Pregnancy after an ectopic with one tube: what is the probability of successful conception? You can get pregnant with one tube.

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During the gestational period, a woman may encounter various complications that threaten her condition or normal pregnancy.

An ectopic pregnancy deprives the mother of a child and requires surgery to remove the tube. An operation done at the wrong time often ends tragically. Many women, after experiencing the shock of having a tube removed, experience fear of a new pregnancy. This has a bad effect on conception and sometimes causes infertility.

According to obstetricians and gynecologists, the situation is not hopeless. If you really want to get pregnant after an ectopic pregnancy, it is possible with one tube. The main thing is to know how to prepare.

The main desire is to become a mother

According to medical statistics, primary ectopic development of the fetus occurs in 2% of girls. Repeated cases of ectopic pregnancy are registered in every fifth woman, regardless of health status. The etiology of the process is not fully understood. The reasons contributing to the development of the pathology have been identified.

Risk factors for recurrent ectopic pregnancy:

  • congenital tubal anomalies;
  • infectious diseases in the pelvic organs;
  • scars, adhesions formed in the tubes after surgery;
  • abortions, especially multiple ones;
  • undergoing therapy related to infertility (for example, stimulation of ovulation, tubal obstruction);
  • the risk of ectopic pregnancy increases 1.5-2 times with the installation of an IUD (intrauterine device);
  • smoking, poor nutrition, stress;
  • sexual relations with different partners, which often result in sexually transmitted diseases and complications after them;
  • in women over 35–40 years of age, the risk increases several times.

Despite the dangers, it is possible to become pregnant after removing a tube from a previous ectopic conception. In most cases, pregnancy and childbirth after surgery ends successfully.

When can you think about your next pregnancy?

It takes time to fully restore the body, reproductive functions, and healing of the suture. How long after you can get pregnant again if there was an ectopic pregnancy is determined individually for each woman.

How much time is needed for rehabilitation depends on the state of health, the presence of pipes, and the patient’s psyche. Doctors indicate the average interval is 6 months after an ectopic pregnancy. Next, the expectant mother is sent for examination. During recovery, doctors recommend using protection, that is, continuing to take contraceptives even with one tube.

Based on the results of studies after an ectopic pregnancy, the gynecologist either prescribes treatment or allows planning a new one. When taking contraceptives, conception can occur very quickly; pregnancy is possible during the first 2 to 3 menstrual cycles, even with one tube.

Withdrawal acts as a good ovarian stimulant. Doctors call this the term “rebound effect.” If you don’t get pregnant right away, then it’s okay. It just takes more time to prepare.

Millimeter precision

Time frame for IVF

In vitro fertilization is the only way to give birth without tubes or ovaries, when there is no ovulation or there have been cases of ectopic or frozen pregnancy. IVF is carried out when a woman has no chance of conceiving a child naturally.

After an ectopic pregnancy, it is possible to become pregnant, but whether the fallopian tubes will be patent is unknown. Much depends on the complexity of the operation performed.

For example, if the ovaries or tubes are removed, then IVF can be carried out no earlier than three menstrual cycles. And during laparoscopy of an ectopic pregnancy and the patient is in good health, stimulation is often done after one cycle.

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There may be difficulties conceiving

According to statistics, ectopic pregnancy is often the cause of secondary infertility. Especially after a pipe rupture, when the likelihood of conception is halved.

Even with successful surgery for an ectopic pregnancy while preserving the organ, the chances of re-conception are up to 70%. This is due to the formation of scars, tubal adhesions, dysfunction of peristalsis or the functioning of the appendages.

There are complex operations when both the tube and the ovary had to be removed on one side, left or right. Getting pregnant and giving birth on your own is difficult, and sometimes it doesn’t work out. However, if all medical recommendations are followed, the chances of successful conception with one tube after an ectopic pregnancy are high.

Problems of pregnancy

Diagnostics and examinations

After an ectopic pregnancy and tube removal, a course of physical and drug therapy is prescribed. Immediately before conception, the doctor will refer you for tests and re-examination.

Based on its results, the doctor decides how much the female body is restored and prepared for a new pregnancy after an ectopic pregnancy when the tubes are removed or if they are preserved.

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Ultrasound of the uterine body is a highly informative examination to identify tubal adhesions, benign neoplasms, fibroids or cysts. The procedure does not cause an irritation reaction to the contrast agent.

How is hydrosonography performed:

  1. NaCl 0.9% or another saline solution is injected into the uterine cavity through a catheter.
  2. A special sensor monitors all movements in the pelvic organs.
  3. Anesthesia is not required, but many researchers use general anesthesia to prevent tubal spasms.
  4. The procedure is carried out on days 8-11 of the menstrual cycle.
  5. If there is infection or inflammation of the tubes, they are not allowed to study.


After a difficult path to a dream

MSG is an X-ray or hysterography of the tubes and uterus, intended to diagnose the formation of adhesions after an ectopic pregnancy, obstruction or adhesion of organs.

How it is carried out:

  1. Preliminary urine and blood tests are taken for HIV, hepatitis and other infections. It is necessary to undergo fluorography.
  2. Immediately before the procedure, an enema is given to empty the intestines and bladder.
  3. The patient is taking an antispasmodic drug.
  4. The study is carried out in the morning on an empty stomach; a glass of liquid without gas is allowed.
  5. If necessary, local anesthesia is performed.
  6. The patient lies on her back, a support is placed under her feet, and her knees are bent.
  7. A contrast agent is injected into the cervix through a catheter.
  8. Within 5 minutes, observe how the organs are filled.
  9. They take a picture and repeat the image after a while.
  10. The procedure takes about an hour, and the same amount of time is required for rest.
  11. Pain may persist for two days. If fever or vomiting appears after 3 days, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Laparoscopic examination

Strong-willed people

The operation is performed when it is difficult to diagnose diseases of the abdominal and pelvic region. And also when other methods do not provide a complete picture of the patient’s condition.

How is laparoscopy performed?

  1. First, you bring the doctor the results of urine and blood tests, blood clotting indicators, a fluorography image and a cardiogram.
  2. You can't eat or drink for 24 hours.
  3. Preparation for surgery includes a nightly and morning enema immediately before the start.
  4. The procedure begins with anesthesia.
  5. The surgeon then makes several small incisions in the examination area through which a special instrument is inserted.
  6. The abdominal area is inflated with gas.
  7. A larger incision is made to insert a video camera.
  8. All actions of the surgeon are displayed on the screen.
  9. Manipulations last from 15 minutes to several hours. It depends on the purpose of laparoscopy.

Clear conception planning

You can begin to take active action only when all risks have been reduced to a minimum. To correct the body, you must first undergo a course of hormonal and vitamin therapy.

It is important that by the time of conception after an ectopic pregnancy, the menstrual cycle has normalized and ovulation has been restored.

Acceptable types of contraception

During the rehabilitation period after an ectopic pregnancy, in addition to condoms, doctors recommend taking hormonal contraceptives.

Each drug has an individual dosage regimen, in which omissions are excluded. Oral contraception is necessary not only to prevent pregnancy during an unwanted period.

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Hormonal therapy reduces the risk of recurrent ectopic conception and the development of inflammatory processes in the genitals by 90%. When prescribing contraception, it is taken into account which category the patient belongs to based on anatomical structure and physiological characteristics.

There are three phenotypes of women - estrogen, progesterone and mixed. The former are characterized by a long menstrual cycle of 28 days or more. In this case, gestagenic drugs are prescribed, for example, Rigevidon or Miniziston.

The testerone phenotype is characterized by a short cycle, the duration of menstruation is 3-4 days. Such women are recommended contraceptives with andandrogenic action. These include Jess, Yarina, Janine.

The mixed phenotype has an average menstrual cycle. A child is usually carried easily with either one or two tubes. In this case, Regulon or Novinet are usually prescribed.

It is strictly forbidden to choose contraception on your own after an ectopic pregnancy. Such questions should be addressed by your attending physician.

Planning a pregnancy after an ectopic with one tube

One pipe

You can conceive quickly and successfully only if you coordinate your actions with the recommendations of your gynecologist.

  1. One month of abstinence from intimate life after an ectopic pregnancy.
  2. The sexual partner must undergo examination and submit sperm for quality control. Much depends on it during fertilization. Often the cause of ectopic pregnancy is low sperm motility.
  3. To prevent the development of ectopic conception again, constant monitoring of progesterone and hCG is necessary.
  4. The woman must complete all prescribed courses of therapy - anti-adhesion, hormonal, etc.
  5. To prevent ectopic pregnancy and conception, it is necessary to avoid stress, live and behave calmly, without reacting to acute situations.
  6. Visit your gynecologist regularly and get tested to detect infection.
  7. You need to maintain a basal schedule, conduct ovulation tests, and monitor all changes in your body.

Remember, if a pipe is removed, it is not a disaster. In most cases, your chances of conceiving are almost the same as for healthy women.

Those who became pregnant after surgery, even with one tube, then say themselves, “before giving birth, you need to learn how to plan correctly.”


Check pathology

This is an ultrasound examination that monitors changes in the functioning of the ovaries. Such a procedure is the best way to identify pathology and determine the exact date of ovulation for a successful pregnancy or conception with one or two tubes.

The examination reveals dysfunctions that affect fertilization.

  1. Atresia - the dominant follicle develops to a mature state, but suddenly enters a regression phase.
  2. Persistence – normal maturation, but no hormone release. That is, the follicle does not rupture and the egg is not released.
  3. The dominant cyst does not stop developing; it grows simultaneously with the accumulation of fluid.
  4. Luteinization - the follicle does not mature, but a corpus luteum forms in the ovary.
  5. There is no dominant, that is, it does not develop or begins to regress at the very beginning.

Without ovulation, pregnancy is impossible. Folliculometry has a huge impact on successful conception even with one tube. The study allows you to determine the exact date or take timely measures to restore the ovulatory cycle.

Tablet tests for ovulation

Inexpensive test is a good option

The moment when the finished zygote leaves the follicle, heading towards the living creature, a woman can feel on her own. Especially if you are used to observing your feelings. However, you cannot always rely on them.

With clear planning, doctors recommend confirming your suspicions with a home ovulation test. The result indicates the period of the menstrual cycle when the likelihood of conception is highest. That is, intimacy with a partner should occur within the next 3 days after ovulation. There are different types of tests on sale, but the most accurate are digital devices.

Plotting basal temperature charts

This is the simplest and free way to determine high concentrations of hormones during a cycle, even with one tube. By identifying the exact date of ovulation, a couple can not only conceive on the right day, but even try to influence the sex of the child.

Basal temperature is the lowest value of the thermal state of internal organs. Therefore, it is determined in the morning, without getting out of bed, to avoid error. The thermometer is inserted into the vagina, rectum, or placed in the mouth.

Daily measurements for 3 to 4 months allow you to build a graph that will accurately indicate the days of ovulation. Conception immediately at the moment of release of the egg - a boy is born. If you have sex 2–3 days before ovulation, women are more likely to give birth to girls.

Learn to make a schedule

Cyclic transformations in the reproductive system

The menstrual cycle is a clear program inherent in a woman’s body by nature. Its functioning depends on changes occurring in the internal organs, which are called hormonal-dependent (ovaries, uterus, mammary glands, vagina, etc.).

Reproduction is the main task of cyclic transformations. A strong attraction to a sexual partner, pain in the lower abdomen, an increase in the amount of discharge - these are changes by observing which you can determine the onset of ovulation. Despite the subjective conclusions, the method has the right to exist.

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How not to be afraid of getting pregnant?

Psychosomatic disorders due to ectopic pregnancy are usually divided into two categories.

  1. Inner experiences - emptiness, pain from loss, “I’m afraid to have sex, get pregnant, give birth, and what if it all happens again.”
  2. Social – a feeling of inferiority as a woman, failure as a mother, wife, member of society.

In case of severe stress, qualified psychological help is required, without which it is almost impossible to cope with your fears and wait for pregnancy.

What the experts say.

  1. Life is about failures + victories. Guilt does not affect the past, but spoils the present.
  2. It is important to redirect your energy from worries and fears to active actions.
  3. Listen to the recommendations of doctors.
  4. Take a rehabilitation course after surgery.
  5. Take care of restoring your health.
  6. Together with your partner, competently, under the supervision of a doctor, prepare for a new pregnancy.
  7. Drop the stereotypes. Only a great desire to have children is the goal of motherhood.

There are cases of conception even after two ectopic pregnancies. Moreover, medicine often encounters miracles. For example, a patient diagnosed with infertility suddenly became pregnant, which was in principle excluded.

What to do if pregnancy does not occur

“I’ve tried everything, but I can’t, why can’t I conceive,” is how many lament after their first unsuccessful attempts.

Listen to the experts.

  1. Let go of the situation. The more a woman becomes fixated on the problem of pregnancy, the higher the barrier to solving it is built.
  2. Try new sexual positions that are most conducive to conception.
  3. For a successful pregnancy, do not shower immediately after intercourse. Rest for 20 minutes with your legs elevated and a pillow under your pelvis.
  4. Attention!

    The information published on the website is for informational purposes only and is intended for informational purposes only. Site visitors should not use them as medical advice! The site editors do not recommend self-medication. Determining the diagnosis and choosing a treatment method remains the exclusive prerogative of your attending physician! Remember that only complete diagnosis and therapy under the supervision of a doctor will help you completely get rid of the disease!

In case of an ectopic pregnancy, the fetus attached to the fallopian tube must be removed. However, it is often not possible to save the pipe itself. It is usually removed because the chance of recurrence is more than 90%. The ovary often also needs to be removed if it is damaged during surgery. This does not prevent you from having a baby, but it requires more careful preparation.

What are the chances of getting pregnant naturally with one fallopian tube?

It is possible to conceive a child with one fallopian tube if it is in good condition. If there are adhesions or an inflammatory process in it, you must first undergo treatment and get rid of the pathology. It is impossible to get pregnant on your own after removing two tubes.

The chances of a natural pregnancy after an ectopic with one tube are 60-70%. A positive result depends on the condition of the tube and the performance of the ovary. Conception occurs when the egg matures in the ovary next to the remaining tube.

It is believed that pregnancy is more likely if the left tube is preserved, because the ovary on this side works more productively. If one appendage is missing, pregnancy may occur within a few months or a year. It is also possible to become pregnant with a right tube if there is ovulation in the right ovary.

To find out what the chances of pregnancy are, you need to undergo an examination to determine the condition of the reproductive organs. Contraindications to independent conception are:

  • in the remaining tube, the fetus has already been fixed (ectopic pregnancy);
  • endometriosis stage 3;
  • chronic heart and kidney diseases.

When can you plan to conceive after an ectopic pregnancy?

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Immediately after the tube removal operation, sexual rest is indicated for a month. You can't have sex until your body recovers. You can become pregnant after six months. During this time, it is recommended to protect yourself with hormonal drugs. They are more effective than barrier contraceptives. They also normalize hormonal levels, and after they are discontinued, the ovaries work more productively. The doctor takes the pill regimen and decides to stop it based on the woman’s tests.

Features of planning after an ectopic pregnancy

To get pregnant naturally after an ectopic pregnancy, you need to carefully prepare. It won't be possible to do this quickly. First, you need to undergo an examination to ensure the normal condition of the fallopian tube and the functionality of the ovary.

When taking tests, the presence of genital infections is revealed. They need to be cured. Afterwards, the condition of the pipe is checked using ultrasound. Detected adhesions are eliminated by hysteroscopy. When assessing the patency of the tube based on its shape and condition, the doctor determines whether there is a likelihood of a recurrence of improper attachment of the fetus and what are the chances of spontaneous conception.

When planning pregnancy, special attention is paid to hormonal levels. It is important that each stage of the cycle is accompanied by the production of the corresponding hormone in sufficient quantities: the follicular phase - estrogen, the luteal phase - progesterone.

If one ovary is absent, a woman's ovarian reserve may be reduced. An AMH test allows you to find out about this. If AMH levels are low, the chances of conception are low. The supply of eggs will constantly decrease and it will become impossible to become pregnant naturally over time.

To conceive a woman without one tube, you need to learn to identify ovulatory cycles. They do not happen every month due to the lack of one channel. The easiest way to detect ovulation is by physiological factors:

  • discharge is abundant, transparent, similar to egg white;
  • at the moment of release of the egg, the stomach pulls slightly on the side of the working ovary;
  • sexual desire increases.

Home tests can determine the onset of ovulation. You can also find out about the onset of a favorable moment by changes in basal temperature, for which you need to take measurements daily and enter them into the chart.

If conception is successful, you must immediately visit a gynecologist to ensure that the fetus is properly implanted. The test is carried out using an ultrasound and a blood test for hCG. The likelihood of recurrent ectopic pregnancy is increased.

What to do if pregnancy does not occur?

If pregnancy does not occur for a long time, the woman should undergo examination to identify the cause. It may lie in a hormonal imbalance, lack of ovulation, diseases of the ovary or uterus. In most cases, pathologies are eliminated with medication or surgery.

When a woman is diagnosed with infertility, it is worth looking for other ways to solve the problem. Today, there are assistive technologies that allow you to have a child even in the absence of two tubes or diseases of the uterus (endometriosis): IVF, ICSI.

Indications for IVF

If, after an ectopic pregnancy, pathologies have been identified that do not allow you to conceive on your own, you can become pregnant with the help of reproductive technologies. Indications for IVF are:

  • obstruction of pipes;
  • absence of two pipes;
  • polycystic ovary syndrome;
  • endometriosis;
  • diseases of the genital organs, the treatment of which has not yielded results for more than 12 months.

Features of IVF after an ectopic pregnancy

Preparation for artificial insemination begins with improving the health of the body. A woman should take care of herself, eat a balanced diet, lose excess weight, cure infections, avoid stress, and be in a positive mood.

The IVF procedure goes through the following stages:

  1. Taking hormonal drugs. With their help, hyperstimulation is caused so that several eggs mature in the ovary.
  2. Puncture. When the follicles reach maturity, the fertility specialist performs a puncture of the ovaries and extracts the eggs. They are placed in a nutrient medium.
  3. Donation of sperm. A man donates genetic material. If he is infertile or the quality of his sperm is unsatisfactory, the use of donor sperm is indicated.
  4. Samples are analyzed and the most viable ones are selected. Sperm are added to the eggs to allow fertilization to occur.
  5. Cultivation. Fertilized cells develop in a nutrient medium for 3-5 days. This allows for timely rejection of unsuitable zygotes.
  6. Embryo transfer. Healthy cells are transferred to the uterine cavity. In order for them to take root, the doctor prescribes hormones that promote the development of pregnancy.

After two weeks, the woman takes an hCG test to confirm successful conception. After another week, an ultrasound is performed to monitor fetal development. The first time, a positive result is observed in 30% of cases. If pregnancy does not occur, the procedure is repeated. However, the eggs taken for the first time can be frozen for future use.

Is it possible for a woman to give birth naturally with one tube?

Regardless of whether a woman has had one or two tubes removed, or whether she conceived naturally or artificially, she will give birth as usual. The gynecologist monitors the development of the fetus throughout pregnancy, identifies deviations and possible obstacles to traditional childbirth, and then decides how to give birth. Indications for cesarean section are:

  • Risk of uterine rupture. Possible with repeated births, if the first occurred via cesarean section, as well as any history of abdominal surgery on the uterus.
  • Presence of mechanical obstacles: uterine fibroids, ovarian tumor.
  • Deformation of the pelvic bones, narrow pelvis in a woman.
  • Placenta previa is an incorrect attachment, the placenta blocks the exit for the fetus.
  • Premature placental abruption.

If a woman has diseases that may complicate childbirth, the decision is made jointly. These include cardiovascular diseases, kidney diseases, diabetes, and myopia. If there is an infection in the genital tract, a cesarean section is also prescribed so that it is not transmitted to the baby during childbirth.

In most cases, fallopian tube removal is facilitated by ectopic pregnancy, which occurs in approximately 15% of women. After such a rather serious operation, many are concerned about the possibility of getting pregnant with one tube.

It is quite possible to give birth after an ectopic pregnancy, but the chance of conceiving a child is reduced by 50% for some, and 10% for others. Such different indicators are associated with the individual characteristics of each woman’s body and the condition of the remaining pipe. Also, proper preparation for conceiving a child plays a huge role.

Ectopic pregnancy. Peculiarities

Ectopic pregnancy– pregnancy, which is characterized by the absence of a fertilized egg in the uterus, and therefore specialists resort to surgical termination to save the woman’s life. The fertilized egg may be in one of the ovaries, fallopian tubes, or cervix. Based on the placement of the fertilized egg, the doctor chooses a method of terminating the pregnancy. Further pregnancy and conception depends on many factors. For example, if the specialist chose the laparoscopy method, during which only punctures of the abdominal wall occurred and the fallopian tube was not removed, the next pregnancy is possible within six months. During this time, the woman needs to be fully examined to find out the reason that contributed to the development of the fertilized egg behind the uterine cavity, and undergo treatment. A more serious situation involves removal of the fallopian tube.

After an ectopic pregnancy, women with one fallopian tube are allowed to have one year after surgery and only if she has undergone the necessary treatment. During this time, the body must also fully recover. Conception that occurs earlier than a year later threatens spontaneous abortion (miscarriage), the development of pathologies and anomalies in the child, complications in the mother, disruption of labor and the course of pregnancy in general. That is why experts strongly recommend protecting yourself after surgery.

This is important to know! After an intrauterine pregnancy, a woman is allowed to use any method of contraception except intrauterine.

Conception after an ectopic pregnancy. Planning

Fertilization with one fallopian tube is possible and depends on the general state of health, the presence or absence of diseases of the pelvic organs, and the psychological mood of the woman.

As mentioned earlier, after removal of the tube, a woman must use protection. Contraception will not only not lead to early conception, but will also allow the ovaries and other organs to fully recover. Some experts believe that a long break promotes more active and healthy ovarian function, thereby increasing the chance of conceiving and carrying a child. Most often, the doctor prescribes an oral method of contraception (birth control pills). This method also helps restore the menstrual cycle after surgery.

This is important to know! You should start taking hormonal pills from the first day of your first period after surgery. Consultation with your doctor is required!

The next stage of preparation for conception is a complete examination of both women and men. Such a diagnosis helps to exclude all sorts of factors that could contribute to the development of an ectopic pregnancy and find its main cause.

The examination also involves a series of tests and ultrasound. Testing for infections plays an important role, since most infectious diseases are latent, and the woman is not even aware of their presence in the body. During the diagnosis, the possibility of conceiving a child naturally is confirmed or denied.

To determine the ability of a female body to conceive with one fallopian tube, the following methods are used:

Whatever method the specialist uses, you should remember that they prevent the egg from entering the uterine cavity. That is why the development of the fertilized egg begins in a different place. To normalize the patency of the tube and remove adhesions, laparoscopy is prescribed.

Psychological preparation for conception

Quite often, after an ectopic pregnancy, a woman’s psychological health suffers, including severe neuroses, hysteria and stress. Of course, you wouldn’t wish such a situation on anyone, but you should remember that what happened, happened. In the postoperative period, on the contrary, you need to rest more and avoid stressful situations, and constant nervous breakdowns only aggravate the condition, which is already undermined.

A woman should understand that her psychological health directly affects rapid recovery, the ability to conceive, bear and give birth to a child. She needs to be more attentive to her well-being and sensations, visit the gynecologist on time and follow his recommendations. Your spouse should also provide great support.

How to increase your chances of conceiving with one tube?

If, after an ectopic pregnancy, a woman's remaining fallopian tube is normal and has good patency, and there are no diseases, she is allowed to conceive a child naturally a year after the operation. To increase the likelihood of fertilization, the doctor recommends checking every month. To do this you can use:

  1. Test for ;
  2. Calendar method;
  3. Study the symptoms that usually appear before ovulation;

For greater effectiveness, you can use several methods for determining ovulation.

But what about those women who are strictly prohibited from getting pregnant naturally? After a full check, IVF may be recommended to the couple. Artificial insemination is also recommended for those who do not become pregnant within a year of unprotected sexual activity. During the IVF procedure, specialists take eggs from the ovary, which are soon fertilized under artificial conditions. Then they are implanted into the uterine cavity.

The chances of conceiving with one tube are quite high. According to statistics, 6 out of 10 women become pregnant within 1.5 years. The main thing is to get diagnosed and follow all the doctor’s recommendations.

Throughout their lives, women may encounter various diseases, the consequences of which may include removal of the fallopian tube. Often after this, patients panic, because the oviduct is an organ that plays an important role in conception.

However, don't despair. Gynecologists say that a woman can become pregnant without one or even both tubes. Is it possible to give birth with one fallopian tube? This is quite possible. However, this requires the presence of certain conditions.

The fallopian tubes are a paired organ. It consists of two thread-like canals that go from the uterus to the ovaries. The length of the fallopian tube reaches an average of 11 cm, and the diameter is no more than 0.5 cm. After ovulation, the villi located in the fallopian tubes capture the mature egg and move it inside the tube.


It is in the fallopian tube that the sperm merges with the egg, after which the resulting zygote moves through it to the uterus, where it will develop. The decision to remove the fallopian tube is made by the doctor. The indication for this is usually:

  • pipe damage (during surgery or any injury);
  • filling the organ cavity with liquid, mucus;
  • damage to the fallopian tubes due to severe inflammation (in this case, the integrity of the tube or its villi may be damaged, the walls may stick together, etc.);
  • the presence of adhesions that cannot be cured;
  • prolonged bleeding that developed during salpingotomy;
  • deformation of the organ, increase in size;
  • development of ectopic pregnancy;
  • IVF planning (although more often in this case the tubes are tied).

As you can understand, pipe removal is carried out in extreme cases. Sometimes this procedure is the main condition for saving the patient’s life. Removing the affected tubes will help increase the chances of a successful pregnancy after IVF.

In general, pregnancy with one tube has positive reviews. It proceeds in the same way as in patients with two oviducts. This feature does not affect the process of bearing a child and childbirth.


Getting pregnant with one tube is much easier than many people think. If a woman has one tube removed or ligated, pregnancy can occur thanks to the second.

However, this requires one important condition - the second pipe must be absolutely healthy and function correctly.

There is a myth that the chances of getting pregnant with one fallopian tube are automatically reduced to 50%. However, in reality, this figure in some patients decreases by only 10%.

When talking about whether it is possible to give birth with one tube, you need to take into account many factors.

The following indicators are important in this case:

  • the woman's health status;
  • tendency to diseases of the reproductive organs;
  • patency of the second pipe.

It is also important how responsibly the man and woman approached the issue of conception, whether the deadlines and planning recommendations given by the doctor were followed.

If a woman is patient and follows all the necessary rules, pregnancy with one tube will become quite possible for her.


To understand what chances a woman has of getting pregnant with one tube, as well as to reduce the risk of ectopic pregnancy (which often occurs when the tube is partially patency), she is prescribed special diagnostic procedures:

  • Hysterosalpingography is a study during which a gynecologist checks the patency of the oviducts using a special solution and x-rays.
  • Hydrosalpingography - a special solution is injected into the fallopian tube. The doctor monitors how it moves through the organ using an ultrasound machine.
  • Laparoscopy. It is a surgical intervention. The surgeon makes several punctures in the patient’s lower abdomen, after which he uses special instruments to check the patency of the tubes. He can watch all his actions on the monitor screen. The advantages of laparoscopy include the fact that it allows not only to detect obstruction, but also to eliminate it. Thus, the chances of pregnancy after lapara with one tube will increase significantly.
  • Fertiloscopy. In this case, medical instruments are inserted through punctures in the vaginal wall.

In addition to the above procedures, to assess the chances of pregnancy, the doctor may recommend that the woman undergo an ovulation test and a blood test for hormones.

It is also important to examine the woman’s partner and perform a spirogram. Thus, it will be possible to understand how suitable male reproductive cells are for fertilization. If abnormalities are detected in any of the partners, treatment is prescribed.

The probability of pregnancy with one fallopian tube is quite high, provided that the remaining oviduct is absolutely healthy. It does not matter which pipe has been preserved: the right one or the left one.

For pregnancy to occur after tubal removal, partners must have regular sexual intercourse and not use contraception. During pregnancy planning, both men and women should give up bad habits (smoking, drinking alcohol), eat right, be often in nature, and avoid stressful situations if possible.

Light exercise won't hurt either. They will help improve blood circulation in the pelvic organs, eliminate blood stagnation and speed up the restoration of damaged tissues.

If a woman has previously had an ectopic pregnancy, she needs to adhere to all doctor’s recommendations and, if necessary, undergo a course of drug therapy and physical therapy. If a woman knows when she ovulates, it will also be much easier for her to conceive.

You can determine ovulation like this:

  • Use diagnostic tests. They are sold in pharmacies and are similar to pregnancy tests and work on the same principle. The procedure must be performed in the middle of the cycle for 5 days. You can determine the first day of testing as follows: subtract 17 from the total duration of the cycle. The resulting number must be counted from the first day of menstruation. You need to test once a day. There is no need to do this more often.
  • Check your basal temperature. This should be done in the morning after waking up, before getting out of bed. You can measure the temperature in the vagina or rectum. An increase in temperature to 37 degrees or more indicates ovulation.

During the period of conception, a woman must psychologically tune in to the fact that everything will work out for her. The man should also support her in this, because they both want a child.

Gynecologists advise planning a pregnancy after tube removal after 7 months (on average). This time is necessary for the complete restoration of women's health after surgery. During this period, patients are usually prescribed hormonal contraceptives. They will help avoid pregnancy and give the ovaries a chance to “rest.”

Don't be afraid of hormonal drugs. Contrary to popular belief, they do not harm the body and, on the contrary, are beneficial for the reproductive system. This has been proven by numerous studies.

OCs suppress ovulation, make cervical mucus thicker (this protects the uterus, fallopian tubes and ovaries from negative influences from external factors) and improve hormonal levels.

After discontinuation of the OC, the ovaries begin to work more intensively, as a result of which not one, but several eggs can mature in a woman in one cycle. Thus, the chances of pregnancy after stopping OC with one tube increase significantly.

Today, cross-fertilization is discussed quite often. The essence of this phenomenon is that a healthy fallopian tube intercepts a mature egg that has come out of the ovary, on the side of which there is no tube. Next, the egg moves through this tube to the uterus and if it meets a sperm, it merges with it.

Cross-pregnancy with one tube is rare, but it does occur.


The alarm should be sounded if, after 1 year of regular attempts to conceive, a woman has failed to become pregnant. This indicates infertility. In this case, partners should seek medical help. They will likely be offered in vitro fertilization, or ICSI.

Conception without tubes

Even those women who have both oviducts removed have a chance to carry the fetus and give birth to a child on their own. This does not require the help of a surrogate mother.

To achieve pregnancy without fallopian tubes, the patient can resort to the following procedures:

The gynecologist performs ovulation stimulation using hormonal drugs. Thanks to this, a woman matures not just one oocyte, as usual, but several. Next, the mature eggs are collected. For fertilization, the sperm of a man with whom the woman is in a relationship or donor sperm can be used. Before fertilization, biological material is sorted.

The specialist selects only high-quality eggs and sperm. After fertilization, the egg remains in the laboratory for some time, in the most suitable environment, and only after a few days the resulting embryos are transferred to the uterine cavity. Finally, the gynecologist checks whether the embryos have taken root in the uterus and in what quantity. If necessary, excess embryos are removed.

  • ICSI.

This procedure is almost similar to IVF. Its difference lies in the fact that with it, specialists perform an even more careful selection of germ cells.

However, it is important to understand that pregnancy without tubes is impossible naturally. If we talk about whether there were cases of pregnancy naturally without fallopian tubes, then such cases have not yet been observed.