What to give for a wedding - useful and original gifts. Inexpensive but worthy wedding gift for newlyweds

New Year

The tradition of giving wedding gifts to newlyweds was known back in Rus'. It has the same origins as the preparation of a dowry by the bride and the ransom by the groom. It is connected with the fact that a young family is starting their life together from scratch and, to help them improve their everyday life, their relatives and friends give them things necessary for furnishing a home for their wedding. Along with the newlyweds, gifts were also given to their parents. This happened on the second day of the wedding. The groom gave gifts to his mother-in-law and father-in-law, and the bride gave gifts to her father-in-law and mother-in-law. Currently, this ritual of gifting occurs on the first day of the wedding. This is due to the fact that the tradition of celebrating a wedding for several days is no longer observed by everyone.

Come to the celebration with empty handed was and is considered indecent. Over time, the traditional set of gifts has changed. If in Rus' they tried to give young people pets for their wedding - cows, piglets, rams, poultry - now they give cars, apartments, household appliances and money. The point of these gifts is to help new family get stronger and get back on your feet faster. In addition to gifts that have practical significance, the newlyweds are presented with original gifts with meaning, which are comic in nature.

Original gifts with humor - great choice for Wedding

Unusual wedding gifts are selected based on ancient rituals and beliefs. They help make the wedding fun and bring an element of humor into it. Everyone knows that happiness comes into the house with laughter.

How to choose a wedding gift

A gift for a wedding day is chosen taking into account signs and traditions. They prohibit giving stabbing and cutting objects. Forks and knives contain the energy of aggression and can bring discord and quarrels into the house. It is also not recommended to give antiques and paintings. They bring with them the energy of a stranger into the family. Family heirlooms can be given to the bride and groom only on the eve of the wedding, as well as icons, which must be illuminated in the church before being presented to the newlyweds. You need to be very careful when choosing mirrors, jewelry, watches and towels as gifts. All these items can bring discord into the family.

The main condition for choosing a gift is sincerity. It must be given from the heart and carry the energy of positive emotions.

Top original gifts

1. A traditional solution can be refreshing original delivery gift. A good and, most importantly, very necessary gift for a young family can be original cake, made in the form of a hut, in the biscuit of which the keys to an apartment or house are hidden. The same gift giving can be done with car keys, replacing the concept of the cake form from a hut to a Ferrari. In terms of cost, relevance and necessity for young people, such a gift can be placed at the top of the gift rating.

You can develop the idea of ​​​​giving a cake in the form of a hut or a car in this direction

2. Second place can be given to a romantic trip to desert island or simply to a very picturesque, exotic and secluded area. You shouldn't give cruise tickets to young people. Sea motion and even a light storm can become a real nightmare for lovers.

An excellent gift - a trip to a romantic and picturesque place for two

3. Wedding gifts for newlyweds have always carried a certain meaning or a hint. Most often, the bride and groom were made to understand that their grandparents were expecting grandchildren from them. In third place you can put such an original wedding gift as a sheet for Kama Sutra classes, a pacifier, booties or baby onesies. It is better to pack these things according to the matryoshka principle. Young spouses must unwrap the gift for a long time to get to the contents.

An original gift with a hint from potential grandparents - a sheet for practicing the Kama Sutra

4. The fourth place can be given to glass " family bank" It’s easy to buy a transparent piggy bank at souvenir shop or make it yourself. Anyone can make such a piggy bank with their own hands. Regular glass jar rolls up a lid in which a slot is made. Banknotes dropped into it can become the initial capital for building a family nest.

5. The idea of ​​an original wedding gift can have its origins in distant and forgotten traditions in modern life. Fifth in the ranking you can put a barrel of honey with the official obligation of the young to eat the product in the first three months family life. It is this period of time at the beginning of family life that is called the “honeymoon.”

6. A samovar and personalized tea service can hint to spouses about quiet family evenings. These things can be ranked sixth in the ranking, along with photo albums and photo frames.

Samovar with tea set - timeless classic among wedding gifts

8. Lovebird dolls can take eighth place. They personify the strength of the family union. Together with figures of elephants or money trees such a gift can bring not only prosperity to the home, but also love with consent.

Paired lovebird dolls represent the strength of a family union

9. Ninth place is given to gifts that hint at the responsibility of fulfillment. marital debt and maintaining fidelity. The groom is given a whip to keep his wife in strictness, and the bride is given a frying pan and a rolling pin. Traditional items utensils were always in the hands of the wife good remedy to remind the husband of his responsibility to take care of the family.

10. Big Book family chronicle, made in original design can take its honorable tenth place. It is quite possible to accompany such a gift ordinary things- a camera or video camera.

12. Spouses who love extreme sports may like gifts such as zorbing, swimming with dolphins or something similar.

13. Romantics will enjoy a good collection wine.

14. Wine can be accompanied by scented candles and a bouquet Red roses. He fully deserves the fourteenth place.

Instead of wine with a bouquet of red roses, as a gift to the newlyweds, you can choose this wedding basket with champagne, flowers and wedding attributes

15. The fifteenth line can be given to the tango training subscription. This joint activity will be able to significantly strengthen the union of lovers and awaken in them the hidden potential of unbridled passion.

To ease the pain of choice for guests: you just need to make a list of desired gifts (wish list) and send it to all guests along with the invitation. But if there is no list, guests can only rely on themselves.

Let's consider the most interesting options.

1. The only gift for which repetition is not a problem remains envelope with money. In Russia, for some time now, there has been a custom of giving money in an envelope. Why not? The newlyweds will be able to decide for themselves what to spend their “capital” on, and guests will save time on searching best gift. But the envelope with money also raises several questions.

First of all − how much to donate? Of course, there is no upper limit. However, it is worth noting that the lower limit (acceptable, first of all, for not the closest relatives and acquaintances) is still indicated: one or two large bills (5,000 rubles, 100 dollars, 100 euros, etc.).

How to make your wedding fun and memorable for a long time, see the project “My wedding is better!” on "Home". We know almost everything about weddings!

The second point that worries donors is How to present an envelope with money to newlyweds? Often, the wedding program includes a ceremony for presenting gifts personally to the newlyweds. In this case, there is an opportunity to show originality and give the newlyweds, for example “photo album with a view of the future”, where banknotes are inserted instead of photographs. Another way to present money to newlyweds may be "streak of prosperity", that is, neatly taped or stapled bills, slowly pulled out of an envelope or perhaps a cylinder. If there is no ceremony for presenting gifts in the program, and all the gifts are collected either by parents or witnesses, or a special table for gifts can be organized, you should not allow your envelope to get lost among the others, you should just leave it for the newlyweds in the envelope, in addition to money, a message-card with a personal wish.

2. If an envelope with money seems banal, you should pay attention to gift certificates. Apply today gift Certificate You can not only in most stores, but also in restaurants, beauty salons, hotels, etc. It’s enough to remember where the newlyweds like to go or dream of being, and the gift will come together by itself. The only disadvantage of gift cards and certificates as a gift is that small size. In this case, it is worth showing your imagination in choosing packaging. A gift card or certificate can be hidden in an impressively sized box or glued to a canvas and framed. If you want to have fun, you can close gift card in a storage locker, for example at a train station, and presented to the newlyweds at the wedding step by step instructions how to find a gift.

3 . In the event that the newlyweds plan to go to Honeymoon, and the exact coordinates are known, guests can give a surprise gift. It will not be difficult to contact the hotel where the bride and groom decided to stay, and pay in advance for spa treatments, excursions or romantic dinner in the hotel restaurant. Since you can’t come to a wedding empty-handed, in this case, it is possible to bring a little “fake gift” to the celebration: a huge box of confetti, fluff, a suitcase locked with a code, with old or completely out-of-size things, etc. The main thing is not to forget to leave a postcard, business card or your own photo inside so that the newlyweds immediately understand who the author of such a strange gift is. And only during the honeymoon, when the gifts of the other guests are left at home, will the newlyweds suddenly receive from you a truly unexpected, but especially a pleasant surprise.

4. An interesting option for those who are not ready to spend significantly on a gift may be the path “not quality, but quantity”. Taiwanese wedding tradition requires the bride and groom to exchange 12 gifts in succession. Moreover, the set is not limited to flowers and fruits. Gifts may include jewelry, clothing, and goldfish. Having adopted the Taiwanese experience, guests invited to a Russian wedding can prepare several small gifts, uniting them with one idea.

5. If you still want to make a gift from those that are often repeated, you should think about how to make your gift to “best among equals”. For example, a set of bed linen can be decorated with the embroidered initials of the newlyweds. Household appliances should be chosen in unusual colors. The dishes are of non-classical design. Furniture should be purchased jointly with other guests, so that the choice is guided not by price, but by quality and model. Figurines, photographic pictures, photo frames and other little things should still be left in the store. Newlyweds for a long time happy years future life together will find time and a reason to acquire interior accents.

When girls receive an invitation to a wedding from friends, they immediately begin to think about what to wear to the celebration, and then ask the question: “What to give?” Guys first of all see the upcoming event as an opportunity to have fun, and then think about what to buy as a gift. Of course, everyone wants to give something that, if it doesn’t cause crazy delight, will at least make the recipients happy. The cost of gifts can be anything, and it is not always the case that an expensive present evokes more emotions than an inexpensive but welcome surprise.

Generous gifts for friends

You can give expensive gifts not only alone, but also together. A group of friends going to a friend's wedding might pool their finances and buy the groom a car, boat, motorcycle or country cottage area In the countryside. You can give an expensive and memorable gift to a friend for her wedding jewelry, a certificate to a fur and leather salon or a trip for two to the seaside. If the newlyweds live separately from their parents, then they can buy everything that has a place in their home. household: refrigerators, washing machines and dishwashers, air conditioners, furniture, interior items.

There is nothing wrong with asking your friends in advance what exactly they want for their wedding. It is possible that they dream of a home theater, a large TV, freezer, home brewery or shower stall. Knowing the needs of the newlyweds, it is easier to please with the chosen gift.

Inexpensive wedding gifts for friends

Among the not so expensive gifts Small household appliances are in the lead. It is quite appropriate to give your friend an electric meat grinder, a mixer with a rotating bowl, a food processor, a multicooker, a steamer, an air fryer or a bread maker for her wedding. All these items will make the work of a young wife easier and brighten up her everyday life. pleasant memories about the wedding and the friends who gave them.

To loving husband I always brought my wife coffee in bed, and you can buy a coffee maker and coffee grinder for a friend. Very a nice gift For a newly-made spouse, a robot vacuum cleaner will be available; it will relieve him of boring household chores and free up some time for passive relaxation. The gift of a vacuum cleaner can be accompanied by a suitable congratulatory message that will bring smiles to the guests.

The list of useful wedding gifts includes blankets, pillows, rugs, beautiful bedspreads, towels and bathrobes - paired items, according to signs, are considered good sign. Every home always needs dishes, so any sets, cutlery sets, sets of pots or pans will come in handy. If the newlyweds are going to do renovations in the apartment, then a friend is allowed to give a good electric drill or a certificate to a building materials store for their wedding.

Original wedding gifts

An excellent original gift that not only friends, but also guests will be delighted with - a table or tea set with photographs of the newlyweds. Instead of photographs, you can use their family sign created from their initials. Such dishes will undoubtedly become the most beloved in the house. A slightly humorous, but useful wedding gift for friends is an inflatable bed; by handing it over, you can hint that now there is always a place to sleep in their house.


Cool trinkets cannot be called independent gifts, but they are a good addition to the main gift, creating a cheerful atmosphere at the moment of giving. Such additions include gift medals, technical passports of the bride and groom, diplomas of the newlyweds, humorous door signs, cups and wedding-themed figurines.

Bed linen is a very useful gift, but it can also be made humorous if you choose an appropriate design, for example, depicting the bodies of a man and a woman. You can amuse the newlyweds with funny T-shirts with themed inscriptions and their photographs. It is quite possible that they will wear these T-shirts to greet guests on the second day of the wedding.

The wedding is important event in the life of any couple in love, so on this day the newlyweds want to see their loved ones. Like any other holiday, wedding celebration involves invited guests giving gifts to the newlyweds. Therefore, for those invited to the holiday, the question is more relevant than ever - what to give the newlyweds for a wedding?

Wedding gifts should be special, so they should be different from those we often give on other occasions. Wedding gifts are given to both heroes of the occasion - the bride and groom, so they must be valuable for both, regardless of whether they represent practical or material value, or are simply a token of attention or a symbol of friendship. Gifts for the bride and groom can be very different, and it is not at all necessary that they be useful. As a wedding gift, you can make something original yourself, where you will show all your imagination and individuality.

However, at the wedding they try to give the newlyweds gifts that will be useful in the household or will be a wonderful addition to the interior of the young family’s home. Traditional gifts are kitchenware, cutlery, various tea and coffee sets, Appliances, beautiful dishes, bed linen, bedspreads, interior decoration items. But such gifts are appropriate in cases where the young people already have their own home. Well, if a young family plans to live with their parents after the wedding, then you need to turn on your imagination. If funds allow, then as a gift you can give a trip to a honeymoon, or, for example, a large plasma panel, also a good gift there will be any real estate. In addition, if the newlyweds have any favorite hobby or a general hobby, you can take it into account when choosing a gift. For example, if the bride and groom play the same sport, it would be appropriate to give them a couple of sets of sports equipment. Or if they are aquarists, you can give them a couple of exotic fish that are missing in their collection, live butterflies that will become a symbol of their beautiful love for the young people.

Rare things will also be a good and valuable wedding gift, especially if the newlyweds are collecting just such things (jewelry, figurines, crafts different nations). Although usually such gifts are made by relatives, since most of these things are also family heirlooms. Collection wine or champagne as an original wedding gift will also delight the newlyweds.

It happens that at the time of the wedding, newlyweds are already expecting an addition to their family, which can help with choosing a gift. It can be made for the future baby by giving, for example, a stroller or a crib, a special baby car seat or baby clothes.

It is also customary to give money for a wedding: there is no need to rack your brains, and money will not hurt the newlyweds at first. As a rule, they are presented in a signed, beautiful envelope (if the amount is large, but if the amount is modest, you can do without a signature), supplemented greeting card. There are other interesting options for presenting money: you can buy a beautiful wedding photo album, where in place of the photos you can insert banknotes of the same or different denominations, depending on your capabilities. Or, for example, it can be issued in the form of a “long ruble” when a large number of banknotes small denominations are glued together using adhesive tape so that a long ribbon is obtained.

As an alternative to cash, you can give the newlyweds a gift card or a gift certificate (a certificate for training, a visit to a solarium, a beauty salon, a restaurant, purchases in a store, etc.), which can be used when purchasing a product or service, cost equivalent to the cost of the certificate.

In addition to money, household items and other valuable items, you can arrange a grandiose festive fireworks display as a wedding gift, write in their honor and personally perform musical composition or organize a romantic ride on white horses for them.

The most important day in the life of newlyweds must be filled with bright emotions and impressions. Therefore, on this day the bride and groom should be surrounded by many beautiful flowers. Nobody canceled flowers as a gift. You can order a beautiful bouquet and give it to the newlyweds, complementing this gift with a sincere speech and a beautiful greeting card (preferably a musical one).

If you want to give something original and from the heart, you can contact a professional photo studio (if you have photos of the newlyweds), where they can make an original portrait of the newlyweds, for example, on canvas, which can be complemented with a stylish and beautiful frame.

If you don’t know what to give to the newlyweds and are afraid of making a mistake in choosing a gift, you can consult with the parents of the newlyweds or their close relatives. Who, if not they, knows well what will be appropriate and necessary for young people?

Now it is fashionable to apply foreign practice and, before the wedding, give guests a so-called list of necessary things that the newlyweds need. The guests invited to the celebration will choose from this list who will buy and give what, based on their capabilities. If a gift turns out to be expensive, guests can buy it together and give it as a gift. This method widely used in America.

It is worth remembering that under no circumstances should you give knives, mirrors, needles, knives and forks, wall clocks or wristwatches as gifts for a wedding.

Remember, you don't have to spend a ton of money on wedding gift, your attention and relationships with young people are important. Moreover, not everyone has the opportunity to give an expensive gift. The main thing is not the price of the gift, but that it is given with all my heart.

Invited guests always face one of the most complex issues: what to give? It is especially difficult to choose for those who really want to please the newlyweds, to give them a real surprise that they both will like.

What do you give for a wedding?

Of course, many people think that a win-win option gift is something that can be useful around the house: dinnerware, tea sets, various dishes, bed sheets and so on. And this is certainly a good option for a gift. However, imagine that almost everyone gives exactly this. Consequently, after the wedding, the newlyweds have such a supply of services that there will be enough for their grandchildren and great-grandchildren. What to do if you want to give an unusual gift?

First you need to determine how close you are to the newlyweds. If you are just acquaintances, work together, or generally acquaintances of acquaintances, then, naturally, you don’t need an overly expensive gift. In this case, you don’t have to worry too much - any wedding-themed gifts will do.

Couple wedding gifts for newlyweds

If you are close friends or relatives, then in this case you need to think carefully about the gift. Think about whether the couple has a common hobby or hobby? Maybe they like to get out into nature, then give them a traveler's set in pairs. If they like to skate - skates, play sports - a subscription to a fitness club, sing - home karaoke with a CD of their favorite music. Or maybe they have long dreamed of starting to ride a bike or roller skate? So give them a common, “paired” gift. So that they can do what they love together.

If they love animals, then give them a kitten, puppy, or hamsters. The main thing is to be sure that they are not allergic to this animal. In this case, fish or turtle are best suited. Or you can give a plant: some beautiful flower or "Money Tree". Why not? Let him bring wealth to the home of a young family!

Or maybe they have long dreamed of starting to collect books, coins or wines... Then you can give them the first copy for their future collection. Also, if you know under what circumstances they met, you can play on this. It is especially good if their meeting was in some unusual place, in a mysterious situation. In this case, you can give a gift that reminds them of their acquaintance, but is interpreted through your lips.

If you are a fan of traditional surprises, then give sets, linens, and dishes. But try to be creative when choosing these items! Let it be not just a bedspread, but a bedspread with a beautiful landscape or their portrait, not just a service - but an unusual, some kind of festive one, which they themselves would like to buy for themselves, but they would hardly dare to make such a gift for themselves.

Don’t forget about the banal decoration of the common “family nest.” You can give them a portrait of them together, a landscape composition, or some funny poster with wishes. Something like “Advice for Young People,” but in no case a manual on the topic “How to nag a husband/wife” (you must admit, not everyone will understand such a sense of humor).

Useful wedding gifts

Also useful gifts include any other household utensils: a microwave oven, a food processor, a toaster... After all, these things will really make their life easier to some extent. And, at least, at least they won’t have to spend the family budget on this.

A good option would be professional photography “for two”. This is exactly the option that they would like to do this, but they are unlikely to give themselves such a gift. Well designed background, high quality camera, rich color. Nice photos on long memory. And a wonderful gift for young people.
The main thing is not to forget that gifts should look good, festive, and be beautifully packaged. And also don’t forget about congratulations. Never good words and wishes for happiness were not superfluous. Especially on such a beautiful day as a wedding. Of course, you might think that congratulations are useless.

After all, everyone congratulates the newlyweds, the main thing is only a gift. But this is far from true. Of course, the gift is very important. But the expression on your face, the mood, the words with which you give all this to people is of undeniable significance. After all, any gift made with love, given with good wishes eternal love and happiness will be perceived with the same responsiveness by the newly married couple.
So, if we started talking about family budget, so why not replenish it?

Cash gifts for weddings

Everyone knows the expression: “There is no such thing as too much money.” And that's a fact. Cash gift will be very appropriate and useful for this event. In addition, you give young people the opportunity to choose for themselves what to spend their money on.

In this case, a logical question arises: “how much do they give for a wedding?” Here, of course, it’s everyone’s business, but you shouldn’t stoop to an amount below 2,500 rubles. It is customary to give money in an envelope. You can also put a note with wishes or a small postcard there.

Dear wedding surprises

These include gifts from close relatives or very close friends. if you have sufficient quantity money, and you want to give the young people indescribable pleasure by presenting very useful, necessary and desired gifts, then pay attention to the following list of gifts.

  • Apartment - who doesn’t dream of their own cozy, family nest?
  • A car in which they can go on a journey together. It is clear that these two gifts are considered exclusively by relatives.
  • Computer - in modern world technology is a great gift!
  • Or a trip - for example, to the islands for a “honeymoon”.
  • Also, naturally, very useful things are refrigerator, washing machine, dishwasher, stove.
  • Maybe you’ll even decide to give them a bed – why not? This is such a pleasant surprise for the newlyweds’ home!
  • What about a TV in front of which they can sit, hugging each other, after a hard day?
  • And the table for holding breakfast together? Or a special set of utensils for making fondue and rolls?
  • And, of course, where are we without a camera? Photography is an integral part of modern life.

Unusual gifts for a wedding

If you decide to somehow surprise the newlyweds, you can try experimenting with a gift.
If your friends love, or at least are not against extreme sports, then you can give them a flight to hot-air balloon or paragliding. How many emotions, joy, admiration the newlyweds will receive. Their living together begins high above the ground, and they, like birds, soar under the clouds, together. Isn't this wonderful?!
Can be arranged festive fireworks, give a trip to the SPA, a massage, and much more.

To present young people with good, appropriate and the right gift, it is advisable to use the following recommendations:

  1. “There is never too much money.” If you don’t know what to give, give money. This gift is never superfluous. The main thing is to remember the rule: they are given in a white, unsealed envelope. And, preferably, with an insert of wishes.
  2. Give gifts from the heart. Try to pay attention to both the surprise itself and the wishes with which you present it to the newlyweds. An open smile and kind words are already half of a good gift.
  3. If you want to present special gift, the only one of its kind, then talk to the invited guests. If you know what others will give, you will avoid repeat gifts.
  4. You can also avoid repeating surprises if you really have a very unusual, exclusive item. So go ahead and show your imagination!
  5. It may happen that the newlyweds will not like your gift. Yes, this also happens. Therefore, play it safe and don’t throw away the check. Let the newlyweds have it, and if they are dissatisfied, they will simply hand it over or exchange it for something else.
  6. However, remember: price tags and receipts are two different things! There should be no price tags on gifts!
  7. One more thing. A wedding takes place once in a lifetime. Don't be too stingy! And not only in material terms. Stinginess with bright emotions is much worse than a gift without wrapper.