Symptoms and physiological changes in the body in the first days after conception. Mild tingling in the lower abdomen during pregnancy


During pregnancy, as a result of physiological changes necessary for its normal course and the development of the child, a woman at this time can experience a lot of new sensations, and, unfortunately, not always pleasant ones. One of these signs of a global restructuring of the body is a tingling sensation in the uterus during pregnancy, which is felt by almost all expectant mothers at one time or another.

information In most cases, these sensations are caused physiological reasons, i.e. are associated with the very fact of pregnancy and do not pose any threat to the mother and her child.

However, it should be remembered that some changes may still be a sign various diseases, therefore, any new sensations should be treated with some caution and promptly report them to your obstetrician-gynecologist.

Tingling in the uterus in the first trimester

Tingling in the uterus during early pregnancy is primarily associated with its growth, which begins intensively at about 5 weeks.

Main reasons, causing tingling in the lower abdomen:

  • Tension of the ligaments that support the uterus. As the uterus grows, the ligaments are constantly stretched, which causes pain in the woman. The tingling sensation is more often felt closer to the groin areas and intensifies with sudden movements ( coughing, sneezing, sudden turns of the body, fast walking). When changing position, such sensations quickly stop;
  • Adaptation of the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall. The abs gradually begin to lose their shape and adapt to the size of the growing uterus. Such discomfort also occurs more often with sudden movements and disappears fairly quickly.

Tingling in the uterus in the second trimester

As the uterus begins to grow more pronounced, it reaches considerable size, which leads to compression internal organs– in particular, the stomach and intestines. As a result, some operational disturbances occur digestive system(tendency to, increased gas formation), which can cause tingling in the lower abdomen. Such sensations are also normal and do not require special treatment. During this period, a woman needs to thoroughly review and normalize her diet: limit the consumption of “heavy” foods (spicy, smoked foods, marinades), drink enough liquid during the day, eat food often, but in small portions.

Tingling in the uterus in the third trimester

Tingling in the uterus later pregnancy is common and is associated with the beginning of the body’s preparation for upcoming birth. Around this time, the uterus periodically begins to come, the cervix prepares to open and begins to gradually smooth out and soften. These processes cause a tingling sensation in the abdomen, which manifests itself more strongly than in the early stages.

When to see a doctor

With physiological tingling, a woman does not experience much discomfort: many pregnant women describe such sensations as a small prick with a needle in the lower abdomen, sometimes radiating to the perineum. Such sensations are most often momentary or quickly pass after a change of position and a short rest. In any case, the tingling sensation should not normally last more than 60 minutes.

important However, it should be remembered that if there is a tingling sensation in the uterus during pregnancy, this is not always a physiological sensation and sometimes it requires the mandatory help of specialists.

You should consult a doctor in the following situations:

  • The appearance of bloody or brown discharge from the genital tract: at normal pregnancy This kind of separation should not exist. This situation is dangerous and can signal an abruption of a normally located or previa placenta, which has begun spontaneous interruption pregnancy;
  • The sensations cause the woman severe discomfort, violate it general health and do not pass within one hour or a short rest;
  • Feelings of tension in the uterus: it becomes hard, “stone”. This indicates increased tone uterus, which is also dangerous in terms of premature termination of pregnancy;
  • The appearance of dysuric disorders: pain when urinating, especially at the end of the act, frequent urination in small portions of urine, a feeling of heaviness in the lower abdomen. These symptoms are caused by the development of inflammation of the bladder - cystitis or other infectious diseases urinary system and require compulsory treatment under the supervision of a urologist;
  • Stool upset, vomiting, fever. Such complaints are typical for the occurrence of an intestinal infection and, in the absence of the necessary treatment, can be dangerous for the woman herself and the development of the child. A pregnant woman should be consulted by an infectious disease specialist and a gastroenterologist and, if necessary, hospitalized in a hospital. In addition, such symptoms in combination with abdominal pain are characteristic of acute surgical pathology (appendicitis, etc.), which also requires urgent hospitalization.

If you have to deal with pain in your left side, you need to figure out what it means and what the reasons are. Normally none discomfort there should not be any in the left hypochondrium.

Therefore, any discomfort on the left under the ribs, in the abdomen or in the back that worries a person requires observation and timely treatment, because pain usually appears either as a consequence of injuries or as a result of an onset of illness.

Moreover, not only diseases can give painful sensations in this area. Even pathology of cardio-vascular system may appear this way.

Pain in the left hypochondrium may indicate a disease of the spleen.

Unpleasant sensations occur in the left hypochondrium if exposed to negative impact the following bodies:

  • left side of the stomach;
  • intestinal loop;
  • kidney on the left;
  • ureters;
  • pancreas;
  • left side of the diaphragm.

If the pathology affects any of the above organs, dull pain appears and there is aching in the side. Periodically occurring unpleasant sensations indicate developing disease. And if the pain becomes constant, it means the disease has become chronic. The digestive organs may cause pain after eating or, conversely, during prolonged hunger.

Since any painful sensations are a reflection of the ability of organs and systems to transmit signals about the emerging pathology to the brain, such a warning should not be ignored. The human body is considered a harmoniously built system.

Therefore, nothing can simply happen by chance. There is rarely a permissive attitude towards one’s body and a desire to self-medicate. positive result. In most cases, there is a sharp deterioration in the condition, which can even lead to death. The most reasonable thing is to seek advice from a specialist.

When going to the clinic, you need to prepare Full description nature of pain. The most accurate information will help you make a correct diagnosis. You need to know the following:

  1. where exactly does it hurt;
  2. how often does pain occur;
  3. what causes their occurrence, is it possible to establish a connection with;
  4. what is the nature of the pain: sharp or aching.

Pain in the left hypochondrium is not always associated with a disease of the digestive system. This may be a manifestation of pathology of the circulatory system. Failures in the supply of oxygen to organs lead to their depletion, ultimately nerve endings undergo the same processes, this gives pain.

Disturbances in the outflow of fluid, leading to edema, are also the cause of pain in the left hypochondrium.

Nature of pain

Stomach diseases can provoke acute pain in the left hypochondrium.

In order to orient yourself in the features of the pathology that has affected the body, you need to understand what the nature of the pain is.

Experts distinguish between sharp and dull pain, stabbing and cutting, dull and. All these varieties will indicate special processes taking place inside a person.

On the left side at various pathologies All named varieties are observed. By determining their character, you can understand what kind of doctor you need. It is important to pay attention to the area where pain is more pronounced. This can be the anterior abdominal wall or the back, the side of the body.

Stitching pains

Most safe look pain. Sometimes they occur after intense physical activity in completely healthy people.

After a long or too fast run, after sudden jumps or exercise in the gym this type pain is observed if the body receives excessive stress. This condition may indicate a frivolous attitude towards warming up, when a person puts a powerful load on an unprepared body.

If the pain is caused solely physical exercise, after stopping the load, the condition quickly returns to normal. If pain is also felt in the back, this should also not cause concern. After all, such a state is usually characteristic of situations when a sharp, inaccurate movement is made that is not characteristic of the human body.

The cause of colic when unprepared for physical activity explained too much rapid growth blood flow and the inability to perceive it by the internal organs. A 20-30 minute warm-up is a mandatory requirement for the preparatory part.

Only after a good warm-up can you proceed to the main part. Moreover, if men can shorten this time period, then this is extremely harmful for women. Their body requires longer preparation for stress.

You will learn about the causes of pain in the left hypochondrium from the video:


Cutting pains are truly dangerous. If severe pain suddenly appears, hospitalization is required. If this occurs after physical activity, you don’t have to worry too much. But cramps at rest signal a dangerous condition.

Pain that is stabbing in nature is most often the result of a violation of the integrity of the listed internal organs.

This pathology most often affects the spleen, renal pelvis, intestinal loop, and stomach wall.

Acute pain

If acute pain appears after an injury, the victim must be urgently taken to the hospital. If he feels sharp pain when inhaling or exhaling, this may indicate damage to internal organs. In this case, failure to provide timely assistance will simply lead to death.

Dull pain

With gastritis, the patient feels dull pain in the abdominal area.

Dull pain in the left hypochondrium may occur with some frequency or even constantly. In any case, this is a signal of a chronic disease that is taking over the body.

This reaction is caused by cholecystitis, pancreatitis, and many other diseases. To fight a developing disease, you need to seek help from a gastroenterologist, take all the tests he prescribes, and undergo examinations.

Aching pain

This nature of pain also helps to make a specific diagnosis. In most cases, this picture is given by colitis. But aggravating the situation with nausea and vomiting is already a sign of ulcerative lesions.

If, after complaining of such pain, an examination shows the absence of pathology in the digestive organs, then you need to rush to a cardiologist. After all, it is coronary heart disease, angina pectoris and even a pre-infarction condition that are considered the main causes of this disease. We must remember that the following diseases may cause pain in the left hypochondrium:

  1. heart attack, other diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  2. intercostal neuralgia;
  3. diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  4. diseases or injuries of the spleen;
  5. new developments in this area;
  6. diaphragm injuries, its;
  7. rheumatism;
  8. diseases of the respiratory system on the left side, for example, left-sided pneumonia or pleurisy.

Features of pain localization

Disease of the pancreas provokes pain in the torso in a circle.

When analyzing the location of pain, the mechanism of its occurrence is also considered. Based on this criterion, the following varieties can be distinguished:

  • Reflected. These include all pain that occurs in organs located in completely different places in the body. Since they are radiating in nature, discomfort arises here. Such cases include myocardial infarction.
  • Visceral. They cause disruptions in the functioning of the digestive organs: intestines, stomach. For example, banal flatulence can cause pain in the left hypochondrium.
  • Peritoneal. These constant pains, which simply cannot be forgotten, are intensified after movements and deep breathing. They arise due to irritation.

The affected organs are determined by the location of pain:

  1. The anterior part of the left side is the spleen, the walls of the stomach.
  2. The central part is the duodenum, gallbladder and, perhaps, the same spleen.
  3. The back part (from the back) is the kidney. This may also be a sign of osteochondrosis of the lumbar or thoracic region.
  4. The torso hurts in a circle - shingles syndrome - affected. With pancreatitis, the pain is simply unbearable; if you do not seek medical help in time, shock from the pain syndrome may occur, and this does not always end in normalization of the situation.

Thus, any pain in the right hypochondrium cannot be ignored unless it appears as a result of serious physical activity.

True, even if pain occurs after playing sports, it is necessary to exclude injuries, the result of falls, which can lead to disruption of the integrity of internal organs. If pain occurs at rest, it always indicates a pathology of certain organs. Therefore, it is necessary to examine, identify their cause and treat.

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The most common cases of complaints of tingling in the lower abdomen are observed during pregnancy. Stitching pain and tingling in the abdomen appear with a disease such as intestinal diverticulitis. Tingling in the lower abdomen may not be related to gynecology. Inflammation of the appendages may also accompany tingling in the abdomen.

Similar symptoms may be observed in different periods life: before menstruation, in the middle of the cycle or during pregnancy. Discomfort in the lower abdomen is most often associated with gynecological problems. True, in some cases this may also be a sign of problems with the urinary system or intestines. It happens that a woman has a tingling sensation in her lower abdomen before her period.

Causes of abdominal pain

The problem may appear in the middle of the cycle. It's all about ovulation. The process is accompanied by rupture of the follicle, which becomes the main cause of tingling in the lower abdomen. Here you should remember that tingling may be its first sign. If expectant mother tingling in the lower abdomen, perhaps she is simply not eating properly.

Disturbance in the gastrointestinal tract

For girls who do not intend to become mothers in the near future, tingling may indicate a common cold. If the discomfort in the lower abdomen is short-term and does not recur too often, then there is no need to sound the alarm.

Tingling and discomfort in the lower abdomen - common symptom, characteristic of both women and men. In women, tingling in the abdomen may indicate natural processes such as menstruation or pregnancy. One of the common causes of tingling in the lower abdomen is appendicitis. It can occur in both women and men.

Pathologies of pregnancy

In addition to Crohn's disease, the intestines can signal possible diverticula and tumors. At acute form appendicitis, discomfort in the lower abdomen is replaced by sharp pain. The person may experience attacks of nausea and vomiting. An increase in temperature is also possible.

Unlike men, tingling in the lower abdomen for women is characteristic symptom for the first trimester of pregnancy. However, during a normal pregnancy, a woman may feel a slight tingling sensation on the right side. Tingling in the lower abdomen, in in this case accompany severe pain. Painful sensations come from the right and have a pulling or aching character.

Intestinal diverticulitis

Sometimes pain on the right side, as well as tingling in the lower abdomen, are signs of Crohn's disease. This disease is dangerous for both women and men. In addition to pain on the right side, this disease is characterized by an inflammatory process in the intestines. The causes of Crohn's disease are disorders of the immune system.

The danger with this disease is ulcers that form on the intestines during the development of the disease. Also, with intestinal tumors, problems such as obstruction and bleeding are possible. In many cases, these symptoms indicate malignant tumors.

However, it is characterized by frequent constipation and is located in the left abdomen. A disease such as diverticulitis is especially dangerous due to the formation of suppuration in the intestines and the development of fistulas.

Tingling in the abdomen is accompanied by paroxysmal pain. During the development of diseases of the upper urinary tract pain and tingling in the abdomen radiate down to the groin. Sometimes the patient feels sharp pain when urinating. I'm pregnant now, 8 weeks, I feel tingling in my lower abdomen. Pain in the lower abdomen can occur through factors that serve as irritants.

Please note that pain and tingling in the lower abdomen often occurs from overload or exercise. Pain in the lower abdomen varies in nature, but can be a consequence of the disease. They are divided into types: - sharp and dull; - cutting; - pulsating; - colicky; - aching; - bursting. The pain can spread to all parts of the abdomen. Very often, women go to the gynecological office with complaints of discomfort in the lower abdomen: nagging pain, tingling in the lower abdomen, etc.

If exists serious pathology, tingling in the abdomen is sharp and sometimes acute. Slight tingling in the lower abdomen in this case is the norm.

Pregnancy is not only a moment of languid but promising anticipation of the birth of the most important person, but a serious test for the body. During this period, serious hormonal and physical changes occur within the woman. Therefore, very often during pregnancy future mommy experiencing some unpleasant sensations. One such discomfort is a strange tingling sensation in the abdomen. This symptom appears sooner or later in every pregnant woman, and usually it does not lead to any problems. However, the tingling sensation abdominal cavity may be a sign of various diseases and threats. Read on to find out if your pain is dangerous.

Why do you feel tingling in the uterus in early pregnancy?

During pregnancy, any woman's body experiences severe stress. Therefore, at this stage of life, various unfamiliar sensations may arise. Including lumbago in the lower abdomen.

Pain in the tummy during pregnancy can have different causes. Usually they do not lead to any deviations.

A woman's pregnancy is divided into trimesters. And at each stage, periodic abdominal tingling has different causes. Depending on the factor that led to the colitis in your lower abdomen, a method of relieving it is chosen.

For the first time, tingling sensations may begin to bother a woman a few days after good luck with your conception. By this sign, as well as by the swelling of the mammary glands and delayed menstruation, one can judge the occurrence of interesting situation. If you experience similar symptoms, there is no need to worry, this could very well be the case. natural causes. Let's see which ones.

Why do women worry about tingling in the uterus in the earliest stages of pregnancy:

  1. In the first trimester, there is a tingling sensation in the lower abdomen due to the fact that the shape of the uterus changes. The vessels fill with blood and round it.
  2. Also, pain in the uterus can be caused due to changes in the cervix. It softens, and pain occurs on the right and left sides.
  3. At this stage, your stomach may ache. Such sensations are caused by toxicosis.

Usually does not cause pain severe discomfort in a woman. But sometimes they can be accompanied nagging pain, similar to menstruation. Often, pain in the cervix and uterus appears with sudden movements, coughing and sneezing.

Every woman wants to get rid of the feelings that bother her. To do this, you need to change your position, taking a lying position. You can also try doing some exercises on a fitball.

Colitis of the lower abdomen in the second and third trimester of pregnancy

It happens that a woman’s stomach hurts in the later stages of pregnancy. In this case, there is also no need to sound the alarm; there may be completely natural reasons.

In many ways, a woman’s comfort while expecting a child depends on her lifestyle. During this period, it is important to monitor your diet and avoid excessive exercise.

If your stomach feels tight or hurts in the second stage of pregnancy, then it may be due to the growth of the uterus. The increasing size of the uterus puts pressure on the intestines and stomach. Therefore, such pain can be associated with colic in the stomach and intestines.

A slight tingling sensation in the abdomen in the second part of pregnancy can be eliminated by doing a few simple tips. First of all, this concerns nutrition.

How to relieve abdominal pain in the second part of pregnancy:

  1. The first thing you need to do is avoid foods that contribute to the formation of gases. These include cabbage, grapes, wheat bread, legumes, nuts and potatoes.
  2. It is very important to prevent stagnation in the intestines. This can be helped by walking fresh air and performing special exercises for pregnancy.
  3. You also need to listen to your feelings. Perhaps the rumble and sudden movements in the stomach are caused by the baby pushing.

If it shoots in the center of the abdomen in the third trimester of pregnancy, then perhaps it’s all about preparing the body for childbirth. At this time, training contractions begin, which cause similar unpleasant sensations.

If the pain has become unbearably strong, then you may have started labor activity. In this case, you need to urgently call an ambulance.

When to see a doctor if you have tingling in the lower abdomen

Usually pain in the lower abdomen is quite natural process throughout pregnancy. However, sometimes such symptoms may indicate the presence of serious complications. Therefore, you need to carefully monitor your feelings in this period of your life.

Do not try to fix the problem by self-medication. This can lead to the most serious problems during pregnancy and even to the loss of a child.

Usually, abnormal pain is accompanied by other characteristic features. Therefore, you need to carefully listen to your body and not ignore uncharacteristic symptoms.

What symptoms accompanying abdominal pain indicate that you need to immediately visit a doctor:

  • Diarrhea, vomiting and other signs of poisoning;
  • Fever and severe fever;
  • Very severe pain for a long time;
  • Unbearable pain in the lower back, ovaries and navel;
  • Copious vaginal discharge may be streaked with blood.

These signs, coupled with abdominal pain, may indicate serious complications. These can be either problems in the woman’s body or the threat of miscarriage. If any of these symptoms occur, you should immediately consult a doctor. Only a competent specialist can identify the real reason discomfort below the abdomen.

Tingling in the left side of the lower abdomen

Tingling in the lower abdomen during pregnancy can be caused by the most for various reasons. We have described most of them to you. However, there are other factors that cause such sensations.

Such pain may not be related to pregnancy. They may be caused by problems with the organs.

A delay of menstruation within a week does not always indicate pregnancy. This problem can be caused by problems in the female part or simply by a cycle failure.

If acute abdominal pain occurs, you should urgently consult a gynecologist, or even call an ambulance. However, if you are bothered by slight shivers and chills, there is no need to worry. Abdominal pain on the left side can be caused by physiological changes during pregnancy. However, this may be a symptom of serious inflammation of the internal organs.

Why severe pain may occur in the left side:

  • Such symptoms may indicate problems with the spleen;
  • Also, pain on the left side can be caused by pathologies in the intestines;
  • Sometimes pain syndrome on the left side means the presence inflammatory process in the left kidney;
  • Diseases of the diaphragm can also cause severe pain in the left side;
  • Diseases of the ovaries, adhesions and cysts on the left side of the body;
  • An ectopic pregnancy also causes severe pain.

As you can see, the causes of pain on the left side of the abdomen can be not only serious, but also life-threatening. Therefore, if the pain is severe, do not delay going to the doctor.

Where does the tingling in the right side of the abdomen come from?

Sometimes sharp pain occurs in the right side of the abdomen. This can also be a symptom of organ diseases unrelated to pregnancy.

Possible reasons sharp pain right abdomen:

  • Acute appendicitis;
  • Problems with the liver and pancreas;
  • Intestinal pathologies;
  • Cyst, inflammation of the ovary and adhesions on the left side of the body;
  • Ectopic pregnancy;
  • Right kidney problems.

If you have a stitch on the right side of your stomach, this does not always mean the development of serious complications. However, the organs located there require special attention.

Why does colitis occur in the lower abdomen during pregnancy (video)

Abdominal pain during pregnancy is usually physiological in nature. However, it happens that they are a symptom serious illnesses, which can lead to severe complications or even the loss of the child. Therefore, report all your new sensations to the gynecologist and be healthy.

What causes discomfort in the lower abdomen?

Tingling in the lower abdomen is a problem most common among women. Similar symptoms can be observed at different periods of life: before menstruation, in the middle of the cycle or during pregnancy. Discomfort in the lower abdomen is most often associated with gynecological problems. True, in some cases this may also be a sign of problems with the urinary system or intestines. Let's try to tell you in more detail about the reasons for the problem.


It happens that a woman has a tingling sensation in her lower abdomen before her period. This is a completely natural phenomenon caused by the process of menstruation. The problem may appear in the middle of the cycle. It's all about ovulation. An unfertilized, mature egg is released from the ovary. The process is accompanied by rupture of the follicle, which becomes the main cause of tingling in the lower abdomen.

Discomfort in the lower abdomen during pregnancy

The most common cases of complaints of tingling in the lower abdomen are observed during pregnancy. Here you should remember that tingling may be its first sign. The uterus changes, its walls begin to take on an ovoid shape and stretch. Discomfort intensifies when the expectant mother tenses her muscles: while laughing, sneezing, or exercising. A slight tingling sensation in the lower abdomen in this case is normal. If this causes discomfort or the pain intensifies, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Proper nutrition during pregnancy

During pregnancy, the body undergoes special changes. Changes hormonal background. This entails problems with intestinal function. If the expectant mother has a tingling sensation in her lower abdomen, perhaps she is simply not eating properly. Foods that cause flatulence should be excluded. You also need to monitor the amount of liquid consumed. As the fetus grows and develops, pressure on the bladder increases and, as a result, discomfort in the pelvic area. Limiting your drinking will also help prevent unnecessary swelling. Thus, there is no need to sound the alarm at every light signal from the body. There are only a few cases when colic in the lower abdomen can threaten the baby’s health, and you should go to the hospital: firstly, if the pain is intense or gets worse; secondly, if it appears frequently; thirdly, if tingling in the lower abdomen is accompanied by an increase in body temperature, the appearance pathological discharge and other signs of disease.

Tingling not related to gynecology

Tingling in the lower abdomen may not be related to gynecology. For girls who do not intend to become mothers in the near future, tingling may indicate a common cold. Short skirts, “sitting” on the ground, swimming in open water - all this can cause discomfort in the pelvic organs. The disease should not be left to chance - if you suspect that you have caught a cold, you should take action immediately. One of the most effective folk remedies- a woolen shawl on the stomach and decoctions of lingonberries, chamomile, bearberry. Colic can occur when the intestines do not function properly. Increase the amount of fermented milk products, watch your diet. For some time you should limit yourself to eating rich foods and legumes. If the discomfort in the lower abdomen is short-term and does not recur too often, then there is no need to sound the alarm. But if the tingling in the lower abdomen is intense and lasts more than a day or throughout the day, you need to consult a doctor to identify the causes, of which there may be many.