Where a realtor finds a buyer for real estate. Where do realtors look for clients? Telephone directory - manager's reference book


Searching for clients is an effective tactic that helps expand your client base and generate income from real estate transactions. But how can a realtor find his client? What does this require? Let's try to answer these questions in as much detail as possible.

Preparing for the search

Before looking for clients, it is advisable for a realtor to do some preparatory work. These include:

  • studying the target audience. Such information will reduce the search range and increase efficiency. Who are you looking for? Investors (buyers who have extensive experience in buying and selling properties), ordinary people of different categories (whose area of ​​interest ranges from budget to luxury types of housing), tenants or, conversely, landlords, and perhaps a universal audience;
  • printing business cards. This simple medium of contact information will help you remember the realtor if necessary, and will help you reach a larger number of potential clients (together with the business card, you can immediately make brochures and other handouts);
  • acquisition of equipment. Without using a phone and a laptop (or, alternatively, a tablet), it is impossible to imagine the process of promoting your services and communicating with clients and property owners.

Realtors use a variety of methods to find clients. The main thing is to remember about legality and ethics, so that during search activities you do not earn a reputation with a “minus” sign. Let's look at the main methods.

Word of mouth

Almost everyone has heard at least once in their life about such a thing as “word of mouth”. This phrase hides a simple and effective way to attract clients in the real estate business. Word of mouth includes recommendations from family, acquaintances, friends and colleagues. Thanks to such positive reviews (and I know one realtor), clients immediately show a predisposition towards the intermediary, subconsciously wanting to trust the agent. At the beginning of his creative journey, a realtor should tell all his friends, his child’s teachers, neighbors, hairdresser, and doctor about his new profession. Without unnecessary intrusiveness - do not scare away a potential client.

Also, those who can start word of mouth include ordinary residents of one of the entrances, wedding photographers, immigration and housing office workers. Be friendly when offering your services, and the effort will be fully rewarded.

Distribution of business cards and promotional materials

A business card is one of the main tools for a realtor’s success and replenishment of his client base. This small rectangle of thick cardboard contains useful information for the client and thanks to this, he can be contacted at any time regarding existing real estate issues. Business cards should always be carried with you - you can meet a potential client in a store, elevator, on the street or in a theater. Also, do not ignore mailboxes - you can throw the same business cards in them, as well as a booklet, leaflet or A4 sheet with selling text. The result in this case cannot be predicted: some will throw out unnecessary information and ignore it, while others will leave it until the right time or pass it on to a friend who has questions about real estate transactions.

Placing advertisements on boards and in the media

No matter how trivial it may be, some information about realtors is distributed through ordinary paper advertisements. To do this, you need to compose the text of your advertising proposal, print it out and paste it on special boards in places where potential clients gather. At first, a viable option is free real estate valuation services. The main thing is to get calls, and then competently build a dialogue, convincing the interlocutor of your professionalism.

The situation is similar with newspapers with free advertisements - many categories of the population still trust such a source of information instead of searching for offers on the Internet. Therefore, feel free to place advertisements in the media about real estate services and free consultations on all real estate issues.

"Cold calls

To do this, you need to independently collect a database of advertisements (through newspapers, the Internet, an agency) of those clients who have not contacted you for services. Then all phone numbers that belong to other intermediaries are removed from the list. The remaining advertisements on the list call, find out the situation with the property (sold, rented out or not) and unobtrusively offer cooperation. If you categorically refuse intermediaries, you should not put pressure on your potential client - or make such a tempting offer that he will not dare refuse.

Using Internet capabilities

It is completely illogical to ignore Internet resources, since it is on the World Wide Web that the overwhelming number of offers for real estate transactions are posted. For its success, each real estate agency designs a convenient and understandable website through which potential clients find suitable options. A realtor can use both the client’s capabilities and resort to the services of specialized resources. “Reverified Apartments” on - offers verified by an RIA inspector, advertisements for the sale or rental of real estate of various types. Such ads are viewed 9 times more by clients, which means you can complete a transaction faster.

Another way is to send emails. To do this, you will need to write a competent text with a commercial offer and indicate your contacts. Such a mass mailing requires an up-to-date database of email addresses - they can be purchased, accumulated in the process of work (including past ones), or use the data of a real estate agency.

You can use social networks, which are now in abundance, as a platform for finding clients. Many users are looking for so-so housing or selling real estate - the realtor can only find the current ad in time. Agents can also post short notes about their professional activities in specialized groups, which in most cases are designed for a specific area and target audience, on forums. You can also write a thematic blog with succinct descriptions of the nuances of real estate activities and thus become popular among potential clients, or order advertising (promotion) on special resources.

The work of realtors is quite hard work. And most of them have to search for a client for a long time, since advertising their services does not always bring the long-awaited result. DOM.RIA congratulates realtors on their professional holidays and wishes them success in their work.

Selling an apartment is somewhat reminiscent of a lottery or auction. Some find buyers very quickly, while others have to wait for more than one month for their client. And what people can’t come up with to quickly sell their real estate. These are advertisements with many exclamation marks, searches for intermediaries. Some even resort to magical rituals, which raises great doubts.

And everything is not as complicated as it seems at first glance. To quickly and successfully sell an apartment, you need to know some of the intricacies of this matter. You also need to understand the psychology of buyers. You will need knowledge of psychological techniques. Then you will very quickly find a client for any apartment.

Ways to attract clients

  • Announcement in the media. Use newspapers, TV, Internet sites. The ad should emphasize that it is very profitable to purchase a home from you: all the necessary documents are ready, good repairs, close proximity to all important facilities. With such an advertisement, a buyer will be found very quickly.
  • Notify as many of your acquaintances, friends, and colleagues as possible about your intentions to sell your home. And, this way you can find a good buyer completely free of charge.
  • Place a sales poster on your balcony or outside your window. Among the passersby there may be your potential client.
  • Announcements on poles, entrance doors, or bulletin boards. This old method works quite effectively.
  • Can stick an ad on the rear window of your car.
  • Contact a real estate agency. Just look for the best agency with extensive experience.
  • You can find a private intermediary. You just need to be careful, because today there are a lot of scammers.

Typical mistakes made when selling an apartment

The ad was not written correctly

You placed your ad on the Internet, on TV, in print media. At the same time, you have spent a lot of money, and you are faced with the question of why the apartment in the house located nearby was sold quickly, but nothing has worked out for you for several months.

The answer is quite simple.

It is necessary not only to list the main parameters of the apartment. Your ad should stand out among others, and attract attention. Clients should have a desire to contact you. Use as much imagination as possible and design your ad in such a way that it does not get lost among others.

It is appropriate to highlight the advantages of your home. For example:

  • Just recently renovated.
  • All old pipes were replaced.
  • Double-glazed windows were installed.
  • There is a metro nearby.
  • Nearby there is a school, shop, kindergarten.
  • The housing is located in an ecologically clean area of ​​the city.

Use all the phrases that will attract customers. Eg:

  • Full readiness of the necessary documents.
  • Net sale.
  • Possibility of mortgage.
  • The property has been owned for over three years.
  • The apartment is in excellent condition.

Often, just one sentence can make customers more interested and curious. And this technique works very effectively, but just try. The result does not keep you waiting for very long.

It is very important that you include good photos of your home. Such photos will interest buyers. You can order such photographs from a professional master. The money invested will be worth it with a large number of clients. “Correct” photographs of the apartment, accurately positioned light, well-chosen angles allow you to transform your home and add to its attractiveness. But bad photos will simply scare off the buyer.

Incorrect price of the apartment

Incorrect determination of the cost of housing is the most common mistake. Don't over-price your property. Most buyers focus on cost. If the price is unreasonably high, then the buyer may not wait.

If you inflate the cost by a few percent, then the number of calls will be reduced by half.

If you do not have professional knowledge, then it will be difficult for you to independently determine the exact cost of the apartment. That's why many people make a mistake. But this will not happen if you contact an agency. A professional will help you make an unbiased and competent assessment.

The specialist will correctly determine:

  • Real cost.
  • Consider the location.
  • The condition of the house and its age.
  • Characteristics of views from windows.
  • How well was the repair carried out?

Competent display and conversation with clients

According to psychologists, the emotions that a client receives when inspecting a home affect the speed of decision-making. Under the impression, buyers do not always notice some of the home's shortcomings. And for a successful sale, they recommend making a presentation at a decent level.

At the same time, it is necessary to emphasize all the advantages of the apartment. It's very simple, it's:

  • Housing must be clean.
  • There shouldn't be anything superfluous in it.
  • Windows and doors are in good condition.
  • Availability of utilities.

A big role when showing housing is played by:

  • Lighting.
  • Shades.
  • Smell.

Besides all this, it is very important how correctly you structured the conversation with the client. From the first visit, you need to win him over. In almost all cases this works. After all, it’s always a pleasure to do business with friendly people.

Even in an old saying the Chinese say: “He who cannot smile should not trade" These wise words make you think about a lot. There is no need to be arrogant, do not support controversial dialogues, and do not act intrusive.

The ability to convince a person is very useful when:

  • The apartment is located on the first or last floor.
  • Inconvenient layout.
  • There is a train station or industrial zone nearby.

Another mistake sellers make is setting different times for clients. It makes more sense to do it differently. In this case, the effect of a large number of people will play a good service. Man is a social creature and constantly listens to the opinions of others.

If your apartment is positively assessed by others, then you should not miss the opportunity to purchase it. At the same time, people will be afraid that they will not get ahead of them. And this competition will help you sell your home profitably.

Preparation of documents

It should be noted right away that you should not remain silent about existing legal aspects. There is no point in hiding them. After all, when checking the legal purity of the apartment, all the facts are revealed. For example, an apartment was inherited. In this case, it is necessary to clearly explain to clients that this will not cause problems.

ADVICE. All necessary documents for selling an apartment must be collected in advance. Otherwise, you may lose a buyer. Not all clients want to wait a long time, and find more convenient options.

Services provided by a realtor

If you decide to use the services of a realtor, this greatly simplifies your tasks. For a relatively low fee, a realtor takes on a number of problems. But, it is necessary to conclude an agreement with the agency. If the agency offers you to do without a contract, then this approach is not professional. But the seriousness of this agency is in question.

Such an agreement is called exclusive, and it is not a legal type of agreement, but an order of interaction between the parties, and allows the realtor to use the most effective mechanisms in order to get a good result.

In this way, the realtor gains confidence that his work will be paid for. And now he will not be afraid to invest money in expensive but effective advertising.

What are the advantages of working with a realtor:

  • Realtor will constantly inform you about the work completed.
  • Realtor carries out all the preparation of documents and collection of necessary certificates.
  • Real estate agents help draw up a home alienation agreement, and this minimizes possible legal risks.
  • The realtor will do the work to give the concluded transaction legitimacy and ensure that it is properly completed and and state registration.

An exclusive agreement is beneficial for the realtor and convenient for the client. Just don’t rush to sign any agreement. Before signing, read the document carefully. See exactly what services you will need to pay for. Analyze the rights and obligations of the parties.

ADVICE. Remember that the effectiveness of cooperation depends on how serious your approach is when choosing a contractor. And it is important to deeply analyze the conditions offered to you.

Searching for clients and selling housing without realtors

Many people successfully complete this task. As they say: “The eyes are scared, but the hands do the work.”

In this case, the cost of housing can be added another 5%. This amount is usually paid to the realtor.

Also advised:

  • Spend money on “hot” or “vip” status when submitting an ad.
  • Place your ad only on popular websites and print publications.
  • Be sure to indicate that the property is sold without intermediaries or commissions.

When you find clients, it’s time for the “paper” procedure. You should collect a number of documents from the housing office and other authorities that will confirm that you have no rent debts. It is also necessary to confirm that everyone has been checked out of the apartment.

Important. If a child is registered in the apartment, the board of guardians prohibits the sale of the property until you register the child elsewhere. To save time, it is recommended to discharge children before submitting documents to the guardianship council.

Then you need to contact a notary. You submit to him the documents you have collected and pay for a package of various certificates. The client must pay notary services and a state fee of 1%.

And a few more tips for those who are looking for buyers for their home:

  • Don't make a mistake when choosing an agency. Otherwise, you may become a victim of scammers. Look for a company that provides quality services at an affordable cost.
  • Set the right price for the apartment.
  • Be proactive, persistently, and competently.

Good luck with your search.

The User hereby gives his consent to the Limited Company “Expert Business Consulting”, OGRN 1096673009212, address: Moscow, Skolkovo territory, st. Nobelya, 7, fl. 1 room 148, workplace 1. (hereinafter referred to as the “Company” or “Operator”) to process, store and transmit your personal data via the Internet using cryptographic protection means and confirms that he gives such consent, acting of his own free will and in his interests.

Consent is given by the User for the following purposes: the purpose of unambiguously identifying the User as a user of the Company's products that require identification, use of the System and its functions available in the personal account, including application processing, generation and analysis of creditworthiness assessment, both in judgment format and in digitized form (scoring score), including in aggregated form (assessment based on several information and analytical sources), for timely informing the User about the services provided by the Operator, as well as including the User in the database of potential Partners Users, including for offering services to the User Partners by phone, by mail, in SMS messages or in the text of emails/messages (push notifications), receiving services from Partners related to prompt access to credit, banking, insurance and other products of Partners.

For the purposes of this Consent, personal data means any information directly or indirectly relating to the User as a subject of personal data transmitted by the User personally on a website on the Internet, in accordance with the following list: last name, first name, patronymic, citizenship, gender, year, month, date and place of birth, residence address, postal address, number and series of identification document, insurance number of an individual personal account, home, work, mobile phones, email address, data on the user device (including permission, version and other attributes characterized by the user device), data characterizing audience segments, session parameters, data on the time of visiting the Site, user ID stored in cookies, Cookies, IP address, data about the authorized person, as well as other information that is necessary for these purposes. This User Consent is provided for the implementation of any legal actions in relation to the User’s personal data that are necessary or desired to achieve the above purposes, including, without limitation: collection, systematization, accumulation, storage, clarification (updating, changing), use, distribution (in including transfer to third parties), depersonalization, blocking, destruction of personal data, processing of personal data for the purposes of statistical accounting and scientific analysis, as well as carrying out any other actions with the User’s personal data within the framework of the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

The processing of personal data is carried out using the following main methods (but not limited to them): receiving, storing, combining, transferring, as well as processing using various means of communication (Internet) or any other processing of the User’s personal data in accordance with the above purposes and the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

The User hereby agrees and allows (including third parties) to combine personal data into a personal data information system and process personal data using automation tools or without the use of automation tools, as well as using other software tools, as well as process his personal data for promoting goods, works, services on the market, to inform about ongoing promotions and discounts.

The User hereby acknowledges and confirms that if it is necessary to provide personal data to achieve the above goals to third parties, as well as when attracting third parties to provide services for the above purposes, the Company has the right to disclose information about the User personally to the extent necessary to carry out the above actions (including the User’s personal data) to such third parties, their employees and other persons authorized by them, as well as provide such persons with relevant documents containing such information.

At the same time, the Company guarantees the security of transferred personal data. The User is warned that the Operator has the right to transfer his personal data for the above purposes to third parties only if they comply with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation on ensuring the confidentiality of personal data and the security of personal data during their processing.

This Consent to the processing of personal data is unlimited, is valid from the moment it is received by the Operator through the User’s registration on the website, by checking the box, and can be revoked by sending a written application to the Operator at the email address: support@site or by postal address : 620041, Ekaterinburg, st. Krasina, 7, PO Box 160.

The User hereby acknowledges and confirms that the User is independently and fully responsible for the personal data provided by him, including its completeness, reliability, unambiguity and relevance directly to the User.

The User hereby acknowledges and confirms that he has full legal capacity to express this consent and expresses his consent.

The User hereby acknowledges and confirms that with rights and obligations in accordance with the Federal Law “On Personal Data”, incl. I am familiar with the procedure for revoking consent to the processing of personal data.

The User must keep secret the password for his personal account on the Operator’s website at: , and also ensure the security of access to the email to which his personal account will be registered. If for some reason the User is not confident in the safety of his password, the User must immediately contact the administrator of the Operator’s website in order to change it. Otherwise, responsibility for the leak of the User’s personal information will lie solely with the User. For its part, the administrator of the Operator’s website guarantees the security of User data.

Identification of the User is a procedure for unambiguously identifying the User based on the personal data provided by him and is carried out upon the voluntary application of the User.

If personal data changes after registration on the site, the User is required to send an application to e-mail support@site

Home / Apartment

A real estate agent's earnings directly depend on the availability of completed deals. That is why the question of where to look for clients for a realtor can be called key in the work of a real estate agent. First of all, you need to understand that the main clients of realtors are home owners and buyers.

Let's remember together all the classic ways to attract clients and figure out which of them are still relevant, which ones have lost their effectiveness and why.

Old and new ways for a realtor to find clients

Cold calling ads

One of the most common methods by which realtors find owners is the so-called “cold calling”, that is, calling people who have put their home up for sale through advertisements on the Internet or in newspapers.

In a conversation, say that you have a buyer, ask permission to offer this object to him. Under this pretext, you can meet with the owner, find out all the nuances of a specific situation, and understand which specific problems will be the main arguments for you in persuading the owner to become your client.

The key is to build initial trust. How you introduce yourself plays an important role here. It will be much easier for you if you can add the name of a well-known agency with a good reputation to your name. For employees of the Transfer agency, the question of where realtors can get clients is much easier to solve than for our colleagues from other companies.

Posting advertisements

How can a realtor find clients? Posting advertisements is a method that may seem ineffective and outdated. But they should not be neglected because:

When a person is concerned about buying or selling a home, he looks for options everywhere. So a modest announcement at the entrance may well work.

Advertisements seem to many not to be the best answer to the question of where a realtor can get clients, because few people know how to properly advertise. Important:

  • accuracy of advertisements;
  • originality of the text;
  • the ability to indicate different phone numbers in different advertisements;
  • the need to make an appointment for every call: personal contact is of particular importance.

Working with social networks

Word of mouth has always been and remains one of the most effective ways to find an owner. The popularity of social networks today allows us to talk about “word of mouth networks,” because it is on the Internet that people (often even complete strangers) give each other advice, share reposts, and talk about problems.

A personal page on the Internet is exactly the place where realtors find clients. Tell us about your capabilities and include your current phone number. Be sure to share all interesting offers with your friends and subscribers.

Calls using business cards

In general, wherever do realtors find clients? In a club, in an elevator, in line to see a doctor. Be friendly, polite, competent and, most importantly, learn to listen. Don't jump into offering your services right away. In our country, there is often a problem behind the need to buy or sell a home:

  • Lack of money;
  • the need to leave the children;
  • divorce.

Be prepared to sincerely sympathize with her. Only after this the business card you offer will be accepted favorably. Make carrying and handing out business cards a habit. Also, do not forget to mention your profession appropriately, especially among friends and acquaintances.

Attend events where you can meet potential clients and offer your services there. Of course, the process will be easier if you ask your customers to tell their friends about you. Yes, they will tell you if they are satisfied with your work!

Employer base

Where else do realtors get their base? Paradoxically, but with the employer. Yes, indeed, it can be easier for agents cooperating with companies to find an option for buying or selling than for independent agents.

The real estate industry is one of those in which there is more trust in a company than in independent players, so there is always a flow of clients. The Transfer agency is one of the oldest in the city and therefore enjoys well-deserved respect and trust.

Our employees, especially early in their careers, find it easier to build relationships with clients than their colleagues who work independently.

Where can a realtor find clients and how to keep them?

Another important question is how to navigate the difficult path from the first meeting to the conclusion of the deal. There are several important points to highlight here.

Since realtors are constantly looking for clients, be prepared to work at odd hours. Your working day continues as long as it is convenient for the owner. And don’t forget to remind your potential client about this.

How successfully realtors are looking for apartments for sale largely depends on the specialist’s ability to explain to the client the sequence of actions and tell them what the next step is.

Yes, it is impossible to give a definite answer to the question “how to find clients for a realtor,” especially for a beginner. The most reliable option is to use all methods at the same time. This will give an influx of clients from different groups, and in total - decent income.

You can learn more on this topic at courses at the Transfer company training center. All classes here are taught only by practicing specialists: their experience will be an excellent starting point for you to start your career.

Modern real estate offices operate in conditions of fierce competition. The fight is for every client. For successful transactions and success in work, it is not the agent’s character that plays the main role.

The level of agent awareness and the dynamics of his work sometimes decide everything. And if he managed to establish socio-psychological contact with the client, then with the emergence of empathy, the chance of concluding a deal increases.

How can a realtor look for clients if their temperament, education and development are obviously unknown?

It is clear that for a real specialist in real estate sales it is not enough to just be a professional. A labile nervous system and the skills of a psychologist will be a good help here.

To demonstrate professionalism and reputation, you need to find someone who can be conquered by them. How should a realtor act when searching for clients and where to look for them?

9 ways where and how a realtor can look for clients.

1. The classic option is to announce yourself through the press. Most people buy a newspaper the old fashioned way to make real estate transactions.

2. Offers in search programs are a constantly updated database of advertisements. This is where a realtor should look for clients first. The success of the transaction will depend on a skillful offer or conclusion of an exclusive agreement.

3. Psychologists say that a person who has not yet decided on changing or selling a home takes a decisive step after seeing a street advertisement. After reading about "recently sold" apartments and "best deals," he moves from thinking to action. To the question “how to find clients?” another answer was found: “post advertisements.”

5. Attractive and complete information on your own website can help any realtor in finding clients. However, you need to be prepared for healthy competition on the Internet.

6. There are a great many people who want to buy or rent an inexpensive apartment. Where to look? A realtor will be able to find such clients based on an advertisement by browsing through free Internet sites.

7. How to increase the chances of finding “your” clients? A realtor only needs to go to a social network and, by the name of the group, determine the desired profile of a potential customer, whether he wants to rent, buy, sell or exchange.

8. A realtor should constantly expand the contingent of acquaintances who sympathize with the real estate agent (regulars of shops, janitors, utility workers, civil servants associated with the primary housing stock), providing them with a business card or information sheet.

9. The effect is achieved by distributing leaflets where it is easiest for a realtor to find clients. Such a crowded place could be an exhibition, a shopping center, a clinic, a beauty salon, or a studio.

The field of real estate transactions is wide, varied and evolving daily. New ambitious realtors regularly enter the market, seeking to receive fabulous percentages from sales/renting out space. The degree of competition of this business is difficult to measure, so for anyone who wants to achieve success, you need to know how a realtor can find clients. All details - right now.

Effective ways

Let's start with ineffective but necessary technologies, then move on to the most effective ones.

"Cold calls

Let us remember that “cold” calls are a method of expanding the base of potential buyers by calling people who have not contacted the company before. Many experienced specialists say that beginners are always assigned similar tasks. Different agencies, of course, use different technologies, but the essence is the same.

Owner announcements from the press (print, electronic) are “run” through the company’s number database; previously unused positions are found that do not belong to agents of competing companies. Next, these numbers are distributed among employees and those same “cold” calls begin, the purpose of which is to expand the existing base, find out the current situation, and arrange a viewing.

You need to understand that more often than not this tool does not work effectively enough. The problem lies in the inability to convince a potential customer, ignorance of self-presentation techniques, and the following fact is also of great importance - the owner/buyer has probably already been visited by dozens of colleagues.

However, despite the obvious problems, the described method continues to be used, especially when solving the problem of how to find clients for a novice realtor.

Mailing list

The next tool is much more enjoyable, even creative. Distribution is carried out primarily online, but many real estate professionals also take the offline environment into account. The essence of the technology is this: a commercial text is compiled about the services, the realtor person himself, an email newsletter is sent, and the letter is delivered to mailboxes (if this method is chosen). The experience of many real estate workers demonstrates that the described method is much more effective than the previous one.

Let's talk about several nuances separately.

1. Commercial text

We present to your attention (Dan S. Kennedy), author of the book “The Sales Letter”:

  • create the feeling that ordering a service will change the consumer’s life, solve his problems, improve it;
  • orient the text style to the needs of the target audience (be sure to create an average portrait of the target buyer);
  • encourage immediate ordering, offer promotions, use the “urgency effect”, creating in the reader a feeling of scarcity of options;
  • stimulate the buyer's interest (using humor, humor);
  • use appropriate graphics, photographs.

Separate advice - give up active self-promotion, slogans, and never mention other people's services. If there are no guarantees, it’s better not to write; buyers quickly remember promises. They will definitely remember this later, risking ruining your reputation.

2. Photo

Use a personal photo. Let the potential customer see who he will be communicating with.

The image must be of excellent quality, where you look advantageous, presentable, and beautiful. The person in the photo should inspire trust and respect.

If there is no photo, take one. This will definitely come in handy when promoting online.

Internet promotion

Of course, the numerous online marketing tools cannot be neglected. There are many ways offered here, but the two most profitable are: social networks, your own web resource.

Social networks are primarily a platform for two-way communication. Create a page (group), expand it, inviting target users there, publish relevant content. Use topic-related groups (for example, communities in your city), launch targeted advertising (this is more difficult, it’s unlikely to be done without the help of specialists, otherwise there is a risk of spending the entire budget).

Your own landing page is a must-have tool when solving the problem of where a realtor can find clients. With its help, you can present yourself from a favorable perspective, expand your target audience, and also increase your base of potential customers. In short, there are many advantages. There are also auxiliary tools, one of them is the LPgenerator service.

We know the following customer search methods:

1. Daily meetings. This method is also called “project 100”. The technique is simple: you make a list of the maximum number of people you know - everyone with whom you have the opportunity to somehow contact. Every day you meet or call with 1 - 2 people from this list, to whom you can tell that you have become a realtor. It is very important to create a story (legend) about how and why you got into real estate.

This story should be short, interesting, optimistic and necessarily truthful (any life situation can be presented in a positive way). Everyone understands that a message like “yes, everything is bad for me, as always; “I’ve come to the point where I had to go into real estate” will not make your interlocutor want to come to you with his housing question. And, on the contrary, for a potential client, a story about the difficulties overcome, a wonderful manager, and patterns of success in work is very attractive, because the whole company works with the client, and not just this particular intern.

“I’ve been wanting to get into real estate for a long time, and finally I came to work in an agency. It's so cool! I completed my training course, completed an internship, and made my first transactions. We have a wonderful team, a very experienced manager. Previously, I was afraid that this was too difficult a job and I wouldn’t be able to cope with it, but it turned out that the company takes on all the most important responsibility - lawyers and advertisers work, everything is checked and double-checked. The transaction is controlled by both the group manager and the registration directorate. And I have already mastered my part of the work perfectly.”

When compiling a list of acquaintances, you can plan to update various old connections (previous work, classmates and schoolmates, etc.), take advantage of the connections of your spouse, close friends and other connections - such is the psychology of communicating with clients. Perhaps future ones, yes. You also need to remember the parents of your children's classmates - after all, you meet them from time to time. Report a change of job to the school where your children study (after all, the parents' work phone number should be written down in the class register) - this is a good reason to talk to the teachers. When visiting a doctor, also focus on changing jobs. Such self-promotion should in no case be aggressive - just talk about it , how well everything is going in your life and how you like your new job.

2. Consulting at enterprises, housing offices, clinics and other crowded places.

3. Visiting various exhibitions (not necessarily on real estate). Exhibitions are places where successful people gather. You can not only distribute your leaflets, but also simply talk to visitors and representatives of enterprises at the stands. If you are interested in what the company is presenting at the exhibition, you can ask which real estate company it cooperates with. Explain why this is convenient and beneficial for the company and its employees. This method of finding clients, of course, only suits a certain type of person. But even if you belong to this type, and also look impeccable, it is better to start with a small company, and not with the Kirov plant.

4. Working with concierges and grandmothers on benches. An excellent method of working on site. After a short conversation on general topics (or without it), you can ask for advice, ask about the house (does the heating network often fail, do decent people live in this building), explaining that you have been approached by a client who wants to buy an apartment in this building or in this neighborhood. And, of course, you, like a true professional, must find out everything about this house thoroughly. Grandmothers are very impressed by this position; they can give you a lot of information, including about the apartments for sale in the house.

5. Method use of informants. These could be employees of the REU, housing office, passport office, funeral services offices, courts, etc. It is necessary to negotiate not a percentage, but a specific amount of intermediary fees for the transaction. The same grandmothers on the benches can be informants, only the amount of the intermediary must then be indicated in rubles.

6. Mandatory use of business cards. In any place where you are a client - hairdressing salons, dental salons, clinics, expensive stores, etc. It is convenient to start communicating about your specialty by handing over a business card. (“Thank you, I really liked your work. If you need anything, please contact me. I deal with real estate.”)

7. Submitting advertisements for “Buy”. The announcement is of the most personal nature (“a former military man will urgently buy a one-room apartment for $22 thousand only from the owners, not the top floors. Call from 17 to 22”). Try to arrange viewings by saying that you have an exclusive contract with the buyer and must view apartments without him first. When viewing, say that this apartment is not suitable for your client, a military man, for some reason, but , since the owner spent time on you, you can help him and find another buyer.

8. Submitting advertisements for exchanges. “I’m changing my two-room apartment to a one-room apartment with an additional payment.” At the same time, you can post advertisements for the purchase of a two-room apartment - then you will have a specific object to talk to clients about. If there is no property, we can say that this apartment has already been sold (the exchange was through purchase and sale, it’s more convenient), but you are an agent and you have many clients. Usually 4-5 people out of ten agree to talk. This is a very effective method, the source of a significant number of internship deals.

9. Distribution of leaflets with the necessary information on the back side (calendar, necessary telephone numbers, list of name days, culinary recipes, folk signs, coloring books for children, etc.). Our advertising department is happy to consider all your ideas and make layouts for the production of any leaflet.

10. Working with a newspaper of private advertisements (for example, in the “selling furniture” section you can search for people leaving or moving with “last minute” options).

11. Placement of large-format advertisements in courts, passport offices, exchange offices (agree on the placement of such a poster for a small amount). You can put a pocket on the poster for your flyers or business cards.

12. Telephone survey. 20 telephone numbers in a row are selected in the area you are interested in (323-10-10, 323-10-11, 323-10-12, etc.). You can also work with phones from any section in the newspaper of private advertisements. Introduce yourself as an employee of a public opinion research group in the service industry. Ask a few general questions (Age, education. Do you consider the real estate market to be criminal? Do you know about ways to ensure security in real estate transactions? Where would you turn if you needed to solve your housing problem? What real estate agencies do you know?) Thank you for the answers to your questions and ask if a free consultation with specialists from a major real estate agency is needed (if your branch holds Saturday legal consultations, invite your respondent to them). You can get a lot of information.

13. Contact survey. You can also interview people on the street. In this case, you have the opportunity to leave your advertising materials and contact numbers to respondents. Survey forms can be obtained from the HR department. It's also a good idea to stock up on branded caps and T-shirts. It is better to conduct contact surveys in pairs (woman-woman or man-woman) in crowded places, but not near metro stations or food markets, but near shopping centers and entertainment centers. It is better to do this in the morning on weekends.

14. Advertisements for free telephone consultations (“a specialist in your area”). It is important to have a really good idea of ​​the area (types of houses, prices, infrastructure).

15. Calling old newspapers “From Hand to Hand” and “Fast Courier”. Clients may change circumstances or needs, they may become disillusioned with their own methods of solving their problems and agree to cooperate with you.

16. Use of recommendations. Even a very satisfied client with a transaction with you should be encouraged to recommend you to his friends and acquaintances. To do this, you need to maintain contact with him after the transaction. Congratulate him on the holidays, send cards, call to ask how he is doing, and remind him that you are always ready to help him and his family and friends.

17. Posting advertisements. It is important that these advertisements be quite specific (“I will buy a one-room apartment from $22 thousand. A kitchen from 8 sq. m. or anything else that exactly matches this type of house”). Call from - to_. Ekaterina Semyonovna"). There is no need to write that you will buy any apartment. There is no need to look for an apartment in an old stock in the first months of work (unless you are looking for it for a specific buyer), since most likely they will call you from an apartment that you cannot sell. In the old building, it is better for the trainee to look for rooms.

18. Distribution of leaflets, calendars and business cards with the simultaneous offer of consultations (carried out in crowded places by 2-3 agents: one or two people distribute advertising materials, the third, if necessary, consults).

19. Organizing presentations at enterprises, beauty salons and offices where your friends work or where you manage to establish contacts. At the agreed time, you will come with your manager or an experienced agent from your group, talk about the company, answer questions and hand out promotional materials.

Here’s another interesting approach to forming a client base. This is the so-called. He somewhat similar on the methods described above. But he more complete.

Hello, friends. Starting is always difficult. It's not a secret. Especially if you work for yourself.

Real estate is a type of business that requires the presence of a client base. But what should a newcomer do, who is just starting out and only his closest people know that he is now a realtor? How to find clients? The most important thing is not to despair. There are always sellers and buyers. You just need to know the places to look for them.

Today, I want to talk about how to find your first clients. How I started myself.

Every city has newspapers and magazines that publish databases of supply and demand. In Naberezhnye Chelny, for example, these are 2 main publications: the World of Real Estate magazine and the newspaper From Hand to Hand.
These publications provide information from both real estate agencies and individuals: people who sell their homes on their own.

This is how I found my first apartment for sale. In the magazine “World of Real Estate” I saw an advertisement from a private person. I called the number provided and offered my services. She talked, explained the benefits of working with me and... the woman agreed! To be honest, I experienced very different feelings: joy on the one hand, and excitement on the other.

But it was no longer possible to retreat and I successfully sold my first apartment in 2 weeks! Great! The first step has been taken.

In addition to printed publications, there are also bulletin boards on the Internet. The Avito.ru website is very popular. People who want to solve their housing problems also actively post their ads there. I found my second apartment for sale on one popular website in our city. The scheme is the same: I called the owner, offered my services, and got to work. The most interesting thing in this whole story is that we met the owner only on the day of the transaction)) The fact is that she lives in Moscow, and was selling an apartment in our city. Therefore, we only communicated with her by phone, and she only came for a deal. Here's the story.

I’ll say right away: not all of my calls were successful. Some refuse to cooperate because they already have a realtor, some believe that the realtor charges too much money for their work, some say that they have the documents for the apartment ready and therefore do not need the services of a realtor. The reasons are different.

But there will always be people who need our services, and if you put in a little effort and perseverance, you can find clients

Buyers and sellers of apartments were, are and will always be, remember this.

And good luck to you in your endeavors!