The male leader avoids communication. Why does a man in love avoid meeting?


Date: 2015-05-03

Hello site readers.

Have you ever observed a situation in which two characters are involved: a man and a woman, and something wrong happens between them, namely, the man likes the woman and avoids her? The woman knows that he likes her, but she is confused. She doesn't understand why he ignores her if he likes her. Perhaps you have been in such a situation yourself. I know why a man ignores the woman he likes, and here I will tell you all these reasons.

Why does a man ignore the woman he likes?

In fact, you don't have to read this article. If there is a man who is avoiding you, then it is easier for you to ask him than to search the Internet and look for answers to this question. After all, the reason may be completely non-standard. Maybe he's gay, and you just thought he liked you. But if you are sure that you will find the answer here, well, I will give you some hints.

A man may ignore a woman he likes because he is afraid things will go too far. What I mean? Each of us has our own experience in our personal lives. And almost every person, regardless of gender, has their own negative experience in this regard. A man fell in love with girls many times, but they only used him for their own purposes and then abandoned him. If a man was very worried and suffered because of this, then soon he will be afraid to enter into a relationship with anyone. He will think that history will repeat itself again, and he does not want to suffer and worry about this. So he ignores the woman he likes.

Man is designed in such a way that he always strives for happiness and always avoids pain. If a relationship is a pain for a man, he will accordingly avoid it. I hope this idea is clear to you.

A man may ignore a woman he likes because he is simply afraid to talk to her. When we have any feelings for a person, it becomes more difficult for us to communicate with him. There is always excitement and trembling when the person we like is nearby. A man is simply afraid to experience discomfort. He understands that he will now begin to act stupid in front of her.

Hence the third reason why a man ignores the woman he likes: he is afraid that she will reject him. Perhaps he does not want to communicate with her as with a friend or acquaintance. He wants to be in a relationship with her, but is afraid to tell her about it. I myself recently had to talk to a girl I like about this topic. It was May 1, 2015, that is, the day before yesterday.

I know that she knows that I like her, but for some reason she doesn’t reciprocate. I called in the evening and just started asking questions directly to her forehead. I was scared to take such a step, but I received answers and calmed down. The reason for this behavior was not only that she did not need anything from me, but also that she did not want to be obliged. Relationships come with certain responsibilities.

So, a man can also understand this, which is why he ignores the woman he likes. He understands that she will definitely reciprocate his sympathy, but he looks further: if a relationship begins, it will impose obligations and restrictions on him. It’s easier for him to be alone and not beholden to anyone. It's easier to live that way, isn't it?

Another reason is a simple resentment towards the woman he likes. Perhaps she flirts with other guys in front of him. Well, who will like it? I, too, would be offended if I saw my passion openly flirting with other guys. I would start ignoring her too, and that would be fair. Think about this moment.

Sometimes a guy ignores a woman because he thinks that he has no chance with her anyway, because she is too good for him. Or he was rejected many times by the girls he liked, that is, again a negative experience prevents rapprochement. You can understand him in this.

Or the guy is simply not ready, because sometimes it takes time to gather all his will into a fist and finally speak. Fear always prevents a guy from approaching first. Girls are well aware that it is difficult for men to do approaches. Yes, we are really scared of being rejected, and we need time to prepare for such a possible event. The day before yesterday I also had to psychologically prepare for a frank conversation with the girl I like.

Some men always avoid female attention because they are afraid of losing their freedom. There are guys who are freedom-loving. They don’t want to start a family, have children, bear responsibility, and so on. Why do they need such a burden? So they don’t want to get involved, so they avoid women they like.

Perhaps you thought that he liked you. There was such a thing in my life when a girl thought that I was not indifferent to her, and decided that it was time for us to move on, that is, move to a new stage in the relationship. I knew that sooner or later she would take this step, and, of course, when she texted me, I explained to her that I didn’t need anything from her. She was seriously angry, she thought that I would write to her anyway. But I didn’t write to her and we haven’t seen each other since then. I personally don’t care how it was and how it remains.

You know for sure that you are not indifferent to the guy, but he demonstratively avoids you: he doesn’t call, doesn’t write, and avoids conversations. It would seem a paradoxical situation. However, this happens often in life. Why do men ignore the women they like? In this article we will talk about the most common reasons, and also give some simple recommendations on how to solve this problem.

So, you know for sure that a man likes you, but for some unknown reason he doesn’t pay any attention to you. The very first question that needs to be answered is: does he really like you, or just think so? You must have some real evidence of his sympathy, and not just speculation. Otherwise, this is self-deception, which will bring you only disappointments.

The fact that a man is not indifferent can be told by his words, actions, and body language. We recommend reading:

Watch him carefully for a long time. Make sure he really shows signs of affection and it's not just a figment of his imagination.

Are you absolutely sure that you care about him, but he still ignores you? You can move on and look for the roots of the problem. Here are some of the most common reasons.

A man is afraid of a serious relationship

He believes that his attentions will entail serious consequences for which he is not prepared. Such men usually do not prioritize relationships, focusing more on their careers.

They are planning a long-term relationship somewhere in the distant future, but definitely not now or even in the coming years. They leave obligations and trust for later, living only for today and only for themselves.

If you meet such a guy and like him, then you are out of luck. Trying to influence him is a harsh and thankless job. The best remedy in such a situation is to find another man.

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A man thinks a woman is too good for him

If a man is a “timid” type, most likely he is simply afraid of being rejected. That is why he diligently hides his sympathy from everyone around him and from himself first of all.

In melodramas they often play out the situation when a girl from a noble family is endowed with a remarkable intelligence and is pleasant to talk to, and he is an ordinary, unremarkable person. And he suffers because he fell madly in love and cannot do anything: neither leave, nor take a step towards.

Yes, this is often shown on screens, but it also happens in life sometimes. What to do in this case? If you like the man, you can. This will encourage him and make him take the first step towards.

If this does not help, you can take the initiative into your own hands.

Such behavior by a man is a clear sign of low self-esteem. Building a relationship with such a person will be problematic. Think carefully about whether you really need it.

The guy doesn't want to take responsibility

If not to say “shifting” responsibility onto the woman. The man wants you to take full responsibility for the development of the relationship and become a leader. He wants the girl to pave the way along which everything will develop.

He can usually do this for two reasons:

  1. Familiar behavior pattern. As a rule, his parents accepted that the woman was the head of the house. And he unconsciously, without malicious intent, seeks to repeat their behavior.
  2. Your actions. No matter how paradoxical it may sound, you may be the reason. Your overly active behavior can also give rise to indecisiveness in him.

Each time you interrupt his impulses, you can bring the relationship to the point of absurdity and make the man lethargic and passive. A classic example is when a woman takes things by storm, starting to crush her with messages and calls. Even then he gets used to the fact that you do everything for him, and does not strive to lead you forward. This arrangement is unfavorable for you, because only you will promote communication, and he will sadly trail behind.

He ignores in order to “fill” himself

This insidious method is to “lower” the girl’s price and make it clear that he doesn’t need a relationship that much. And he will succeed easily, since men have a lower need for relationships than women.

By demonstrating indifference, he makes you wonder if everything is okay with you. Ultimately, you begin to worry and doubt yourself. A woman in such a state sees a hero in a man and happily gives him all of herself.

Therefore, be an elusive but achievable dream for a man. Show him signs of sympathy, but never “fall in value.”

Love is a feeling that can transform a person’s life. People in love experience happiness and genuine joy when communicating with each other. In this state, we all seem to have wings behind our backs, and our eyes begin to sparkle with some amazing brilliance. However, such positive moments can only take place with mutual feeling. In reality, many of the girls are forced to deal with the fact that the guy they love simply avoids communication or completely goes out of sight into the unknown.

What should a girl do if her loved one ignores her?

First of all, it is necessary to objectively understand the possible reasons for this behavior of the guy, no matter how much the girl is tormented by the offense. Often a guy starts ignoring you immediately after meeting you, although on the first or second date everything went just fine. You should know that the guy won’t just ignore you. He will definitely have his reasons for this. And the girl must come to terms with this and accept it as a given.

You need to analyze the behavior of your beloved guy exclusively in a calm state, when emotions will not weigh you down with their heavy burden. This will help you develop the right strategy for subsequent actions. If a guy begins to avoid a girl, then the behavior of the girl herself may be a prerequisite for this. For example, she allows herself too much, according to the guy, liberties.

Not every guy will like it if a girl communicates “friendly” and very closely with a wide circle of male acquaintances, demonstrates mostly reliable reactions when communicating with them, agrees to drink alcohol without hesitation, and does not follow the culture of her speech. Such female behavior inevitably instills in a man the idea that a woman easily agrees to any contact with men, including sex.

The desire of some girls to be the center of attention or the soul of a male company is not at all welcomed by the men themselves, as is the desire to show a man their independence in any way. In some situations, a girl simply needs to refuse firmly and without hesitation. And it’s better to give your attention and time to a truly dear person who deserves it.

If a guy pulls away from a girl for these reasons, then she needs to be more involved, thinking about what kind of relationship she would ideally like. All this will add individuality to the girl’s personality. And if she really manages to change, then the guy may well return to her.

The second common reason for a guy to ignore him is the fact that he already has a favorite. A guy can be in a relationship that suits him completely, but at the same time flirt with other girls. This is not equivalent in a physical sense. Flirting may not go beyond certain limits of what is “permissible.” And if the girl with whom the guy flirts from time to time does not know about his constant girlfriend, then it may really seem to her that he ignores her when they do not see each other. It is recommended that any girl, before entering into a relationship with a guy, learn more about him through mutual friends. It is completely useless to try to take a guy away from his girlfriend if he feels good with her.

Ignoring may be due to the guy’s banal indecision, timidity or shyness. Not all guys have fortitude in matters of love. can look at a girl for a long time and meaningfully, feel embarrassed when meeting her, appear, as if by chance, in places where she happens to be, and at the same time do not take any steps towards starting a relationship with her. For his own indecision and timidity, the guy himself can furiously reproach himself in his soul. However, in practical terms, everything will remain the same.

If you believe that the guy’s timidity is the reason for ignoring him, then try to find a way to unobtrusively make contact with him first. For example, volunteer to help him with some task or invite him to have lunch together during a break. If in the guy’s gaze you find warmth and boundless gratitude for your “activity,” then you are on the right road.

A guy may avoid communicating with a girl because he is very sensitive to his own freedom. There are guys for whom independence and freedom come first, and they will not sacrifice them for the sake of a love relationship. When such a guy sees that a girl is too intrusively looking for communication with him, he feels a threat to his freedom. Conventionally, his feelings can be compared with the feelings of a wild animal that the hunter is about to lasso. Men tend to avoid those women who directly show that they first want to attract, tie to themselves in any way, and then marry the “male” they like.

And on the contrary, if a girl is focused on her own life, showing in every possible way that she is busy and immersed in pressing matters not related to a guy or relationships, then this will only spur male interest in her. Men are like moths flying to everything new and interesting. Even if a girl has already fallen in love, there is no point in revealing the true motives for her such behavior. A man need not be informed that all the dreams in a girl’s heart are connected exclusively with him. By keeping your feelings secret until a certain point, you will not lose a man, but on the contrary, you will be able to captivate him even more.

When a woman literally forces herself on a man, it only irritates him. You should not act as if you are watching your loved one everywhere. Don't call your guy for nothing, wanting him to chat with you about something that makes absolutely no sense. Initiative on the part of a girl, especially in the first stages of a relationship, oddly enough, is punishable. This guy should be looking for reasons to meet you, invite you to the movies, give you nice little things and arrange surprises.

It is never appropriate to forget about such a “classic” of the genre, no matter what modern morals may be. Excessive activity coming from a girl will disgust a guy. He will no longer want to communicate, but will look for any reason to avoid such communication. Activity on your part will result in failure for the relationship. You still can't force a guy to love you.

It’s much wiser to focus on your character, improve your self-esteem, and find hobbies in life so that it’s really interesting for a guy to communicate with you. Any guy always retains the right to choose, and imposing your vision of the relationship on him, and even more so on yourself in them, is simply stupid. The reluctance to continue communication may be due to the girl’s excessive demands. If a guy is constantly told that he does not correspond to some ideal or model, then this will plunge him into depression.

A young man will simply be offended and decide to break up if he is constantly compared to someone.

Girls should not use the phrase “You must!” when communicating with a guy, at least until marriage. Otherwise, the guy will also perceive communication as a forced duty that brings absolutely no joy. Do not put any conditions or ultimatums before your chosen one. Better yet, find a way to generate interest. Every person has shortcomings. And in relationships they manifest themselves as clearly as possible. Finally, the reason for ignoring may be hidden in the fact that the guy simply no longer needs the girl.

This often happens when a guy expected easy access to sex and got it. If the girl was initially needed only for sex, then after that the guy will not be interested in communicating with her. The girl seems to lose her value in his eyes. If this does not suit you, do not make unforgivable mistakes and try to better understand the intentions of your new acquaintance before allowing him to approach the body.

But there is also a type of guy who only wants sex, and if over a short period of time they understand that getting “access to a girl’s body” is problematic and this will all drag on for a long time, then they simply “go away.” But this is a case where everything that is done is for the better...

Many women are concerned with the question of how to recognize that a man is in love with you and plans to build a serious relationship with you. Knowing a man's attitude towards his person, women make contact more easily and openly flirt with a man who is deeply attracted to them. Therefore, for the further development of relationships, it is very important for women to understand whether a man is in love or whether this is an easy, insignificant flirtation on his part.

Despite men’s skillful hiding of their feelings, it is their behavior that reveals their true feelings.
The first feeling that arises is confusion. A confident, narcissistic and strong man, who is used to always winning, and to some extent arrogant, suddenly falls into the power of emotions and feelings and loses all his ability to think in the presence of the culprit of this state. He becomes a shy and insecure person, but he cannot do anything. After each such meeting, he begins to reproach himself for such behavior, feeling like a complete idiot that he cannot open his feelings.

A man in love shows persistent attention to the object that interests him. At the same time, persistence can manifest itself in a variety of forms, for example, in the form of an invitation to the theater or cinema. But at the same time, every such surprise is carefully planned by him, thought out with the fear that he may be rejected. Attention can also manifest itself not in a friendly form, but even aggressively, in the form of ridicule and sarcastic remarks addressed to the woman, which also indicates his concern for her.

A man in love tries to communicate as much as possible with the object of his adoration, tells a lot about himself, his childhood, family, habits and hobbies. Constantly looking for meetings with this particular woman, while inventing the most ridiculous reasons for this. In one company, he also prefers her as an interlocutor. This behavior of a man in love is explained by the fact that subconsciously he wants this woman to become a part of his life. But since the relationship between them is not yet so close, his only option is to tell her as much as possible about himself; for him, the positive opinion of the woman he loves about him is of great importance. In addition, a man who has fallen into the power of love feelings will listen carefully to his interlocutor, be interested in her aspirations, goals and desires. He will be glad to find any coincidences in his life priorities and his woman.

Very often, a man who is seriously interested in a woman tries to bring some benefit to the woman, takes care of her, is ready to help in all the difficulties she encounters, spending his money and time, sometimes connecting existing connections. In general, he tries to become a positive character in the eyes of a woman.

A man in love always ends up not far from the object of his love. At the same time, the woman herself feels his piercing gaze on herself. Such a man is always ready to accompany this woman. He is always aware of where the woman is and what she is doing, although she does not tell him about it.

If suddenly a man began to carefully monitor his appearance, hairstyle, often appear in new clothes, or started working out in the gym, then all this indicates that he is in love.

A man in love is very jealous, especially if there are men hovering around his woman, in whom he sees real rivals. His assertiveness and aggression towards them betrays his feelings. The feeling of jealousy will eat him up from the inside, so in order not to worry even more, he may even begin to avoid meeting the woman he loves.

A man in love begins to think about his financial situation and ways to improve it, which indicates that thoughts about a joint future with the woman he loves are hovering in his head. Therefore, one should soon expect a confession of feelings.

However, not all men can show their feelings because of their pride and strong character, or because of a lack of faith in love. Such men may deliberately avoid communicating with the woman they are interested in, show coldness when communicating, and not look in her direction. Men are most afraid of showing their weakness, and a woman confuses them. But this behavior also indicates that a man is in love. For example, if at a party with all his friends he is equally friendly and sweet, but noticeably avoids you, while you did not give any reasons for such behavior, most likely he is trying to hide his attitude towards you. In this case, you need to approach him yourself and start a conversation on a neutral topic, while carefully studying his behavior, breathing, facial expressions... Being in potential proximity to you, he will no longer be able to behave like a statue.

Gestures and facial expressions also reveal a man in love.

  • For example, when meeting in the same group of friends, look in which direction the toes of his shoes are turned. If in your direction, all the facts are clear.
  • If, when communicating with you, a man puts his hands on his hips and hooks his fingers on the belt, this indicates obvious sexual attraction, which, in turn, is the main sign of falling in love.
  • The behavior of a man in love is subconsciously aimed at reducing the distance between you, so when talking to you, a man in love will most likely enter your personal space, that is, reduce the distance (up to half a meter).
  • The look reveals a man's love. If you are of more than just friendly or business interest to a man, then his gaze will wander over your entire silhouette rather than focusing on any specific point.
However, often women, out of naivety, take wishful thinking and see sympathy where there is none. For example, if during a conversation with you a man tugs or tugs at his earlobe, this indicates that the conversation is not of interest to him. Or, for example, if a man hints at sexual intercourse with his entire appearance and behavior, then do not expect a serious relationship from such a person. It is unlikely that your communication will develop into something more and lasting. As soon as he receives what interested him in you, all interest will disappear, and he will switch to another object.

Based on the man’s behavior, you saw all the signs of his falling in love and you want him to be the first to take the initiative, then support him in this. A radiant look and a friendly and flirtatious smile will do the trick. Know how to listen to a man, show with your appearance that you are not indifferent to him, that only with him you feel like a happy person. He will definitely notice this and take steps towards it.

Despite the fact that male love is significantly different from female love, it is still sincere. It is quite easy to see and recognize it. The main thing is not to miss it.