Reviews of very large lego sets. The largest Lego sets in the world

To mom

The Lego brand is currently the most famous toy manufacturer. She even surpassed Hasbro toys and Barbie dolls. But few people know that the history of the Danish company began with the production of wood products. Even the first Lego toys were made of wood.

However, the company did not stop there and grew to such volumes that its famous designers began to be copied by other companies producing similar toys. American business book author Seth Godin once said very smart words: “If people start copying you, then you have achieved something wonderful.”

There are many different construction sets in the world, but I would like to pay attention to the largest Lego set in the world. That title belongs to the Millennium Falcon set. The starship from the world's largest LEGO set is an exact replica of the ship from the famous Star Wars movie. It is a Corellian ship on which Han Solo transported contraband at the direction of Jabba the Hutt. That is why the empire was looking for the starship. One day, a smuggler was hired to transport people. Solo had not previously engaged in such transportation, but the amount he was offered was so high that he could not refuse. As soon as the plane left hyperspace, the heroes were surprised by what they saw. A destroyed planet appeared before them. Despite unequal forces, friends saved Princess Leia.

The largest Lego set in the world, the Millennium Falcon, consists of 5,195 pieces. The model was created in such a size as to fully correspond to the size of the mini-figures. They can be placed inside the ship. The size of the vessel is 84x56x21 centimeters. The radar dish can rotate and rise, and the landing ramp also unfolds. The manufacturing company did not forget about the rotating turrets of the laser weapon. The upper part of the ship's cabin can be removed if desired, allowing the child to play with the figures inside.

Despite the ship's remarkable size, Lego produced another large Taj Mahal set that surpassed the Millennium Falcon in terms of detail. This set is only suitable for experienced designers, because you have to assemble a structure from 5900 parts. The entire structure is divided into three main parts, which can be separated from each other: the basement area, the middle part, and, of course, the dome. The base of the square is a fusion of blue and white plates. Tall columns-minarets are lined up in each corner of the square.

Since the model is quite impressive in size (41x41 cm), and the set also includes a huge number of elegant parts, this construction set is not suitable for everyday play. However, this will not scare true fans of architecture, because the work done will bring a lot of joy, and possibly pride.

Is there at least one person in the world who remains indifferent to the Lego constructor? Our generation can only regret that when we were little, there was no Lego in the Soviet Union, we were content with ordinary cubes. Although it could have been. “Lego” dates back to 1949. From that time on, a truly triumphant march of “Lego” across the planet began.
Nowadays, in every, even the most seedy children's toy department, there are certainly several different Lego sets. I’m unlikely to be mistaken if I say that in Moscow, in the Central Children’s World store on Lubyanka, there is the largest section in Russia with goods for children’s favorite educational games.

1.Lego in the Children's World on Lubyanka
2.The largest Lego sculpture
3. Architectural compositions from Lego
4.Lego sets in the children's world
5. How much does Lego cost in Children's World?
6. Prices for toys

Lego in

The Lego department is located on the second floor of the children's store. It can be seen from afar; the familiar logo stands out brightly against the red background.

The first thing you see in the section are huge figures, which are assembled from construction sets. This respectable gentleman greets visitors at the very entrance.

In the back of the hall there is a cheerful family. I would say that the little men are somewhat reminiscent of the heroes of the favorite cartoon “Puck-Puck,” but the “footers” are holding rackets, not sticks, in their hands.

It's hard to pass by an astronaut in a spacesuit and his faithful dog. It seems that this time they will fly into space together.

I dare to assure you that the space theme is presented in Children’s World for a reason. An astronaut is getting ready to fly on a rocket. Her model is also assembled from construction kit parts and is considered the tallest Lego figure in the world.

The largest Lego figure

According to the blurb next to the giant model of a space rocket, we have the tallest Lego figure in the world at Children's World.

It occupies four entire floors of a six-story store.
Before looking at all the parts of this model, let's take a look at the structure as a whole. As the Children's World servant advised me, the best way to do this is to take the escalator from bottom to top and make a video in motion. That’s what I did, only I filmed not from the first floor, but from the second floor.

Now I will give some numbers and data. We assembled the largest Lego figure in the Czech Republic. 154 people worked on it and spent 8,650 hours. The rocket consists of almost 2 million (1.9 million) parts. Its weight is 4 tons, and its height is 18.5 meters.

The ship flies into the sky, breaking through a dense white cloud. On it we will see people who lived in different eras.

And we even recognize some of them. The famous Danish astronomer Tycho Brahe observes the sky through a telescope.

There are both Roman legionnaires and residents of Ancient Egypt. A brave Viking sails on a wooden plastic boat.

If you look closely, we recognize the Greek philosopher and mathematician Pythagoras, the inventor of the printing press of the German scientist Johannes Gutenberg. The collectors considered the “crown” of the development of civilization to be a blonde with a smartphone and a pocket dog.

At the very top, at the rocket porthole, the figure of an astronaut is floating. I will not say that this is Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin. After all, it was not he who was the first to go into outer space, but Alexey Arkhipovich Leonov.

The rocket is impressive. But there are many more interesting things in the “Lego” section.

Architectural compositions from Lego

Let me use the adjective “unique” again. After all, where, if not in Moscow, are the architectural sights of the capital assembled from Lego bricks? Admire the Spasskaya Tower, the Ivan the Great Bell Tower and the Assumption Belfry.

Nearby is a model of the Bolshoi Theater.

A little further away is another building, typical of modern Moscow.

Did not recognize? And so?

Then we will see a collective landscape. Although it is not entirely recognizable, it is typical and impressive in size.

Lego sets in the children's world

Are you ready to purchase such large Lego sets to assemble the presented figures? No? No problem! There is a huge selection of different designers. I really liked the mansion model.

I was especially pleased that this construction set was shown assembled nearby in the display case.

There are a couple more sets presented in “life-size” size (Tower Bridge in London and the Opera House in Sydney).

And if you are not going to buy a construction set, then it is not at all forbidden to try your hand at it on the spot. Look how enthusiastically the young people are assembling their building!

After some time, the house grew noticeably, and the girl became hot from diligence and she took off her jacket.

The parents could barely drag the little preschooler away from the construction bricks. It seems that she was going to complement the architectural landscape and was wondering where to put her simple craft?

How much does Lego cost at Children's World?

Now I’ll touch on the most painful issue – price. To be honest, I was taken aback when I inquired about the cost of the set I liked.

Did you see the price? Yeah, I, too, frantically counted the signs in the price tag. Five figures! On the left - almost 20,000 rubles, on the right - without a ruble - 23,000 rubles.
I turned my gaze to another Lego set - it’s not fun either - almost 14,000 rubles.

Here's a box like this.

Let's get out of here, baby. This is not for us...

Since I ended up in the “Lego” section in Children’s World on duty, I asked representatives of the Russian branch of the company about the pricing policy. The manager just shrugged:
– You see, the company has nothing to do with pricing. The cost is set by each distributor and each store independently.
– Okay, what does the Russian representative office of Lego do then?
– We are responsible for the assortment, quantity, train sellers, study demand, strive to open more departments with our designers.

All that remains is to throw up your hands. Lego was inaccessible to us for political reasons, and to our children and grandchildren for economic reasons.
Our prices caused the same reaction among Lego representatives from Norway. They came to assess the scale of distribution of the designer in Moscow and to see the assortment. Here they are, posing for my photo.

The Norwegians were happy with everything. But the prices raised many questions among them:
– Tell me, how many construction sets do you sell daily? - they asked to translate the question to the seller.
“It varies,” was the hesitant answer, “about 7-10 sets a day.”
- Not much. But at such prices, it’s surprising that anything is being sold at all,” Lego employees shook their heads.

Toy prices

Since we're talking about the cost of toys, I'll show you a few more price tags. True, I harvested them not in Lubyanka, but in Vetoshny Lane.

On the opposite side of Vetoshny from GUM, closer to Ilyinka, there is a store called “Children’s GUM”.

We also went there with my charges. Only, unlike the Children’s World, teeming with people, “Children’s GUM” was empty. The sellers were bored, the toys were hopelessly collecting dust on the shelves. Among them there were absolutely charming specimens. How do you like this miracle? I just want to cuddle!

I liked the animal so much that I involuntarily reached out to it. Buy for your kids? How many are there?

The price tag literally burned my hands. I hurried to put the toy on the shelf, afraid that I would accidentally drop it and be forced to pay for the damage. So that you have no doubt that I didn’t come up with anything and the price tag corresponds to the product, I’ll give you one more frame, it’s easy to see the cost of the toy.

The same department sells amazing toy strollers.

I assure you, if there had been something like this in my childhood, I would have asked my parents day and night to buy me one and only calmed down when, due to age, I lost interest in them.
There were several strollers on display; they were slightly different from each other in color, material, and equipment.

Because of this, the price also varied. Ready? I'll start with the cheapest one.

Now more expensive.

And now - the very best, the height of all girlish dreams.

I wanted to end this report with an ironic phrase: “Give birth, citizens, children!” But due to my optimistic nature, I don’t want to part with the reader on such a gloomy note. I would like to wish all of us to always be able to give toys to children without compromising the well-being of the family. Wealth to all of us and powerful cash flow!

Lego constructors will never go out of fashion and will not lose their incredible popularity. For several decades now, they have attracted the attention of not only children, but also teenagers and even their parents.

Lego knows no limits to perfection. Almost every month, manufacturers delight their consumers with new, unforgettable series of Lego constructors, the most unique of which is the Lego Exclusive series.

The attractiveness of Lego Exclusive sets lies in their uniqueness. Hence such a bright and unusual name. Lego Exclusive are special construction sets that are produced in limited editions, but you can always buy them in our online store.

Lego Exclusive is an opportunity to construct first-class models of spaceships, markets, beautiful houses and architectural structures, ships, trains and even a fire department with your own hands.

Playing with Lego Exclusive will be an exciting adventure not only for boys and girls, but also for their parents. All of these sets are quite large, and to assemble them correctly, you will have to try hard. In addition, Lego Exclusive construction sets are beautifully detailed and consist of a very large number of parts, which makes it possible to show your imagination while playing, rebuilding them to your liking and coming up with something new.

The Lego Exclusive series presents sets that are exact copies of such world-famous buildings as and. These unique Lego Exclusive buildings will be a harmonious addition to your Lego city. Thanks to such designers, everyone can feel like a famous architect and independently create a real wonder of the world.

Also among the designers from the Lego Exclusive series you will find sets that will perfectly complement your collections “”, “” and “”. If you already have a city with medieval fortresses and castles, populated by beautiful ladies and brave knights, build huge ones for them. This Lego Exclusive construction set has a huge number of mini-figures of buyers, traders and various animals.

The Lego Exclusive collection also includes large sets that are exact copies of spaceships and heroes of the world-famous epic Star Wars, as well as a huge ship.

There are several interesting additions to the Lego Exclusive series for Lego City. It's huge and big.

All Lego Exclusive sets are incredibly realistic. Each of these construction sets has a lot of moving elements: windows and doors in houses open, and mini-figures of people busy with work scurry around in back and forth. The Lego Exclusive series constructors will allow you to ride on a magic train or a huge one. Also with Lego Exclusive you can launch your personal one into space or visit the real one.

Lego Exclusive series constructors, however, like other sets from this manufacturer, play a very important role in the development of your children. They develop fine motor skills, perseverance and a sense of timing. With Lego Exclusive, your child becomes more flexible, he develops logical thinking abilities and creative skills.

LegoExclusive is an excellent choice for your beloved child, regardless of his age!

First released in the late 50s, Lego has become an iconic toy that is loved and appreciated by millions of people around the world.

In fact, it's so loved by so many that some of the Lego sets listed below fetch crazy amounts of $4,276 for a slice of pizza!!

Either way, here's our list of the 20 most expensive Lego sets in the world.

20. Darth Maul Lego Head Cost: $1255

This stunning bust of Darth Maul is taken off this list.

If you don't know who he is, then I suggest you watch Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace.

This Lego set contains over 1800 individual pieces.

If you have the time, patience and desire to build a set like this, you can earn yourself some serious bragging rights in your lego social circle!

19. Rebel Blockade Runner Cost: $1,330

One of the largest Lego sets on our list is the Rebel Rebel.

It's quite gigantic, to say the least, and consists of over 1,700 pieces and Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope.

If you are also a Star Wars fan then you should seriously consider adding this to your collection as you will get some serious recognition!

18. Rebel Snowspeeder Cost: $1421

Another Star Wars themed Lego set, this time from "The Empire Strikes Back" .

This Rebel Snowspeeder seems to be a little more popular than the previous two, and for no apparent reason.

Aside from the fact that it might be a little easier to put together since it has fewer parts, around 1457 to be exact, the Snowspeeder is just another cool set to add to your collection!

If you have money, then why not?!

17. Lego Eiffel Tower Cost: $1,455

Breaking out of Star Wars, Bonanza is a Legos rendition of the Eiffel Tower released in 2007.

With 3,428 pieces, this is the tallest lego set on the market and should only be used if you have the dedication and stamina to see it through!

It was built to a scale of 1:300 from the original drawings of the real tower.

16. Lego Imperial Star Destroyer Cost: $1600

Next on the list of the most expensive lego sets in the world is definitely the coolest star wars set on the planet - the Imperial Star Destroyer!

If you're a Star Wars fan, you know what this is and why it's so cool to be able to do it in lego.

It numbers just over 3,000 pieces and is about 3 meters long.

So, if you add this to your collection, make sure you have the room before you start building it!

15. Lego Star Wars V.I.P. Gala Set (Vader) Cost: $1,672

Continuing with the Star Wars theme, we have a VIP Gala Set including Darth Vadar, which was released at the 2005 Lego Toy Fair to promote Revenge of the Sith.

Being one of the rarest Lego sets in the world, it is difficult to understand its true value.

However, since it is so rare, it is worth its current price since you would expect the rarest or most exclusive items to be expensive, right?

However, it's pretty darn cool, so sometimes it's worth biting the bullet and paying the dollar!

14. Lego Limited Edition Batman Announcement Set Cost: $1720

Batman itself is cool, but there's a limited edition Batman Lego set that's even cooler!

They were fairly easy to find at Sandigo's Comic-Con in 2005, but many people didn't cling to him and preferred to trade, trade, or sell him.

If you were smart or just lucky and managed to pull yourself together when these were first released, you'd be sitting on a nice $1,720 right now.

13. Lego Death Star II Cost: $1,972

With such an amazing name and such an iconic history, it's no wonder that the Death Star is one of the most expensive lego sets in the world!

To put this thing together, you'll need to place all 3,000 pieces in their exact locations and have room to move around while you do it.

When all is said and done, you'll definitely want to take the time and effort to see this magnificent Lego in all its glory!

12. Lego Statue Of Liberty Cost: $2,132

For just $2,000 you get 3,000 pieces and enjoy seeing the finished product once you put it together.

However, if you're in a position where you have to choose between a really cool lego set or your next car, then you might want to hold off on buying this one for a while... or just buy it and go!

11. Cafe Corner Cost: $1,714

With just over 2,056 pieces, the Lego Cafe Corner set features three different stories: a bicycle and a mosaic.

Not the most interesting of sets, however, it's still pretty cool and would look great in a collection.

If you're looking to spend $1,714 on lego sets, then it might be a better option to put that money into one of the upcoming more expensive lego sets.

10. Lego Yoda Wearing “I Heart NY Shirt” (New York Toy Fair 2013) Cost: $2,275

This fun set is one of our top ten most expensive lego sets in the world.

Released at the 2013 New York Toy Fair, this set includes Yoda wearing an "I Love New York" T-shirt and some really cool street art and street signs.

In terms of the actual item received, you don't really get much for your money, however, you are paying for the individuality of the item plus a bit of cool!

Price: 2300 dollars

At number 9 on our list is this nonsense set.

The carousel has 3000 pieces and comes with a remote control. It's also fully functional, meaning you can actually use/play with it.

This is a pretty big set when all is said and done, but unlike some of the previous releases on our list, you can see that it can be built with relative ease, right?

8. LECA Automobile (LEGO Inside Tour Exclusive 2005 Edition) Cost: $2,350

If you like cars, or are looking for something a little different for your next build, then LECA Automobile could be for you.

It's not the coolest or cutest lego set, however, it is different and rare.

So, I guess if you have $2350 to spend on a lego set, then consider it if you love cars, or put the money into one of the 5 most expensive lego sets in the world.

7. Lego The Legoland Train (LEGO Inside Tour 2014) Cost: $2,750

Trains are cool, right? Well, if you like them, the Legoland train is right up your street.

Not only do you get a train to build, but you also get seven minifigures to roll around with.

They first went on sale back in 2014, so if you managed to get your hands on one of these and held onto it, then you've done well, as it's now worth around $2,750!

6. Lego Taj Mahal Cost: $2865

Get ready for the biggest lego set on the list. The Taj Mahal is absolutely massive, a true work of art once it's built.

It numbers over 5,900 pieces and is an absolute spectacle.

If you have the time, money and dedication until the end, I think you will be very happy with your purchase.

5. Lego Han Solo On Tauntaun (Miniland Scale) Cost: $3,156

Fifth on our list is the most expensive Star Wars Lego set, Han Solo On Tauntaun.

You might be thinking it's something like the Millennium Falcon or Star Destroyer, but it turns out this little lego set is much more interesting and valuable.

It's certainly not the most attractive set or the prettiest, but numbers are numbers and this is the most expensive Star Wars Lego set to date.

4. Lego Piper Airplane (LEGO Inside Tour Exclusive 2012 Edition) Cost: $4,016

Once past the $4,000 mark, the 2012 edition of the Piper Airplane is going to be a pretty cool lego, and I can see it being worth the money.

Besides the plane, you also get an airport and minifigures, which is pretty cool.

3. Lego TMNT Antonio’s Pizza-Rama (New York Comic-Con 2012 Exclusive) Cost: $4,276

Who would have thought that you build food from Lego? Well, you can, and this post proves it.

In fact, it may be the most expensive slice of pizza on the planet, but if you do buy it, you'll have the satisfaction of knowing that you're one of the few people in the world to have it, as it's so rare.

It's still crazy to think that a small slice of pizza can beat Yoda, the Eiffel Tower and Darth Maul!

Cost: $4,530

The title of the largest Lego Star Wars installed on the planet went to the Millennium Falcon.

It is the second largest Lego set in the world, just after the Taj Mahal, and consists of 5,174 pieces.

Also included in the box are some amazing minifigures of Obi-Wan Kenobi, Chewbacca, Princess Leia, Luke Skywalker and Han Solo.

Overall, this sounds pretty good if you're into your lego and you're a big Star Wars fan... just think of the hours of fun you could have with it!

1. H.C. Andersen's Clumsy Hans (2015 Edition) Price: $7,375

Dominating the list is the 2015 edition of H. C. Andersen's Clumsy Hans.

The sets were initially distributed to approximately 80 Lego ambassadors, most of whom decided to hold onto them, making them extremely difficult to find.

So that's where its big price tag comes from. However, if you are a collector and want something special to complete your collection, then just $7,375 is nothing compared to packaging a rare lego set like this one.


We hope you enjoyed our list of the 20 most expensive Lego sets in the world.

That was one hell of a lego, right? This seems like such a nice toy and collectible.

If you're looking to buy one of the most expensive lego sets in the world, then hopefully our list has given you a good place to start your search!

Here's a quick look at the 20 most expensive Lego sets in the world:

  1. H.C. Andersen's Clumsy Hans (2015 Edition) – $7,375
  2. Ultimate Collector's Millennium Falcon – $4,530
  3. TMNT Antonio's Pizza-Rama (New York Comic-Con 2012 Exclusive) – $4,276
  4. Piper Airplane (LEGO Inside Tour Exclusive 2012 Edition) – $4,016
  5. Han Solo On Tauntaun (Miniland Scale) – $3,156
  6. Taj Mahal – $2,865
  7. The Legoland Train (LEGO Inside Tour 2014) – $2,750
  8. LECA Automobile (LEGO Inside Tour Exclusive 2005 Edition) – $2,350
  9. Grand Carousel – $2,300
  10. Yoda Wearing “I Heart NY Shirt” (New York Toy Fair 2013) – $2,275
  11. Cafe Corner – $1,714
  12. Statue Of Liberty – $2,132
  13. Death Star II – $1,972
  14. Limited Edition Batman Announcement Set (Comic Con 2005) – $1,720
  15. Star Wars V.I.P. Gala Set (Vader) Lego Toy Fair 2005 – $1,672
  16. Imperial Star Destroyer – $1,600
  17. Eiffel Tower – $1,455
  18. Rebel Snowspeeder – $1,421
  19. Rebel Blockade Runner – $1,330
  20. Darth Maul Lego Head – $1,255

The most expensive advanced Lego models are valuable pieces for collectors. The figure for how much the largest Lego set in the world costs reaches several thousand dollars.

After a Lego set is discontinued, its price increases.

Rarity is the most important factor in LEGO pricing.

Expensive Lego sets

Here are the most valuable Lego sets, according to the Lego Brickpicker website:

  1. LEGO's 75192 UCS Millennium Falcon contains 7,541 pieces, setting the record for the largest LEGO set ever released. This kit costs US$799.99 / £649.99 / €799.99 and available since October 2017.
  2. Lego's Taj Mahal was the company's largest set when released in 2008, containing 5,922 pieces. Its average cost is $2850.
  3. MILLENNIUM FALCON. This is the first Millennium Falcon set from the Star Wars series, released in 2007. The number of parts is 5174 pieces. This set also includes 10 mini figures: Han Solo, Rey, Chewbacca and Leia Organa. When the set was sold between 2007 and 2010, its cost was $499.99 / £349.99, but can now be found for around $3,000-$4,900 on eBay. There are a lot of fakes on the Internet, so you need to be extremely careful when buying such an expensive toy.
  4. The iconic Ghostbusters Fire Department headquarters has been faithfully recreated in LEGO in the 4,634-piece set of the same name. The set is available for purchase at a price $349.99 / $284.99 for €389.99.
  5. Lego Tower Bridge. This set features London's most iconic bridge with a working lift mechanism. The final assembly is over 40 inches (101 cm) long and 17 inches (43 cm), so it takes up a lot of space, although the set can be divided into modules for transport. The piece count is 4,287. Tower Bridge can be purchased for $239.99 from the LEGO online store and in retail stores.
  6. Just recently, LEGO released another London tourist attraction in their collection - Elizabeth Tower, known as Big Ben. The tower stands over 23 inches (59 cm) high and features an amazingly detailed clock with moving hands. It will cost you $249.99 / £179.99 / €219.99.
  7. A recent addition to the list. Disney Castle is the largest Disney LEGO, which consists of 4,080 pieces, and comes with Mickey, Minnie, Donald, Daisy and Tinkerbell. You can make your own dream come true by exchanging $349.99 / £299.99 / €349.99 for this constructor.

Prices for world-famous kits

If we consider how much the largest Lego costs, it is worth mentioning the following sets:

The largest figure made from a construction set

7 meters and 32 centimeters long - a ship of this size was built from Lego by 51-year-old fisherman Jim McDonough.

It took him 3 years. His model is a smaller copy of the battleship USS Missouri.

Although the official record holder is Briton Dan Siskind, his ship is 46 centimeters larger and is made of thousands of parts.

It's hard to say how much the biggest Lego costs. But if you add up the entire cost of the designer, plus the labor invested, then the price of the largest model in the world will reach several tens of thousands of dollars.

And there are collectors who are willing to pay that amount.

Value of kits on Ebey

The most expensive Lego figure composition on UK ebay costs £29,500.00.