Best congratulations to the first teacher on Teacher's Day. Wishes for the teacher

To mom

Wishes to the teacher from students - wonderful gift, which will inspire the teacher with gratitude and warmth. Simple words will become a source of enthusiasm, because it is precisely this that is so often lacking for fruitful educational process! Give your teacher kind words.

In verse

  • Teaching is a sacred profession!
  • Don't let depression bother you,
  • Let apathy not visit you,
  • The student brethren do not offend!
  • So that you can deal with them,
  • May you teach them with patience!
  • And I also wish you to be healthy
  • And from colleagues - great respect!
  • My dear teacher!
  • Have a joyful and bright life!
  • May you never meet
  • Naughty and harmful children!
  • Children's radiant smiles to you,
  • So that the notebooks are without errors,
  • To make the lessons calm,
  • Useful and fruitful!
  • Teacher! I wish you happy moments
  • So that you know that you are loved and waited for,
  • That they believed sacredly in love
  • And you went to class, smiling again!
  • I wish you beautiful essays,
  • I wish you sincere revelations,
  • From children of gratitude and trust. Let
  • The school will always have its doors open to you!
  • Let the school bell ring
  • Calls you again and again to class.
  • And let the school's spacious classroom
  • Welcomes you again and again!
  • Teacher, always be young!
  • Walk in the garden on a moonlit night,
  • Count the stars in the sky
  • Dream about fiction!
  • And then come true that fable,
  • Her in embody reality,
  • You are not sad about the past,
  • Love your students!
  • May your home be joyful
  • And your dream will be sweet.
  • And so that we get up again cheerfully,
  • And in classroom walked in proudly!
  • I'm not sorry for the teacher kind words:
  • Let your students give you love!
  • Let them study diligently, and they read poetry,
  • They don’t struggle with studying, they multiply easily!
  • So that you succeed in everything in your family,
  • So that they can fly on two wings, and not on one wing!
  • Joy to you, Dear teacher,
  • And may your abode always be cozy!
  • Teacher! How much is in this word
  • Sounds to our hearts!
  • I wish you summer in your soul
  • And don’t let your soul be bitter!
  • Let your students call you
  • And they remember your knowledge,
  • Let your roads be easy
  • And dreams will come true!
  • Teacher, you are the light and you are the sun,
  • Warm the children with you!
  • Let happiness fly into your window
  • And will settle in life for many days.
  • So as not to be sad in the evenings,
  • So that loneliness does not torment you,
  • May you always be warm
  • And so that fate does not prophesy for you -
  • Live with faith in yourself!
  • Live, you love school!
  • And let the children thank you,
  • For your kindness more than once!
  • Everyone is grateful to the teacher!
  • He reveals our talents!
  • And even poor students are not mediocre,
  • And they can learn the theory of Quantum!
  • I wish you, teacher, to find an approach
  • And discover the gifts in every child.
  • And so that children can be angels.
  • So that their voices are loud in class,
  • All your questions answered
  • And so that they excellent marks received!
  • And to greet you with greetings,
  • May you be an amber light for them!

In prose

Dear (I O)! I would like to say a sincere thank you for being our class teacher. You have given us a lot of important knowledge that will help us realize ourselves in life. They taught us to distinguish good from evil and helped to fairly resolve any school problems. On this day, I wish you unlimited patience so that you always remain the same bright and wise mentor. More sunny days free from work, and, of course, so that you receive more than one award for the best teacher!

After finishing school, there will be many more teachers in life. Someone will be forgotten, someone will be offended that he was too strict and picky, someone will be included in the list of favorites. But the first teacher for a first-grader is almost like a mother, just as kind and beautiful! I will never forget my (full name). A wonderful woman, a wonderful teacher and friend! How many students do you remember, how many surnames and multi-colored trusting eyes, but you recognize each one and call each one by name when you meet. Dear teacher! Always be the first in everything!

I would like to say a special thank you to my physical education teacher. He is a true professional and patiently sought from each of us, from some with affection and participation, from others with severity. high performance. Our school, thanks to the merits of this man, has repeatedly won honorary and main prizes in competitions. I wish our coach and friend to always be in excellent health physical fitness and continue to prepare your students to conquer new heights!

In your own words

At school, such a serious subject as chemistry was very difficult for me. I didn’t understand anything about the formulas, I couldn’t learn the periodic table. I would like to thank my teacher, who was able to find an approach to such a difficult student like me. Thanks (IO) and additional classes, I mastered this science that was beyond me and passed the exams no worse than others. Patience and strength to you, my dear teacher! I want to wish teachers to see in children independent individuals and not break children's fragile self-esteem. I met teachers who called us “stumps with eyes,” parasites or stupid people, but there were also those who called us “you” and, without raising their voices, explained our mistakes. There would be more staff like this in educational institutions and in the next generation there was a significant increase in professors, brilliant physicists and talented writers! The teacher must be the most best example for students. Does a teacher who has just put out a cigarette before entering the school have the right to scold a fifth-grader who has been caught in the act? Or, after using obscene language, scold a student for swearing? A teacher is someone who will explain, help and understand in any situation and guide

little man on the big road! One of the most popular and necessary professions for society is the work of a teacher. It can be compared to medical activity, only the doctor heals the body, and the teacher shapes the soul. In this regard, it is worth quoting the heroine of Barbara Brylska in the film “The Irony of Fate...”: “Teachers’ mistakes are not so noticeable, but in the end they are just as expensive...”. This is the absolute truth, which is why teachers began to be celebrated and appreciated a long time ago. True, not all countries provide adequate payment for this complex and noble work. But that's already a question

social guarantees

provided by a particular state. Be that as it may, it is necessary to celebrate the holiday as a tribute to the teacher. A little history The generally accepted day to honor this profession is October 5th. But on the territory Soviet Union We are used to celebrating it on the first Sunday in October. After Russia joined

world organization UNESCO this date has become familiar in the post-Soviet space. A significant event occurred in 1994., they sound funny to the first teacher, children and parents express gratitude to their mentors and give memorable gifts.

My first teacher

Life flies by quickly, sometimes forcing you to forget important things.
But everyone remembers the name of the first teacher, regardless of employment, status and type of activity. This man gives little student knowledge about letters, numbers, teaches you to understand the essence of things and distinguish good from evil.

Therefore, a Happy Teacher’s Day wish to the first teacher should include lyrical digressions, childhood memories, and immense respect for the work of teachers.

We entered the class timidly and awkwardly,

I clenched my briefcase until it hurt in my fist.

Board and desk, and chalk in a box,

Towards you, warming with a smile.

We weren't given equal letters,

We watered the tasks with tears,

But next to you we have become bolder,

A flame of confidence was lit in my soul.

Oh, how I wanted to pull my pigtail,

A girl walking down the aisle!

Beat up the obnoxious boy

But you watched with a reproachful look.

Thank you for your soul without a trace,

What was given forever, free of charge.

The notebooks have been checked for a long time,

The last call died out pompously.

I bow to you for your goodness and faith,

For a life lived for the benefit of people.

Thank you, first teacher,

Believe me, we will never forget you!

Words of gratitude, spoken sincerely, are pleasant to a person of any profession, and, of course, congratulations to the first teacher on Teacher’s Day will touch the sensitive soul of the teacher.

Funny congratulations

Over the morning over notebook sheets,

For our inept paintings,

We will apologize to you for everything.

Years go by, students grow up,

Everyone will certainly find their own path.

And your heart does not grow old at school,

Doesn't want to leave for recess.

You gave knowledge and wisdom,

You taught me to think about good things

It’s not at all difficult for us on Teacher’s Day,

Let's clap our hands heartily for you.

It's easy to wish you great luck,

Health, and for many years to come!

Let your eyes never cry,

Let adversity pass you by!

Congratulations to the first teacher on Teacher's Day will be especially pleasant for a person with great teaching experience. After all, his students have grown up, but have not forgotten the years spent in elementary school. Such gratitude is worth a lot.

Basically, congratulations to the first teacher on Teacher's Day rest on the shoulders of the parent committee. For everything to go smoothly and without any hiccups, you need to follow simple rules:

  • develop a high-quality script;
  • be sure to add a touch of humor and poetry;
  • involve children in organizing the holiday;
  • prepare high-quality poetic texts;
  • use games and competitions;
  • colorfully design a humorous wall newspaper;
  • arrange a fun awards ceremony (certificates and medals are welcome).

If you approach the preparation of the event creatively, then congratulations to the first teacher on Teacher’s Day will firmly enter the school annals as a role model.

She once taught us to write and read, count letters and numbers, and also understand the world around us and nature. For 4 whole years, from class to class, she led you, by the hand, on the path of knowledge and skills, communication and knowledge of beauty and all other aspects of the world around us. It is for this reason that it is definitely worth remembering about it on the day of the alumni meeting, the date of which always falls at school on some selected day, most often in February. After all, she will be pleased to know that she is still remembered, loved and appreciated, and that you are grateful to her for the first steps in your education and upbringing. Tell her good words and remember your classmates, many of whom now live in completely different places, cities and countries, and she will be grateful to you for this meeting. And, of course, beautiful congratulations It doesn't hurt to choose either.

There is no more beautiful profession than a teacher,
You bring the light of knowledge to children,
The first teacher is our idol,
You opened the doors to the world for us.
Today is your birthday, congratulations,
We wish you all the best in life,
May your path be illuminated by a bright star,
May fate always be favorable.

Thank you, my first teacher,
For kindness, care and patience,
Because, having forgotten peace,
They put their soul into the students, without a doubt.
On your birthday, please accept congratulations,
Live in joy, without worries,
Let everyday life become a holiday for you,
May troubles leave you forever.

The first teacher is simply a master,
Managed to instill an interest in knowledge,
For us, learning has become happiness,
The learning process went well.
Hello to the first teacher on her birthday,
Work for the good for many more years,
May luck always smile on you,
May you never be bored.

You, fairy fairy leading to knowledge,
You give us joy, bring us light,
Special recognition to the first teacher,
And new creative victories.
Let personal holiday Will bring you good luck
And a super mood to boot,
May you be valued and respected always,
May fate reward you to the fullest.

Once upon a time as first-graders,
They came to you to study,
And you took us by the hand,
They took me into the world of knowledge.
We thank the teacher first for everything,
We want to congratulate you on your birthday,
We wish you patience and endurance from the bottom of our hearts,
May all your cherished dreams certainly come true.

You are our most important teacher,
They led me along the path of knowledge from the first grade,
For us you are still a patron angel,
You gave us everything you could.
May your personal holiday bring you happiness,
Let the rain wash away all the bad weather,
Let your home be a full cup,
Let love and happiness settle in him.

You instilled in me a love of learning, dear,
You taught me to read, write, and count,
I cordially congratulate you on your birthday today,
I wish you many joyful moments to experience!
Always smiles on your face and the strongest nerves,
Always be the best and, as always, the very first,
This bouquet Red roses I have it for you now,
I wish you all earthly blessings on this day and at this hour!

The first teacher celebrates the holiday today,
Happy Birthday and gifts accepted!
Again I see my dear face in front of me,
Nostalgia, tears streaming down my face now!
My dear, I wish you happiness,
I know you deserve immeasurable love and warmth,
I wish you the best health, patience and strength,
May your hard work bring joy!

My first teacher celebrates his birthday
I go to congratulate her with a bouquet of scarlet roses,
My heart is beating wildly, how time flies,
I'm going to wish her all the best now!
I wish you all obedient students, dear,
May they always appreciate your hard work.
You are the best in the world, I know that for sure,
May the angels always protect you!

To the very first teacher I want to say now,
It hurts me to cross the threshold of school again,
After all, I see so rarely this kindest look,
Your eyes always sparkle with maternal love!
I wish you happiness, in the house of sunny weather,
You deserve the title, more than anyone, “teacher of the year”!
Let life reward you with a generous hand,
Let your star shine brighter every day!

My very first teacher and mentor, best friend,
The rays of the sun just to warm you around,
On your birthday, I want to wish you all the blessings of earth!
You won’t know any reason for sadness!
I wish you the best health and an ocean of patience,
Flowers and compliments to you on this Birthday!
Thank you for your golden heart!
If only you knew, teacher, how much I love you!

I would like to wish the first teacher today,
Every day to radiate warmth and joy,
May fate always protect the golden man,
Happiness, joy, love, the bright star is burning!
Let the students, dear, never upset you,
Let them only get B's and A's from you!
I wish you good health, strength, patience,
Once again, Happy Birthday to you!

May your life always be colorful
And gives you pleasant moments!
Follow your dreams
Let your desires and aspirations lead you into the distance!

We wish you good health
And joy in work,
Among colleagues to be
Always in high esteem

I want to congratulate you today,
On your birthday I wish you all the best
And say that the teachers are the best
I'll never be able to find it.

Happy birthday to you,
I want to wish you today
Health, happiness, inspiration
And never lose heart.

More good students
And in life there are creative victories.
And so that the salary allows
Eat caviar with butter for lunch.

Let me congratulate you
Happy birthday from us,
Respects and loves you
Very much our whole class.

We wish you prosperity,
And reach great heights.
The title is “Teacher of the Year”
It was yours every year!

We sincerely congratulate you on your birthday!
We wish you happiness and health forever!
May all your brave dreams come true
And the house will be full of love and warmth.

May your students always appreciate you,
Let your family love and respect you.
May the days be fine,
Let your eyes always sparkle with happiness!

We want to say thank you
For endless patience,
We wish you to be happy!
Happy birthday!

We would like to wish you a happy birthday,
And also thank
For your wisdom, for your patience
And for the ability to teach.

We wish you on your birthday
To be the happiest in the world!
So that all desires and aspirations
It turned out to be a reality!

Well, and also for a salary
They raised it at least five times,
So that even the deputies themselves
We came to you to borrow money!

Happy birthday to you,
Wish good health and patience,
To make your students happy,
And you have never known melancholy!

Let there be enough time
To be loved with your family.
What was impossible
Let it become achievable.

You explain so clearly
Material of varying complexity
And show us patience,
Sparing no pleasant praise.

We would like to say a huge thank you
For your work, which is so necessary for us!
We love you! Celebrate beautifully
May the world smile at you once again!

People are different in life,
But the Teacher is always alone.
We sincerely congratulate you today
We are the one we love so much.

Be as energetic as ever,
Let every moment sparkle with happiness.
And always let it be only “excellent”
Fills your life with a diary!

You are our first teacher who was with us,
IN Magic world phenomena introduced us.
Now we are more mature, we have become smarter,
And we will multiply everything that we have gained!

Remember our first teacher
We will, believe me, for all time.
We wish you excellent health,
So that the soul does not grow old forever!

Always let him inspire
You are a wind of inspiration.
And we congratulate you
Heartfelt happy birthday!

May every day be a joy
Every year will be successful
And let them always be there
Close, dear people.

To be seen in children
Passion and zeal for knowledge,
To always be with you
And humor and patience.

I sincerely wish you happiness,
And may there always be health,
So that work gives joy,
Never made you sad.

On this groovy, cheerful holiday
Charge everyone with your enthusiasm.
Let the prankster hide today -
And you will re-educate him!

The teacher teaches you to be smarter
Be stronger and be kinder.
And his role in my destiny
Will help me everywhere.

Her care and kindness
Everyone in the class can see it.
We love her and want her
So that she will always be like this.

Four years have passed
When I went to school
And to the first teacher
My deepest regards.

We sincerely wish you sincerely
Happy, bright, good days!
So that there is no place for tears in life,
So that children are forever led to knowledge.

You taught us wisdom and honor,
You taught us how to live in this world,
They advised us to stick together
You teach us how to be happy.

We are grateful to you for all that knowledge,
Which you always give.
And so may all your wishes come true.
And stay young everywhere!

Write on the blackboard with chalk
Congratulations at this hour.
Who will be brave today?
Who will congratulate you personally?

- Let's shout loudly in unison.
We are artists - you are our spectator,
We want you to dance!

I brought a bouquet of flowers for you
And I prepared a lot of words.
My teacher, on your birthday
You need to be patient

And accept congratulations,
And I will congratulate you.
I wish you health, strength,
I taught this verse for you.

The teacher is also a person, and he has

Birthdays come suddenly
And they pass faster than usual:
As soon as you get the hang of it, bam – and tomorrow!
That's why they are unusual;
Nowadays time is running with slowdown
So that you can hear clearly and clearly
Our sincere congratulations
On your personal day, on your own holiday!

Less melancholy, more love.

So that your students grow up smart.

We congratulate you with all our hearts
We wish you a lot of happiness and smiles.
Today is your birthday and we want
So that you can celebrate it in style.

We also wish you every success
In your work, which is not so easy.
So that from year to year your students
If only they would please you more often and say warm words.

That we completed all the lessons
And we can repeat everything ourselves.

Today is a special day
Today is your holiday.
Will try to please
Today you are our class.

Excellent behavior
excellent diligence,
In studying with my zeal
And best wishes for happiness!

Happy birthday, dear teacher!
How pleased we are to congratulate you!
You always shine for our joy,
Let fountains of happiness flow from your eyes!
May you have only success in your work!
May everything be fine with you at home!
Don't let any obstacles get in your way!
And we want to wish you more health!

We congratulate you on your birthday,
Be happy at this hour
Only joy and only fun
Definitely let them be with you.

To you Thanks a lot we will say for that
What knowledge do you give us?
May you have only goodness in your life,
May good luck accompany you.

Without theories, calculations,
We know about your holiday.
And congratulate you today
Our whole class rushed in.
We wish you good luck,
So that every day of life,
Was just as bright for you,
Just like a birthday.

Happy Birthday to you
We want it with all our hearts.
You are our teacher, we are your class,
We thank you.

May your dreams come true,
We would like to wish you
Love, health, kindness,
Don't be discouraged at all.

We really want you to rest today,
So that you don’t have to teach us today.
That we completed all the lessons
And we can repeat everything ourselves.

On this birthday we wish you,
May your dreams and plans come true.
No one in the class has any doubts
There is no better teacher than us.

Now it doesn’t matter to us why
The conviction has grown stronger in our souls:
The teacher is also a person, and he has
There are, of course, birthdays;
Today is just such a day,
Therefore, let me congratulate you
And wish you to dream of peace,
So that you can imagine it!

We wish you happiness, health, good luck,
Less melancholy, more love.
And also with all our hearts we wish you,
So that your students grow up smart

Write on the blackboard with chalk
Congratulations at this hour.
Who will be brave today?
Who will congratulate you personally?

"Happy birthday, our teacher"
- Let's shout loudly in unison.
We are artists - you are our spectator,
We want you to dance!

Today is the day, our wonderful teacher,
When you want or don't want,
You should definitely hear from us,
How interesting, beautiful, important you are!
Like music, your voice is quiet and serious.
Do you know how to answer questions?
Answer us, on your birthday,
How can we express our love for you today?!

Birthday of a great personality,
Who sheds light on souls,
Manages a school with many faces,
The children are given a covenant of wisdom.

Good luck to you in your endeavors,
Prosperity in your craft,
Glory to you, honor and attention,
Always be the first on the ship.

Love your students
Share knowledge with them
And with each class you find

Excellent behavior
excellent diligence,
In studying with my zeal
And best wishes for happiness!

“Happy birthday, our teacher!”,
- Let's shout loudly in unison.
We are artists - you are our spectator,
We want to dance for you!

May your dreams come true,
We would like to wish you
Love, health, kindness,
Don't be discouraged at all.

Wherever the road goes in the future
Me - through calm storms, through the waves,
Thank you for being at the pier,
Thank you for my knowledge!

You are a teacher and a soul builder,
I wish you a bright future!
Smiles, joy, fun,
All around - love and beauty!

We would like to congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts,
I wish you good health,
Teacher! We want to glorify you!
We wish you to live and prosper!

And accept congratulations,
And I will congratulate you.
I wish you health, strength,
I taught this verse for you.

Dear our teacher,
At this festive moment
Allow us to congratulate you
Happy wonderful birthday!

We are grateful to you for your knowledge,
For good upbringing.
Maybe we're not exactly geniuses
But wishes come from the heart.

From luck and from success
Make your head spin.
We wish you smiles and laughter,
We will always be grateful!

Today is a noble holiday,
A wonderful reason for fun.
Everyone is looking forward to
Teacher's birthday.

The students came with flowers,
Smartly, festively dressed.
We chose the gifts ourselves,
We tried to compose sonnets.

We strive to wish her
To our best teacher,
Guide us on the bright path.
Health, happiness and good luck!

My first teacher
I want to say thank you for your patience,
Your students are like friends
We came to wish you a happy birthday.

We want to express our gratitude
For all the lessons and your aspirations,
And we will try our best,
May you be in a great mood.

For us you have become close and dear,
We will see inspiration in you.
To our dear teacher
May luck always accompany you.

Our teacher is the best
There's no need to even discuss it.
He is noble and success
He will come to him and will not wait.

The teacher is a model, an example,
We began to imitate him.
He managed to give us all the knowledge
Instill, instill and transmit.

Today on this bright holiday we
We congratulate him from the heart,
Patience, wisdom, love
We wish you on your birthday.

Our teacher, let there be congratulations
A sweet gift to you on this day.
We want to thank the light of teaching,
After all, everyone knows: not teaching is a shadow.

We congratulate you and wish you
So that the students are golden,
So that they never upset you
And the mischievous ones were not sad.

We consider you very fair,
You true friend, comrade and mentor.
We respect you, our teacher.
Let life turn into a cheerful holiday!

Dear teacher, allow us
Congratulations on your birthday.
Forgive us if unwittingly
You're in a bad mood.

Forgive us for all our sins,
We used to be naughty.
You were angry only for a moment
And he generously forgave us.

Let it be filled with a smile
And happiness all day today!
We won't make mistakes again,
Let's be obedient now.

A light rain is knocking on the window,
It's like he's singing a song.
Another year goes by
Another one follows him.

Good day! Before graduation occurs actual question: what to wish your first teacher. After all, there’s no way to do without congratulations.

Congratulations from studentsshould definitely be heard, thisimportant for both the teacher and thethe graduates themselves. We offera selection of congratulations from the firstteacher at graduation in verseand prose, which undoubtedlywill please this person.

Beautiful poems to the first teacher from graduates

We remember where it began.

Our first day of school and you!

You smiled tenderly at us all -

In return we gave flowers.

Now this class is already grown up

The last bell rings for us.

Answers were found to the questions

But we remember our first lesson.

Dear teacher,

We wish you patience and strength.

Teach like us, without scolding.

No one taught us like you!

When we came to first grade,

You taught us everything
Many years have passed
But we haven't forgotten you,
Teacher first, you now
We wish you a lot of happiness,
Our last bell rings,
Don't cry, for God's sake
We will come to you more than once again,
We honestly promise
Well, today, on this day,
We hug you tightly!

Our beloved first teacher,

Today we cannot hold back our tears,
You showed us a lot
They taught us to count and write.

All your words and orders
They will remain in our hearts.
May your children give you joy,
Those who came back to first grade.

Funny poems for the first teacher

They took us in as children,

They taught literacy.
And for school bells
We were always in a hurry.

Taught us the basics
Certificates, sciences,
And in the dining room we are always
We washed our hands together.

We wish you now
Smart kids
Those who go to school in first grade
They'll come running.

Second mother, first teacher!

You taught the primary truths,
You have opened the threshold of life for us,
The unknown has been made familiar.

Thank you for everything, we are at your feet.
Thank you for finding us,
Because school experience helped us -
Without you we would not have found our paths!

My first teacher, you are my dearest.
I remember learning the alphabet with you,
I learned to write and count,
He worked seriously like a child.

Congratulations, I've grown up already,
As an adult, at the school level, I stand,
And you, as always, are with the kids,
Yesterday she was only with us.

The first teacher showed us all
School, and classes, and assembly hall,
Helped me get used to life as a student.
Gave me the most important lesson in the world -
Work, study, make friends and don’t lie!
We want to thank you for this!
And believe last call- not the end!
He is just the beginning for our hearts!

There is no more honorable work in the world,

Why teachers have a hectic job.

We will never forget you

And we will be worthy of your love.

Leafing through well-known volumes,

We learned to speak beautifully

Solve examples, sing and compose.

Thank you first teacher!

We will stay with you forever,

Although we have matured a step.

We wish you, for many years to come -

We wish you happiness and success in your studies.

We will remember the smile and eyes.

And let’s remember the smooth movements of our hands.

After so many years of working at school

This is not your first graduation!

There were already a sea of ​​students,

But every issue is original!

Alas, it's time to say goodbye

WITH primary school and for us.

Although it's hard to leave,

We pass on our class to others.

Toothless guys will come

Those first-graders are kids,

That the granite of science will gnaw,

And pens and pencils.

Like us, they will run around the school

And forget things in class.

What can we all do?

Just come and help!

We wish you optimism,

Let the new class be the best!

But on the wave of patriotism

Don't leave us after all!

Figure it out in your own way,

When we fall into disgrace.

And if necessary, intercede,

And we will not be lost with you!

Heartfelt words to the first teacher in verse

Second mother to children.

And the caress of these hands.

When we don't understand something,

Tears shine in the eyes -

He will hug and explain,

He will tell you from the pictures.

When you are guilty, he will scold you,

Without anger and partiality.

And, like mother, will forgive us,

He will forget all the “bad weather”.

When we are smart, she

I'm sincerely happy for everyone,

How proud I am of my own children,

A's are her reward.

The first teacher is an adult friend,

Second mother to children.

Warms us all with the warmth of two hands

And the caress of these hands.

Dedicated to the first teacher
Today we have heartfelt words.
After all, today we only understand
How tired is your head?

From our eternal screams in class,
From lack of understanding, vanity,
And incomprehensible squiggles in the lines,
When we learned to write we dreamed!

Only now that we've grown up
It became clear how much strength is needed
You gave so that we could have time,
Meet this adult world with dignity.

Now we understand that at night,
Looking at our notebooks instead of dreams,
Could you cry that we can’t do it ourselves?
For now, we can connect a few words.

How did you try to reconcile us in quarrels,
Taught to understand and yield,
Behave decently in conversations
Be able to accept your mistakes...

Many years have passed since the beginning,
Here we are celebrating graduation together,
Our teacher turned grey,
For us, remaining the same – young!

Thank you, our second mother,
We say today with all our hearts,
We wish you happy life herself,
Good students, no problem!

We present you with flowers as a sign of recognition,
Much love to your beauty!
May we have a moment of parting today,

You will stay with us forever!

Congratulations in prose to the first teacher to the point of tears

Our second mother is our first teacher, let me congratulate you! All your students bowed their heads low in gratitude for the years they spent next to us! May everything in your life be good! May your window always be illuminated with affectionate sunlight, let there be no reason to be despondent and sad! Always glow with personal happiness and love from devoted students!

Our dear, kind teacher! You are the first guide of our lives, you helped the kids open their eyes wide before big world! You helped deal with good and evil, friendship and betrayal, love and hatred. We sincerely thank you for a bright childhood and first, important knowledge! We wish you prosperity and continued successful activities! May fate give you the opportunity long years help and educate many children!

We dedicate today to our first teacher! WITH sincere love and with respect we say thank you very much for the right path to which you have directed us. For selfless help and good relations, for the unknown world that they stubbornly opened to their little students! Thank you for tender love and strict care. We wish you good luck in everything for many years to come, flourishing health and limitless patience!

Texts of gratitude in your own words from graduates to the first teacher

I used to think that studying was boring, but when you first sat me down at my desk and opened the door to the world of knowledge, I realized that I had many discoveries ahead of me. It turned out that I know nothing at all about the world in which I live! And you were the first to show me the door to the world of knowledge - the Book. I used to read fairy tales, stories, poems, I really liked to follow the adventures of my favorite heroes, but now I can do it on my own, without the help of mom and dad, grandparents, and it’s so great! It all started with block letters, it turned out that they are vowels and consonants, hard and soft, stressed and unstressed! And you taught me to understand them. Thank you for that. But these were not all discoveries; the letters somehow began to form into syllables and words by themselves. And most of all, you rejoiced at our successes. Now I could come up with my own intonation for the characters in the books I read, make them timid or brave, kind or not so kind, because you taught us not just to read, but to understand what we read, to empathize with the characters or to be angry with them. You taught us to distinguish between good and bad. But not only did we learn to read during this time, our circles and sticks gradually turned into capital letters, it was difficult at first to write them in even, beautiful lines, but gradually I learned to write more confidently. I may not always get an A in everything, but I try. And in the most difficult moments, you, my teacher, were always next to me! All you had to do was correct my hand a little and the letter became more beautiful. Of course, I still have a lot of studying ahead, but now I can write a short story that I come up with myself, I can sign postcards to my beloved mom and dad, grandparents or friends. A little time will pass and I will be able to thank you, dear Marina Valentinovna, for a lot of different knowledge and skills, but now I want to tell you: thank you, my first teacher, for your patience, for your concern, for interesting lessons, for the fact that I can read and write, for the fact that I was able, with the help of mom and dad, to write these kind words for you! I want you to be happy from my confessions and your eyes to glow with happiness! Thank you!

Farewell to school fills our thoughts with joyful events and a little sad ones!

We will all now choose different directions in life and we will go different ways. But we will always be united by memories of our first beloved and kindest teacher.

Our dear, we dedicate our love and recognition to you and wish you to always remain such a magnificent, kind and best first teacher in the whole Universe!

The first teacher, like the first love, leaves in the memory the brightest and most rosy memories!

We were so afraid of school, we didn’t want to leave our mothers. Some of us cried, others happily wanted to sit down at their desks.

Years have passed, today we are graduating from school and we want to say a big thank you from pure heart for your invaluable work and experience, which you gladly shared with us over all these years.

Glory to our first teacher and low bow!

It was with this person that the formation of your abilities, passions in learning and acquaintance with the big world of new discoveries and knowledge began. Don't forget to congratulate your first teacher on this happy holiday in her life, like a birthday. All the attention that you received at school from your first teacher should be returned to him in full.

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