Your first child is a boy, how to conceive a second girl. How to conceive a girl: all known ways and methods


Planning a child is a crucial period in the life of a married couple. Some of them will be happy to have a baby of any gender, while others take a responsible approach to conception in order to plan the gender themselves.

Almost every woman dreams of having a girl, because raising a daughter means putting all your feelings into her.

To conceive a girl 100 percent, you need to adhere to a certain strategy.

As you know, infrequent sex is a direct path to planning a female child. However this factor is not always true.

Let's look at the basic tips and ways to calculate the birth of a baby based on ovulation:

American scientists conducted a study, where it was proven that at the moment stressful situations Men produce fewer male sperm.

Because of this, during periods of world catastrophes, more girls. But you shouldn’t equate planning a pregnancy with risk; it’s better to use these tips.

The best positions for conceiving a girl

As you know, sperm with a female chromosome move longer than male ones. On the other hand, they are able to survive and not die in the internal environment. Planning for a girl should be accompanied by sexual intercourse with certain positions.

note! It takes two people to decide in what position to conceive a girl.

The most optimal options will be those where a man penetrates a woman shallowly. So female chromosomes slowly but surely they will reach the finish line.

Male sperm will die faster than female sperm can fertilize the egg.

Below is a table describing a selection of positions for conceiving a baby:

Pose Description
Missionary The likelihood of having a baby during intercourse in this position increases. The man lies on the woman facing her, leaning on his hands.

The essence of the pose is that the penetration is shallow, which means that female chromosomes will not die in an acidic environment and will successfully reach their intended goal.

Such an unchanging classic was considered the only decent option for sexual intercourse in Soviet time. It is also considered the most optimal position for pregnancy.

Spoon To perform this position correctly, a woman needs to lie on her side. The man lies down behind her, as if hugging her.

Penetration in this version is also shallow. In addition, the partner may not control the process, since he will not experience tension.

A woman feels protected, so relaxation comes naturally

Lotus A position common in the East helps to completely influence the conception of a baby.

The man sits on his knees, the woman sits facing him, wrapping her legs around him. In this case, it is better for the partner to hold his beloved by the waist to maintain balance.

A man helps his partner move, controlling the process

Traditional methods

Except standard methods to conceive a female child using an ovulation calendar, there are several methods of folk use.

They were invented by grandmothers and, according to observations, were passed down by inheritance. Let's look at the basic tips and traditional methods planning:

  1. Before performing sexual intercourse, you must tie your little finger left hand with sewing thread.

    When a girl comes to bed with her husband, it is worth putting a female object in the bed. This could be a comb, a scarf, an apron.

  2. Planning to get a girl pregnant a week before intercourse You need to drink a glass of plum juice at night. If you are allergic to the fruit, replace the juice with apple juice.
  3. Some couples are interested in what time is most suitable for conceiving a baby.

    Superstitious grandmothers believed that winter time– the most current period. It is better to have sex on Wednesday, Sunday and Friday.

  4. Ancient methods helped to calculate the most relevant months for conceiving girls.

    If a woman’s age consisted of even numbers, then conception can only occur in the same months of the year. The same was done with odd numbers.

  5. It was possible to calculate the month of birth of the daughter using a different principle. It is recommended to add up the age and the planned month of sexual intercourse. If the number is even, it will be a girl.

Rely completely on folk technique not worth it, she acts as a secondary one when independently planning the appearance of the baby.

For the first birth it is better to use traditional methods calculating the days of ovulation.

Important! Sometimes you can determine the sex of a child by the blood of the parents. In women, blood is renewed once every 3 years, in men once every 4 years.

Whoever is the last to have new blood before conception will pass on the sex to the heir.

Don't forget about special nutrition to plan for my daughter. It is worth introducing foods containing magnesium and calcium into your diet, as well as limiting your intake of sugar and salt.

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A person is used to planning his future, but there are factors that are completely independent of us. The birth of a child of a certain gender is one such coincidence. However, men and women do not give up and try to find out how to give birth to a girl or boy. The methods of conceiving a child of one gender or another will be discussed further. You will learn how to plan a pregnancy for a girl correctly and as accurately as possible.

Conception and pregnancy

Before calculating the gender of your unborn child, you need to know a few facts about fertilization. Conception occurs only with the participation of a man and a woman. Once per cycle, a representative of the fairer sex experiences the opening of the follicle and the release of the gamete. The cell is sent to the abdominal cavity and from there enters the fallopian tubes. This is where the meeting with the sperm most often occurs.

After the cells merge, a set of chromosomes is sent to the cavity of the reproductive organ, where it remains for the next nine months. It is worth noting that the female gamete has only X chromosomes. A man's sperm can consist of various components. These are the X and Y chromosomes. If fertilization occurs with a cell with the X set, the result will be a girl. When you add gametes, you will have a boy.

How to give birth to a girl?

In fact, nowadays there are many ways that future parents use when calculating the sex of the baby. However, medicine does not officially recognize them. There is a high possibility of error.

If you want to definitely conceive a female baby, you will have to use several methods at once. Only in this case will there be a high percentage of successful planning. Let's try to figure out how to give birth to a girl.

First method: calculation by ovulation

How to calculate the future sex of a child? Everything is very simple. You already know that everything depends on the man’s body. Whichever set of chromosomes merges with the egg, a child of that gender will be born. It would seem that nothing depends on the wishes of the future parents. However, it is not.

Medicine has long known that female X chromosomes are more durable, but less active. So, these cells can remain in a woman's uterus and fallopian tubes for up to one week. While the male chromosomes have long since died. As for the chromosome chromosomes, they are faster. Thus, during ejaculation, they reach their goal much faster than the gametes that contain the female set.

From all this you can derive a simple way to calculate the future gender of the child. If sexual intercourse takes place as close as possible to the moment of ovulation, then you will have a boy. The opposite statement is also true. To conceive a girl, you need to have sexual intercourse a few days before the expected release of the egg from the ovary.

The second way: dieting

How to give birth to a girl? Many couples claim that nutrition has helped them. By consuming certain foods, you can indirectly affect hormone levels in your body. What do you need to eat to have a girl?

Eat natural boiled meat: beef, veal or lamb. At the same time, exclude any sausages, sausages and smoked meats. Consume milk, cottage cheese and sour cream, but refrain from cheese and ice cream. You can cook any cereal, with the exception of corn. Vegetables you should eat are potatoes, zucchini, carrots, fresh peas, and legumes. You should avoid tomatoes, cabbage, mushrooms and any preserved food.

Drink only natural drinks: plain water, tea, home-made juice, jelly and fruit drinks. Avoid drinking Coca-Cola, sweet coffee, and any carbonated liquids.

Third method: Chinese calculation

There is a certain pregnancy table. Boy and girl are determined depending on the age of the mother. To calculate, you need to know exactly the month in which conception occurred and the woman’s date of birth.

The Boy-Girl Pregnancy Chart consists of rows and columns. Find suitable age women and the month in which sexual intercourse took place. After this, draw the lines and find the intersection graph. In this window you can see who will be born to you.

It is worth noting that many couples talk about the effectiveness this method. However, doctors categorically do not recognize it. You already know that the sex of a child depends only on the man. In this case, exclusively female data is taken into account. A pregnancy with a girl that occurs according to this method of calculation is more likely luck than a pattern.

Fourth method: using folk signs

How to give birth to a girl? Some married couples they say that folk methods helped them. To conceive a female child, you need to meet the following simple conditions:

  • fertilization should occur on Friday, Sunday or Wednesday;
  • during the entire cycle, the expectant mother should keep a feminine object under her pillow: a small mirror, a comb, and so on;
  • the conception of a girl occurs more often in winter than in summer or spring;
  • During the planning cycle, the expectant mother should drink one glass of natural apple juice at night.

Fifth method: genetic calculation

If you are already pregnant, will you end up with a boy or a girl? The calculation can be made using some genetic data. To begin, take a piece of paper and a pen. List all your husband's immediate relatives. After this, calculate who was born more in the family.

If the advantage falls on the female sex, then most likely you will also have a girl. It is worth noting that this method is not reliable. It can be used more for entertainment than for seriously calculating the sex of the baby.

Sixth method: Japanese table

In addition to the Chinese calculation method, there is also a Japanese one. In this case, a table is also used in which you have to find certain data. You need to know exactly the date of birth of the baby's mother and father, as well as the month of his conception.

Find the man's time of birth in the column. In the adjacent column, determine the month the woman was born. After this, draw lines and find the intersection point. IN this place you will find a digital value, you need to remember it.

In the second part of the table you need to find your value and correlate it with the month of conception. As a result, you can get the gender of your unborn baby.

Seventh method: artificial insemination

In some cases, the desire to have a child of a certain gender is not an ordinary whim. There are families in which the birth of boys poses a high risk of congenital disease. In this case, the desire to conceive a girl is absolutely justified. What to do in this case? Is there a method of calculation that will allow you to be 100% sure that a female baby will be born?

It is possible to reliably determine the sex of the unborn baby through artificial insemination. In this case, several eggs are taken from the woman and sperm from the man. Fertilization is carried out only with selected gametes from the stronger sex. To conceive a girl, only cells containing X chromosomes are selected. Later, a few days later, a laboratory technician examines the resulting oocytes. Only those that will subsequently become female embryos are implanted in the uterus of the expectant mother.

It is worth saying that this method is the most reliable and accurate in planning the specific gender of the unborn child. However, it is also quite expensive. One artificial insemination will cost you between 100 and 300 thousand rubles. At the same time, the guarantee that the embryo will take root is only 60%.


So, now you know how pregnancy is planned. Signs (a boy or a girl will be born) may be different. Everyone uses their own ways of defining. However, you should not trust them 100%. There is a high probability of error when using any method. Doctors do not advise trusting these calculations, with the exception of artificial insemination.

Remember that it is possible to reliably determine the sex of the unborn child only in the second half of pregnancy. This may also cause an error. However, if several ultrasound examinations show that you are having a girl, then most likely it will turn out that way.

May your plans come true, and may the baby you are waiting for be born!

How to conceive a girl: read about all known methods of calculating the sex of a child in our material.

Many couples dream of a child of a certain gender. When everything has already been tried, you need to look for other methods. If you dream of lace dresses, bows, dolls and blue-eyed happiness with pigtails, a purring “daddy”, your dreams of a daughter may very well come true.

Of course, no method can provide a 100% guarantee of conceiving a girl, but you can try your luck.

What determines the gender of a child?

Although for a long time It was believed that the sex of the unborn child depended on the mother, but this is not so. The gender of the child depends entirely on the father. Let's explain what's what.

The sex of a child depends on the set of sex chromosomes that are passed on to him by his parents. Women are carriers of XX sex chromosomes, and therefore, they cannot pass on anything other than the X chromosome to the child.

But men are carriers of XY sex chromosomes, and they can pass on either the X or Y sex chromosome to their future child. And the sex of the child depends only on which sperm fertilizes the egg.

If an egg (exclusively with an X chromosome) is fertilized by a sperm carrier of the X chromosome, the result will be a girl (XX is the female set of sex chromosomes).

If an egg is fertilized by a sperm with a Y chromosome, there will be a boy (XY - men's set sex chromosomes).

X sperm are inactive , but quite tenacious. Y sperm are very fast , “take” the egg in quantity, but they are very vulnerable and die faster than the “girls”. When planning a daughter, we will start from the properties of sperm X and Y.

You should have sex every day immediately after your period (ideally, warm up your libido several times a day). The fulfillment of marital debt must be stopped 3 days before the onset. If you don’t want to stop, take precautions.

Helps to conceive a girl missionary position or any other with shallow penetration. This measure is needed to increase the sperm's path to the egg. We remember that Y-sperm are less tenacious and die in the alkaline environment of the vagina. That's why it is important that sex does not lead to female orgasm , because this wonderful outcome will help Y-sperm to survive.

Table on how to conceive a girl

There is also a table that will help future parents conceive a girl or boy. You need to know pair number to know how to use the table. In the horizontal line, find husband's birth month , and in the vertical one - wives. The number at the intersection of birth months will just mean the number of the couple. For example, if a man was born in March and a woman was born in May, then their number is 9.

In the table below, find your number and look at the graph of the probability of conceiving a child of a certain gender. The more fluctuations in the graph, the greater the likelihood of conceiving a girl or boy. In the case of our example, a couple with the number 9, the likelihood of conceiving a girl is greater in May.

Calendar on how to conceive a girl

In addition to the table, you can use a special calendar. It is very simple to use - you just need to know the mother's age. If the mother, for example, is 27 years old, then, according to the calendar, the ideal months for conceiving girls are: January, March, May, June, November.

How to conceive a girl by blood

Another method is also popular - conceiving a girl by renewing the blood.

Women's blood is renewed every 4 years, and men's - every 3 . Whose blood will be younger at the time of conception, the child will be born of that gender.

For example, a mother is 27 years old, her birthday is in May, and conception is planned for August. You need to divide the age by 4, add to the resulting remainder the number of full months from last day birth relative to the day of conception. It turns out 27:4 = 6.7. To the remainder 7 we add 5 (the number of months before conception). As a result we get 12.

We perform the same manipulations with age of the future dad . For example, he is 35 years old and his birthday is in March. It turns out 35:3 = 11.6. To the remainder 6 we add 7 and we get 13.

Thus, mother’s blood is younger than father’s (12 versus 13), accordingly, the parents will soon have a girl.

How to conceive a girl: reviews from mothers

Paying attention to the timing of sex

The gender of the child is determined by. To have a girl, you need to make love right away after the end of the cycle . The closer sexual intercourse is to the moment of ovulation, the higher the likelihood of conceiving a boy, according to the theory that X chromosomes are more durable, and Y chromosomes do not live long, but they are faster.

Diet for conceiving a girl

What you need to eat to conceive a girl:

  • You can drink: tea, coffee (caution), cocoa, chocolate, calcium mineral water. Not recommended: carbonated sweet drinks, canned juice.
  • Meat: veal, beef, pork, lamb, but in limited quantities. It is not recommended to eat: corned beef, sausages, smoked meats, ham, roasts, meatballs.
  • Fish: fresh or frozen. Not recommended: salted, dried, smoked fish, crustaceans, canned fish in marinade, shrimp oil.
  • Dairy products: cottage cheese, milk, cream cheese. Not recommended: ice cream and all types of cheese.
  • Flour products: cookies and bread without salt, homemade baked goods without salt and without yeast. Not recommended: industrial confectionery products, regular bread and cookies.
  • Cereals: rice, semolina. It is not recommended to eat corn.
  • Vegetables: eggplants, beets, potatoes in limited quantities, asparagus, carrots, cucumbers, champignons, watercress, lettuce, green beans, green peas, peppers, boiled tomatoes, green onions. Not recommended: deep-fried potatoes, spinach, canned and dried vegetables, rhubarb, mushrooms, zucchini, lentils, all types of cabbage, raw tomatoes, white beans.
  • Dried fruits: peanuts, unsalted almonds, hazelnuts. Not recommended: raisins, dried apricots, figs, dates, prunes, salted dried fruits.
  • Fresh fruits: apples, pears, peaches, raspberries, strawberries, cherries, grapefruits, pineapples, lemons, mangoes, watermelon, quince. Not recommended: banana, apricot, plum, orange, currant, melon.
  • Miscellaneous: honey, sugar, jam, fresh sour cream, jelly, aromatic herbs, eggs. Not recommended: salt, soda, yeast, ketchup, margarine, olives, gherkins, salted butter.

Ilona Vasilenko, gynecologist, reproductive specialist: “Parents can influence the gender of the child if he is conceived in a genetic laboratory. If the future mother and father have no health problems, and the baby is conceived naturally, then you won’t be able to influence his gender. The only thing that can be said for sure: in Ukraine, as a rule, people are born more boys than girls. But no one can tell how lucky you will be.”

Conceiving a girl: folk signs

So that you have a daughter, folk signs suggest the following actions:

  • before conception, you need to put a mirror and a comb in the marital bed;
  • make love under a young apple tree (a controversial sign);
  • perform marital duty on Wednesdays, Fridays and Sundays;
  • 5 days before conception, the wife should drink a glass of apple/plum juice at night;
  • before conception, the wife should tie it around her little finger right hand simple thread;
  • have sex in winter evenings when the temperature drops below -10 degrees.

Visualization method

So that you have a daughter, you really have to want it . Both parents must represent everything in the smallest details. Even the color of the eyes and hair, the face, the smile of the baby. Make this as clear as possible. They say this is how you can “order” a daughter from the Universe.

These are just a few ways to conceive a girl. We hope to find out how well they work from your comments under the article and on. Be sure to share your joy with us! And even if you have a boy, remember: being parents is a great happiness, but you can “work” on a girl a little later.

You can use our service and create a conception and contraception calendar:

Many women, while still little girls, dreamed of daughters. But dreams do not always come true easily and simply. It happens that a woman gives birth to sons one by one, all very beloved, but secretly she continues to dream of a baby - a daughter. So how to get pregnant with a girl? What needs to be done to make the dream come true?

What days of the cycle?

Many people probably already know that sperm contain paired chromosomes: YY and XY. If an egg is fertilized by a sperm with YY chromosomes, a boy is born. If a sperm with XY chromosomes reaches the egg, then a girl is born.

So, a sperm carrying the second male Y chromosome is much more mobile than one carrying female X chromosome. But the sperm that will give us a boy are much less tenacious than female ones and die quickly. Thus, in order to conceive a girl, it is advisable to have sexual intercourse three or four days before ovulation. Then the boy's sperm will not be able to survive until ovulation! And the sperm that bring us the desired girl will still be able to reach the egg!

Therefore, women dreaming of a daughter need to carefully look at the calendar, writing down the days of the cycle and calculating estimated days ovulation. And in order to do so, you need to draw up a chart of basal temperatures at least over the previous few months.

Poses for conception

It is believed that a position such as a man on top (“face to face”) gives a greater chance of conceiving a girl. And in this position, it is advisable not to bring the woman to orgasm, minimizing exciting caresses, because at these moments the vaginal environment changes from acidic to alkaline. And boy sperm do not like an acidic environment! And, on the contrary, girl sperm can live calmly in an acidified environment, which indicates great endurance. You should not use lubricants, which also affect the acid-base balance of the vagina.

Calculation of gender according to the Chinese table

Before modern world Special tables have come down from ancient China that show that there is a certain connection between a woman’s age and the month of conception. Chinese emperors were required to have a male heir, and to ensure that the likelihood of having a baby boy was as high as possible, they used tables. This tablet was found in a Chinese temple near Beijing.
Modern women also often resort to this method in the hope of giving birth to a specific girl or boy.
For example, if a woman is 25 years old, then it is recommended that she conceive a girl, she says that, from winter months only in January, and in spring - in April and May. In summer - only in July. In the remaining months, she will most likely give birth to a boy. But the same woman, if you look at the table, at 30 years old has much more months to conceive a girl.

Calculation of the sex of a child according to the ancient Vedas

The ancient Vedas tell us that there is a certain pattern in the days of menstruation that affect the birth of a girl or boy. How to correctly calculate such days?

It's simple: girls are born if they are conceived on odd-numbered days of menstruation (the seventh and ninth days), and boys are born on even-numbered days (the sixth and eighth days of the female cycle).

It is also believed that if a man is younger than a woman, that is, there is a high probability of giving birth to a first-born girl. But this does not apply to subsequent children.

Couple's blood renewal

It is believed that a man’s blood is renewed once every four years, and a woman’s – once every three years. That is, at the time of conception, we divide the number of years of the future father by four, and the number of years of the mother by three. And if the remainder of the division is greater for a man than for a woman, then a boy will be born. And if a woman wants to become pregnant with a girl, then she must first make such a calculation.
But if one of the spouses had large blood losses, for example, transfusion, donating blood as a donor, and a woman’s blood losses include childbirth and abortion, then it is necessary to calculate from the date of the last blood loss, and not from the day of birth.

Diet gender planning method

There is also an opinion that a woman’s diet before can also affect the birth of a girl or boy, affecting the acid-base balance of the body. So, for example, in order to give birth to a baby, the expectant mother should eat as much food containing carbohydrates as possible: these could be sweets, bakery products, honey, jam, jams. It is also recommended to drink more milk and fermented milk products. In addition to this menu, specifically for the birth of a girl, mothers need to introduce eggs, shrimp, crabs, sea and river boiled fish into their diet.
To conceive a female child, the preferred fruits are apples, pears, grapes, apricots, cherries, bananas, oranges, and tangerines.

There is also another very interesting fact. In the Middle Ages, women who wanted to give birth to a daughter sprinkled sugar on their windowsills on the full moon, but if they wanted a son, they sprinkled salt.

Male activity before conception

To quickly conceive a girl, it is better for a man to abstain from sex for a week, or even two, and a woman during this time should try not to provoke her husband into intimacy. Let him be actively involved in work and sports at this time.

Astrological method

According to the science of astrology, there are twelve zodiac signs. And these signs are divided into male (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius, Gemini, Libra, Aquarius) and female (Virgo, Pisces, Taurus, Cancer, Scorpio, Capricorn).
If you believe the astrological method of conceiving a child of the desired gender, when a woman belongs to a male zodiac sign and the husband belongs to this particular one, then the probability of having a girl is very high.

Weather influence

There is also a belief that the weather influences whether a woman gives birth to a girl or a boy. For example, it is best to conceive a girl in cold weather, not in warm weather. And in Germany they believed that most likely future parents would have a girl if they conceived in rainy weather.

Influence of cardinal directions

IN ancient China considered if a woman during intimacy she lies with her head to the north. Accordingly, a woman will give birth to a boy if her head was in the south at the moment of conception.

Budyansky method

There is one more interesting method, developed married couple teachers named Budyansky. They noticed that the birthdays of their female students coincided with the birth months of the mothers of these children.
The Budyanskys believe that the sex of a child does not depend at all on the man. But it depends entirely on the woman! For more than thirty years, the Budyanskys have been refining their method, which helps.

First of all, according to the Budyansky method, a woman must have a healthy menstrual cycle in order to correctly and correctly plan the desired sex of the baby. It is necessary to determine whether the cycle was even or odd at the time of conception. expectant mother.

The menstrual cycle must be even! Or, if a woman was conceived on her mother’s odd menstrual cycle, then on her odd cycle she will become pregnant with a girl.

So, what do you need to know to give birth to a girl using the Budyansky method? Be sure to have the month of conception and the date of birth of the expectant mother herself, as well as the month the baby was conceived! For clarity, it is advisable to draw up a calendar of the menstrual cycle for two years.

It is not advisable to use a regular calendar for the year, because the annual menstrual cycle of the expectant mother consists of thirteen months, lasting approximately twenty-eight days. It turns out that December (specifically according to the menstrual cycle) is odd for a woman, and January should be even. But, in fact, the year begins in January, and January is an odd month. This is why a two-year menstrual cycle calendar is needed.

A woman's menstrual cycle may not coincide with menstrual cycle her mother. After all, it happens that a child is born premature or post-term. And then it is necessary to subtract nine calendar months from the woman’s date of birth. If a woman was born eight months old, then eight months must be taken away.

Do you want to know how to conceive a girl? For many couples, this question is very important. What gender will it be? unborn child, is of great importance in families where there are already one or more boys, but the desire to have a girl has not decreased.

We bring to your attention several methods that can bring this possibility closer.

Conception information


A woman has a uterus and two ovaries. When estrogen, the female sex hormone, is produced, the egg grows.

This monthly movement of the egg begins from the ovary, in medicine this moment is called ovulation, continues through the fallopian tubes and ends in the uterine cavity.

There are cases when the ovaries release not one, but two, three or more eggs; in such situations, all are fertilized by sperm. This is how twins and triplets appear, according to the number of fertilized eggs. When a fertilized cell divides into two, a pair of twins is born.

The standard menstrual cycle is considered to be 28 days; of course, you can safely add or subtract two days. The discharge of blood flow continues for five days, however, the most abundant is always the very first day of discharge.

Fourteen days before the onset of discharge, ovulation occurs. It is determined by basal body temperature, which rises by 0.5–1 degrees with the onset of egg movement. This is often accompanied by tension in the lower abdomen.


Men bear the main responsibility for the sex of the unborn child. After all, only they have the set of chromosomes necessary for this.

Male sperm are stored in the ovaries, packaged in the scrotum. Storage temperature is lower normal temperature 33 °C, but constant. The male body secretes testosterone, a hormone that is responsible for the production and accumulation of sperm. At the moment of ejaculation, the body releases approximately 3.5 grams of sperm, which contains more than three hundred thousand sperm.


For conception, one sperm and an egg are needed. The egg carries two chromosomes, but both are X, the sperm contains a set: X and Y. During fertilization, male chromosomes combine with female chromosomes, fusion occurs. That makes two possible options chromosome combinations:

  1. XX – this combination makes it possible to have a girl.
  2. X Y - with this combination a boy will be born.

Even externally, the X and Y chromosomes are different. Oval head and life force- this is the X chromosome. They live longer, but the number of Y chromosomes is greater than X.

Y chromosome - round head, fragile structure, high speed of movement and short life expectancy.

The moment of conception is considered to be the union of sperm and egg. As a result: the united egg begins to divide and forms a zygote, and this is how the fetus begins to develop.

It is necessary to take into account the onset of ovulation, the movement of sperm and their life expectancy. It has already become clear that male Y chromosomes are nimble, but quickly die. They live 24 hours after the eruption. Women, on the contrary, are slow, but are able to live for several days in the vaginal cavity.

Sexual intercourse performed on the day of ovulation will maximize the likelihood of having a boy.

To increase the possibility of having a girl, you need to have sex a day before probable ovulation.

It is not difficult to calculate the exact date of ovulation; the entire cycle is divided in half. Example: 28 day cycle, half is 14 days before the start of discharge. This is for reference, but the exact date must be installed by measuring basal temperature. The procedures will have to be performed over 3–4 cycles, for precise definition time of ovulation.

Step-by-step instruction

The first appearance of discharge is considered the beginning of a cycle, which is divided into safe and unsafe days. Let's take for example twenty eight calendar days cycle.

  • 1–9 first days- it is impossible to get pregnant. The woman feels slight weakness and malaise;
  • 10–14 days– the characteristics of the female body make this period of time relatively safe. Ovulation is unstable, so it is possible to get pregnant at this time;
  • 14–16 days– the beginning of ovulation, the first days. The most best time for conceiving a child in general. Female chromosomes are very strong, the first two days are the highest probability of fertilization and fusion of the XX, if you have sex a day before;
  • 16–18 days– female chromosomes are a little tired, Y chromosomes are fresh and active. High probability of fertilization XY, that is, a boy;
  • 19–20 days– conditionally safe time for sexual intercourse;
  • 21–28 – an absolutely sterile time for sex. It is impossible to get pregnant.

This schedule can be used with complete confidence, a proven method. We can summarize all of the above:

  1. Carry out sexual intercourse for the purpose of conception one day before ovulation.
  2. The amount of sperm must be kept to a minimum to reduce the number of male chromosomes.
  3. Monitor the correct microflora in the vagina.

Conception based on the blood of parents

It is believed that the parental blood, that is, the youngest and strongest blood, is responsible for the sex of the baby.

Whichever parent has younger blood, the child will have that gender.

The age of blood lies in its periodic renewal. After a certain period of time, a person’s blood is renewed, and different periods of time are needed to renew female and male blood.

A man’s blood goes through a renewal period of four years, the female counterpart – three years. To determine the age of the blood, it is necessary to divide the age of the future father by four, and the mother by three. Whoever has the smallest remnant has the youngest blood. Nature dictates that a child should have as young, healthy and strong blood as possible.

There may be many corrections in such calculations, which is why the method is not very popular. Life is full of factors influencing blood renewal besides time:

  • Deep wound resulting in large blood loss;
  • Surgical intervention in the body;
  • Miscarriage;
  • Abortion.

Such factors influence the renewal of blood, and the countdown must begin with such an event.

Conception according to the Chinese calendar

The Chinese offered their solution to the problem of how to conceive a girl. They invented an information calendar that makes it possible to calculate the gender of the unborn baby. The sages here believe that a woman is able to conceive a child of a certain gender, based on her age and month of the year.

This chinese calendar quite popular in Russia. It's quite simple to use: the table has columns and rows. The column data is the woman’s age, the rows indicate the months of the year. Woman of a certain age wants a girl, looks at the table in which month it needs to be done. All that remains is to pass on the information to your husband, or better yet, study the table together.

Japanese calendar for conception

The Japanese calendar consists of two tables. The first table is somewhat similar to the Chinese one, it is based on the birth dates of both parents. The top line is for the father's date of birth, the left column for the mother's date of birth. A non-random number is indicated at the intersection. Its calculation is necessary to use the second table.

The line at the top is for the found number; the left column shows the months for conceiving a baby. Table consists of colored columns and rows with crosses. Whichever crosses there are more will indicate the expected gender of the unborn baby.

Slavic method of conceiving a certain gender

The basis of this technique is also calculations. In order to conceive a girl, it is necessary to try to conceive a child only on even days of the month.

The next option for even numbers suggests adding to the mother’s age the serial number of the month when they are planning to conceive. For the birth of a daughter, it must be an even number. Otherwise it will be a boy.

Conception based on nutrition

This method relies on certain foods to achieve results. It is assumed that by introducing certain foods into the diet, a certain environment is created in the body, which creates the desired effect on the gender of the unborn child.

Chance to give birth healthy baby will increase significantly if a man leads healthy image life, eats quality food and has given up bad habits. The sperm of such a father significantly improves its quality. Similar behavior of the mother gives the right to count on the objective functioning of the parents’ chromosomes.

To conceive a girl, you should adhere to the following diet:

  • Having decided to conceive a girl, you need to start preparing for this four months in advance. Start by limiting your diet of sugar, potatoes, any meat and salt.
  • It is necessary to fill the body with minerals, calcium and magnesium are especially important. The table should be filled with carrots, cucumbers, beets, and onions.
  • Pay attention to seafood, raw and processed eggs, milk and fruits, cereals. It is recommended to avoid bananas and peaches.
  • Eliminate any harmful products.

Erikson's method of conception

This technique may not be applicable in all countries. It's relative new method. This method is based on laboratory analysis of sperm and its forced filtration. Filtration allows you to remove the fastest sperm from the sperm, they are the chromosomes of boys.

Purified sperm is injected into the vagina. The egg has no other choice; it is fertilized with female chromosomes.

Psychological component

Not everyone believes in this possibility, choose the future sex of the child yourself, but the method really works.

Even at the stage of planning a future conception, it is necessary to apply psychological visualization. Future mom I have to imagine that the girl is already there, here she is, nearby. All thoughts and dreams are completely absorbed in the awareness of my daughter. Imagine her, all the details of the child: hair color, eye shape, lips, height. Feel the character and behavior of the baby. It has long been proven that thoughts are material, a future daughter can appear through visual programming.

Moon calendar

The lunar calendar has been around for many years; it was used by our ancestors. Moon calendar helps determine the optimal day to conceive a girl. According to this calendar, the moon will pass through the necessary female zodiac signs once every 2.5 days. Female signs: Taurus, Virgo, Cancer. There is a high probability of conceiving a girl while the moon is in Capricorn, Pisces, or Scorpio.

Blood analysis

In the clinic’s laboratory, the blood type of both parents is determined, and the Rh factor is also compared. Blood is taken for analysis before conception. Then the parental Rh factor is compared:

  • Parents have different Rh factors - the likelihood of getting pregnant is extremely low if a woman is negative. Such female body It simply rejects sperm.
  • If the Rh factor is the same, the likelihood of having a daughter is greater.

During the conception of a girl a woman should not have an orgasm. An alkaline environment has a detrimental effect on the X chromosomes. Have sex with the goal of conceiving two days before ovulation. Male Y chromosomes simply will not live to see the appearance of an egg.

After ovulation you cannot have intercourse sexual intercourse or careful protection is necessary. You will have to abstain or use protection for three days. Otherwise, there is a possibility that the nimble Y chromosomes will still get ahead of the X chromosomes.

You will have to reduce foreplay and foreplay to a minimum. Necessary reduce the percentage of excitement.

To increase the acidic environment of the vagina, positive for X chromosomes, it is recommended do a vinegar douche. A weak solution is two tablespoons of vinegar per liter of water. The solution should be made and used immediately, do not store.

Use positions with the least penetration, such as missionary, spooning, a man on top of a woman whose back is to him.


Folk signs, if the unborn child is a girl:

  • Rapid heartbeat;
  • A woman in labor constantly wants sweets;
  • The fetus is at the top of the abdomen;
  • Constant sleepiness Mom;
  • The baby began to move in the lower abdomen;
  • It is more comfortable for a woman to sleep on her right side.

IN modern times there is also IVF possibility. They do preliminary implantation genetic diagnostics. By using these services, parents will know in advance whether they are having a girl or a boy. After all, here they fertilize an egg in a test tube, and only then inject it into the mother’s body.

Only this possibility requires certain medical indications from a couple, well, it costs good money.

All of the above does not 100% guarantee the birth of a girl. It is worth noting that giving birth to a child of any gender is a gift and joy for parents.