The doll's hair is tangled. Life hack for parents: how to untangle doll hair very easily

For men

A doll is an indispensable toy for any girl. Mom should understand that children's toys need to be washed, as many germs collect on them. But not everyone knows whether dolls’ hair can be washed. In fact, this is not only possible, but also necessary. After all, during the game, the doll’s hair begins to get tangled and dirty. Even if the toys are on the shelf, they can also use cleaning using water procedures. doll after washing? Even the most hopeless hair can be saved. You should not cut the doll's hair: it will lose its appearance. But there are many ways to help correct the situation.

How to tidy up a doll?

To put the doll in order, you need to have the following:

How to detangle your hair?

In some cases, the doll's hair gets very tangled and becomes more like a washcloth. If you are wondering how to straighten a doll's hair to get rid of this problem, you need to use the method below:

Preparing to wash your hair

Before straightening your doll's hair, you need to wash it thoroughly. Before starting this process, it is recommended to wrap the doll in cloth and cover its face with cling film. Due to this, excess moisture will not get inside the toy. Of course, if a little water does get inside the doll, you can carefully wipe it off, especially since now almost all dolls are collapsible.

How to wash them

Many people are interested in the question of how to straighten the hair of a Barbie doll. This process will end well only if you wash her hair before starting it. You need to wash it in cool water, adding a little shampoo. Some people wash their hair twice, but this is not necessary. After washing is finished, the doll should be wrapped in a terry towel. Do not rub your hair as some of it may break off. Moreover, this may cause them to become even more confused. After this, conditioner should be applied to the doll's hair.

Combing hair

Before straightening your doll's hair, you should also comb it. In this case, you can comb both wet and dry hair. That is, there is no need to wait until it is completely dry. It should be combed in small strands, starting from the ends. You must act very carefully, otherwise you may pull out too many hairs. This way you can comb your hair to any degree of tangle.


Many people are interested in how to straighten their hair. There is nothing complicated about it. The main thing is to have an iron and a cloth. But in this case, you need to use not a regular iron, but tongs. It is usually used to curl the hair of little girls. If you have such a device, you can safely get to work. Let's look at how to straighten the hair of an Ever After High doll:

This way, the doll's tangled and faded hair can be restored to its original appearance. After this, the toy will look almost the same as before.

All the girls play with dolls. Hair is the weak point of these toys. During play, the doll's hair begins to get tangled and dirty. Even if the dolls are sitting on a shelf and have never left the apartment, they also could use a hair wash. You cannot cut the doll's hair: it may lose its attractive appearance. There are many possibilities to improve the situation. Let's talk about how to straighten a doll's hair after washing. Is it possible to return it to its original appearance at home?

Hair washing

First, wash the toy's hair. Artificial hair gets dirty quickly, even if you handle it very carefully.

For washing, you can use shampoo, liquid soap, any dishwashing detergent, or washing powder. So, we will need:

  • lukewarm water. Hot water causes doll curls to curl;
  • shampoo. You can use the one you use yourself. Or you can take the cheapest product;
  • air conditioner. Any will do, but it’s better for these purposes to be indelible. It will saturate the hair and make it smooth;
  • comb;
  • towel.

Before you start, you need to wrap the doll tightly with something and cover its face with cling film. This must be done to prevent water from pouring inside the toy. Of course, if a little water gets inside, it’s not a big deal. It can be easily removed, especially since now almost all dolls are disassembled.

Add a little shampoo to the water and you can wash your hair. Some people wash their doll’s hair twice, but this is not at all necessary. After completing the procedure, wrap the toy in a terry towel. Under no circumstances should you apply force to your hair, as it can easily break off and become even more tangled. Finally, apply conditioner to the doll's hair for 10-15 minutes.

Then it is washed off and the hair is blotted with a towel. Only now can the straightening process itself begin.

Straightening process

Toys today are expensive, especially high-quality ones. And therefore, it will be a shame if in a month the Barbie doll’s hair loses its attractive appearance. Often the hairstyle gets tangled, and we know that combing a doll's hair is not so easy. In addition, hairs pulled out by a comb will naturally not grow back. The toy risks being left with a bald head forever. How often a doll’s hair needs to be looked after depends on several conditions: the quality of the doll, the age of the owner, the intensity of the games, etc.

However, don't despair. It is quite possible to bring the doll's hair into proper shape. They will look no worse than the day they were purchased. However, this will require a fair amount of tinkering. Perhaps the most effective way in this case is leveling with an iron.

Attention: this method is only suitable for high-quality hair. Cheap dolls are contraindicated. They won't bear it.

So, you will need:

  • a convenient place to work (you can spend up to half an hour on one small doll);
  • iron;
  • water;
  • hair clips;
  • clean toothbrush;
  • slicker for animals.

The slicker is easy to buy at any pet store. Please note that we will need the simplest and cheapest powder brush. It should be an ordinary wooden thing with sharp thin teeth, preferably without plastic tips. This brush will become the main tool for caring for doll hair.

We warm up the iron slightly. Approximately up to temperature values ​​of 90-110 degrees. Otherwise, the artificial hair will simply melt. At low temperatures, on the contrary, it will be difficult to level them. It is better to start by testing on a small piece of hair to make sure that the temperature is optimal.

Now separate a thin strand. Pin up the rest of your hair. Comb the strand thoroughly with a slicker brush to separate all the hairs from each other. Try not to pull out your hair! Now wet your curls and run an iron through them. This should be done slowly, as if pulling your hair out from under an iron. Then gently comb the still warm strands with a toothbrush.

Repeat this procedure several times if the hair is still uneven. Wait for the strand to cool and then secure it. Now select a new strand. Do the same operations with all the hair on the doll's head. As a result, they will become even and smooth.

Despite the fact that this process seems quite labor-intensive and painstaking, the result will exceed all expectations. If the doll had straight hair, it will look almost like new. If the hair was wavy, after this leveling it will be possible to give the doll new and varied hairstyles.

We work with Monster High

Before you start straightening your doll's hair, you need to comb it thoroughly. This can be done with both dry and wet hair. There is no need to wait specifically for it to dry completely. You need to comb your hair in thin strands, starting from the ends. You should act very carefully so as not to pull out too many hairs. This way you can comb even the most tangled hair.

Many people are interested in how to straighten the hair of Monster High dolls. Here, for example, is one of the useful video tips on this topic:

As you can see, it's quite simple. To do this, you only need an iron and a cloth. You can safely get to work.

So, let's comb our hair. A small doll comb is usually sold along with the doll itself.

With its help you can cope with this task quite easily.

Then you need to select a strand and wrap it with a cloth.

To avoid overheating your hair, do not heat the curling iron too much. We take a strand wrapped in a napkin and run a slightly heated iron over it. After this procedure, the hair will gradually straighten. Such manipulations must be done to the very end, with each strand separately. It will look impressive if you straighten only the top of the strands, while the ends remain wavy.

Video on the topic of the article

There are even more useful videos on the topic of the article in the following collection:

Our doll with matted hair

1.Soak your hair in fabric softener - fabric softener. Pour the softener into a bowl or bowl. The amount of softener will depend on the volume of the doll's hair. It should be enough to completely cover your hair. Leave the softener on your hair for about an hour. If the doll's hair is in particularly bad condition, you can leave the softener on overnight.

2. When the doll's hair has been soaked for the required time, comb it, leaving the softener in place. The softener will act as a conditioner, smoothing the doll's hair and loosening knots. Use a wide-tooth comb for hair extensions, as they are great for detangling hair. If you don't have one, use any other wide-tooth comb. Brush slowly so as not to inadvertently rip the hair out of the doll's head. If you have a small doll, like a Barbie doll, then it is better to use a fine-tooth comb. If your doll has very long hair, try untangling large tangles and knots with your fingers first before brushing.

3. Rinse your hair. When you're done brushing, rinse all the softener out of your hair. It will be enough to rinse the doll's hair under cool running water in the sink. Make sure to thoroughly rinse out all fabric softener. Leaving the conditioner on for too long can damage your hair. Gently dry the doll's hair with a clean towel or let it dry on its own. Do not try to dry the doll's hair with hot air. Synthetic hair is very delicate, so blow-drying it will have extremely negative consequences.

4. When your hair is a little dry, comb it again. This time, use a fine-tooth comb to straighten the doll's hair and remove any small knots. Brushing your hair regularly will also help dry your hair faster.

5. To straighten your hair, we need a regular household iron and comb. You need to work on an ironing board or similar surface. The iron should be used in the most gentle mode and, of course, without steam. Here you should be extremely careful and check everything experimentally. It’s better to carry out the entire procedure twice to be sure than to accidentally melt the doll’s hair. Separate a small strand from the doll's hair. Iron and comb. Repeat if necessary. However, you should not be lazy and take strands that are too thick. Take a new strand and repeat. And we work like this until we iron all the hair. This way you can not only tidy up scraggly hair, but also straighten curly hair.

How to quickly and easily straighten a doll’s hair if the toy has begun to lose its attractive appearance, and the child’s favorite toy, to his chagrin, turns into a mess? This is quite simple to do, and even necessary, and it’s not even a matter of aesthetics. A toy that a child plays with every day, or that is simply found in the general mass of similar toys, requires regular sanitization. Many people believe that thorough treatment with boiling water is only necessary when the child is very small. Not at all. All toys need regular cleaning, especially if there is more than one child in the family. This article describes the entire process in detail and offers a video for clarity.

How to straighten a doll's hair with your own hands: small nuances

Before you start straightening the hair of a doll, be it a regular Barbie or a newfangled Monster High doll, you should consider the quality of the toy. Original dolls from the original manufacturer are of higher quality in every sense, it concerns not only their resemblance to the original and durability, but also the quality of materials.

The hair of high-quality dolls is more resistant to external influences, but also requires a more careful approach. Before straightening the doll's hair, you need to wash it thoroughly, and before washing it, comb it, at least minimally. Otherwise, the hair may become uncombable and the hairstyle will be irrevocably damaged.

At home, you can easily return the beauty doll to its former shine and glamor. To prepare your hair for water treatments, you need to carefully comb it. It is best if you have a comb at your disposal, which comes complete with toys - it is designed for gentle combing of artificial hair. If you don’t have such a comb, you can take a simple wide-toothed comb and comb your hair without jerking, starting from the ends of your hair. After this, you can take a comb with finer teeth and comb again. Under no circumstances should you pull the tangles - the hair will simply stretch and become even more tangled and frizzy. Your hair will get frizzy, but that's how it should be. After the hair is combed, it can be washed.

What do you need to wash your doll's hair?

  • Warm running water;
  • Baby or any shampoo
  • Air conditioning (desirable)
  • Cup or basin, sink

Before starting bath procedures, the doll must be undressed and all earrings, hairpins and other decorative elements removed.

Place the undressed doll upside down near a running stream of water. There is no need to place the doll’s head itself under water, since water will get inside through the holes, which will dry out for a very long time, and in the process will create both an unpleasant odor and a favorable environment for the development of microbes and bacteria.

Wet your hair and gently lather it with shampoo or baby soap. Do not rub too hard or lather in a circular motion - this can damage and tangle your hair. Rinse off the foam and rinse until clear water. If your hair is very dirty, repeat the procedure.

After shampoo, it is advisable to lubricate your hair with conditioner, wait a while until it is absorbed into the hair, and rinse off the excess. It’s even better if you have a care product at your disposal that doesn’t need to be washed off - you can apply it third.

You need to dry your hair naturally - the most you can do is lightly blot it with a towel and leave it in a warm place until it dries completely. You should neither use a hairdryer nor leave the doll on the radiator.

Hair straightening.

Once the doll's hair is clean and dry, you can begin its final processing - straightening. After this stage, the doll’s hair will become smooth, silky and obedient. There are several ways to straighten synthetic hair, but the first thing to remember is that its artificial nature does not tolerate high temperatures. For this reason, doll hair is not dried with a hairdryer, and hairdressing tools are not used directly. However, if you use a little trick, you can use a simple hair straightening iron. In addition to it, you will need thick fabric - flannel or something similar. It is desirable that the fabric is without a bright pattern, and, of course, clean.

Separate a strand from the total mass of hair, place it between two layers of fabric, and iron from roots to ends. Do this with all the strands. If you have an iron on which you can set the temperature, then set it to a maximum of 100 degrees, this is more than enough.

The second hair straightening option takes less time, but is hotter. This will require boiling water and great care to avoid injury. This method is good because you don’t have to wait for your hair to dry after washing. To straighten your doll's hair, after you have rinsed off the conditioner, pour boiling water over the strands. However, this hair straightening option is only acceptable for original high-quality dolls, otherwise the synthetic hair will suffer a sad fate, and the doll will have to be cut at best.

Videos on the topic of the article

As a child, did you love to comb dolls, give them wonderful hairstyles and run to show off your hairdressing successes to your parents? If yes, then you know exactly what doll curls turn into after childhood experiments. In a beautiful elegant washcloth. Even though modern toys are made from new generation synthetics, this has not solved the problem. If your child is begging for a new doll because the old one has turned into Baba Yaga, do not rush to the store. Try this simple lifehack. He will save your toy hair and your money.

A lot of washing and a little trick will help you return your favorite dolls to a decent appearance. Why not set up a toy beauty salon? Even children will be interested in watching your hairdressing manipulations. Let's start the puppet puzzle!

You will need:
1. Stiff hair brush
2. Any fabric softener
3. Spray bottle
4. Water

Mix water and fabric softener in a 50/50 ratio in a spray bottle. Wet the doll's hair thoroughly with the mixture until it is really wet.

Gently comb the doll's wet hair until all the knots are untangled and the strands are perfectly smooth. Now is the time to thoroughly rinse your curls in clean water. Make sure there is no conditioner left on them.

Blow dry the doll's hair and you're done! The plastic beauty is like new again.