The largest number of children born to one woman. From the book of records! The largest number of children and other parental records in the world Maximum number of children born

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The largest number of children born to one mother, according to official data, is 69. According to reports made in 1782, between 1725 and 1765. the wife of the Russian peasant Fyodor Vasilyev gave birth 27 times, giving birth to twins 16 times, triplets 7 times and twins 4 times. Of these, only 2 children died in infancy.

Of our contemporaries, the most prolific mother is considered to be Leontina Albina (or Alvina) from San Antonio, Chile, who in 1943-81. gave birth to 55 children. As a result of her first 5 pregnancies, she gave birth to triplets, all of them male.

Has given birth the most times

Elizabeth Greenhill of Abbots Langley, c., allegedly gave birth a record number of times - 38 times. Hertfordshire, UK. She had 39 children - 32 daughters and 7 sons - and died in 1681.

Largest number of multiple births in one family

Maddalena Granata from Italy (b. 1839) gave birth to triplets 15 times.

There is also information about birth on May 29, 1971 in Philadelphia, pcs. Pennsylvania, USA, and in May 1977 in Bagarhat, Bangladesh, 11 twins. In both cases, not a single child survived.

Most fertile pregnancies

Dr. Gennaro Montanino, Rome, Italy, claims to have removed the embryos of 10 girls and 5 boys from the uterus of a 35-year-old woman who was 4 months pregnant in July 1971. This unique case of 15th pregnancy was the result of taking fertility pills.

9 children - the largest number in one pregnancy - were born on June 13, 1971 by Geraldine Broadrick in Sydney, Australia. 5 boys and 4 girls were born: 2 boys were stillborn, and none of the rest lived more than 6 days.

Cases of the birth of 10 twins (2 boys and 8 girls) are known from reports from Spain (1924), China (1936) and Brazil (April 1946).

The father with many children

The most numerous father in the history of our country is considered to be the peasant of the village of Vvedensky, Yakov Kirillov, who in 1755, in connection with this, was presented to the court (he was then 60 years old). The peasant's first wife gave birth to 57 children: 4 times four, 7 times three, 9 times two and 2 times one. The second wife gave birth to 15 children. Thus, Yakov Kirillov had 72 children from two wives.

A woman's purpose is motherhood. And almost all women in the world go through this difficult and at the same time joyful path - the birth of a child. Childbirth is mysterious in itself: suddenly something develops out of nothing in nine months! The mystery of the birth of a new person causes delight or bewilderment.

Here are 10 of the most incredible records in the history of childbirth.

  1. The biggest baby in the world

According to the Guinness Book of Records, the heaviest newborn in the world to survive weighed 10.2 kg. This was a boy who was born in 1955 in the city of Aversa, Italy (Aversa). But the largest child that was recorded was born in 1879 and weighed more than 11 kg. Unfortunately, he died literally in the first hour of life.

There are constantly reports of children who weighed about 7 or 8 kg at birth. The largest and heaviest child in Germany, who was born naturally, was born in 2013 in Leipzig. The girl Yaslin weighed 6,110 grams, and her height was 57.5 cm. And in 2011, a boy weighing 6,080 grams was born in Berlin, but Jihad’s height was greater: 59 cm. The longest child in Germany - 62 cm - was born in 2016 year in the south of Hesse.

  1. The smallest child in the world

The smallest child in the world was born in Germany, weighing 226 grams and 22 cm tall. Emilia Grabarczyk was born in Witten, West Germany. Her leg was the size of an adult’s fingernail, and it weighed no more than a bell pepper. Nobody believed that she would survive. She was born at 26 weeks in 2016.

Before Emilia, the smallest child in the world was Rumaisa Rahman, born in Chicago at 25 weeks of pregnancy. Rumaysa weighed 244 g and her height was 25 cm.

  1. Youngest mother

The earliest pregnancy and earliest birth recorded by doctors was in 1939. The youngest mother was a 5-year-old Peruvian girl, Lina Medina. By the age of 4, her mammary glands were sufficiently developed, and at the age of 5, a characteristic expansion of the pelvic bones was already noted. Cases of such early puberty in girls are extremely rare, but still this fact is not isolated. The boy weighed 2.7 kg and was named Gerardo. To this day, no one knows who the father of this child was. For a long time, Lina’s father was suspected of raping his daughter.

  1. Oldest mother

In 2006, Spanish woman María del Carmen Bousada gave birth to twins at almost 67, using the services of the Los Angeles Fertility Center using donor materials.

The oldest IVF mother lives in India, her name is Rajo Devi. For more than 50 years of marriage, she was unable to get pregnant, and by the age of 69 she was mentally and financially mature for the IVF procedure. In 2008, the couple had a healthy daughter.

  1. Largest number of children

The largest number of children born to one mother, according to official data, is 69. Between 1725 and 1765, the wife of the Russian peasant Fyodor Vasilyev gave birth 27 times, giving birth to twins 16 times, triplets 7 times and twins 4 times. . Of these, only 2 children died in infancy.

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  1. Most multiple twins born at one time

33-year-old Nadya Suleman gave birth to eight twins in 2009 - two girls and six boys. All children are alive and well, and this is the only case of octuplets where all survived.

Nine and ten children were also born, but, unfortunately, not all children survived.

The German record is the sextuplets, who were born in 2008 in Berlin (four girls and two boys).

  1. Record for time difference between births

Elizabeth Ann Buttle has two children, Belinda and Joseph. The difference between them is 41 years and 185 days. Belinda Battle was born on May 19, 1956, when Elizabeth Ann was 19, and Joseph Battle was born on November 20, 1997, when her mother was 60 years old.

  1. Record for speed of childbirth

33-year-old Englishwoman Palak Vyvas gave birth to a daughter weighing 3.5 kg in 2 minutes. This birth was considered the fastest. The waters broke, and after just one push, a healthy girl was born, who was named Vedika.

  1. Myselfs long labor

In Ireland, 34-year-old Maria Jones-Elliott gave birth, which was included in the Guinness Book of Records. Their uniqueness lies in the fact that the woman gave birth to two twin girls with an interval of three months (87 days). This is the longest interval between births. Amy was born at 24 weeks and Katie remained in her mother's womb for another three months. Both children are healthy.

  1. The shortest gap between births

Jayne Bleackley from New Zealand gave birth to a son on September 3, 1999, and a daughter on March 30, 2000. This happened after 208 days, the girl was simply born prematurely.

The children of Englishwoman Sadie Budden are also only 208 days apart. Six and a half months after she gave birth to son Ronnie, daughter Sienna was born. The girl was born premature at 26 weeks.

10 most incredible records related to the birth of children updated: August 13, 2019 by: Anna Snisar

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˙·٠ ● ∀ THE WORLD OF VELES ∀ ● ٠·˙ Fire among the Slavs - mythology and semantics of the image Fire among the Slavs, like most peoples of antiquity, had dualistic attributes. That is, on the one hand, it gave light, warmth and life, and on the other, it could act as an unbridled force of spontaneous destruction. The example for the first case (fire in a positive context) is obvious - this is the fire of a home, where the whole family is warmed, on which food is prepared. The second example (fire in a conditionally negative context) is perceived as somewhat more difficult, because it is also dualistic. After all, the same forest fire is an unconditional eidolon (the highest embodiment) of destruction and death, it destroys trees and animals. And at the same time, the ash formed as a result of a forest fire nourishes the earth better than any fertilizer; the forest that grows on it instead of the old dense thicket will be strong and beautiful. Thus, fire among the Slavs simply could not have unambiguously negative characteristics, in fact, like any other non-anthropogenic factor. As for the phrase “spirits of fire among the Slavs,” in this regard we can recall the fire fighters. These are characters from Slavic folklore who, as our ancestors believed, lived in fire - in any fire, from the barely noticeable flame of a candle to the raging wall of the already mentioned forest fire. Ogneviki, as spirits of fire among the Slavs, did not have clearly defined traits. It was believed that they changed their appearance every minute, like fire itself, which is constantly changing. The spirits of fire among the Slavs could not be “bad” and “good”; they were an organic part of the surrounding world, existing outside of contact with human society. On the other hand, according to some legends, priests could communicate with firemen, who helped to foresee the future and sometimes shared secret knowledge. The firemen never lied, for “fire cannot lie.” Slavic spirits of fire in this regard are radically different from similar mythological creatures from other cultures. After all, the same Ababinili of the Mesoamerican Indians was a clear apotheosis of evil and destruction, and Ormuzd of the Zoroastrians, also the embodiment of fire, had only the most striking and positive characteristics. The spirits of fire among the Slavs simply exist, and if they have certain knowledge, a person can communicate with them, receiving some information. This plot, by the way, is quite vividly and clearly presented in “The Blue Bird” by M. Maeterlinck, who clearly drew inspiration from the myths of the Slavs. In addition to the spirits of fire, the Slavs had gods that were clearly correlated with this element. First of all, this is Semargl, he was the embodiment of solar, heavenly fire, depicted as a tall warrior with a fiery sword in his hand (although other incarnations of Semargl are known, for example, Finist and the winged dog). It is likely that the Christian Michael was “copied” from Semargl, because just as Michael is the “first warrior of the Lord,” so Semargl was the main defender of the heavenly throne. And the fiery sword appears in both images. In addition to Semargl, it is fair to recall the blacksmith god Svarog, who is directly associated with the element of fire. Svarog was always depicted with a blacksmith's hammer in his hands, according to legends - he forged (“bungled”) the world at the beginning of time. Its most obvious analogue is the Old Norse Volund. Regarding the god Agni, who is now attributed to the ancient Slavs, there are many questions in terms of the authenticity of the image. That is, for example, in Hinduism Agni was traditionally the god of fire (in fact, his name is translated from Sanskrit as “fire”), but we do not have any documentary or archaeological information that this image was present in the mythology of the Slavs. Thus, among the Slavs, fire naturally belonged to one of the original elements, being its “materialized” embodiment. Although it is obvious that at the same time there was an understanding of fire as an immaterial structure (and this is true for many cultures). After all, we are all well aware of phrases like “fire of love”, “flame of passion/rage”, “warm heart”, etc. The vastness of the semantics of these images suggests that fire among the Slavs (spirits of fire and not only) was an integral part of their life and was perceived as a kind of superpower present in human life everywhere, at all levels of existence.

Given that approximately 131 million babies are born around the world each year, it is not surprising that some end up with birth defects and anomalies. On average, newborns weigh 3.4 kilograms, but the range usually varies between 2.5 and 4.5 kilograms. Typically only 5% of all births fall outside this range, which is approximately 655,000 babies worldwide. The chances of survival of such children are usually minimal. Many doctors believe that one of the main causes of abnormal weight in newborns is gestational diabetes. Another possible cause is various genetic diseases, but this primarily applies to large children. Heavy weight can also be dangerous for mothers, although scientists have found that the average woman can normally tolerate a pregnancy with a fetus weighing up to 7 kilograms.

Below you can personally see the seven largest and seven smallest babies in the world who managed to be born and survive. In most cases, these children are alive and well to this day, suffering only fewer complications than they otherwise would have.

For greater convenience, the list has been divided into two parts: in the first, you will learn about the seven largest babies in the world, and in the second, the smallest.

7. George King - 7 kilograms

Jade gave birth to George King in 2013, at the time of his birth, George weighed only 200 grams less than the weight of the heaviest baby in the UK. Ryan and Jade did not expect that the baby would be so large; the birth process dragged on for as much as 16 hours. Jade shares her impressions: “When his head appeared, we realized that he would be very large. And then his shoulders got stuck, that’s when all the most painful things began. There were 20-odd doctors in my room, the presence of so many people scared me the most ".

6. JaMichael - 7 kilograms 250 grams

In 2011, a sweet little boy named JaMichael Brown was born in Texas. His mother, Janet Johnson, 39, and her fiance Michael were stunned when doctors told them their son weighed 7 kilograms and was 61 centimeters tall. Doctors suspect that the reason for the baby's unusual size was gestational diabetes, which Janet suffered from.

5. Sammisano Otuhiwa - 7 kilograms 300 grams

Sosefina Tagalu gave birth to a son in August 2013 in California. Doctors assumed that the whole boy would weigh 4.5-6.3 kilograms, but what was their surprise when Sammisano Otuhiwa was born! Sosefina was no less surprised than the doctors when she learned that the boy’s weight was 7.3 kilograms. This was a real record for the state of California; the boy surpassed Andrew Jacob Cervantes, who was born a few weeks earlier, whose birth weight was 6.85 kilograms.

4. Stephen Little - 7 kilograms 400 grams

This tiny Australian boy is now an adult, 52-year-old man. When he was born at Kempsey Hospital, West Kempsey, Australia, in January 1963, he was the largest newborn in Australia. By the way, Stephen’s older brother, Desmond, was born weighing 6.2 kilograms, so the boys’ mother was already mentally prepared for the non-standard size of her next son. Fortunately, the other nine children of this woman were not as huge as these two.

3. Nadya - 7 kilograms 720 grams

Nadya was the twelfth child in the family of Tatyana Barabanova from Siberia. The girl was born in 2007, and among her brothers and sisters there are several other “heavyweights”.

2. Muhammad Akbar Risuddin - 8 kilograms 670 grams

According to DailyMail, this boy was the largest newborn in Indonesia's history. Immediately after birth, he weighed 8.67 kilograms. His mother, Ani, decided to name the boy after the local mayor, Muhammad Akbar Risuddin. The baby was born by caesarean section, the operation was quite complex due to the size of the fetus, and lasted almost 40 minutes. Muhammad was the third child in the family of Muhammad Hasanuddin and Ani.

1. The heaviest child in the Guinness Book of Records - 10 kilograms 200 grams

Canadian Anna Hining Bates gave birth to a boy in her home in Seville, Ohio in 1879. The child weighed more than 10 kilograms and was 71 centimeters tall. Unfortunately, he lived only 11 hours and did not even have time to receive an official name. We weren't able to get a photo of him, so use your imagination to imagine a baby the size of a two-year-old.

Now it’s the turn of the tiniest newborns:

7. Faith - 425 grams

Baby Faith was born at 23 weeks of pregnancy in March 2013 at Langone Medical Center in Manhattan in New York. At birth, she weighed only 425 grams. Her mother, 42-year-old Mary Massey, gave birth to a girl 4 months before her expected due date.

6. Alexis Clark - 312 grams

After six months of intensive care at UCSD Medical Center in San Diego, Alexis Clark was finally able to move into her new home. She was born at 25 weeks' gestation in April 2013 to a woman named Laurie Clark. As Laurie herself says: “She was smaller than a soda can, but when I looked at her, I realized - this is my little angel.” Despite the fact that the chances of survival were approximately 25%, and Alexis herself experienced several health-threatening situations, she was eventually released home to her family.

5. Madeline Mann - 280 grams

Madeline Mann was born in 1989, and at birth her weight was only 280 grams, which was a world record at that time. Despite all the difficulties, she managed to survive: she had two more triplet sisters who died during the first 12 weeks of pregnancy. At 27 weeks, her mother decided to have a caesarean section because there were fears that she would lose her third child. The first few years of her life were incredibly difficult, but today everything is behind her: she plays the violin, is an excellent student and feels great.

4. Kenna Moore - 272 grams

Kenna Moore was an incredible baby when she was born in 2012, she had to spend another half a year in the hospital until doctors agreed to let her go to her parents. Nicky and Sam Moore, her parents, later learned that she was one of the smallest newborns to survive. The girl was born at 24 weeks, and her weight was 272 grams. Kenna stopped developing after the first 18 weeks, which caused concern among doctors, and a decision was made to give birth early.

3. Melinda Star Guido - 269 grams

In 2013, at 24 weeks of pregnancy, Melinda was born by caesarean section in Los Angeles. Her mother, 22-year-old Heidi Ibarra, was forced to leave the girl in an incubator for several months before she was able to take her home. Young parents hope that over time their daughter will get better and catch up with her peers in physical development.

2. Tom Thumb - 269 grams

In 2009, another tiny boy was born in Germany. He weighed only 269 grams and was born at 25 weeks of pregnancy. To survive, he required 24-hour care, a ton of medical equipment and other vital electronics. Fortunately, thanks to timely medical care, the boy survived and is currently alive and well.

1. Rumaisa Rahman - 244 grams

The world's smallest surviving baby girl was born in September 2004 at Loyola University Medical Center in Maywood, Illinois. At the time of birth, she weighed only 244 grams, while her twin sister weighed 567 grams. The babies were born at 26 weeks to the family of Mahajabin Shaik and Mohammed Abdul Rahman, who moved here from India. After 10 weeks, the girls were able to feed from baby bottles, and laser correction corrected their poor vision (a common problem in all premature babies).

The birth of one baby is a classic of the nature genre regarding the Crown of Creation, man. However, “thanks to” our intervention in nature and the development of artificial insemination technology, multiple pregnancies are no longer uncommon.

Twins and triplets are no longer a special feature. Women give birth to five, eight and even 11 children at once. We invite you to look at these courageous mothers, who at one time created a large, large family for themselves.

Identical 14-year-old twins were born as a quartet: Megan, Sarah, Kendra and Callie Durst became famous at the age of 6, and are now starring in a reality show about their lives.
According to data for 2005, 15 identical quadruplets were born in the world, 10 of them were sisters, but there are many more non-identical quadruplets. According to statistics, one quadruplet occurs in 700 thousand pregnancies.

The most famous, first and only case of the birth of five identical twins is the Canadian Dionne family. The girls were born in 1934 and for many years were a landmark of the province of Ontario, and according to the twins themselves, their fate was not an enviable one.

In 2013, quintuplets were born in Salt Lake City - 3 girls and 2 boys. It is noteworthy that the pregnancy occurred naturally.

Last year, 2016, 37-year-old Odessa resident Oksana Kobeletskaya gave birth to quintuplets, although the couple were expecting twins.

Nkem Chukwu from Texas gave birth to eight babies in December 1998. Moreover, on December 8 she gave birth to a girl, and on the 20th she gave birth to 5 more girls and two boys (one of the babies died shortly after giving birth).

In 2009, 33-year-old Nadi Suliman gave birth to eight twins - two girls and six boys. All children are alive and well, and this is the only case of octuplets where all survived.

Nineteens were born in 1971, 1972, 1976, 1977, 1979 and 1999, but, unfortunately, none of these 54 children survived

Ten children - until today was considered the largest number of children born from one pregnancy. In 1946, 8 girls and 2 boys were born in Brazil; there are also known cases of the birth of such a number of children in China in 1936 and in Spain in 1924. There is no information about whether the children survived.

42-year-old resident of the Indian city of Riley Maria Fernandez naturally gave birth to 11 children in 37 minutes. All are completely healthy boys, six of whom are identical twins. This phenomenon is included in the Guinness Book of Records. Thus, today 11 children born from one pregnancy are an absolute record.