Assignment of early retirement pension for seafarers. On early pension provision for seafarers on ships of the sea, river and fishing industry fleets. When do seafarers retire?

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Of the 28 types of old-age insurance pensions assigned ahead of schedule, 24 are assigned in connection with the performance of a certain type of activity. One of the professional categories of citizens entitled to early assignment of an old-age insurance pension due to difficult working conditions includes those working on the crew of ships of the sea, river fleet and fishing industry fleet (with the exception of port ships constantly working in the port waters, service auxiliary and traveling courts, suburban and intracity courts).

The PFR branch in Moscow and the Moscow region pays pensions to 2,663 citizens included in the category of sailors, of which 1,344 are in Moscow and 1,319 in the Moscow region.

In accordance with the Federal Law “On Insurance Pensions”, the right to early old-age pension is granted to men upon reaching age 55 years and women upon reaching age 50 years if they have worked respectively for at least 12 years, 6 months and 10 years as a crew member on ships and have an insurance period of 25 and 20 years, respectively.

Right to early retirement regardless of age, it is provided to men and women who have worked, respectively, for at least 25 years and 20 years on ships of the fishing industry in the production, processing of fish and seafood, receiving finished products in the fishery (regardless of the nature of the work performed), as well as in certain types of vessels of the sea, river fleet and fishing industry fleet.

The crew of these vessels acquires the right to preferential pensions regardless of what work the vessel performs: transportation of goods, passengers or production, processing of fish and seafood and other work, and also regardless of the name of the employee’s profession, position, what service of the vessel he belongs to applies. To assign a pension due to special working conditions, it is necessary that the employee be enrolled in a floating crew, and the ship on which he works does not belong to the port, permanently operating in the port waters, service and auxiliary and traveling, suburban and intracity traffic.

If, for a certain period of time, the vessel does not perform work for various reasons (laying up, conservation, idle time at the quay wall while waiting to sail, etc.) corresponding to its purpose, then in any case such a period is not counted in the special length of service and must be reflected in a certificate confirming preferential length of service. When applying for a pension, a certificate must be submitted to the Pension Fund.

The period of work during the full navigation period on water transport is taken into account in such a way that when calculating the length of service giving the right to early pension provision, the length of service in the relevant types of work is a full year. If navigation, regardless of the reasons, is not fully worked out, then periods of actual duration are included in the length of service in the relevant types of work, i.e. in calendar terms, including periods of receiving state social insurance benefits during the period of temporary disability, as well as annual basic and additional paid leave.

In some cases, if a number of conditions are met, seafarers may have the right to a double reduction in retirement age. For example, if an employee has 15 years of work experience in the Far North, or 20 years in areas equivalent to them, and has developed the required length of service as a seafarer, the age established for the early assignment of an insurance pension is reduced by another 5 years.

The PFR branch in Moscow and the Moscow region carries out advance work with insured persons retiring within the next 12 months, including citizens whose pensions are assigned early. Providing documents in advance allows PFR specialists to create a pension (payment) file,, if necessary, request the necessary certificates from the archives of organizations (if they are not available) and assign a pension in a timely manner and in full.

How a modern sailor can earn a pension is far from an idle question, given that most sea workers work under flags of convenience or alternately: either for a Russian employer or for a foreign one. It is this fact that is the main cause for concern. After all, a foreign employer does not pay insurance premiums for a working seaman, and accordingly this affects the insurance period required to assign a pension.

For early assignment of an old-age pension, you need confirmed preferential work experience as a member of the ship’s crew, an individual pension coefficient of the required value, as well as the required number of years of general insurance experience. If you don’t have at least one of the above, you can partially or completely say goodbye to dreams of a dignified old age. A natural question arises: how is the insurance period formed?


In accordance with current legislation, the insurance period is the total duration of periods of work and (or) other activities during which insurance contributions were paid to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, taken into account when determining the right to a labor pension. If a seafarer, while working for a foreign company, did not enter into voluntary legal relations with the Pension Fund and did not pay insurance premiums on his own, then this time of work will not be taken into account in the length of service, which means that there is a high probability that if the insurance period is insufficient, he will retire upon reaching the generally established Such a marine specialist will not be able to age.

For many this comes as unexpected news: how is this possible? I worked in the navy all my life! So, “your whole life” does not mean at all that during this time you have accumulated the necessary length of service to qualify for an old-age insurance pension. Because the sailor worked either for a Russian shipowner or for a foreign one. And if the Russian employer paid all the necessary contributions, then the foreign company did not deal with this issue at all.

Then how can you ensure guaranteed payments upon completion of your career at sea?

To do this, you will need two things - to familiarize yourself with the pension legislation of the country and not to delay in completing all the necessary documents. If necessary, crew members can obtain detailed advice from trade union lawyers.


To receive an old-age insurance pension, a Russian citizen needs to accumulate insurance experience and a certain number of pension points, the value of which changes every year. Thus, to receive an old-age insurance pension in 2019, you must have at least 10 years of insurance experience and an individual pension coefficient equal to 16.2. Every year, more and more of them are required from new pensioners: 2.4 points more annually, until by 2025 the required number of points reaches 30. The length of service required to receive an old-age insurance pension will also gradually increase by one year to 15 years in 2024.

At the end of 2018, a law was adopted to improve the pension system. This improvement is primarily aimed at increasing the retirement age by 5 years. Now men will retire at 65, women at 60. The changes will occur in stages over a long transition period of 10 years and ending in 2028. For those who were supposed to retire in 2019 and 2020 under the terms of the previous legislation (these are women born in 1964–1965 and men born in 1959–1960), a special benefit was established - the assignment of a pension six months earlier than the new retirement age. Thanks to the benefit, pensions on new grounds will be assigned as early as 2019: for women aged 55.5 years and men at age 60.5 years.

At the same time, during the entire transition period, the requirements for length of service and pension points necessary for the assignment of an old-age insurance pension continue to apply.

The increase in the retirement age does not apply to disability pensions - they are retained in full and are assigned to people who have lost their ability to work, regardless of age when the disability group is established.

The right to early retirement has been established for workers with extensive work experience: at least 42 years for men and 37 years for women. Now they can retire two years earlier than expected, but only when they reach the ages of 60 and 55 years, respectively.

For those who have not earned the right to an old-age insurance pension, they are entitled to a social old-age pension. The age for receiving a social pension will also gradually increase by 5 years during the transition period. That is, by 2028, men will be granted a social old-age pension upon reaching 70 years of age, and women – starting from 65 years of age.

For citizens of pre-retirement age - those who have 5 years left before retirement age, in the event of their loss of work and in the absence of employment opportunities, the right to retire is retained 2 years earlier than the established new retirement age, taking into account the transition period.

In addition, from January 1, 2019, for citizens of pre-retirement age, the maximum amount of unemployment benefits has been increased - from 4,900 rubles to 11,280 rubles. However, such benefits are paid only for 1 year.


Despite the step-by-step increase in the retirement age, the right to early retirement remains for a certain category of workers. Thus, men upon reaching the age of 55 years and women over 50 years of age working in the crew of ships of the sea, river fleet and fishing industry fleet (men and women), with the exception of port ships constantly working in the port waters, service and auxiliary and traveling ships, ships suburban and intracity traffic can retire if they have:

– work experience as a ship’s crew 12 years and 6 months (for men) and 10 years (for women),

– total insurance experience – 25 and 20 years, respectively,

– individual pension coefficient of at least 30 (taking into account transitional provisions in 2019, not less than 16.2).

The presence of all these conditions in terms of length of service and coefficient gives the same right to early retirement to crew members of the engine crew of service and auxiliary vessels and port fleet vessels constantly working in the port waters (with the exception of service and traveling vessels, suburban and intracity vessels). The basis is List No. 2 of industries, jobs, professions, positions and indicators with harmful and difficult working conditions, employment in which also gives the right to an old-age pension on preferential terms.


The conditions for assigning an insurance pension have not changed if there is a special experience of at least 25 years and 20 years for men and women, regardless of age, for workers in the fishing industry fleet engaged in the production, processing of fish and seafood, receiving finished products in the fishery, regardless of the nature work being performed.

The same right to early retirement, regardless of age and if they have special experience, is enjoyed by crew members of certain types of vessels of the sea, river fleet and fishing industry fleet (on pusher tugs constantly engaged in the transportation of oil barges, gas carriers, oil tankers, oil pumping, oil bunkering and stripping stations, underwater vehicles (laboratories), ships with nuclear power plants, nuclear technical service ships, ships constantly operating in the Arctic, chemical carriers, sinter carriers). This is the so-called long-service pension.

To confirm special work experience as a crew member of the maritime and fishing industry fleets, certificates from the shipping companies where the seafarer worked are required. In them, the length of service must be described in detail, i.e., including periods of direct presence on the ship, as well as other periods preceding or immediately following such work, which are included in the special length of service. These include paid vacations and time off, being on a paid reserve, and periods of involvement in repair work. Separately, periods should be highlighted that are not included in the special length of service: for example, leaves without pay, a period of training, etc.

Should know, What:

– if, at the time of reaching the age of 55 years for men and 50 years for women, there is no required work experience in the sea crew or the required general insurance experience, and also in the absence of the required individual pension coefficient, the insurance pension to the seafarer will be assigned on a general basis: that is, upon reaching the generally established retirement age (65/60 years - for men and women, respectively);

– if a seafarer entered into voluntary legal relations under compulsory pension insurance and paid insurance premiums, then the periods of payment of insurance premiums are taken into account only in the total insurance period, but are not taken into account when determining the right to early assignment of an old-age insurance pension.

Important to remember that after January 1, 2013, the conditions for the appointment of an early old-age insurance pension are applied only if the class of working conditions at the workplaces of ship crew members corresponded to the harmful or dangerous class of working conditions established based on the results of a special assessment of working conditions (SOUT) and in case of payment of additional insurance contributions by the employer.

During the transition period until December 31, 2018, the right to early assignment of an old-age insurance pension is retained based on the results of workplace certification, subject to the accrual and payment of additional insurance contributions by the employer until the SOUT is carried out.

If it is difficult to understand the pension legislation on your own and prove the right to early retirement, even if you have all the necessary documents, the sailor can always turn to his trade union organization for help.


Residents of the Far North and equivalent areas have the right to early retirement 5 years earlier than the generally established retirement age. After the pension reform, northerners retain this right in the future. At the same time, the age of early retirement for residents of the North is gradually increasing by 5 years: from 50 to 55 years for women and from 55 to 60 years for men.

The transition period to raise the retirement age of northerners will last, like everyone else, for 10 years – from 2019 to 2028. At the first stage, the age increase will affect women born in 1969 and men born in 1964. At the same time, northerners, who, according to the old legislation, should have been assigned a pension in 2019–2020, also have the right to a benefit for retirement six months earlier than the new retirement age.

The minimum required northern length of service for early assignment of a pension does not change and remains 15 calendar years in the Far North and 20 calendar years in equivalent areas. The requirements for insurance experience similarly do not change and are 20 years for women and 25 years for men.

A year of experience in areas equated to the Far North corresponds to 9 months of work directly in the North. For those who have worked in the Far North for at least 7 years and 6 months, an insurance pension is assigned with an age reduction of four months for each full calendar year of work in these areas.

Sailors who have worked for at least 15 calendar years in the Far North or at least 20 calendar years in equivalent areas, if they have the total insurance experience necessary for early assignment of an old-age insurance pension (men - 25 years and women - 20 years ), and work experience as ship crew members of at least 12 years and 6 months, will be able to retire 5 years earlier than the age established for early appointment: at 50 years old for men, 45 years old for women.


Many Russian sailors today prefer to work under a foreign flag, and one can understand them: with rare exceptions, it is impossible to earn decent money in Russian companies. At the same time, most of them hardly think about retirement – ​​what awaits them in the future. Of course, they can count on a social pension, like all citizens of the Russian Federation, if they lack insurance coverage. However, we still have to live to see it. It is established at the age of 70 and 65 for men and women, respectively, and its size will be significantly less than that of the insurance pension. Today, the size of the old-age social pension is 5180.24 rubles.

Therefore, in order not to end up with nothing in old age, all sailors, citizens of the Russian Federation working on ships under foreign flags, must voluntarily enter into legal relations under compulsory pension insurance. Unless, of course, they want to receive an old-age insurance pension.

These relationships involve paying insurance premiums for yourself to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. Only in this case will Russian seafarers be insured persons who are subject to compulsory pension insurance with a further right to retire upon reaching the generally established age. Again, this is only possible if you have the required insurance coverage and the amount of the individual pension coefficient. Otherwise, you can forget about the old-age insurance pension. Therefore, the advice is simple: the sooner seafarers start paying dues, the better for them. The periods of payment of insurance premiums by seafarers working on ships flying foreign flags are counted towards the insurance period.


Sailors should contact the territorial body of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation at their place of residence and submit an application to enter into legal relations under compulsory pension insurance. The application can be submitted in person or sent by mail with the obligatory fact of confirmation of sending and receipt of the letter. Additionally, it is necessary to provide a passport or other identification document of the seafarer, as well as documents confirming the fact of work or the fact of an invitation to work outside the territory of the Russian Federation, or giving the right to carry out activities outside the territory of the Russian Federation.

Let us repeat, the periods of payment of insurance premiums by seafarers working on ships flying foreign flags are counted towards the insurance period. The minimum amount of insurance premiums that a seafarer will have to pay is determined as follows: the minimum wage (minimum wage) at the beginning of the financial year for which insurance premiums are paid must be multiplied by the insurance premium rate of 22 percent. The maximum amount of insurance premiums cannot be more than the amount determined as the product of eight times the minimum wage at the beginning of the financial year for which insurance premiums are paid and the insurance premium rate of 22 percent.

Thus, the minimum amount of insurance premiums that a sailor will have to pay for 2019 will be RUB 29,779.20. The maximum amount of insurance premiums for 2018 cannot be more than 238,233.60 rubles.

Considering the voluntary nature of entering into legal relations under compulsory pension insurance,The seafarer must independently determine in what amount (within the established minimum and maximum amounts of contributions) he will pay insurance premiums. That is, the amount of insurance premiums paid does not depend on the amount of wages (amount of income) that the seafarer receives from the foreign shipowner.

The procedure for calculating and payment terms of insurance premiums has now been clarified. The calculation period for insurance premiums is a calendar year. The amount is calculated by the seafarer independently, determined in proportion to the number of calendar months during which the seafarer was in a legal relationship under compulsory pension insurance, and is paid no later than December 31 of the current calendar year.

The legislation also provides for the possibility of paying insurance premiums not only by the seaman himself, who voluntarily entered into legal relations under compulsory pension insurance, but also by other individuals. At the same time, the duration of the periods of payment of insurance premiums for seafarers counted towards the insurance period cannot be more than half of the insurance period required for the assignment of an old-age insurance pension - that is, no more than seven and a half years.

If, at the time of reaching the generally established retirement age, a crew member does not have enough insurance experience and there is no required individual pension coefficient, then these indicators can be increased by continuing to pay insurance premiums, thus creating all the conditions for acquiring the right to an insurance pension.

The Russian Trade Union of Seafarers strongly advises seafarers to take care of the issue of future pensions as early as possible. Any delay, non-paymentinsurance premiums, and even worse - the lack of legal relations with the Pension Fund threatens with a serious reduction in pension payments, an increase in the retirement age and a huge amount of paperwork.

Therefore, it is better to annually familiarize yourself with information about the state of your personal account: how many pension points have been accrued, how many years and months have been taken into account in the insurance period. The accounting system allows you to track information about periods of work, places of work, the amount of insurance premiums accrued by employers and the level of wages.

To obtain information, you must come with an identification document to any territorial body of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation or submit a request to any multifunctional center (MFC).

Information about the status of your personal account can also be found through electronic services provided by the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation by creating a personal account. All users registered on the website and in the Unified Identification and Authentication System (USIA) have access to the service.

Remember, your pension is in your hands.

Navigation personnel have the right to early assignment of an old-age labor pension (retirement 5 years earlier) in accordance with subclause. 9 clause 1 art. 27 of the Federal Law of December 17, 2001 No. 173-FZ “On Labor Pensions in the Russian Federation” (hereinafter referred to as Law No. 173-FZ), provided that they have worked for a certain period of time (men for at least 12 years 6 months, women for at least 10 years ) on ships of the sea, river fleet and fishing industry fleet (with the exception of port ships constantly operating in the port water area, service and auxiliary and traveling ships, suburban and intracity traffic vessels) and have an insurance period of 25 and 20 years, respectively.

The crew of these vessels acquires the right to early pension provision, regardless of what work is performed by the ship and directly by the member of the ship's crew (sea crew). This can be the transportation of goods, passengers or production, processing of fish and seafood, acceptance of finished products in the fishery, icebreaking and roadstead work, as well as other work of a non-transport and fishery nature. It also does not matter the name of the profession and position of a member of the crew of the vessels provided for in subparagraph. 9 clause 1 art. 27 of Law No. 173-FZ.

Workers, including sailing crew, who have worked (men for at least 25 years and women for at least 20 years) on ships of the fishing industry marine fleet in the production, processing of fish and seafood, acceptance of finished products in the fishery (regardless of the nature of the work performed ), as well as on certain types of vessels of the sea, river fleet and fishing industry fleet (The list of such vessels was approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated July 7, 1992 No. 467), in accordance with subparagraph. 12 clause 1 art. 27 of Law No. 173-FZ, an old-age labor pension is assigned regardless of age.

The right of these workers to early retirement pension in old age applies to all workers, regardless of the name of their profession and position, engaged in the production and processing of fish and seafood, as well as those receiving finished products in the field. In this case, the nature of the work of a particular employee does not matter. The type of vessel belonging to the marine fleet of the fishing industry also does not matter.

The peculiarities of work on the listed vessels are determined by weather and climatic conditions and the remoteness of work from the shore: some workers are employed on vessels during the navigation period (mainly the crew of river fleet vessels, including vessels of the fishing industry fleet), others perform work on vessels for long periods without days off and non-working holidays of rest, which the floating composition of vessels uses after completion of the voyage (mainly vessels of the maritime fleet, including vessels of the fishing industry fleet).

According to clause 13 of the Rules for calculating periods of work, which gives the right to early assignment of an old-age labor pension in accordance with Articles 27 and 28 of the Federal Law “On Labor Pensions in the Russian Federation”, approved. By Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated July 11, 2002 No. 516, work during the full navigation period on water transport is taken into account in such a way that when calculating the length of service that gives the right to early assignment of an old-age pension, its duration in the corresponding calendar year is a full year. The duration of the navigation period does not matter; it depends on the natural and climatic conditions of the region and therefore can be different.

Navigation is the period when navigation is possible due to local climatic conditions.

The duration of the navigation period is determined depending on the climatic conditions of individual regions of the country, which make it possible to carry out navigation work on water transport not all year round, but for a certain period of time.

In some cases, for reasons beyond the control of the employee, the beginning of navigation in the work area does not coincide with the date the vessel departs for the voyage, and the end does not coincide with the date of its actual return upon completion of work to the vessel’s home port. Due to the fact that not all ships can go on a voyage at the same time, orders are issued to put specific ships into operation, which indicate different dates for their departure, and orders to prepare ships for lay-up or repair, in accordance with which ships can return to the port several days before the closure of navigation. The time a ship remains on a voyage during such a period should be considered as a complete navigation period.

In cases where an employee has not worked the entire navigation period on a ship, the time of his work is included in the length of service in the relevant types of work according to its actual duration, regardless of the reason why the work was not started at the beginning of the navigation period or was stopped before its end. A sailor worker finished work during the navigation period 20 days earlier due to going on leave without pay. In this case, the time of its operation during navigation cannot be considered as a full navigation period. This period is counted towards the length of service in the relevant types of work that give the right to early pension provision, according to its actual duration.

In accordance with the Regulations on working time and rest time for workers of floating vessels of the maritime fleet, approved. By resolution of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated February 20, 1996 No. 11, the working hours of the ship’s crew members include the time they perform work to service the ship and maintain it in normal operational and technical condition during the execution of the voyage task, including auxiliary, preparatory, and repair work. and other work that ensures the basic functions of the crew, which is consistent with clause 5 of the clarification of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated May 22, 1996 No. 5. According to clause 5 of this clarification, working hours (full working day) include the time spent performing auxiliary, preparatory, and for workers, performing work using mechanisms, as well as the time for performing routine repair work and work on the technical operation of equipment. It may also include the time spent performing work performed outside the workplace in order to ensure basic job functions.

Thus, in the length of service that gives the crew of ships of the sea, river fleet and fishing industry fleet the right to early assignment of an old-age pension in accordance with sub-clause. 9 and 12 paragraph 1 art. 27 of Law No. 173-FZ, you can include the time for all work performed by the crew during the voyage task, including the time of loading and unloading operations in the port, inter-voyage maintenance or repair of the vessel, paid reserve (duty) and the performance of other work by the crew before departure the vessel on a voyage or after the vessel returns to its home port, if these works are related to ensuring the basic labor functions of the crew that they perform during the voyage.

The issue of counting into the length of service, which gives the right to early retirement pensions to employees of sea, river and fishing vessels, the summed up days of rest (time off) for unused days off during the vessel's voyage and in some cases for overtime, may be considered in in accordance with the resolution of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation dated January 29, 2004 No. 2-P and the determination of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation dated July 12, 2006 No. 261-O, which explains that during the length of service of employees with a special nature of work (these include seafarers, river fleet and fishing industry fleet), which gives the right to early assignment of an old-age labor pension, includes both the period of work and the period of rest. It follows from this that if in the accounting period the number of hours actually worked by the crew of these vessels was no less than the normal number of working hours established by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation (Article 91), then the inter-trip rest time (overtime and the summed rest days for unused weekends during the execution of a voyage assignment) should not be excluded from the general calendar period that forms the length of service that gives the crew of ships of the sea, river and fishing industry fleets the right to early pension provision.

For various reasons, vessels of the sea and river fleet (inland water transport fleet) and the fishing industry fleet (fishing fleet) may be laid up for a long time, mothballed (for which an order is issued by the shipowner) or stand at the berth wall waiting to set sail. In all cases, such ships do not perform work corresponding to their purpose, therefore they cannot be classified as ships whose work by the crew gives the right to early assignment of an old-age pension.

Taking into account the above, the periods when ships of the sea and river fleet (inland water transport fleet) and the fishing industry fleet (fishing fleet) are laid up, mothballed, as well as periods of long stay of the vessel at the berth wall during the length of service that gives the right to early assignment of a labor pension old age in accordance with sub. 9 clause 1 art. 27 of Law No. 173-F Z, are not counted.

1. When is early retirement possible? Experience 9 years 4 months on the crew + 4 months 26 days on list No. 2 until 2002. Total experience 31 years. Northern experience of 15 years has been developed.

1.1. The appointment of an early pension is carried out on the grounds provided for in Articles 30-34 of the Federal Law of December 28, 2013 N 400-FZ “On Insurance Pensions”. According to Article 32 of this law, it is necessary to have 15 years of northern experience. To answer your question, you need to know your age, because... according to Appendix 5 to the Federal Law of December 28, 2013 N 400-FZ “On Insurance Pensions” there were changes in terms of the shift in retirement depending on when you had the right to retire under the old legislation in force until January 1, 2019 of the year.

1.2. Summation is possible. You are entitled to a preferential pension. Based on Art. 30-33 Federal Law On insurance pensions. You have enough experience for this.

1.3. Hello. Unfortunately, you did not indicate your age for a more accurate answer. But you can figure it out for yourself based on the information I provided.
According to
Federal Law of December 28, 2013 N 400-FZ (as amended on December 27, 2018) “On Insurance Pensions”
Article 32. Retention of the right to early assignment of an insurance pension to certain categories of citizens
1. An old-age insurance pension is assigned before reaching the age established by Article 8 of this Federal Law, if there is an individual pension coefficient of at least 30 to the following citizens:
6) men upon reaching the age of 60 years and women upon reaching the age of 55 years (subject to the provisions provided for in Appendices 5 and 6 to this Federal Law), if they have worked for at least 15 calendar years in the Far North
The specified appendix number 5, since number 6 refers to the period of filling government positions, municipal positions, positions of state civil and municipal service
2019 V + 12 months
2020 V + 24 months
2021 V + 36 months
2022 V + 48 months
2023 and subsequent years V + 60 months.

1.4. --- Hello, dear visitor to the site, the procedure for determining work experience in the regions of the Far North is regulated by the Instruction on the procedure for providing social guarantees and compensation to persons working in the regions of the Far North and in areas equated to regions of the Far North, approved by the Order of the Ministry of Labor of the RSFSR dated November 22, 1990 N 2 (hereinafter - Instruction N 2), and the Instruction on the procedure for providing employees of enterprises, institutions and organizations located in the Arkhangelsk region, the Karelian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, the Komi SSR as part of the RSFSR, in the southern regions of the Far East, the Krasnoyarsk Territory, the Irkutsk region, as well as in the Buryat Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, Tuva Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic and Chita Region, social guarantees and compensation, approved by Order of the Ministry of Labor of the RSFSR dated November 22, 1990 No. 3 (hereinafter referred to as Instruction No. 3). These instructions were adopted in order to implement Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR dated October 22, 1990 N 458, as well as Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated October 7, 1993 N 1012 (hereinafter referred to as Resolution N 1012).
You can contact the Pension Fund and find out when you will retire. See also Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated July 11, 2002 N 516 (as amended on March 25, 2013) “On approval of the Rules for calculating periods of work giving the right to early assignment of an old-age labor pension in accordance with Articles 27 and 28 of the Federal Law “On Labor Pensions” in the Russian Federation“ 2. When early assignment of an old-age labor pension to citizens in the manner prescribed by these Rules, the periods of the following work are summed up: 9) work as a crew member on ships of the sea, river fleet and fishing industry fleet (with the exception of port ships constantly operating in the port waters, service and auxiliary and traveling ships, suburban and intracity vessels);
6) men upon reaching the age of 60 years and women upon reaching the age of 55 years (taking into account the provisions provided for in Appendices 5 and 6 to this Federal Law), if they have worked for at least 15 calendar years in the Far North or at least 20 calendar years in equivalent areas and have insurance experience of at least 25 and 20 years, respectively. For citizens who worked both in the Far North and in equivalent areas, an insurance pension is established for 15 calendar years of work in the Far North. Moreover, each calendar year of work in areas equated to the regions of the Far North is counted as nine months of work in the regions of the Far North. Citizens who have worked in the regions of the Far North for at least 7 years 6 months are assigned an insurance pension with a reduction in the age established by Article 8 of this Federal Law by four months for each full calendar year of work in these regions. When working in areas equated to the regions of the Far North, as well as in these areas and regions of the Far North, each calendar year of work in areas equated to the regions of the Far North is counted as nine months of work in the regions of the Far North;
(as amended by Federal Law dated October 3, 2018 N 350-FZ)
(see text in the previous edition)
Good luck to you and all the best, with respect, lawyer Ligostaeva A.V.

1.5. Federal Law "On Insurance Pensions" dated December 28, 2013 N 400-FZ
According to list No. 2 according to Article 30 of this retirement law:
(latest edition)2) men upon reaching the age of 55 years and women upon reaching the age of 50 years, if they have worked in jobs with difficult working conditions for at least 12 years 6 months and 10 years, respectively, and have an insurance period of at least 25 years and 20 years, respectively years. If these persons have worked in the listed jobs for at least half of the established period and have the required length of insurance experience, an insurance pension is assigned to them with a reduction in the age provided for in Article 8 of this Federal Law as of December 31, 2018, by one year for every 2 years and 6 months of such work for men and for every 2 years of such work for women;
Your length of service is summarized in accordance with Article 32 of this law. For persons who have worked for at least 15 calendar years in the regions of the Far North or at least 20 calendar years in equivalent areas and have the necessary for the early assignment of an old-age insurance pension provided for in paragraphs 1 - 10 and 16 - 18 Part 1 Article 30 of this Federal Law, the insurance period and length of service in the relevant types of work, the age established for the early assignment of the said pension is reduced by five years.

1.6. Good afternoon Alexander, when citizens are granted an old-age labor pension early in the manner prescribed by Government Decree No. 516 dated July 11, 2002, the periods of preferential work are summed up, so List 2 is summed up with work on the crew. When summing up the work, you get preferential work according to the List of 2-9 years 8 months with the required preferential length of service for men 12 years 6 months. With incomplete preferential service, you will have the right to early retirement at the age of 57 (clause 1.2 of Article 30 of Federal Law No. 400-FZ) From 01/01/2019, the Federal Law of 10/03/2018 No. 350-FZ on increasing the retirement age came into force , this also applies to early retirement based on northern seniority. When applying two benefits in accordance with paragraph 2 of Article 33 of Federal Law No. 400-FZ, the right to early retirement is also at the age of 57 years.

1.7. First you need to make sure that you are eligible to receive benefits. According to Federal Law No. 173-FZ, this category includes: Persons of a certain social category: mothers of many children, disabled people, persons living and working in the Far North for a certain number of years. Workers of certain professions: military, civil servants, theater actors, doctors, teachers. Workers in professions with difficult and harmful conditions (list No. 1 and No. 2. You can familiarize yourself with them in Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the USSR dated January 26, 1991 N 10). At the same time, the length of service can be combined with other benefits. For example, with 10 years of work experience in a profession from list No. 2 and 6 years of work in the north, you can retire at 55 years old.

Harmful work experience on list No. 1 reduces pension by 10 years, No. 2 by 5.

At the same time, the length of service can be combined with other benefits. For example, with 10 years of work experience in a profession from list No. 2 and 6 years of work in the north, you can retire at 55 years old.
I agree with what you have stated, guided by Chap. 6 Federal Law “On Insurance Pensions” dated December 28, 2013 No. 400-FZ (as amended on March 7, 2018) and two lists approved. Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the USSR dated January 26, 1991 No. 10 (as amended on October 2, 1991), which lists industries, positions and professions that give the right to early retirement, early retirement is possible at 57 years of age.

2. The length of service as a sailor and as a kindergarten teacher is summed up for early retirement.

2.1. Good afternoon Nadezhda, no, this length of service is not cumulative (Resolution No. 516).

3. I worked as a seacrew for 8 years and have a total experience of more than 30 years for early retirement.

3.1. ---Hello, the answer to this question needs to be prepared, and this is a paid service, choose a lawyer and we will provide it to you on a paid basis. Good luck to you and all the best, with respect, lawyer Ligostaeva A.V.

3.2. Good afternoon Radik, no, you do not have the right to early retirement, since the crew must have 12.6 years of preferential service and 25 years of total service; if the preferential service is incomplete, early pension is not granted. (Clause 1.9 of Article 30 of Federal Law No. 400-FZ “On Insurance Pensions”).

4. Lack of 1 year of experience as a crew member. Do I have the right to early retirement not at 55 years old, but say at 57 or at another age, but before 60

4.1. Good afternoon Sergey, you do not have the right to an early pension at a reduced age, since clause 1.9 of Article 30 of Federal Law No. 400-FZ does not provide for a reduction in age with incomplete preferential service.

5. Worked as a sea crew for 7 years. Can I count on early retirement, if so, at what age?
Thank you, Elena.

5.1. Good day! You can count on a pension based on mixed service. An old-age insurance pension is assigned to men who have reached 60 years of age and women who have reached 55 years of age, with at least 15 years of insurance experience and an individual pension coefficient of at least 30.

5.2. You can count on early retirement due to work in hazardous production. Pension fund employees will calculate your exact retirement date, because the harmful length of service has not been fully worked out.

6. Am I entitled to early retirement at the age of 57, although I have 10 years of experience as a seafarer (and not 12.5 for the age of 55) and total experience since 23 years? Thank you.

6.1. Good day, you are not entitled to a pension. The retirement age is reduced only for those working on Lists 1 and 2, and you need 12.5 years of experience for a pension.

7. If you worked as a crew member on a refueling barge (they refueled ships with diesel fuel), are you entitled to early retirement?

7.1. Hello. Required if you prove that the barge or vessel does not belong to the port, special, auxiliary vessel operating in the port waters.

8. To assign an early retirement pension to the crew of naval vessels, they require a clarifying certificate from the enterprise that this position belongs to the crew and the ships on which I worked do not belong to the port, service and auxiliary vessels. I live in the Russian Federation, and worked at the Azov Shipping Company under the USSR. The shipping company has been gone for a long time. And what to do in such a situation. How to prove that I worked on foreign ships.

8.1. Good day! If the enterprise no longer exists, it is necessary to submit a written request to the archives of the city where the enterprise was registered with a request to issue a certificate of the amount of wages, orders for hiring and dismissal, and a historical certificate about the enterprise.

8.2. Apply to the city archive, the enterprise archive and the Ministry of Transport at the same time. Get answers, the archive of company employees must be kept for 75 years

9. What documents are needed to apply for early retirement for the crew. And what is 25 years of insurance experience?

9.1. ---Hello, consultation on this issue should be prepared, raise legislative regulations and others, and this is a paid service. Contact any lawyer personally and we will prepare it for you on the basis of Article 779 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation - an agreement for the provision of paid services. Good luck to you and all the best.

9.2. Early retirement is granted to men and women who have worked, respectively, for at least 25 years and 20 years on ships of the fishing industry in the production, processing of fish and seafood, receiving finished products in the fishery (regardless of the nature of the work performed), as well as in certain types of work. vessels of the sea, river and fishing industry fleets.
Regarding your question:
The insurance period is the total duration of periods of work of the insured person during his life for which insurance premiums were paid.

10. Is 12 years and 6 months enough for the crew to retire early, or is it still necessary to have 25 years of insurance experience?

10.1. Good afternoon An old-age insurance pension is assigned to men who have reached 60 years of age and women who have reached 55 years of age, with at least 15 years of insurance experience and an individual pension coefficient of at least 30.

11. 12 years of work as a sailor, am I entitled to early retirement, for how many years, if possible?

11.1. Hello. It is not clear who is asking the question: a man or a woman?
According to Art. 30 Federal Law "On insurance pensions"

1) men upon reaching the age of 50 years and women upon reaching the age of 45 years, if they have worked, respectively, for at least 10 years and 7 years 6 months in underground work, in work with hazardous working conditions and in hot shops and have an insurance record of at least 20 years and 15 years. If these persons have worked in the listed jobs for at least half of the period established above and have the required length of insurance experience, an insurance pension is assigned to them with a reduction in the age established by Article 8 of this Federal Law by one year for each full year of such work - for men and women;

9) men upon reaching the age of 55 years and women upon reaching the age of 50 years, if they have worked respectively for at least 12 years 6 months and 10 years as a crew member on ships of the sea, river fleet and fishing industry fleet (with the exception of port ships permanently operating in port waters, service and auxiliary and traveling vessels, suburban and intracity traffic vessels) and have an insurance experience of at least 25 years and 20 years, respectively;

All the best. Thank you for choosing our site.

12. Can I get an early preferential pension if I have 7 years of experience as a seafarer?

12.1. subparagraph 2 of paragraph 1 of Article 27 of the Federal Law “On Labor Pensions in the Russian Federation”, which provides for the provision of a pension with a decrease in age in the absence of full completion of the special work experience of 12 years 6 months. When summing up the periods of work under subparagraphs 2 and 9 of paragraph 1 of Article 27 of the Federal Law "On Labor Pensions in the Russian Federation", including the disputed period, the duration of the special work experience that gives the right to early assignment of an old-age pension in connection with work in difficult conditions.
men upon reaching the age of 55 years and women upon reaching the age of 50 years, if they have worked in jobs with difficult working conditions for at least 12 years 6 months and 10 years, respectively, and have an insurance period of at least 25 years and 20 years, respectively. If these persons have worked in the listed jobs for at least half of the established period and have the required length of insurance experience, an insurance pension is assigned to them with a decrease in the age provided for in Article 8 of this Federal Law by one year for every 2 years and 6 months of such work for men and for every 2 years of such work for women
those. This period should be calculated for you in preferential terms and you can retire before 60 years of age

13. Can an employee receive an early preferential pension with 7 years of service as a seafaring crew?

13.1. Hello! no, he can not.

13.2. subparagraph 2 of paragraph 1 of Article 27 of the Federal Law “On Labor Pensions in the Russian Federation”, which provides for the provision of a pension with a decrease in age in the absence of full completion of the special work experience of 12 years 6 months. When summing up the periods of work under subparagraphs 2 and 9 of paragraph 1 of Article 27 of the Federal Law "On Labor Pensions in the Russian Federation", including the disputed period, the duration of the special work experience that gives the right to early assignment of an old-age pension in connection with work in difficult conditions. those. this period should be calculated for you in preferential terms and you can retire before 60 years of age,

13.3. Good afternoon You won’t be able to, since the Federal Law “On Labor Pensions in the Russian Federation” Art. 27 provides “an old-age labor pension is assigned before reaching the age established by Article 7 of this Federal Law to the following persons:
9) men upon reaching the age of 55 years, women upon reaching the age of 50 years, if they have worked respectively for at least 12 years 6 months and 10 years as a crew member on ships of the sea, river fleet and fishing industry fleet (with the exception of port ships permanently operating in port waters, service and auxiliary and traveling vessels, suburban and intracity traffic vessels) and have an insurance record of at least 25 and 20 years, respectively;

14. Do I have the right to early retirement if I have worked for 10 years as a seafarer in Riga? Experience from 1985 to 1995. I live in Russia. !964 year of birth. In Russia, length of service up to 1991 is taken into account. And the rest of my experience - up to 1995 - is not taken into account in the preferential length of service for Russia?

14.1. Go to the Pension Fund for a consultation, they will definitely tell you everything.

15. Please explain. Served as a sailor (list 2) for 10 years and 1 month. For early retirement, 2 years and 5 months are not enough, can the length of service be recalculated as a multiple of the time worked according to list 2, then do I have the right to retire not at 55 years old, but at 56 years old?

15.1. If your profession (position) was included in list No. 2, then under these circumstances you can retire at 55-something years old.
Article 30. Retention of the right to early assignment of an insurance pension
1. An old-age insurance pension is assigned before reaching the age established by Article 8 of this Federal Law, if there is an individual pension coefficient of at least 30 to the following persons:
2) men upon reaching the age of 55 years and women upon reaching the age of 50 years, if they have worked in jobs with difficult working conditions for at least 12 years 6 months and 10 years, respectively, and have an insurance period of at least 25 years and 20 years, respectively. If these persons have worked in the listed jobs for at least half of the established period and have the required length of insurance experience, an insurance pension is assigned to them with a decrease in the age provided for in Article 8 of this Federal Law by one year for every 2 years and 6 months of such work for men and for every 2 years of such work for women;

Art. 30, Federal Law of December 28, 2013 N 400-FZ (as amended on June 29, 2015) “On Insurance Pensions” (ConsultantPlus)

16. Are early retirement benefits cumulative? 12.5 years of seafaring and 9.6 years of work in the Far North.

16.1. Good afternoon Andrey, these two benefits are summed up, but to reduce the age for early retirement under two benefits, the length of service in the Far North must be 15 calendar years, in your case the right to early retirement is only at the age of 55 (Article 33 of Federal Law No. 400- Federal Law).

17. Can I apply for early retirement as a seafarer on long-distance vessels if I am 1 year and 8 months short of the required period (12.5 years)?

17.1. Hello! alas, you can't.

18. If I worked as a motor mechanic for only 5 years, do I have the right to early retirement? Sincerely, Oleg Anatolyevich.

18.1. Dear Oleg Anatolyevich!
No Unfortunately. For early retirement, at least 50% of the length of service must be completed. Improve it.

19. Worked as a member of the river fleet for 10 years. To retire early (55 years old) you need 12 years 6 months. Can I count on a proportional reduction in the retirement age, for example 57-58 years?

19.1. Hello! Unfortunately, no, you cannot count on early retirement due to the Federal Law of the Russian Federation “On Labor Pensions”.

20. Am I entitled to early retirement? The crew's experience is 9 years, of which 6 years and 2 months work on ships in Karelia. Thanks in advance. Alexei.

20.1. Alexey, this information is not enough to answer your question.
If you need personal advice, write to uk. below email address, I’ll advise you.

20.2. Good afternoon, Alexey.
Navigation personnel have the right to early assignment of an old-age labor pension (retirement 5 years earlier) in accordance with subclause. 9 clause 1 art. 27 of the Federal Law of December 17, 2001 No. 173-FZ “On Labor Pensions in the Russian Federation” (hereinafter referred to as Law No. 173-FZ), provided that they have worked for a certain period of time (men for at least 12 years 6 months, women for at least 10 years ) on ships of the sea, river fleet and fishing industry fleet (with the exception of port ships constantly operating in the port water area, service and auxiliary and traveling ships, suburban and intracity traffic vessels) and have an insurance period of 25 and 20 years, respectively.

Navigation is the period when navigation is possible due to local climatic conditions.

The duration of the navigation period is determined depending on the climatic conditions of individual regions of the country, which make it possible to carry out navigation work on water transport not all year round, but for a certain period of time.

In some cases, for reasons beyond the control of the employee, the beginning of navigation in the work area does not coincide with the date the vessel departs for the voyage, and the end does not coincide with the date of its actual return upon completion of work to the vessel’s home port. Due to the fact that not all ships can go on a voyage at the same time, orders are issued to put specific ships into operation, which indicate different dates for their departure, and orders to prepare ships for lay-up or repair, in accordance with which ships can return to the port several days before the closure of navigation. The time a ship remains on a voyage during such a period should be considered as a complete navigation period.

In cases where an employee has not worked the entire navigation period on a ship, the time of his work is included in the length of service in the relevant types of work according to its actual duration, regardless of the reason why the work was not started at the beginning of the navigation period or was stopped before its end. A sailor worker finished work during the navigation period 20 days earlier due to going on leave without pay. In this case, the time of its operation during navigation cannot be considered as a full navigation period. This period is counted towards the length of service in the relevant types of work that give the right to early pension provision, according to its actual duration.

In accordance with the Regulations on working time and rest time for workers of floating vessels of the maritime fleet, approved. By resolution of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated February 20, 1996 No. 11, the working hours of the ship’s crew members include the time they perform work to service the ship and maintain it in normal operational and technical condition during the execution of the voyage task, including auxiliary, preparatory, and repair work. and other work that ensures the basic functions of the crew, which is consistent with clause 5 of the clarification of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated May 22, 1996 No. 5. According to clause 5 of this clarification, working hours (full working day) include the time spent performing auxiliary, preparatory, and for workers, performing work using mechanisms, as well as the time for performing routine repair work and work on the technical operation of equipment. It may also include the time spent performing work performed outside the workplace in order to ensure basic job functions.

Thus, in the length of service that gives the crew of ships of the sea, river fleet and fishing industry fleet the right to early assignment of an old-age pension in accordance with sub-clause. 9 and 12 paragraph 1 art. 27 of Law No. 173-FZ, you can include the time for all work performed by the crew during the voyage task, including the time of loading and unloading operations in the port, inter-voyage maintenance or repair of the vessel, paid reserve (duty) and the performance of other work by the crew before departure the vessel on a voyage or after the vessel returns to its home port, if these works are related to ensuring the basic labor functions of the crew that they perform during the voyage.

The issue of counting into the length of service, which gives the right to early retirement pensions to employees of sea, river and fishing vessels, the summed up days of rest (time off) for unused days off during the vessel's voyage and in some cases for overtime, may be considered in in accordance with the resolution of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation dated January 29, 2004 No. 2-P and the determination of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation dated July 12, 2006 No. 261-O, which explains that during the length of service of employees with a special nature of work (these include seafarers, river fleet and fishing industry fleet), which gives the right to early assignment of an old-age labor pension, includes both the period of work and the period of rest. It follows from this that if in the accounting period the number of hours actually worked by the crew of these vessels was no less than the normal number of working hours established by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation (Article 91), then the inter-trip rest time (overtime and the summed rest days for unused weekends during the execution of a voyage assignment) should not be excluded from the general calendar period that forms the length of service that gives the crew of ships of the sea, river and fishing industry fleets the right to early pension provision.

For various reasons, vessels of the sea and river fleet (inland water transport fleet) and the fishing industry fleet (fishing fleet) may be laid up for a long time, mothballed (for which an order is issued by the shipowner) or stand at the berth wall waiting to set sail. In all cases, such ships do not perform work corresponding to their purpose, therefore they cannot be classified as ships whose work by the crew gives the right to early assignment of an old-age pension.

Taking into account the above, the periods when ships of the sea and river fleet (inland water transport fleet) and the fishing industry fleet (fishing fleet) are laid up, mothballed, as well as periods of long stay of the vessel at the berth wall during the length of service that gives the right to early assignment of a labor pension old age in accordance with sub. 9 clause 1 art. 27 of Law No. 173-F Z, are not counted.

20.3. Navigation personnel have the right to early assignment of an old-age labor pension (retirement 5 years earlier) in accordance with subclause. 9 clause 1 art. 27 of the Federal Law of December 17, 2001 No. 173-FZ “On Labor Pensions in the Russian Federation” (hereinafter referred to as Law No. 173-FZ), provided that they have worked for a certain period of time (men for at least 12 years 6 months, women for at least 10 years ) on ships of the sea, river fleet and fishing industry fleet (with the exception of port ships constantly operating in the port water area, service and auxiliary and traveling ships, suburban and intracity traffic vessels) and have an insurance period of 25 and 20 years, respectively.

The crew of these vessels acquires the right to early pension provision, regardless of what work is performed by the ship and directly by the member of the ship's crew (sea crew). This can be the transportation of goods, passengers or production, processing of fish and seafood, acceptance of finished products in the fishery, icebreaking and roadstead work, as well as other work of a non-transport and fishery nature. It also does not matter the name of the profession and position of a member of the crew of the vessels provided for in subparagraph. 9 clause 1 art. 27 of Law No. 173-FZ.

Workers, including sailing crew, who have worked (men for at least 25 years and women for at least 20 years) on ships of the fishing industry marine fleet in the production, processing of fish and seafood, acceptance of finished products in the fishery (regardless of the nature of the work performed ), as well as on certain types of vessels of the sea, river fleet and fishing industry fleet (The list of such vessels was approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated July 7, 1992 No. 467), in accordance with subparagraph. 12 clause 1 art. 27 of Law No. 173-FZ, an old-age labor pension is assigned regardless of age.

The right of these workers to early retirement pension in old age applies to all workers, regardless of the name of their profession and position, engaged in the production and processing of fish and seafood, as well as those receiving finished products in the field. In this case, the nature of the work of a particular employee does not matter. The type of vessel belonging to the marine fleet of the fishing industry also does not matter.

The peculiarities of work on the listed vessels are determined by weather and climatic conditions and the remoteness of work from the shore: some workers are employed on vessels during the navigation period (mainly the crew of river fleet vessels, including vessels of the fishing industry fleet), others perform work on vessels for long periods without days off and non-working holidays of rest, which the floating composition of vessels uses after completion of the voyage (mainly vessels of the maritime fleet, including vessels of the fishing industry fleet).

According to clause 13 of the Rules for calculating periods of work, which gives the right to early assignment of an old-age labor pension in accordance with Articles 27 and 28 of the Federal Law "On Labor Pensions in the Russian Federation", approved. By Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated July 11, 2002 No. 516, work during the full navigation period on water transport is taken into account in such a way that when calculating the length of service that gives the right to early assignment of an old-age pension, its duration in the corresponding calendar year is a full year. The duration of the navigation period does not matter; it depends on the natural and climatic conditions of the region and therefore can be different.

20.4. Great, they inserted two identical answers copied from another site -

However, there is not enough information to answer your question.
Contact us.

20.5. Hello!
An old-age labor pension is assigned before reaching the age established by law to the following persons:
- men upon reaching the age of 55 years, women upon reaching the age of 50 years, if they have worked respectively for at least 12 years 6 months and 10 years as a crew member on ships of the sea, river fleet and fishing industry fleet (with the exception of port ships constantly operating in the water area port, service and auxiliary and traveling vessels, suburban and intracity vessels) and have an insurance experience of at least 25 and 20 years, respectively.
- men and women who have worked, respectively, for at least 25 and 20 years on ships of the marine fishing industry in the production, processing of fish and seafood, receiving finished products in the fishery (regardless of the nature of the work performed), as well as on certain types of sea vessels, river fleet and fishing industry fleet.

20.6. It is best to contact your territorial department of the pension fund for advice; if the ports of Karelia took place in an area equated to the regions of the Far North, then with such length of service you have the right to a pension

21. Let’s combine the 2nd list of chemical production with the 2nd list of sailing personnel when assigning early pensions.
I worked from 1986 to 1992 as a sailor on the 2nd list, then I worked from 1996 to 2002. in chemical production according to list 2? Question: can I count on early retirement, and if so, at what age?

21.1. The age at which an early retirement pension is usually granted can be from 45 years for women. You have worked for less than 10 years on naval vessels and are no longer subject to the provisions of Article 27 of the Federal Law of December 17, 2001 N 173-FZ “On Labor Pensions in the Russian Federation” and it is not clear from your question what job, what profession, what position, what specialty you worked in. In case of early assignment of an old-age labor pension in accordance with Art. 27 of the Federal Law "On Labor Pensions in the Russian Federation" applies the lists of jobs, professions and positions and the lists of positions and specialties listed in the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 29, 2002 N 781 "On lists of works, professions, positions, specialties and institutions, taking into account who are assigned an old-age labor pension early in accordance with Article 27 of the Federal Law "On Labor Pensions in the Russian Federation", and on the approval of the Rules for calculating periods of work, giving the right to early assignment of an old-age labor pension in accordance with Article 27 of the Federal Law "On Labor pensions in the Russian Federation."

22. Work experience of the crew for 7 years in the fishing fleet. Do I have the right to early retirement - in proportion to the time worked.

22.1. No, for this reason such a possibility is not provided.

23. An early old-age pension was granted for working as a crew member on naval vessels. She received a good salary, but the company made very small contributions to the Pension Fund. Accordingly, the pension was assigned a meager amount of 4,000 rubles. Is there any point in going to court and what are my chances of increasing my pension?

23.1. there is no chance because you officially contributed very little to the pension fund, you cannot prove that you received another salary

24. Maximum period for granting early pension?
He worked full time in the crew of the Azov Shipping Company as a motor mechanic and mechanic from 02/21/1974 to 06/11/1981 on transport vessels of the Merchant Marine Fleet. I have a work record and have supporting certificates. Retirement at 58. 01/19/2012 3 months have passed. The Pension Fund says the review period is 100 days. There were no questions when accepting the documents. All documents are certified by a notary with translation from Ukrainian.

24.1. From the moment you submit all the documents that you are able to submit, the review period from the submission of the last document is 10 days. Either appointment or refusal of appointment.
The Pension Fund can wait a maximum of 90 days from you for the necessary document to assign a pension from the date of application. It happens when a certificate is ordered and you need to wait for it.
There is no 100 days in the law.
Just wondering what kind of transport vessels we are talking about? The right to a pension according to List 2 and, as a consequence, the absence of the need to work for a full 12 years 6 months. only under the condition of working on service and auxiliary fleet vessels and port fleet vessels constantly operating in the port waters (with the exception of service and traveling, suburban and intracity traffic).

Pensions for seafarers. Conditions for early appointment

The work of a sailor has always been considered one of the most difficult and difficult. This is a risk, this is work in any weather and climate conditions, in a long separation from the ground, with limited opportunities for rest. Therefore, the Russian government provides pension benefits to people employed in this profession.

Who is entitled to preferential pensions for seafarers?

According to the current legislation, the right to early assignment of an old-age labor pension is enjoyed by the crew of ships of the sea, river fleet and fishing industry fleet (with the exception of port ships permanently operating in the port waters, service and auxiliary and traveling ships, suburban and intracity vessels).

In accordance with the Federal Law “On Labor Pensions in the Russian Federation,” an old-age labor pension is assigned before reaching the generally established age for men upon reaching the age of 55 years, and women upon reaching the age of 50 years. A prerequisite for this is at least 12 years 6 months and 10 years as a crew member on these vessels and have an insurance period of 25 and 20 years, respectively, for each gender.

The crews of these vessels acquire the right to preferential pensions for the seagoing personnel, regardless of what work the vessel performs: transportation of goods, passengers or production, processing of fish and seafood and other work, as well as regardless of the name of the profession or position, nor what the ship's service are.

Useful article on the topic: ““

Certain points affecting the receipt of a preferential pension for seafarers

To assign a pension due to special working conditions, it is necessary that the employee be enrolled in a floating crew, and the ship on which he works does not belong to the port, permanently operating in the port waters, service and auxiliary and traveling, suburban and intracity traffic

The length of service for assigning early retirement pensions to seafarers due to old age does not include periods of work as part of repair and replacement crews (teams), whose task iscarrying out repair work.

It must be remembered that not all persons working on board the vessel are part of the vessel's floating crew. The floating crew refers to the crew of the ship, consisting of the captain, other officers and enlisted personnel, ensuring control, movement, survivability and safety of the ship, serving both the ship’s personnel and passengers. The crew for each type of vessel is determined by the shipowner or a higher organization and, as a rule, consists of the ship’s crew.

Workers who are not part of the ship's crew, although they are included in the list of persons (ship's role) on board the ship, are not a floating crew of the ship and therefore do not enjoy the right to early pension provision.


For various reasons, ships may be laid up for a long time, mothballed (for which an order is issued by the shipowner) or stand at the quay wall for a long time waiting to set sail. In all cases, such ships do not perform work corresponding to their purpose; therefore, such periods are not counted in the special length of service, but must be reflected in a certificate confirming the preferential length of service, which must be provided when assigning a pension.