Summary of an open lesson on the type of quest - game "let's help Cinderella" in the senior group. Subgroup correctional lesson for children of senior preschool age “Let's help Cinderella Topic: “Let's help Cinderella”

February 23

using gaming, health-saving, ICT technologies, research and experimental activities

Correctional educational tasks. Improving the syntactic structure of speech (complex sentences with words because). Improving the skills of sound analysis and word synthesis. Improving the skill of composing words.

Correction and development tasks. Development of speech hearing, phonemic awareness, creative imagination, visual perception, attention and memory, thinking. Development of general and fine motor skills, coordination of movements.

Correctional and educational tasks. Fostering independence, initiative, activity, and the ability to listen to a friend’s response.

Equipment. Presentations, metal objects (hairpins, paper clips, bobby pins), cups of water, sheets, pencils, hoops, items on lexical topics, a shelf, jars of cereals, pictures, sound pencil cases, cubes with letters, pumpkin, candy, magnets, trays, projector, laptop.

Ι. Org. Moment

Children enter the hall.

Guys, look how many guests came to our lesson. Let's say hello to them.

(Children say hello.)

Guys, I received an email this morning.

The speech therapist includes a presentation.

Video letter from Cinderella:

"Hello guys! I am Cinderella. And today I really want to go to the prince’s ball in the palace, but my evil stepmother ordered me to do a lot of work and I was sad because I couldn’t cope with such work alone. Therefore, I decided to turn to you for help, because you guys are friendly, kind and the oldest in kindergarten. Guys, please help me complete all the work and get to the ball. Thank you and goodbye".

Well, guys, let's help Cinderella?

To help Cinderella, we need to go to a fairy tale. Close your eyes and turn around yourself once.

ΙΙ. Main part

Here we are in a fairy tale.

1. Game - experiment “Cleaning the room”

Guys, look, the stepmother scattered a lot of metal objects on the table. How can they be removed? Answers from the children. Let's remove them.

But we have magnets - after all, they collect all metal objects.

Children collect paper clips, hairpins, and buttons from the table with a magnet.

Oh, look, there’s a paperclip in a glass of water, what if someone drinks the water along with the paperclip. How can you get it out of the glass without getting your hands wet?

Children's answers.

You need to move the magnet along the wall of the glass.

Children conduct an experiment.

Well done! We put the tables in order.

2. Game “Arrange the furniture”

And now we need to put all the furniture in the house in its place. Children sit down at the tables. (In front of them is a sheet of checkered paper and a simple pencil.)

Imagine that a piece of paper is a room.

We will denote furniture with geometric shapes.

A presentation appears on the board.

We will denote the TV with a square.

The bed is an oval.

The cabinet is a rectangle.

A large flower is a triangle.

The table is all around.

Pick up a pencil.

There is a TV in the upper right corner;

There is a bed in the lower right corner;

There is a closet in the upper left corner;

There is a large flower in the lower left corner;

There is a table in the middle of the room.

Guys, check with each other whether you have arranged the furniture correctly (swap sheets).

Now let's compare it with the board.

Well done!

3. Game “Put things in their places”

The stepmother ordered Cinderella to put all her things in their places. She couldn’t do it without your help here either.

– Choose any hoop you wish. Find an extra item and pick it up, explain your choice.

Tomato, cucumber, pear, eggplant.

Cup, bed, spoon, plate.

Apple, banana, orange, tomato.

Cow, hippopotamus, elephant, lion.

Shoes, Czechs, scarf, boots.

Children's answers.

Pear, bed, tomato, cow, scarf. What is the same sound in the names of these words?

If the name of your item has the sound [p] at the beginning, put it on the first shelf, if in the middle - on the second, and if at the end - on the last.

Children complete the task.

We have put the house in order, and now we can rest a little.

4. Phys. just a minute

I suggest you dance.

To the song "Good Beetle".

5. Game “Choose the right picture”

There are jars of cereals in front of you, you open them, find a picture inside the jar, look at it carefully and attach it to the corresponding picture on the easel.

Explain why you connected these particular pictures.

On the easels: a carriage, a coachman, horses, a magnificent outfit, glass slippers.

In jars: pumpkin, rat, mice, old dress, galoshes.

Children complete the task, commenting on why they connected these particular pictures.

Well done!

6. Game “Make a word”

In front of you are cubes (each cube has only one letter). You need to make a word from these letters. What will you find out after solving the riddle:

We remember how in the fairy tale there was a carriage,

And the porridge with it is aromatic and tasty!

Previously considered the queen of the table,

But today she is forgotten... (Pumpkin)

Collect the word PUMPKIN from the cubes.

Children collect the word.

Take sound pencils and perform a sound analysis of this word.

Perform sound analysis.

How many sounds are in the word pumpkin?

How many vowel sounds? How many consonants?

How many syllables?

The speech therapist takes out a pumpkin.

Oh, guys, Cinderella has prepared a surprise for you. The pumpkin is unusual, but magical. I wonder what could be in it? (Children's answers.)

The speech therapist opens the pumpkin and finds candy there.

Guys, what a great job you did. Helped Cinderella complete all the tasks of the evil stepmother. And Cinderella herself hurried to the ball. (Presentation of Cinderella.)

ΙΙΙ. Lesson summary

The fairy tale is over, and it’s time for us to return to kindergarten. Close your eyes and turn around yourself once.

Here we are in kindergarten. Thanks to all.

Applications for work are possible.

Municipal state preschool educational institution general developmental kindergarten "Romashka"
Compiled by: Teacher Bratanich O.L. Teguldet May, 2013
Objectives: develop gross and fine motor skills, cultivate perseverance, accuracy, and the desire to help each other.

Preliminary work: reading the fairy tale “Cinderella” by Ch. Perrault,
Working with lacing, working with text, grain, stringing beads on a fishing line.

Material: beans: (white, red), salted dough, lacing of the dress, pink beads, fishing line, sequins for decorating the dress.

Progress of the lesson

Educator: Guys, do you like fairy tales?
Children: Yes.
Educator: Today we will go to visit a fairy tale. But you will find out what kind of fairy tale we will find ourselves in if you guess the riddle.
Who's crying in the corner?
Who is covered in black coal?
Who has a lot of work?
Well, is the stepmother strict?
Who has many sisters,
But is she always alone?
Cleans, puts away and sorts out cereals?
Educator: Have you guessed, children, what fairy tale we are talking about?
Children: This is the fairy tale “Cinderella”.
(At this time, crying is heard and the Cinderella doll appears).
Teacher: approaches Cinderella and asks:
Hello, Cinderella. Why are you crying? Tell us what happened to you?
Cinderella: Today we have a ball in our kingdom, everyone will dance and have fun. My stepmother and sisters have already left, and I really want to be there too.
Educator: So why aren’t you at the ball then?
Cinderella: My stepmother has given me a lot of work, and until I complete it, I cannot go to the ball. And I won’t be able to cope alone until the morning.
Educator: Don’t be upset, Cinderella, we will help you. Do you guys agree to help Cinderella?
Children: I agree.
Educator: Cinderella, tell us what you have to do.
Cinderella: My stepmother mixed the red and white beans, and I have to sort them again into different bags. I think you can handle it here without my help, I’ll run and do other things.
Educator: Well, guys, let's get to work! You need to separate the white beans from the red beans, and then we will distribute them into different bags. The task is clear! Then get to work!

Didactic exercise “Sorting beans”
(after completing the didactic exercise, Cinderella appears)

Educator: Cinderella, look, the guys have sorted everything into different bags. All is ready! We completed one task.
Cinderella: Well done, guys!
Educator: Cinderella, what else do you need to do?
Cinderella: I have already kneaded the dough for buns and rolls, but it needs to be kneaded well and made into rolls, while I run and do the buns.
Educator: Well, we’ll get to work, knead the dough well and make rolls out of it.

Didactic exercise with the test “We kneaded the dough”
We kneaded the dough, kneaded, kneaded,
They asked us to knead everything thoroughly,
But no matter how much we knead and no matter how much we knead,
We take out the lumps again and again.
Knead, knead the dough,
There is room in the oven.
They will, they will come out of the oven
Buns and rolls.
(after these words Cinderella appears).
Educator: Well, Cinderella, the guys helped you cope with this work. What else needs to be done?
Cinderella: I still need to mend my dresses. Can you help me with this? I’ll run while I put the buns and rolls in the oven and clean the pots.
Educator: Guys, look, the dress has a hole, and there is a patch to it, you need to mend it. How are we going to do this? You must attach the patch to the dress and then “sew it on.”

Didactic exercise “Lacing”

Educator: What a great fellow you are, you mended all the dresses. What neat dresses they turned out to be. Now let's rest a little. Let's imagine how Cinderella will dance at the ball.

Physical education lesson “Cinderella’s Dance”
(children dance to the music)

Educator: Oh, how I liked your dance. Now sit down, guys, Cinderella asked to evaluate the dress she is going to the ball in, now I will show it to you. Look guys, is it elegant? Guys, while Cinderella finishes her chores, let's prepare a surprise for her. For Cinderella to go to the ball, she needs a beautiful ball gown. Festive dresses are not only sewn, because you can decorate any dress and it will become festive. But there should always be a decoration for the dress, let's also make some beads for Cinderella. To quickly prepare a surprise, you need to distribute the work. Some will decorate the dress, while others will make beads.

Didactic exercise “Decorate a dress with sequins”
(children decorate the dress with sequins)

Didactic exercise “Stringing beads”
(children string beads on a fishing line)

Educator: Well done, guys, you decorated the dress, what beautiful beads you made. Now Cinderella will have a beautiful ball gown and many different beads.
(Cinderella appears)
Cinderella: Well, guys, I finished the rest of the work, thank you for your help. But I still won’t get to the ball, even though we’ve done all the work. You’ve seen my dress, it’s not a ballroom dress at all, and no one will let me go to the ball like this.
Educator: Cinderella, the guys have a surprise for you! We added some details to your dress and decorated them, in the end you got a beautiful ball gown, and the guys also made a lot of beautiful beads for it. Now you can go to the ball! Here, take everything and try it on.
(changes into a new dress).
Cinderella: Thank you guys, you helped me so much! And they made a miracle dress and gave her beads. Now I can go to the ball! Goodbye!
Children say goodbye to Cinderella.
Educator: You all did well today! Each of you helped Cinderella. This is where our journey into a fairy tale ends.

Summary of a lesson in mathematics using innovative technologies on the topic: “Let's help Cinderella.”

Target: introduction of innovative technologies for the formation of elementary mathematical concepts in the educational process of children of middle preschool age through game situations.

Tasks: fix the name of geometric shapes (circle, oval, rectangle, triangle, square), forward, backward, quantitative counting within five; knowledge about parts of the day, time representations.

Develop: observation, speech, mental activity, ability to substantiate one’s judgments.

Bring up: interest in the activity; the desire to help others, those who find themselves in difficult situations, to instill a friendly attitude towards fairy-tale characters.

Preliminary work: familiarizing children with the elements of technologies by M. Montessori, V. Voskobovich, Dienesh.

Equipment and material: “flying carpet” with geometric shapes, mathematical baskets with mushroom inserts using V. Voskobovich’s technology, Dienesh blocks, numbers from a variety of materials using M. Montessori technology, ICT, TCO, an envelope with a letter from Cinderella, a picture with an image Cinderellas, numbers from 1 to 5, colorful geometric shapes, a voluminous sun with ribbons, a shoe with a surprise, emoticons.

Bilingual component: ertegeler - fairy tale, bir - one, eki - two, ush - three, tort - four, bes - five.

Circle of Joy: “A Ray of Sunshine”

Children stand in a circle (in the middle of the circle is the sun, from which yellow ribbons “rays of the sun” extend). Children take up the ribbons and say the words:

I hold the sun in my palms!

I give it to my friends!

Smile - it's easy!

A ray of sunshine is for you!!!

Educator: - Now let's give rays of warmth and kindness to our guests.

Surprise moment:

Guys, today, when I was going to work in the morning, the postman gave me a letter, but in order to find out who this letter is from, we must solve the riddle.

She's not afraid of work

Beautiful and very sweet

All the time in work and worries

My stepmother was evil.

But the Fairy Godmother one day

Helped her get to the ball,

There she met the prince

And I lost my shoe there.

Children guess the riddle: - Cinderella.

Educator: - So this letter came to us from a fairy-tale heroine. How will the word “fairy tale” sound in Kazakh?

Children: - Ertegeler.

Educator: - Why was this girl called Cinderella?

Children: - Because she removed the ashes.

Educator: - Let's read this letter.

Reads: “Dear guys! When I was in the Kingdom of Mathematics. My stepmother only let me go for an hour. And I was in such a hurry that I didn’t notice how I dropped my shoe there, and I can’t go home without a shoe. The stepmother will be very unhappy. Please help, complete all the tasks, and then the queen of mathematics will immediately return my shoe to me.”

Educator: - Well, guys, let's help Cinderella? To complete all the tasks that the Queen of Mathematics has prepared for us, we must be friendly and united.

And now - let's go! You and I need to get to the Kingdom of Mathematics. How can we go there? (offer their own answer options). What types of transport do we know?

Children: - Ground, water, air.

Educator: - I propose to fly there on a magic carpet. What type of transport do you think a flying carpet is?

Children: - To the air, because it moves through the air.

The teacher shows the flying carpet:

Oh, guys, mice gnawed it. We need to fix it urgently. I have geometric shapes on a tray (the children take turns placing and identifying those “patches” that they find to repair the carpet).

Educator: - What “patches” did you need to repair the rug?

Children: - “Patches” in the shape of a square, rectangle, triangle, oval, circle.

Educator: - Our carpet is ready to fly. And now, friends, everyone is on board (children stand one after another, imitate flight movements to the music).

Our carpet flies and rushes

We are not afraid of difficulties

We're flying to the Kingdom

We want to help Cinderella.

(During the flight, the children close their eyes, the group “turns” into the Kingdom of Mathematics).

Educator: - So we arrived, everything around is so beautiful. Look, guys, here is the envelope with the first task. Reads: “Identify and name the number by touch” (the numbers are pasted on cardboard made of different materials: beads, salt dough, polystyrene foam, buttons, beans. Children complete the task). The teacher randomly places numbers on the board (number series). Asks the children what mistake was made. Asks children to put all the numbers in order from 1 to 5 and count first in Russian, then in Kazakh (children count forward and backward).

Educator: - Well done, guys! We completed the first task.

Guys, what did Cinderella do all day?

Children: - I worked, I worked.

Educator: - How can we tell about her, what she is like?

Children: - Hard-working, hardworking.

Educator: - Cinderella’s stepmother gave her the task: put the mushrooms in baskets. Cinderella did all the work conscientiously, but the stepmother’s daughters, who disliked Cinderella, overturned the baskets and all the mushrooms were mixed, now Cinderella does not know how many mushrooms were in which basket (the teacher shows mathematical baskets with numbers stuck on them: 1,2,3.4. 5. Each child is given the same number of mushroom inserts. Children place the mushrooms in baskets in accordance with the number indicated on the basket.

Educator: - Which number in the basket contains the most mushrooms?

Children: - At number 5.

Educator: - Which basket has the fewest mushrooms?

Children: - In basket number 1.

Physical exercise: “At the ball.”

At the king's ball

His friends gathered

Quietly we all stood in a circle

We went to the palace for a ball.

To the music of the song “Good Beetle,” children perform movements in accordance with the text.

Let's stand up children and say quietly

One two three four five

We stood up, sat down a little,

Now you have to get up.

Get up quickly and smile

Reach higher, reach higher

Well, straighten your shoulders,

Raise, lower

Turned left, right,

Our hands touched our feet

Sat down, stood up, sat down, stood up

And they ran on the spot.

Educator: - Guys, let's remember who helped Cinderella in the fairy tale? Who helped her get to the ball? Who gave her beautiful glass slippers?

Children: - Her fairy godmother.

Educator: - The Fairy will help us complete the next task that the Queen of Mathematics has prepared for us. (shows a picture of a Fairy)

I'll tell you, children,

I'll show you a beautiful house

But just don't rush

You will place residents in it.

Guys, how many entrances do our unusual house have? (children count, answer 4 entrances). How many floors? (also 4). What figures will live in the first entrance? (circles). In the second? (squares). In third? (rectangles). In the fourth? (ovals). The teacher invites the children, using Dienesh blocks, to move residents into the house.

Well done boys! We completed one more task.

The teacher reports that trouble has happened in the Kingdom of Mathematics. Everything got mixed up there and now the inhabitants of this Kingdom don’t know when to go to bed, when to have dinner, when night falls. Invites children to help figure this out.

How many parts are there in a day? (four)

Game "When does this happen?"(using ICT)

The teacher reads out the quatrain, and the children determine what part of the day this happens.

The teacher finds a shoe.

Guys, look what I found. The Queen of Mathematics returned the shoe, which means that we completed all her tasks. And the shoe is not simple, it has a surprise (hands out lollipops with cheerful fives to the children).

Empty the road is not easy

We know without a hint

That good is stronger than evil

In reality and in a fairy tale.

That’s the end of the fairy tale, and whoever helped Cinderella is well done! And it’s time for us to return to our own kindergarten. Get on the magic carpet and take off.


Educator: - Who was interested in our lesson? Who is happy with their participation? I'm also very pleased with you. You did a very good job. Well done!

Guests of the lesson use emoticons to indicate their impression of the lesson.

Integrated lesson "Let's help Cinderella get to the ball"

04.05.2015 2156 431 Kolesnik Irina Alexandrovna

Educational areas: Cognition, Society, communication, Creativity.
Sections: Construction, Familiarization with the surrounding world, Fiction, Speech development, Music.
Goal: To construct a craft from waste material.
Objectives: Learn to make a carriage from waste material, consolidate the ability to supplement the craft with details to give it expressiveness. Activate verbal means of communication; continue to learn how to answer questions; continue to learn how to use the algorithm. Expand children's understanding of music and minuet dance. Learn to distinguish between the genre and nature of a musical work. Develop creative imagination and fantasy. Develop logical thinking and be able to find solutions. Develop curiosity and activity. Cultivate perseverance, accuracy in work, and a sense of mutual assistance. Instill a love of fairy tales and aesthetic feelings.
Vocabulary work: ball, magnet, minuet, march, song.
Bilingual component: meyirimdi-kind, suykimdi-sweet, enbekshil-hard-working, ademi-beautiful, enbekshyl-hardworking, kamkorshy-caring, akyldy-smart, sypayi-polite, ұkypty- naya, nazik - gentle, zhaksy - good, kayyrymdy - responsive , Salemetsiz be, kurmetti konaktar - Hello, dear guests!)
Preliminary work: Reading fairy tales by Charles Perrault, looking at illustrations for fairy tales.
Equipment: A magic chest with riddles, cereals (peas), a magnet for each child, plates, nuts, musical works of different genres, cards depicting music genres, waste material (plastic boxes, lids from plastic jars, windows and doors made of self-adhesive paper, algorithm for making a carriage, audio recordings for the lesson.
Progress of the lesson:
Is-areket kezenderi
Stages of activity of Tarbiushinin is-areketi
Actions of the teacher Balalardyn is-areketi
Children's activities
Motivational and motivating Enters the hall with the children and greets guests. (To music while visiting a fairy tale)
Invites children to gather in a circle of “Goodness” and say the words.
Good morning, the sun has risen
Good morning whispered to you
Good morning my dear friend
How pleased I am to be next to you! (Everything is accompanied by movements in the text).
- Guys, do you recognize me?

That's right, I'm a Fairy from the land of fairy tales. I want to invite you to the wonderful world of fairy tales of the famous writer and storyteller Ch. Perrault. He wrote a lot of fairy tales and I would like to know if you know them. There are many sad and funny fairy tales in the world,
And we can’t live in the world without them
Anything can happen in a fairy tale
Our fairy tale is ahead
A fairy tale is knocking on our door
Let's tell a fairy tale - come in!
For those who like to listen to fairy tales, they will tell them about what may or may not have happened.
Invites the children to go and sit on chairs that stand in a semicircle.
They greet guests in Kazakh.
They pronounce words and perform movements after the teacher.

Yes, you are a princess, queen, sorceress, fairy.
- Show interest. Listen carefully to the teacher.

Organizational search
-Oh, guys, look at the chest - this chest is not simple and is not empty inside.
Let's see what's inside?
He takes an envelope out of the chest.

Guys, I’ll now tell you riddles about fairy-tale characters, and you tell me what fairy tale they are from.
1) This fairy-tale hero with a ponytail, a mustache, a feather in his hat, is all striped. He walks on two legs. In bright red boots. (Hangs out an illustration of Puss in Boots)
2) The little girl is running merrily. Along the path to the house in the forest. This girl needs to go to her grandmother. Take the basket sent with her. (Hangs out an illustration of a red riding hood)
3) For the young princess, the witch drew up an evil plan for revenge for the insult: a dream struck the king and his retinue. Having climbed into the forest, the young man woke up the entire royal court. (Hangs out an illustration of the sleeping beauty)
And I invite you to visit this heroine.
I did laundry for my sisters and stepmother. And she sorted out the peas. At night by candlelight. And she slept by the stove. As beautiful as the sun.
Who is this?
-Guys, how can you characterize this girl? What is she like? A bilingual component is also used here.

(Everything is accompanied by music).

Well done! What was Cinderella's dream?
- Guys, what is a ball?
-That's right, a ball is where music plays and everyone dances.
-Well, where is Cinderella herself? (Music plays and Cinderella appears)

Hello, Cinderella! What's happened?

But why didn't you go with your sisters?

Don’t cry, Cinderella, the guys and I will help you. Guys, can we help Cinderella?
- Well, Cinderella, tell me, what should we do?

Invites the children to come to the table. There are plates on the table containing peas mixed with nuts.
- Guys, pick out the iron nuts from the cup as quickly as possible.
- What is a magnet?
(An experiment is being carried out; the peas are separated from the nuts using a magnet)
Invites the children to sit on chairs that stand in a semicircle.
Cinderella, do you know what music is played at the ball? What about you guys?
What kind of music is played at the ball?

Well done! Now I suggest you listen to musical fragments, determine the genre and pick up the corresponding card. Take the cards on the table, just take one card at a time without choosing, any one. If a march sounds, then only those who have a march on the card raise their cards; if a song, then cards with a song; if a dance, then with a dance.
Questions for children: Why did you pick up a card with a picture of a march.
Where is the march taking us?
What is the nature of the music of the march?

Questions for children: Why did you bring up this
Where does the song take us?
What is the nature of the song?
Now what was the nature of the song?

Questions for children: Why did you pick up the dance card?
Where does dance take us?
What dance was performed now?
What is a minuet?

Guys, I invite you to dance the Minuet dance.
He offers to go and sit on the chairs.

Cinderella still needs to do something?

Guys, let's help Cinderella cook cabbage soup?
Finger gymnastics:

Cook, cook, cook cabbage soup. Cinderella's cabbage soup is so good! Salt, salt, salt the cabbage soup. Cinderella's cabbage soup is so good!

Guys, would you like to attend the ball?
How can we go to the ball?
That's right, we can go to the ball by car, by bus, or by train, but I suggest you go on a fairy-tale carriage, which we will make ourselves, in pairs.
Come sit at the tables and listen to me carefully. (Explains using the algorithm)
On the table you have a box that will be our carriage, lids from plastic jars will be wheels, we need sequins for decoration and we can decorate the carriage with plasticine.
We determine where the window of our carriage will be, and where the door will be, and stick it on the required sides. Then we roll 2 flagella and intertwine them, it turns out like a braid of these braids, you need 4 pieces, i.e. one rolls 2 braids, the other rolls 2 more braids. This will decorate the top of our carriage, but you can use sequins or plasticine balls as you wish, it’s up to your imagination, you can decorate the sides of the carriage. Our wheels are attached to plasticine. You can get to work and look at the “carriage” algorithm
Individually helps those who need help.
-Well done boys! I suggest you go with your carriage and stand in a circle. Cinderella, whose carriage is your favorite and would you like to go to the ball in it?
- They look at the chest with interest.

The envelope reveals that there are riddles inside.
-Listen carefully and guess riddles.

Puss in Boots.

Little Red Riding Hood.

Sleeping Beauty.


Meyirimdi - kind, suykimdi - sweet, enbekshil - hard-working, ademi - beautiful, enbekshil - hardworking, kamkorshy - caring, akyldy - smart, sypayy - polite, ұkypty - neat, - gentle, zhaksy - good, kayyrymdy - responsive.

Go to the ball.

A ball is when people dance, have fun, and music sounds.
Child Cinderella: They tease me with Cinderella. From the fact that by the fire, not sparing strength,
In the kitchen I work, I work
I fiddle with the stove and fiddle with it and I'm always in ashes
Because I'm kind, I'm torn from morning until late at night.
Anyone can order
And no one wants to say thank you to me.
Cinderella: I've never been to the ball, but I really wanted to go there and see the prince.
Child Cinderella: My stepmother ordered so many things to be redone, I’m afraid that I won’t make it to the ball. (crying)

Children: Yes.
Child Cinderella: The stepmother ordered the peas to be sorted out; she mixed a lot of nuts in there.
They look at the plates of cereal.


A magnet is an object that attracts iron.
After the experiment, they walk through and sit on chairs.

Cinderella Child: Yes
Children: Yes
Children: Dancing, cheerful, joyful, mischievous, fast, easy.
Listen to musical fragments and pick up the corresponding card.

Children's answers: I think there was a march now.
The march leads us behind the rhythm.
March music is brave, daring, energetic, and rhythmic in nature.
- I believe that a song was being played just now.
- The song leads us behind the words.
- The song can be cheerful, sad, affectionate, tender.
-Now the song was cheerful, gentle, affectionate.
Listen to the next music. fragment.
I believe that now there is a dance.
Dance leads us to the image.
Minuet dance.
Minuet is a French dance
The basis of the minuet is made up of small steps, small dance steps. Dance of Kings.
I dance the minuet dance.

They pass and sit on chairs.

Child Cinderella: The stepmother ordered to cook cabbage soup.
Children: Yes

Perform finger exercises.
Imitate stirring with a spoon in pans.
The fingers of both hands are folded into a pinch, imitating sprinkling salt.

By car, by bus, by train, by tram, by carriage.

They pass and sit down at the tables.
Listen to the teacher’s explanation and look at the algorithm.

They work using the “carriage” algorithm. (Children work in pairs)

They stand in a circle. Cinderella chooses the most beautiful carriage.
Reflexive correction ears
Reflective-corrective -But now we can all go to the ball!

Your outfit is in your room, go dress up, Cinderella!
- In the meantime, Cinderella is dressing up, guys, let’s remember what we need to do to go to the ball.

Cinderella returns. Cinderella, how beautiful you are! Are we going to the ball?
Guys, say goodbye to our guests. Child Cinderella: Yes, my outfit is not good, how will you go to the ball in this?
Cinderella rejoices and leaves to dress up.
-Children: Today we solved riddles, sorted out nuts using a magnet, and listened to fragments of musical works. (march, song, minuet). They danced the minuet dance. We cooked cabbage soup. They made fabulous carriages.
- Yes!
- Say goodbye to guests in Kazakh. Sau bolanyz!

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Elena Bogomazova
Summary of the complex lesson “Let's Help Cinderella”

Design lesson notes

Compiled: teacher MBDOU "Star"

Bogomazova Elena Konstantinovna

Subject: « Let's help Cinderella» .

Target: Develop design features.


Teach children to sympathize and empathize with others.

Expand children's understanding of transport;

Be able to build a building according to a given scheme;

Analyze the building;

Foster a desire to build buildings;

Arouse children's interest in activities with designer.

Material: Doll Cinderella, Lego - a country from designer, constructor different types and shapes, pictures-illustrations "Cars", scheme "Car".

GCD move


Invented by someone

Simple and wise

Say hello when meeting

Good morning!

Good morning to the sun and birds.

Good morning to smiling faces!

I really want everyone to have a good morning, good afternoon today, and especially for my children, because they came to kindergarten to play, think and learn a lot of new and interesting things.

Educator: Guys, do you like riddles? Then listen carefully.

Evening would soon come,

And the long-awaited hour has come,

May I be in a gilded carriage

Go to a fabulous ball!

No one in the palace will know

Where am I from, what is my name,

But as soon as midnight comes,

I'll go back to my attic. (Cinderella)

Yes it Cinderella, but she is not ordinary, but from Lego - country.

The teacher shows the doll Cinderella, Lego - a country from designer.

Educator: Guys, there will be a ball in the king’s castle, Cinderella she really wants to go to this ball, but her stepmother told her to do so many things around the house that she can’t handle it alone. And she wants to see the prince.

Let's let's help Cinderella? You are ready?

Guys, look how big the slide is! designer.

And the first task "Sort by color and shape". You are invited to expand constructor in boxes of the corresponding cube color and shape.

Children lay out constructor in boxes of the appropriate color and shape.

Educator: Well done. You did a great job.

Children, look what he has Cinderella's old fence, the whole thing is falling apart. Guys, what kind of fence is there? What can you and I build a fence from?

Children's answers.

And the second task: "Build a fence". You are offered several types to choose from designer, your task is to build a beautiful, strong fence.

Children are building a fence.

Educator: These are the kind of fences you made. Now let's see who has the strongest fence, who has the highest, who has the lowest, who has the longest, who has the shortest.

Children look at each other's buildings, compare and analyze the buildings.

Educator: Well done! You've worked so hard helped Cinderella, and now let's do a little physical education.

“You walk along the path”

You walk along the path,

Raise your legs higher.

(Step with high knee lift over a brick of big designer).

And jump a little

Just, my friend, don’t rush.


You walk on your toes,

Straighten your back.

(Walking on toes, arms to the sides through the bricks of a large designer).

And jump along the path

Good springs - legs.

(Jumping on two legs while moving forward through the bricks of a large designer).

March, don't lag behind.

Educator: Guys, here we are helped Cinderella.

Oh, what about ours? Cinderella goes to the ball? We don't have a pumpkin, nor a magic wand.

Children's answers.

Educator: Done, that’s right, by car, because our country is Lego.

Conversation with children.

The teacher shows illustrations depicting different constructions of cars, talks with them about what types of cars there are, what they can be called. Together they describe these machines.

Educator: What other cars do you know? What general word can be used to describe all cars? (Transport)

What is transport used for?

Transport can be: passenger (public, individual, cargo, special).

Comparison of concepts.

Freight transport cannot be passenger transport, etc.

Can special vehicles carry passengers?

It is prohibited to transport on special vehicles. transport of ordinary passengers. Ambulance help won't give you a ride like a taxi. Special transport transports special passengers: ambulance help for sick people, the police are lawbreakers.

Educator: Let's now see the car for Cinderella.

Design according to the scheme"Car".

After the discussion, the children begin to work.

The teacher explains how to build a car according to the diagram.

Educator: Well done, what a car we got. How they built the car together, agreed, helped each other. Now let's give you a car Cinderella so she could get to the ball.

Summing up classes.