Scientists have explained why cats don't miss their owners. The cat is missing the cat is missing the cat

Other reasons

He was right: cats do indeed walk on their own. Scientists from the University of Lincoln in the UK came to this not entirely unexpected conclusion. Their research can become a powerful argument in the long-standing debate between dog breeders and cat lovers about who is more devoted to their owners - cats or dogs? Despite the confidence of cat owners that their pets suffer at home when the owners go to work, experiments have shown that

That this is not true at all and in fact cats do not show separation anxiety at all.

Recent studies have shown that domestic cats have surpassed dogs in popularity among Europeans. There is an opinion that a cat is an ideal pet for those people who disappear for a long time at work.

“Past research has shown that some cats show signs of separation anxiety when abandoned by their owners, just as dogs do. However, the results of our study showed that cats are actually much more independent than dogs. It appears that what we called separation anxiety may simply be frustration,” says Professor Daniel Mills, author of the study published in the journal Plos One .

To investigate such a seemingly subjective issue as the loyalty and affection of cats to their owner, scientists used completely scientific methods for their experiment. They adapted the Ainsworth test, long known in psychology, which can be used to assess a child’s attachment to his mother.

These tests are mini-plays involving a mother, her baby and a stranger.

For the experiments, the researchers selected 20 cats and their owners. During the experiment, scientists observed the behavior of each cat in an unfamiliar environment - in an ordinary empty room with two chairs. Using a video camera, scientists assessed the behavior of cats alone, with their owners and with strangers. They especially paid attention to the behavior of cats after the owners left and during contact with them.

Observations have shown that cats actually meow louder when they are left by their owner rather than by a stranger. “But we see no additional reason to believe that the bond between cat and owner resembles secure attachment,” Mills says.

The so-called secure attachment is characteristic of most children: babies feel confident in an unfamiliar environment, but when they part with their mother they become upset and their curiosity decreases. Moreover, upon her return, they seek contact with her and continue to actively play.

“The cats' vocalizations may simply be a sign of frustration or a learned reflex, since no other signs of affection have been observed,” Mills says.

These experiments showed that cats exhibit more independent, autonomous behavior in unusual situations than dogs, for whom their owners provide a “safe haven” in terms of safety. The authors are not saying that cats are unable to form close emotional bonds with their owners, they are saying that

that cats do not associate owners with safety and security, especially in unfamiliar environments.

In experiments with cats whose owners considered them to be particularly affectionate, it turned out that the cats' behavior was not much different from the behavior of other animals, Mills added.

The authors offer several scientific explanations for cats' independence. Unlike dogs, these animals were domesticated not so long ago. In addition, their domestication did not have the express purpose of accustoming them to life in close proximity to humans. Therefore, the social behavior of cats is not characterized by the same close bonds that exist between humans and dogs. Therefore, as a rule, cats do not contact their owners as closely and for a long time as dogs do.

Honey, I’ve already started talking to the chair and having breakfast with the kettle. If you don't call me, I'll get into a serious relationship with a vacuum cleaner. 33 (13)

I would really like to see you on the pillow next to me and kiss you tightly! 68 (1)

I miss! I think about anything. For example, about you. Or about you. Or about you in general. 41 (3)

Come to me, my love,
The sex will be unique.
I love you, my cat,
I kiss your belly, and when I see you...
I'll kiss you even lower
I miss you very much!!! -1 (16)

I miss your hands that caress me.
I miss your eyes, which look at me with tenderness and care.
I miss your body, I miss your heart that loves me.
I miss you! I miss! 49 (1)

You are the only one for whom I suffer,
You're the only one I'm sad about
You are the one I dream about
You're the one I want to see 9 (5) - SMS to your beloved guy

You are caring and gentle,
Kind and attentive,
My bunny, you are the best!
the most wonderful! 31

How I want to hug you, press you tighter to my chest, kiss you quietly and never let you go... 31

(function (w, d, n, s, t) ( w[n] = w[n] || ; w[n].push(function () ( Ya.Context.AdvManager.render(( blockId: "R-A -132683-1", renderTo: "yandex_rtb_R-A-132683-1", horizontalAlign: false, async: true )); )); t = d.getElementsByTagName("script"); s = d.createElement("script "); s.type = "text/javascript"; s.src = "//"; s.async = true; t.parentNode.insertBefore(s, t); ))(this, this.document, "yandexContextAsyncCallbacks");

I would make only three wishes for the fish: to be with you, to be with you now, to be always with you. 7

I really want everything to be fine with you - but even more I want us to see each other again as soon as possible! 32

How hard it is when you are not around, how your warmth is missing. All the days of separation turned out to be hell, but know that I will still wait for you. 22

I’m lying in my crib and I miss you, I want you so much, I want to hug you, kiss you, hold you close to me. Dissolve in your arms and stay there all day and always fall asleep in them! 50

You are not here and I am offended, my heart is bored and melancholy. I don’t know if you miss you as much as I miss you... 22

I have to confess something to you, I can’t hide it from you anymore, I don’t want to hurt you, but you have to know that I miss you! 21 (6)

I miss you and I almost cry. You sent me an SMS and yourself in addition! 17

My mischievous tongue wants to play with you, wants to enter your mouth and turn you on a little! 17

My sunshine, I miss you so much that my heart is breaking with pain, I want to come to you so much, but kilometers separate us... 46

I wait for your touch, I wait for warmth from your hands, I always wait for you, my dear, even though you are far from me! 25

I miss you so much this night, unfortunately you are not with me. And only one thought comes to mind - I wish I could meet you soon! 23 (1)

Strange things happen in my head - I constantly think about you... 46

I can’t live without you, I don’t want to live without you, it’s impossible and impossible for me to be without you, because I miss you so much! 27

"I miss". It's a banal phrase, a simple fact, but I really miss you... A lot. 20

Even my phone gets bored without your call! 28

I miss my cat (he’s at home, and I’ve been at the dacha for more than a week). Do you think he misses me? and got the best answer

Answer from Natasha Uvarova[guru]
It's normal to miss those you love. As for cats, I can tell you my personal life example - I have two cats at home. One day my son and I went to another city for 3 weeks. and so our grandmother decided to listen to some recordings at our house and turned on the tape recorder. (she came to our apartment to look after the cats) my son’s voice came from the tape recorder (he was recording himself). The cats heard the voice of their owner and began to run around the rooms, looking for him and meowing. It was surprising to learn about this. but the cats missed their owners. and very often people say that cats are waiting for them from work, and this is also true. Animals get used to you as a member of their pride and worry when you are gone for a long time.

Answer from User deleted[guru]

Answer from SeTera[guru]
I’ll probably upset you... but animals don’t have higher forms of feelings... such as love, boredom... they have reflexes and instincts... although of course it’s more pleasant to think that of course they’re bored))) because they’re so happy when sees....

Answer from Natalia[newbie]
Super)) Question))

Answer from Dash4ka[active]
Oh, he's bored without food!! Come back home!!

Answer from Roxana MaKedonskaya[guru]
Kaneshshshna misses you! ! He doesn’t eat, doesn’t drink, doesn’t sleep, he’s emaciated, unhappy, haggard...

Answer from ЂATA-ART[guru]
The cat, alas, does not know emotions.... Only instincts.... If there is an instinct to interact with you, it means that he will miss it!! !
How old are you that you are interested in such problems?
I just stupidly always took MY cat with me....

Answer from RUSNOA[guru]
the cat misses pussy +)

Answer from I want to become a ballerina[guru]
yes, my cat was very bored in my distant childhood and was very offended that I hooted for a long time in the summer

Answer from Le Nochka[guru]
The bitter truth. I think no, he’s not bored.
What does a cat need? Food, warmth, and not to be touched by anyone...
He sleeps with pleasure, unless it’s too hot for him at home, he could only get some air and some grass... That would make him happy too.

Answer from Rita74[guru]
I think he's bored...

Answer from My girl, hide me :)[guru]
Science says that dogs are attached to people, and cats are attached to the house. But I think that animals have emotions, feelings, thoughts, and their own attachments, which means they get bored.

Answer from User deleted[guru]
I think yes. Last year, friends of ours left their cat for 3 weeks. It was a pity to look at her, how she yearned for them. but when they took her, she didn’t let them go anywhere for a month. I followed them everywhere.

Answer from Olga[guru]
Yes, he is very bored... really, really... cats need human warmth and communication... And they also know how to get bored

Answer from User deleted[newbie]
Are you sure that he is still alive? Just kidding... BUT animals do not live by instincts alone, and there is a lot of evidence for this.
There was a period in my life (I was 8 years old) when there was absolutely nothing to eat in the house. The cat was hovering around my feet and asking for food, my mother told her that Murka had nothing to eat, go catch mice. What a surprise we were when a couple of hours later our Murka She brought the rat, put it under her mother’s feet and left.
And you say “they live by instincts.” Bored.