How to give money in a frame in an original way. DIY money gifts


The decision to give money to relatives or friends for a wedding is made according to various reasons. Some people simply don’t have enough time or imagination to... Someone is firmly convinced that money in this case is The best decision, since young people know their needs very well and will be able to manage their finances wisely.

The newlyweds, of course, will not be upset when they receive a cash gift, because a young family has so many needs for which there really is not enough funding.

But handing over banknotes in a regular envelope or tying them with an elastic band will be too banal. You should definitely try to find original way How unusual it is to give money for a wedding.

And such creative ideas just a lot. Take advantage of our ideas by playing with and supplementing them with your own extraordinary thoughts.

Let's start with banal ways of donating money, which, thanks to new interpretation become quite original. Forget about simple mailing envelopes. And now you won’t surprise anyone with beautiful ready-made wedding envelopes for money. Use your imagination and remember what unusual envelopes still exist.

This can be a huge envelope, the larger it is, the better. Let a disguised courier bring it to the wedding. Don’t forget to put unusual inscriptions, instructions and seals on it.

But a disguised postman can be trusted with a letter from distant countries, which took a long time to reach the newlyweds, as evidenced by the many seals, stamps and marks in foreign languages.

An unsightly envelope from old paper with wax seal. Handmade gifts are always held in high esteem.

Therefore, you can make an envelope for money for a wedding using the scrapbooking technique, which will definitely be exclusive.

How to give money for a wedding in an original way: do-it-yourself money jar

Yes, yes, in that very reliable glass jar, where money is stored more securely than in any bank. This is exactly the jar we will give to the newlyweds, using an original way to decorate the gift.

Place counterfeit bills in the jar along with real bills. Just don’t forget to put a photo of the newlyweds and original parting words on the fake banknotes. In this unique way, you can fill a jar to the brim with “greens”.

Decorate a bank with money with fabric, ribbons, bows and be sure to attach a label confirming the reliability of such a bank.

Pick up green bills, roll them into tubes, and put them in a jar. Present a jar like pickled cucumbers that you grew yourself and ordered yourself. Just don’t forget to really roll up the lid of the jar in this case.

Money box for a wedding

Tell me, this idea is not new. Yes, it was not invented yesterday, but it absolutely does not lose its relevance. Try to play with this idea in an unusual way.

Make a box yourself, pasting it with fake banknotes. You will get original packaging for a real cash gift.

A box with a secret or double bottom is suitable. This could be a container for storing jewelry, in which you need to put a sheet of detailed instructions how to find real jewelry.

In this way you can achieve different emotions from newlyweds, ranging from bewilderment, disappointment, to complete delight and surprise.

What a fun way to give money for a wedding: a little cabbage as a gift

In such a gift we will combine two concepts: cabbage - a plant and money “cabbage”. To do this, take a real head of cabbage and place banknotes under the leaves.

Or we make holes in the head of cabbage, where the rolled banknotes are placed. And you can give such a gift as a down payment on future diapers. Therefore, a baby doll placed on the top of a head of cabbage will be very useful.

Money Tree Wedding Gift Ideas

Continuing the plant theme, it is impossible not to mention the money tree. Even the plant itself is a symbol of prosperity. And if you decorate it with money, the symbolism combined with practicality will appeal to the newlyweds much more. And you can present it in a rather unusual way.

Place an empty pot of soil in front of the young ones. Ask them to put a few coins in it, remembering to water it.

After this, blindfold the young people and ask them to say: “Cracks, Pax, Fax.”

At this time, you need to replace the pot with a real tree with money, which “successfully grew thanks to wedding witchcraft.”

You can make it yourself Money Tree as:

  • embroidery or applique of a tree on which to attach coins or bills;
  • a wire tree whose leaves will become banknotes, you can plant it in a pot with coins;
  • foam wood, inserting bills into the slots.

Original presentation of money for a wedding: a bouquet of money

The difficulty of such a gift lies in the ability to roll flowers from paper. If you don’t have such experience, you risk ruining the banknotes.

Therefore, it is better to turn to specialists who will help you create money flower arrangement. Or practice first plain paper fold the petals. Still, try making a money rose using our master class

  1. We fold the bill diagonally and slightly curl each edge.
  2. We insert the wire into the resulting bend and roll it in a spiral to form a petal. We perform the operation carefully so as not to damage the banknote.
  3. We repeat such manipulations with each money.
  4. We collect a rose from money petals.
  5. We wrap the stem of the flower with adhesive tape; I didn’t forget to insert the petals.

If you have enough patience, you can make a whole bouquet of such roses. Similar gift will create a real sensation at the wedding.

An original wedding gift made from money: an investment in the future

Such a gift is presented as an initial fee for a large purchase for a young family. To do this you can take a box washing powder or dishwasher detergent.

On such packaging you need to attach a pocket in which you can put money. This way you can give a targeted monetary gift as your contribution to the future of the family.

How to pack money for a wedding: counterfeiters

No, with such a gift we will not push the newlyweds onto the path of crime. But they will have great way learn to draw money.

To do this, we prepare a homemade coloring book, on the spreads of which we place on one side the original bill, and on the other, an impersonal copy, which the couple will have to color in order to receive a cash prize.

How to present money for a wedding in a wedding album

You will need a ready-made original album, but you can make a creative photo book yourself if you know the scrapbooking technique. Instead of photographs, place banknotes of various denominations. And don't forget about the original comments.

-On the refrigerator. -On diapers. -To rest. -For a brick for your house. And give the album itself the name “Family Bank.”

Beautiful wedding gift: umbrella with money

The very idea of ​​such a gift is to attach banknotes to the inside of the umbrella, for which they can be glued or tied with threads.

You can come up with original packaging for such an unusual probe. Use packaging to create the illusion of a sausage stick or telescope. When the newlyweds get to the real gift, be sure to ask them to open the money umbrella.

Golden chest for money for a wedding

It will be peculiar pirate chest with treasures. Fill it with a variety of coins, both of different denominations and currencies.

You can add real treasures to your coins:

  • chocolate coins;
  • candy necklaces in bright candy wrappers;
  • beads and colorful comedies.

Place banknotes at the bottom of such a chest, which are best wrapped in film so that they do not get dirty or damaged.

An interpretation of such a gift would be a pot of coins or a small chest in which you can place rare, expensive gold coins or even a gold bar.

How to give money beautifully for a wedding: money garland

Quite original and beautiful way give money in the form of a garland.

You can make it by attaching banknotes to a bright ribbon with paper clips, folding them in half.

You can decorate such a ribbon with rhinestones, flowers, paper tapes, balloons.

Looks original and Christmas tree garland, decorated with money. When giving such a president, do not forget to connect the illumination.

We present money for a wedding in an original way: kinder cash surprise

Give the newlyweds a whole basket toy eggs. But not just like that, but money. To do this, purchase required amount sweet kinder surprises.

Carefully remove the wrapper, break the chocolate and remove the plastic container with the toy. Replace the toy with a bill and do all the operations in reverse order.

You can restore the chocolate egg by running a hot spoon along the seam.

Of course, you will have to tinker, but you will get a whole basket of unusual money sweet eggs of surprises.

Candy gift box for money for a wedding

Another sweet gift. True, all you need from him is a box, which should look like a box. Raffaello, Korkunov packaging will do. We put wads of money in the box or real ones, with the original bills only on top.

We attach an inscription to each pack indicating what the gift is for; wife on mink coat, for my husband to get wheels for a brand new car, for my baby to get a stroller.

Mafia gift: suitcase box for a wedding for money

Use everyone's favorite mafia suitcase to pack a gift. You need to put money in packs in it and supplement the composition with bags of white powder.

The role a la cocaine can be played by flour. And the donor himself will have to comply with the dress code, taking care of dark glasses and a headset.

We select packaging for money for a wedding: money balls

Of course, you will need balloons and helium to fill them. And they can be used in different ways. Take small balls and tie banknotes to them on strings. Place all the balls in a box, from which cash surprises will fly out when opened.

Just don't do it in the open air. Otherwise, your gift will fly high into the sky if you don’t have time to catch all the balls.

The second option: place the money directly into the balls, adding sparkles and sequins to them. After this, we fill the balloons with helium and the original cash gift is ready.

Barrel of Honey

You will need a pot, barrel or jar of honey. We save the sticker with the words “Honey” or make a new one that is more original.

We place a cash gift inside and wrap the neck with fabric tied with twine.

We present a wedding gift with money in an original way: helping the groom

Everyone knows that every man must have time to do three important things in his life. Why not help the groom cope with this task at the wedding and give it as a gift.

For the birth of a son, we will give a holey condom. To build a house, we will give you a brick with a bow. And so that he can plant a tree, we will give him a real money tree.

Gift in money box for wedding

If there is no time for creative solutions, purchase a box or casket with many drawers and compartments. And place both bills and coins in each of them.

A transparent piggy bank, which will have to be filled at least half, also looks original.

The box idea can be played out quite interestingly by taking several boxes of various sizes at once for a gift. You stack them like nesting dolls. Small to medium, medium to large, and large to the largest.

The money, of course, will be in the smallest box. And in the remaining boxes we place various items in the form of ribbons, sweets, coins, confetti, helium balloons.

Pink in the form of a bouquet of roses.

Fantasize, look for new ideas, and your spouse will definitely like your gift of money and will not look banal.

We have collected for you the best ideas on how to give money for a wedding. If you missed something or know of new ways, share your ideas in the comments.


How to make a wedding box for money with your own hands in this video.

How to give money in an original way

for a Wedding, Anniversary or Birthday

25 tips on this topic - who likes what.

  1. Nowadays, there are quite a lot of options for giving money: you can make bouquets, cakes, and a lot of other crafts that you can make without wasting money. And for this you don’t need to go anywhere, just type on YouTube or any other site, “crafts, bouquets, money surprises” and maybe you will find something that interests you.
  2. It is possible, in an interesting and original way, to arrange money as a gift. Fold into a heart shape.

6. For this method we will need several balls, We will put our money in these balls and then inflate the balloons. The balloons are not ordinary ones, but special ones - durable (otherwise all the money from the bursting balloon will scatter, and it’s good if it’s not on the street!)

7. We buy some plant in the store (it is desirable that it has a good, thick stem), so we attach our bills to this stem, we can fix something dense in the middle, and money petals should already be coming from the middle.

8. Can be given as a gift money and in a frame, having banknotes beautifully laid out there, not only banknotes of the Russian Federation, but also of other countries, it looks quite unusual.

9. It used to be on sale, now I don’t know, it was good comic frame in which money was inserted (we always exchanged pieces of paper for real bills) with the inscription: “If necessary, break the glass.” Personally, I do with funny inscriptions “The funniest man for the funniest gadget” and the obligatory inscription (don’t deny yourself anything, use it for your health, enjoy life, etc....) At least with this money, the hero of the day can buy himself something what he wants, not what we chose for him.

10. Many people like it when they decorate live bouquets and use banknotes of 100 and 500 rubles. So, each flower in the bouquet is given a paper skirt. Enough beautiful bouquet it turns out to be expensive. I personally wouldn't refuse this. Depending on the amount, you can increase or decrease the number of buds. From 3 to infinity.

11. Or you can do it without fresh flowers - only cash.

12. Can be bought box, and put money in the box and give it as a gift. Useful thing with money.

13. Can be done original gift from money. For example, change money in iron tens and put it in a small beautiful jar, will be very original. If desired, you can even roll it up with a lid.

14. Make a picture out of money coins.

15. Or you can not exchange, but simply put banknotes in a jar different denominations and write “cauliflower”. It’s original, and the bills won’t get wrinkled too much. 16. If a wedding gift, so that the newlyweds do not have financial problems(suitable for any birthday person) - should be given as a gift wallet good, I personally would buy from genuine leather so that it would last for a long time and I would put money there. The amount depends on your capabilities.

17. Can be done candy ship, and instead of a sail - banknotes

18. Probably the most unexpected gift this...wrap the bills V toilet paper . Take a regular roll of toilet paper, unwind it, and then roll it back and put the bills back in. You can give it with a special wish: “So that money is like garbage.”

19. Although I am not a man, I would not like to receive money as a gift in the form of origami! For example, I treat them very carefully and try not to wrinkle or crumple them; it’s more pleasant when they are all neat, even, like new. I think many people are of the same opinion (at least those I know personally). And folding bills into shirts and hearts... I don’t even know who would find this cute. Better give in an envelope.

“So, my friend, I give you this present.

Buy a wallet, and it will fit in there.”

20. How do you like this option: stroller "Newborn"

21. Can be given as a gift a bottle of strong drink, for example, a bottle of cognac, and attach to it banknote or several bills. And when presented, wish that He would be different good health and he had to spend the money only on something else

22. For those who love McDonald's or works in it, you can come up with this design:

23. Even a man won’t refuse something like this money necklace.

24. Well, a tea bag from Princesses "Mani"

25. Last tip- make a carpet out of money and congratulate the hero of the occasion! Here you will find instructions on how to do this:

So choose to your taste!

Almost all people, before going to a particular event, often have two of the most important things in their minds: important issues: "What to wear?" and “What to give?”

The relevance of the first question concerns women more than men, but both are concerned about the second.

It's very hard to choose the right gift to a person you hardly know.

If you still haven’t decided on a gift, or simply didn’t have time to buy it on time, then the best gift there will be money.

Money gift ideas

When the choice of gift fell on money, it is ugly, and even embarrassing, to give a simple cardboard envelope from the office with a banknote. This is not a surprise, but more like a bribe. But how can we get out of such an interesting situation?

Money for birthday

Let's look at a list of how to make something original and present it to the envy of others.

To pull off this trick with a cash gift, you will need to turn the umbrella over, unfold it, and tie it in the right way bills and carefully close the umbrella.

When opened, the bills will scatter in all directions, resulting in our expected rain of money.

Envelopes for money are a very relevant thing. You can give an ordinary envelope with a stony expression on your face, saying they asked you to give it to you, and inside the envelope there will be a beautiful envelope with wishes for family life and a certain amount.

You can pick up a large box with several compartments and put money in it. The money will be spent, but the box can be used in the future.

You can fantasize about this topic endlessly; you would like to make an original gift out of money!

When thinking about how to beautifully present money as a gift, do not forget about the words and quotes that you will say when presenting, or write in a personal letter to the newlyweds.

And of course it’s worth remembering that the most important thing is not the gift, but the attention!

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We can debate for a long time what is the best gift. But if we throw away all the noble abstractions like love and attention, at least one of the most useful ones remains - money. Whatever one may say, everyone needs crispy bills, regardless of age and tastes. But cash should not be a “boring” gift, modestly packaged in an envelope or postcard. Show a little imagination, and a cash gift will become very festive in every sense.

Even without a box with a bow, money can be presented in such a way that a person will enjoy both the gift itself and the feeling of surprise. And, of course, he will appreciate your originality. Among the 20 ideas below you will find options for almost any event. Go?

1. Make a wallet out of bills that can hold even more bills, and secure it with a bright elastic band.

2. Make origami inside the card. Just practice on plain paper first.

3. Give the graduate a vase filled with cash “diplomas.”

4. And a current student will certainly appreciate a small bucket or ashtray with money instead of cigarette butts

5. Banknote in beautiful box from matches - it’s even romantic. And it will come in handy when traveling

6. Are you ready to try? Make a tie out of money. The perfect addition to a new shirt

7. Both children and adults will appreciate such a gift: money in balloon. You need to tightly roll the bill and push it into the still deflated balloon. True, in order to remove the gift, this beauty will have to mercilessly burst

8. Box with money

9. A beautiful tin can can also serve as a piggy bank.

10. And such a Christmas tree can be placed under a real Christmas tree

12. “In case emergency situation- squeeze out the glass"

13. Give the hero of the occasion a shower of money

14. Or treat him to a not quite ordinary, but very appetizing pizza

15. Box from paper napkins can be adapted for banknotes by carefully connecting them to each other. Just don’t take it all out at once and confuse it with handkerchiefs.

16. But money in soap is quite a cruel joke. To remove them, you will have to improve hygiene. And don’t forget to wrap the bill in plastic

17. Wrap money around your favorite sweets

18. Or make an elegant “book” for cash (by the way, great gift for a friend)

Choosing a birthday gift is not so easy: if you don’t get it right, the birthday person will be upset. True, there is one a win-win- This is money. All that remains is to figure out how to present them in an original way so that the gift remains a gift and not a banal ransom.

To a man

Men are like little children, so you can surprise them with a cash gift in several ways:


If a man smokes, then you can wrap the bills in thin tubes and put them in an empty cigarette pack or a brand new cigarette case.

Photo album

To do this you will need a simple photo album. Print the picture on the printer savings book(the same size as the cover): if the cover is soft, then insert it into the window instead of the standard picture, if it is hard, glue it on top. In order to completely fill the album (in case the amount is not very large), you can place a photo of the birthday person or themed stickers (with money and corresponding wishes) in the free windows.

Jar with inscription

A simple, but no less original way is to put money in a jar. To do this, you will need a jar with a wide neck (to make it easier to remove banknotes later).

  • Rolled up money is placed inside.
  • A square (made of coated or velvet paper or foil) and wrapped with thread.
  • You need to stick a piece of paper on the jar with the inscription “Green Bank”, “ Cauliflower", "Dried greens" and so on. As an option, instead of glued paper, you can attach the card to a thread that secures the “lid”. In addition, you can accompany it with a cool instruction text.

To a woman

To surprise a woman with a cash gift, you will have to try very hard and apply maximum ingenuity and intelligence. But there are several win-win options.

Money flowers

This great alternative living bouquets: they will delight the birthday girl’s eyes, and when she gets tired of them, she will quickly spend them. To make one flower you will need:

  • pharmaceutical elastic bands – 6 pieces (small);
  • stationery knife;
  • cork (from champagne or wine);
  • glue or glue gun;
  • banknotes – 6 pieces (identical);
  • twig from a rose.

Execution order:

  1. Remove the petals from the rose in such a way as not to damage the base where the flower is held. If you don’t have it, you can make it yourself from a medium-thick green tube or twig, but then you’ll have to decorate the base of the resulting rose to cover the unsightly places.
  2. From the cork you need to cut 4 blanks that resemble a trimmed cone. Make a hole in each so that you can put it on a stem.
  3. Squeeze glue into the hole of the blanks and put everything on the stem.
  4. Tighten the corners of the banknotes with a file (or screw them onto the handle) towards each other (two - inward, two - outward). Fold in half so as to slightly shift the center, that is, into an uneven book. Place an elastic band inside the fold.
  5. We attach the first bill to the very top edge of the cork: wrap it around and wrap it with an elastic band. The most important thing at this stage is not to tear the money at the fold (to do this, you need to hold it in this place when you screw the elastic band on).
  6. Do all this with each bill, taking into account the fact that there are two pieces for each edge. And the closer to the base, the more you need to bend to the side (when folded in half).
  7. Bend the sepals or make them out of paper (if a tube is used as the base).

Beads made of nuts

The second version of the “envelope” is beads made from walnuts. To make them you will need:

  • walnuts - the quantity depends on the expected length;
  • banknotes (how many nuts);
  • glue;
  • thread and needle;
  • acrylic paints.

Manufacturing procedure:

  1. Remove the nuts from the shell so that the halves remain intact.
  2. Fold a bill inside each and glue it, leaving a small unglued area on both sides.
  3. Paint the beads in rich colors.
  4. Thread onto a thread.
  5. Attach a tag card with the inscription “Necklace with a valuable surprise.”

To a friend

You can please your beloved friend with a small but valuable surprise on her birthday by choosing one of the following options.

Sweet basket

For this you will need candy, foil, wicker basket(or chest).

  • First we make candy. Fold the bill in half along the long side and roll it up not too tightly to form a wide cylinder. Wrap in foil - they should look like truffle candies.
  • Place real candies mixed with money ones in a basket.
  • Attach a postcard with wishes for a sweet and rich life.


An interesting option that looks like a trick where the magician pulls out long ribbons instead of a hare. In essence, it will be a money ribbon hidden in a bag with a tag attached at the very beginning. For this you will need a paper gift bag(not too big) beautiful paper(for example, corrugated), tape and a roll of bags.

  • We unwind as many bags from the roll as there are bills. It should work out long strip. In this case, it is better to take special lunch bags (they are small) with a denser texture (so that they do not tear off when pulled out).
  • We cut the strip lengthwise so that we get a thinner strip.
  • We place money in each cell and seal the entire strip with tape. For convenience, it is better to spread it on the floor.
  • We decorate the top of the bag with paper so that there is a small hole left from where the “snake” will come out.
  • Carefully place the money strip inside and attach a tag with cool inscription(e.g. Hocus Pocus).

Kinder Surprise

From childhood, everyone remembers the treasured testicles in which hidden little surprise. So, you can give such an egg to your dear friend, replacing the surprise with a more adult toy- money.

To do this, you need to carefully unpack the Kinder Surprise and separate the chocolate slices. Instead of a toy, we will include a banknote and a cover letter of instructions with text. For example: “Dear friend! You received an egg from the limited “Golden” edition. Make good use of your surprise to remember this moment forever!” Afterwards, carefully fold everything back and wrap it in such a way that it is not visible that the egg was opened. You just need to give it as a gift, making sure to mention to the birthday person that he can only eat this kinder himself, and not share it with anyone or re-gift it.

To kid

Often parents ask that their children instead unnecessary gifts It was money that was given as a birthday present. But children will not understand a boring envelope at all, which the parents will immediately take away and decide that they were deprived of the gift. Therefore, you need to try to make such a present more festive and memorable. Balloons- the first attribute of the holiday, so you can pack money in it. Agencies do this, but you can do it yourself. For this you will need:

  • balloons (with themed inscriptions) - several pieces (to experiment);
  • plastic bottle or wide funnel;
  • decorations (confetti, chopped tinsel, beads, etc.);
  • small toys or candy;
  • thin ribbons (satin or decorative);
  • banknotes (if the amount is small, it is better to exchange for smaller ones, for example, 50 and 100 rubles);
  • leaves with wishes (small on thin paper).

Ball filling scheme:

  1. First you need to beautifully design banknotes and pieces of paper with wishes. To do this, you need to wrap each one in a tight tube and tie a bow with a ribbon.
  2. Insert a funnel or plastic bottle(cut to the neck).
  3. Carefully put money, wishes and everything you have prepared for this through the funnel.
  4. Tie very tightly so that the ball does not deflate prematurely.
  5. Decorate.

Presentation options:

First option

The simplest one is with a large ball. A ribbon with a postcard is tied to the filled balloon. Inside this card, you must glue a pin, a toothpick or an English needle (which has a bead instead of an eye) with tape.

Second option

For the curious. To do this you will need opaque balloons, a box (in which the inflated balloon will fit) and tinsel.

  1. The box should be beautifully decorated (for example, covered with wrapping paper) and the inscription “Open me” should be glued (cut from contrasting paper or use ready-made letters from magazines).
  2. We line the bottom with tinsel. Insert a filled balloon and write “Pop me” on it (with a felt-tip pen or cut out letters from adhesive paper).
  3. Glue a piece of congratulations and toothpicks on the opening part of the box.

Third option

Bag of gifts. For this you need small balls and a large fabric bag.

  1. You can sew the bag yourself. Take a piece of fabric 1x1.5 m. Fold it in half and stitch along the long side and one short side (this will be the bottom). Bend the upper part and stitch it, leaving a small hole into which you can insert it with a pin. satin ribbon. Make the inscription “Gift Bag” out of sequins or sparkles; you don’t have to sew it on, just attach it with super glue.
  2. Place gifts in small balls (for example, 1 bill + candy) and place everything in a bag.

Money in a ball can just as easily be given to adults - this is universal present. We look at another version of the present in the next video - money in a ball, ball in gift paper– it turns out candy:

Presentation with poetry reading

It will be unusual if original packaging read some verse on the topic. Several examples can be used:

Wishes chest

In a small a beautiful box a bundle of money is placed mixed with sheets of wishes of the same size, wrapped with ribbon. And the giver says a poem:

May happiness be near

Both in joyful and sad times.

And may luck help

Live without troubles and without embellishment.

To make it easier to move forward

Through the thorns of wonderful years,

I give you a chest of money -

I wish to conquer the whole world!

Money box

An interesting option is a piggy bank filled with ten-ruble and five-ruble coins. The gift must be accompanied by a poem:

How long does it take for a piggy bank to fill?

After all, it seems that this will never happen.

So I invested my penny here,

So that you don’t have to suffer, and finally spend everything to the bottom!


Even the most ordinary toy can be presented in an unusual way. To do this, you need to buy some animal with a pocket (for example, a kangaroo), put money in it and read the rhyme:

Don't look what my gift is

So small and short.

Even if he doesn't seem bright,

But there is a secret hiding place there.

Take this cute toy

And look for a little surprise in your pocket!

Let him show the way to the gift

For the joy of your soul!

If you don’t have time to go shopping looking for “that” gift, or you can’t predict what the birthday boy will like, then present money. You just need to use your imagination a little and present them in an original way.