Body type happens. Men's body types

March 8

Body types people have different characteristics of the ratio of fat and muscle. For example, an ectomorph is the same person who “eats and doesn’t get fat.” Typically ectomorphs are tall, thin and wiry. They have thin bones and very little fat. It is very difficult for ectomorphs to gain weight, both due to the fat layer and due to muscles. Even if such a person is able to gain muscle mass, he will still look thin and very fit.

There are three human body types:

  • Endomorph – plump, wide, with a slow metabolism;
  • Mesomorph – muscular, average, good metabolism;
  • Ectomorph – thin and tall, with a fast metabolism.

Body type is innate and cannot be changed. Usually body types are combined; “pure” representatives are rare. The body types of women and men are the same, the only difference is that men have more muscle mass.

A mesomorph, unlike an ectomorph, has developed muscles. It is easy for him to gain muscle mass and fat. The bones of such people are quite thick and dense; mesomorphs make good athletes. Such people are usually of average height and look strong and muscular.

Endomorph is the exact opposite of ectomorph. He gains excess weight very easily because his metabolism is very low. The energy needs of such people are small; the foods they eat are stored in body fat. It is not difficult for such people to gain muscle mass, but the body remains loose and soft, since there is a lot of fat. It is important for such people to monitor their diet, as there is a high probability of weight gain.

To determine your physique, you can measure your limbs and convert the length into percentages.

Body type Dimensions of body parts relative to length, %
Length Width
torso legs hands shoulders pelvis
Dolichomorphic (asthenic) 29,5 54 46,5 21,5 16
Mesomorphic (normosthenic type) 31 52 44,5 23 16,5
Brachymorphic (hypersthenic) 33,5 50 42,5 24,5 17,5

It is very important to know your body type to create a physical training schedule and nutrition plan. A diet suitable for an ectomorph is completely unsuitable for an endomorph.

Sizes and parameters do not always depend on body type - at different ages the proportions may be different. IN adolescence your figure is just forming, so you will be able to find out your exact body type after passing this period.

Dimensions Newborns 1 year 4 years 7 years 13 years 17 years 20 years
Leg length 0,24 0,36 0,56 0,68 0,85 0,98 1
Arm length 0,32 0,44 0,54 0,67 0,81 0,97 1
Body length 0,36 0,46 0,6 0,68 0,82 0,92 1
Shoulder width 0,32 0,44 0,58 0,68 0,83 0,93 1
Pelvic width 0,28 0,44 0,6 0,68 0,83 0,93 1


The main problem of ectomorphs is lack of weight, so they should not worry about the amount of food they consume. They have a thin and sinewy body, long limbs. It is just as difficult for them to gain weight as it is for endomorphs to lose it.

To provide the body with the necessary resources, you need to consume at least 3 g of protein per kg of weight; protein foods should make up 30% of the total calorie content of the daily diet. Half of the total calories are allocated to carbohydrates, and the remaining 20% ​​to fats. The number of calories consumed per day is at least 2000-2500 kcal. In order not to disrupt the diet, ectomorphs should eat every 3 hours. Don't overeat and eat half your daily allowance at one time. Also, you should not eat only fast food and sweets.

Important! If you can't handle it daily norm, supplement it with sports drinks, protein bars and other healthy, highly nutritious foods.

In order not to look too thin, you need to do strength exercises. Cardio exercises will also be useful, but you shouldn’t overdo them - they are aimed exclusively at burning fat mass, which the ectomorph already has little of. For ectomorphs, it will be useful to consume carbohydrate-protein mixtures and keratin before training. Some time after exercise, a snack is necessary to stop the process of catabolism in the muscles.


This species has a dense physique, fat mass predominates over muscle mass. Endomorphs gain fat mass very quickly, so they need to limit fats and carbohydrates in their diet. Proteins are not stored in fat, so they must take up special place in the diet of such people.

Excellent sources of protein are:

  • Low-fat cottage cheese (5%, 2%);
  • Egg whites;
  • Boiled chicken breast without skin;
  • Lean turkey;
  • Lean fish.

Carbohydrates cannot be excluded from the diet, but their amount should be moderate. It is best to eat complex carbohydrates: rice, buckwheat, vegetables (except potatoes), legumes, unsweetened fruits and berries. For breakfast, you can indulge in sweet fruits (bananas, mangoes, watermelon), as well as dried fruits and some dietary sweets. In the afternoon, carbohydrates should be exclusively complex - dietary vegetables and cereals.

Of the fats, it is best to give preference to vegetable fats - olive oil and nuts. Nuts are very high in calories, so only a small handful per day is allowed. Meals should be fractional, in small portions. This will speed up your metabolism and help burn fat. It is recommended to stop eating three hours before bedtime. You need to drink 1.5 liters or more of pure water per day.

Products prohibited for endomorphs:

  • Sandwiches (with sausage, cheese, butter, sweet);
  • Fatty dairy products (cream, sour cream, full-fat cottage cheese);
  • Soda with big amount sugar (lemonade, energy drinks);
  • Alcohol.

These foods are extremely high in calories, fat, and carbohydrates, but low in protein. They are safe for ectomorphs, but very harmful for the figure of endomorphs.

Please note: To lose weight as an endomorph, you need to reduce your caloric intake and increase physical activity. Cardio exercises are very useful - they burn fat without pumping up muscles. Running, swimming, Nordic walking, cycling are suitable.

Nutritionists believe that endomorphs should consume lean white meat as their main source of protein. This will keep you full for for a long time and will discourage the desire to eat something harmful and sweet. Remember that when eating a high-protein diet, you need to eat more fiber to avoid stomach problems.


Mesomorph – medium type, for whom it is not so difficult to lose weight, but it is also not difficult for him to build muscles. The main thing is to choose correct view activities and a good diet. Mesomorphs should not relax - even though they have an athletic physique and strong muscles, may still be overweight. You need to eat 3 to 5 times a day. The amount of protein per day should be 60%, fat – 15%, carbohydrates – 25%. You can drink protein shakes after training to get the missing protein.

Physique and human figure. The human figure and its visual analysis.

Why do you need a body type?

Body type is something that will stay with a person throughout his life. Body type dictates the style of clothing, its styles and even colors. For women, the course of pregnancy and the expected course of childbirth depend on their body type. Based on your body type, you can talk about a tendency to be overweight, or vice versa, the absence of such a predisposition.

Athletic trainers also look at body type. Running, swimming, skiing, biathlon are suitable for asthenics, and in sports where jerking and power loads are important, it is preferable to have a hypersthenic constitution.

The connection between body type and character, temperament, social behavior and metabolism in the human body has been proven.

The role of body type is great. However, you should not make it dominant. Moderate physical exercise necessary for health, and fitness classes will strengthen the spine and achieve figure correction.


It is necessary to distinguish between the medical term - “physique” and the colloquial (everyday, ordinary, common) term - “figure”. The term figure is used in colloquial speech, modeling business, clothing production, sports, physical education and fitness.

The concept of physique includes the constitution, height and weight of a person.

Body type (habitus) - sizes, shapes, proportions and features of body parts, as well as features of the development of bone, fat and muscle tissue.

"Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language" edited by prof. D. N. Ushakova gives the definition: BODY TYPE, I, pl. No, Wed(book). Body composition, human figure. Slender t. Weak t

FIGURE (Latin figura - appearance - image) - outline of the human body, physique.

Each person has an individual figure within the framework of the constitution. The variant of the figure is formed not depending on gender, but depending on the ratio of height, skeletal structure and deposition of subcutaneous fat.

Initially, it is necessary to classify the figure as one of the types of human constitution.

There are three main types of constitution, according to V.M. Chernorutsky (1884-1957, therapist, academician of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences).

CONSTITUTION OF MAN A functional and morphological characteristics of the body, formed on the basis of hereditary and acquired properties and determining the reactivity of the body to various (including pathogenic) influences. Structure and

The functional characteristics of the body in different people may be similar to some extent, which allows us to talk about the types of constitution.

The asthenic type is characterized by a significant predominance of longitudinal dimensions over transverse ones, extremities over the torso, and the chest over the abdomen.

Hypersthenic type – predominance of transverse body dimensions. The body is relatively long. Limbs are short. Belly of considerable size.

Normosthenic constitution is characterized by a proportional physique. Occupies an intermediate position between asthenic and hypersthenic types.

Medical classification of body types.

(medical encyclopedic dictionary, 2001)

  1. Asthenic type. For people of this type physique is characterized by the following features: tall stature, long limbs, presence small quantity subcutaneous fat, relatively narrow rib cage, oval shaped face.
  2. Athletic type. Representatives of the athletic body type deposit a small amount of subcutaneous fat and have well-developed muscle tissue and skeletal bones. People with an athletic body type have broad shoulders and large facial features; they have a particularly well-developed “strong-willed” chin.
  3. Dysplastic type. These people are distinguished by a disproportionate size ratio between in separate parts bodies. Women with this body type may have some body features characteristic of the male body.
  4. Picnic type. The main features of this body type are short stature, head round shape, short legs, arms, neck, wide chest. Also, people with a picnic body type are characterized by the presence of fat deposits and a protruding belly.
  5. Leptosomal type from Greek. leptos thin, delicate + soma body. Cm. The physique is asthenic.

Classifications of body types according to body components.

Morphologically, the body of any person consists of a number of components that ensure vital activity in different environmental conditions. Conventionally, in terms of physique, they can be divided into three main types: fat, muscle and bone.

Classification of body types by bonecomponent.

  1. Thin-boned (asthenic) body type. Women with this body type have long limbs, thin bones, a long and thin neck, and relatively weakly developed muscles. As a rule, representatives fine-boned type have light weight; they are active, active and even with increased nutrition they gain weight slowly.
  2. Normal (normosthenic) body type. As a rule, they have a beautiful, proportionally built figure. The main body dimensions are distinguished by the correct ratio.
  3. Broad-boned (hypersthenic). Representatives of this body type have larger transverse body dimensions than normosthenics and asthenics. They are distinguished by wide, thick and heavy bones; their shoulders, chest and hips are wide; legs are short. Women with this body type are most likely to be overweight.

Methodology for determining the type of constitution based on the bone component.

Measure the circumference of the wrist of the working hand: for asthenics it is less than 16 cm, for normosthenics - from 16 to 18.5 cm, for hypersthenics - more than 18.5 cm.

Classification of body types by fat component.

The diagram of women's body types is constructed only on the basis of characteristics of the degree of development and distribution of fat deposits in individual areas of the body, without taking into account the variability of other body features.

Yugoslav anthropologist B. Skerly developed a special constitutional typology of fat deposition in women (Skerly B. et al., 1953). . The degree of fat deposits can be weak, medium and abundant.

He identifies three main and one additional body type groups:

1st group- with an even distribution of fat deposits throughout the body.

In accordance with this, there are three body types (options): L - leptosomal (from Greek. Leptos- thin), N - normal*(in the miniatures there is a female figure on the left), R - Rubensian

2nd group- with uneven distribution of fat deposits.

It includes two types: S- upper (from lat. Superior- upper), characterized by increased fat deposition in the upper body (above the waist),

And I- lower (from inferior- lower), characterized by increased fat deposition in the lower part of the body;

3rd group- also with uneven distribution of fat deposits, mainly on the torso or limbs.

With increased fat deposition on the body, a type is distinguished Tr (from lat. Truncus- torso:

with increased fat deposition on the extremities - type Ex (from lat. Extrimitas- limb).

4th group (additional)- with increased fat deposition in certain areas of the body,

for example, on the chest - type M (from lat. mamma - female breasts:

on the hips, in the area of ​​the so-called trochanters, - type T (from lat. trochanter- skewer).

Rice. Body types of women according to B. Shkerli (1953)

Classification of body types by musclecomponent.

Scheme V.V. Bunaka is intended to determine the normal constitution of adult men and is not applicable to women. Constitutional features are strictly defined.

Main features: the degree of development of fat deposition and the degree of muscle development.

Additional signs: shape of the chest, abdominal area and back.

Note. Body length, bone component, as well as features of the head and face are not taken into account.
Bunak V.V. identified three main body types and four intermediate ones. Intermediate options combine the characteristics of the main types. The author identified two more body types as undefined.

Constitutional scheme of V.V. Bunaka (1941)
Types Characteristics
Basic Chest It is determined by the weak development of fat deposits and muscles. The chest in men of this type is flat or sunken. The abdomen is also sunken. The back is stooped.
Muscular It is distinguished by the average development of the fat component and strong relief muscles. The chest has a cylindrical shape. The stomach is straight. The back is normal or, less commonly, stooped.
Abdominal Has an increased development of the fat layer, while the muscles are moderately or poorly developed. The chest has a conical shape. The belly is convex. The back may be different shapes– normal, straight or stooped.
Intermediate Thoracic Similar to the pectoral type, but the chest is not as flat and the muscles are quite well developed.
Muscular-thoracic Similar to the muscular type, but differs from it in a low degree of fat deposition and a more flattened chest.
Musculo-abdominal Similar to the muscular type, but differs in an increased degree of fat deposition and a more conical shape of the chest.
Abdominal-muscular Similar to the abdominal type, but differs in fairly well-developed muscles
Undefined Actually undefined Any other body types that do not fit into the presented scheme based on the combination of characteristics. For example, thoraco-abdominal (G-B) And Abdominal-thoracic (B-D) with signs of both thoracic and abdominal types: poor muscle development, low fat deposition, which may be characterized by a swollen abdomen and a cylindrical chest.
Abnormal A wide range of abnormal body types associated with a certain pathology obvious to the researcher (for example, dystrophy, dysplasia, pituitary obesity, hermaphroditism and other pathological options).

Advantage of the schemeV.V. Bunaka – allows you to fully and methodically correctly describe the continuous variability of the physique of men in the form of a small number of unified discrete types.

Flaws. A significant amount of information is lost. In practice, up to 30% of subjects are classified as “unspecified type.”

Classification of women's body types.

The scheme was proposed by I.B. Talent in 1927 Specifically designed to describe the constitution of women. The author identified three groups of types, differing not only in morphological, but also in psychophysiological features. The author did not present criteria for psychophysiological features.

Main features of constitutional types: body length, degree of fat deposition, muscle development, shape of the chest and abdomen, body proportions.

Construction principle: individual types are combined into three groups:

  • leptosomal constitutions– characterized primarily by narrow build, predominant growth in length;
  • mesosomal constitutionsmain characteristic is of medium or broad build, predominance of height in width;
  • megalosomal constitutions– differ primarily in the massiveness of their build and large sizes, uniform growth in length and width.
1. Body types of women according to I.B. Talent. Talent, AND.B. New scheme constitutional types of women AND.B. Talent// Kazan, honey. magazine -1927. No. 5. 548-557.
Groups Types Characteristics of types
Leptosomal (Narrow-folded) Asthenic The body of asthenic women is thin, with a narrow, long and flat chest, narrow shoulders and hips, stooped shoulders, and a sunken stomach. The arms and legs are skinny, and when the legs are closed, there is free space between the thighs. Muscle and adipose tissue are very poorly developed.
According to Galant's original description, asthenic women are not tall, but in reality high growth is more common than short growth.
Typical facial features are narrow, pale, dry, angular, and small chin.
Stenoplastic Differs from asthenic in greater fatness. At the same time, the body proportions are almost the same, but the fat and muscle components are more developed.
In practice, the height of stenoplastics is usually average or below average.
Sometimes, for a visual description of the stenoplastic type, it is indicated that this is the type of Venus de Milo.
Mesosomal (medium and wide build) Mesoplastic The figure of such a woman has stocky proportions, broad shoulders and a pelvis. The bone and muscle components are developed significantly, but not excessively. The fat component is also moderately developed.
The growth of mesoplastics is usually average. To describe this type, the description used is “female worker”.
The face of mesoplastics, according to Galant, is rounded, wide, especially in the middle part, with a slightly reduced lower jaw.
Picnic It is distinguished primarily by increased fat deposition. The limbs appear shortened due to their great thickness. The body is full, with a short neck, wide rounded shoulders, a cylindrical chest, a convex belly, and a wide pelvis. The legs are thick, the thighs are closed.
The height of picnics is usually average or below average.
The head and face of the picnics are rounded.
Megalosomal (massive build) Subathletic Similar to stenoplastic, but noticeably different in height, better development muscles, athletic proportions while maintaining femininity.
The type is often found among fashion models.
Athletic First of all, these women are characterized by a very powerful skeleton and strong muscles. The fat component, on the contrary, is very poorly developed.
The proportions of athletic women are more reminiscent of men's - broad shoulders, convex chest, narrow pelvis, large lower jaw.
The type is more common among professional athletes.
Euriplastic Combines attributes of an athletic type with increased fat deposition. Euriplastics have wide shoulders, a big increase and significant deposits of subcutaneous fat.
The description of the euryplastic type as “female grenadiers” is clear.

Classification of the physique of men and women according to E. Kretschmer.

E. Kretschmer's constitutional scheme had a specific practical purpose - preliminary diagnosis of mental pathology. He attached particular importance to the description of the head and face. They can be assessed at a glance during the first meeting with a potential patient. The face, according to E. Kretschmer, is “ business card individual constitution."

Kretschmer identified three main constitutional types: leptosomal (or asthenic), picnic and athletic.

Constitutional scheme of E. Kretschmer
Type Main characteristics
Asthenic or leptosomal It is distinguished by its narrow composition, which manifests itself in all parts of the body and types of tissue. Asthenic has narrow shoulders, pelvis, skinny neck, thin limbs. Thanks to such an elongated physique, an asthenic person seems taller than he really is. The fat and muscle components are extremely poorly developed. Asthenics have practically no fat deposition. Bones are also thin, but in relative terms they are the predominant component of the body. The chest is long, narrow and flat, with a sharp epigastric angle (formed by the lower ribs converging towards the sternum). The abdomen is thin, sunken or flat.
The face of asthenics is also narrow and elongated, with a weak “running away” chin and a protruding nose. E. Kretschmer described in detail the shape of the nose of asthenics, for example, he talked about its narrowness, sharp drooping tip, which in reality is more likely a racial, rather than a constitutional sign.
Asthenic features develop in early childhood and remain constant at all ages. Neither in childhood nor in old age do asthenics show a tendency to accumulate fat or develop muscles. The specificity of this type, associated with gender, is manifested in a higher frequency of short stature among asthenic women.
Athletic Characterized by strong development bone and muscle components.
The shoulders are wide, the chest is wide and convex. The epigastric angle is close to straight. The abdomen is elastic, with pronounced muscle relief. In general, the body expands upward. The neck is massive, it seems even more massive due to great development trapezius muscle. The bones are massive and thick, which is due to significant muscle development. The arms are somewhat elongated, with great muscular relief. According to Kretschmer, the height of such people is average or above average.
The athletes' faces are rough, high, somewhat angular, with pronounced bone relief. The brow ridges are strongly developed, the cheekbones protrude, the lower jaw is wide with a large “strong-willed” chin. The nose is large and blunt.
According to Kretschmer, the characteristic complex of the athletic type develops during puberty, and after 25 years it becomes even more distinct. Sexual specificity of the type is manifested in greater development fat component in women compared to men.
Picnic It is characterized by a tendency to fat deposition with relatively weak development of the muscle and bone components.
The chest and belly of the picnic are large, wide and voluminous. The neck is short and thick. The body, on the contrary, is long. The chest is convex, noticeably expanding downwards, barrel-shaped. The epigastric angle is wide. The belly is fat. The arms and legs are short, plump, with poorly developed muscles. The face of picnics is wide, rounded, and due to the abundant subcutaneous fat it appears flattened. The forehead is wide and convex, the nose is of medium size, with a straight or concave back. The lower jaw appears wider due to plump cheeks.
The picnic type, in contrast to the asthenic and athletic, reaches full development only after 30 years, although the tendency to develop this type appears much earlier. Gender differences lie in the slightly different distribution of fat on the torso: in men it is concentrated mainly on the arms, shoulders and, especially, in the abdomen, and in women on the chest and thighs.

Female body types according to Sheldon.

A-shaped body type:

  • the shoulders are narrow, the pelvis is much wider;
  • impression of a “heavy” lower body – full legs and buttocks;
  • tendency to store fat below the waist (the upper body may even appear thin);
  • low metabolic rate (if you don’t specifically follow your diet, weight gains quickly).

* In everyday classification this corresponds to a “pear” or triangle shape

H-shaped body type:

  • wide or medium bone;
  • small breasts;
  • visual impression of approximately the same width of shoulders, waist and pelvis;
  • tendency to form fat deposits in the abdomen and thighs;
  • moderate metabolic rate.

* In everyday classification, this corresponds to a “rectangle” type figure.

I-shaped body type:

  • thin bones;
  • gauntness;
  • weak muscles;
  • almost no fat deposits;
  • high metabolic rate (no matter how much you eat, you don’t get fat).

O-shaped body type:

  • wide bones;
  • wide pelvis and shoulders;
  • full hips, chest, arms;
  • obvious excess fat deposits throughout the body;
  • low metabolism (weight comes on even if you eat relatively little).

*In everyday classification this corresponds to an “apple” type figure

T-shaped body type:

  • broad shoulders, wider than the pelvis;
  • fat is deposited mainly on the torso (back, chest, sides);
  • average metabolic rate (you only gain weight if you start eating too much).

X-shaped body type

  • medium bones;
  • The width of the shoulders is approximately equal to the width of the hips;
  • slim waist;
  • full breasts;
  • fat deposits form on the buttocks and thighs;
  • average metabolic rate (weight gain due to excessive eating).

*In everyday classification the figure corresponds to “ hourglass».

Body typeV-shaped.

This is a male body type, but very often it is also typical for women: broad shoulders, narrow waist and hips, lack of butt. Breasts can be of completely different sizes.

* In everyday classification, this corresponds to a figure like a “carrot” or an “inverted” triangle.

Universal* classification of body types using mathematical calculations.

For both men and women.

The French doctor Pignet (M. Ch. J. Pignet, born in 1871) proposed the formula , according to which a value called the Pinier index is calculated.
Pinier index = height – (body weight + chest circumference in the expiratory phase)
Height and chest circumference are taken for calculations in centimeters, and body weight - in kilograms. Classification of body types according to the Pigne index.

Practical significance of physique analysis.

Medical. Diagnosis of certain diseases. Determining the degree of suitability for a particular profession. Practical anthropology.

Physical education. Choosing a sport. Fitness classes for targeted figure correction.

Production of clothing and footwear.

Non-medical* classifications of varieties of male and female figures.

*- everyday, common, everyday, common, traditional, common, everyday, everyday, common, prosaic (non-poetic, ordinary), practical, utilitarian (lat.utilita - usefulness), pragmatic

Variants and types of male and female figures.

The figures of men and women are divided into variants and types. Figure options are divided by height and fullness. Types of figures are divided according to the ratio of the transverse dimensions of the hips and chest in the frontal plane (projection), and in the sagittal plane (profile projection) according to the ratio of the anteroposterior diameters.

A simple (at a quick glance, by impression) classification of the main body shapes by height and fullness.

For men and women, regardless of age, there are four figure options: tall, short, plump, thin.

Tall andlow figures.

A tall figure is considered conventionally ideal (for men from 1.82 m, for women from 1.72 m). It corresponds to the main characteristic of the dolichomorphic body type of a person.

Low figures are more common growth brachymorphic body type ( short stature for men below 1.72m and for women below 1.65m).

Types of male and female figures.

Highlight nine body types. Of these, three types are the main ones: upper, equilibrium and lower. The remaining six types are combined, i.e. derivatives of basic types.

Philistine, subject-analogue, figurative, “geometric-fruit” classification of the main types of male and female figures.

In men, four types are conventionally distinguished: “triangle”, “rectangle”, “pear”, “apple”.

“Triangle” – broad shoulders, abdominals, narrow waist, strong buttocks, legs with molded muscles. This figure (the “jock” figure) resembles in its structure an isosceles triangle.

“Rectangle” - the shoulders are equal in width to the hips, the muscles (even trained ones) never look prominent, there is no overweight. Ideally, a man with such a figure does not look frail and weak; dancers usually have this constitution.

“Apple” - the shoulders are equal in width to the hips, and the whole figure has a rounded structure thanks to numerous extra pounds. The “apple” type figure appears already from childhood.

“Pear” are men who initially had a “rectangular” figure, but began to gain weight with age. The shoulders and hips are approximately equal in width, but a rounded tummy and fat folds around the waist are already appearing. In profile, the protruding belly is noticeable even from the back. This figure is formed by men between 30 and 50 years old who do not exercise or diet.

The main types of female figures can also be divided into four types:

“Triangle” - a narrow pelvis and flat buttocks, shoulders noticeably wider than the hips, thin legs; if a woman gains weight, then her arms and shoulders become fuller.

“Rectangle” is a strong, stocky body and slender legs, straight hips and flat buttocks; no matter how thin a woman loses weight, the waist is poorly defined.

“Pear” – small bust compared to the hips, wide hips, narrow shoulders, thin neck. A plump, pear-shaped woman rarely gains weight in her shoulders and face.

“Hourglass” - a rounded bust and buttocks, no matter how much weight a woman gains, her waist is always preserved and, no matter how thin she loses, her hips remain curved.

“Carrot” is a masculine body type. Often characteristic of women. Broad shoulders, narrow waist and hips, no butt. Breasts can be of completely different sizes.

Classification of female body types in the practice of nutritionists.

Gynecoid body type(gin-; gynekoGreek. gyne-woman - a component of compound words meaning “pertaining to a woman”; suffix – oid means "in form")

Gynecoid type - a specifically female type of build, is the most common,

Characteristic sign - pear-shaped body, widening towards the hips. Women have a wide pelvis. The buttocks are rounded, the thighs protrude noticeably and can touch each other with their inner surfaces. The butt usually sags a little.

The waist is narrow, creating a feminine line.

Breasts can be either small or large.

Shoulders are usually narrow or medium. The typical size of a gynecoid woman is 95-70-105.

The shape of her limbs is feminine. The bones of the wrist and shin are thin. The waist is narrow.

Women of the gynecoid type are more often of medium or small height. Sometimes there are tall ones, but in proportion to the body, their arms and legs are not so long.

Fat is deposited primarily on the hips, buttocks, chest, and then in the lower part abdominal cavity at the level of the pubic bone. Often the fat tissue is uneven and lumpy, leading to lasting effect cellulite.

Gynecoid women do not have problems with childbirth due to the fact that the bony pelvis is wider, more open and not high.

The gynecoid type usually gains weight quickly. In the body of a woman of the gynecoid type high level estrogen. Some are produced in the ovaries. Large deposits of fat also produce the hormone estrogen, which leads to the creation of new fat cells. It turns out to be a “closed” circle.

Thyroid body type (thyroid-; thyroid –part of compound words meaning "pertaining to the thyroid gland").

Women with thyroid type are characterized by a slim body and "fragile" skeletal system. Their figure resembles a “boyish” one, with a thin waist and slightly protruding buttocks and hips. They have rather long, proportional limbs. The legs and arms are long. The legs are slender. They have long fingers and a slender neck. Women of this type are usually tall or appear tall due to their long legs.

Breasts are small or medium.

Fat is mainly located in the abdomen and thighs, while the arms and legs remain slender.

The pelvis is evenly narrowed, which can create problems during childbirth.

By nature, thyroid women are easily excitable. They are characterized by increased motor activity, but get tired quickly. In terms of endurance, they are significantly inferior to female androids.

Women of this type have difficulty gaining excess weight and have an increased metabolic rate.

They often look "fragile". The bony skeleton is easily visible through a thin layer of subcutaneous fat. For this reason, they look somewhat “bony” in appearance. Usually their collarbones protrude sharply.

They are very graceful and can be either athletes (often sprinters or basketball players) or dancers or fashion models. Their flexibility can be compared to the flexibility of willow.

Lymphatic body type (lymph -; lympho-;lat . lymphapure water-; part of compound words meaning "pertaining to lymphatic vessels"»).

Women of the lymphatic type are prone to fullness throughout the body. Outwardly, it looks like a “pillow-shaped” swelling of the skin and subcutaneous tissue. This is due to the structural features of connective tissue in general and blood circulation in the venous and lymphatic system, up to lymphostasis. The arms and legs become “pillar-shaped”. The wrists and elbows are often thick and swollen. Shoulders, chest and ribcage are of medium size. The belly protrudes. The body is the same thickness everywhere. The waist does not stand out. The buttocks hardly protrude.

The skeleton and muscles are difficult to palpate due to a thick layer of fat, swelling of the skin and subcutaneous tissue, and decreased muscle tone.

With obesity, fat is distributed throughout the body - arms, legs, buttocks, torso, neck and even face.

Girls of this type in childhood resemble baby dolls or pretty cupids.

Metabolic processes in women of the lymphatic type proceed slowly. This leads to rapid weight gain.

Many women of the lymphatic type lead a passive or sedentary lifestyle. Since childhood, they have avoided playing sports. Constitutionally, they cannot move quickly. They lack physical stamina.

Android body type (andro -;Greek androsman.A component of compound words meaning “pertaining to a man”, “masculine”).

Women of the android type are characterized by a strong, powerful skeletal foundation, broad shoulders, a developed chest and muscular limbs. The neck and torso are powerful and wide, and the pelvis, on the contrary, is narrow, so the figure of a female android is often quite even and straight. The pelvis and buttocks are at a low level. Narrow hips and wide waist usually the same in volume.

Outwardly, they look like their father or older brothers. These women are quite attractive and positively radiant with health.
They have wide bones and large, well-developed muscles. At the same time, their fat layer is much less than that of other women.
Breasts can be small, medium or large, but with “apple obesity” they become huge due to the accumulation of fat.
Android women are prone to rapid weight gain, especially in mature age. When obesity occurs, fat is located in the upper part of the body above the pelvis. As a result, the neck, chest, waist and abdomen thicken - the so-called “apple-type obesity” occurs. Excessive fat deposits on the anterior abdominal wall can even create a false pregnancy effect. Despite this, the thighs and legs remain slender and muscular. If the weight continues to increase, the fat layer may move down to the thighs in the form of a “rim”.

Female androids are “tailored” according to male type. They often achieve great success in sports that require strength and endurance (bodybuilding, swimming, long-distance running, hammer throwing, barbell lifting).

Cosmetic problems of women of the android type are manifested in excess facial and body hair and acne, as a result of increased activity of male hormones.

Classification of women's body types in the clothing industry.

Proposed by Valentina Emelyanovna Bochkareva.

Frontal types of female figures.

Women's figures are divided into nine types based on the image of the torso (human torso) in frontal view (in the horizontal plane). The typical figure is considered average.* (she is on the left in the thumbnails)

According to the width of the shoulders and chest, the figures are narrow and wide. characterized by a consistent decrease in the length of the shoulder slopes and the width of the chest in front, she classifies as narrow, and vice versa, figures characterized by a consistent increase in the length of the shoulder slopes and the width of the chest are classified as wide.

Rice. Body types of women according to V.E. Bochkareva

The first type includes figures, differing from the typical narrow chest, which has the same width in front at the top and lower parts. The straight lateral line of the torso transitions sharply from the waist to the pelvic bone, which therefore appears wide. The width of the chest at the level of the shoulder joints is small.

Figures of the second type differ from the typical spindle-shaped torso; in it the convexity of the pelvic bone and chest merge into a single oval. The upper and middle parts of the chest are narrowed. The sides of the torso are convex. The pelvic bone is not clearly expressed due to the convexity in the places of the lateral depressions. The volume of the hips is slightly less than that of a typical figure.

Third type- the figure of the so-called girlish physique. In width at the front at the level of the chest and hips, it is closer to the standard one, but slightly narrower. The contour of the pelvic bone retains its relief due to the lateral depressions and narrowed chest, but the volume of the hips is less than that of a typical figure. The width of the upper chest at the level of the shoulder joints is medium or small.

To the fourth type refers to a typical figure.

Fifth type figure The width in the front at the level of the chest and hip line is close to the typical one and only slightly wider. It is characterized by non-relief lateral contours. The width in the upper part of the chest at the level of the shoulder joints is medium or large.

For figures of the sixth type characterized by expansion in the upper and middle parts of the chest. The side depressions at the waist and the protrusions of the hips appear slightly. From the front, this figure is of equal width at levels armpits and the widened part of the thighs.

Figure seven type from the front it has the same width at the levels of the armpits and waistline. It differs from the typical straightness of the side contour to the waist line. There are no dimples on the waistline or sides. The contours of the femoral lines are slightly pronounced.

To the eighth type refers to an athletic figure that differs from the typical broad chest. There are small side indentations along the waistline. The pelvic part is not expressed in relief.

To the ninth type refers to a figure with a wide upper torso, the same width from the front at the levels of the armpits and waistline and a reduced width at the level of the hips.

Median (sagittal) types of female figures.

According to the geometric shape of the chest.

Additionally, the chest of a female figure is assessed by its geometric shape, reminiscent of a cone or cylinder.

CONE, huh, husband. A geometric body formed by rotating a right triangle around one of its legs.

When depicted from the front, the chests of female figures are divided into conical with a cone facing up (type 2), conical with a cone facing down (types 3, 4, 5, 6 and 8), and cylindrical (1, 7 and 9th types).

According to the development of the mammary glands.

When depicting in profile, the chests of female figures are proposed to be divided into round and flat.

Anthropomorphological classification of women's body types (1965).

Developed by the Central Experimental and Technical Sewing Laboratory (TSOTSL) according to the degree of development of muscles and fat deposits, the nature of their distribution throughout the body in the frontal and profile projections in the chest and hips.

Based on the ratio of the transverse diameters of the hips and chest in the frontal projection (as viewed from the front), three types of figures are distinguished: equilibrium, upper and lower. Based on the ratio of the anteroposterior diameters of the hips and chest in the profile projection (side view), three types are also distinguished. In total, based on the combination of types of figures in the frontal and profile projections, nine types of figures are distinguished: three basic and six combined (for example, a figure of an equilibrium type in the front and an upper side, etc.).

Figures of men and women in State Standards.

For the needs of the clothing industry, various body types have been developed for men, women and children.

GOST R 52774-2007 – Classification of typical male figures by height, size and weight groups for clothing design

Classification of typical female figures by height, size and weight groups for clothing design

Nameeng.: Classification standard women’s figures by heights, sizes and full-bodied groups for projection of clothes

IN various years for the female population of the SEF, 509 standard figures were allocated, for the USSR (1967) -253 standard figures. Similar studies have not been conducted for men.

According to GOST 2007, 356 typical figures of women and 301 types of figures of men were established.

Hello, readers of my blog about sports and health! Today on our agenda is theoretical educational part, in which I will talk in detail about what body types of men exist, how they differ from each other, what workouts will be most effective for a particular constitution.

If you look at the scientific literature, you can often find references to the theory of somatic types. In accordance with it, the complexion is conventionally divided into three main categories and many of their variations (I will outline more about each of them below).

What do scientists say?

It must be said that most fitness communities and Internet resources dedicated to sports adhere to this particular system, but not everyone knows that the scientific community recognized its inconsistency back in the 70s of the last century. The main reason is the existence in real life many body shape combinations. According to the famous author of temperament/constitution theory, William Sheldon, pure form somatotypes can be found very rarely. In each individual person, you can observe a combination of two or all three options in different proportions.

What are the body types?

According to the theory presented above, the constitution of the human body can be divided into three main types


Asthenic body structure. These people have a reduced percentage of body fat. Moreover, this applies to both subcutaneous and visceral fat. If you look at the torso, there is pronounced thinness and a narrow structure of the shoulders. As a rule, the chest of such guys is flat and poorly developed.

The limbs are thin and long, and strength indicators in sports are usually low. Although in terms of endurance, such athletes show good results, in particular in athletics and fitness. Accelerated metabolism is another characteristic hyposthenic.


Normosthenic structure. In this case we are talking about an innate tendency to various types sports These men tend to have high testosterone levels. Accelerated metabolism combined with good appetite allows you to quickly gain muscle mass. Most athletes are normosthenics.

With massive and well-developed muscle mass, the level of fat reserves in mesomorph men is low. The chest is well developed, and the shoulders are in almost every case quite broad. The height of representatives of the normosthenic category is average, and the muscular structure is wide and long.


Hypersthenic structure. It is quite difficult to visually confuse hypersthenics with representatives of other categories. They are characterized by excess body weight against the background of increased fat deposition. The bone structure of such people is rarely small or normal - they are mainly massive limbs and large-boned structure.

For all their massiveness, the limbs of endomorphs are quite short when compared in relation to the body. The waist and hips have a wide coverage. All this is supported by the deposition of visceral fat mainly in the lumbar region.

All this directly affects speed dialing excess weight, even if the diet is moderate in terms of calories.

What is the body type of Mr. Olympia?

People with very different constitutions come to this sport. However, due to their highly developed muscle structure, it is fair to call them all mesomorphs. For example, it is generally accepted that the famous Arnold Schwarzenegger is a mesomorph in its purest form. But Lee Priest is an example of the mixed category of endo-mesomorph. In his case, the athlete initially came to bodybuilding with a typical hypersthenic constitution. It turns out that the “meso-” prefix is ​​true for every professional bodybuilder. Flex Wheeler - shining example ecto-mesomorph.

How to determine your body type

For clarity, I will give a table of general, key signs by which you can accurately determine your belonging to one or another category:


Main features


  • Minimal amount of body fat, thinness.
  • The limbs are thin and elongated.
  • The chest is flat, the shoulders are narrow.


  • A noticeably developed muscular system with an average amount of fat, an athletic, athletic body.
  • The bones are large and medium.
  • Developed chest and broad shoulders.

The training cycle should be aimed at working individual muscle groups. Why is this so? Because the overall energy reserves of such athletes are low, and muscle gain is difficult.


Despite the official rejection of the theory of somotypes in scientific circles at one time, it is actively widespread among competent and experienced athletes and is successfully used in the preparation of complex training programs, as well as special diets.

As you can see, for any of the considered types and their combinations, you can choose the appropriate program that allows you to effectively train and progress in various sports disciplines, including bodybuilding, crossfit, arm wrestling, weightlifting, athletics, fitness, martial arts, etc.

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British fashion designer Hardy Amis wrote the following in one of his books: “A man should look as if he bought his clothes wisely, put them on carefully and completely forgot about them.” Sounds good, but what does “buy wisely” mean?

IN men's fashion There are a few known rules like those that prohibit wearing a striped jacket with a plaid shirt, require you to match your socks to your shoes, and do not allow you to take off your jacket unless you have a vest underneath. However, the fashion industry is evolving every year: it is worth recognizing that many recommendations are outdated and are only suitable for rare formal occasions.

Only three selection criteria - material, color and proportions - do not lose relevance over time. Today we will take a closer look at proportions, namely, we will tell you how to determine a man's body type and choose clothes in accordance with it.

Main types of male figure

Let’s immediately make a reservation that the division into body types is conditional; in most cases, the proportions of the body can be changed using physical exercise. A simplified classification only allows Right look at yourself from the outside in the current moment and choose what will most advantageously emphasize your advantages and will hide imperfections.

So, there are 4 mainmale body type.


This body type is characterized by broad shoulders and a narrow pelvis. The waist is in line with the hips or slightly wider. The latissimus, round and back muscles are noticeably developed, while the figure may not give the impression of being massive.

More often triangle body typeoccurs in men who professionally engage in non-strength sports, for example, track and field athletes or swimmers. But when the right approach this form can be achieved through training in the gym. For example, actor Chris Evans has a typical triangularmale body type. His height is 184 cm, weight is about 80 kg, and for the role of Captain America he gained 10 kg of pure muscle.

What to wear

Almost everything suits slender and fit “triangles”, and especially:

  • skinny jeans,
  • long sleeves,
  • tight t-shirts,
  • T-shirts under a jacket,
  • shirts with open collars,
  • plain two-piece suits.

What not to wear

For men with this body type broad shoulders and thin legs, so there is a risk of getting an asymmetrical silhouette. Remember: the fewer elements you have in your clothes, the better you will look. Use color to create a cohesive look: if you're wearing a three-piece suit, at least two of them should be the same shade. In this case, the combination “light bottom - dark top” is preferable to “dark top - light bottom”.



This men's body typevery similar to triangular. The difference lies mainly in the volume of the body: “trapezoids” have a wide body, large hands, powerful muscle mass. As a rule (but not necessarily), men with this build are heavy. The difference in the girth of the shoulders and waist is not as noticeable as in the “triangles” - the silhouette of the upper body can be mentally outlined more like a trapezoid.

Actor Jason Momoa, who plays Khal Drogo in the Game of Thrones series, spent many hours in the gym to get his body in this shape. His parameters: height – 193 cm, weight – 106 kg.

What to wear

Find clothes for men with this body typeeasiest. Basically, the main thing is that things match good taste, you liked and did not restrict your movements.

So choose:

What not to wear

Despite the fact that men with“trapezoid” body type almost everything fits clothing models, Don't go too far in your experiments. If you try really hard, you can look weird even with Jason Momoa's figure.

Be careful with things like:


Type male figure “rectangle”can be determined by the fact that the shoulders, waist and hips are approximately at the same level. The shoulders may be slightly wider than the hips, but do not give the impression of being massive. Often these men look thin and find it difficult to gain weight.

The serial Sherlock Benedict Cumberbatch has a similar body structure. His height is 183 cm, weight is 78 kg.

What to wear

Choose clothes according to a man's figurethis type is not very difficult. However, if you want to hide your thinness and look more presentable, you will have to try.

What not to wear


We included all overweight men here. Of course, the type of completeness can be different: there is male figures with a weighted bottom, an “hourglass” with a pronounced waist and the “oval” itself - a rectangular or triangular figure with a protruding belly. We decided to combine all these types men, since recommendations for choosing clothes according to your body type very similar to them.

The star of the film “The Wolf of Wall Street” Jonah Hill repeatedly lost and gained weight and at his most obese he weighed about 102 kg with a height of 170 cm. At the same time, the actor successfully follows stylists' recommendations and looks very stylish.

What to wear

What not to wear

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In the scientific literature, the theory of somatypes is popular, implying a conditional division of various human body types into three key categories - ectomorph (prone to thinness), mesomorph (athletic and muscular by nature) and endomorph (prone to gaining excess weight). It is believed that future sporting success largely depends on your body type.

A similar categorization is used not only in psychology, bearing the names of temperament types (sanguine, melancholic, choleric and phlegmatic), but also in traditional Indian medicine Ayurveda. Unfortunately, despite the popularity of the theory of body types, there are simply no unambiguous and clear criteria for determining one’s somatotype “by eye.”

Do genetics really influence how much fat the body stores? even if you are on a diet?

Determining body type by wrist

Most often, it is believed that the key characteristic of a person’s belonging to a certain body type is the thickness of the bones. Typically, ectomorphs have thin bones, while endomorphs have wide bones. It is also important that the wrist circumference remains unchanged regardless of the amount of fat or muscle mass in the body.

In most cases, ectomorph men have wrist girth (measurements are taken along the bone just above the location wristwatch) is less than 17 cm, for mesomorphs - 17-20 cm, for endomorphs - more than 20 cm. In the summary table below, you will find other characteristics that make it easier to determine your body type.

How to determine your body type?

Anthropologist William Sheldon, author of the theory of body types and temperament, in his scientific work separately noted that “pure” somatotypes practically do not occur. In real life, each individual person is a combination of all three body types, but in certain proportions.

It is also interesting that in some people (most often women), the upper body has signs of one body type, and the lower body has characteristics of another. This is why it is extremely difficult for an ordinary person to determine whether he is an endomorph, mesomorph or ectomorph - and no online calculators or applications for mobile phone are unable to help him.

Should we believe in this theory?

Despite the fact that most fitness websites persistently promote the theory of three body types, the scientific community recognized it as untenable back in the 1970s. The main reason it became precisely that in reality there are countless combinations of somatotypes, and there are simply no clear criteria for determining these types.

FitSeven recommends following the nutrition and training recommendations below for different body types only if you can be 100% confident that you are one of them. Otherwise, you will need a custom solution consisting of a combination of programs.

Main characteristics of an ectomorph

Main characteristics of a mesomorph

Main characteristics of an endomorph


Despite the fact that in the middle of the last century anthropologists determined that there are three dominant type human physique - thin (ectomorph), muscular (mesomorph) or plump (endomorph) - in practical application The theory has encountered many difficulties. The main problem was that most people have a mixed body type.