How to be a mysterious girl for a man. How to be a mysterious girl

March 8

As you know, men prefer women who have some kind of mystery, a riddle. Such women always conquer and inspire men. They never get boring, because a woman’s riddle cannot be completely solved. Every woman can become mysterious. Let's talk in more detail about how to become a mystery to your man.

Mystery woman: who is she?

This real woman With capital letters. She knows how to be different and at the same time always remains herself. Don't be an open book to a man. After all, by nature a man is a conqueror and explorer. To become a mystery to your chosen one, follow our advice:

  • Don’t try to tell your man all the smallest details of your life: about your former men, work, problems, etc. You can tell something important, but he shouldn’t know everything.
  • Don’t control a man, don’t try to spend 24 hours a day with him. If he is at work, don’t call him every half hour or bombard him with SMS messages. Also, don’t report where and with whom you were, what you did. If he asks, you can tell him, but not in all the details. It is useful to disappear from a man’s life for a while, minding your own business - this will greatly stir up his interest.
  • You should have your own personal space - your own interests, interests, hobbies. No matter how much you love a person, you cannot dissolve in him, live by his interests, desires, aspirations. A woman who constantly looks into a man's mouth and hangs on his every word cannot be mysterious.
  • Learn to listen more than talk. If you chat incessantly and don’t let a man say a word, then you are unlikely to become a mystery to him. The best communicator is the one who knows how to listen.
  • Change. Don't stay in one image for too long. Be different - change your clothing style, hairstyle, behavior. A woman can have different roles: girl, mother, seductress, warrior, muse, etc. If you combine various female archetypes, then you will always be desirable and mysterious to a man.

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Not only on mutual love, passion and trust keep the relationship between the two. Time is running, and the relationship gradually moves into the stage when you know absolutely everything about your partner. And in a family where there is nothing left to surprise each other, fatigue from predictability often sets in. How to keep your relationship fresh? How, years later, can you remain a mystery to your man?

  • Don't be predictable. A man’s interest (in addition to traditional interests) also rests on the opportunity to discover new facets in a woman. Don’t live “on a schedule” - breakfast, lunch, dinner, scandal, heated reconciliation, curlers and a mask at night. True, going too far with unpredictability is also not the best option. Everything is good in moderation.

  • Be discreet. Even if you are an absolutely open person, this does not mean that a man needs to be told and shown everything. Let him think that in his absence you are living your own, unknown to him, rich life, even if this is not so. This keeps the man on his toes, not allowing him to think: “she’s not going anywhere from the submarine.”
  • No need to call your husband at work every 15 minutes and report that you fed the cat, went to the store, watered the flowers and sewed a button on his shirt. In the evening he will ask you how your day was. But even then, you shouldn’t give him your daily to-do list.
  • If he sent you an SMS or letter to email, don’t rush to answer right away. Behave as you would when meeting someone – pause. And on phone call You can sometimes answer - “I’ll call you back, I can’t talk right now.”
    Surprise your man. Constantly surprise. Change yourself, your lifestyle, diet, appearance, rearrange – be different all the time. Experiment with haircut and makeup, with dresses, underwear and nightgowns, even with bed linen and aromas in the house.

  • Don't get too carried away with creating your own "highlights" so that they do not turn into tough and old dried apricots. A man loves mystery in a woman, but this does not mean that he will want to count cells in a “Japanese crossword” all day long.
  • Know how to keep secrets about your life. If you just started dating or living together, you don’t need to immediately spill all the secrets about yourself, including childhood illnesses, the inadequacy of your boss and the quirks of your second cousin. Such a confession will only scare the man away. And he will simply become bored with “guessing” you. For all questions, try to give the bare minimum of information. Moreover, it is extremely positive. Hide the rest for now. Remember that some phrases and words cannot be said to a man under any circumstances.
  • Know how to shut up in time. Understatement is talent. Like in a soap opera - that is, “in reality interesting place" And let him wait, worried, for the “next episode.”
  • Always leave in style. So that he notices.
  • Don’t devote your whole life to waiting for him, your beloved. Take up a couple of hobbies. It would be good if they also generate income. Lead an interesting and rich life. He should not think that you consider him a light in your window, and best entertainment for you it is to bring him slippers after work. In this case, your mystery is zero. Conduct yourself, understanding and emphasizing that you are confident in yourself and that the world has not converged like a wedge on him, the unique one.

  • Look after yourself. Always, even at home, on your day off, be prepared to look like a model from the cover of a magazine. Even 10 years of marriage behind your back is not a reason to wear a mask of sour cream and cucumbers in front of your husband, wear worn out slippers and an old robe, etc. A man should see you well-groomed and beautiful.
  • Never allow yourself to perform various beauty procedures in the presence of your husband.. It’s clear that he’s already seen you without makeup, but you shouldn’t pluck your eyebrows, do a manicure/pedicure, apply makeup, squeeze pimples or sew up holes in your tights in front of him. Hide this part of your life from a man, as if you had just met. Let him think that you are already waking up so fantastically beautiful, smelling delicious and well-groomed. Even our grandmothers always advised getting up before your spouse so that when he wakes up, you will be “fully armed.”
  • Be careful. Your erotic underwear is a candy wrapper that a man must unwrap at a certain moment. Therefore, there is no need to throw your underwear anywhere - a man perceives it with interest only on a woman, but not on the back of a chair or on a rope over the sink. Be passionate, avoid monotony in intimate life- and your man will always feel attraction and interest in you.

  • Don’t forget to surprise your man at your dinners together. Every woman knows about the “path to the heart...” from the cradle. That is, a man should eat fully and tastyly, so that he does not have the strength and desire to eat other people’s buns. But you shouldn’t accustom a man to the fact that you practically live in the kitchen. Sometimes you can “please” him with a couple of jars of canned food, motivating such a dinner with your busyness.
  • Never tell a man about a pimple that popped up on a soft spot or uncomfortable pads.
  • Concerning belching and others natural processes in organism, a man must firmly believe that your body is not capable of producing such sounds at all.

To be always desirable and mysterious is not an easy science. But a little bit feminine cunning - and your man’s admiring gaze will follow you relentlessly.

“There must be some kind of mystery in a woman!” - poets write. “...And also a hint and a solution,” clarify men who have become victims of too mysterious women, lost in the labyrinths of inept or overexposed intrigues. We know for sure that men, due to their “hunting” nature, are greedy for women who need to be solved, achieved and conquered. No one is interested in easy prey! A man needs adrenaline and excitement in an attempt to tame an obstinate, rebellious and inaccessible woman. In this game he revels in his victory, and loves himself in it. This means that he will also love the woman who generates this storm of emotions in him. How to become mysterious, inaccessible and desirable for a man, without turning into a puzzle over which he will break his head?

  1. Remain yourself. The first and main rule is to be natural. Modeling yourself in the image and likeness of a star, friend, mother means giving up your unique nature. Namely, this may be the secret that your ideal man, or for which he has already fallen in love. And even if these qualities seem bad or old-fashioned, do not rush to give them up. Do an audit. Perhaps among them there are those that make you charismatic and unlike other women. Men don't like boring patterns. It's better to be weird than like everyone else. Every woman should have her own “madness”!
  2. Keep the secret. It was not for nothing that God gave us two ears and only one mouth. Listen more and talk less! Women often find it difficult to control the urge to chat. And if a man still asks questions, then it’s his own fault - let him listen. It won’t take long to hand over a “military secret,” let alone a personal one. When talking with a man (especially on first dates), avoid talking about yourself, and frank questions return it, leave it unanswered, or make it a joke. For example: “Mmm... What good question! But for now it’s a secret! Can you keep secrets? Yes? That’s good... Me too!” Become a man's interviewer yourself. Let him tell you what he considers a mystery in a woman.

  3. Intrigue. You can always keep male interest warmed up with the help of intrigue and understatement. Men have a very developed imagination, although they themselves do not always suspect it. So, for example, to the question “Are you free tonight?” Do not answer in detail and directly. Give a man some food for thought. Say cryptically: “I can’t answer. I signed a non-disclosure agreement about this secret!” And in general, do not rush to answer questions. Take a break. She's intriguing! Although, as the wise Julia Lambert, the main character of Somerset Maugham’s famous novel, said: “Don’t pause unnecessarily, and if you take it, take it as long as you can!” A subtly maintained pause intrigues better than a half-naked body.
  4. Be unpredictable. No matter how indignant men are, not understanding the train of women’s thoughts and the logic of their actions, their curiosity is always aroused by women who are difficult to predict. Be unpredictable! For example:
    • Abruptly interrupt a monotonously flowing conversation that does not foretell any surprises and say something like: “Look at these lovers. They are so cute!". And as if nothing had happened, continue your languid conversation.
    • End a rapidly developing date yourself, abruptly and much earlier than expected. Do not be fooled by questions and do not agree to persuasion. Leave without further explanation, but leave an honest hope for the next meeting.
    • Disappear unexpectedly in the middle of a date, leaving a note on a napkin with text like: “Gone to save the planet from global warming!” and draw a smiley face.

  5. Be absolutely beautiful. One of the main mysteries in a woman should always remain the procedures with which she brings her beauty: depilation, manicure, pedicure, eyebrow correction, masks, curlers, etc. Let him continue to be in holy ignorance that the evening “ “butterfly,” was still a “caterpillar” in the morning. And let him continue to think that you were born with makeup, hair, shaved legs and in lace underwear, when he calls and joyfully says: “Get ready! I’ll be there in ten minutes!”
  6. Be an actress. All women are actresses, but true skill lies in remaining yourself, always being different, mysterious and incomprehensible. A man will immediately feel a mediocre game, insincerity and manipulation. Imagine that your life is a movie, and you are the main character in it. Play for an Oscar! And play, admiring yourself, your thoughts, feelings and actions. Think about how to behave in a given situation so that, looking at it from the outside, you can admire yourself. Get into the role gorgeous woman great movie. Believe it yourself, and your man will look at you with your own loving eyes.

  7. Learn from your idols. It is difficult to develop the habit of always remaining mysterious to a man if this is not in the blood, and in the family all the women were not best example in order to try clever tactics or copy a ready-made behavior model. Books, films, and television will be a storehouse of ideas and tips. Strong women, who had entire armies of men at their feet, share their secrets in autobiographical revelations, books and films. In their success stories there is always something to learn and answers to questions about the incomprehensible and mysterious female soul. The main thing is to remember rule No. 1 - improve, but remain yourself.
  8. Don't philosophize. Don’t overdo it with secrets, riddles and inaccessibility, so that it doesn’t turn out like in the joke:
    • There must be a mystery in a woman...
    • Are you saying that there are no mysteries in me?!
    • One riddle, not a collection of problems in quantum physics!

Don’t forget that “men are from Mars, and women are from Venus,” and what you consider a riddle that is supposed to awaken initiative in a man may turn out to be an impossible puzzle even for a man with five higher education. He will run away, rejoicing that someone else will break his head and life over this incomprehensible riddle.

A woman is a mystery and not only to
men, but also for herself.

They say men love riddles. But, unfortunately, we don’t know what exactly they like, what type of riddle – a rebus, a crossword or a puzzle.

All we have to do is important view, answer “important” calls in a whisper and run away “on business” at the most crucial moment - precisely because the man played to his heart’s content at being a breadwinner and a conqueror

Do you want to be mysterious? A short excursion on this topic will help you win the attention of any man who is even the slightest bit interested in you.

“At a time when other girls wanted to become ballerinas,I dreamed of being a vampire» (A. Jolie)

Here is the first recipe for mystery - be different. However, it is worth remembering that all your interests that distinguish you from other girls should be liked first of all by you!

Do what everyone else cannot do because of their “handlessness and laziness.” Show others that you are an extraordinary person, capable of embroidering with your eyes closed or singing arias in heavy metal style.

“Be brave, be daring, be free” (A. Jolie)

It was thanks to her free behavior that Jolie attracted the attention of a man like Bradd Pitt. It is infinitely stupid to act and think according to templates. Look for new ideas, ways out difficult situations and more humor :).

Cheerful, no aware of problems a woman is exactly what men of the 21st century are looking for. However, freedom and audacity should not be confused with outright vulgarity. Everything must have its limit.

"There's no harder job than lookingbeautiful from eight in the morning until twelve at night" (B, Bordeaux)

Flawless hair even after a physical education lesson, neat makeup without a hint of “raccoon”, nails of sufficient length, clean, ironed clothes. He will be sincerely surprised when you managed to change your sports sneakers to comfortable ballet shoes and where did the wonderful curls on your sweaty forehead come from just 5 minutes ago?

Grooming is the key to popular women.

“Restrain yourself when it’s offensive and don’t make a scene,when it hurts - that's what it is ideal woman" (Coco Chanel)

Making public scenes, crying or quarreling with your girlfriends or boyfriend in front of everyone is an unacceptable luxury. Hold back and raise your head proudly, leave the battlefield. A man will appreciate the absence of public humiliation, and you, in turn, will have time to throw out everything from your prepared speech offensive words:). Besides, if you leave with just a hint of tears, there is an option to make him feel pangs of conscience :).

“Don’t worry, but worry” (M. Monroe)

Stop blushing and turning pale in front of him, forgetting your name and home phone. Make him feel excited when he sees you. Cast languid quick glances, casually touch his hand, laugh at his jokes melodiously, throwing your head back picturesquely.

When leaving after a date, bring your face closer to his face, but without kissing, leave him in complete bewilderment :). Let him guess what you meant by that.

"Life is not heaven, you shouldn'tto be ideal” (D. Karanji)

Allow yourself cute ponytails, books forgotten on benches and a confused look. A woman should look like a woman, not a knight in shining armor. You don't have to save anyone, you need to be saved!

Jump with a parachute, but be afraid of dogs. Open a bottle of champagne yourself, but you won’t be able to handle the clasp on your boot. Let the man make you happy, touching and sweet :).

For everyone who read the article to the end, I’ll give a couple more tips, not from Jolie and Chanel, but from myself

  • Trying to intrigue a man with his mystery, will have to maintain this image long years . He must understand that he took the best prize and you simply have no right to disappoint him :).
  • Let your darlings shortcomings become yours advantages.
  • Be yourself, but at the same time keep a little distance from your bad side :). Men love devils, but only those who have a halo under their horns.

Natalya Kaptsova

Reading time: 5 minutes


The relationship between two people is not only based on mutual love, passion and trust. Time passes, and the relationship gradually moves into the stage when you know absolutely everything about your partner. And in a family where there is nothing left to surprise each other, fatigue from predictability often sets in. How, years later, can you remain a mystery to your man?

  • Don't be predictable. A man’s interest (in addition to traditional interests) also rests on the opportunity to discover new facets in a woman. Don’t live “on a schedule” - breakfast, lunch, dinner, scandal, heated reconciliation, curlers and a mask at night. True, overdoing it with unpredictability is also not the best option. Everything is good in moderation.

  • Be discreet. Even if you are a completely open person - this does not mean that a man needs to be told and shown everything. Let him think that in his absence you are living your own, unknown to him, rich life, even if this is not so. This keeps the man on his toes, not allowing him to think: “she’s not going anywhere from the submarine.”
  • No need to call your husband at work every 15 minutes and report that you fed the cat, went to the store, watered the flowers and sewed a button on his shirt. In the evening he will ask you how your day was. But even then, you shouldn’t give him your daily to-do list.
  • If he sent you an SMS or an email, don’t rush to answer right away . Behave as you would when meeting someone – pause. And sometimes you can answer a phone call with “I’ll call you back, I can’t talk right now.”
    Surprise your man. Constantly surprise. Change yourself, your lifestyle, diet, appearance, rearrange - be different all the time. Experiment with haircut and makeup, with dresses, underwear and nightgowns, even with bed linens and scents in the house.

  • Don't get too carried away with creating your own "highlights", so that they do not turn into tough and old dried apricots. A man loves mystery in a woman, but this does not mean that he will want to count cells in a “Japanese crossword” all day long.
  • Know how to keep secrets about your life. If you have just started dating or living together, no need to spill all the secrets about yourself at once, including childhood illnesses, the inadequacy of your boss and the quirks of your second cousin. Such a confession will only scare the man away. And he will simply become bored with “guessing” you. For all questions, try to give the bare minimum of information. Moreover, it is extremely positive. Hide the rest for now. Remember that.
  • Know how to shut up in time. Understatement is talent. Like in a soap opera - that is, “in the most interesting place.” And let him wait, worried, for the “next episode.”
  • Always leave in style . So that he notices.
  • Don't devote your whole life to waiting for him, your beloved. Take up a couple of hobbies. It would be good if they also generate income. Lead an interesting and rich life. He should not think that you consider him a light in your window, and the best entertainment for you is to bring him slippers after work. In this case, your mystery is zero. Conduct yourself, understanding and emphasizing that you are confident in yourself and that the world has not converged like a wedge on him, the unique one.
  • Look after yourself. Always, even at home, on a day off get ready to look like a magazine cover model. Even 10 years of marriage behind your back is not a reason to wear a mask of sour cream and cucumbers in front of your husband, wear worn out slippers and an old robe, etc. A man should see you well-groomed and beautiful.
  • Never allow yourself to perform various beauty procedures in the presence of your husband. . It’s clear that he’s already seen you without makeup, but you shouldn’t pluck your eyebrows, do a manicure/pedicure, apply makeup, squeeze pimples or sew up holes in your tights in front of him. Hide this part of your life from a man, as if you had just met. Let him think that you are already waking up so fantastically beautiful, smelling delicious and well-groomed. Even our grandmothers always advised getting up before your spouse so that when he wakes up, you will be “fully armed.”
  • Be careful. Your erotic underwear is like a candy wrapper that a man must unwrap at a certain moment. That's why there's no point in throwing your laundry around anywhere- it is perceived by a man with interest only on a woman, but not on the back of a chair or on a rope over the sink. - and your man will always feel attraction and interest in you.
  • Don’t forget to surprise your man at your dinners together.. Every woman knows about the “path to the heart...” from the cradle. That is, a man should eat fully and tastyly, so that he does not have the strength and desire to eat other people’s buns. But you shouldn’t accustom a man to the fact that you practically live in the kitchen. Sometimes you can “please” him with a couple of jars of canned food, motivating such a dinner with your busyness.
  • Never tell a man about a pimple that popped up on a soft spot or uncomfortable pads.
  • Concerning belching and other natural processes in organism, a man must firmly believe that your body is not capable of producing such sounds at all.

To be always desirable and mysterious is not an easy science. But a little bit of feminine cunning - and your man’s admiring gaze will follow you relentlessly.