Pension reform of the LPR. The Pension Fund of the LPR clarified the procedure for providing pensions to those discharged from military service


Italian researchers (Elvio Carlino, Liberato De Caro, Cinzia Giannini) from the Institute of Crystallography in Bari, Italy, led by Professor Giulio Fanti from the University of Padua, have used state-of-the-art equipment to what to consider in the smallest - nano - details of the fiber of the Shroud of Turin.

Transmission Electron Microscopy and Wide Angle X-ray Scanning Microscopy, which they acquired, made it possible to see what had previously eluded their predecessors.

The Italians believe they have found particles of blood - real human blood - on the tissue. And in them - ferritin - a biological substance based on iron and creatinine - an amino acid complex that enters the blood from the muscles. These substances were present in such a characteristic form, which allowed us to conclude: the blood belongs to a person who was mercilessly tortured - tortured and not allowed to drink.

The results obtained refute the assumptions of skeptics that substances containing iron were part of the red paint, which depicted wounds and blood stains on the body imprinted on the shroud.

Jesus died a terrible death. But then resurrected, as the Bible says

The Shroud of Turin is a linen cloth 437 cm long and 111 cm wide. It is kept in the Italian city of Turin in the Cathedral of St. John the Baptist. There are two negative typos of a human body with traces of mutilations on the canvas - in front and behind.

Some believe that it was in this canvas that the Savior, taken down from the cross, was wrapped, whose body was imprinted on the fabric in a supernatural way. Skeptics doubt. And they suspect that the shroud is still fake. That is, the image on it, if not drawn, is somehow obtained artificially. The two sides have been arguing bitterly for years. With varied success.

Skeptics cite studies in 1988, when three independent laboratories conducted radiocarbon dating of tissue. Result: the shroud was made in the period from 1260 to 1390. That is, it follows from the conclusion that it cannot be real, since the Savior was crucified in 33 AD. And the Vatican, considering the shroud to be the most valuable relic, does not recognize it as the true burial cloth of Jesus.

In the Vatican, the Shroud is considered a shrine, but is not recognized as genuine.

Enthusiasts rely on scientists who find more and more oddities in the image printed on the canvas. The current finds are among them. Found on the leg figures. It was from there that samples of the fibers provided for "nonoscopic" studies were taken.

The Italians published the results in the scientific journal PlosOne called Atomic resolution studies detect new biologic evidences on the Turin Shroud. Accompanied by pictures. On one of them - a thread of fiber with red balls stuck to it. Scientists assure that these balls are particles of blood.

A thread of fiber from the Shroud of Turin with blood particles (shown by red arrows)

Other pictures show what is inside these stuck particles. There are even smaller biological objects - particles of creatinine in combination with ferritin. These substances are part of the blood, their concentration increases in people who have received numerous injuries. As well as dehydration and heavy physical exertion.

A particle of blood from the shroud with the inclusion of smaller biological nanoparticles

Conclusion: on the shroud - the blood of the martyr. Most likely Jesus Christ. Why not? Because many people believe in it. And the Son of God suffered in a way that no one wishes: his whole body was beaten, he experienced the heaviest loads when he carried his cross to the place of execution, he suffered on the cross, having spent several hours in the scorching heat. In a word, everything converges.


It's probably him after all.

Professor Giulio Fanti, a recognized expert in mechanics and thermal measurements, argues for the authenticity of the Shroud of Turin not for the first time. He has a whole book of them. For example, the scientist has no doubts: the fabric of the Shroud of Turin was made during the time of Jesus Christ.

And even earlier - about 3 centuries before his birth. Such results, according to Fanti, were given by infrared spectroscopy and a comparison of the fibers of the shroud with other ancient samples, the dates of which were known.

The professor knows about the "sentence of the three laboratories". But he believes that the results of radiocarbon dating were distorted by the effect of fire and water on the fabric - it suffered in a fire. Moreover, the shroud was boiled in sunflower oil, trying to clean it from soot.

In 2011, the National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development of Italy (Enea) published a report with the results of five years of research on the Shroud of Turin, in which a group of American scientists from the STURP (Shroudof Turin Reasearch Project) association took part.

“The double image, frontal and back, of a man subjected to torture and crucifixion, which is viewed on the linen fabric of the Shroud of Turin,” the authors of the report said, “has numerous unusual characteristics, chemical and physical, which are currently impossible to reproduce in laboratory conditions, impossible to repeat , and hence to falsify the images on the shroud. But this also does not allow us to formulate a reliable hypothesis about the mechanism of imprint formation. Today, science is not able to explain how the imprint of the body was formed on the shroud.”


The Savior had a fourth blood type

Enthusiasts who believe in the authenticity of the Shroud of Turin have long believed that the blood on it is real human. Even her group was identified - IV (AB).

On the Shroud of Turin, in addition to blood, traces of fluid were found that are released from traumatic wounds, - said the famous American chemist Alan Adler. - It's ichor, or plasma. The fact that such a liquid exists at all, doctors became aware only in the twentieth century. Even the most skillful mystifier could not know that these marks should be applied to the fabric. She was in contact with a real body - no more than three days.

Long before the current "nanoscopic studies", some scientists argued that there was an increased content of bilirubin in the blood on tissues. And it indicates that the person died in a state of stress, under torture. Allegedly, by the set of chromosomes in leukocytes, it was possible to determine that the sex of the one whose blood was shed on the shroud is male.


Traces of torture

The pattern on the fabric is also visible to the naked eye. But it is more noticeable in photographs that were taken at different times. Especially with the help of methods used by criminologists - shooting in infrared, ultraviolet rays, in polarized light. Visible, according to Professor Carleton Kuhn, facial features "belonging to the Semitic type." A small beard, mustache, hair are noticeable, some strands of which are braided.

Wounds that can be seen on the body imprinted on the Shroud of Turin

The face is all beat up. According to doctors, the blows were inflicted with a stick about 5 centimeters thick. Wounds on the back, forearms and legs. Of these, 98 pieces are very characteristic. The researchers checked: these are the flagrums left - ancient scourges with strips of hard leather, to which metal pins are attached.

On the head are multiple - 30 pieces - punctures, as if something prickly with long sharp spikes was put on it. And under the heart - a slot in the form of a narrow oval measuring 44 by 11 millimeters. It seems that from the wide blade of the spear.

In the Middle Ages, to which, according to skeptics, the Shroud of Turin belongs, it was customary to depict Jesus crucified on the cross with his hands nailed to the crossbar through his palms. And with feet pierced by one nail. On the fabric, however, something completely different was imprinted.

There are two wounds on the left leg - one on the ankle, the other on the foot. And the right foot was pierced in one place. In other words, at first the left leg was nailed to the vertical beam with one nail. Then the right foot is pressed against it, into which the second nail was driven. It also went through the left foot. Anatomists believe that only such an arrangement of nails prolonged the victim's torment, allowing him to rely on them.

A through wound is also visible on the left arm. It was left by a sharp object of a small section - 8 square centimeters. But not in the palm of your hand, but on your wrist. The right hand is not visible - it is covered.

The French surgeon Barbet proved that it is generally pointless to drive nails into the palms of your hands. Under the weight of the body, they will be torn apart. Only in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe wrists there are special gaps between the bones that allow hanging.

Recently, during excavations in Israel, the skeleton of a man executed on a cross was found around the 1st century. With similarly pierced wrists and feet.

In summary: the totality of the injuries present on the imprint of the body corresponds to the tortures and torments of Jesus described in the Gospels. So it's his imprint. And blood too.

The Donetsk People's Republic (DPR), while remaining de jure in the legal field of Ukraine, de facto creates its own legislative framework. In this regard, the retirement age in the DPR for men and women has remained unchanged, in contrast to Ukraine, where for a certain category of citizens it will increase to 2 years.

You can find out about all the latest changes related to the retirement age in Ukraine for men and women.

The Pension Fund of the DPR was organized in the fall of 2014 in accordance with the work of the Pension Fund of the DPR during the transition period is regulated by the legislative acts of Ukraine on pensions insofar as it does not contradict the provisions of the Constitution of the Republic.

Appointment, recalculation and payment of pensions in the DPR is carried out on the basis of the Law of Ukraine No. 1058 of 07/09/2003 "On Compulsory State Pension Insurance" (as amended before the changes of October 2011 in terms of changing the timing of women's retirement).

All citizens registered on the territory of the republic have the right to receive a pension in the DPR.

In the DPR, the following retirement age is set:

  • women - 55 years;
  • men - 60 years.

Mandatory general insurance experience for all categories of citizens must be at least 15 years. When calculating the pension, all insurance premiums made from 01.07.2000 until the moment the payments are calculated are taken into account. In case of insufficient insurance experience for the last 15 years (or at the request of a citizen), data on wages and insurance contributions for any 60 months before July 2000 are taken into account.

Retirement before the established age (if there is an appropriate length of service) is provided for the following categories of citizens:

  1. Workers employed in underground and above-ground mining and metallurgy.
  2. Employees of medical professions associated with harmful working conditions.
  3. Women with 5 or more children.
  4. Citizens with disabilities.

Working pensioners receive full benefits. After the termination of employment, the pension is recalculated in accordance with the length of service and the amount of insurance payments.

The amount of the pension is calculated in hryvnia, payments are made in rubles in the ratio 1:2 . For example, the amount of accrued pension amounted to 2000 UAH. The pensioner receives 4,000 rubles in his hands.

Pension payments are made monthly from the 4th to the 25th day of the current month in accordance with the schedule (each pensioner has a specific date for issuing money). If the pension has not been received within 2 months, then further payments are suspended and resumed only after a written application from the citizen in the next month after the appeal.

A pensioner can receive the due payments only in person at the institutions of the State Bank of the DPR or post offices.

Payment of pensions by proxy is carried out in the following cases:

  • a citizen undergoes a course of inpatient treatment in hospitals of the DPR, LPR or the Russian Federation;
  • the citizen is at the location of a military unit;
  • citizen is in jail.

In the above cases, the validity of the power of attorney is 1 month. The document is certified by the heads of institutions in which the citizen is currently located.

At the moment it is very small. However, as industrial enterprises recover, deductions to the Republic's Pension Fund increase. This gives the leadership of the DNR an opportunity to raise social standards.

Already this year, an increase in the amount of payments for all categories of pensioners is envisaged.

The Pension Fund of the Republic has clarified which periods are included in the length of service.

The Law of the Lugansk People's Republic of March 27, 2015 14-II "On the appointment and payment of pensions in the territory of the Luhansk People's Republic" (as amended) establishes that the appointment and payment of pensions in the territory of the Republic is carried out in accordance with the legislation of Ukraine, which was in force as of 30 June 2014, unless otherwise provided by the regulatory legal acts of the Luhansk People's Republic.

The pension legislation applied on the territory of the Republic, in accordance with Part 2 of Article 86 of the Interim Basic Law (Constitution) of the Lugansk People's Republic, provides that the insurance period is the period (term) during which a person is subject to compulsory state pension insurance and for which monthly payments are made insurance premiums in the amount not less than the minimum insurance premium.

In the insurance period for calculating the pension are counted:

Periods before January 1, 2004 on the basis of records of the work book and other documents on the length of service (certificates of work experience, military ID, diplomas or certificates of full-time education, and so on.);

The period during which a person subject to compulsory state social insurance in case of unemployment received unemployment benefits (except for its one-time payment for organizing entrepreneurial activities by the unemployed) and financial assistance during the period of vocational training, retraining or advanced training;

The period of caring for a disabled child until he reaches the age of 16 is one of the non-working able-bodied parents, adoptive parents, guardians, guarantors;

The period of care by non-working able-bodied persons for a disabled person of the first group or an elderly person who, according to the conclusion of a medical institution, needs constant outside care or has reached the age of 80;

The time spent by a non-working mother (father or other family member) on leave to care for a child until he reaches the age of three;

Time spent on disability in connection with an accident at work or an occupational disease (when assigning an old-age pension);

The period from the day the disability was established until the insured person reaches the age (when assigning a disability pension);

The period from the date of the death of the breadwinner to the date when the breadwinner would have reached retirement age (in the case of a survivor's pension).

LNR Pension Fund

Statement by LPR Interior Minister Igor Kornet

Statement Pasechnik L.I.

Clap occurred near the Lugansk diesel locomotive plant - Ministry of Internal Affairs of the LPR

Statement by Degtyarenko V.N.

The people's militia of the LPR reported that provocateurs hacked the website of the defense department of the Republic

Rovenky-MEDIA City Information Portal

Now on the air RTV -.

The legislative base in the LPR, including the normative acts regulating social payments, is in the process of formation. In this regard, people who are on the verge of retirement age have many questions: according to what rules will they be assigned a pension; how, if necessary, to confirm the work and insurance experience; Are such types of pensions, as for the loss of the breadwinner and for the length of service, preserved? In order to find answers, we went to the city department of the Pension Fund and talked to the head of the department for assigning pensions, Irina Anisimova.

- In what mode have you been working all this time?

The functions of our management have not changed, we have fulfilled and continue to fulfill our obligations to assign all types of pensions: for age, loss of a breadwinner, disability, length of service. But the difficulty lies in the fact that since August 2014 we have not had access to the database of personalized records, which are of great importance for the calculation of pensions, as they confirm the existence of insurance experience, the payment of contributions and the amount of wages from which they were paid. Since that time, it was necessary to act individually in each case. If a person did not somehow receive his data on his own, when assigning pensions, the length of service as of December 31, 2003 was taken into account. In this case, personalized accounting data is not required. Most often, a person, with at least 15 years of insurance experience, is entitled only to a minimum pension. But, if pensioners are able to provide personalized accounting data, they will be recalculated.

- As far as we know, a law on pensions was recently adopted in the LPR ...

Yes, it was necessary to resolve a number of important issues related to the calculation and payment of pensions. This law will be in effect until the adoption of the main legislative framework. According to the first article, the payment and assignment of pensions in the LPR are carried out in accordance with the relevant law of Ukraine, in force as of January 1, 2015.

- Please specify when people get the right to an old-age pension?

The rules remained the same: if a man retires on a general basis, then he receives such a right at the age of 60, as for women, at the moment, those who turned 57 as of April 1, 2015 have the right to receive an old-age pension.

There is still no access to the database of personalized accounting in our region, how will the amount of newly assigned pensions be determined?

As I said, pensioners can provide us with this data themselves. If they do not have such an opportunity, we will appoint in the same way as it was done, starting from August last year.

In some cases proof of experience is required. How to do this if a person worked in another region: it is difficult to leave, it is impossible to send a request?

Yes, this is a problem today. Basically, we calculate the length of service based on the data available in the work book. If they are in doubt, and the person cannot submit a supporting document, these years will not be taken into account.

- In what currency is the pension calculated upon appointment?

Calculated in hryvnia. In the event that a decision is made to pay in another currency, a recalculation is made at the exchange rate established in the LPR.

- Has the list of documents that must be submitted for the appointment of a pension changed?

No. This is a work book, diploma or other document on education; for those liable for military service - a military ID; for those who, when entering into marriage, changed their surname - a marriage certificate; for women - birth certificates of children. At the request of the pensioner, a certificate of the amount of salary for any five years can be attached - until July 1, 2000.

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Chairman of the Pension Fund (PF) of the LPR Tatyana Vasilyeva today at a briefing in LuganskInformCenter explained the Temporary pension provision for persons dismissed from military service adopted by the Council of Ministers.

“This is a very important regulatory document that was adopted by the Council of Ministers, since since April 2015, when we decide on the appointment of the payment of civil pensions, the pension provision of persons who are classified as military personnel or persons who have military or special ranks has not been settled,” Vasilyeva said. “Therefore, for us and for the people who are in uniform today, this is a very epoch-making regulatory document, and it is very important, since it will socially protect the servicemen themselves and their families.”

She added that this order applies to the servicemen of the People's Militia, employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of State Security, the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the State Customs Committee (SCC) and the financial police of the State Committee for Taxes and Duties (SCNS). The document provides for pensions for these categories for long service, disability and loss of a breadwinner.

“The service pension is like the main pension payment, it is established for servicemen who are retired and have at least 20 years of service, while a mandatory condition for these servicemen is 30 months of service in the power structures of the Luhansk People's Republic or the Donetsk People's Republic. That is, specifically, the length of service worked out only in Ukraine, it cannot give the right to a serviceman to retire for the length of service, ”explained Vasilyeva.

“Disability pensions depending on the disability group and the cause of disability will be assigned if the disability group is established. And the reasons are the fulfillment of duties to protect the Fatherland and the passage of military service. In the same way, for the same reasons, a survivor's pension will be awarded to persons who belong to the circle of dependents. Both children can be dependents, as well as one of the spouses, parents, those who are dependents of the deceased breadwinner, ”the chairman of the Pension Fund informed.

"Pensions can be either the minimum - 2,904 (roubles), which appears on the territory of the LPR, and the maximum pension - 21,480 rubles," she specified.

Vasilyeva stressed that the central office of the Pension Department will deal with the assignment of pensions to military personnel.

“First of all, the Pension Fund will work directly with the structure from which a person will retire, and not so much specifically with a pensioner. The package of documents depends on the type of pension payment. For a long service pension, this is the main thing - dismissal from military service, passport data, code, financial allowance, the structure prepares, information about length of service is also prepared by the structure. This is the main package of documents that will need to be provided for the appointment of a pension. If it is a disability, these will be respectively documents related to disability. Survivor's pension - accordingly, there will be documents on dependency, on family relationships, ”said the head of the Pension Fund.

Earlier, the Head of the LPR, Leonid Pasechnik, that the People's Council of the LPR will soon adopt the law "On pensions for military personnel", thereby ensuring a decent pension for the defender of the Republic.

Russians have been convinced for many years that raising the retirement age in Russia is an objective necessity. Demographic hole, protracted global economic crisis, sanctions…

In general, our dear "starichillas", again we need to be patient and please for the sake of the state, for the sake of descendants. And who else, if not you? There is no other way out and “we all really wanted, we fought for you, but this is the harsh truth of life - our people have been living in retirement for a long time, and the retirement age has not been revised since Stalin's times, and since then people have begun to live significantly longer, and there is no one to work to support this entire “army of pensioners”.

Why does no one come up with a very simple solution - to raise wages only for state employees. And the amount of pension contributions from this salary will immediately increase.

And it can also create new jobs in the country. On the one hand, there will be additional contributions to the pension fund, and on the other hand, for elderly people, you see, additional vacancies will appear - it’s not a great happiness to live out life on a beggarly pension. Many citizens would still work.

No, they found the simplest solution - to take away. Why "select"? Does the Motherland need it?

Here, quite by chance, it turned out that, following the results of last year, several hundred billion "unused" rubles "stuck" to the accounts of the Pension Fund. And in 2018 there will be about 200 billion more “unused” rubles again.

It turns out that the state annually transfers huge amounts of money to the Pension Fund to cover the alleged budget deficit, which arose due to the “demographic gap” and other “objective” reasons, while the Pension Fund regularly has multibillion-dollar surpluses.

It turns out that as many billions are asked in the Pension Fund, so much is given to it. And how much money is really needed to pay pensions is almost a “state secret”. For example, it is reliably known that more than 20% (up to 40% in different time periods) of all funds received by the fund goes "for the general needs of the fund." And all in accordance with applicable law. Now I will not list all these “laws” that allow pension money to be “halved”. They are all published.

And why not revise these laws, if the situation with pensions in the country is so difficult. Don't officials live too fat at the expense of the Pension Fund?

For starters, it’s easy to make an audit: how much money is actually spent on paying pensions, how much is spent on maintaining the Pension Fund itself, and who becomes billionaires at the expense of future pensioners?

For what? Easier to raise the retirement age. The country is in a difficult economic situation, the new bourgeois are accustomed to living in a big way and do not want to tighten their belts. By the way, a year ago I wrote that if Putin does not want to change anything in the country, then after the elections a nightmare will begin for the population - the situation in the economy is difficult, there is no economic growth and there will not be, grain (money places) have long been divided, and redistribution - This is a war between clans. The population remains the only source of easy money. Here's the price of gasoline, here's the retirement age...

Do you think that nothing has been decided with the retirement age? You haven't decided yet, but the government has already made its decision. For 2018, a decision has already been made to reduce "pension contributions" by 61 billion rubles.

On June 4, 2018, Kudrin proposed to reduce "pension contributions" by another 40 billion rubles.

In early May, the Ministry of Finance presented a bill according to which "pension payments" should be reduced by 51.5 billion rubles, and "social payments" - by 5.9 billion.

I would like to draw your attention to such an interesting fact that it is proposed to reduce not the expenses of the Pension Fund or the salaries of officials, but “pension contributions”.

And then there's Chubais, like the devil out of a snuff box, jumped out with a very "tempting offer" - to give pensioners' money for the development of nanotechnologies. The people began to boil from such impudence and Anatoly Borisovich quickly turned on the reverse gear - he does not want all the pension money, but only the money of private pension funds. However, Borisovich is being disingenuous... Last year, Chubais's proposal was submitted to the government. The deputies supported him then. For example, Anatoly Aksakov, a member of the State Duma Committee on the Financial Market, stated:

I think that this should be done. Maybe start in stages, with 1%. I believe that in the near future such an opportunity will appear.

This means that the “nearest time” has come and such an opportunity has appeared ... The President, in general, is not against it, the Ministry of Finance is in favor, Kudrin “recommends”.

Demand from your employers that they pay you only "white wages".

Remember when this company started? Approximately when Chubais decided to invest pensioners' money in nanotechnologies.

It turns out that a new round of "privatization" awaits all of us. Now the “Chubaisites” are going to privatize the Pension Fund. And even vouchers will not be printed.

Yes, I wanted to find a photo of the central office of the RF FIU for this article. Surprisingly, it feels like it doesn't exist in Russia. Not even an address. All appeals are strictly through the territorial authorities. There is some kind of reception in Moscow, but not in the building of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

There are a lot of photos of regional "pension palaces" (without any exaggeration) on the net. Even district pension funds amaze with their architecture and richness of decoration. For this reason, I decided not to offend anyone and took a photo of the PF branch in Kazan (honestly, this is not the largest and most luxurious building). Just type in the search bar of the browser "Pension Fund of Russia. Photo". And enjoy. The Winter Palace nervously smokes.