry watercolor is not a “winter” option at all.

Shoes and handbags are made of patent or smooth leather. It is better to avoid soft suede, or nubuck as a last resort. The bags are not in the form of shapeless bags, but of a clear rectangular shape of a small size. The heel is an indispensable companion for this graceful lady. Elegant shoes emphasize individuality. Glasses frames are black, silver or bright.

A drop of charm in jewelry and fragrances

The best jewelry for girls is diamonds - this is just about winter ladies. But if these jewels are beyond your means, no one has canceled cheaper cubic zirconias or rhinestones. White and blue pearls, silver, platinum, white gold are in perfect harmony with the cold winter appearance. Yellow gold – exclusively with stones of lilac, green, and blue colors. Winter, but there are exceptions. If it is jewelry, then it should be transparent and light. The size of the jewelry is medium.

The perfume should be sensual, mysterious, with a slight trail of mystery and sexuality. Sweet notes are inappropriate, frivolity does not reflect the essence, astringency does not soften the coldness. Fruity and refined oriental scents based on musk, amber, and sandalwood are best suited.

Lady winter in the photo

So our acquaintance with the winter color type has come to an end. All that remains is to admire the photos of celebrities, ordinary girls and women who can safely be called Snow Queens.