Safe and effective sleeping pills for children. Should I give sleeping pills to a child under one year old?

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Many parents are faced with the problem of sleep disturbances. Sometimes only the use of sleeping pills can allow the baby to sleep normally. But before you use it, you need to clearly understand in which situations it can help, and in which it threatens to worsen the situation.

Causes of sleep disturbances

The sleep of a child and an adult differs significantly. Therefore, when trying to find the problem of sleep disturbance in an infant, make sure that it is not age norm. All factors that interfere with normal rest can be divided into physiological and psychological.
The first include:

  • physiological characteristics that may change monthly;
  • (, gases, etc.);
  • neurological health problems.
The second ones include:
  • emotional stress during the day;
  • non-compliance with the “wake and rest” regime;
  • absence comfortable conditions for sleep (very hot and dry indoors, feeling of hunger and thirst).

Sleeping pills and its types

There are cases when you simply need to resort to help medical supplies, namely to children's sleeping pills. It happens different types and forms. By choosing it correctly, you will ensure a sound sleep for yourself and your baby.

How does the medicine work?

Such drugs, depending on their composition, act on the body differently.
The most effective components are:

  • lavender- it soothes and is a good antiseptic;
  • valerian- removes excitability, has a good effect on the functioning of the digestive tract, supports the cardiovascular system;
  • chamomile- able to calm, relieve tension and relax muscles;
  • mint- increases appetite, and also has analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects;
  • oregano- best to calm a capricious toddler; it is used for an unbalanced nervous system.

Types of drugs

A sleeping pill is a drug that has a psychoactive effect.

Did you know? In Germany in the 19th century, a sleeping pill was invented, consisting of opium, dope, hashish, mandrake and other narcotic and toxic substances.

Based on the form of its effect on the body, there are 3 main types:

  • barbiturates;
  • antihistamines;
  • bromine-containing agents.
All of these substances affect sleep by changing its structure, and they have nothing to do with children.
Under the group of medications used to normalize baby sleep, understand:
  • herbal preparations;
  • herbal medicines;
  • homeopathic remedies.

Important!These types of medications are sold without a prescription and are non-addictive sleeping pills.

These medications can be used as a one-time remedy to help calm the baby after an emotional day, and according to a certain scheme. Regular intake will ensure a cumulative effect, and you will always sleep peacefully.

Is it possible to take sleeping pills for children?

Any drug can have the desired effect or, conversely, aggravate the problem. And herbal medicines are no exception. Before using them you should:

  • visit a pediatrician and other highly specialized specialists to find out the cause of poor sleep;
  • do an allergy test for the components of the recommended drug;
  • purchase medicines and herbal remedies only in pharmacies.

Compliance with these simple requirements will ensure the safety of your baby when taking sleeping pills.

What to do if you have sleep disorders

Before you start self-medicating with over-the-counter sleeping pills, you need to take stock of what you've already done to ensure your baby sleeps soundly. It is too early to take these medications if you:

  • did not create favorable conditions for recreation;
  • didn't cut it nap, thereby increasing the night;
  • did not provide physical activity according to age;
  • did not establish a feeding schedule;
  • did not verify the absence of .
These requirements apply to children of all ages. Collateral good night are physical fatigue, a full stomach and a calm home environment.

In a baby

For this problem, many doctors recommend medications such as Magne B6 and Bayu Bai to all children. Do not buy or take medications without first reading the instructions for their use. These sleeping pills are not used for children under 1 year of age.

As a sedative, such babies are given exclusively herbal infusions:
  • mint;
  • valerian;
  • motherwort;
  • Melissa;
  • chamomile.
And it’s even safer not to take them internally, but to add crumbs to the bath. The baby does not need to stay in a warm bath with a few drops of lavender for more than 5 minutes. Be sure to rinse your baby after this. Aromatic products have a positive calming effect for children under 1 year of age. Before using them, you need to do a test: let them inhale a drop of oil from your hand. If within 5 hours you do not notice side effect(tearfulness, sneezing, itchy skin), then it is possible to carry out an aroma session with this oil.

Important!Children under 12 months of age should not be given peppermint extract.

In children 3–7 years old

With age, the list of sedatives expands. For children of this age You can give herbal tea “Children’s sedative” and mixtures with citral. Liquid solutions with citral are prepared manually in pharmacies, immediately before purchasing them. They contain:

  • citral is the main component obtained from essential oils plants.
  • magnesia;
  • valerian or motherwort;
  • sodium bromide;
  • glucose.
The principle of action of the drug is aimed at reducing blood pressure. "Children's soothing" tea is available in various compositions. Depending on the active ingredients, it eliminates factors affecting sleep:
  • general nervous overexcitation;
  • stabilizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
All described sedatives prescribed to a child from 2 years old, using the general children's method of introducing everything new: start with 1 teaspoon and gradually increase to the required dose.

For schoolchildren

Children who have reached 5–6 years of age are prescribed homeopathic medicines - “Bayu Bai”, “Tenoten for children”, “Notta”, “Dormikind”, “Baby-Sed” and other herbal syrups. Magne B6 can be taken before the specified age if tests confirm magnesium deficiency in the body. Pupils junior classes very excitable and emotional, first of all, spend more time with them and be interested in their problems.

Did you know?The glycine molecule was discovered in cosmic dust. This gave reason to assume that amino acids came to Earth from space.

In case of prolonged stress and low mental performance, it is advisable to take Glycine. Its main active ingredient is amino acid, which is always produced even without its use. human body. Taking medication can be replaced with products containing glycine increased quantities eg nuts, eggs, animal protein.

In teenagers

IN transition period children are often susceptible stressful situations, they have low performance, difficult relationships with peers and with parents. All these moments lead to disruption of their sleep. Of course, they can use sleeping pills approved for use in infants, but they may be ineffective.
Treatment is prescribed individually, most often. In addition to those described above, you can use Persen. It is intended for “difficult” teenagers. More serious medications, for example, or "Piracetam", are not intended for self-treatment. They are used only as prescribed by a doctor.

Traditional methods and their dangers

Treatment of insomnia with traditional methods includes the following procedures:

  1. Use of sedative herbs. It can be beneficial if the proportions and doses for a specific age are observed.
  2. Dry bay leaves put in a pillow to improve sleep quality.
  3. Use breathing.
  4. They prepare all kinds of drinks with honey and lemon juice, as well as warm milk with honey.
  5. Alternate cooling and warming of the extremities.
Do not try questionable advice and herbs of unknown origin on your offspring. Be careful when introducing any new foods to infants. Be attentive to your children, maintain a favorable home atmosphere for their growth and development, consult with specialists on time - and then neither you nor your children will need any medications.

Bad dream in a child or a violation of his phases is a fairly common problem. This condition can be caused by various factors- both internal and external.

For newborns and children under 2-3 years of age, there are many sedatives, cereals, and infant formulas. But what should parents do if these methods are not enough? How to help an older child? When is it necessary to take sedatives and hypnotics? Let's take a closer look.

Sometimes, to normalize a child’s sleep, eliminate irritability and hysterics, doctors prescribe mild sedatives and sleeping pills (we recommend reading:)

Indications for the use of sleeping pills in children of different ages

Sleeping pills for children are prescribed by a doctor. You cannot treat your child with medications from this group on your own. If the pediatrician believes that the use of “sleeping” pills is necessary, then the minimum dosage and course of treatment are determined to obtain positive result without harm to health.

For infants and children under one year of age, sedatives are indicated for:

  • postnatal encephalopathy;
  • hydrocephalus of the brain.

If these pathologies are not diagnosed, then sleep disturbance is corrected with nutrition, care and increased attention parents to the baby. At the age of one to three years, however, as in older children, sedatives are prescribed when insomnia is caused by the following factors:

  • hyperactivity (more details in the article:);
  • diseases nervous system, which are accompanied by night terrors, nightmares, enuresis (we recommend reading:);
  • neuroses;
  • epilepsy;
  • anxiety or panic disorders.

The doctor selects a sleeping pill based on the symptoms and age of the patient.

Contraindications and negative consequences of taking sleeping pills

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When prescribing sleeping pills for a child, the pediatrician must take into account contraindications. Medicines of this group are not used in the treatment of children with a history of decompensated diseases of the heart, kidneys, liver and blood vessels, or severe forms of allergies.

Despite the fact that the minimum dose of the drug is always prescribed, the occurrence of side effects difficult to avoid. IN childhood The following undesirable symptoms appear:

  • constipation/diarrhea;
  • dry mouth/constant thirst;
  • nausea or vomiting;
  • headache;
  • weakness;
  • muscle spasms/cramps;
  • dizziness;
  • impaired concentration;
  • dyspeptic disorders;
  • allergic reactions;
  • uncontrolled movements of the limbs.

Effective and safe sleeping pills

Sedatives and drugs that normalize sleep are used only in extreme cases. Usually, the doctor first recommends non-drug methods for correcting the pathological condition.

If the pediatrician nevertheless prescribed your child a sedative, then when taking it you should follow several rules:

  • the first and subsequent doses should be immediately before bedtime;
  • strictly adhere to the prescribed dose;
  • discontinuation of the medication is carried out gradually so that repeated attacks of insomnia do not appear;
  • If side effects occur, consult your doctor immediately.

For every child age group use different sedatives. They are similar in therapeutic effect, but differ in their mechanism of action, composition and range of indications for use. Let's consider the features of “sleepy” medications for children of different ages more details.


A neurologist prescribes sleeping pills for newborns, and this is always associated with a serious painful condition of the baby. In other cases, mothers can use soothing teas and infusions (more details in the article:). The effect after taking such drugs is less pronounced, but does not cause absolutely any harm to health.

In neurology, they are used to treat very young children. the following types medications:

Drug nameActive substanceCharacteristicPermitted age
Phenibut (we recommend reading:)Gamma-amino-beta-phenylbutyric acidA nootropic drug that not only helps increase the duration of daytime and night sleep, but also has a positive effect on the nervous system.0 – 14 years
DormikindMagnesium carbonate, Zincum Valerianic, Cypripedium pubescens (Fluffy slipper)Homeopathic medicine used for sleep disorders and increased nervous excitability.0 – 6 years
Magne B6Magnesium lactate dihydrateProduced in the form of drops and tablets. Effectively affects the central nervous system, especially if the child is diagnosed with magnesium deficiency.For all ages
Pantogam (more details in the article:)Calcium hopantenateFor infants Available in syrup form. Positively affects the functioning of the nervous system, improves cerebral circulation, normalizes sleep, muscle tone, motor activity. Prescribed for psychoneurological diseases, encephalopathy, etc.From birth

For babies

Children under one year of age are also prescribed the above drugs. In some cases, Hare syrup is used to treat infants. It is of plant origin, so it has a mild sedative effect and strengthens the central nervous system. Since the medicine is based on herbs, the syrup has virtually no contraindications. In children under 1 year of age, it can be used as a food additive.

Children under 3 years old

Children under 3 years of age grow and develop rapidly, and many of them become deficient in calcium. This causes nervous disorders and provokes sleep disturbances.

Children aged 2-3 years often experience unreasonable hysterics and their mood changes quickly. If parents do not pay due attention to their child, then in the future such behavior may cause increased excitability and insomnia. To prevent these problems from occurring, a neurologist may prescribe sedative medications.

Drug nameActive substanceCharacteristicPermitted age
  • Chamomile and Belladonna extract;
  • Plantago Major;
  • Calcium carbonicum hanemannii;
  • Solyanum dulcamara;
  • Pulsatilla pratensis
The medicine has a rapid sedative effect. It is often prescribed by a pediatrician for nervous disorders associated with teething, as it additionally relieves inflammation and acute pain.From 1 year
  • seed oats;
  • common chamomile;
  • zinc valerate;
  • a coffee tree.
Homeopathic remedy, produced in two forms (syrup, drops). Has a hypnotic effect.Used as prescribed by a doctor for children over 2 years of age
  • microencapsulated glycine (more details in the article:)
A broad-spectrum drug. Normalizes metabolic processes and sleep, calms, increases performance.From 1 year
  • valerian;
  • cuprum;
  • Kalium phosphoricum;
  • staphysagria;
  • Calcium hypophosphorosum;
  • Chamomilla.
Normalizes the duration and phases of sleep.From 1 year

Often, young mothers and fathers are faced with a problem when their baby becomes irritable, restless and for some reason has trouble sleeping. This behavior of a child is explained by many factors. The fact is that he perceives reality more sensitively than adults. Even half an hour spent without his mother can cause him anxiety. He was sent to kindergarten, where the situation is unfamiliar to him? This is also a reason for frustration. What if he is cutting a tooth? Of course, in this case too he may cry and have difficulty sleeping.

One way or another, mothers don’t want to put up with similar behavior and in an attempt to calm down their little one, they think about which sleeping pill is best to choose for the child.

At the same time, decide for yourself this problem Not recommended.

Is your child having trouble sleeping? Contact a specialist

Qualified assistance on the question of which sleeping pills should be used for a child in a given case will only be provided by pediatrician. This is the person you should turn to if your baby is showing anxiety. He will be able to determine the reason for his behavior and, based on the tests performed, prescribe something special for the toddler.

What types exist today?

Currently available on pharmacy shelves the widest range“sleeping” drugs: syrups, infusions, tablets, while many parents simply do not know what sleeping pill to buy for their child. As has already been emphasized, it is better to trust a specialist in this matter.

In any case, when purchasing this or that drug, you should strictly follow the instructions contained in the package. The specific dosage of the medicine depends on the age of the child.

So, what sleeping pills for a child can be recommended to parents who are concerned about the “excessive” excitability of their child?

At the same time, a huge number of “newly made” mothers are interested in the question of which sleeping pills for infants today are most harmless to the baby’s health.

Infusions based on medicinal herbs

Of course, these are soothing teas based on medicinal herbs(peony, hops, mint), valerian. At the same time, decoctions from medicinal plants is an effective sleeping pill for children under one year old. Again, it should be emphasized that before making a choice in favor of one or another herbal collection, you should consult with a specialist in order to reduce the risk of allergic reaction after drinking healing tea.

Homemade recipes for making teas from natural ingredients

Currently, infusions from medicinal herbs are presented in a huge assortment in stores and pharmacies.

However, in order to save family budget You can make tea from plants and herbs at home. For example, you can brew chamomile at the rate of two teaspoons of raw material per glass of water. This sleeping pill would be ideal for 1-year-old children. Chamomile calms the nervous system, relieves tension and relaxes muscles.

An infusion of fennel seeds will also help relieve irritation and excitability. It can be boiled separately or combined with other herbs. Doctors recommend this tea not only to the child, but also to the mother during lactation.

Breasts should drink fennel infusion to eliminate gas formation in the intestines.

Ready-made herbal preparations for children

It is necessary to dwell in more detail on herbal infusion called "Children's Sedative". It contains natural ingredients such as licorice, rose hips, birch leaves, peppermint, lavender spica herb. The tea will cheer up the child, his sleep will become more sound, and there will be no trace of his former moodiness. The above-mentioned children's sleeping pills have a beneficial effect on the nervous system, “slowing down” the intensity of excitability processes in the brain.

Children's pediatricians advise giving the "Children's Sedative" infusion to all children, regardless of their age. Toddlers under three years old should be given the decoction at the rate of one glass per day, and for older children the dosage can be increased to one and a half glasses per day. The course of treatment is approximately thirty days.

Children's doctors also speak positively about decoctions of medicinal herbs called “Evening Tale” and “Mom’s Tale.” They help improve psychological condition capricious babies and eliminate symptoms bad mood. Among other things, the above preparations made on the basis natural ingredients, help reduce gas formation and eliminate colic in the intestines.

Baths based on healing herbs

In order for the child to sleep well, many fathers and mothers prepare soothing baths from medicinal herbs. Through such water procedures, the child becomes calmer, he is less likely to be irritated, and in addition, he simply relaxes.

For example, you can prepare a bath from four natural ingredients: motherwort, oregano, valerian and thyme. You will need three tablespoons of the above plants in crushed form. The mixture must be brewed, wait until it sits for half an hour, strain and add to a bath of water. Accept water treatments follows for a quarter of an hour.

Homeopathy remedies

Well, of course, we should mention homeopathic remedies that help eliminate insomnia in children.

It should be remembered that such means are aimed at eliminating mental and emotional arousal. If you take them a long period time, a side effect may occur, and the baby’s nervous system may malfunction. That is why you should always consult your doctor before use.

If he cannot fall asleep for a long time, experts recommend homeopathic remedies such as Dormikind (manufacturer: HEEL) and NOTTA (manufacturer: Bittner). Moreover, the first medicine is recommended for children infancy, and the second is for children aged three years and older.

Also, high demand was noted for a drug called “Bayu-Bai”. It strengthens the nervous system, relieves tension, and also provides protection against stress. The medicine has no side effects and does not contain barbiturates. Bayu-Bai does not cause drowsiness and is not addictive.

Parents must promptly respond to the symptoms of childhood insomnia, otherwise pathologies of a neurotic nature can significantly worsen their health in adulthood.

2 years is the age at which children often develop manifestations of hyperexcitability. Such cases are associated with stress, which undermined the baby’s psyche. Therefore, moodiness and nervousness, in a sense, can be perceived not as costs of improper upbringing, but as a disorder that requires treatment.

Causes of nervousness in babies

There are a huge number of factors that can cause whims in a baby. Basically, all these are situations that bring discomfort or pain to the child. Thus, dysfunction of the nervous system can be provoked by the following reasons:

  • hunger;
  • teething;
  • intestinal colic;
  • colds;
  • excessive activity of the baby in the evening.

Sometimes a child’s nervousness and capriciousness are associated with mental pathologies, but such cases do not occur so often and are usually easily identified by a specialist in a medical institution.

Manifestations of increased excitability

2 years is assigned if their behavior is characterized by the following manifestations:

  • problems with sleep, as well as with putting the baby to bed;
  • frequent moodiness and tearfulness;
  • constant hysterics.

It is worth understanding that these symptoms may not accurately indicate the need for therapy. Often you can cope with them by simply putting the child to sleep and eliminating the irritant. Therefore, before you start giving your baby sedatives, it is better to visit a pediatrician. He will examine the young patient and give the parents all the necessary recommendations.

Medicinal sedatives

If you don't trust folk medicine, then, of course, you can turn to the traditional one for help. However, it is worth understanding that the use medicines, intended to reduce hyperexcitability in a child, should only occur under the supervision of a pediatrician. In addition, sedatives for children 2 years old are prescribed with extreme caution, since at such a tender age the body is still poorly formed and can easily succumb to attack chemical substances. This means that there is a risk of developing side effects that affect the kidneys, liver, stomach or other vital organs.

Sedatives pharmaceutical drugs for the little ones they are sold in two forms: tablets or syrup.

Tablets for children two years old

The classic version of drugs to reduce the activity of the nervous system is most popular among pediatricians. This is explained by the ease of use of the products: the tablet can simply be crushed to a powder and given to the baby along with food.

The most famous medicine is Glycine. The drug is prescribed even to newborn infants, as it has a mild sedative effect on the body. You can use the data for children 2 years old to normalize sleep and relieve nervous tension. The product contains a special amino acid, which not only inhibits mental processes in the body, but has a positive effect on the functioning of the brain.

An excellent alternative to Glycine is a drug called Phenibut. It helps relieve emotional stress and also improves baby's sleep. The drugs “Pantogam” and “Magne B 6” have the same effect.

Products produced in the form of syrup

Medicines of this type are less aggressive towards the child’s body, so parents have developed much more trust in them. Among many analogues medications, which relieve nervous tension, it is worth highlighting the same “Pantogam”. Previously it was said that it is available in tablet form, but there is also a liquid form of the medicine on sale. Soft for children from 2 years old helps to relieve the baby from insomnia and even cramps. It is noteworthy that the product is not addictive in a child, so it can be used for a long time until the symptoms of nervous tension pass. This feature puts Pantogam on the list of favorites among sedatives.

Tranquilizing drugs

Extremely in rare cases Pediatricians prescribe medications for young patients such as Elenium, Phenazepam and Tazepam. These medications belong to the class of tranquilizers, so you need to be extremely careful with them. Such drugs are strictly contraindicated to be given to children without a doctor’s recommendation, as they strongly depress the nervous system and can cause addiction in the body. Similar sedatives for children 2 years old are used for severe stress.

Homeopathy for nervous overexcitation in a child

IN Lately Homeopathic medicines are widely used among medicinal products for children. They, as a rule, do not contain any special instructions or contraindications, and also have a mild effect on children's body. Most often, the following homeopathic remedies are used to reduce the hyperexcitability of babies:

  1. "Little Bunny."
  2. "Notta."
  3. "Dormikind".
  4. "Viburcol."

The principle of action of all these drugs is almost the same, however, these drugs still have their own characteristics. Thus, Viburkol drops or suppositories not only relieve irritability, but also reduce inflammation along with painful sensations during the baby's teething period. And if you are looking for a sedative for a child (2 years old) that helps normalize sleep, then this suitable for this case"Notta" or "Dormikind". As for the “Hare” product, parents cannot have any complaints about it at all. The drug is produced on the basis of fructose, which completely eliminates the development of allergic reactions or side effects in the baby.

Special baby food

It doesn’t always mean that a child needs to be taken to a pediatrician immediately for practical recommendations. Many caring mothers trying to deal with it more simple methods. One of these is the use of special cereals. Manufacturers baby food A series of products are being produced that are designed to help your baby sleep soundly at night and experience less hunger. Such cereals can be used as a kind of sedative for a 2-year-old child. Reviews from parents note the following infant formulas:

  1. "Nutrilon Good night."
  2. "Good night hip."
  3. “Humana Sweet Dreams.”
  4. "Unworthy of Happy Dreams."

Thanks to the presence of a complex of cereals, the baby receives before bedtime sufficient quantity nutrients and as a result, you remain full all night. This saves him from frequent awakenings. In addition, some porridges contain soothing herbs that provide the basis for sound and restful sleep.

Herbs to reduce hyperexcitability

If medications Doctors prescribe to children with some caution, then folk remedies not even prohibited for infants. To cope with the child’s excessive activity, parents can start using sedative herbs. For children 2 years old, recipes based on the following plants are suitable:

  • calendula - helps eliminate inflammatory processes and improve sleep;
  • valerian relieves children from stress and nervous tension;
  • sage actively fights colds and relaxes the baby’s psyche;
  • chamomile - relieves tension and painful sensations with intestinal colic;
  • mint helps sleep soundly and good mood;
  • thyme has an active sedative effect and has anti-inflammatory properties.

As a rule, medicinal soothing plants are used for preparing teas and infusions or for bathing a baby (when making baths).

Herbal teas

The beauty of using such products is that they can be given to babies from the first years of life. Calming teas For children 2 years old, it is better to start cooking based on any one component in order to be able to study the effect of using each medicinal herb. In addition, if an allergic reaction occurs, it will not be difficult to identify its cause. Over time, it will be possible to formulate the most suitable herbal mixture.

Arranging plants is quite possible on your own, but if you don’t want to do this, you can purchase them at the pharmacy ready mixture. It is important that all rules for the preparation and storage of medicinal herbs are followed, so you should avoid purchasing them on the market.

Soothing mint tea

In folk medicine, there are recipes based on complexes of medicinal plants. Tea made from mint and hop leaves is an excellent sedative for 2-year-old children. The ingredients should be mixed in proportions 2:2:1 respectively. One tablespoon of the resulting mixture must be poured with a glass of boiling water, and then left for 20-30 minutes. The decoction is given to the baby several times a day and always before bedtime.

Rose hip and linden tea

To prepare this remedy, you need to take one part of linden flowers and rose hips. The components are mixed and filled with water. Next, you need to bring to a boil, for this it is advisable to use water bath. It is advisable to leave the drink for about 15 minutes, and add a spoonful of honey to it before use.

Chamomile tea

This recipe is ideal for calming a child in the evening and providing him with a base. herbal collection crushed chamomile flowers are taken. Five parts of the latter product are mixed with linden and lemon balm (1 part each). To prepare a sedative for a child (2 years old), you need to add water to the herbal mixture and bring it to a boil. Cooled tea is given to the baby about 15-20 minutes before bedtime.

Herbal baths

Baths with the addition of medicinal plants will help reduce the activity of the baby in the evening and at night. It is advisable to carry out such procedures immediately before putting the baby in the crib. So that the child gets from the bath maximum benefit and noticeable it is necessary to prepare it correctly. First you need to brew a strong decoction based on the selected herbal mixture. It is recommended to add thyme, lemon balm, motherwort and nettle to the baths. Like other sedatives for children 2 years old, therapeutic water procedures must be carried out in courses. It is optimal to take herbal baths once every two days for three weeks. After this, it is advisable to take a break for at least a month.

Means for reducing nervous tension in children: reviews

Each parent chooses his own way to calm his child. For some, special milk formulas are enough, while others diligently prepare herbal decoctions. It is worth noting that not everyone uses medicinal sedatives for children 2 years old. Reviews from many parents prove that in the absence of disorders of the nervous system of the baby, it is possible to cope with stress with the help traditional methods. As some mothers noted, when restless sleep Even ordinary herbal baths are enough. Seeing a doctor is only necessary if home therapy does not help. In this case, the pediatrician draws up a treatment plan for the baby.

In order for the baby to feel good, it is necessary to provide him with not only physiological, but also psychological comfort. If this condition has been violated, then you can try to correct the situation by using a sedative for the child. 2 years is an age when babies are very susceptible to stress, so such cases occur quite often.