The best children's audiobooks are helpers in the development and upbringing of a child. The best children's audiobooks - helpers in the development and upbringing of a child Audiobooks for speech development in children

Choice of colors

Modern children don't like to read! Many parents and teachers are convinced of this, and in their own childhood it was difficult to tear them away from an interesting book. But in fact, even now many boys and girls adore reading no less than their older relatives. And if the child is still too small and does not know the letters or still does not really want to read on his own, the best children's audiobooks will come to his aid. They will not only introduce your child to world literature, but will also help in his upbringing, enrich his imagination, and instill a love of words...

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Read, listen, fantasize

Young generations are largely made into full-fledged individuals with a high IQ by the literary works they read and listen to. Both paper and audio books help to form character, to make a choice between the right and the not so good. They give knowledge, teach them to think and fantasize, and develop imagination.

When children listen to a text - a fascinating fairy tale, story, story or short novel - they come up with their own “movie”. Each child imagines what the characters look like and the places in which the action develops. By fantasizing in this way, he grows up gifted, creative personality. And perhaps one day he will be able to write an exciting story himself.

Why is listening to books important?

Development of visual imagination, creativity and intelligence - an important, but far from the only benefit that audiobooks provide for children's audiences. Also, works read by announcers or actors help children:

And, in the end, children's fairy tales and audiobooks are simply interesting to listen to.

That's not all!

The list of positive factors that an audiobook has on a child’s development is endless. For example, when listening to fairy tales and stories, children simply rest their eyes. This is very important for a generation that spends most of its free time on the computer and video games and, in addition, is heavily loaded with school lessons and homework.

Audio books will help relieve eye fatigue and prevent your vision from deteriorating. And, by the way, they will be a wonderful alternative to smartphones, tablets and other gadgets.

If you find yourself in a traffic jam or waiting for your turn somewhere, an audiobook will perfectly occupy your bored child. The paper format may not help here. But superbly read and fascinating story it will be just right. You can turn on the recording in the car without fear of disturbing anyone. And in public place A phone or player with headphones will do.

Is it easy to switch from audio to paper?

Books in audio format will in no way prevent children from reading literature “the old fashioned way.” On the contrary, they will learn to perceive and process information in different ways- with the eyes and the ears.

Therefore, you can start introducing your child to the world classics through audio, and then “slip” paper books into his hands. Or you can immediately alternate between the spoken and printed word - let your child listen to audio fairy tales and stories and at the same time read books with him.

What to choose for listening?

Today, children's audiobooks are produced in huge quantities. Classic fairy tales (folk and original), works of school curriculum, works of contemporary writers. There are works to listen to before bed – calm, peaceful ones, and others – cheerful, “morning” ones. There are moralizing stories and simply entertaining and funny ones. But in general, the choice of books for a child largely depends on his age:

  • Children usually include fairy tales, time-tested - from Perrault and the Brothers Grimm to the Russians folk tales. As for poetry, not all children love it. However, you can try to stage poems by Pushkin, Chukovsky, Marshak, Kharms, Lear.
  • Junior kids school age fairy tales are also appreciated. They enjoy listening to the classics (Carroll, Lindgren, Uspensky, Nosov, Volkov) and their contemporaries (Rowling, Cowell, Yemets, Roy, Matyushkina, Ronshin).
  • Older children should be offered realistic prose - Twain, Krapivin, Tomin, Koval, Sotnik, Aleksin.

The best children's audiobooks - wonderful and effective way unobtrusively instill a love of literature, reading, words. Listening to books is fashionable today. For children, this is not an unpleasant duty, but joy and pleasure. Well, for parents it is an effective tool that helps the development and upbringing of their child.

And we invite you to download and listen to fairy tales voiced by our studio announcer Pavel Konstantinovsky. To the Fairy Tales section >>

Examples of work

Prose| "Novella". Fragment

Prose| V.I. Nemtsev "Perovsky"

Business book| "Be obsessed or be like everyone else"

Fairy tale | « Uninvited Guest"(Russian fairy tale)

Fairy tale| “Somersault” (Scythian tale)

Christian literature| "Spiritual Consolation"

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- invention is not today. The adult generation grew up listening to stories recorded on gramophone records. But even today, free audio fairy tales for children do not lose their relevance for modern caring mothers. We offer you a wide selection of wonderful audio fairy tales that you can freely listen to online at night or download for free. Each fairy tale contains a short description that will help you or your child make a choice.

Title of the audio tale Source Rating
Geese-swans Russian folk 248342
Aladdin's magic lamp Arabian tale 310033
Quiet fairy tale Samuel Marshak 252650
Masha and the Bear Russian folk 1179165
Fox and crane Russian folk 178000
Scarlet flower Aksakov S.T. 181016
Kolobok Russian folk 1033661
Aibolit Korney Chukovsky 368579
Moidodyr Korney Chukovsky 267367
Teremok Russian folk 734646
Baba Yaga Russian folk 656487
Fly-Tsokotuha Korney Chukovsky 259554
Little Red Riding Hood Charles Perrault 183399
Twelve months Samuel Marshak 777704
Vasilisa the Beautiful Russian folk 283423
sleeping Beauty Charles Perrault 151823
turnip Russian folk 360180
Snow Maiden Russian folk 219316
Frog Princess Russian folk 273438
Puss in Boots Charles Perrault 180667
Tom Thumb Charles Perrault 143153
Fedorino grief Korney Chukovsky 202138
Thumbelina Andersen H.K. 307470
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs Brothers Grimm 655090
Bremen Town Musicians Brothers Grimm 890991
Wolf and seven kids Brothers Grimm 657618
Snow Queen Brothers Grimm 1028444
Little Mermaid Andersen H.K. 240026
Snowman Andersen H.K. 206174
The Tale of a Stupid Mouse Samuel Marshak 434536
Wolf and Fox Samuel Marshak 517350
Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves Arabian tale 143735
The Adventures of Sinbad the Sailor Arabian tale 217581
Mustache-striped Samuel Marshak 414872
Barmaley Korney Chukovsky 147897
Magic pipe Russian folk 246026
Little Rose and Little White Brothers Grimm 159770
Living water Brothers Grimm 149526
Rapunzel Brothers Grimm 203609
Rumplestiltskin Brothers Grimm 94250
A pot of porridge Brothers Grimm 142997
King Thrushbeard Brothers Grimm 65335
little people Brothers Grimm 61840
Hansel and Gretel Brothers Grimm 63857
golden goose Brothers Grimm 53587
Mrs. Blizzard Brothers Grimm 123669
Worn out shoes Brothers Grimm 101011
Straw, coal and bean Brothers Grimm 45860
twelve brothers Brothers Grimm 53844
Spindle, weaving shuttle and needle Brothers Grimm 51568
Friendship between cat and mouse Brothers Grimm 94416
Kinglet and bear Brothers Grimm 30015
Royal children Brothers Grimm 64651
Brave Little Tailor Brothers Grimm 45826
Crystal ball Brothers Grimm 60747
Queen Bee Brothers Grimm 42356
Smart Gretel Brothers Grimm 28874
Three lucky ones Brothers Grimm 29003
Three spinners Brothers Grimm 28787
Three snake leaves Brothers Grimm 28818
Three brothers Brothers Grimm 28794
The Old Man of the Glass Mountain Brothers Grimm 28815
The Tale of a Fisherman and His Wife Brothers Grimm 28804
underground man Brothers Grimm 30547
Donkey Brothers Grimm 28845
Ocheski Brothers Grimm 40789
The Frog King, or Iron Henry Brothers Grimm 30440
Hare and hedgehog Brothers Grimm 49839
Ugly duckling Andersen H.K. 137411
Wild swans Andersen H.K. 93344
The Princess and the Pea Andersen H.K. 108513
Flint Andersen H.K. 134070
Chamomile Andersen H.K. 44657
Persistent tin soldier Andersen H.K. 55327
Shadow Andersen H.K. 29879
Swineherd Andersen H.K. 33617
Ole Lukoje Andersen H.K. 79180
The king's new dress Andersen H.K. 41956
Flax Andersen H.K. 28776
Shepherdess and chimney sweep Andersen H.K. 28801
Water drop Andersen H.K. 28797
Rosebush Elf Andersen H.K. 34129
Silver coin Andersen H.K. 31744
Happy family Andersen H.K. 41487
Girl with matches Andersen H.K. 36941
Storks Andersen H.K. 44623
Hans Churban Andersen H.K. 28762
Fast walkers Andersen H.K. 29136
The Tale of the Golden Cockerel Pushkin A.S. 80140
The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Knights Pushkin A.S. 97846
The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish Pushkin A.S. 109053
The Tale of Tsar Saltan Pushkin A.S. 250214
Green oak near Lukomorye Pushkin A.S. 169483
Nutcracker and mouse king Goffman E.T.A. 57751
Sandman Goffman E.T.A. 36572
golden pot Goffman E.T.A. 29299
Bread and gold Arabian tale 55681
Beggar and happiness Arabian tale 51083
The right remedy Arabian tale 48901
Chicken Ryaba Russian folk 144445
Morozko Russian folk 154565
Ilya Muromets and Nightingale the Robber Russian folk 158842
Porridge from an ax Russian folk 149651
Cockerel and bean seed Russian folk 83990
Grief Russian folk 52868
Ivan the Peasant Son and the Miracle Yudo Russian folk 84436
Frog Princess Russian folk 179923
Three bears Russian folk 122324
Sivka-Burka Russian folk 86000
Ivan Tsarevich and gray wolf Russian folk 108608
Fox and black grouse Russian folk 34792
Goby – resin barrel Russian folk 57093
Baba Yaga and berries Russian folk 46119
Battle on Kalinov Bridge Russian folk 31481
Finist – Clear Falcon Russian folk 40591
Princess Nesmeyana Russian folk 44872
Tops and roots Russian folk 37829
Winter hut of animals Russian folk 64625
flying ship Russian folk 85225
Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka Russian folk 53593
Cockerel - golden comb Russian folk 38555
Zaykin's hut Russian folk 62214
Marya Morevna Russian folk 46237
Wonderful miracle, wonderful miracle Russian folk 34305
Two frosts Russian folk 35395
Most expensive Russian folk 31012
Wonderful shirt Russian folk 31302
Crane and Heron Russian folk 28777
Frost and hare Russian folk 34140
How the fox learned to fly Russian folk 34154
Ivanushka the Fool Russian folk 31338
Daughter and stepdaughter Russian folk 28798
Magic ring Russian folk 53834
Treasure Russian folk 28823
Fox and Cancer Russian folk 28789
Fox-sister and wolf Russian folk 42117
The Sea King and Vasilisa the Wise Russian folk 48418
Fox and jug Russian folk 28824
bird tongue Russian folk 28822
The soldier and the devil Russian folk 30467
Crystal Mountain Russian folk 28823
Tricky Science Russian folk 28840
Smart guy Russian folk 28767
Snow Maiden and Fox Russian folk 28816
Word Russian folk 28762
Fast messenger Russian folk 28782
Seven Simeons Russian folk 28781
About the old grandmother Russian folk 158232
Go there - I don’t know where, bring that - I don’t know what Russian folk 86287
At the behest of the pike Russian folk 90887
Rooster and Millstones Russian folk 28763
Shepherd's pipe Russian folk 85883
Petrified Kingdom Russian folk 32716
ABOUT rejuvenating apples and living water Russian folk 44661
Goat Dereza Russian folk 40443
How the dog was looking for a friend Russian folk 55344
The Enchanted Princess Russian folk 60615
Magic apple Russian folk 107465

To listen to online audio stories It was a pleasure for children; professional announcers, actors and pop stars took part in their creation. The recording uses wonderful melodies and sound effects. Thanks to this, by listening to children's audio fairy tales online for free, the child develops his imagination by imagining the events taking place in magical stories.

Children's audio fairy tales allow kids to expand their vocabulary and enrich speech with intonations. They also teach babies to concentrate. Many parents complain that after watching cartoons, children become overly excited. After listening to audio fairy tales, such an effect is not observed. Listening to bedtime stories, the child does not strain his eyesight - which, of course, is good for the health of the eyes.

It has been proven that the ability to listen will later help the baby more easily master foreign languages and musical literacy. Confident perception of information by ear will be useful for children in their studies. By allowing your kids to listen to audio stories, you make an invaluable contribution to their education.

Is listening to audio fairy tales useful?

Listening to fairy tales online is a great solution for modern parents and their children. Superbly voiced stories will entertain your baby while mom is busy with her chores. IN similar situation audio tales are simply irreplaceable. Just turn on the story, which you can select and download for free on the website, or press play online - and your child will be immersed in magical world fantasies and will see vivid dreams.

You probably understand that listening to audio fairy tales is not only useful, but also extremely convenient. You don't have to have a computer to do this. You can listen to our fairy tales on your tablet, laptop or smartphone. By taking advantage of the opportunity to download audio fairy tales, you will always find entertainment for children on the road. Having several fairy tales pre-recorded on a smartphone or tablet, you will help your child usefully while away any wait, even if at the moment you do not have access to the Internet.

This section contains audio fairy tales for children that can be listened to online. But before you choose a fairy tale and start listening to it, read the recommendations for mothers in this article. You can listen to the tales below on page ↓.

Probably many of us remember what a gramophone record is. Essentially, this is the same disk that is known to modern times, only its dimensions are larger, the tracks are larger, and less information fits on it. Ours on gramophone records older generation(parents, grandparents) listened to music, stories, fairy tales. But today, gramophone records have lost their relevance - they have been replaced by audio recordings that can be listened to online by connecting to the Internet. Here you can also find audio fairy tales - works for the youngest listeners. What are audio fairy tales for children?

Audio fairy tales as a faithful assistant to parents

Fairy tales in audio format are modern interpretation gramophone records. Such notes are very useful when, after a hard day at work, you don’t have enough strength to read your baby his favorite fairy tale. Audio fairy tales solve this problem - you just need to turn on a work that the child finds interesting, and the baby will be able to hear his favorite story before bed. The beauty of audio fairy tales is that the speakers read the text with expression, it is incredibly interesting and entertaining. After all, many parents do not really have these abilities, so their stories are not so fun and bright.

Another option for using audio fairy tales is for parents to listen to them in order to catch the speaker’s intonation in various events works and repeat the plot. This will help in the future to tell fairy tales to your baby with new emotions, which the baby will definitely like.

Choose and listen to fairy tales

  • Last

What are the benefits of audio fairy tales?

You can listen to audio fairy tales for children at any age, because their benefits are undeniable. What exactly is it? There are many advantages:

  1. Development of thinking and creative potential. A child, listening to an audio fairy tale, begins to fantasize about appearance heroes, places of events, actions, etc. And if you reinforce listening to audio fairy tales creative task, for example, by drawing or sculpting what you hear, then the development of thinking and creative abilities occurs with a bang.
  2. Speech development. Of course, reading books by parents is still more effective for speech development. But! Audio stories are an excellent basis for speech development. A child, listening to works in audio format, begins to grasp the features of intonation and use it in different life situations, he develops a special expression, remembers various words and learns to use them in the correct context.
  3. The ability to choose a fairy tale to suit your mood and opportune moment. By showing a little initiative and spending a little time searching for suitable audio fairy tales, you can select works that are appropriate to listen to before bed, as educational or entertainment material. You can find everything on the Internet!
  4. Undeniable help for parents. This may be wrong to some extent, but sometimes parents really need to keep their child busy at least for a short time, for example, to cook lunch, hang out laundry, etc. And audio fairy tales will help in this matter - they, like a lifesaver, will entice the baby, freeing up the mother for more important matters. In addition, audio tales are very convenient to take into long trips. The main thing is to prepare an interesting arsenal of fairy tales in advance.
  5. Development of aesthetic taste. Responsible parents will never give their child a low-quality recording with noise, obscene language and other “garbage”. The best audio tales – the quality of which is beyond doubt: the speakers’ speech is pleasant, the text is literate, and the musical accompaniment is at the same level. So baby with early childhood will get acquainted with high creativity.

Certainly, negative side Audio tales have them. Often parents begin to neglect live communication with their child, feeding him fairy tales in audio format or cartoons. This is fundamentally wrong. Therefore, it is important to remember that listening to audio fairy tales for children online is useful, but only if this happens in doses. Don't forget to read books to your children! After all, there is no substitute for live communication with your own baby.

How to choose an audio fairy tale for a child?

Even if you listen to audio fairy tales for free, you should not play everything for your child. Try to take into account the baby's age. So, for example, children younger age Fairy tales about animals are suitable. Similar stories do not cause fear in children, they are understandable and more interesting. An older child can be offered fairy tales that feature Baba Yaga, the Serpent Gorynych, Koschey the Immortal and other negative heroes. Such stories will be interesting to them; they will not instill fear, since older children preschool age the psyche is more stable.

The most popular will be audio fairy tales with a lot of music: the characters sing, and events are accompanied by music. different directions. Such tales enhance imagination and fantasy, causing a storm of emotions and impressions. But such audio tales are inappropriate, for example, for listening to before bed - they stimulate the imagination, which is completely undesirable for a child going to bed. Bedtime audio stories should be calm and soothing.

Don't forget to listen to the audio story before playing it to your child. Note which stories your baby likes and which ones he doesn’t, which works are soothing and which ones are invigorating. Give preference to those audio stories that do not have too loud music with pulsating sound. Such works can instill fear in a child, cause anxiety, aggression, and excessive agitation. The main thing is that the audio tale carries a specific pedagogical lesson and was not bloodthirsty, as is quite common among the classics. And remember that it is strictly forbidden for a child to listen to fairy tales with headphones - you can damage your child’s hearing!

  1. There must be role-based reading, the intonation of the characters, as well as their expression, must change.
  2. Works that contain music of different nature, demonstrating the events taking place.
  3. If there is a pedagogical lesson in a fairy tale.
  4. Fairy tales should not give rise to feelings of fear and anxiety in a child; they should be peaceful.

So, if your child requires new experiences, feel free to introduce him to audio fairy tales. This way you will satisfy your baby’s need to listen to fairy tales, and at least free yourself up for household chores for a little while. But the main thing is not to overdo it and do not shift your responsibility of raising a child to fairy tales in audio format: as before, give your child maximum free time and do not forget to read books to him.

Inga Mayakovskaya

Reading time: 5 minutes


The number of speech patterns mastered by a first-grader is only 2000, a student’s stock is about 10,000, and a professor’s is more than 50,000. everyday life we touch only a small fraction of the lexical “storehouses”, and expand our meager vocabulary by only 1 vocabulary unit during the week.

How to speed up this process? How to learn to speak beautifully? How to stop frantically selecting synonyms in your head when you want to express your thoughts as literary and intelligent as possible?

The answer is simple: read the right books!

First of all, of course, we're talking about about the classics, but there are also books whose task is to teach us to speak beautifully.

Here is a list of the best of them.

Zen in the Art of Writing

A book that can be pulled apart for quotes. Many readers deservedly call it a literary masterpiece and the author’s best work, despite the fact that here the reader spoiled by science fiction will not find the usual genre - the book contains essays different years, and also real stories, told by Bradbury with “notes” for beginning writers.

Of course, this book is primarily aimed at beginning writers, but it will undoubtedly be useful for those who want to speak beautifully, because who else can learn eloquence from, if not from a literary genius?

The book will be useful for both adults and the younger (already thinking) generation.

As life shows, each of us is capable of maintaining a professional conversation on 1, maximum 2-3 topics in which he is able to feel like a “fish in water”. We grab everything else at the top, trying to remain silent more or nod and smile in a conversation with a serious interlocutor who is well “floating” in the topic.

But Larry King is able to talk about everything. And even those who have never watched his show in their lives have heard about this man. This manual“by chat” from King will be of interest to everyone, thanks to its applicability in absolutely all cultures and on all continents, despite the fact that all the examples given in the book “come from the USA.”

Black rhetoric. The power and magic of words

Of course, this textbook will not be a panacea for future speakers, but in combination with practice and consolidation, the material will very much help to increase your oratorical weight.

Russian with dictionary

This bibliographic rarity is a very high-quality manual created from articles written by authors in different times about the changes taking place in the Russian language.

Of course, like everything in this world, language is constantly changing. But, unlike the “old” linguists, who are saddened by the modern impoverishment of the language, the author believes that the situation is exactly the opposite.

In the book you will find a lot of new and useful things for the development of your speech and for yourself in general, you will learn about the formation of language and its simplification, you will smile along with the author (the book is written with humor and contains a lot personal observations author) and at the same time unwittingly get involved in training your own speech.

Where do the legs of misspelled words come from, which letters are considered the rarest or most expensive in the world, what are “mumziki” for, etc. Lev Uspensky will answer all questions in an accessible manner - for mothers, fathers and teenage children.

If your life is directly connected with the word, if you want to understand your history more deeply, this masterpiece is for you.

I want to speak beautifully! Speech techniques

None of us were born speakers. Have a beautiful speech you have to learn, sometimes long and painfully. For a speech to be convincing, not only speech patterns are important, but also literacy, emotionality, and the ability to captivate the listener or reader.