What to give a guy in NG is cool. What to give your boyfriend for New Year? Super ideas for your loved one! What gifts should you refuse?


You know everything about your lover. Well, or almost everything. If the desired item is already in the house, but your budget does not allow you to pay attention to expensive equipment, give him an unusual gift. Such courtesies can be quite memorable. Many years later, a man will be happy to tell his friends what his significant other once gave him.

Photomosaic or portrait on canvas. With such a gift we kill two birds with one stone. This is both a valuable thing and the most original New Year's gift of all!

New Year's ball with photo. The choice of a gift may be dictated by the desire to present a souvenir that you want to keep for the rest of your life.

Photo frame with your photo. An inexpensive but touching gift. It is simply impossible to forget the girl who made it.

Robe. You can buy it for a guy who values ​​home comfort more than anything else. In this form, he seems even closer and dearer.

Bed linen with your photos. The chosen one has never received such gifts. Just imagine how sweet sleeping together will seem.

Personalized thermos. A sip of hot coffee never hurt anyone. In this case, not only the drink, but also the memorial inscription will have a warming effect. It was made at the request of a beloved woman!

Choosing themed gifts for a guy

Young people are passionate about technology. A laptop, tablet, game console - a very welcome gift for the New Year! If you cannot afford such a gift for financial reasons, then without hesitation, you can buy some computer accessories for your beloved man.

. It will come in handy always and everywhere. When choosing a gift, check the storage capacity. A removable disk does not have a lot of memory.

USB hub. Worth a gift for an advanced user. He has a lot of gadgets, but there are few extra ports on the system unit. Let him connect whatever he wants.

Smart watch. You won't go anywhere with such a gift! This is not just a chronometer, but a full-fledged communicator on the wrist.

Virtual reality glasses. On New Year's Day it won't be difficult for a guy to believe in a fairy tale. The picture on the screen is so realistic that you want to stretch out your hand and touch objects.

Keyboard vacuum cleaner. You no longer have to worry about the cleanliness of your keys. Frequent tidying up will seem like a pleasant activity to the guy.

USB light. Such gifts are highly rated simply because they are unusual. The young man will definitely like the surprise.

Good gifts for romantically inclined guys don't have to be material. In this case, it is better to approach the matter creatively. An evening by candlelight, pleasant music, erotic dance will make a lasting impression! These men like hand-made gifts no less. For example, a cake with an original inscription, specially brewed aromatic soap, an embroidered scarf, and the like.

. For this gift to be the best, it is not necessary to take drawing lessons. You can entrust the implementation of your plans to professionals!

Mittens or hat. Ideally, such a thing should be knitted by hand. If you haven’t learned how to use knitting needles, you’ll have to buy something suitable in the store.

Gift certificate for a joint photo shoot. Do you like couple photos? Great! After a couple of hours in a professional studio, you can show them off to everyone.

Paired T-shirts. Guys really like such gifts. Let everyone see: together you are one.

Paired mugs. The young man will gladly accept such a gift. It is also intended for sharing a morning meal with your beloved.

Wristwatch with photo. The classic assured that happy hours do not watch. Your chosen one will be able to refute this! Let him watch the movement of the hands throughout the year and count the minutes until the next meeting.

There are a great many gifts for a guy for the New Year, but choosing something suitable for a joker and buffoon is not so easy! He takes things too lightly, perceiving events as if they were a child’s game. These ideas will clearly not disappoint the young man!

Congratulations to the Snow Maiden. The guy will be sincerely surprised by this gift. You can invite one of your friends to play the role of a seductive beauty.

. A must-have item. A plush, rubber or ceramic animal must be on the holiday table.

Kettlebells or dumbbells. Make the athlete laugh and puzzle the armchair expert with this gift. It will definitely be useful for both one and the other.

Esmarch's irrigator. Before you give your guy a rubber bag with his photo for New Year, weigh the pros and cons. It is impossible to predict a friend's reaction.

Pillow with photo. A more calm and serious gift. “Vanilla” photos are not suitable for design. It is much more interesting to use bright and creative ones.

Gift certificate for Thai massage. Surely the young man dreamed of visiting the corresponding salon. Jokes aside! During the Christmas holidays, your fantasy will come true!

Erotic board game. An excellent present without any reservations. Some sets contain not only task cards, but also suitable props. Like a mask, handcuffs and a whip. Long weekends are conducive to experimentation.

A car owner has no more desirable New Year's gift than accessories for his four-wheeled friend. There is always a place for useful things in the trunk or in the cabin. Show concern for your boyfriend, and he will be indescribably delighted!

Car cosmetics set. It's definitely worth giving as a New Year's gift. In winter, the paintwork especially needs care.

Glass scraper. A very useful present. Can always be kept under the seat. Night temperature changes will worry the driver less.

Massage seat cover. These gifts are remembered with gratitude. Several automatic impact modes will allow you to spend much more time behind the wheel.

Holder for your mobile phone. An indispensable companion on the road. It will significantly facilitate interaction with the device and make the trip safer.

Navigator. Any car enthusiast needs such a gift. Why bother with finding the right street if the electronic assistant will plot the route and even suggest a turn?

Tools in a case with a flashlight. You shouldn't go far from the garage without this set. Devices for initial repairs may be needed at any time.

Travel bag. If you decide to give it as a gift, then pay attention to models with mounting behind the driver’s seat. While driving, the bag will not fly around the cabin, and getting inside is much more convenient.

The coming year is already very close. Many people begin to think about what to give to their dear and close people. There is very little left before the start of New Year's sales; autumn will fly by unnoticed and bring with it the long-awaited winter. And then the New Year 2019 is just around the corner. Many girls don’t know at all what they can give for their beloved guy. Let's find out in this article.

DIY gift for boyfriend for New Year

Next year will be under the sign of the yellow pig according to the eastern calendar. The Pig belongs to the earth element, it is quite calculating and likes to conduct classes on making plans for the near future. The year will be favorable for people who are planning significant changes to realize all their desires and goals. Only you should understand a simple thing, which is very important in the implementation of your plans in 2019 - you should not notify anyone about your own goals, desires, opportunities, otherwise you will find troubles on your own path.

What will the upcoming eastern calendar sign like? This year's color is yellow. Accordingly, you can give gifts to your loved ones in these colors. These can be things in yellow (sweatshirts, dresses, scarves, etc.). Yellow is the color of warmth, the color of family and comfort. Every person who is single this year has a chance of meeting his future soul mate. For those who are doing well on a personal level, this article is presented. And in particular - for lovely ladies who don’t know what to give to their other halves.

Inexpensive New Year's gift for your beloved boyfriend

Many girls, especially young ones, do not have a large budget to buy a gift, since they may be studying and not working. This section about inexpensive but good gifts will help you choose

As you know, the most budget-friendly option for a gift is to make it yourself. You can try and create a gift with your own hands. Nowadays Handmade is especially developed. You can make many gifts that will be much better and more pleasant than those gifts bought for a lot of money.

If your boyfriend truly loves you, he will appreciate any work you have done for him. After all, it will be a gift from the soul and sincere heart.

Gift options:

  • You can knit a beautiful and warm scarf for your loved one. If you wish, you can even knit a set - a scarf and a hat. Of course, considering whether he wears hats and likes scarves.
  • Recently it has become fashionable to make covers for cups. On the one hand, this is a useless gift, but if you don’t know what to give, you can use it as an option.
  • In addition to the previous point, you can paint cups and T-shirts. Special paints are sold for cups that do not wash off from the cup. You can draw whatever you want on it.
  • You can bake a cake or New Year's cookies. It is now fashionable to decorate cakes with fondant; you can make different figures out of it, such as snowmen or a Christmas tree. It's up to you.
  • For decoupage lovers, you can decorate a bottle of champagne. After all, it is customary to drink this drink on New Year’s Day. In addition, you can make a beautiful card.
  • Those who like to draw can make a portrait of their loved one. He will appreciate such a gift.

In fact, there are a lot of options. You can make a New Year's frame, decorate it accordingly and insert a joint photo there. Come up with a poetic greeting, make a romantic dinner. This is only your imagination, because you, like no one else, know your boyfriend’s preferences.

An original gift for a guy for the New Year

What original can you give a guy for the New Year? This is a question many representatives of the fair sex ask. Inadvertently find out the secret dreams and desires of your betrothed. Maybe your significant other has a dream that you can make come true. This will be the best gift for him and will be remembered for many years. Desires can be very diverse - visiting a specific place, or performing some actions.

If your boyfriend is a fan of extreme sports and similar things, then you can give him a gift in the form of a certificate for a parachute jump. There are a large number of companies that provide services for selling gift certificates. Better take a certificate for two, let its positive emotions be associated only with you. Gift certificates can be:

  • Skydiving;
  • Extreme trip to a specific place;
  • Rock climbing;
  • Various trampolines and air turbines.

There are many such entertainments now. However, New Year is also considered a time of romance, when you can be alone. People began to forget about this due to the development of many gadgets that distract us from each other. Any gift from you that you two spend together in a romantic setting will be greatly appreciated by your loved one. Anyone can give a gift of banal perfumes, shower gels and shaving foam, but unfortunately not everyone is able to give a gift of emotions and impressions.

A good option might be to prepare a special video for your loved one. Slideshow with your best photos and moments from your life accompanied by beautiful music. Perhaps you already have a common song that connects you. You can add beautiful words to the video and your lover will definitely like this gift.

It would be original to compose a poem on your behalf about your relationship. If you have talent, you can sing a song and record it in the studio. Now there are a large number of studios that will help you record a song. You can also make a slideshow for this song. But it's all about talent here.

Congratulations in prose can also be an original gift. You can light many small candles in the room, create a cozy atmosphere and read or recite such words. The guy will be touched.

Unusual gift ideas for a guy for the New Year

New Year 2019 is approaching. Very soon this magical New Year's time and bustle will come, when all people run around and buy for their loved ones. As you know, all guys love modern gadgets and new items in the world of electronics. The most fashionable and original gift ideas for your loved one are below:

  1. Virtual reality glasses. The most fashionable gadget of late. The thing is quite useless, does not bring any benefit to humans, but it brings a lot of pleasure and surprise. You can view videos in 360 degree mode. If your guy is a gamer, he will definitely like these glasses. Only you should choose glasses that are suitable for gamepads and computers. Your loved one will be overjoyed.
  2. Headphones. Good quality headphones would be a good and practical gift. This is the most basic option. In today's stores there are a large number of different types of headphones; the choice is simply huge. Headphones are an essential attribute for young people. Does your loved one like to run in the mornings or evenings? Then headphones will be a good thing for him. Buy high-quality, in-ear headphones. Their sound quality is excellent. If your guy is a homebody and likes to play games on the computer over an online network, large headphones with a headset would be a good option for him. You can buy good quality headphones and then your boyfriend will definitely thank you for a long time.
  3. Telephone. Of course, such a gift should be given if it makes sense. If your boyfriend has been dreaming of a new phone for a long time, you can buy it. This will be a wonderful gift as you will make his dream come true. But don’t forget to use a subtle hint to find out what kind of phone he wants and what exactly he values ​​in a phone.
  4. Fitness bracelet. The recent innovation may be very attractive to guys who lead a sporty life. Such a bracelet will be not only practical, but also a useful gift. The modern market offers a large number of such bracelets: from simple to cool with many useful functions.
  5. Wireless Bluetooth speaker. A modern gadget that is now also quite common. If your boyfriend is a music lover, then he will like this gift. There are many types of such speakers: from small portable ones to large ones that can replace computer speakers.
  6. Powerbank is one of the necessary mobile phone accessories nowadays. This is a portable battery that allows you to charge your phone without electricity. A thing every person needs. Everyone already has mobile phones, but problems with rapid battery drain remain acute. However, this external portable battery will save you. When purchasing, pay attention to USB-C support - this is a standard that is now being introduced into new phones. Even if your boyfriend still uses an older model, in the future he will have a phone that will have this particular standard. The gift will be very useful and original.
  7. Quadcopter. Probably everyone has heard about this thing. Every boy and man definitely wants such a thing, because they are all grown-up children at heart. There will be a lot of emotions from filming. Not only will your loved one like this gift, it will also bring you a lot of pleasure. You can shoot many objects, you can even fly higher than the sky. The device connects to the phone, you can watch everything in real time. However, the price of such a gift will not be cheap. This could be a downside to this gift.
  8. The robot vacuum cleaner is another interesting invention that many people who don't like cleaning will appreciate. As a rule, not many guys can boast that they love to clean. This device will be a salvation for them.

There are many more gifts from this category; you need to focus on the preferences of your lover. Who, if not you, knows about them better than anyone. This way you can choose a good gift for him.

What can you give a real and useful gift to a guy?

Such gifts belong to the category of those that you can put on yourself and feel them. If you and your boyfriend already live together, then you can know what things he will need. You can give things in yellow tones, since the coming year will be the year of the yellow pig according to the eastern calendar.

List of the best gifts for your loved one for the New Year 2019:

  • Watch. This is a classic - men's wristwatch. A very stylish thing. It’s beautiful when a man’s, strong and beautiful hand has a watch on it, giving the man even more brutality. There are a lot of options for watches, opt for a better quality watch. These may include mechanical watches; they are of the highest quality.
  • Knitted socks. Such a thing will not only warm your loved one, but will also remind him of your love and care. If you don't know how to knit, you can buy it in stores. Before the New Year, a large mass of New Year-themed socks with snowflakes and deer will appear.
  • Scarf. Another practical and useful gift for winter time. You can buy a simple classic scarf, or you can buy fashionable snood scarves. But if you are not sure that your lover will like it, it is better to buy a simple scarf.
  • Gloves. Currently, gloves with a special coating applied to the fingertips to respond to touchscreen phones are extremely popular. When buying gloves, pay attention to this.
  • New Year's sweatshirt. By the New Year, cute sweatshirts with New Year's prints will be on sale. You can buy two of these sweaters, for yourself and your loved one. On warm and cozy evenings, you can sit with a cup of tea in beautiful and cozy sweatshirts.

You can give your beloved anything that you consider necessary. It is possible to buy a set - gloves, scarf and hat. Or just a scarf with gloves. You should know for yourself what is best for your boyfriend.

Non-childish gifts for your beloved boyfriend

Similar options for New Year's gifts can be found in stores where entry is strictly limited to 18 years of age. Such a gift will definitely warm up your relationship and your boyfriend will definitely like it. Give your significant other a flirty and unexpected gift. What can you give as a gift:

  1. Actually, you are wearing beautiful lingerie. Buy sexy lingerie for yourself and you will become an unforgettable gift for your boyfriend. You can put a big red bow on yourself - such a gift will be really expensive for your loved one.
  2. A variety of costumes for role-playing games. It depends on your imagination: you can buy a costume for a maid, a schoolgirl, or a nurse. Find out what kind of costume excites your boyfriend. But do it discreetly so that he doesn’t catch the essence of your present.
  3. Dinner in a dark room followed by romance in bed.
  4. Unique bed linen that you will immediately want to try in action.
  5. If you have a long-term and trusting relationship, you can provide certain sex toys as a gift. What could it be - handcuffs, whips, cubes with poses, various stimulating lubricants, BDSM sets, etc. There is plenty of this stuff in stores. In addition, you can order on websites if you don’t want to go to a regular store.
  6. Give your loved one a striptease. The most inexpensive gift for the New Year - you just need to prepare for it.

When choosing gifts from this category, you need to take into account the level and trust in your relationship. If you have been in a relationship for a long time and know that you are already practically married, then you can give such gifts. But if your relationship is no more than a month old, you shouldn’t spoil your guy with such gifts.

It is not necessary to give your loved one a drill or a set of tools - this is a gift with a hint of homework. Men, just like children, want to receive something unusual and original as a gift. Gifts in the form of eau de toilette, shower gels and shaving foam are also best left for other holidays.

If your loved one is interested in fishing, then you can please him with a gift certificate for the purchase of fishing equipment. It will still be difficult for you to figure out what exactly he needs from this huge number of fishing rods, tackle and floats.

A New Year's gift for a beloved man should fulfill some of his cherished dreams. Now almost all large stores offer gift certificates for the purchase of certain goods. Your man, having received such a gift, will feel the happiest on this New Year's Eve, and you will become the most beautiful and understanding woman for him.

If your loved one often visits the hairdresser, then give him a certificate to the most prestigious salon in the city, where he will not only get a stylish haircut, but also strengthen his hair follicles.

You can please your lover with a gift certificate for a therapeutic massage session. This will allow him to relax after a difficult year and meet the coming year with renewed vigor.

If your beloved man has a sweet tooth, then you can surprise him by giving him a beautifully decorated bouquet of real sweets. For him, such a gift will be a real surprise.

You can give a man a bottle of good wine, cognac or whiskey, depending on which alcoholic drinks he prefers most.

If your lover likes to dress stylishly, and you know exactly which item of clothing he will definitely like, then give your loved one another fashionable shirt or jumper.

Football fans can be given a piece of clothing or some accessory with the emblem of their favorite team. If your man loves to drink beer, give him a beer mug with your image as a gift.

If your lover is interested in video games, then you can give him a disc with a new game or some fancy accessory for a game console.

In addition to material gifts, you can please your loved one with a romantic surprise - this will warm up his feelings and ignite his passion. For example, you can hang cardboard hearts on your Christmas tree that list why you love him. Or you can arrange a fun quest-style game by placing small notes around the apartment with a hint in which direction he should look. The final part of the game can be a letter with a declaration of love and a small gift.

You can record a video greeting on camera and post it on YouTube, then send your loved one a link to the video by email.

If your loved one is a romantic, then you are the best gift for him. Dedicate the whole day to him, fulfilling any of his wishes. Prepare his favorite dish, go to a movie together, go to a skating rink, have dinner at a restaurant, and in the evening wrap yourself in a warm blanket and enjoy each other’s company.

New Year is a time of pleasant surprises, gifts and magic. Classic gifts to men in the form of socks and perfume today cause more surprise than sincere joy. Therefore, a woman has to be more selective when choosing a gift, especially if it is intended for a loved one. How to combine beauty, benefit and originality in one thing? What can you give a guy (ideas)? A homemade gift, be it a purse made of leather or a craft from photographs, will be a sincere, valuable surprise for any representative of the stronger half of humanity! There are actually a lot of ideas. So, let's choose

Donate clothes

If you knit well, then the original one with your own hands will pleasantly surprise your chosen one. If your skill is not enough for complex patterns, your partner is too picky in choosing clothes, or you don’t know his size, you can opt for a warm, soft scarf or mittens with a simple pattern. Also an original New Year's gift for a guy with his own hands - warm hand-knitted woolen socks with an interesting pattern that will warm you up on cold winter evenings.

Use photos

You probably have a lot of pictures of them together on your phone or computer. Create a collage from them in a large frame or a handmade album with dates and your comments. There is always a place for such a gift, and it will also be a wonderful reminder of the time spent together.

If there are not many photos, but there is one that you both like, you can immortalize it on a mug, pillow or T-shirt for your loved one (provided that he will wear it).

If you are just starting a relationship and have not yet acquired a joint album, what should you give your guy for the New Year? You can give your favorite guy a hand-made certificate for professional photography or ask your friends to take your photo.

Handmade accessories and leather crafts

Any man uses a wallet, purse, business card holder, phone or tablet case, or some other accessories. Replace them with ones you made from fabric, leather or other material with your loved one's initials or a small message embroidered on them. from an apartment or a car in the form of a woven house, a car, a toy, a heart or any other shape of your choice - an original handmade gift for a guy. Plus, it will always be at hand.

If a man wears a watch on a strap or bracelets, you can make something similar from leather. Such a gift will look expensive, stylish and solid.


Universal? Yes, any man will need a mug. Faceless? Perhaps yes. To avoid this, make it addressable. Now there are many companies that offer to apply images to any surface, including glass and ceramics. Print your shared photo on the cup or, even better, sign it with permanent ceramic markers, draw your portrait, even if it turns out to be a caricature, something on a New Year’s theme, write a couple of warm words to your loved one or a funny wish! If you don't have artistic talent, you can even draw a funny mustache. This, on the one hand, simple, on the other hand, original handmade gift for a guy will be an unusual alternative to a holiday card and will certainly make you smile.

Food as a gift

As the well-known wisdom says, a man wins love through his stomach. So why not feed your loved one delicious food? Wake him up with a fragrant cup of coffee and breakfast or organize a romantic New Year's Eve. Decorate the dishes with hearts made of vegetables and fruits. Show off your talent as a hostess.

If your loved one has a sweet tooth, then why not give your boyfriend homemade gingerbread men and New Year-themed cookies? Or a beautiful birthday cake?

Unusual baskets

If it so happens that you don’t have time to make a New Year’s gift for your boyfriend with your own hands, or you’re not confident in your abilities, don’t despair. Think about what your lover loves most. Collect a basket of things dear to his heart. For example, if he is a football fan, then put a couple of bottles of beer, crackers and a scarf of his favorite football team as a gift, it will be pleasant and unexpected. In addition, this way you can show a man that you know his interests, passions and support them.

Children's motives

If you are a married couple with children, then it's time to involve the children in making a creative New Year's gift for dad. This could be a drawing of your family, framed in a stylish frame, painted mugs, handprints and foot prints on various surfaces from paper to fabric on a T-shirt. The main thing is to choose the right paint.

Handmade cards and gift wrapping

Presenting a beautiful gift to a guy with your own hands is half the success. Therefore, it is important not only to choose the thing that your chosen one will like, but also to design its packaging in an original way, then even the simplest gift will look more impressive. For men's, packaging in the form of a shirt and tie, suspenders and other drawn or glued details is suitable. And an origami paper card with such a design will perfectly complement a DIY New Year’s gift for a guy.

Handmade gift additions

Some couples agree in advance on what they will give each other. This is practical, but at the same time eliminates the magic of surprise and suspense. Therefore, you can always complement the main gift with a cute handmade trinket. For example, a guy is interested in photography, give him a camera and a handmade case for it. Or he asked to buy him covers for his car, and you add them with a cute homemade keychain. If it is one of the mobile gadgets (phone or tablet), sew an original case with your lover’s initials, etc. This way you will show that you spent time and effort to create the gift, which means you made it with soul.

Of course, you can come up with even more ideas on what to give your boyfriend for the New Year. You can present your beloved guy with handmade toys, DIY crafts, hand-sewn pillows and much more. The main thing is to remember that any gift, even the simplest one, will be original if it is targeted. If these are socks, then let them be knitted by you, with a funny pattern, even if your knitting skills are far from professional. If it's a mug, have it painted and signed by you personally with warm congratulations for your loved one. With a little imagination and a sense of humor, you can get the perfect New Year's gift for your boyfriend with your own hands, which will last for many years.

The time for the New Year holidays is approaching, and with it the traditional panic, code-named “What to give?!” Yes, you need a lot of gifts in winter: family, friends, colleagues, your other half... All this must be chosen in a limited period of time and, of course, you want to really please everyone. Are you already terrified by the realization of this massive task? Then we have good news! We have collected all the fresh gift ideas for men for the New Year 2018 in one article and will be happy to share it with you.

How to choose gifts for men for the New Year

It is best to approach the search for gifts for men “like a man” - with logic, practicality and system. Here are some tips to make the process as efficient as possible.

  1. Make a list. This way you won't forget anyone!
  2. Don't put it off until the last minute. Buying gifts in November or early December is much easier than in the hustle and bustle on New Year's Eve.
  3. If possible, ask your men what kind of gift they would like. Men don't like hints, so if you want to find out from your husband, dad or friend what exactly will please them, ask the question directly, there is a chance to get an honest, direct answer.
  4. Take advantage of modern technology. We are about to welcome 2018! Do you really still want to stand in pre-holiday queues? In most cases, online stores provide a wider selection and convenient delivery directly to your home or office.

What to give a man for the New Year: fresh ideas

The best way to choose a gift for your husband, friend or relative for the New Year is to find an original item that matches his hobbies. Think about what he is interested in: sports, food, stylish things, gadgets? And then try to look for interesting products in this category: fortunately, not only you are preparing for the New Year, but also manufacturers and store owners, so in winter there are especially many new products and all sorts of funny useful things.

We have selected several ideas for different types of men's hobbies.

Gifts for sports lovers

Most men love sports: some play it, and some watch it. In any case, a sports-themed gift will be a pleasant surprise for both. If we are talking about team sports, then be sure to find out which team your relative or friend supports, and under no circumstances confuse them!

Here are some gift ideas for sports fans for the New Year 2018:

  • Sports water bottle
  • LED bicycle lights
  • Fitness bracelet
  • Watch/phone case or other accessory with the symbols of your favorite sport
  • Sports bag or backpack
  • Dumbbells with rep counter
  • Carpal expander

Gifts for gourmets

If a man loves to eat delicious food, then he may be pleased with a dinner in an unusual restaurant or a one-day gastro tour. You can also pay attention to these gifts:

  • Kit for brewing beer at home
  • Cooking master class
  • Book of "men's" recipes
  • Set of rare sauces
  • Pizza knife
  • Cocktail shaker with recipes
  • Original lunch box for the office

Gifts for wine lovers

The idea of ​​conscious wine consumption is becoming increasingly popular: many men are beginning to better understand wines and listen to the advice of professional sommeliers. If the one you are choosing a gift for is one of them, then you can pay attention to ideas such as:

  • Electric corkscrew
  • Decanter
  • Book or online course on wine
  • Wine glass in the form of a bottle
  • Unusual shaped wine stoppers
  • Sealer for open wine bottle

Stoppers for open wine bottles - a useful and fun gift

Gifts for the stylish

Does your husband or friend like to dress stylishly? In this case, he will definitely like the spectacular accessory. For example:

  • Stylish sweatshirt
  • Shirt - classic or with a spectacular print

Gifts for gadget lovers

Electronic gadgets have become a part of our lives, and it is safe to assume that in 2018 there will only be more of them. In this regard, when choosing a gift for the New Year, you can pay attention to the following ideas:

  • Touch screen gloves
  • Tripod/stand for phone or camera
  • High quality bluetooth headphones
  • Mug in the shape of a camera lens
  • Wooden laptop stand
  • Extra battery for smartphone
  • Mini quadcopter with video camera

Touch screen gloves are a useful winter gift

Gifts for bearded men

We have singled out bearded men into a separate category, since beard care has only recently grown into an entire art. If you know men who have already grown a stylish beard, but have not yet acquired all sorts of tools for it, then you can safely choose something useful for them, such as:

Gifts for motorcyclists

Most men in our country drive a car, but not everyone is crazy about cars. But if your friend rides a motorcycle, despite all the obstacles that the Russian climate and Russian roads bring, then he is definitely a true fan and will be glad to receive any gift related to his favorite hobby. Here are some options:

  • Motorcycle gloves
  • Windproof mask or bandana
  • Motorcycle jeans
  • Accessories with motorcycle brand symbols

Gifts for movie and TV series lovers

Watching a movie or TV series after work is a favorite form of relaxation for many men. If your friend or boyfriend has a favorite movie or characters, then here is an idea for a gift for the New Year! For example:

  • USB flash drives in the shape of TV series/movie characters
  • T-shirt with movie quote
  • Subscription to a paid online channel with films and TV series
  • Device for making popcorn in the microwave

Gifts for outdoor lovers

Does your relative or colleague like to have a summer cottage, hiking or picnics in nature? Pay attention to the following accessories that he might like:

  • Waterproof portable music speaker
  • Portable barbecue and shashlik set
  • Thermal bag for food and drinks
  • Waterproof backpack
  • Compact flashlight

Top 10 gifts for men for New Year 2018

Of course, all men are different, and successful gifts for each of them are an individual matter. Nevertheless, we have identified the ten most universal and original ideas that are easy to find in stores.

1. Smart watch

2. Scratch world map

4. Certificate for completing the quest

5. Professional shaving kit

6. Thematic puzzle

7. Vacuum cleaner for gadget screens

8. Mini photo printer

9. Sofa organizer

10. Icicle for cooling wine


Choosing gifts is sometimes a nervous, but at the same time exciting and joyful process. If you take the time and use your imagination, you can really please your beloved men and have a great New Year 2018!