Pension reform in the year of the funded part. The Ministry of Finance plans pension reform after the presidential elections

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Until 2002, Russia had a distribution pension system “inherited” from the Soviet past. This system was able to provide a decent level of pensions - but only in the case of a favorable demographic situation, when the number of workers in the country significantly exceeds the number of pensioners.
Today, this principle works with a “slippage” - for each pensioner there are only 1.5 workers, and the number of pensioners is increasing from year to year.

The changing demographic situation and the increase in the number of elderly people receiving pensions in the country forced us to pay attention to the experience of European countries and try to apply it in Russian conditions.

Since 2002, pension reform began, aimed at motivating Russians to independently earn a high pension for themselves. The key idea of ​​the pension reform was principle of accumulation. The main goal of the reform was to provide Russians with a decent future pension and to establish a direct dependence of its size on length of service, wages, time of retirement, as well as voluntary contributions towards a future pension. Let us note that the experience of a number of European countries where there is a mandatory funded pension system is truly positive, and the average pension there is about 60% of the salary level.

Today, every working citizen of the Russian Federation born in 1967 participates in the compulsory pension insurance system, according to which the future state pension is formed from insurance contributions from the employer, transferred monthly for the employee to the Pension Fund of Russia.

To calculate the insurance pension according to the new rules, the concept of “individual pension coefficient” (pension point) has been introduced, which evaluates each year of a citizen’s work activity. The number of pension points depends on the accrued insurance contributions to the compulsory pension insurance system and the length of the insurance (work) experience. The value of the pension point will be determined and changed annually. Note that when forming an insurance pension, contributions are only “reflected” on the account, but in reality they go to pay pensions to current pensioners.

The funds that form the future funded pension do not go to payments to pensioners, but are invested annually. This is money that can be managed, and which - importantly - will continue to be accounted for in rubles and paid to legal successors at the accumulation stage.

Until the end of 2015, every citizen born in 1967 and younger had the right to choose the option of their own pension provision - to direct the entire amount of the employer's insurance contributions to finance only the insurance pension or to distribute this amount to finance funded and insurance pensions.

Important! In 2014 and 2015 in accordance with the provisions of the Federal Law of 04.12.2013 No. 351-FZ (as amended by the Federal Law of 01.12.2014 No. 410-FZ) “On amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation on issues of compulsory pension insurance in terms of the right of insured persons to choose a pension option » insurance contributions for compulsory pension insurance, paid by employers for their employees, were allocated in full to the formation of an insurance pension.

The receipt of insurance contributions to the funded pension was supposed to resume in 2016, but the state extended the moratorium on the transfer of insurance contributions to the funded pension for another year. Thus, during 2016, all employer insurance contributions will be taken into account in the insurance pension (Federal Law No. 373-FZ of December 14, 2015).

In 2016 and later, citizens who made a choice in favor of maintaining contributions to a funded pension or refused its further formation in favor of an insurance pension retain the right to change the insurer and transfer the generated pension savings funds from the Pension Fund of Russia to a non-state pension fund, as well as change your non-state pension fund to a more reliable one.

Participants State co-financing programs for pensions may also continue to increase future funded pensions. The minimum voluntary contribution at which state support is provided is 2,000 rubles per year (subject to payment of the first contribution in the amount of 2,000 rubles before January 31, 2015). The state doubles the contributed funds at the rate of no more than 12,000 rubles per year.

And finally, you can independently, at your own expense, save up for additional income by concluding a non-state pension agreement.

Confidence in your future is built on the understanding that everyone who is already working or just starting their career should take an active position in the matter of their pension savings.

Take care of your future in advance - form your future pension capital with OJSC NPF GAZFOND Pension Savings.

The Ministry of Finance has prepared a plan for reforming the pension system, which provides for raising the retirement age and canceling payments to working pensioners

The Ministry of Finance sent a pension reform plan to the Ministry of Labor, compiled after a February meeting with Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, reports the Vedomosti newspaper.

Document consists of six points, and Some of them are not heard for the first time. In particular, the Ministry of Finance proposes to equalize the retirement age men and women at the level 65 years, increasing it in increments of 6-12 months per year. The project also provides for the refusal to pay pensions or at least its fixed part for working pensioners.

In addition, the Ministry of Finance proposes not to pay early pensions to those who are entitled to them in connection with work in hazardous and hazardous industries and continue to work there. E This category makes up more than 50% of all " early workers ", notes the department.​ For early workers -public sector employees (teaching, medical, creative workers) Ministry of Finance proposes to raisethe length of service required to establish early retirement, one year at a time, until it coincides with the generally established retirement age.

Another proposal is to establish a single social insurance tariff and collect contribution to the Pension Fund not from salaries up to a certain limit, but from the entire salary. In fact, the Ministry of Finance “proposes to quietly increase taxes and reduce social obligations,” Vedomosti writes, citing the words of a source in the government apparatus. The pension reform project also provides for a reduction indexation of pensions for 2017, but only - it is not specified.

The draft also included a proposal to cancel compulsoryness of the funded component and transfer it from the compulsory pension insurance system to quasi-voluntary , while introducing incentives for voluntary savings. The Ministry of Finance, together with the Central Bank, outlined the details in a presentation that was sent to individual officials of the White House and the Kremlin administration. As on April 27, Kommersant, the Central Bank and the Ministry of Finance propose to provide citizens ownership rights to their pension savings and the ability to spend them before retirement age. According to this idea, citizens will pay savings contributions from salaries in the amount of 0 to 6%. The savings part is offered rename into “individual pension capital”, into whichEverything previously accumulated will also be included, Vedomosti writes.

The Ministry of Finance proposes to switch to the voluntary principle of funded contributions from 2019. Deadlines implementation other initiatives are not specified in the document.

Video: RBC TV channel

As Medvedev's press secretary Natalya told the newspaper Timakova , while offers Ministry of Finance and Central Bank were not discussed at the government level. Buta federal official said theywere discussed at meetings with both First Deputy Prime Minister Igor Shuvalov and Dmitry Medvedev. According to him, proposals of the Ministry of Finance on the tariff of insurance premiums and indexation of pensions caused sharp resistance from the social block of the government, although he agrees with the reform of early pensions. Reform of the pension system as a whole is being discussed outside the context of the autumn elections to the State Duma, but a fundamental paradigm shift is possible only after 2018, noted the federal official.

Authorities n raising the retirement age of Russians against the backdrop of the development of the first anti-crisis plan in 2015. reform after the completion of the State Duma elections, that is, at the end of 2016. The basic proposal, he said, was to establish an equal retirement age of 63 for women and men. “Another option is to leave the gap at five years and raise it to 60 and 65 years respectively. From my point of view, this is less rational,” said Ulyukaev.

At the beginning of 2015, the Ministry of Finance also gradually raised the retirement age so that it would eventually reach 63 for both men and women. But later the department took a position and announced the need to increase the retirement age to 65 years for men and women.

At the beginning of 2016, a new pension reform appeared in Russia. Undoubtedly, the size of the pension will increase, but it will be calculated in a new way.

We will tell you what the pension reform will affect, who will be able to receive an old-age pension in 2016, and also determine what disadvantages the changes will bring in the future.

How is the pension calculated in 2016 - parameters and conditions for calculating the pension 2016

The main document providing for all changes is federal law number 385 and the title “On suspension of certain provisions of legislative acts of the Russian Federation, amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation and amendments to the specifics of increasing the insurance pension, fixed payment to the insurance pension and social pensions,” approved on December 15, 2015.

The new recalculation system is to accrue allotted money not in rubles, but in points . Moreover, the rate of one point will be revised annually.

Points will be awarded depending on:

  1. Your salary.
  2. Work experience.
  3. The age at which you plan to retire.
  4. Special contributions that you transferred to the labor part of the pension.
  5. Choice of pension provision.
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The Russian government is currently actively pursuing pension reform. Now the old-age pension consists of its insurance part and the funded part. Such concepts as individual pension coefficients (pension points), a fixed payment to the insurance pension, and increasing coefficients have been introduced.

At the same time, a number of laws were adopted, according to which the requirements for the minimum length of service and the required number of pension points to receive a pension are increased.

Pension reform - this is a targeted state policy associated with changes in current legislation, aimed at changing the conditions of pension provision.

An innovation was the increase in the retirement age from 2019.

Thus, as a general rule, an old-age pension is assigned and paid to insured persons upon reaching the age of:

  • 65 years for men,
  • 60 years - for women.

The new pension legislation stipulates that the following mandatory conditions are also required to receive a pension:

  1. the presence of a minimum insurance period (the pension reform provides for an annual increase in the minimum work experience from 5 years in 2015 to 15 years by 2024);
  2. the value of pension points (IPK) (since 2015, pensions are assigned if there are pension points of at least 6.6, followed by an annual increase of 2.4 to 30 points by 2025).

The law proposes to set the retirement age for men at 65 years and for women at 63 years.

After the Government of the Russian Federation proposed raising the retirement age, deputies of the A Just Russia party introduced a draft law on the abolition of pension points and maintaining the retirement age limit at 60 years for men and 55 years for women to the State Duma of the Russian Federation for consideration. The size of the pension in the draft law depends only on the length of service and the salary received. More information about the draft law can be found here.

Opinion of Russian President V.V. Putin on raising the retirement age

Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, in interviews before 2018, repeatedly stated that the issue of raising the retirement age was not being considered.

After considering the bill on raising the retirement age in the first reading, Putin V.V. August 29, 2018 in a televised address addressed the citizens of the Russian Federation and expressed his opinion.

Putin V.V. stated that raising the retirement age is a necessary measure.

The President of the Russian Federation proposed a number of measures that would make it possible to mitigate the decisions made as much as possible.

Below are excerpts from an interview with Vladimir Vladimirovich, the full text of which was published on the website of the President of the Russian Federation.

1. The retirement age for women should not increase more than for men. Therefore, I consider it necessary to reduce the increase in the retirement age for women proposed by the bill from 8 to 5 years.

Thus, women will be able to retire at the age of 60.

Further. Provide the right to early retirement for mothers of many children. That is, if a woman has three children, she will be able to retire three years early. If there are four children - four years earlier. But for women who have five or more children, everything should remain as it is now; they will be able to retire at 50.

2. The retirement age is expected to be raised gradually. So that people can adapt to a new life situation and make their plans. In this regard, I propose that citizens who were scheduled to retire under the old legislation in the next two years be given a special benefit - the right to apply for a pension six months earlier than the new retirement age.

For example, a person who, according to the new retirement age, will have to retire in January 2020, will be able to do this already in July 2019.

3. What worries and even, I would say, scares people of pre-retirement age? They are afraid of facing the risk of losing their job. With the fact that they may be left without a pension and without a salary. After all, after fifty, it is really difficult to find a job.

In this regard, we must provide additional guarantees that will protect the interests of older citizens in the labor market. Therefore, for the transition period, I propose to consider the pre-retirement age to be five years before the retirement date. I repeat, a whole package of measures is needed here. Thus, I think it is necessary to establish administrative and even criminal liability for employers for dismissing workers of pre-retirement age, as well as for refusing to hire citizens because of their age.

I instruct the Government to approve a special training program for citizens of pre-retirement age. It should start working as early as possible and be financed from the federal budget.

And if a person of pre-retirement age decides to quit on his own, voluntarily and has not yet found a new job, then in this case we must strengthen his social guarantees. In this regard, it is proposed to increase the maximum amount of unemployment benefits for citizens of pre-retirement age by more than double - from 4,900 rubles, as now, to 11,280 rubles from January 1, 2019 - and set the period of such payment to one year.

And finally, it is also necessary to establish the employer’s obligation to annually provide employees of pre-retirement age with two days of free medical examination while maintaining their salary.

4. When making changes, you cannot follow a template. We have already provided for the preservation of benefits for miners, workers in hot shops, chemical plants, Chernobyl victims, and a number of other categories.

We must support the villagers too. It has been repeatedly discussed and even decided on the need for a 25 percent supplement to the fixed payment of the insurance pension for non-working pensioners living in rural areas who have at least 30 years of experience in agriculture. But the entry into force of this decision was postponed. I propose to start these payments on January 1, 2019.

5. Those who started working early should have the opportunity to retire not only by age, but also taking into account the length of service they have earned.

The bill now establishes that the length of service that gives the right to early retirement is 40 years for women and 45 years for men. I propose reducing the length of service that gives the right to early retirement by three years: for women to 37 years, and for men to 42.

Yes, these benefits have traditionally been provided only upon retirement. But in this case, when changes are coming to the pension system, and people were counting on these benefits, we are obliged to make an exception for them, to provide benefits not in connection with retirement, but upon reaching the appropriate age. That is, as before, women will be able to take advantage of benefits when they reach 55 years of age and men from 60 years of age. Thus, even before retirement, they will no longer pay taxes on their house, apartment, or garden plot.

In custody The President of the Russian Federation noted that, as is known, many experts still believe that we have delayed too much in resolving the issues that are being discussed today. I don't think so. We just weren't ready for this before. But you really can’t put it off any longer. This would be irresponsible and could lead to dire consequences in the economy and social sphere, and have the most negative impact on the fate of millions of people, because, now it is already clear, the state will have to do this anyway, sooner or later. But the later, the tougher these decisions will be. Without any transition period, without maintaining a number of benefits and those mitigating mechanisms that we can use today.

Thus, raising the retirement age in Russia is inevitable. And, as changes in legislation show, this will happen in 2019.

More details about retirement age in Russia You can read the article at the link.

Strategy for the development of pension policy proposed by Kudrin

The Center for Strategic Research, led by Alexei Kudrin, has prepared for Vladimir Putin a plan for creating a sustainable pension system, the goal of which is to increase payments without increasing budget expenditures.

Important. The essence of Kudrin’s plan comes down to ensuring an increase in pensions relative to the subsistence level by reducing the number of people receiving these payments. It is proposed to increase the retirement age to 63 years for women and to 65 years for men!

In addition to raising the retirement age, it is also proposed to tighten the conditions for receiving a pension:

  1. The minimum length of service for calculating an insurance pension (which is now increasing annually to 15 years by 2024) will be further increased to 20 years.
  2. The strategy proposes to increase the minimum number of pension points (which also increases to 30 by 2025) to 52.
  3. The social pension, which is received by those who did not earn on insurance, is proposed to be assigned upon reaching 68 years of age.

At the same time, it is planned to tighten the conditions for granting early pensions: for example, the minimum required length of service for doctors and teachers will be increased to 35 years (currently doctors have the right to retire early after working for 25 years). Read about who has the right to retire early in the article at the link.

According to CSR calculations, this will increase the ratio of the insurance pension to the cost of living and reduce the transfer from the budget to finance pensions.

What to expect from pension reform in 2019-2020

The main positive aspect as a result of the reform and raising the retirement age is the annual indexation and increase in the pension amount by an average of 1 thousand rubles. As a result, it is expected that the average pension will increase to 20 thousand rubles.

In addition to raising the retirement age, the issue of forming the funded part of the pension also remains relevant.

Let us remind you, transfers of funds to the funded part of pensions in Russia have been frozen since 2014.

The funded part of pensions in Russia will definitely not be formed in the next three years, confirmed Deputy Prime Minister Olga Golodets, without ruling out its complete abolition.

Let us note that the budget of the Russian Pension Fund for 2018–2020 was drawn up on the basis that the entire volume of the insurance premium tariff will be allocated to the insurance part of pensions. The formation of pension savings is not provided for in the budget in 2019–2020.

Currently, the Government of the Russian Federation is developing concepts for an individual pension capital system, which should replace the mandatory formation of pension savings. According to the assumption of Deputy Minister of Finance Alexei Moiseev, the new system will start working in 2020.

Now citizens who have not yet decided on the method of forming pension savings within the framework of the new rules will have to finally decide whether they will remain in the state insurance system or start saving additionally for retirement. Based on their decision, pension savings will either go to the selected non-state pension fund, or they will be converted into points and they will become part of the regular insurance pension.

Thus, it is assumed that the Russian Pension Fund will lose its functions as an insurer for the funded part of the pension.

Participation in the new system will be voluntary, but entry into it will be by default. That is, a person will need to write a statement if he does not want to participate in it, and not vice versa. This is done to ensure that people take a more meaningful approach to saving for their future retirement.

Salary savings will be deducted by default unless they submit an opt-out request.

Each person who wants to increase their individual pension capital will be able to contribute any percentage of their salary to the system at their own discretion. For this he will receive tax benefits. For contributions within six percent of the salary, he will receive a classic tax deduction, i.e. There is no need to pay income tax on this money.

It is assumed that if a person saved for retirement, but found himself in a difficult life situation, for example, became seriously ill, received a disability of the first or second group, or lost a close relative, he will be allowed to withdraw this money from the pension system and spend it on more pressing needs, for example , treatment.

Prepared by "Personal"

The current realities in the economy and social sphere have led to the need for changes and improvement of the pension system, which has been put into effect since 2002. By 2010, all its advantages and disadvantages became visible. The question became obvious about making changes in the formation of pension rights of future pensioners on the basis of balance and fair treatment of all.

  • New rules introduced in January 2015 are based on the impact of wages and length of insurance coverage on.
  • In addition, more at the request of the citizen also will affect the size his future payment upward.

The new calculation of pensions encourages citizens to work and earn good money, while everyone is responsible for the formation of their own pension capital and has the right to choose the most effective one.

There were no global changes in pension legislation by 2018 (except for the extension of the abolition of indexation for working pensioners and the increase in the retirement age for civil servants), therefore, as such, a new pension reform is not expected in the near future.

The essence of the reform being carried out in 2015

Since the beginning of 2015 in Russia there have been new rules introduced formation of pension savings. If previously the pension consisted of three parts: basic, insurance and funded, now it is represented by the following components:

  • fixed payment;
  • insurance pension;
  • funded pension.

One of the innovations was the calculation of pensions in individual odds, and not in absolute values ​​as before. This will better protect the pension capital of citizens. Accumulated points will be converted into rubles at .

An important innovation was the possibility of whether or not to form a funded pension. However, to increase the security of pension savings, the moratorium on their formation was extended in 2016, 2017 and 2018. At the same time, intensive work is underway to corporatize non-state pension funds.

Back in 2016, some changes also took place, which included the abolition of indexation of pensions for working pensioners and raising the retirement age for civil servants to 63 and 65 years.

Formation of insurance and funded pensions

Employers make monthly payments towards the future pension of their employees to form their pension rights. General tariff such contribution amounts to 22% of salary, of which 6% is a solidarity tariff, which is not taken into account in the account of the insured person, but is sent to pay a fixed amount to current pensioners.

The remaining 16% of the contribution can be distributed according to two options:

  • only for insurance payment (16%);
  • for insurance and savings (10% and 6%).

These percentages are recorded in the personal account of the insured person and then converted into points.

Citizens over 1966 year of birth is installed . This is the main type of pension in Russia, which is a guaranteed monthly payment to existing pensioners due to their loss of their main income.

Until 2016, citizens born in 1967 and younger had the right to choose a pension option. Currently, this right is retained only for those who are getting a job for the first time. They can make their choice within the first five years of his work activity.

The main document that laid the foundation for the pension reform in Russia was the law “About insurance pensions” No. 400-FZ dated December 28, 2013, which contains:

  • division of labor pension into two types (insurance and funded);
  • a new pension calculation formula based on the sum of accumulated individual coefficients and the cost of one point;
  • new conditions for assigning payments (presence of a minimum amount of points and insurance experience);
  • increasing coefficients have been introduced when applying for a pension after the established period;

The emergence of the right to a funded pension, as well as the conditions for its assignment and payment are contained in the law “About funded pension” No. 424-FZ of December 28, 2013. The insurer for the formation of such payment in the OPS system are various non-state pension funds, whose activities in the new conditions are regulated by the adopted law No. 410-FZ of December 28, 2013. “On Amendments to the Federal Law “On Non-State Pension Funds”.

To protect the voluntary investments of citizens, a pension savings guarantee system, which is reflected in Law No. 422-FZ of December 28, 2013.

To resolve issues regarding early payments if you have the required length of service in the relevant types of work and the mandatory payment of insurance premiums at an additional rate, two laws have been adopted:

  • No. 426-FZ dated December 28, 2013 “On special assessment of working conditions”;
  • No. 421-FZ dated December 28, 2013 “On amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation”.

Calculation of pensions under the new law

Pension payments introduced in our country in 2015 are based on several basic parameters:

  • remained unchanged at 60 years for and at 55 years for ;
  • the higher the official salary, the more insurance contributions are transferred to the citizen’s personal account, the higher his future pension (the minimum amount of individual coefficients accrued for each year of work should be 30 points by 2025, gradually increasing from 6.6 in 2015 ( in 2018 13.8 points));
  • the duration will be 15 years in 2024, gradually increasing from 6 years in 2015 (9 years in 2018);
  • Every citizen who begins his working career has the right to choose whether to form a funded pension or refuse it during the first five years of work.

The formula for calculating the insurance pension under the new law is as follows:

SP = FV + IPK x SPK,

  • JV- amount of insurance pension;
  • FV- the size of a fixed amount;
  • IPC- the amount of accumulated points;
  • SPK- cost of one coefficient.

The PV is an analogue of the basic part of the labor pension; it is guaranteed by the state and is set in a fixed amount at the same time as the payment is assigned.

A feature of the IPC is that it is accrued in some non-insurance periods, such as military service on conscription, parental leave, time caring for a disabled person of the first group, a disabled child.

Thus, the pension rights of citizens accumulated until 2015, will be converted into the sum of individual coefficients, to which points will be added for each year of insurance experience after 2015.

Citizens already receiving payments do not need to contact the Pension Fund; their rights will remain the same when converted into pension points. the pension amount will not be reduced.

Pension reform in 2018 in Russia

At the beginning of 2017 and 2018, a number of provisions of pension legislation has undergone changes:

  • the moratorium on indexation of pensions for working recipients was extended;
  • from 2017, the retirement age of federal and municipal civil servants was increased to 63 and 65 years;
  • the “freeze” of contributions to pension savings under the compulsory pension system has been extended.

Some citizens perceive such changes as a new pension reform, but this is not entirely true. Pension reform involves more global changes in the order of assignment, calculation and payment of pensions, and the changes that occurred in the 2016s, 2017s and 2018s. - this is just making amendments to already existing legislative acts, so they, in fact, "pension reform" cannot be named.

Will there be an increase in the retirement age?

Since 2010, the issue of raising the retirement age has been repeatedly raised for discussion in the State Duma, but there are still fewer supporters of the implementation of such a theory than its adherents.

But it's not that simple. Indeed, the imbalance in the pension system and the lack of funds for current payments should lead to the adoption of measures that can change the situation for the better.

  • Initially increasing age will save budget funds, but later the opposite effect may occur, since the payment will be calculated for a shorter period and, accordingly, in a larger amount.
  • In addition, the unemployment rate may increase and more funds will be required to maintain stability in the social sphere.

However, positive developments in the economic sphere, as well as the intended trend towards increasing the life expectancy of our citizens, give grounds for the parties involved in the dispute to agree with the need to make adjustments to the existing pension system by 2019.

Increasing the retirement age for civil servants from 2017

One of the measures to reform the budget deficit situation around the Pension Fund was to increase the retirement age for civil servants. The corresponding law No. 143-FZ was signed by the President on May 23, 2016.

According to the new rules since January 2017 follows:

  • raising the retirement age of civil servants by 8 years for women and 5 years for men;
  • raising the age limit for civil service: for senior managers - up to 70 years, for others - up to 65 years;
  • increasing the minimum amount of experience from 15 to 20 years.

It is worth noting that the increase in age and required experience will take place gradually until 2026.

Many analysts agree that this measure will prepare the population for an increase in the retirement age for all citizens. Others believe that such a principle is not dominant in state policy and talk about the importance of stimulating citizens to retire later.

Indexation of pensions for working pensioners in 2018

Due to the difficult economic situation in the country, for the first time in 2016, those pensioners who continued their working activities after retirement were eligible. In February this year, the payment was increased as of November 30, 2016. Moreover, those who quit their jobs between October 1, 2015 and March 31, 2016 had to contact the Pension Fund for indexation.

Since April 2016, such a need has disappeared, since employers submit monthly reports, promptly informing the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation about the fact of their employees’ work activities.

It is important to note that when re-employed, the pension cannot be reduced.

Moratorium on the formation (freezing) of a funded pension

In 2017, the ban on the formation of funded pensions for citizens was extended. This measure does not in any way affect the income of the population or the size of their future pension. All insurance premiums transferred to their personal accounts will be taken into account in calculating their future pension payment.

The introduction of a moratorium on pension savings in 2014 nevertheless caused a wave of criticism from citizens. However, this decision was caused by the ineffective operation of the existing accumulation system and the insecurity of citizens’ voluntary investments.

Due to the crisis situation of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, a moratorium extended in 2018, while this measure will continue to be in effect until 2020.

The “freezing” of funded pensions made it possible to carry out large-scale work to inspect numerous non-state pension funds and take measures for the effective management of funds invested by Russians, as well as the creation of a whole pension savings guarantee systems. Now, in order to carry out further work, the NPF must receive the appropriate